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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1950, p. 12

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PAO! TW!LVN -~ __ ________ T CNATAI TAESMrEimamILN 0BLTARTO Y. Mn eog utefod a d WgWi . * h X t 1rn1 f A oh s o B L A C K S T O C K l irn a n G eorge R uthela r d and LS a ugnts, ro the Xaan c . A l m t e s o . Jésus' . Ure, W ho D unn. m anville, at M r. R oland T hom p -' a d b b , T r n o t M . J H h h n o t i p r a t i Afanan is RyBlir sh Sits IdanReItWentlal Sehool brought their littie ones ta Hlm Mi.andMrs.W. . Shorontoo,. alke'r. Ja.w dfo ha esy - ~awa. wlth Mrs. George Fowler. at Prince Albert, a'kthe Mn eeblse.SegveaprbeT r.nto, w r WeK.ndgSt Kre n, Tomsn .s1 dig al(nede okas ek Gdsopnsceti en hog Misse Clara Marlow and Doris Mi"s Dianne Blair who holidayed us for the bale senteto, them lest o! a motherwho taught ber fam., wilh the latter', Parenlts, Mr. and few days at Mr. W. Bridgett's, Congatulatio to Miss Oiegae rtadlv.M- Ham ilton are holiday mng at the with er grand mnother for several fail. iy c u a eKte g h n ho e ~ M s m i g n.B wa n Thle Beach. * Ring a ni n e o rbing a wardw e d ak r Ed G irl G uides' C am p at N ogie s W eeks returned hom e w ith tem . M r h n 1 0 w s e l z d t t e ycoagTe tr uepiand o ! d M r . andM r ig s. R n l h a e , D v d ~ e e 1 o i a i g a c o a s i o 3 0 0 y t Crek. issShile Snvksspet ~th gadenpary aLngfeld's for motb.erhood is love as God ih love. Coluxnbus, Ohio, were recent vMi- Dato rd. Roal Coservaory o Muui, To Mn. Fank aywel Osawaeral days in Port Perry wit hber the Church Renovatioji Puid. Prayer by lira. Blake Courtice tors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bal_ BrantodRya nsrtr fMui spent laist week wlth Mir. and aunt, Misa Hazel O'Neil. It was decidcd tb èhàrge adults 'and the Mizpah Bénédiction clos- son. r ad Ms BuglBr-on.Thsmk , lira. Howard Saywell. Mins Mildred Archer, Toronto, $1. and childrcn 50*ces for Uic cd tUic-meeting. A picnic sup- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnott, Loni- rough, Toronto,« at Mr. David $lý00.0 Miss. Rankine basre Miss Eva Parrr h spcding a few with Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer. Supper and entertaimient to be Per was then servcd on the lawn don, and Mr. Jesse Arnott, Max- 14 Icolm's.cevdnshorhisiceat -days in Bowmanville with Mr. Mis. George Fowler with Mr held August 28 in connectionwith with ah attendance o! ao. well's, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and September. Clarence Parr. and Mis. John Argue, Bowman- the opening cfo! ur church Aug- Recent-ýgueffts at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke. family, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gra- Synipathy is extended toa i Mr. and Mis. Leslie Mountjoy ville, on Sunday. ust 27, to célébratéte 10MOthAn- Mr, and Mis. Hilton Tinkwrc A most enjoyable time was ham motored ta Burley -Falls on ýelat1ves of the late Norman Hal visitcd with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ms ahy titn saa icsry of thé elaos. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hancock and,. spcnt at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday.mthrbeav en. co1 WraksPetrbooug o Su- senta wekwit he unle nd Two readinga ofle .fr6m the Liv- Murray, Lakeview; vMr. and Mis. Ivan Cochrand when Uhc Flinto!! EmrWlkradwas meedtno heSday enn.5I~ F day aut, r. nd is calcd"Ti.-Lord's Theoboid and daughter Dorothy, farniy picnic was held on Sun- Barbara, Mr. and. Mrs. Wamrne s oas ecid d ato h ve hinnua * Mrs. John McKee is vislting The Afternoon Auxiliary o! the Little Pig" by Mrs. Thos. Smxth Strongfull, Sask.; Mr. Harry KnoK day with an attendance of filty. --pisciii atanobnvely29 i PPIEDTOann1 friends ini Fenclon Falls. W.M.S. entertained the Mission and the other from .,the, Toronto of Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Norm- After a sumptuous picnic'supper Mm. ieatn rsoss Ashton en- Mrs. Alan Booker, Trenton, and Band, Baby Band and their moal- Star, "The Womenes Auxlirxy" by an Leach, Taunton. a presentation was made of a love- tr.e and r.tRosUicshtopl II Miss Leona Devitt, Port Perry, ers July 19 at the home o! Mrs. Mrs. A. L. Bailcy wremuh n- MmandMi. lmr unanaddlycote tbe ndicbrdehe wtM.adMs.rigtnD-E. Dorreli. There were f ifty joyed. two daughters, Toronto, attended groom, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cam- I !Emk llnBuijeo a don at the Enervicelen Hall on MAICEonPSunIM ' vitt. ~children and thirty-nine ladies Lunch was served"by -the- host- Ucsriea.Eeee nSn eron, Zion, who wcrc recently fon Ltn Fdnay teenni. ln al : Mr. and Mrs. R. Heaslip, Toron- present. Meeting opened with ess and committee.*in charge ýiid day morning and later, visited. married. Jack la a nephcw of!eongLsing Fia vnn. ta, with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace hymn "Tell Me the Stories of a social time spent. with relatives. Miss Mabel Chai-. Mrs. Cochrane. The couple ex- Sonuty for Ms.Fe Aht, A S R Mro.Jss fe hh.teMsinlis, Bowmanville and Mrs. Harry pressed their thanks ta the rela- S ri Bill and Marlene arc spendin, Mran rw Jesun an Bndsa"Jétur wic s the MLionleWIcox 'Hampton; Dr. and Ms. tives for the lovly gift. Stco rc ople of weks at Lake Cecebe I . ,Osand M is. B n s JDu nn an d n a " JersusLov e te Ltti Davies and family. Oshawa, were and Conm ret W. A. waà held at the home o ondr kte, O Ms.Joh Cil rn. MiRoyFenuson CU RuTIuE also in attendance at te Uic - Mrs. Chas. Garrard on Thursda Ford r. too Ui w or hip peri d a d sp ke ____ _ s ri d v~~ ed a Su da>w ith Salem W . A . as their gue t IMembers o! the W.M.S. quilted to -Uic childrcn, taking as hrervices and istd tthe home fIIJUHPrsdetMs.C ieo oee G ' thrce quilts in the church base- Scripture reading Luke 2:16-52. Services at Ebenéee on Sunlday o! Mr. and Mis. George Edgar. Pra~ u~ h eeting. Biblemradng was m nent on Monday for thc Winni- The Mission Band was in charge werc very fine and,- a ý.good. at- Sympathy is extendcd to Mrs. the meUiA e t is.. Blackbuin any peg Relief, o! Uic programme and Joan Ven- tendance. ïlowcr' service was Manley Rosebush-and the family Ronald Ashton is attending the Uic Aredevta by Mrs. Chasckur is.Frak FrbatnHamtoninnbePrrtdntHookchageoNacy bsrve. wth heJuiior mrch inUicsudchpaairge!.heNaancunyPeoles Cmp t Ok Rakin. rs.HaeeyJarieiors# Who teaches at Purpie Hill School and Margaret Chant, piano duet; ing to the foto hcuc n Manley Rosebush, Saturday last. Lake. Ratokincha Hrgeeyogramgv cntertaincd the following ladieib Catharine Bailey gzave a reading, placing their offerii-ii o! lovely. Miss Mina Hancock, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and eOR LANb he argem ldie.the dc-rm ta a lovely supper party at ber "Little Brown Bird"; Sandra Fer- flowers at the Cross. '-Rev. -Frank lis spending a holiday at the home family attended the Bradley pic- T n y heSae ldis.Th home last Friday: Mrs. Herb guson, sélection on Uic piano. A Yardley gave a most insiing ad- o! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin. nic at Orono on Sunday. J~~. votional period o! Uieir program Swain, Mrs. Clarence Marlow, skit was put on cntitled "ýOut in dress and also dedicatd-a beau- Mrs. George White, Pontypool, Mr. Chas. Rankine bas tom CENwithpotnso ! the BibMr.Cl rad j Mrs. Leith BMisEthel Lomne Uic Kitchen."1 Joan Venning and tiful baptismal font, prescnted is holidaying with hem grand- down bis barn and la 'building a P6J Nhby rosf. hac B iblaneMi.r( Thompson, Ms te Thompson, Joyce Fre sang a duet. in memory o! Uic laie Mm. and neice, Mrs. Alan Wilbur and Alaf. garage. GF. B ackure adndbMr. : also two friends from Enniskillen. The children were entertained Mr.A..Rudeb'tei oanayvstr t hi oe Mr.,and Mms. John Ross, Mary L. Welsh. A vocal duet was rn- ...~ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbcrt Wermy on the lawn, while the Auxiliary Mr. Elmer Rundle, Toronto. Dur- were Mr. and Mms. Oral Chap' and Cathy, Toronto, spent a fcw Wkh rPo adMis. . R Shackleton raig : visited ber brother, Mr. Tom took -up their business. Three ing the service the two little sons, man, -Kirby. days at the Ashton cottage. dere byMrs.R.Poackttoaan Harkness in Cavan on Sunday. quilts arc now ready to be quilted NiEdasoo!M. and rs Mr.adMs. Norman Gerrow Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nestace, Cernent base, this was given by Mrs. S. Buttcr Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitbread for Manitoba flood victims. The Herman Sweetman and Paulî19d- and Master David, Welcome, were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Miss adapprb r.G hc o! Bromley Kent, England, and meeting closed with hymn "In gar, son o! Mr. and 1Mrs. Gamnet Saturday guesta and Mrs. Mar- Marie Ashton, Toronto, at Mm. paint keys in tatnd anp"perwbyMrs.G. ackle- their son Donald, a graduate o! Christ There Is No East or West", Tubb werc presented for bap- vin Lucier and daughters Lynn Lloyd Ashton's. interior or exterior tries." A vote o! thanks was gv *Saskatoon University, and recent- anliMzah benediction. Ice tism. The choir provided iuitable and Shirley, Montreal, were F'i- Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and ly ordained in Cburch o! St. Bar- ceam with cake and cookies MUSIC. day and Saturday guests with faiyMsm.Cwiga r.iasonry surfaces en the Salem. ladies for thi ther prensMr.andMr. R faily Ms. . Cwlng t Ms.splendid program. Ail enjoyeda--- nabaaToonTor viitetohervil-iwrcdcrvehontherawn.TheJulymeeiergv!dh on teththiraarensTMhan Mis.R. TomÉaringtn's Eas Wbtby.. . ormaharlcnteshan lunh ws seved *atîves, Mm. and Mis. R. Wall and Mis, James Robeitson, Unity, noon W.M.S. wh-ich Was the an- Mm. and Mrs. Donald Johnston, lasting protection Mr.. and Mms. Dan Black an Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton over Sask., and Mis. J. Forder visitetd nual picnic, whcn Uic ladies en- Mm. Reid Dickie, Cadmus; Mm. fm yatMr George Johr.z. o Uic weekend. Mm. Donald Wbit- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. tertain the Baby Band an-d moth- Tom Fallon, Torolito; Mr. Russell against damaging Nestîcton. breadwillleaveAugut 13for S. Jon's Aglicn W.A. hed er was eld.'ýOPned' y th WriMt,.MTomlaPaWrmerMr.BowmanviétatienMr.Tou almer Bowanvi Port Harrison to take up bis work their July meeting at the home President Mrs. R. Gay in,,-Ui us- J.!ACHURS and Mrs. V. Bell and family, Lind- Lowcrifr ù t o -5t at Mm. Frank Denby's. .A U1iU ALhAJI. -amor.g the Eskimos. While beme, o! Mrs. Joseph Forder, Nestîcton, ual manner after wblchà, ;,a wcl- -say. Miss Dorotby Stainton, En- Mm. and Mrs. Carson Childer he enjoyed seeing Rcv. George on Thursday evening, ,July 20 come was extended 1to the motb- niskillen, at Mr. Dan Black's. . . lirninates fre- -hose, St. Ge orge, at Mr. -Do GlnResml aneod Nîcbolson's pictumes o! the Arctic. with Mrs.'Artbur Bailey, Presi- crs and children.-an-d. called on NeUw LT;ft Miss June Anderson, Toronto,qun me.itg.Cr'.t Ittab * MssEv Bow bs etmnc dnt i Uc har.the Baby Band Leaders, Mesdames .- ~ at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Margot Rankine is spendîng a hsaar . -ta Hamilton aftem visiting two Mrs. Nicholson who conducted A. J. Gay and K. E. Couùrtice toaeriizrMm. and Mms. Douglas Fontaine, No costly oil orweiatM.JD.GudsTon- vey ay !th yer wckswtbMisVea ode.the devotional period used tbe take charge of. the, program. Op- TootaSm .A cels Miss Jean Ford, Toronto, and text "For God so loved the worlcl ened by a chorus, after which the M.adMs aodGyadM.adMs ilSih Mm. and Mis. Bob Ford, Kirkland that He gave His only begotten childmen marcbed aréund the For Lawns, Sbrubs, RMm., Oaand M M r.ahosdGa and trpetner. CMxed aktd.aead aghes *Lake. witb M. and Mrs. Robert Son, that whosoevcr believeth in oom, and deposited their gif t Vegetable Gardens and rard's. in powder forai. Oshawa; Mr. dnd Mrs. Herb Scot, eidn.Mn ovr5 Ford. Him should not perîsh but bave boxes in a basket. Readings wcre Flowers Mr. and Mms. R. Corrîgan, Mm. rn; rsC.Aèyi trude, Mm. Melville Griffin and the greatest meaning o! each word Brown, Carol Courtice, Rutheth Ann Barb on a ra, Mm . Gand Mrs. RobcatdCVernond TrenMBowanvdl, Meiie eeae eas Doris with Mms. Walter Henry, o! this familiar text. Yamdley, Ray Pickell, Alva Jtns e recommcnded W.P. form- Cambel TrntatM. hs.M. m Trewin's iBlaeay o dget ad oc Cobourg. 'Mis. Fred Hamilton read part ton, Lynda Pollard, .Denny Gay, lila Bs developed by the Rankine's. Mode in Canodu by Mm. and Mms. Jack Stuart, Lonao nefr ihsep Miss Hazel Wright, Oshawa, o! an interestingz letter about Marion Muir, Janie Millar, Karen Ohio State University. Just Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore,' don, at Mr. Don Camemon's. witb Mms. John Forder. schools in Japan from oui Study Ormiston. A piano solo, Lynda diHwt ae egg e ens il, Miss r iss ED f lI T ________ re lnResml e Mm. and Mrs. Herman Hoocy Book. Osborne, Hamilton;. vocal solo, diut wthwaerPegHelens i, Mln Miss rsieMEDUSA PRO UCT with Mr. and Mrs. Foster Fer- Visitors were welcomed by the Charlotte Courtice. 'A vcery lovely and spray or spria- Brannigan. Miss Bessie Stevens, 3E-46 Buying cheap products ta sav dy guson', Orono. Mrs. Ferguson hs President, especially Mms. Blanche story was then told -the children Mr. Shirlie Forsey, Bowmnanville- money is like stopping the lock suffeing from a broken rib. Nesbitt. a former member who is by Miss Lyla Osbomne,"Why -Uic kle 1* on. Ask at Mm. Bill Stevens'. D n~t save time. daughter Virginia, Detroit, with one was pleased to sec Miss Eva dren then adjourned, outslde for your local dealer killen, at«Mrs. Hilda Cmossman's. Mr. and Mms. Gamnet Wright. Vir-- Parr, who bad the mis!ortune to games while the Presiclent -con- for i o- .Mm. and Mrs. Jack Potts and Hardware Co. ginia is staying with the Wright break a limb, able to resume ber ducted Uic business period. A family at Mms. Geo. Femguson's, (I* 'U ±81 D family wbilc hem parents vîsit duties as Treasumer. Miss Parr hymn was sung and .the ofcring j Hadw re Oh W a. SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE Montreal and other points. expmessed hem appreciation to eceivcd by Mrs. Wemryand Mrs. Lau uer H rw e 'Mrand Mrs. Keith Brown, Cad-. Phone 386 59 King St. W."- Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow Mrs. Malcolm for pefomming hem Covemley. Mrs. G. FP. Annis had musMr. and Mms. Frank Os0 and Bill spent Sunday in Cavan duties during ber absence. A let- charge o! the devotional and op- BOWMANVILLE - ONTARI Sodn aml, ec St-; m Bowmanvrlle* c- with Mm. and Mrs. O. Camley. ter was read by Mrs. Harry Mc- ened with the thougjit that them and ms. lN ewho sne;Bor- .r1' e, 'e f GIGANTIC STOREàWIDE NYLON HOSE!I FIRST QUALITY Fully guoranteed, and manufactured by one cf Can- ada s foremost aroducers of nylon hase. This spck is avoulable in ail the fa hioable summer and foîl shades. A real opportunfy for yau ta stock up on hase ut really special prices. 42 Gouge Houe, Reg. 1.50. Speciol ........ 10 45 Gouge Hos., Reg. 1.65. Speciol At...... 51 Gouge Hose <20 Denier) Reg. 1.95. Speciol At 12 Remember, ut th« GIOrY Au. Shoppes or et Atkins Hosiery and Lingerie Shop, ail ho, lis oemplel.y guerente.d against ao dean run or you receve a 5mw poi free of charge. S O K EE SWaalend cotton sockees in b:autfli Must Be Sold!1 Summer DRESSES Trop Value ... Top Styles . . . Top Sovingu ...Our ertîre stock of summer dresses ln sheers, spuns, sun backs etc., In beauti- fui summrer ihodes. An excellent msort. ment cf sires anid styles. Al Roduced From 25to 754yO0ff Té Clo0r Wih More SMASHING REOUCTIONS Corne and Toke Your Pick B athing SUITS Our Complote and extensive stock cf bathing suits is reduced ta clear. You wiIl find ail types and colors of bathing suits aIu on sole ta suit your pocketbook. Comploe Stock Reduced To Clear Wlat A Value!1 Ladies, here is anPportunîty to OýWn a cool sumnmer =. . ,.l..J,...L..I... beautifully styled suits in gabardines and woadwinds in pastel shades of blue, white, Pink, mustord, beige, brown, green, etc., are avoulable in a camplete range cf siàs - for the eorly shopper. REG. 22.50 VALUE $15,e95- Don't Miss This!1 SWEATERS Ail waol sweaters in Iovely sds.Bath cardigans and pulvrs in ail sizes. - ~f~Pliovrs $349 - $298. Exciting Velu. ! SLACK SUITS smart summer styles in gabardines and waadwinds in beoutifui timely shodes of blue, brown, greys, etc. An excellent assartment of sizes and styles for the eorly shopper. Our complete stock of slock reduced for this sum- mer clearance sale. 5 9 SHORTS Cottons, gabardines, carduroy, etc. Beoutifully styled shorts, aIl reduced 2 5to 50%Qoff. THE GIoÎY Whot a BUY 1 T-SHIRTS Plain shodles, sieeveless and Y2 sîseve ln stripes and pastel sh-ides. Styled to suit every play hour. The complet. stock re- duced ta cleor. Reg. $ 1.50. Sole price $1000, Clearout Valu.! SLACKS Gabardines, checks, drapes, etc. A reol aPPortunîty for reol sovings as we put aur complote slack stock on soie. Ail reduced fromn regulor prices. Se. the yellow sole price tags on each Iock for yaur speciol price. An.' SHOPPES OSNAWA. OWMAN VILLE. KINGSTON. ORILLIA e --------- - --------r------ ---r --------- ~ I Contionues AIl.Week -I g 4) p 1 TRUMUAY, JULY - 171h, 195j 1 1 «orl_,>Omwwd l2ý m Ji &M "qurmýftlAV 994% inaik OSHAWA, DOWMANVIUE. KINGSTON. ORILLIA

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