PAG 1 -TI C iA !A SATSM I.flW"&NV 4f.Lrj,% f LwrAw1 %Pt??fl-.A 1 WPU.CA1 h ian's point, at which everyone had Il a splendid trne. Mr. J. J. Masan attended the . In the Dim. and Distant Pasi meeting of the Ontario Branch ot Il 1o. 1h ~ ~the Dominion Alliance in Toron- FrmTelttma llsto and was elected a niember of _________________________________________________the executive counicil and alsoaa delegate ta the counicil. Thursday, JuIy Zth, 1925 Memorial Park, Hampton, the Courtice-On Friday, July 20 Wit ths isueof he tats-Pascoe family held their annual 1900, the members of the congre- man, Mr. M.ssuA.oJameS tateas picnic when 150 relatives and gation of Ebenezer Church met mfag, MpetedJae,7 year ~is friends were present from Danl- at the home of Mrs. Littlejohns, ofeditor. ee 4 ersa ington, Brooklin, Oshawa, Whit- Concession St., and presented Miss by, Pickering, Bowmanville, To- Littlejohns, who had acted 'as or- The West Durham Women's ronto and Saskatchewan. ganist in the Church for a num- Institute celebrated 25 years of Maple Grave-On Manday, JulY ber of years, with a purse con- operation. Formed In 1900, for 28th, a seriaus accident accurred taining $25. three years it was canfined anlY at Maple Grave corners when Mrs. C. W. Osborne. passed ta Bowmanville, but in 1903 was autos diven by Mayor T. S. Hol- quietly away on Thursday, July extended ta Sauina and Hampton. gate and Mr. S. J. Henry, Impie- l9th. In 1906 ta Nestleton and Stark- ment agent, bath of Bowman- Newcaste-The Sabbath School yille, then to Newtonville, Orono, ville, collided. Neither suffered picnic af St. George's Church was Tyrone and BlackstÔck. This very great injuries. held on Thursday, July l9th at year (1950) they celebrated their Providence-Mn. Samuel Smnale the lake, with candies, ice cream, golden Jubilee. Bragg, aged 77 years, passed away etc.. kindiy donated by Mrs. San- Enniskilien-Duning a very se- July l9th at Providence, just fard. vere thunder storm, Mr. Sidney three weeks after his brother, Mr. Newtonvlle-About two and a Trewin's house, east of the village, Richard Allun Bragg, passed away. haif miles east af Newtonville an was struck by lightning, which ____ July 17th, about five o'ciock in shattered a chimney, passed the. morning, freight train No. 90 through the roof of a bedroom Wednesday, JuIy 25th, 1900 coming east stopped to drive a and finally out the side of the number of hanses from the track. lieuse. Fortunately the boys who B3owmanvile-Mr. and Mrs. M. Not long after, the second section usualiy slept in the bednaomn were A. James took a trip down ta New of the train came along and crash- &~way at the time. York State to visit relatives in the ed into the rear of the first sec- - Hampton-Rév. John R. Bick. south-western part o! the State. tien. causing such damage ta roll- àÏA., became the new minister On Monday, Juiy 23rd, the Me- ing stock that the track was and his first sermon was indeed thodist Sunday School was fav- blocked for six hours. ýVerv fine. oured with fine weather for their - On Saturday, July 25, in Elliott excursion ta Toronto and HanU-R NUTRIENTS FOR NECTAR- George Meredith, techrncian in the WILLIAM WESLEY TERRY Division cf Forage Plants, Experimental Farms Service, Canada On Wednesday, July l2th, 1950 Department of Agriculture, is shown in* the Division's greenhouse at Oshawa*General Hospital, Mr: conducting an experiment on red dloyer plants. Aimed at deter- William Wesley Terry, beloved mnining the effect, if any, of variaus nutriènts on the quantity and MONTREAL -Does your family make every hubsand of Mrs. Irene Terry pass- quality of nectar in the plants ta encourage bees to visit them and possible excuse for skipping breakfast? You'Il hear ed away at the age o! 70, after an transfer the pollen, the experiment includes supplying the plants, no more alibis if you make breakfast a wide.. illness of one month. Mi. Terry,whcargow insditdfertnuintolin. awake meal with the tempting deliciousness of your a carpenter in Bowmanville, was Forage Plants is a busy division, concerned with ail the own hojnemade jams Va' ellies! With CERTO born in Fenton, Ill., on November prnil iniladana a n atr pce;cr bt FRUIT PÉCTIN ta, help you, you can preserve 21, 1880, but lived in Bowman- gereain bin and silag); srghu and il rosas eila speci aiin zedt ail the choice rich flavour of fully-ripe fruits in ville most of his life. He was a cri n dps ike sgeetssoybeuansdsfilroes and others. search jams and jelhies, sa quickly and easily. Because mme !Tiit ntdCu c oslk ua et'syen, ufoesadoh .Rsac Certo recpes cut the time ta 1/3 of the former mme fTiivUie hrh n long-hoil method for bath .jams and jlies. Results with Certo are Surviving him besides hiý wife.i the division~ in all the branch farms across Canada deals chiefly always sii?'- ,even for beginners -if they follow exactly the tested Mrs. Irene Terry, are ten child- with plant breeding and seed production but includes many field rer upes in the bookiet under the label of each Certo bottie i1 And you get nn.epiet. up a 0%moe amandjelyfrm hesam aout f rut!day,. July 151h, 1950. from th e Y ur o srai contestants, Mrs. Alîken points On A Hot Summer Day, there's nothing more refreshing than a taU Northcutt & Smith Funeral chap- Yo n o sraie out. Ail standard spellings will glass of iced teal But it's important ta choose. a el, Bowmanville, with Rev. S.H l o frneb llwd n ubro quabtuy tea that's above-average in flavoujr, otherwise R. Henderson officiating. Inter- odC nee c ealwd n ubro somr o the tCengt isStat tihnthJulufi3lste.people from any one club or org- sor'ofte trnghlaIot ih hemefngic.ment was in Bowmanviile Cri--uy3s anization may compete for the That 's iwhy mv choice for iced tea (and hot tea, tery. cah nie wic ttl or ta too!) s always RED ROSE TEA. Because Red Rose cash priPaîberes wre MnhKiga Inabota0ldysyougepape $00 is qood tea-its lavour goes a long, long way! It nn n.Iakntn esr.Ar rmab ovethe p oinceopilbe $0 nef ual!y gives you more cupa per pound -hot or Farrow, Carl Gimblett, and Glen fo i vrtepoic ilb crlyold a orig.ono r nmeigt -ed ou Adwan Large. Friends attending the f u- coniverging on Gravehust for the He had arrived home late, and ry oodercup o eamki Red Rose ! Ankfrd e aeTa neral came freim Peterborough 1950 Summen Conferenceof the was being told ail about it by his Rose Coff ce, too!1 Because Red Rase Coffee is as good as Red Rs e and Oshawa. Ontario Young Progressive Con- wife. At lest hie lest his temper, Once you've tasied them, you'll want ta make a year-'round, dlock- - servative Association, fram July too, and said a f ew things beck. around habit of these Red Rase successea!Mwvl* f 31 ta August 5th. "I dont care," he said, "I mean Yo'eNevr Seen Anyihing like JVhy Noi Give Yeur Family the . Iwi .i1on anticipated that each- of! exaiv wat spay. I'mde Yo'e eit .-. . the new taste-treat of soupe First Scxfef vRule te int nginthe p who ilswa esadeasde. " FRIGIDAIRE . made by soup spe-____th nneyrdnsnth prv Hi wie noe."M b, "Thrifty-30" EHcc- cilit8 The "just Nyrsi ln soeo h ince wili be represented at the James," she said icily, "'you do TRI RAGE!It' a igh" 1avor a pnmar rues f simmng c-annuel five day Canfenence which cail a spade a spede, but you don't ~~completeIy aew H E INZ C ON. cording ta Don Shay, Bowman- is beinLy held at Aero Lodge, bet- cari e lbacub yu aî that idea in electrie DENSED SOUPS viltereinl ietr n er known as Little Norway, the wriglt tteofc. rags t.amaz- wins more popular- tisevl e oes or ath gecood and wertime home o! the Royal Non- ingly cmpct .t votes every pu wmes wegian Air Fonce. Youthful ob- on1ySOincheg wide day! And no won- Lucigasme Lant evn ilas eo edfo , ..yet ithas enough cooking capa- der!1 - al eighteen varieties are ,, he CA had.fro city for the biggest family meals! made by experts with generationL S wm" prognemn, Mn. Shay has theoher ine provh inc e fandet And . . . thia new "Thrifty-30" of Heinz experience ta guide them. ledyiiiae n lmn a proedins whic will et undn- Range is really a"budget-watcher's" You'll win whole-heartcd applaus swimming class for Bowmapville wa. rmtyonMna on ~ dcam Itha a hrituGiat fr he eliias dshe y use youngsters at the Boys' Training ing, July 3lst with an address by SOven...that ztretche dear arrosa with Reins Soup -too!1 Try thi, cho. hiden seven yçars andth Prm Mistro Onaa the range and cookâ mare food one- ever meet Tuesday and Wednes- Hn eleM rso h.Cn ?with no more current. New >High- BAKED LIMA BEANS dyeahmekfoTahrt e.1nce them eOnte anlo à 19r0. ~ Sprcd Wolist-Hfigh Broiler ... with 2 1-oz. can Meinz Condensed and an oppatunity ta îearnt Th190C fenchaatre ;unit ipr'esedi in oven top. New, Cream of Tomato Soup, un- swim properly under the Bw odproe cadn aJc S6-Speed Rrdiantube Cooking Ufits 13cBooknw]-i ro.e mniieRcetinlDretrsMcNie, Hamilton. President ai the . orfstrbttr tp-id" 1/3 cup grsted aiqufon ea» plan. Ont&rio Y.P.C. Association. "First orng wi, h elescuret. iew 31/4 dupa cooed oimabas,"o eyrkowwe ofMas "he explained, "we plan drainit escurn.Ne 13cusced lm en,"e ee nwwe o non-partisan a review as pas- Stwith Knabs out in front . . . redruanmight be able ta save a life if yau asbeo!hepgrswhc O easy ta read and use. Take a tip 6Brea bacon are able ta swim properly," Don iln hs adoae the p ast s hihaOnf frorn me . .. take a trip ta your Combine Soup, cooking liquid irom si,"n h more you know eFrigidaire Dealer without delay ... benmnon and beans. Place in about swimming, and in particulan er ingidsr auatn and sp.e the Rmazing value in the casserole. Sprinkle top with bread iife-saving, the better." .n and commence, agriculture, - 0"Elctia crumbs. Place bacoa strips on top. Agod wmerbsdsbe mining and iumbering, and in Frigidaire "Thrifty-3"Eeti Bake for 45 minutes in a moderate A. odsimrbsdsb- other fields o! endeavour. Sec- Ranuge!1 aven (3M0 deg. F.). Serves 6. ung capable o! seving e life, cari oncîy we will consider the impli- ~ denive a great deal o! pleesune cations o! this remenl<abie growt What Ha# More 19'8 So Easy And Quick ta opeg from the weter, but hie must etbthfr h poleo&Xtni n Sumtmertime Ap. ~k yaur favourite altme eebr h mot- forth fre atoplasaeo letaio nde ?' i inpeall- alad? - pacon ackag aw! -i1.Nie and non-theimpr- fer benieve asthe fortue o!this 4 pn e lsladF!cora starch - ance of the foilowing safety hints: years eheed. And lastly, because AN' 4 I'd say-nothiuq, 1Yes, DIJRHAM sh oie undr apalesupmer- denssrtiSls andu- CORN STARCH 15i vision whenever they are swim- province cn best be advanced b deset!Saadan~' now available a Progressive. Conservative ad- drss(rrîs madlewith-15 in a new pack- ming or piaying in the waten. mnsrtow ilmk ni JELL-O JELLY aeta' ayma.Wi w or.~ha3 tensive study o! practical meth- A ~ PWDRShae o mic sarle ta open! Ail you do :-just break ievis be- ada o! political education and on- L and flavour! Because Jell-O ha& the seal and inside you'll find aîvdte full stomach is agnztin mogyugppe" -hs een "lacked-in" flavours, Durham Corn Starch aeatîy pro- cnnbtn etri tmc h atfldlgtse h ~' ,~ cramps Tdhs mypae nCnenenchfl ewlegpnvied wth j jthat are deliciaus in salada and tected in a paper bag. INo fussing ude tan lo the plh e at. plen o! food for tought 8nd desserts. Try this cool, cool, 'n'fuming with a kaife or other u3. tAi gongte batpeon n tydiscussionrtan ouadingns Cuii mbrr Pn(-pple aladl sharp instrument ta open the pack- 3.Aodgi byn yurissinb aottnigrs 1CpckageLeR SALAD age. And when 3you've used as d epth until you are quite capable tet a! authonitative speakers who 2 cpckagaerm e- murh "Durham" as you need et o! getting beck ta shallow water. 1 slice canned pineapple, eut in 'the lime. simply replace the pack. 4. Non-swimmers and oie together with the young people ~ wedges age top. It fits snugly-keeps out shouid stay out o! ranoes ndr w l ee the utre ! and'sbanepri L cuR diced.cucumnber duftreo Cndasbtnr ~isslveJeUO u bo waer.Ar- and keps .qthe.trh rm boat. Theyuseycn'hadepoie.A ngtse ho il show-off. Niiuoody hasan subjeet will ha "Th Implitions cireulated throulghOul F c o y C e r n e S o e10. Neyer swim alone. on in a __________ 24 ivsin t.Bomavile secluded place and if swimming qulit of Canadian p 24___Division____St.__________________ out int deep weter go with some- GOOD SPELLERS COMPETE ~ 1t one who is a good. swimmer. Il is AT EXHIBITON see Canadian sceneS safer ta swim in pairs as in thea ________cts 1.,o~.s Jacets Buddy Syste. When making a The Mamath Spelling Bee openteeprdc. ivi ensns - Sirs- S s- Jc long swim ecross or out mbt a ta adults only. wl ha on egain lake or river, alweyshave a boat et the Canadien National Exhi- The advertisements Eisenhower Jackets - Rainicoats go with you. This applies aven bition with cash prizes fanr'thasa ihte eif if therre two ormare swim- who have mastened the English iIIg wt h efo andman oter rtilestoonumrou tomeniovSwimming instruction is pro- Kate Aitken, C.N.E. Wamea's Di- t reduced prices. vidad ta the children of Bowman- radar. bsesram thherp fu i ville fnea-Why not use this ser- Lest day far fiiing entryforms bsns nepiei BUY AND SAVE vice? is August 14. Would-be keen inxtiabybon up il 'c ~ ~~~spallars may write fan thein ne-intrab' DIIV'I~correspondance to the Wamen's PI À 1 If T Division, Canadien National Ex- AHl Colours hibition. Toronto, Ontario. > f Spellers will coma up an the RL. Exhibition mat et the Caliseum $2.95 galcaqart the night o! Saturday, Septemn- I I I j iber 2nd. There will ha different groups of word.s for each group of *1 Musl. Worth $1.00 Eat Only Liv. Food Ontario's 27 flsh hetcheries - more than.are opereted by ail the rest o! Canada - are rapidly being depleted a! their 1949-1950 stocks o! 'game fish and a !ew yeers hence fishermen will ha hoesting af catching fish "whera we neyer knew thay wère." Prohably the most valuahie cargo af ail Is going fnom an East- ern Ontario hetchery whae makinonge !ingerlings are now heing, released inta waters favor- able for them. Millions of speeki- ed trout yeerlings have gone forth by truck, eircra!t and peck- sack from the hatchenias. Lake trout, brawa trout, Kamloops yearlings and fingerlinga, aIl big eaough ta take cane af thamselves have heen distributed. Sînell and large mouth has fry are also be- ing ramaved from the hatcherias and distributed la the hast basa waters in North Amanica. The muskie, ana of the contin- anfas most prizad game fish, is ana o! the hardeat ta prapagate, Lands and Fonests experts sey. A few o! the'United States deartments hava tried, et vaniaus times, and hava successfully reisad muskies ta the point whare thay might win thair fight for existence ageinst pradators and othen sources o! danger. Unlika the speckiad traut, which is quite satisfied ta live in the hatchenies on "dead food," the muskie from theaeaoa 12 days requires live food. The fish are extremely cennihalistic, aven et thet eariy ae and unIesa su!- ficient live minnows o! othen venieties wene aveilabia the carn- age among the muskies them- salves wouid ha tarrific. Rance Ontario operates minnow ponds in which ta naisa coarse minnows with which ta feed the game min- naws. Oaa o! the most recent davalopments is the culture o! sucker fry as food for young maskinonga. Indicative o! the success o! the pnovinca's propagation opeations is the fact thet aarthern outfit- tans "valué" the muakie et soma- whara around $1,000 since meny United States fisharmen spend that much - and somatimes fan more - to catch a good sizad muakie la Ontario waters. The big grandstand show et the Canadien National Exhihition this yaar is unden the direction a! Laon Leonidaf!, erstwhile Toron- tanien aaw in charge o! dance numbars et New Yonk's Radio City. The show will feature -the wonld-famous ententainen Danny Kaye. The extravegenze ruas from opaniag ta closing o! the Ex- hibition, August 25th ta Septem- ber 9th. w U CE S Fewer Lives Lost the first two waakends in July, Worst Period Ahead at atheras.hr1 eroshv ot ut ing riersthre e T h e g r im to ta l o ! tra ffic d a th s 23 o t h a o u a n ts a!i c ars thre e e in Ontario (still nealy twa par2a! them cciudantskiflcarsn Jue da>improvd slightly in the -wholly hapless vidtima o! ac- month o! June, with 55 known cident situations aven which they killed, compared with 68 in the thamselvas hed no contraI et ail. previaus month and with 66 in Thase 23 innocent passengars June o! lest year. might in meny cases ha stili alive Streat and highwey accidents today, had same drivers bean hava taken 275 livas in Ontario mare concerned et the time of during the first six months af the accidents with their raspan. 1950). Compared with Ontario's sibilitias for the sa!ety o! othes- black record o! 324 bref! ic daaths those in other v'ehicles as well in the ase period lest yean, thîs as their own passengers and tham-. represents a daclina o! 15 pan selves. cent, or a saving o! 49 lîves; but Apant !rom 23 passenger vi thare were still more victims kili- tima, June deeths inciuded 1C4 ed than the average o! Jenuary- padestrians. 9 drivers. 5 mator- to-June tna«fic deeths in racent cyclists, 3 bicyclists and anae littie years. Also, compared with lest boy on a tricycle. In summer, year, thena wene mare children with mare pensons per car on among the victima. the noeds, pessenger hazard is The wonst period o! the yeer much greater then usuel, thraw- fan traffic accidents is still ahead, ing extra responsibility on al officiels wann. A greeter volume drivers: a single moment of in- a! treffic is expacted this summer attention Cen ceuse e huga am. than aven hefone-alneedy, over aunt o! human suffering. YEs IM THE "'lES" MAN et Peeôcai Finance Ca. ... Ithat is-I'm the man who likes ta sey "YES" tc boan raquests. You see I'm the manager o! aur offic-the man who's responsible for building up aur business. The more times I say "yas" ta requests for loans-the more business we do. And sinca making loans is aur ONLY husiness-that's mighty important ta me. Therafora, if you need extra cash et any lime- whether a little for a short tima or e lot for a long time -you ca depend on my doing my hast ta say "yes" ta yau ... promptly. Next time you cen use a boan give me a chance ta sey "Yes"-won't you? V'il consider it a favor. Sea me et Pe'zeona Finance Ca. Loans $50 to $1200 on Signature, Furniture, or Auto FNNECO. 2nd FI.,. Il 1/2 SIMCOE ST.,N. (Ovor Bank of Nova Scottoa) Phone: 5690 * F, Elton Anderson, YES MANager tas mode te reidents cf ail SU urruding towns * Persoriol Finsnce Compsny of Concide SOME 0F THE WORLD'S FIIN EST LUMBER Canada lias almost unlimited timber. From British Columbia fir ta M~Iaritime Spruce her lumber is in dcmand throughout the world. 1) J SQ~rm' %ct~Canada fit on of one of a series of ad. dby The House of Seagram ige of Canada and help seli c the markets of the world. ppearing in magazines and iin various languages and it the world. The peoples Id about the :roductÉ; and illustrating are in keep- The House iturc of each iCanada is intbe future là .1 of Canada itself; and that it is in the interest ot every Canadian manufacturer to help the sale of ail Canadian products in foraign markets. A campaign such as this flot only hclps Ciana. dian industries but also pui~s money in the pocket of every Canadian citizen. One dollar of every three "wecarn cornes t0 us as a resuit of foreign trade. The more we can seil abroad the more pros perous we will be ai home. It is u'ith this objective lhat these advertisements are being produced and published îhrough- out the uorld. a£eh-e ou t Scogram m lor.luTr.cnAv -rTT.'V 917fk PACM TM THE CANADLaýN i§TAýý,' BOV;bf*Alr,=E. ONTAWO