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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1950, p. 6

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51 BURKETON meetinafwua held at ew hoe Of Mrs. Harold Larmer, tyfth a good attendance. August oeêtng la te be held at Mrs. J. Wotton'a farm home. A faniily party of relatives and Menda was held at Mr. and Mrs. Cftter's home when Mr. and Mrs. A.#fred Carr, London, England, were weekend guests. -Mr. and Mrn. Ross Ashton en- uiïtained their friends te, a dance in, Enniskillen Hall on Friday. ftefreshments were served, also s'pding cake, to, the many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frankum and Patay are holidaying in Toronto. At the ratepayers' meeting on Wolnday evening the guest speak- r was the Public School Inspec- ior, Mr. F. W. McEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen tud Gary with Mr. and Mrs. AI- birt Adams. M'rs. Albert Adams attended ee trousseau tea at Janetville for a(1s Lois McMullen. tMr. and Mrs. Ken Roblin were n Orillia to visit her brother, Mr. baborne, formerly of Toronto,. Who is building a new home there. Mr. Chester Hoskins and Mr. F dgar Strutt were in Toronto vis- ine friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Munroe and 85 King St. W. Bowmanville1 THE CAIiADIAN STATESMAK, BOWMAKV!IIZ, ONTARIO -. famlly with Mr. and Mns. J. Por- ter. Don't forget Sunday School ha started, et 10:15; service at Il a.m. Mru. E. Adams was in Ponty- pool. Mrs. Jim Adams Is visiting with the Adams family. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Dean were Mrs. Ina Fell and grandson, Rodney Jackson San Le Andro, Calif.; Miss Gwen Dean, Mn. and Mrs. L. Garnow and fam- lly, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brown, Miss Lorraine Brown, Mr. Reg. Pyper, Oshawa. HAMPTON Mn. and Mrs. Harold Willis, Gardon and Bruce, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Willt and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Duf!, Toronto, were re- cent Euests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willis and aunt, Miss Beatrice Colwlll. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller and Miss Geil Chisholm, Kalamazoo, Michigan; Mn. R. J. Reynolds, To- ronto, wene guests of Miss L. Reynolds and Mrs. R. Pascoe. Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackheni, Manilla, at Bruce Hogarth's. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Moase, Mn. and Mrs. B. McMillan and sons Wallie and Bobby, Little Bitain, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mns. Garnet Johnaton. Mr. and Mr.. W. Brodie, To- ronto, with Mr. sed Mrs. J. R. Reynolds. Mns. Dr. A. X. Visser and son who have been vlsitlng her aunt. Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey, has returned ta her home atRapld Blanc, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Mel McCune, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Poaler and Larry, Lloyd Kersey, Oshawa, et S. Ker- sey's. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, David and John, and Mr. and Mrs. Brodie spent the weekend with the later'. son, Jimmie and Mrs. Brodie, North Bay. Master John Reyqplds remained for a vacation w1th his uncle and aunt there. Mr. Walter TrulI, Balsam; Mns. Nicholson and son, Oshewa; Mn. Schwab o! Detroit, et C. E. Horn's and W. W. Honn's. Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Courtice, with Mns. Russell Luke. Mrs. Meissa Servos who has ne- sided with Miss L. Reynolds for the past few years, has gone ta reside in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Avery, Col- umbus, Ohio, were guests o! Mns. R. Avery and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn on Manday. The Orono Women's Institute are holding a picnic in aur park on Friday afternoon, July 21, and have invited Hampton W. I. ta join with them. Mn. and Mrs. AI!. Ayre and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Burnham, Osh- awa. visited Mr. and Mrs.. C. E. Horn. J HAMPTON W. L Hampton W. I. held their July meeting in the basement of the chunch on July Oth. Mrs. E. Cale, President, presided. Meeting op- ened by singing the Institute Ode. Mary Stewart Collect was ne- peated, followed by The Lord's Prayer. Roll Caîl wes answered by name a! the first school attend- ed. Letters o! thanks were read. The follawing mations were carried: That we quilt six quilts for Red Cross; that we buy six dozen cups and two dozen glasses for park. A donation of $25.00 ta be given towards upholsterine o! parsoage furnitune. Mrs. Cale reported money collected for Sel- valion Army $88.41. The pragnem wes in charge o! West Graup, Mrs. M. Mountjoy1 presiding. Motta "Make new1 fniends. but keep the old, one is silven the other gold."' Miss Shir- ley Milîs o! Enniskillen fevoured with a solo. Current events were read by Mrs. M. Blackburn fol- lowed by a piano solo by Miss Grace Nicholson o! Bawmanvîhle. The topic "Hlospitality" wes giv- on by Mrs. Daw. In 'bier talk ta the Institute Mrs. Daw stressed that baspitality apphies toaell walks a! life. Sharing is a great part o! hospitality, do flot reserve alh your haspiality for guests, your !amîly will enjoy it too; eatina is a central part o! hospitelity not1 for the eeting but for the sacia- bility. Mns. Mountjoy thanked aIl who had helped in the pro- gram. Mrs. Cale chosed the meet- ing. It being Grendmothers' day a delightful lunch was served by the West Group which everyone enjayed. The next meeting wil be a picnic ta be beld et C obou-gi Park on August 3rd. Anyone wishing ta go please caîl Mrs. Cale. Bus ta leave store corner et 1:30. Happy Couple Mr. and Mrs. Sydney N. Casbourn posed for this picture after their marriage at Kimbourne ]Park United Church, Toronto, June i7th. The bride, the former Britta Mary Duncan, is the daughter of Mrs. Duncan, Toronto, and the late Mr. E. J. Duncan. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Casbourn, Bowmanville. The young couple will reside in Toronto. -ht yBlado ao' -PooA alado ao' ZION Rev. Victor Bowins, a former Zion boy, took a very prominent part at the unveiling of a cairn to the memory of Chie! Newash at Cape Croker on July 2nd. Rev. A. V. Robb, Mrs. Robb; Willa and Ian, Monkton, Ont., have been holidaying at Percy Davidson's for the last two weeks. Messrs. Jim Stainton and Doug- las Skinner were at Belmont Lake for the weekend. Congratulations to the football boys on winning the game against Hampton, 4-3, on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly and sons, Ebenezer; Miss Marion Storms, Oshawa, et Wes Camer- on's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell and Terry, Toronto, at Russell Perkin's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron at Anson Balson's, Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellow- lees, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glas- pel, Allan and Marilyn went on a ARE U*MEALS TO REMEMBER"I BROWN'S : Brown's Busy Bees met et tbe home o! Mrs. Curson an Thursday lest with twelve members present, 1h Mrs. Sid Lancaster as e gues. It was decided that $300 be sent ta Bawmanville Hospital for equipment ta be used in the new.openating room. It was de- cided ta hold e picnic in Orono Park in August. The club then elosed 'til Sept l7th. Mns. Cun- son served a deinty lunch. Mn. and Mns. Gea. Stephenson attended the funeral o! the late.. Mn. Benjamin Dickinson in Port Hope on Mondey. The late Mn. U Dickinson will be greatly missed by the Newcastle Golf, Hunt and Country Club, and bis many i4<~ %~U4< fniends. L.A.C. Don Nivens visited bis parents. Mn. and Mrs. W. Nivens on Friday. IMns. J. Pnessley and 'PrinceI spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Stephenson while Mn. Pnessly, Bob and Mn. Bruce Light- foot spent the weekend et their cottage et Rackcliife Island, Ap- sley. Miss Unsle Miller and Miss Ger- trude Ernst o! Mexico City, visit- When you plan your vacation or ed Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Stephenson business trip, also plan ta have your hast Sunday who with the Misses elinteDigCa.Y '1 Bindel and Ernst are in training melinheDnnCa.oul et Ottawa Civic Hospital. b. mmazed et such a variety of Joyce, Lawrence, Lloyd and Joan your Canadian Pacific Agent spent lest Sunday with Mn. nd £bot hi ... he kaows! And Mns. Lloyd Bradley et Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Tam Wilson, there are special Iower-priced Wyllene end Lelgh visited Mn. mcmi for childrent Whet1ilr you and Mrs. Clarence Turner, Pro- tavel ie economical coach or vidence. tourst car, or in a standard Mrs. J. W. Rillier is visiting ileeper... "First Cali for in Toronto- for a few days. Dianer" la '.ar cmi ta fine food. one n aU ecs.. . a spndie il Powcrful 6-tube Superhet radio,. Exclusive Admirai Ferro- Scope antenne gives 3 timea the scnativity of ordinary aerils.1 ..On-off jewcl ight. Don't wit- am your Admira dealer todayl THE RADIO SHOP 38 King St. E. Dowmanville "leur 8.oert ,B.dquawtue' Tioavel by tmin-mu.,, emeoiedlgl,d. v.Iaxd, .wiv. efrsuh.d. SOME EXAMPLES 0F LOW-COST ROUND-TRIP COACH CLASS FARES Bowmanville To Detroit __-____ $ 16.95 Montreal $18.20 Ottawa - $ 12.80 Mr. C. S. Rlobinson la our agent and yours at BOWMANVILLE, ONT. picnic ta Geneva Park an Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Stuart Bell, Hel- en and Donna, Uxbridge; Mn. and Mrs. C. Penkin, Brooklin, et R. bW. Ball's. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Abbott and femily. Mn. and Mrs. Lea Moffett and Paul, Oshawa, et Percy Davidson's. Mns. F. B. Glaspel, Pbilhip and Richard Genry, accampanied Mn. and Mns. Ray Scott and family on a picnié ta Port Boîster on Sun- day. Mn. and Mns. Boyd Ayre attend- ed the Trull picnice t Orono Park 1on Seturday. Mn. and Mns. Stuart Bell, Hel- en and Donna, Uxbridge, wene recent guests et Henry Ball's. Mn. and Mrs. Hans Geiss5engen et Hermen Schmid's, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Tam Cunnie, To- ronta, et Robent Killen's for the weekend. Mn. and Mns. Alex McMaster, Joan and Ross, Miss Isla Barker and Manjorie Blewett wene on a picnice t Cobourg on Sundey. Mn. and Mrs. Bayd Ayre ac- companied by Mr. end Mrs. Phillip Mofrow wene et Beaverton. Miss Ellen Mennie, Toronto; Mr. and Mns. Ross Dent and Judy, Scerbana, wene weekend guests et Henry Dent's. On Sunday Mn. and Mns. Henry Dent and fam- ily and guests journeyed ta We- saga Beach. Mn. an Mrs. Wjenry Bail visited ber fathen, Mn. Milton Robinsan et Oshawa Geenel Hospitel lest week. Mns. Pency Devidson visited Mns. Wm. Halhiday et Scarbono. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Jack Cemenon (Marlon Stonms) on their manniage et Oshewa.on July 17. Mn. and Mrs. Pency Devidson and femily attended the Davidson Reunion et Geneva Park on Sun- day and wene surpnised ta see Mn. Davidson's sisten and husbend, Mn. and Mns. A. C. Shacklady, Las Angeles, Cal., thene. Mn. and Mns. Onville Knepp and femily attend- ed the Devidson neunion also. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Reeson, Oshawa, et R. W. Bell's. Mn. and Mns. Isaac Bell, Allen, James and Elsie, Uxbnidge, et Henry Ball's. SOLINA Mr. and Mns. Robb Theobold and daughter Donothy. Davidsan, Sask., motoned hene lest week ta visit Mns. Theobold's sisten, Mns. Norman Leach, et Taunton, and other reletives and !riends araund Saline. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mn. end Mrs. S. E. Werny and Wes Wenny ettended the silven wed- ding annivenseny celebration for Mn. and Mns. Roy Werry, o! Mont- real, et Mn. R. J. Luke's, Kedron, lest Thursdey night. Courtice and Saline football teems pleyed et Saline Seturdey evening, resultine in e tie, 2-2. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Werny, Peul- ine end Billy, Montreel, et Mn. S. E. Werny's. Mn. Charles Shortridge witb relatives et Starkville. Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Baker, Janice, Grant end Mary, George. town; Mn. and Mns. Les Colecutt, Meple Grave, et Mn. Jack Bak- er 's. A reunion o! the Gilbank fem- ilies was held et the home a! Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor on Sun- day. Among those present wene: Mn. and Mrs. Pency Gilbenk and son Bob, Hamilton; Mn. and Mns. Clarence Trigg, Whitby; Mn. and Mns. Alex Prout, Glen and Ross, Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Gilbank, Anne and Canal, Shaw's; Mn. Ger- aid Thonnley, Part Hope; Mn. and Mns. Ernest Larmer and Glenn, Mn. and Mns. Relph Lermer and Sheron, Blackstock; Miss Beryl Lermen, Peterborough; Miss Lois Larmen, Hamilton; Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Ailin, Onano; Miss Lena Taylor, Bawmanvihle; Mr. and Mrs. Evenett Cryderman, Mary, Jean, Elma, Olive and Keith, Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Balson and Ileen. The Wenny !amily reunian was held et Hampton park on Setur- day. Those who attended the Twi- light Holstein melting et the fanm o! Neil Mahcolm Blackstack, wene Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Leask and !amily, Mn. 'and Mrs. John Knox, Mn. and Mrs. George Knox, Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Mn. and Mns. John Cruicksbenk, Mn. and Mr&. Bruce Tink, Mr. and do CADMUS Congratulations ta Mr. Cflfford Sweet and his bride, the former Jean Cravex o! Napanee who have been visiting et the home o! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sweet. They have returned from a very plpsant trip ta Miami, Flonida. 191iss June Sweet also spent the weekend with her par- ents. Miss Jean Parrot o! Hampton, is spending a few days' holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Manvin Nes- bitt. Miss Parrot taught at Ma- hood's School for ewhile. Mn. and Mrs. James Wilson also spent Sunday at Mr. Nesbltt's. Mn. Ross Philip of Torontoj spent Sunday with his parents. 1 Mrs. Mabel McKee, Blackstock, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. James McKee. Mrs. Harry Fond, Kirkland Lake, sister of Mr. C. W. Sweet and his niece. Mrs. A. Caisby and husband from Vancouver, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sweet. A veny beautiful trousseau tea was held at the lovely. home of Mn. and Mrs. Howard McMullen, Lotus, on Saturday afternoon for their oldest daughter, Marion, from twa ta five. There wes a very large crowd o! relatives, friends and neighbours from Blackstock, Bunketon, Bowman- ville, Oshawa, Pontypool, Peter- borough, Lindsay, Janetville, Yel- verton, Cadmus. Marion bas a lovely selection o! useful things ta stent ber new home, also a great number of lovely wedding presents. The bride-to-be and her mother greeted the friends et the, door while Miss Margaret Steele, R.N.. of London Hospital, receiv- ed the friends in signing their names in the guest book and then journeying upstairs ta see her trousseau. Miss Doris Argue, cousin o! the bride, received the friends in the linen noom; Miss Betty Ann Kellett, Oshawa, an- other cousin, neceived the friends in the room o! the wedding pres- ents which consisted of a large number of beautiful gifts o! a vaniety, and Mrs. John Tenny o! Millbrook was in the room where ber dishes, silverware and clathes were displayed. On. returning downstairs they were invited ta the dining raam for a very dainty lunch which was served by Mrs. Jimmy Gray and Miss Doris Stin- son o! Lotus, Mrs. Murray Mal- colm, Yelventon, cousin of the bride, and Mns. Albert Adams o! Bunketon, also a cousin, senved the ladies, while Mrs. James Me- Mullen, grandmother o! the bride and Mrs. Wm. Steele, Nestleton, great aunt of the bride, poured tee for the fniends, while seated, eech one at the end o! the dining room table which was decorated with !iowers, streamers and wedding belîs. On leaving, everyone wish- ed Marion the best o! luck and a happy married life, also a nice day fan next Saturday which Is hen wedding day, also ber fath- en's b1nthday. Marion's tee was held on ber grandparents' 59tb wedding day. Congratulations are extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Jas. « McMullen. We ai hope they can « enjay many more anniversarles. Mn. Arnold Williams, Oshawa, also Mn. and Mns. Ronald Wil- liams o! Port Penny, spent Sun- day with parents, Mn. and Mrs. Clarke Williams and Phyllis. Wedding beils will be ringing in the nean future for Miss Helen Gray o! Lotus. We ell wish ber the best o! luck and e happy mer- ried life. Mn. and Mns. Eldon Tbompson and Doug of Peterborough; Mn. and Mns. Jim Henry and baby with Mrs. Thampson and John. Quite a number from Devitt's Lodge and community attended the Orange Walk et Lindsay lest Wednesday. Mns. Cecil Pescoe. Mn. and Mns. Evenett Cryder- man and Mary and Mrs. Harold Pascoe wene et Peterborough Sun- day. Mn. and Mns. Russell Naylor, Canal and Douglas, Chicago, Ill., et Cecil Pescoe's. Mn. and Mns. Ralph Davis and Mn. and Mns. Lamne Hoskin et Al- ganquin Park. Mn. and Mns. Jack Marks, To-i ronto, et Wes. Yeilowlees'. "'YO)u r~o PROTEicT The ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK is a very beautiful bird, black end white, wlth a soft rosy triangle high on his breast. He lives in Ieafy graves, nearly always, near the water. He should be pro- tected, as he eats great numbers cf potato beeties. YOUR TO NJO CARLING'S TH4E CARLINS IREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO t 0 ton5 CANINU -§D90A ?HURSDAY. JULY tOth. 1950 Cam«aiEnFinished FloodS VitjIs Send Their Sincere Thanks Acccording to a spokesman of the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund, contributions of more than $6,500,- 000 in cash and'goods ta the value of several hundreds of thousands of dollars have been recelved from more than 1,000,000 persons who contributed amounts ranglng from 25c te S360,000. The flood waters have at last receded and business life of the community le neturning to norm- al. The money donated to~ the fund will be used ta help restore home life of the unfortunate vic- tims to normal by helping to compensate them for loss of fur- niture, home furnishings and per- sonal belongIngs. Trhrough this paper the flood victims wish to convey their heartfelt thanks to the citizens o! Bowmanville and district who have contributed so generously ta the fund, and to those who have worked so d1llgently in efforts on behaîf of the fund. America's first newapaper wua establlahed in 1704. You are invlted! Meet wlth us at th* BOWMANVILLE 3 Àp Ti sT MISSION temporarily loceted ln UNION HALL 19 King Street East Paul T. Holliday, Pastor Sunday, July 23 7:30 p.m. MR. CHAS. E. MILLS will sprak, bringlng wlth him special music that you will enjoy. Building prograrm well under way in the South Ward District on Nelson Street. Wanied For Export Registered and Grade H3OLSTEIN COWS and Heifers, freshening this Summer and Fal WALTER FRANK R9.R. 5 BOMTMANVILLE Baby'. Own Tablets 29o Baby'. Own Soap - 2 for 25o Castoria-------------- -- 33c-69c Fermer'. Wlfe Mllk 15o Horneru Infantol -.-90c-$3.00 Meadas Pe reomorphum 85e mead's Pablum ____25e-5Oc Mead's Pabena ____25c-50c PHONE 2403 ............. . . ...... . . . . . En Phono 55-r-i Orono à FARN AND BOUSE WIRING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS.. ... POLE\ LINES A SPECIALTY I - FREE ESTIMATES -I ACIË REFRIGERATION Sales and Service Expert Service and Genuine Parts for Commercial and Dornestic Refrigerators. Aparimeni Houses Resiâurants 78 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Phone Store 3224W1 Walk-in-box Display Cases House 1189R Mennen's Baby Cil1--59c-$1.10 .Tohn.on's Talcum -- 28c-SSc Johnson's Soap 150 Johnson's Baby Cream -- 550 Evenflo Bottle and Nipple 39e Rigo Nipples ------ 3 for 25o Glyccnin Suppositorles --35o Worm Syrup ---- 50e - Baby Scales For Reni Baby Formula Infant Hot Water Pents Pitcher Syringes Bottles 39C - 590 1175e 1 $1.25 For For Flies and.Mosquiloes Sunburn Fly Tex Eomb ------11.69 Tangel .____ 65c-$1.65 Fly Tex Spray - 29c-50c-85e Noxzema --49e-69c-$1.39 Sprayers- - 29e-49e Noxzema 011- - 30e-0oc Fly Colis_____ 2 for se Noxzema Cream -- 50c-$1.00 TONI HOME PERMANENT Complete Kit $ 2.79 Refi Kit. ---11.25 - $1.59 Preveni Mosquito and Black Fly Biles Skeeter Skatter -____ 60a Velvetta Repellant - 49o Repel so---5c 10-12 Repellant --- so Cos OWLING'S DRUG STOR TRESSES 1! 0 g~ -~ CLOSED SATURDAY EVENINGS - DURING JULY AND AUGUST J.B. Abernethy PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE LAST PERS ONAL APPEARANCE -SQUARE DANCE AND VARIETY SHOW DON MESSER AND HIS ISLANDERS SATURDAY, JULY 29th OSHAWA ARENA Regular Lubrication 0a and a"tightoning up" wiliISave YOD t ~ ~i. For motoring pleasure and money-saving car perform- et ance, drive in now for a complete car lubrication. Re- ___ member.. . when aur lubni- cation specialists do the job, you know that it's done the UNDERBODY a thorough going-overl We'l1 examine spning © shackles, U-bolts, shock absorbera, body and fender boits, and ail other parts that might need tightening L * or replacement. Attention now may prevent repairs later. Pl'amer Motor Sales, 20 King St. E. Bowmnville Phone 487 I DISTRIBUTORS FOR CHRYCO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Freezers ' Milk Coolers FREE ESTIMATES ON NEW EQUIPMENT ALLAN THACKERAY, Proprielor YOUR BABY NVEEDS g ,,_J j "MSDAY, xmr toth, ipso - 6#0

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