PAGE ÎSIXENTNCNDINSAEMN OWMVLE.OTTOA W &* £4I~JA~AJ5~ S~ U 'J&5 £ q g iu. .LUU . BIRTHS DARCH - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Datch are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Mary Dianne, on Wednesday, July igth, 1950, at Bowmanville Hospital. 30-1* POWELL-Mr. and Mrs: Stanley Powell, Newcastle, wish to an- nounce the birth of their daugh- ter, Judith Ann, a sister for Beth, on Friday, July 2lst. 30-1 ENGAGEMENT Dr. and Mrs. R. E. p inniwell wish ta announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Patricia Helena, ta Dr. D. Bradney Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Palmer, Clinton, Ontario. The marriage xiii take place August i9th, in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, Ontario. 30-1* ,MARRIAGE EDWARDS - WHITE - On Sat- urday, July 22nd, 1950, at 4:30 o'ciock, at the home of the bride's parents, Maple Grave. by the Rev. F. Yardley, Annis Jean White, daughter af Mr. and Mrs. L. C. White, ta Melvin A. L. Edwards, son af Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Edwarcks, Toronto. 30-1 DEATH JOHNSTON, J. H.-At Boxvman- ville on Monday, Juiy 24th, 1950, J. H. Johnston, beloved husband of Vera Lunney and dear father ef Bert and Eleanor (Mrs. Bruce Wesley, Walkerton). Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville. Service in the Chapel an Friday, July 28th, at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 30-i C ARDS OF THANKS Ray Dudley xvould like ta thank every one xvho sent in votes ta Opportunity Knocks for him. They xvere greatiy apprec- aated. He wiil next be heard on the air August 6th at 3:15 aver C.J.B.C. 30-1* Mr. and Mrs. John Bigeiow af Manor Pride Farms, Kirby, wish ta express their sincere apprec- iatian ta the many friends xvho made the celebration of their 5th Wedding Anniversary such a happy event. They desire also ta say a special "thank you" ta the Women's Association of Kirby Church whose untîring efforts made the occasion a momentous one. 30-1 IN MEMORIAM GRAY-In iovîng memory of Mrs. Robert Gray xvho entemed inta rest at Newcastle, Juiy 29, 1949: Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother, It Is sweet ta breathe thy name. In lufe we ioved yoiu dearîy, In death xve do the same. -The family. 30-1* KENNEDY-In pmoud and iovîng memomy of a dear sorn =d- broa- ther, George M. Kennedy, killed in action in Sicily, Juiy 25, 1943: Theme is stili an ache in aur hearts today That countless yeams xvon't take away, We smîle xith the world but neyer forget In aur garden af memaries he is living yet. -Lavingly emembered by Mather, Sisters and Brothers. ýý30-1# TINK-Cherisbed memories of a kind busband and father, Herbert Edxvard Tink. who passed axvay July 30thiý 1943: -Ever remembered by xife and family. 30-1 Wanted To fient ROOMS or apartment, by yaung couple xith small baby. Phone 3698. 30-1 HOUSE or 'épartment, for busi- ness couple in Baxvmanville vicin- ity by September lst. Phone 2674. 30-1 IN the Matter af the Estate af MARGARET A. KINÙ, late ai the Town af Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Clcrk, De- ceased. ALL persans having dlaims against the Estate ai the abave named deceased ýwho died on 0Tr about the 8th day ai July, 1950, are requestcd ta file proof af the same with the undemsigned on or befome the 3lst -day ai August, 1950, after which the Estate wili be distributed having regard onlv ta the dlaims of wbich notice1 shall be liad and ta the exclusion ai ail others. DATED at Oshawa, this i7th day of July, 1950. HUGH Ri. MECHIN, Executor, bv bis Solicitor, ERNEST MARKS, Esq., Bamister. etc., 11 King Street, E., OSHAWA, Ontario. 80-a 1 COMING EVENTS Bowmanville Beach Associa- tion Carnival and Sports Day at West Beach, Bowmanville, Aug. 5 -6 -7. Fun for youngj and aid. 29-2 The Port Hope Band xiii give a Band Concert in the Bowman- ville Memorial Arena on Friday, August 4th starting at 8 p.m. In addition there xiii be several numbers by local talent. Ad- mission 25c. 30-2 Lost ONE Red Steer, i ½/ years aid, de- horned, from Lot 9, Con. 8, Dam- lington. Reward. Milton Stain- ton. Phone 2354. 30-1' Foundi ONE steer strayed an my pro- per'ty. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. M. J. Stainton. Phone 2354. 30-1* Notices Palmer'.s Barber Shop xil be ciosed August 6th ta ith. 30-2 Wanda's Beauty Shop will be closed fmom Juîy 31 to Aug. 12, inclusive. 30-211 Dr. Birks' office wiîl be closed fom July 28th ta August 27th inclusive. .128-6 The office ai W. R. Strike will be cîosed for haîidays from Aug. 7th ta Aug. 26th, inclusive. 30-3le Dm. H. Femguson's affice will be ciosed after June 28th and xili be apened again on August 7th. 30-2* Dr. C. J. Austin's office wili be closed for holidays from Sat- umday, August 5th ta Monday, September 4th inclusive. 30-6 BUSINESS FOR SALE - Truck- ing Business for sale with P.C.V. licence. Class F. C. H. ta and from Bowmanville. Phone 835 Baxvmanville. 30-if Frank's Garage and Snack Bar xiIl be ciosed fmam Saturday, Julir 29th ta Frîday, August 4tb, inclusive. Open again an Satur- day, August tb. 31 YOUR FUTURE IN THE STARS -Wouîd you like ta know xvhat the next tbree montbs hold in store for you? Are you inter- ested in a detailed character analysis for:your. bith sign? For. thmee montbs' forecast or char- actem analysis send birthday xith f ifty cents ta Doreen E. Perrett, Ccrtified Astmoiogem, R.R. 1, Bow- manville, Ont. 30l ART'S CAR MARKET 175 King St. W., Bowmanville Cash - Trade - Easy Terms Hame of Better Deais on Better Cars This Week's Special Is a 1947 Plymouth Special DeLuxe Sédan -- Very low mileage, dlean as a pin. This iight green beauty is the smartest thing on wheeis. Full price only- .--$1450 *00 $580.00 dawn payment and 18 months ta pay. 1948 Pontiac 'I" Black Gaod as nexv. Sedan-1 Fuil Price -- ------ ------ $1550.00 1947 Pontiac "6" Coach - Low mileage, many extras. Full Price $1495.00 1947 Pontiac "6" Coach - Spatless $1480.00 1941 Dodge Sedan - Looks smart, peforms beautifully. Fuit Price ----------- $950.00 1941 Chev.*Coalch - New paint ob, A very dlean car. Full Price -------$995.00 1939 Chrysler Sedqn - Motor is perfect. Smart ajpearancc and is vemy cdean. Full price ----- ---------- $795.00 19I8 Pierce Arrow Coupe - j $650.00 $695.00 $395.00 $595.00 $47i.00 $195.00 1935 Ford Sedan.------- 1934 Pontiac Sedan ----- $195.00 1933 Oids. Biack Sedan --$50 Goad shape .--- ---------- 1933 Rockne Sedan ----- $195.00 1933 WiIIys Coupe $ 99.00 1932 Pontiae Sedan.------3125.00 1931 Graham Coupe - Good brakes ----3125.00 1931 Hupp Sedan $125.00 1929 Ford "A" Sedan --3120.00 1929 Ford "A" Coach $~- 120.00 These prices are good oniy until1 9:30, Saturday evening. 1 Juiy 29th, 19501 Open Evenjngs lUntil 9:30 1 See us at once Rnd be anc of auri very satisiied customers. Art-icles For Scl1e '38 CHEV. coach, good condition. Wilfred Wood, Newtonville. 30-1* '34 FORD sedan, very good con- dition. Phone 3575., 30-1* '37 CHEV. coach; 1947 pick-up G.M. truck. Phone 418. 30-1* MASSEY-HARRIS grain binder, 6 foot cut, in working order. Phone 2813.3f- FORD front end, wheéls and tires, ready for trailer box. Phone 900. 30-1 MAROON pram, in excellent con- dition. Apply 31 Liberty St. N. 30-1 '30 MODEL "A" Ford, goed con - dition. Mrs. Anderson, Bethany. Phone 14r5. $125.00. 30-1* 1 SCOTT-ATWATER outboard motor, suze 3.4 h.p. Phone 2607 after 3 p.m. 30-1* '38 DODGE sedan, gocd mech- anically, good tires. 39 Duke St. 30-1* C.C.M. BICYCLE, very littie used, reasonable price for quick sale. Phone 409. 30-1 1934 OLDSMOBILE, seaT .beam lights, good tires, battery, etc. Phone 665. 30-1* NEW cabbage, beets, carrots, let- tuce, etc. Phone 2680 and crn and get it. 30-1 ONE white enamel eiectric wash- ing machine. Phone Clarke 1224. 30-11 ICE BOX, large. Barnet,, white, as; good as new, a reai buy. 9 Duke St., Bowmanville. 30-1 MASSEY-HARRIS binder, 6 ft., No. 4-5, in good working con- dition. Phone 12,13 Clarke. 30-l1* MASSEY. HARRIS binder, 6 foot cut. Phone Bowmanville 2047. 30-1* BINDER, Cockshutt, 7 foot cut, tractor hitch. Phone 2101 or 2372.301 CONGOLEUM 1-ugs and yard goods available in many colour- fui patterns at Morris Co. 17-tf 24 ACRES standing mixed grain. Bert Johnson, R.R. 2, Btrketon. Phone 2290. 30-1 1932 PONTIAC coach, heater, good tires. Apply 97 Ontaria St. or Phone 3507 after 6 p.m. 30 l* QUANTITY of used lumber. Cali or Phone 2077 after 6 o'ciock. 30-11, WE have Plymouth Red Top Binder Twine for sale at $12.50 per bale. Vanstone Flour & Feed Miil. Pho ne 777. 30-1* STUDIO couch; dresser; apart- ment size electric aven; hand wringer and copper boiler. Phone 3254. 30-1*. LAWN moxver; ice box; bmass bed and springs; dresser. Evelyn E. Cooke, Newvcastle, Ph on e Clarke A2621. 30-1 IONE 7 foot cut International bindeýr, in excellent condition, with tractor and horse hitcb. Phone 1631 Clarke. 30-1 EUREKA Vacuum Cicaners, tank models from $39.50 up at Morris Ca. Phone for free demonstra- tion. 17-tf BALED mixed hay in first ciass shiape, special dclivery an large orders. Walter Frank, Boxvman- ville. Phone 2403. 29-2* WE measure and instali Venetiaii Blinds. Phone Morris Ca. for estimates. We also carry a on plete stock of xindoxv shades. 17-tf BE READY for Spring and Sum- mer xith Sisman Scampers for cbildren, boys and men, Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, 39 King St. W., Boxvmanville. 19-tf '30 CHEV., in gaad condition throughout. With scal beam head- lights and heater. Clarence Gib- son, Bowmanville, R.R. 3. 30-1* LARGE, modemn, electric range, (Findlay); also large pram and bassanette. Apply 18 Duke St. 30-i* MASSEY-HARRIS grain binder,1 perfect running condition, cut onî 'v 20 acres since factomy aver- haul. Reasonablv piced. George Martyn, R.R. 1, Port Hope. 30-1 VEÈNETIAN Blinds, Flexaium, Steel or Aluminum Decorator Shades, anc price 70e sq. ft. ex- pert installation. Phone 451, Walkér Stores. 23-tf BEECH and mapie, green cord- wood, $18.00 a cord, sawed and delix'emed; alsa fence pasts. H. M. Kyte, Burkcton, Phone Port Perry 193-r-14. 15-tf BARRELS !! ! STEEL BARRELS! $3.50 each BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 24-tf NEW and late model automobiles insumcd and finapced. Dealer or private sales. Inquire about this low cast plan. Roy Lunney, 48 King St. W., Phone 565. 23-tf CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yarmd goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards xide, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf 5-ft. CASE mawcr; uscd 6-foot Cx'se mowcr; nexv 7-foot Case powcr mowem: new Case side rake: used I.H.C. power corn binder: uscd Sulent Glow 011 Heater: new tractars in stock. W'. ýH. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497* Articles For Sale CONVERT your wagon whecls ta rubbcr, camplete stock of steel rims, tires and tubes now avail- able. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shap, Corner King and Silver Sts., Phone 467. 16-tf 1949 FORD custoa coach, custom- built radio, air conditioning. This car bas loxv mileage. Spare tire neyer been used. Price $1825. Phone 630, Oshawa, any momning after nine. 30-1'* 1948 CASE tractor, lights, starter, pulley, powver take-off, hydraulic brakes. Reasonably priced or will take cattle in exchange. Joseph Crawford, Hampton. 30-1 LINOLEUM hcadquarters in Osh- awva and district. Rexolcums, Congolcums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Every pattern that's made, is available at Badley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf WATERLOO tbreshing machine, 28-45 combination, in good shape, on rubber, and Rumelv tractor on rubbem. Wiil seil separate or tagether, 25-40 horse power. M. J. Peeman, Oshawva, R.R. 2, Phbnc Boaklin 3r3l. 30-9* IMMEDIATE dclivcry, Faix banks Momse space heaters. Heat youm home the safe, dlean economicai way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bradlcy's Fumniture and Appli- ance Ca., 40 King St. W., 0shwa OIL bumners installed, completp with anc year guarantee, $350.0-11 and up-for as little as $35 clown and 24 months ta pa ' . S. Blain Elliott, Piumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone 3348. 29-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oul Bumners installed anyxvbere i Purbam County. Reasonable rates and higbest qualityv. For free estimnates caîl S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing. Phone 3348.29t BRADLEY Fumniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271 -3-pc. bedroon, suites, $6900; steel bed outfits, complete. $26.95; felt base floor covering, 49c a squame yd.; chbrame chairs. $6.9.5, ail colars; 3 pe. allover velour chestemficld suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $6600; spring- filled mattresses. $24.95; tri-ight lamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, anges from $59-00; 3-pc. allover velour bed cbesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, S349.50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95; table lamps. 3".75. Evemytbing for, the hume at Bradley's. 40 King St. W-. OshaWa. Phone 271. 6-tf Articles For Sale ALL' kinds af meat, good quaiity xveiners, bologna, cooked hams, smoked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger. Dariington Pack- ing Ca., Hampton, Phone 2836; also pickling, smoking antd saus- age making. During the sumnýer months - hog kiling an Tues- days and cattie at any time. 20-tf S700.00-USED Model H tractor, like rexv; nexv Models M, MT, AR on floor ready ta do your xvork; nexv manure spreaders, 6, 7 and 8 ft. discs, tractor mowers, bar- rows, side delivemy rake and a comiplete line of farm machinery available. Sec F. S. Allen & Sans an No. 2 Higbway, 2 miles wcst af Bowmanville, Phone 2833 or 594. 30-1* TEN -Pc. Living-room groups. Many colaurs and style combin- ations ta choose from. Groups include: 2-pc. Velaur Chester- Help Wanted fDOMESTIC-Good cîcaner, 9 ta 11l, twicc xveekly, one-roamn apamt- ment. Phone 3528. 30-1 VACANCY - Rawlcigh business noxv open in Boxvmanvilie. Trade xveli established. Excellent appor- tunity. FuIl time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-G-140-189, Montreal. 27-4 MALE or female clcrks wanted for progressive Bowmanville me- tail store, gond hours and xvages, give full particu]ars of previaus experience if any, age, education, etc. Write ta Box 430, c/o The Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 30-if Work Wanted HOOVER Vacuum Cleaner and Floor Polisher. For Sales and Recd Estate For Sale COOKE REAL BBTATE If you are lni the market for a good farma with Faîl or Spring possession, it is n1brd than likely that we hâve just what you're iooking for-. Excellent' values among our listings. Inspections invited. No obligation. Contact, Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor Phone Clarke A2621 Newcastle 30-1 NIXOCN- REAL ESTATE Cozy si.x-room, new brick dwell- ing on Jane St., ail conveniences, full basement, garden, possession 30 days. $2,000 down payment. 30 acres, 7-roomn frame house, barn 30x50, stable, pig pen, hen house, 4 acres bush. $1,500. 2 horses, harness and implements j can be bought separately. 96 acres north of Bowmanville, dlay loam, brick bouse, ,8 rooms, hydro, furnace, 2 barns, ¼1/ mile from schooi and church. One of the best in the township. 100 acres good land, 80 acres workable, 4 acres orchard, creek, well, bush, frame bouse, 9 rooms, 2 barns, good stable, water in house and barn, milk house, good gravel road. Reason for selling, iii health. $8,000. Terms. 61V- acres, 4-roomed frame dwell- ing, weil, cistern, hen bouse, strawberries, black and red ber- ries, north' of Tyrone. $1,600. Terms. Beautiful brick dwelling, 6 rooms, ail convenjences on Fiett St. Pos- session arranged. $2,000 down. Brick bouse on Concession St., 7 rooms, ahl conveniences, gar- age. $5,500. James Nixon, Broker c 10 iberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 ý"O Li30-1* HAMILTON REAL ESTATE $2,500-Practically new cottage, an 20 acres south-east of Kendal. One af the fincst 40 foot xide traut streams in the country crasses the pmoperty. $3,500-Ncar Orono, 40-acre pro- perty including gaod stmeam, year round open road, one stomey ncxv log cabin, 3 raoms, electric iight, ciectric water pressure. Reduccd for immediate sale. Terms. Make offer. $3,800-East of Orona, 33 acres of choice land xvîth good buildings, including metal raofed barn with xvatcm, new chicken bouse and 8- raomed pefcctly conditi o n e d bouse, water piped in kitchen. Open for offer. Terms. Immed- iate possession. Key at office. $5,000-Near Leskard, 100 acres, 2 gaod barns, metal raafed and cancrete floars, cernent silo, xvater: in barn. Spotlessly dlean 6-room- cd insul-bric residence, bard- xvaod floars. Stock and impie- ments may aiso be bought as a going conccmn. Easy temms and possession to suit. $6,000-On paved highway near, Milibroak, fine 93-acre farm, goad barn xith xvatem, hen bouse and garage, 2 ceeks. Well kept 8- roomed insul-bric residence, elec- tricity, bardwaod floars, full sized cellar with cistern. Easy temms. Possession ta suit purchaser. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Ontario Phones: mes. 1m16 - office 32r10 30-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $750 dawn-Nexv six-raom bunga- low, beavy xwiring, nexv well, on U~-acme lot, facing new HiXhxvay near Bowmanvilie. Price $3500. $1.000 down-Six-room bouse, 4 acres land, hydra, weii, close ta iiei z-ite z atinuusion, izievc, t..tJsviOiivliC. ycir - V ri-ay------.uivtit-HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber Walnut Coffce Table, 2 Wainut Shop.- Dial 471. 30-4* rc $3,500.____ goods) maiied postpaid in plain End Tables, i Attractive Table sae neoewt rc it Lamp, 1 Metai Smokcr, 1 Alum- HOUSE-KEEPING j6b wanted by 1New bungalow, five rooms, p saidevcoewthp-e it inum Serving Tmay. 10-pc. Spcc- eldcrly woman. Keeping bouse for ture xindoxv, modemn kitchen and SiMalerDeptc28, Nov-Rub-00 iai $169.00 oniy at Badiey's, 40 elderly man. Apply Phone 813.1. bathmoam. Price $7,200. Terms. bel rdea., Box T91 , amilton, King St. W., Oshawa. Tcrms ta 30-1* e oBx9,HmloO suit. Many other suites ta choose Brick home, 8 ooms, amail barn, 2 from. 2-tf PAINT1NG & Decomating, interiar nice grounds, 3/5 acre, low taxes, and exterior. Fine carpentmy on quiet esidentiai street in TRADE-INS - baby crib, kitchen work. Guarantecd satisfaction. Newcastle. Price $6,000 with Famil y Reunion chair, ice boxes, rangettes, Find- Free Estimates. Phone 77r7 Orono. balf cash. lay cambination coal and gas Horace York. 30-4 HANCOCK FAMILY PICNIC range, mantel radios, coal range, Modemn bungalow, in narth end medium size coal beater, floor CUSTOM combining, self propell- af taxvn, anc af the best. $6,700 Beautiful Nichols Oval, Peter- model electmic range, 4-humner cd machine. Contact G. Ian with tcrms. Immediate possess- borough, was the setting for the under-oven, complete with ligbt; Henry, Campbelcroft, Ont., or ion. annual get-together of the Hancock electric kettle, ncw fans ta clear Edgar Nicholîs, Port Hope, Phone clan on Wedncsday, July 19th, at cost, new portable battemy and 3341. 29-3 Special -Farm, 100 acres, near when same 80 of the clan gath- electmic radio ta cîcar at cost. Cadmus. large 12-room brick ered f rom Ottawa. Belleville, Beatty floor polisher, like new, GE NE R AL Building Repairs, home, drive shed. Price $4.000 Warkworth, Orono. Bawmanviile, bar"ain: electmic refrigerator, 7 asphaît, metal and aluminum with tcrmns. Newcastle, Newtonvilie, Port cuie feet, slightly scratcbed shingles, insui-brick sold and' ap- Hope. and Vancouver. Rev. WII- in shippîng - large eduction plîcd. Free estimates, Ed. Starry, $3.180 down-Bmand new ultra- lis G. Hancock af Crescent, B.C., Mumpby's, Phone 811. 30-1 Builder, Phone Port Perry 277J. modemn bungalow, six rooms, ail the oldest member of the clan, 85, 16-tf painted, hamdwaod floors, hot air baving came the longest distance. Pet Sae BAKEautomatic ail heating, air con- Duming the aftemnoon a good PesFor S l RK DRUMS! ditioning, beavy wiing, laundry sports programi was run off witb Lathing, Honing and Grinding tubs, eiectric bot water heater, races and cantests of vamious FOXHOUND pup, male, blue. 3 Wc specialize in complete rubbem tiled hall, kitchen and kirids witb prizes for winners. months old. Clarke 2430. 30-i brake overbauls. bathmoorn. Full size cellar, divld- A*bountiful supper was prepa~ TWOCokerSpnie ppspue- BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE cd, suitable for recreation rom c d and enioyed by aIl. Specl TW Cckr pail up, ur-Phone 804 Bowmanvillc or' warksbap. Price $8,300. Im- table decoration was donated a bre. Pone209. 3-i25-1 mediate possession. North end Of aranged by CEif Hancoclc of j tawn. WMOWRSPeterborough. Wantad f LA NOERS__ -After the repast Roy Hancock, CARPT seepr, n god on-Have -thmSHARPENED h Wce aiso have other bornes, lodges, President, called the gathering te- CARETsxvepr, n oodcai- be shrpnedxvthOU' famms, businesses, etc. gether and a new slate of officers dition. Phone 2839. 30-11 new precision machine. Cail 467 for pickup and dclivery Bowmanviile Real Estate was elected for 1951, as follows: Wanted To Buy G. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHQP , 78 King St. West Pres. Morley Hancock, B.A., Port ___________________21-tf J Shehyn D. Maclachian Hope; Sec'y-Treas., Mrs. Clarence ___________andbatteies._Phon Phone 3326 Bawmanville Aflin. Newcastleç Sports Com- 'CrAPe ranandbateris. hon Phone 689 Oshawa mittee, Mrs. Gea. Wood, Orono, Clrk 230 ltf Farmers Attention!I 30-1 and Mmi. W. 'teeple, Bowman- iUH fiust be predominatelyvle hard maple. H. Ml. Kyte, Phone WE xiii be pieased ta pick up Fctnn Heîp VBaseball wls enjoyed by the Port Perry 193rl4. 22-tf dead or crippled farmn animaIs teenagers and the small fry took and pay higbest prevailing prices. EXPERIENCED, reiiable Holland great pleasume in the several BEFORE selling your live poultrY 1 or immediate service Telephone1 families available.'Arriving soon. 1lides, etc., provided by the park. trv us. Our prices are higber. M.; Collect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or, Write ta S. Buma, R.R. 1. Ne'stle- The 1951 picnic lu to be held Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r ;Cobourg 1266W. Gardon You ng ton. Ont. Phone 225 - 24 Part at Cobourg with date to b. ai- 13, reverse charges. 17-tf LtcI. 2t1 Perry. 22-14 ranged. Real Estate For Sale AT CAES.A2REA, year-round cot- tage, large lot, èlose to Iake. Apply H. Hall, Oesarea, Ot 100 ACRE' farm - 75 ýworkablp fertile land, 25 bush and ]Pasture with running water, 6 acres young orchard, good barns, brick bouse. Apply Erie Thompson, R.R. 3, Port Hope. 30-1 For Rent GARAGE to rent, near Conces- sion and Elgin Street. Write Box 431, c/o Statesman Office. 30-1' FOUR-roomed apartment, with bathroom, available at the end of July. Phone 3259 or 703. 30-1 THREE rooms, with hydro, pre. ferabiy adults. Phone Clarke 1224. 30-1 Auction Sales Auction sale of bousehold fects, the property of Mrs. G1i Campbell, xiii be held at Flett St., Bowmanvifle, on Sat- urday, July 29th, at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 30-1 The undersigned has received instructions ta seil b y public auction for the estate of the late Mrs. Mary Griffin, in the village of Enniskillen, on Saturday, July 29th, al ber household effects: also the property, conisisting of frame house, ten raoms; double garage and barni, bard and soft water. Terms on furniture, cash. Terms on real estate given day of sale. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Clif- ford Petbick, auctianeer. 29-2 Ch.Licks For Sale BRAY pullets, started chicks- and some mixed -prompt ship- ment. September-October chicks order now. Agents: H. W. Staple- ton, Newtonvilie; F. L. Byam, Tyrne. 30-1 Livestoc k For Sale TEN pigs and 2 fresh cows. EIGHT Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks aid. Phane 2487. 30-1 EXCELLENT grade 3-year-old Holstein cow, with txvo months aId heifer caif. Apply D. B. Pickering, R.R. 2, Newvcastle, on Highxvay No. 2. 30-1 230 HYBRID puilets, five months aId, just started ta lay; also Massey-Harris, 7-foot, recondi- tianed binder. Apply W. J. Bragg, Bewmanvilie,'R.R. 4. Phone 2192. 30-1 Custom Work PLOWING,' cultivating and soxv- ing. J. H. Alldread, Phone 496. 29-8' Chiropodist T, M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, speclalizing in diseases of the f001 andi ieg. General chimopody work. Suite 2. 47 Prince St., Oshawa. Phone 3947. 35-tf Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, g4laranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shap, King St. West. 9-tf CH-ISTERFIELDS completely re- built and re-uphoistered. Satis- faction guaranteed. Have aur consultant cali at no obligatiorr Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, damestic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Personal BnING YOU MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS w- PÂY CASH AuD S>SVE.-MIHTM COST 35c PER AD PUBLIC Scbool teacher, wife and Maniy extras child moving tn Bowmanvillc desire ta ent bouse or apartment 193> Pontiac Se dan- as soon as passible. Phone 635 *Cbev. motor, new paint. ýj _t A real buy ý---- ---- FOUR-room apartment urgently 1937 LaSaile Cab. - needed by middle af August, by To Clear------- young couple, no cbildren, ab- stainers. Phone Dourg 'MiEGee,197Ch. da - 24r4 Omono. 30-2' Burns no ail - ------- Notice Io Credilo fr s an lokssmrt--- ------- ---- --- - -- ------------- - - ------ Ip 0-qqpqw - - a 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMM BOWMAUVnl,&ý ONTAM q"tvtlmmàqp- gwob tom