PAGE ELEYE1m ?RURBAY, 3LY 27h, 190l= CANADT&NSTATESMAT<. BOWMANVTLLE flWI'ARTO $Ü*xMjor Food.Items Ços.t .Averaâge Family $14.00 Weekly The Canadian, Federation of sumers which bas received many Agriculture estirnated this week complaints by bousewives of bigb that the average Canadian family meat prices. now spends $14.01 a week for six Tbe $14.0l-a-week estimate major, food items in the weekly for five persans covers the total diet-.eggs, butter, milk, cheese, cost for the consumption of 5.4 beef end park. pounda of beef, 5.7 pounds of pork. It did not take into account 16 quarts of milk, 3.2 pounds of other dlztner-table staples, ,sfucb butter, one-baîf pound of cheese as bread, vegetables, fruits and and two dozen eggs. preserves. The Federation pinned thie blame ___The $14.01 spent weekly, the for bigb meat prices on the Amn- ~ational farm organization' sug- enican market-"f or many years kested is an increase -of only 45 an outstanding market for Can- cents over the family's $13.56-a- adian beef cattle." week food budget last year. 'This, it felt, indicated the average Can- adian family was "as welI-fed ta- Odds- n-EndLs aay at littie or na greater ota wthecase a year ago." cs sFromn Here and There The Bureau of Statistics, in its latest report of the official cost- Coloured Question... af-living index, placed the food . . . Because "white" people sub-index at June 1 at 209 against threaten to leave, coloured f ami- 160.5ý a year ago-a jump of 48.5 lies are being denied accommo- points. During May alone, the dation at a number of Rice Lake index climbed from 204.6 ta 209 summer resorts. This reminds us I>oints on rising meat prices. of a story about a smaîl boy wbo The 400,000-member federation came borne fram school bragging said it bad made the survey for te) his motber about a new-found the Canadian Association of Con- friend. The friend's name was Joe, and for an entire week it was "Joe" this and "Joe" that. Joe could blow the biggest bubbles p Locked Oui By Disasier WHEN' Fire or saine other calamity temporarlly closes your place of business... incarne will stop but rnany expenses wHI continue. And that combination can *be flnanclally disastrous! That's why we advise you to'call on us today ,..flnd out ail about Business Inter- ruption Insurance. SinuartI R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Res. 493 '%*YOURS TO PROTECT , The SCARLET TANAGER is perhaps aur most brilliant bird. His vivid scarlet body and shining black wings and tail are distinctive. You'II find him high in the tops pf Ieufy trocs. He tives on caterpiliars, moths, beeties and Iarvae, and deserves protection. Y US T* ENJO CARLING'S' THE CARLINS IREWERIES LIMITED WATEALOO. 0NTAq0 t 0O»0 u e4muN S. DOSo w-.itn fis oubble gum. A kind bearted neighbour ap- proachedi the mother and said, "Did you know that your boy is chummlng around with a negro child?" When the boy came home after school that day bis mother called 17àm aside. "What colour is Joe's skin," she asked heiz son. "I dunno Mommie," came the reply, "but lil look and see to- morrow." Korean War..9 ...According ta Ottawa, the Korean war scare bas brought an increase in enlistment applica- tions mostly from veterans of the secoi4d wonld war. According ta one R.C.A.F. spokesman, the twol or tbree letters usually received from veterans re7juesting infor- maticin about enlistment hàs in- creased ta a daily 25. One Toronto business man Ilas telegramed tbe United Nations offering ta personally mass a volunteer army of some 10,000' Canadians if tbey would give him the ga-abead. He said that they could be equipped by public sub- scription and he believed that the 10,000 could be gathered with little or no' trouble. Scout Mothers Note .. . . . . The Bowmanville Scouts! are beading for camp at Pigeon Lake August 4tb and with therji will' go the love and materne! worry of many a parent. This ic understandable, but' please dear mothers, do not do as one Scou, mother did. The Dîrector of a Scout cam1. was making bis first inspection o.' the tents accupied by a recently arrived troop. Going tbrougb ane Scout's bed-roll be was surprised ta find an umbrella tucked be- tween the blankets. The itemr was not listed as Scout equipmeni an.d the director asked the boy ta t explain. Tbe tenderfoot neatly c'ounter- ed the question by sheepishly 1 puttîng another question ta the clirector. "Sir" be said. "did you ever bave a mother?" New Phone Rates .. . ...Local residents have ex - Perienced a hike in telephone rates as have most major citiez and tawns associated wîth Th, Bell Telephone Company. Rural 'phone users, bowever, are in a somewbat more economical situ- ation. H. A. Rogers, Secretàry of the Canadian Independent Tele- Phone Association bas issued a. statement ta the effect that 84C 1 ruraltelephone companies i On- tario and Quebec will not seek ta ircrease telephone rates. If prices keep going up the way they ae, tbe aid saying "country! boy goes ta City ta make bis for- tune," will reverse and City people will flock ta backwood Commun- ities in order ta live within their, means. Security* ..Most people believe that in order ta bhave security one must own bis own home. This is in the democratic tradition, and a tl4ree deck heading in one paper reads "Home Ownership Develops Feeling of Independence."1 We would like ta refute this Idea. You can achieve full security, food, shelter, clothing, medical attention and other deairables without even awning a home. Se- curity is available ta any Can- adian-every jail provides it. Lest and Found . .. 1 Lost- "Siamese quadruplets" (cats) have disappeared from an Eighth Line farm according to the Barrie Examiner. Only twa nor- mal kittens remain in the stal where the litter of six was born. Thinklng alorig the uines of quick and easy money, Momma cat bas probably run off with a travelling cir eus to exhibit her rare off- springs. Found-An effective offensive ageinst the fly armny. A Rich- mond., Va., housewife on the ad- vice of a local repairman, stuffed little pieces of cotton through the holes on ber sereen door. Word got around, others tried it, evi- dently with success. In Washington, the Agricultural Secretary refused to comment. His aide. however, offered a tentative explanation. (1) maybe the flies think the cotton is their dreaded enemy the moth; (2) maybe the dumb Mies think the catton on the door is a spider's web.j Statisties . ...When hubby is shavin~ the morning, his razor blade in te, course of shavîng, exerts five tons of pressure per square inch... An average of 14 ounces of pres- sure is required ta depress a nor- mal typewrjter key . . . Dairying contributes more than one-haif a billion dollars ta the Canadian ecanomny and provides a direct oir indirect livelihood for 17 per cent. ai the Canadian population. Family Reunions FERGUSON-ADAMS REUNION Last Saturday was a beautiful day for the annual reunion at Geneva 'Parx where aproxim- ately_ 100 mnembers gatbered from, Ferguson; Yaungest baby, Greig- ory Adams. It was decided ta hold the pie- nie next year the fourth Saturday in July at Genieva Park. Trim Hat - Win $50 the Oshawa-Bowmanville district aheeneairwytwi and oun Forst.$50 trimming a hat wheni The business meeting was caîl- ail the latest and gayest materiala ed and the followîng officers for are provîded? That's the que- next year were elected: Pres.., tion Kate Aitken, women's. dired Keith Ferguson; Sec'y, Walter tor of the Canadfan National, E* Ferguson; Treas., Berwin Adams; hibition, asks ini announcing -the Lùnch Committee: Mr. and Mrs. big Trim Yaur Own Hat compet- Ivan Cochrane, Mr. and-Mrs. Jim- ition Io take place at the Exhibi- mie Faià. tion. Sports Committee-Mrs. Irene "Women have always bee#h Henry, Roy Henry, Mr. and Mrs. notarious for the styles of their Murray Adams. bats,' Mrs. Aitken points out: Music and Dance-keith Fer- "Wby not cash in on tbis feirnininçe 'uson, Carl Ferguson, Berwrin Ad- foible whicb is open to aIl womei ams. with nimble fingers and a flair, ams. for fashion?" Sports-Races, 7-8, Beverly Ste- phenson, 9-10 Beverly Hendershot, at hapes, millinery trim such 11-12, ribbons and veiling, 11-1 Vagha Stehenon. wîre, pliers, scissors, needles and Married Women's race, Ruby 1tbread will be supplied by the Stehenson. Children's Shoe-kick- C.N.E. Cash prizes of x4early $150 ing, Vaughwi Stephenson; Fat will be awarded for workmen- ladies' race, Mrs. Henry Adams; sbip, cleverness of trim and sult- Men's race, Roy Henry; Adult ability of the bat ta the entrant_ shoe-kicking, Berwin Adams: The bat will be modelled and Sack race, Roy Henry; Oldest lady, iudged on the entrant. Mrs.Patterson; Oldest man, Harry Entry. forms may now be ob- tained bywriigt the Wamen's DivisionCdan National Ex- hibition, Toronto, Ontario. Last day for prospective cantestantà ta get their entries in ie Aug. 14. Campetition« is scheduled for Sept. 5 in. the afternoan. Professionals are flot éligible. DISGRACE PLANES heprovincial govèrnment of Sasktchwanhas'a4opted a* plan for dealing Witb traffic offenders whicb we 'shaîl watch with in- terest. Any driver convicted of a serjous offence bas bis current licerise plate taken away, and a ;iew one in'a distinctive colour is attacbed ta bis car; therefore ahi other drivers on the road knov when they are near a driver who bas been guilty of driving ta the public danger. Sa far 461 of these, "disgrace*" plates bave been placed on Sas- katchewan cars; 170 ather motor- ists have had, their licences sus- pended altogether. Plainly Sas- katchewan means business. True liberty consists in the privilege of enjoying aur awn rights, flot in the destruction of the rights of others.-Pinskard. FAT MEN'S RACE This is the picnic season. and everyone enjoys a good time. says The Windsor Star. There is some- thing attractive to the annuai battie against mosquitoes and ants and fish fies. Tbe sandwiches and cake taste s0 mucb better. when tbey bave been wrested from the assaults of the insects. And, if an occas¶Ïonal wasp gets in its sting, tbat only sharpens up the fun-for the unstung. But, there are some events like the fat men's race, that can be daneros.Wben men get aver 40, they may be fiiled witb beans and pepper, but tbey cannot run .like they used to race. That extra avoirdupois is heavy ta carry around. And it is a strain on the heart, if too sudden and too vio- Ail the fat men, and same not so fat, like ta get into the races. It's ail part of the fun. Just the same, it's better not ta take the event too seriausly. It can be bad for the fat man who thinks be is still a sprinter and tries ta prove it. .It could spoil the fun for every- one at the pîcnic if anyone pass- ed out cold froma too much exer- cise, concludes The Star. Forge eanly in July, thousands of PERPLEXING!, is concerned, by mutual consent of the Rotary, Kiwanis and Kins- men Clubs, it is "'frozen" ta ail outside Clubs. That is, outside clubs are not allowed ta bring cars or boats ta Lindsay and sel! draw tickets. Nor can Lindsay draw articles be peddled in any other towns and cities. th hief Webster bad a Duzzler is week when a number of the' Belleville Kinsmen Club sold tickets on a car. Tbe car was not in town but the salesman went from store to store and sold a raft of tickets. By the same gesýure a womnar from Bobcaygeon was in town selling tickets ta buy the 'Caygeon brigade fire equipment-at $ 1.00 per ticket.-Watchman-Warder. THE WOODS ARE FULL F THEM, Wbo wouldn't be a Boy Scout in Canada? From Newfoundland ta B.C. they ae hitting the sum- mer trails. While 239 Canadian Scouts were busy at the Ameri- can Scout Jamboree at Valley otbers were heiding for troop and district camps. Some Canadian Scouts go far. afield for their suxnxer fun-' Eighteen Newv Brunswick Scouts are this montb canaeing and sal- mon fishing on the Tobique Riv- er, Quebec Rover Scouts ar6 holding their annual &over Moatg at Tamaracouta, while a numbex' ot western. Scouts are guests at an Alberta Rancb. HAY MOW WARNING As baled bay weigbs four ta five times as much as loase hay per cubic foot, care should be taken not to overload the hay mow floor, say officiais in the 'ni.' vision of Field Husbandry, De-, pariment f Agriculture. Ottawa Shearlng Sehool A shearing school was held at Oakwood, Ont., for a Boys' Sheep Club and each member sheared a -""~rolled, tied and. packed the fleeDrinss.l Thcer sans o Hoelp e oTicer st and 0tcaverweretil obained oand thatiedsae tile dirsin andth fida gave ear li e spg rowth tas fond pan, th xprmetlamNp BQWMANVILLE LEGIONI AT DO WMAN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL STARTINO 6:m30 P.M. IDA' CHALLENGE BASEBALL PORT HOPE WINNER TO RECEIVE LEGION TROPHY Vs . VALUABLE ATTENDANCE PRIZES Luckv Ticket LDrdw. FOR GROUND'S 2S th BQWMA NYILLE PLYMOUIN CAR 5,' AND JOHNSON 5HEnP.OUTDOARD MOTOR SDecidI Euppy rraw DEAUTIFUL SAMOYEDE PUPPY- NEW CARNIVAL ATTRACTIONS Me rr y-h-Round Bingo - Fun for the Whole Family Excifing Camnes PROCEEDS FOR LEGION BUILDING FUND 'Phone: Office 681 King Street, Bowmanville BILL STACK DISTRIBUTOR Phone 2986 Bowmanville NATURE UNSPOILED el 1050 - 1 IN CASE OF RAIN CARNIVAL WILL BE HELO SATURDAY, JULY 29TH featuring Bowmanville Legio n TffUMDAY, JMT 21th, 1950 in à fflm ý q a m a a a Sec ýy GAME ý ADMISSION SURURDAN