NVE are evidently marked for O1 Testament consideration. Ti children are making Moses the hero and their parent.s havea ready got new light on Davi Caleb and Nekemiah. Corne wil your guests next Sunday ta fir who0M. Gea. Harrap wifl presei ta us, and also to hear Mr. Wri - play his 'ceilo again. Time 1:3 THE COVE 1 Editor's Note: We have receiv- cd two letters this week referring ta Beach affairs. We shall be pleased ta publish themn if the writers will let us have their names. These will be kept con- fidential is the writers wish, but we must have them before the letters can be published. Last Wednesday afternoon a yacht in full sail silently slippec on an outward tack from a near- by share concealed by a clump ai alders in front of Edgemere. Il was a pity no coioured film was taken of it as it leaned ta the wind showing the black line af its huIl edging its shimmering new white paint, dluplicating in colour the young sailor's black- banded white sailors cap, al accentuated by the deep blue af the water. As the youth con- trolled the sails and aperated the tiller a much-travelled visitar ejaculated, "There's skill! What a shame the motor boats are driv- ing them from aur waters!" That is the spantaneous reaction of an outsider. What about the week- enders who must endure the noise-ridden air? Aeroplanes zoom but pass along; trains whistle and snort but trav- el ta the next station, ail these performing necessary services; but every weekend a paltry few' motar boats with unmuffled en- gines shuttie from east ta west points of aur beaches for hour on end, their infernal buzzing pene- trating a full quarter of a mile inland Please, motor boat awn- ers, send your names ta "'The Statesman" and let us arrange a Conference. To Miss Adrienne Fox of "Daisy XDll" gaes the gratitude af this column for collecting this week's social items. At the cottages: The Dingle-Mr. and Ms. Jan- athan Wray and daughters Eliza- beth, Joan and Marilyn. Daisy Dell-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKay Jr. are leaving for a month's vacation in Long Beach, California. Mr. Duncan Mac- Kenzie with his aunt, Mrs. Wm. McKay Sr. Bunny Burrow-Grandma Mcy- ers is st9l burrowing in her gard- en lI spite of rheumatism. Gale Cottage-Mr. and Mrs. F. Siater, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Keown and Susan with Mr. and Mrs. J. Siater. Happy Hutch-Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armstrong with the jack Hutchinsons. At the Leslies-Mr. George Les- lie, Billy and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hopkins. Dwight's Cottage-Mrs. Barrett, Jack Wylie, Lyxin Dwight and Gardon Dwight of Fort Erie. The Elms-Sheila McCartney over the weekend before taking up new duties at Mooreland's Camp at Beaverton. Windrows-Rev. and Mns. Earl Sigstan, David and Anne. Grey Dennen-Michael Bonny- castie visiting Edmnund. Cave Cottage-Miss June Grif- fiths with Mr. and Mrs. James White. Miss Sally Ott has left for Ott- awa ta spend a few weeks with Miss Verna Rickerd. John White has returned from a 10-days' camp with the 155th Troop Scouts at Lake Kanabi, near Lost Lake, Haliburton. THE CHAPEL-ON-THE-HILL A glance from an upper bal- cony at 11:30 last Sunday as the youngsters were changing sittings with the oldsters for the later aduit service convinced the ob- server that the S. S. was going * strong. The Chapel road, hem- med in by long field grasses. look- ed as if a flight of multi-colourec butterfiies were fluttering along il, as they headed for the cross- -i road. More than farty children hanging onto their S. S. papers led the swarm, foliowed by Mrs. Carlton and her bevy of assist- ants, Wilia Simpson, Phyllis Genge and Grace Sutherland. At the later service after the usual preliminaries by the regular officiais, aur veteran member, Mr. * Albert Bail in attendance in spite of lameness, took the «'long" pray- * er-which neyer seems long when he offers it. Mr. Jack Attwell * conducted the "take-your-choice"' period of hymn singinzg assisted by Mr. Jonathan Wray, 'cellist. who later gave a sala "The Angels Serenade." The speaker of the * day, Mr. Clifford Robins exem- piified in his discourse a lesson he says he mastered as a student of public speaking. He had been instnucted that when addmessing an audience ta observe a three- pronged ule: first, tell them what you are going ta tell them; second, tell them; third, tell them you've told Ihem. This he did with his subject "The Mani of Pur- pose." He read a key passage from ekesalvehe sketched Ne- Psanyting an yanewoaays d is you otialm rorX entya roma told th ltogethcer of wasa crl oise meour ules- s edif tmer evic a mjo 1950 PAGE TWEI Editor's Note: Last week we rE quested readers ta write usj they had anything ta discuss. Th following letter is the first w have received and is capeciall appreciative because it is writte by a new Canadian who loves hi new home. The Eriglish may nc be perfect but there is no doub of the sincerity of his messagE That. ta us, caunts more than any thing. Bowmanville, Ont., July 17, 19& Mistair Edetour: Almost lately have 1 becon the new citizen of this great kan ada of the democracy. My daugi ter gentine, she vcry quick in terp for me the paper news, ar( she say how much at once yci like for some people ta writea the paper. I like to tell you hov happy we must be ta have thi f arm ta Plow and dig up the bas weeds ta make the crap of whea for the white bread and now wi make the sweet hay ta feed th- horse and the caw is it we mill in a pail twice every day and th- littie cow he grow big hurry. AL s0 the hen, she lay the big egg anc sing sa nice ail the tame Mostl3 ta. I want ta tell aboud the kmn and goat nabors haw they makh the nîce goad day with a ai]I and help like anybody and lenc me the paper you write in anè wc must soan have ane corne ir aur box. Tank yau so many, Sonaiza Moustaches Special Meeting 0f Ail Farm Forumns Called for July 31 )Id eil id. it ni 30. ,e- il he 'y 'lis lot ibt e. Y- n- .id :lu at lw id at ve k ie 1- id id e id in ýs. A special Farm Forum meeting of Ontario Forums is being called for July 31st at the request of the Bruce and Oxford County Farm Forum Cammittees. This meeting is being called ta study the feed grain situation as it af- fects bath the eastern feeder and the western producer. The Forum people are anxious ta know ali they can about coarse grain marketing in order ta prop- erly analize the situation. They are wondering if blaming the local feed dealer for the high cast of feed grain is in the same category as blaming the f armer for the price of packaged bacon on the butch- 1 er shap shelves. Farmers of Ontario and Mani- toba particularly, want ta know ail coats betwcen the 52.2 cents per bushel initial price for No. 1 feed oats paid to the farmer aI Souris, Manitoba, and what is ask- cd of the Ontario feeder,abu $1.20 per bushel. Local feed el ers and Ca-Operatives are keenly interested as well and will be joining with Forum graups ta study ather situations as well. Local newspapers and radio sta- tions are ca-aperating by discuss- ing feed grain costs in eitorials and newscasts respecîively. School Resuits No. 15, DARLINGTON, ENFILD SCHOOL .Grade VIII ta IX Entrance- Lamna Cochrane (hon.). Grade VII ta VII-Evelyn Pas-! cae, Doreen Lycett, Glen Pres- catI, Glen Cochrane. Grade VI ta VII-Murratty Ab- bott (hon.). Grade V ta VI--Dellan Lycett, Robent Hall, Keith Taylor. Grade IV ta V-Gerald Abbott, Ronald Stephenson. Grade III ta IV-Bernicc Coch- rane (han.), Violet Hall (hon.). Kenneth Cochrane, Garry Bow- man, Ronald Hubbard. Grade I ta Il-Donald Lee (han.), Leslie Hall. Class A ta Class B Grade 1- Norman Lee (hon.). J. I. McKenzîe, teacher. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lycett, Dor- een and Dellan with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins, Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Don- ald, Norman and Judy at H. Cow- ling's, Whitby. i Mr. and Mrs. O. Richmond, of 1Bowmanville. at A. W. Prescott's Mr. and Mrs. *Don Samis, To- ronto, at M. Samis'. The W. A. meeting was a math- er and daughter meeting. heid at the home of Mrs. A. W. Prescott. Mrs. F. Gilbert gave a paper, Ma-' rie Prescott and Kathleen Smith played piano solos and Miss Aleta Kassety gave a reading. There was a gaad attendance and an abundant lunch provided by the! South Group. Folk from this community gath-! ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs Milton Samis in honaur of Mr. anâ Mrs. Donald Samis, bride and groom who were spendine the î weekend with his parents. The' 3young newlyweds were presented with an address nead by Mns. A. W. Prescaît and a table lamp and end table, presented by Misses Lais Ormiston and Celia Griffin an behaîf of the community. A social get-together was enjoyed follawed by lunch. Best wishes are extended to the happy couple. We cnjoyed church service on Sunday, the church rcopening af- ter the three-weeks holiday. Bey. Sey 1urlaking very fit after his days, preached a fine ser- mon. We decided ta dispense with Sunday Schol until Septem-1 ber Ist, due ta, irregular attend-i Ance during the holiday easn. TUHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLLE. ONTARlo r!10 . The Event That Everyone 's Waited For IT'S DUWMANVILLE'S d e h d it Y e e y n s ýt ýt STOCK DISPOSI AT THE Gbr -IiPI1L!E! v- 11 e:1 a i. LOOK THE YELLO W SALE TICKETS m and S UIT S Summer Dresses Our entire stock of summer dresses. Spuns, sheers, $un bocks, etc. An excellent ossartmnent of ames and styles. Reduced 25%- 7 5% TO CLEAR Suits in Pastel Shades Smartly styled suits in pastel shades. Gabardines, wools, checks, etc. A good essortment of sizes and shodes. AUl re- duced ta cleor. Reg. $29.30, Reduced ta fln o ASs luOur policy, Clary Ann Sheppe brings you aoin a sensational summer clearance sale. Ali summer stock must go to moke room for foll items. This is o wonderful opportunity to fi out your summer wardrobe with real sovinças for you. Sole starts Thursdoy morning 0f 9.00. Corne in early ond gef o chance at the full col- lection of summer items. Alil stock is reduced f rom 25% to 75%. SLIPS~ straight cuf and bios. Ask the. clerk for your dis- count during this special Clearance soie. SKIRTSI Czottons styled in full circulo, swirls in bright calors, plaids, f!owered, etc. Alil reduced ta clear togetlier with aur com- p!cte stock of skirts ini gabar- dimes, crep2s, etc. Ali reguier stock in popular sizes and styles. A huge stock of cottons, silki, nylons, in white and pastel shodes in ail sizes. Ail reduced from 257o to 75%o TO CLEAIR Camplete stock of briefs und loose leg styles in ny- 'n and rayon, reduced toi 'ear. Ail shades and1 BRASSIERES ....T AIl iregular stock. Every type ond bust six@ on sale. ASK THE CLERK FOR YOUR DISCOUNT.HG STC 0O CHOOSE FROM COSTUME JEWELRY 20%, OFF ALL ITEMS T Shirts Pleaina shedeas, Stripes, sîceveleas and '/z tle.ve. Styled ta suit av- ery ploy hour. Th. entire stock re- duced ta le.. REG. 1.00 79c REG. 1.50 S~l~ $109 -w-.- W 57 RING STREET WEST PHGN~ 3363 SPECIAL SAVINGS r BLAZERS RAIN COATS HALTER SETS SHORTIE COATS lSUMMER STYLES M PURSES Ail White 25%/ to 75% REDUCT1ONS LOOK FOR THE YELLOW SALE TICKETS YOUR SIGN 0F !j Li PIRST QUALITY" Nylon Rose Fuiiy guaranteed, and man- ufactured by one of Can- ada's foremast producers of nylon hase. Since we are offering this hase aI dras- tically reduced ps-tees the manufacturers name does flot show on il. This stock is available in ail the fash- ionable summer and fal shades. 42 GAUGE ROSE Reg. 1.50. SPECIAL 'l0 45 GAUGE ROSE Reg. 1.65. SPECIAL A T 1.09 51 GAUGE ROSE, (20 DENIER) $9 Reg. 1.95. SPECIAL A T $.2 THE OLORY ANN SHOPPE GREATESI .STOREWIDEi 'rT4TT~T>AV TT1TV n, 1oan Slacks Gabardines, checks, drapos, etc. An excellent oppartunity for reol savings as we put aur complete dock stock on sale. Ail reduced iram regular prices. Sec the yel- law sale tickets. Shorts Our complete stock of Shorts ln cottons, gabardines, carduroy, etc. an sale. Plenty of situs ond styles ta suit everyane. A reel special Priced ta clear. 25 to 75%o Reduction Slack Suits Bautifully tailored slock suits of gabardine in summer shades. A gaad assartment of sixes ed styles for those Who shop eerly. Ail stock reduced fram 1/2 Price I.- I THURSDAY. RMY 2nih. io',%n -Y BLOUSES m 4%: PHONE 3363