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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1950, p. 10

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r-.~---~n--,---, ~*4 'n e. >~%4 -. ? CANAD!N BTATESMA2i, EOIFIL2NV!LLEONTAMTO_ IIRMAT, JiiiT 2wted onm wIth Mr. and 'Mis. D. ý-YeeotIy were Mr. IIow- Swmt, Beverly Hille, Cal, -Aallnig, Toronto, and Mr. M. RUlymond Clapp, Tyrone. tit guests witb M.r. anti V. Watson and Alma were 7m Wark, Kitchener, ber er' .A. Penard and' wi Nancy. *WiIfreti Cravennee Me- Prench, spent several dey M.Ja.Dîckson recently, leavlnIby plane from New ta ow.erhusbend in Bol- 'Ur. ougasWarren of Ham- wre also guosts cf Mrs. ~Zi endal Women's Institute ý.apicnic in Orono Park on 3afternoon. 1ISFlore Cobbledfck I.balil- êvling wltb friends in London. Mater Paul Leaman Taronto *1vlâing bis grantiparents, Mi'. 'Whether it is yachting for plea- sure or nacng for trophies, you'il #n4 many an American enthu- n iast on dock at Ontario regattas 'end club houses. It's part of the g ummer fun that brirtgs U.S. S viEtors acrass the border. Let's ho' sure it's smooth sailing for ;p~se guests ashore. Hospitality U>t1i.e.eze that brings them W& back. ,iôhwLabatt Limited. i Unionized since 1910. --FOR YACHTING FANS I >3 Contributians te Park Street Cburcb Building Funti inclutie: Prev. acknowletiged -$19,384.70 Local ------ _ _ 10.00 Mrs. Eva AllUn, Part Peri'y 10.00 Mrs. A. W. Canveth, Vic- toria. B.C ---------- ------ 25.00 H. J. Stevenson, Farm- ingtan, Mich------------- 50.00 Miss Agathe Staples, San Francisco, Cal _ 50.00, ~Tii - I - $19,529.70 L ' EXAMPLESO0F LOANS a At Pâssod we eaY "yes" lae-1ie lis1M. 24 MO. 24 Mo. ta 4 out of 5. 0::ph - 1- Fat, rindlysevie.OutdersI Ircu a.t 154.19 529.59 756.56 not involved. You chaos, bout pey- amut r nproportion <Con.> etya.Cin n hno Loan $5 te 120 enSignature, Furniture, or Auto "T NY TRAT LIMES 10 SAY IS CY 2nd FI., 111/2 SIMCOE ST, N. <Over Bank of Nova Seotia) phone: 5690 0 F. Ilton Anderson, YES MANager boan mode ta rsdents of il surrounding toïons 0Personol Finance Cmnpany of Cnada OhwCanada Filling your tanks now stops eondensation during the sununér sonths. We're ready now to serve you ... to help you and your family te a warm winter. IETR AND PIINING SERVICE This added protection gives you an accurate ,tîky ithe exact amount of cil being pumped it iÏer toage tanks. FUEL Oil Mm STOVE OIL 308 STOCKEISGRG 'Phone 804 Bowmanvile . Cor. Ku & Brown BS& lie Orono News A special meeting is being cail- eti for Ferm Forum members anti anyone who tu interestedt t discus the price of grain for the coming seasôn. The meeting will be belti at the home of Newcastle's For- uma Presitient, Bill Barchard on Monday, July 31. A special broati- caut on the radio wilI help with the discussion. This is a very ini- Porti~t meeting se plan to at- tend. Everyone welcome. Mi'. anti Mns. Fred Lycett andi faniily visiteti Mr. anti Mrm. Chas. Flak anti faniily lest Sunday. Mr. anti Mns. Bilh Banchant anti Mr. anti Mn.. Walhy Gibson. Ger- ald anti Russeil spent the week- endi camping at Algonquin Park andi motoneti tbrougb tbe Mus- keka Lake District on their ne- turn. Little Carol Marie Gibuon spent the weekend witb the Flsk family anti the Kent fainù1y. Mr. and Mns. Eti. Barchard, Kar- en, Gary anti Stevie spent the weekend i wth bis rnother, Mn.. A. Barchard. Mr. and4 Mn. A>u.t YowigblUtt dMru. W. Leaan 'be new bungalow cf Mr. and s. Wm. Gerry lu golng Up ýidly on Cburcb St., just north the ravine. Mr. andi Mrs. Sry are et present living. ln egarage. Mr'. anti Mns.Bd. Millson have en on bolidays, visltlng friends Erie, Penn. Kr. and Mrs. J. E. CoUlin, To- to, spent the week-end wltb sister, Mrs. J. J. Mellor. Ur. andi Mrs. Allison Cowan, ronto, visiteti witb bis parents, and Mrs. Tomh Cowan over eweekenti. gr. and Mrs. Glen Tamblyn d daughter Diane, Belleville, nt the weekend with hi. par- s, Mi'. and Mns. M. J. Tamblyn. ane remaineti with ber grand- ents for a longer visit. Ui'. andi Mrs. Fred Frost, Tam- rth, spent the weekend wltb . C4Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson and ughter. Betty Ann, visited bis ens Mr. andi Mrs. Alex Wat- aover the weokend. Bob Hall, son of Mrs. Evelyn LIl is a patient in Qshawa Hos- al, having bad an operation for pondicitis. We hope be will )n be able ta be home. Kr. anti Mr. W. Davy spent ;week holidaying et Bancroft. &i's. Everet Porter, Quebec, bas en visiting relatives in Orono. Ve are sorry to'report that Mi'. m Gamsley- is seriously ili in îawa Hospital. We hope be I soon be much botter. Rev. Nicholson, Bowmanville, d charge of the Park St. United =rch service on Sundey morn- ganti braught a most inspire- nal message. Misses Betty apman and Jean Rainy were rd ini a lavely duet. Mrs. R. E. Logan is ln Belle- le this week visiting'relatives. Quite a number of Masons from ona attentiedthte Grand Lodge Id in Toronto on Wednostiay, ing tbem the Wor. Master, ýman Allin. Wr. anti Mn. Werry, Tyrone, e guests on Suntiay cf Mrs. C. de. Wiss Atiele Morton, Toronto, rit the weekenti witb ber par- ~,Mn. anti Mrs. Albert Moi'- er. and Mrs. A. Johnsonan nily, Hamilton; Mr'. and Mns. hie Watsan and Betty Ann, onto, visiteti at Mi'. and Mrs. ýx. Watson's. Wiss Gwennie Phasoy, Bow- nville, visited et ber home bere Tuesday night. COUmTICE W.ILU. and W.A. nom Plmmi At Park A oorabbied meeting of Park St. United Church W.M.S. and W.A wau held ln Orono Park re- cently, ln the form of a picnlc. Mru. Chas. Wood, lut Vice-Presi- dent of the W MS was in charge of the meetieand conducted the business and worshlp periods most capably. The theme for worship was "The Beauty and Wonders of Nature." A committee was appointed to make arrangements for several to attend the school for leaders at Whitby ln August. The Treasur- er, Mrs. R. E. Logan, mentioned ini her report that $10.00 was rais- ed last month at a silver tes, for the purchause of new library books. A special offering of over $12.00 was taken at this meeting for the Manitoba Relief Fund. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. who attended the Do- minion Women's Association Coun- cil as a representative frori Osh- awa Presbytery, gave a most ini- teresting report of two days spent at Centennial United Church, Toronto, in May, attending the Council sessions. She explained the organization set up about ten years ago for Conferences and Presbyteries to help local Asso- ciations with their work. The theme for this year's Council was "Advance" as it is in ail other parts of the church. The women of the church raised $75,000 in Canada for the M. and M. fund, besides the many other lines of work they undertake. Their spe- cial responsîbility is the care of parsonages and manses, the homes of the ministers, which should be suitable places for public gather- ings, weddings and the entertain- ment of important visitors. The outstanding speaker at the meet- ings was Mrs. Claytoit Searle, Sarnia, who has become widely known for ber deeply spiritual messages at women's gatherings. She gave a most impressive ad- dress on the text "What is that in thine hand?" the question asked of Moses when he was afraid to undertake an important task for God. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Tamblyn and Mrs. Wood for their messages at the mleeting, after which a very boun- teous picnic supper was enjoyed. A friendly tug-of-war was par- ticipated in with Kîrby ladies who were attending their Sunday School picnic at the Park, but-the husky Kirby ladies were a bit bard on Orano. MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Hubert Foster, town, was a Tuesday visitor with Mrs. Nor- man Wright and ber sister, Miss Florence Vanest. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping and son Jimmy, Islington, were week- endi visitors with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. Mrs. Topping and son Jimmy remain- ed foi~ the week. Mrs. J. R. Bennett, Miss Rae Sutherland, Toronto; Miss Gwen Ford, Oshawa, were Monday visi- tors with Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Miss Nellie Ridhalough, Kings- ton, has been visiting witb Mrs. Wm. (Jake) Laird. Don't forget flower service on Sunday, at 1:30 p.m. D.S.T. Wedding belis are rînging ln the community this week. Mrs. Evans left this week for an extended visit with relatives in England. Lake Shore, Clarke Messrs. Alec Martin andi Ban Brown spent a few days at Bala and Huntsville. Mr'. and Mrs. Madison Hall, Or- ono; Mi'. and Mrs. Ardroni and Allan, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin. r. and Mrs. W. Baskerville and family visited Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Cryderman, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and family attended a family picnic which includeti Mr. and Mrs. Neil Alldred, Lake Co- wicban, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Henry and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ar- chie Foote, Scarboro. /911/f [J This Saturday july 22ud ul '-lui A TYPICALT,-AIERTcA1!RVhjqîiZ{fl Mr. IF. W. Cowan lua njoymng a holiday with fiends in the States.- W. were very sorry te learn' Ethat Robert Duck has become very il! antd wau removed te Bowman- >ville Hospital. Miss Joan Duck )andi Mr. and Mrs. George Dawber tand George of Toronto are with Mru. Duck. Misses Betty Gray and Patricia O'Reilly of Chesley are holiday- ing with Mi'. andi Mn. Talbot Ail- dread and famuly. Mr. . Jack Ralpb' la spending a: week with bis parents in Lans-, downe. Miss Dorothy Trenwith is spending a week'u vacation with ber aunt Miss Louise.Trenwitb at 'Clovermere." Mr. Frank Blackburn bas ne- turned te Denver, Col., after visit- 1lng relatives ln town. 1 Mru. Morley Allun spent a week 1with ber sister. Mrs. Frank Mc- Kewon of Fenelon Falls. We are glad te see Miss Gladys Long is once more at the "lake. At présent she is staying witb the M. R. Mattbews' from Ta- ronto.- It is grand to see ber look- ing as well as she does after ber Erecent operation in Toronto. 1 Miss Lois Martin bas returned Doreeil, Denise andi Dale, St. Cathenines; Mi'. and Mrs. Stan >Rickard'and sons, Beaverton, witb Mrfl. and Mrs. H. Pedwell anti Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pedwell. Mi'. and Mrs. H. Pedwell bave Lreturneti after holidaying at Flint, Mich. Mrs. F. Bowen andi Mrs. Abbie Petbick visited friends and rela- tives in South Monagan, Morish, Peterborough, Millbrook and sev- eral other places last week. Mr. andi Mrs. W. A. Downing, Toronto, and Mr. andi Mrs. Peter Kitcbko andi sons, OsbaWa, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson on Sun- day. Miss Madeline Osborne is boli- dayine at Lake Couchicbing Atb- letic Camp. Miss Lenore Osborne spent last week at Cornwall. We are glad ta bear Mrs. James Branch had tbe casts removed from her legs. andi bip andi is back ln ber own home. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen were at Cobourg Sunday at a picnic. Miss Helen Turner visiteti ber cousin, Miss Mary Hallowell at Starkville last week. Mi'. John Fisk spent a few days witb bis son et Pontypool. te Toronto after spendina a few days with ber family bore. Mr. andi Mrs. -Pbiflip Williams, for- merly of Toronto, are now liv- ing witb ber father, Mr. J. P. Mar- tin. .Mr. Haroldi Hoar, Toronto, spent the weekend with bis mother, Mils. E. C. Hoar. We were very sorry to bear of the sutiden death of Mr. Robert Beattie et the Queen's Hotel last week. Mr. and Mrs. Beattie and their daughtdr Susan came from Scotland andi bave -only been tin Canada a short .while. There was a vory successful "'Comenting Bee" held et the new Memorial Arona site on Satur- day. It was most encoureging to see 30 meny willing workers turn out and help share the ne- sponsibility of constructing our arona. We wore indeeti sorry te learn that the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bagneil anti the littie daugbeer of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar wero admitteti to bas- pitals last week. Misses Connie Enwnigbt, and Jean Toms andi Mr. Artbur Wart- man motoredt t Niagara Falls and wére three of ihe 200,000 disap- painted persans when Major Hill fai.led ta go over the Falls in bis barrol on Sunday. W. A. Meetingr The rogular montbly meeting of the W. A. of the Unitedi Church was beld in the Sunday Scbool room, Tbursday, July'13. Mrs. Percy Brown conducted theoap- ening ekercises. Mrs. Fred Wright read the Scripture andi Mrs. Han- oid Toms offereti prayer. Mrs. Brown reati an article, "He was the Lord's steward". Tbe Presi- dent, Mrs. Chas. Cowan bad charge of the business. Plans were matie for a bazaar ta be held in Decem- ber. The W. A. will have charge of a churcb service in August when the ministor is on vacation. Donna Brunt favouneti with two vocal solos andi Grace Marie Turner played a piano solo. Mrs. W. Teeple, Bowmanville, gave an interostîng and instructive ad- dness on "The Deveoapment of Electrical Power in Ontario." We were pleased ta have with us oui' new minister, Rev. L. Turner wba gave a short talk. There will be no meetings in August and Sept. The October meeting will be in the farma of a pot luck supper ta which ahl the mombers are invited. At the close of tbe meeting Mrs. Brawn's graup served cake and lice cream. 2 HRS. JAM-PACKED WITH FUN FUN FABULOUS AWARDS* LAFFS SPONSORED BY 100.OF. MEMORIAL ARENA - BOWMANVILLE AT 8:30 P.M. ÀABMI1S SI10N - - - - soc TICKETS ON SALE AT McGREGOR'S DRUG STORE 'I//IÀ 1/J, long and dellghted examination of feature after feature contributing to Oldsmobile's comfort, performance, safety, durab iity and style. Then you'il want to . . . Rochet ahead with a Futuramic Oldsmobile! Famous GM B'ydra-Matic Drive-Hydra-Matic la optional at «xr cost on ail Oldumobie "76" modela. New Whirlaway Hydra-Matis la standard equipment en theie néational Rockot-engined 01dm "88"* FOIIIRA-M/C OLOSMOILE A OENRAI MOTORS VALUE NICHL DOW MAN VILLE 14A -~ -k 1 'I WITH BILL BERMARD ~ UN PERSON ANSERTHE QUESTIONS . VPLAY THE STUNTS.. TAKE HOME THE FABULOUS AWARDS Is*casfle IuaI.peuI.imt I M~ Margaret Mb t- Up - . . Up-.;. *Up goos Oldsîmobile hi publie acclalmI Without question, it's the car of the year. Ever ince Oldamobile introduced Futuramîc Styling, t ha. been 'a popular car. Today, lt's far' more than thatt It'. a atandout car-a standout i performance-Ain popularity An pride-earnlng prestige! Corne An today for a quick look at Oldamobil'. hip-shapc amartnesa and you'Ill stay fer a ROY w. ----M F' YÀ 1

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