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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1950, p. 13

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TURDA'Y, JLy 2mtI, 1950 4 f $Ryle, ir~ q~u~ é~ AWA1~VA W *mA tDA ~ ~ - - * ~tJ w.ft~4 V.LLd.~i~, ~,P4TAEIO OBITUARY DAVD VANNArIO One of Kendal's highy respected efizens, David Henry., Vannatto, passed away at his home on June 23 in his 83rd year. He was -born 'and raisedi in Clarke. In RING10 RADIO1 2 4-HO1UEBSERVICE %hone: Day561 - ighis 561.- 707 -'922 SIX MODERN CARS .. .ALL PASSENGERS INSURED. PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE Operaied by Laihangue Bros. Il * "ODEBY TELEPHONE"# DIAL 4)Z PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN ALL TELEPHONE ORDERS ALLIN'SI For Value & Service- QUVALITY MEAT AND GROCEIRIES M. A. "Pat" Yeo, Proprietor 55 IN S . . B W M NV LL -COMFORTABLY AIR COOLED - TIIURS. - FR. - SAT.- JULY 20 -21- 22 MtALTDISES Color by TE(HNICOLOR SE'LECTED SHORTS TECHNICOLOR CARTOON MON. - TUES. WED. - JULY 24'. 25 - 26 MOVIETONE NEWS TECHNICOLOR CARTOON T IC KE T S TO -EVtKYWERE Mr, Rail or Steamshlp Consult JURY& LOVELL Bowmanvillé lb King St. W. Phone 778 1 . ... 1. .1 le i 3 - 1900, lie marred.Ejabt an *Moore of Victoria Hbu nd W DDN setlled at 3Manvers Saton Iter, living for a time at EnniskiUle. à e niovied to'* the "Comstock E-JO S bFarmn" at Kendal in the spring of On July 8th, 1950,. at Tyront r 1923 and resided there ever since paronage, Muriel Loulse Jones, except for a f ew years spent at daughter of Mrs. Walter Jones and Wesleyville. the laite Walter Jones of Tyrone While flot in good health for became the bride'af Josephi Fran. the past three years, his su den cis Riddle.- son of Mn a aid Mrn passi4g aften 'an illness of to Joseph Riddle, Winnipeg, Man. weeks was a grgat shock ta, his Rev. Donald Lute, Tyrone, was family and friei¶ds. He leaves the officiating clergyman. to mourn hMs loss,, his widaw, The bride wore a street-length four sons, Robert Andnew and turquoise blue taffeta deussand William James of Part Arthur; white accessories wlth a corsage David Shirley of Port Hope and1 of red »roses,.. Miss Doreet Mor. Cecil Henry at home; two daugh- ris,. Bowmariville. was brides- ters, Eva, Mrs. Percy Burley, Yen-maid and wore a brown gabar. dal, and Ethel, Mrs. Leonard dine suit with matching accesson. Oughtred. Wesleyville, and one les and a corsage of yellaw roses. sister, Mrs. Mary Ellen Jackson- Harveyý Jones, brother of the also seven grandchildren and on bride, was best man. The brldea great grand-daughter. mothen wore a navy floWered The funeral service was held dress with a pink hat and cor- in Kendall United Church on sage Of pinlc rases. Sunday aftennoon, J'une 25th The couple are on a short wed- wîth the Rev. H. A. Bunt con'_ ding trip and on their return wll ducting the service. The favour- reside in Oshawa. ite hymn of Mr. Vannatto, "Jesus, Lover Of My Soul" was sung by Mn, Swarbrick. The large attend- BLACKSTOCK ance of relatives and frîends and the many beautiful floral tributes Rev. R. B. Harrison and Mrs. showed the high esteemi in whichHarsnhv riehoefm he was held. Relatives and tHarri o ha E asti.edheyhave friends were present from; Port ne their tdw ast. Tery mhv enrohedtheirotiailer very nMuch landThuroVitori abuMd Rev. M. R. Sanderson, Mrs. lan, TronoPeterborough, Mil- Sanderson, Roy, Harry and Beth liken, Port Hope, Millbrook, caîîed on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pontypool. Manvers, Enniskillén, Marlow on Sunday. They were Bowmanville and Clark Twp. on thein way back to Toronto af- Interment was in Newtonville ter spending two weeks at Pen cemetery with Messrs. Wrn. Jack- Lake, near Huntsville. son, John Patton, Harper Cars- cadden, Wm. Robinson, Fred Mrs. J.E. Elflott, Bowmanvilie, ,Brimacombe and- James Swar- visited for a f~¶ days with Mrs. bric beîg th palbearrs. Robent Bruce a d Miss Mae King. Rev. C. W. Hutton took the OBITUARYTrail Rangers ta Emersonps Beach, days camping out, which they ail CHARLES W. BAGNELL enjoyed. Miss Trudie Finlayson is on A large number of relatives and holiçlays from Saywell's store and friends from Toronto, Peterbor- Miss Wilda Steele is clerking. ough, Oshawa as well as the Mrs. Charlotte Farder visited Bowmanville district, attended the friends at Bancroft last week. tuneral July 6th, of Charles W. Howard, Lucille and Donald went Bagneli, CP.R. expressmnan, who for hen on Sunday. died at Oshawa, Genenal Hospital, Mn. and Mns. Arthur Bailey ruesday, July 4th, as a resuit of spent the weekend with Mn. and njuries sustained in, an accident Mrs. Morton VanCamp at Listo- July lst. wel and stopped at London on The funenal, from the late Mr. the way back. 3agnell's residence, was conduct- Miss Donna Farder was at Rice ed by Rev. S. R~. Henderson. In- Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Howard tament was in Bowmanville Bickle, Bowmanville. cemetery. Mn. and Mrs. Tom DeMille and Palîbearers at the funeral were family, Oshawa, with, Mr. and Messrs. E. Anderson, A. Baker, Mrs. Stan Rahm. L ryeran S TrnrD. San- There was a good representa- dens and Dr. H. B. Rundle. tion from this comnmunity at the i: Floral tokens of sympathy were Orange Parade at Lindsay on the d ffered by Canadian Pacific Em- 12th. Before the band left, theya loyees, Bowmanville; Canadian Pacific Express, Oshawa office, fie Crofton are vlsiting with Mr. Efficials of the Canadian Pacific and Mrs. Jos. Wannan and other b ,xpress Company, Toronto; Bow- friends in the communty. nanville C.N.R. section gangs rid office staff; Brotherhood of ,xpness Emnployees, Toronto; The( 3owmanville Hospital Staff; The.c 3owmanville Foundny; many nerchants on King Street, Bow- anvîlle, and scores of neighbouns S nd friends.N Those from out of town attend- n g the funeral were: Mn. J. A. a alford, General Superintend- àt, C.P.R.; Mr. S. McMahon, Gen- f rai Manager of the.Toronto 0f- « -e C.; Mn. ]Frnàk Doyle, C. e .R. Sup4nintendernt ad his wife, B Ir. L.J. Wade, 2Peterborough, ' strict Superintencdeht, and Mn. Murrey, Toronto, . etined Dist- V. et Superintende'nt.b Other fniends at the funeral in- f ided: Mr. and 'Mns. Donald W yOl af? 'O nders; Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Çur- h ua Haf. M eand Mrs. E. S. Pàisley and GE )an, ail of Toronto. Many People MAYpoeryonrscr- a Orm Oshawa and the Bowman- AYpoet wrsce a le district wene aiso present IesslY gamble on an amount G( the service. G of f ire insurance whlch may fa] 3, ie 1. Paraded and played, and had their Dicture taken. We are ail yery prcud of the fine appearance and ability of our local band. Mn. and Mr.. John Hamnilton put a lot Of time and effort into this very worthwhile project with the Young people. On Thursday evening, July 13, the rnýmberz cf thc O.N.O. Social , Club had a wionderful meeting at the home of Mns. Edith Mc- Laughlin. The President, Gwen Ballingail, opened the, meeting. Secretary Doreen Palk read the minutes of the last meeting and Tréasurer Marion Rýahm read ani accounti ng of aur finances. Afier the raIl cail was answered, four new members wene welcomed ta the club. These are: Aileen Byers, Connie Swain, Audrey Metcalfe, Bessie Crawford. It was decided to spehd $35., ta purchase a steel construction slde for the Park and to keep thej balance of the play proceeds fan future pnojects. The girls aIl had ta pay their own expenses ta f in-1 ance the play. A picnic is being arranged for the members and their children on1 July 27 at Lake Scugog. Affer the business was com- pleted tables were set up and five1 tables o! euchre wene enjoyed. The high scone went ta Dorothy i Venning and the low score to Guren Ballingaîl. The hastoss and hen gnoup sonvod a dainty luncha and the girls ail agreod a vonyà enjoyablo ovening had beon spent.C 1 'I Uin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt, Don and Carol, Iallngton, -Mis Lor- raine Strummick, EtQbicoke, vis- Ited Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Mn. and Mns. A. Christianson, Robbie and Sharon, Sudbury, are holidaying.-with Mr. and Mrs. J. Delaney. 41 Miss Joan Delaney is visiting Mrs. Aubney Hickson, Omemee. SMr. and Mrn. C. W. Rahm, Weston; Mrs. W. H. Rahm, Burk-. eton, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. N.ý McCuish and Francis, Cookstawn, are holiday- ingwith Mn. and Mrs. E: Deele. Mnli. and Mn. Everton Whire visited her brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Lakehurst, Mn and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread accompanied Mn. and Mrs. George Alldread and spent Sunday at. Gore's Landing.1 Mn. and Mrs. O. Beckett and Dawson spent wekend with M.1 and Mrs. Harry Beckenley, St., Catharines. Miss Helen Hall, Mn. and Mrs. H. Spragg, Judy and Sheryl of Hamilton; Mn. and Mrs. F. Hall, Salem; Mrs. W. T. Wonden with Mn. and Mrs. Horace Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowiees and children with Mn. and Mrs. H. Rundie, Hampton. Douglas Miller, Haliburtonvi- ited his gnandmother, Mrýs. W. Miller. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson and Margaret, Oakwood, with Mn. and Mns. A. His. Mn. and Mrs. R. Mowens, Miss. Orma Mowers, Mn. L. Williams, ,Oshawa; Mr. and Mns. Wm. Gil-' roy, Miss Lonraine Gilnoy, Mn. Bruce McPhenson;* Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mns. R. Hather- [y. Rev. and Mus. D. Lûte and children are on holidays. Bernice Hall is visiting Mn. and Mrs. H. Spnagg, Hamilton. Mn. and Mrs. G. Hendenson, )rono, called on Mn. and Mrs. R. Burgess. Sympathy Is extended ta the 'amulies o! Mr. Willis Stewart who passed away quite suddenly M'oriday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson and M. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy,. Bowmanville, wene tea guests of Mr. and Mns. George Alldnead last Friday evening. About 9:30 anumber of Tyone fiends o! Mr. and Mns. Anthur Thompson gathened and chivaried the newly- weds, ail wee made welcome xith Mn. Douglas Barr as chair- nan and M. Wesley His pre- ;nted them with a wall miror, )oth responded veny fittingly. rh gathering sang "For They nre Joly Good Fellows" and a icial hour was spent, lunch was ýerved. Seveal were present rm Bowmanville. Mrs. Celena Allun, Mn. and Mrs. furton Walter, Harmony; M. id.Mrs. Jack Marks, Toronto, vere guests of Mn. and Mrs. )ouglas Colo. Mn. and Mns. E. R. Bryson at- teinded the Bryson picnic in Or- ana Park on Satunday aftennoon. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton and famiiy Salem, spent Thuns- day evening with Mn. and Mrs. Wni. Allun. Several fnom the cammunity attended the show in Bawman- ville this weok. Mns. Youmans is spending -a few days this week wîth friends in Toronto. Mns. Orley Chapman, Mns. Ray- mond Chapman and Mns. Bill Wannon and Ross spont Tuesday afternoon, in Bawmanvillo. Mrs. Allun af Pont Penny is visit- ing ber sisten, Mrs. 0. Chapman. The spart loyers journnoyd ta Newcastle Friday night ta enjoy the donkey basebal game wheno same o! oun local mon tried out their equestnian skili. Mn. and Mns. W. Reid and fam- iiy, Mn. and Mrs. C. Cowan and Donna and Mrs. Thompson spent Sunday at the lake. Mrs. Pattenson spent an after- noon with Mrs. Wm. Ruthorfond. Mn. and Mns.* Brodie Thomp- son vîsited Wednesday afternoon with Mn. and Mrs. Bryson. Elizabeth Reid had hon tonsils romoved in Bowmanville Hos- pital. We hope she soon feels in Ai condition again. Mn. and Mns. Bill Wannan and Ross and Mrs. Pattenson visitod with Mn. and Mns. Chas. Ruther- fard an Sunday. Mrs. Les Reeves and Mns. Ger- of their property. Wiser per- sons giadly pay a few dollars mnore for complete Insurance. Isn't it wonth whule to know you are fuily protectell? Siuagt RJames INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE King Street, flowmanville NAEuNt SPOILD - 1 ta dat Ce( Du anc ne3 hol and Mis fary Mre 5E and d aiem Hal reure home afte Ehldy Ha ltndhm, fe ar hoiay namilto n sh Mnantd Mns. a nden, Osh-le awaey,vsieMnanMs.Dde Deele.W.T odnatne Mh frs. W. T. bode"nade the uNormano!alerbOthen-aw,o Mned.NomnHlOhwn Mru d. J obay Bok Mn. and Mrs. J. Colbary, Brook- YOIJR ETES and1 Visionl Rewritten from pneviaus C. Et. TUOR Optometrist Disney BIdg. (Opp. P.O.) Iý 1 CARlLIN*'£ugt Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 110 If his eyes noed carnecting they should be laoked aften when a symptom cf defect us first noted. Don't shove it ahead when he has a holiday. If we tneated aur- selves this way we would soon not know the meaning o! the term relaxation or nest. These errons and defects that can be attended ta as we go along should receive immediate atten- tion and-the othens of lesImport- ance or best suited ta summen weather or as if in the need o! constant cane may be given con-- sideration lator. * .~Cpynig~t.'N RY CHART? CHANCE 3367 Mn. and Mns. Harold Skinner and Miss Dorothy visited with friends at Barrie. Sandra Bragg, Bowmanville, visited with Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner. Mr. and Mns. Hanny Collacutt, Bowmanvilîo; Mn. and Mrs. Gar- don Yeo and family, Enniskillen; Mn. and Mrs. Herb Scott, Onono, visited with Mn. and Mns. C. W. Woodley. Mn. and Mns. Fnank Wright and children visited with Mn. and Mrs. Goldwyn Faint, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. F. W. Larmar, Misses Dorothy and Sharon Bail, Millbnaok, visited with Mn. and Mns. J. A. Rosovoan. Miss Helen MillenrR.N., To- ronto, is holidaying' with honr parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Mill- Mrnf. and Mrs. Lon Annis at- tonded the wedding of Miss Lon- etta Smith and Duncan Stockton in Knoxc College Chapel on Fnl- day last. The nocoption was held at the Prince Arthur House. Dorothy Burgess, Long Sault, is holidaying with her cousins, Ban-1 bara and June Taylor. Misses Edith and Joyce Wood- ley, Bowmanville, are holidaying 1 with thoin parents, Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley. Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp 'isited with Mn. and Mns. A. Iron- sides, Stouffvilie. Club '41 met at the home of MIr. and Mrs. A. Hoan last Wed- .esday.- af-ternoon -with a large Etendance and enjoyed a picnie. Mn. and Mrs. George White and lmily, Bowmanville; Mn. and ms. A. Hoar and famnily, Beth- ?da, and Miss Eleanon Rowan, Bethany, with Mn. and Mns. F. ffenny. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Werny isited with Mrs. C. Awde, Onono. Mn. and Mrs. B. Perfect, Co- )urg; Mn. and Mns. W. Gibbs, shawa; Mn. and Mns. W. Chap- nan, Hampton; Mn. Raymond ltit, Misses Cocule Petit and ;ladys Chapman, Toronto-, Mn. id Mrs. Jack Gibbs -and Michael vere guests of Mn. and Mrs. 'f. ;ibbs. Mn. and Mns. H. Hatherly and mily, Dixie; Mn. W. J. Tape, not Eie, are holidaying with nrs. R. Hatherly. Mrs. V. Milîson has noturned Toronto aften visiting her îughter, Mrs. Leon Moore. Mn. and Mns. Walten Park, 'cile and Douglas visîted Mn. S. ival in -Peterborough Hospital id visited Mr. and Mns. C. Mur- ey with Cocile remaining for a iliday. Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Theobald d Donothy, Stnongfield, Sask.; r. and Mns. N. Leach, Taunton; iss Pearl Leach, Solina, with Ir. and Mrs. A. Youngman. Mfr. and Mns. H. Wood and mily, Oshawa, with Mn. and *s. R. Maynand. Billie Spragg, Hamilton, Is ýnding the holidays with Mrn. id Mrs. H. Hall. VIns. Jas. Alldread visited ber tghter,* Mns. Harvey- Strong, WEtake no chances Wf missing a single place on your'car-what- ever the make - timat ~ needs lubricating; And, of course, we use TEXACO MARPAK because it's a tongh, stick-to-the-job chassis lubricant; Resists squeeze-out and wash-out. Makes your car "feel" better as you drive. And we check over the whole car, too, to stop troubles in their tracks! So, don't take a chance Let us give your car that "MARFAK'! feeling today! __________ -1 MMML IYOURS TO ENJOYI m 1 1 c a c E~ ai 1\4 gý w~ w m se b( TI A Mo c Bob Stocker's. garage Phone 804 Bowmanville Corner King & Brown StS. TIM CAVAIMTAW morAormuAv- ltnumauto vu à%uvffljLq@mý Bethany; Mrs. Mary Glnn, Black- Park to make plans for the An- stock; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters fluai Junior Farmers' Church ser- and Gail, Enniskillen; Miss Ruby- vice and to discuss the Region Virtue, Troronto, were guests of Sporti Day which 13 being held at Mr. and Mrs. 0. Virtue. BleilJl 7h Mr. Bert Stewart, Calgary, BfeilJi 7h visited bis uncle, Mr. Willis Ste- August 2Oth isthe date set for wart and Mr. and Mrs R. B. the Church Service, which is to Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mac- be held at the Federation Camp Donald last Thursday. Site. Committees :iav been form- ed to make ail ffirther arrange- ments and Junior Farniers' are Junior Farmers asked ta keep this date in mmmd. The present plan concernirn2 the Executive Meets sports day is ta charter a bus or To Dscus Panabuses ta travel ta Belleville. Any- .To iscss Pcmsoneinteestd,'in taking this trip is asked ta contact the Depart- The Junior F4rmers' Executive ment of Agriculture office i.m- met on Sunday, July 16 in Orono mediately. WE -1 UCRICA TE YOUMR CAR, Mn. and Mrs. Harvoy Ginn, * 55 KING ST. E. ÈOWMANVILLE I'Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 1 TYRONE

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