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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1950, p. 13

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.............................................................................~4......- 'SIC MAIY. AUOUST lôth, 19,50 TuZ CA!*ADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMAxviLLIP ONTApIO <1 YOUR ETES and Rewritten rom previous copyrights ai C. H. TUCK Optometrist Disney Hidt. (Opp. P-0.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 113 'flic symptoma ai stnain upôn ffhe eyes ai a chilti are generally noticeti easily anti are among the foilowing: Complete turning an a tendency af the eyes ta turn ln, out, up an down; Twitching ai the lids or ai the face; Chonetic movements; Sitting the litis ai eyes close tagether in the effort ta sec; Tunning the heati side- ways ta sec better; Cloting anc eye anly.. In some cases nausea anti vomiting may be tounti. Car sickness when riding or driving in street cars, buscs an moton cars may be due ta eycstnain. Manketi headache is, ai course, a common symptam. (CoPyrighted) Here is a direct call to young men to fulfili an impo rtant duty tô self and country by joining the R. C. A. F. aircrcw. Right now there is an urgent need for young men betwecn the ages of 18 and 24 to train as: " PILOT S " RADIO OFFICERS " NAVIGATION OFFICERS National sccuriiy and personal freedom demand that Canada be strong. Consuit the Career Comnsellor at your nearest R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centre, andfind out whether >pm can qualfy. Get a11 the détails of how yoau can go Aircrew. ROYAL CANADIAN Aum FORCE APPLY TO: R.C.A.F. RECRUITING UNIT 55 YORK STREET TORONTO, Phone: PL5636 or 5637 V W1 ONTARIO G o y a rsd n anadnai rvle.J. Hutchinson on behaif of the e lhD.adM.J .Loi Qood earPreide T hisn a rdsanrofra e wle. in " m i"Grateful Grandiparents" handed et ei soSudyathrsumrom Ce10brt« 50 YearS land bas been treated kindly byi a1*1osdnaintohl Wîth On. Company isSusas avisitedaithetowneths ofweeki hau lent a most holplng hand. H e booklets. T e O o o Nw joehEbube as led a vigorous but strongly _FJ our af Mrn. Carlton's pupils A. .E oiiM.adMs I ars Jouph . ueberself-disciplined career. August 7, 1950. af ten years ago gave a dellght- OMnaa, re.pendngLhoswee (Akron Beahon-Herald) Business has been his life but To the Editor of The Statesman:sfuirausprano, Phyll i ene, . adMr.JAksrVn boeadMss deeMtowhMradMs.acMri. July 9, 1950 Mrongnagos.he. discoverVn- toreesecretssDeare Sm: Tlfwne o h itnton ago elaîn, isow et e pu t deaSir:second, GraceaSutPheylland,Gecarin-couver, B.C., were weekend Toronto, spent the holiday week-_________ th elaig f oCopu sd Through your columns may I- _ tralto, with Sheila McCartney at guests af Mr. and Mrs. A. E. end with their parents here. o menn gsotedistnctopn ae ta onewt eading akyut xrs u ert othe argan. Billett; suppen guests on Sunday Mn. Charles Wood, Kitcheneris aaaslrettae ul ofan t o ate it century cTha jan organizatian ai 70,000 emn-asyotaepssuregtsa ayfrahl etr.Ta spoe.the Residents fram Cedar Crest Donny Green read like a plat- were Mn. and Mrs. K. A. Billett spending his holidays at bis hom ois h.TrdsadLbu wrhy this la a memorable monthpoy. . ta the Harbour that a correspon- ormn veteran a welcome ta the and Mary Jean of Hampton. here and with bis grandson Davi ogesa aaaadteCr. ini the lite af Paul Wceks Litch- That explains why bis assaci- dent signfng bimself "Cottager" visiting parents and friends. Job» Visitons with Mn. and Mns. R. Phascy attended the sparts dyainCnrs fLbubt fild te lo fr i t sa a hetokitupnhiseftomirpr-White was master af cenemanies H. Wood and Allie were Mn. and in Newcastle on Monday, wbere eicueuin iiitdwt hI Fornex Sturay hechar-helm af the company as long as sent us holiday boat-owners. for the treasurer's repart, bis as- Mrs. George Armoun, Hampton; won twa dressed chickens in ntdSae anepra Yornexite board aiGoohear he is physically able. We cansider the ipraperty own- sistants being Bob Carlton, Dave Mrs. H. Hills and Mn. and Mrs. lucky draw. STire & Rubber Ca. completes 50 The cancer af Paul Litchîield ers' requcat reasanable that spee Parker, Gary Cale, Eleanor Pick- Albert His, Tyrone; Mns. West Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Eustae_______________ j ves wlth the Akron tirm. He bas and tbe bistary af Goodyear have boats dispont tbemselves a decent ard, Holly Fox, William Barrick. Haskin and Mrs. Deb. Flintoff, and famly annivcd home a been its chief executive neariy been inseparabie since July 15, distance tram shore- to avoid ac- ULJ Miss Wila Simpson gave an in- Oshawa. Thunsday last atten spending hait of that time. 1900. It was an that day Frank cidents such as bappened to boat- traduction ta the atonies af Mases Mns. (Rev.) Snell, Toronto, iS most enjayable vacation with :el Eleven day. later, July 26, Paul A. Seiberlmng, Goadyean s taund- ens and bathers near Detroit; and ____ which she bad taught during visiting ber sisten, Mrs. Paterson atives at Winnipeg. Rev. Eustae *, s , aitonie e-bs5hebinothy mil sperinedetaihu pr oucn ,ean-asunder-ater ehav usta s o rat Some day an ambitiaus wniter Juiy. This was toiiawed by and Mn. and Mns. L. McGee. had charge ai Park St. Chunc ,'j ~ "~ atn-hs75hbrtdg uineng ad deveromd ntaon n-hnermayter inateiee wthteaiming ta praduce a best-seller readings an the wank by David Dr. and Mns. A. F. McKenzie service an Sunday marning ad i ~' Ataggeweios ep e e , n eelpetfrteymyntitrfr ihtewilwie-pNoahsfmlGray, Marilyn Cuily, Linda Mil- Malcolm and Ian are spending thc Miss Margaret Allun, Bowmanvile.,'~ haln g ince rtned theopde $2,500 a year. quiet intercats ai the vast major- wiîwieloh i aiy an. Joani Redman, Edmund Bar- mantb ai August on a boat trpi ef the rubben industry gives no Less than two yeans aid, the fin ity ai the summer nesidents. ank ton a year duning the deluge, nick. ta tbe Tbousand Islands. sacanng aw l n ee slo "" I hint that he bas any such plans, was then a thriving bicycle and Lake Ontario is aven 6000 the prevaience ai the waters and1 One ai Uie high spots ai inter- Mrs. Ed. Graham, Manlene and ame it n . ' 'w ~1 at least in the immediate future. carniage tire shop with 285 cm- square miles in anea; sureiy 5,'996 the drying-up peniad. Whene est was the singîng ai the motion Terny neturned home on Sunday their family, Mn. and'Mns. Non 6' Keen afimmmd, be continues ta ployes. should be enaugh in wbich <0 bhas donc with tbem, he mgtsns even the littie visitons on aiten spending a month in West- man F. Fisher and their childrei ts ~ ' """ be the central figure in the glob- Then tollowed Litcbiieid's slow raeALoraiPace. make a good sequel in a descriIJ- the outer benches, Sandra Gray ern Canada visiting ber m othen Normie, Lynda and Kathieai " al operations of the world's larg- but stcady risc ta the top. In A__Lover___of__________ tion oi a suniess montb sucb as and Siair Morgan, joined in. and othen relatives. Guclph. est rubber company. 1908 be was named a directon; July, 1950,. at a summer resont, Anauncement was made ai a Visitons witb Mn. and Mns. Neil Ms iaHdsn ah He till sets a pace that makes became factory manager in 1911; rivais the best Horatio Alger suc- making bcnoes ai peopie .miling qui on teithe ai as.ies S e rrneter .NdOsaue, Ms Msainnogdn sig men many years bis junior en- a vice-prcsidcnt in 1915, president cesatonies. under ieaky roofs, keeping their il eaer i te.BseandPgirlsSisie Po r, . Tosroa n do. to' n, .C.,is.avet Hisoe a viaus. In keeping an experienccd in 1926, and chairman af the "P. W." bas no panticular ne- chiidnen dry and accupied. He wl e awarded.mBos and n girsMr iss CaM ortoInvn, Tortol- M.s an Ms. Dae oonhW e eye on bis company's far-ilung board in 1930. cipe for succcss. couiti tinti bis viliain in the aen tngMust and i hi M.Dcoton, Port Col en, is spending ber bolidays wit activities, it iq not unusual for Ten years ago he nelinquished "Take the opportunities as they grouch who refuses ta attend toa n aes t M. SC .rltn nt hr laterr. lx aso him to travel 75,000 ta 100,000 the presidency ta Edwin J. Thom- came along anti make the best af bis own discomiont and spreads than 1:3 . AS.S. servic ext hernes sisteorteeein MrAe Watsonad IF YOU ae mkn miles a year-most ai it by as, one of his prateges. wbose risc them," be says. his discomfort anound. He couid we, 03. d srie tbsiesd iscusse inth emeeng Mr. Watdso . RlhTo 'plane. fram stenographer ta president af To him, Goodycan's gnowth and bring a happy ending with bright a1:0; peaeRv G ogntian. and sons Jack and Ross, Toront, yuroe uooie * The champion ai the airship is a giant corporation in 24 years pragress bas been the accomplish- August skies and warn south on ot Arthur. _____________ _mentora_"lot__ofpeople."________ ________inMngBentbThomps nMLasBAn- TsitmdswnthLM .sand-Mns.iTmefurnishin., lide insur men a a lo a pepl."watnrd blo swin ngowadvat.n . geles, Calif., spent a couple aif'Lewis aven the boliday. txso e ie "It's a question ai teamwonk," wtr uha enwhv.V f~ days with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Wan- Mn. andi Mrs. W. J. Ridelli vs 1 ti xlis."o a't do any- Thean. ited wîthhRev.drand]Mrs.YLittle- charges you are depend.t tbing without co-openation and en ik pbrnwsidcts____Mn. and Mns. Ken Shackleton wooti, in Bobcaygeon necently. cto orerigpw Af tr ai is aid nd dnethe support of everyone. Tegen that the cottagens are ail ready The W.M.S. and W. A. heiti and tamily spent Monday evening Miss Nana Archer and Mr.T. r.IAcieto Si- ena]nesut aneflctia ai fan bier on Monday marnnngs. thein August meetings on Wed- with Mn. anti Mns.Win Alun. Beddington, Toronto, spent te ns etosyu blt h 0W doe it tas e in theThe Goodyear chairman insists Hr n hswe' ikns nesday night, August 2. Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wannan anti holiday wcckenti with Mr. ad t orEl yu an how oes t tate i thethat i this country is gaing ta At Petunia Cottage and Happy Youmans opened the meeting with Ross visited Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Alex Watson. cup? That is what counts! maintain its standard ai living, it Hutch-Mr. and Mns. Noble Carl- a cail ta wonship tolloweti by Mrs. Ed. Lawson, Yelventon. Mýr. anti Mns. Charles Prsti ng otne ai producing. Sammy; visiting their familles, Tangues ta Sing." Readings were and Mcmriii and Mrs. Mult Wan- necently punchaseti the pnopert There must be mare scientifîc the eider Canltons and Hutchin- given by Mns. O. Chapman, Mns. nan were in Bowmanviile Tues- between the new and aid roai srdi yuhv ci progreas, mare labor savine de- sans.. Reid anti Mms. Cochrane. An in- day aiternoon. wcst ai Lenoy Hamiiton's coner dn n el Isr "SLD'vices, be tbinks, ta make up fan At Summer Haven-Mr. anti teresting littie playlct an the me- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow have started the building ai thei ne s reduced boums anti educeti out- Mns. R. Curtis, Bruce, Ross anti sponsibility anti came af aider visiteti Satuntiay wîth Mns. lia summer home. put. Gardon anti Mn. J. D. Simpson, people was enjayeti by ail pres-. Noden. Omono. Mr. Howardi E. Smart, Bcvenl T A ] A "The only way ta get out aoftiebt Toronto. ent. Cast ai the playlet: Misses Mn. and Mrs. John Cowan spent Huis, Calif., anti sister, Mns. H yield the perfect flavour. moe not Igs," he says. er, Mn. anti Mrs. H. A. Baker, Mrs. Perrin, Mrs. W. Aluin, Mrs. ton Wannan. aniMi week with Mn. anti Mns. D. Hop-u r a e As fon labor generally, he would Mn. anti Mrs. Richard Baker with Wm. Cochrane, Mrs. Raymond Mn. Ray Bryson spent the weck- en. necommenti that it try harder ta the Vaughans. Chapman anti Mns. Bill Wannan. endi with bis parents. Mn. and Mrs. H. Hooper, Peter NUAC ELETT co-operate with management. ît At the McCathy's-Mr. anti Mrs. Youmans closeti the meeting Mrs. Robent Patterson spent the barough, spent the holiday wek- - ~~~~shoulti nemember, he atits, that Mns. E. G. Green, Edwand anti with prayer. weekenti with ber son Mn. anti end with Mns. C. Awtie. PoeOfie61e.49 ________________________________what counts in the long un is im- Robent. Mrs. O. Chapman took charge Mns. Lavenne Patterson. Mn. anti Mrs. C. Wood visitet -- ~~~provement in the national welfare At the Harraps-Rev. Gnon ai the W. A. meeting. The Scrip- Mr. anti Mns. Bill Wannan anti thîs week in Lakefielti with theiI Kn tet omnil rather than immediate gains at Morgan, Mrs. Morgan anti Siair. turc, tram St. John, 4:30-42 was Ross visiteti Mrs. Annie Evans, son Neil anti family. smoees' xes.A h lsM.Js cat et epniey ie uhOoo n niMs .J iieivst better Off in a prospenous coun- Thannton. try," Litchiielti decianeti. At the Dingle-Mr. andi Mrs. HAR -OFHEA INGA strang ativocate ai prepaneti- Albert Smethan. 'H A O wO mH E R INness, he believes the anc way the At Grey Sennen-Master Emil Unitedi States can avert World Zmnak with Etimunti Banick. B "We must be strong cnaugh ta A. Nash, Bobby anti Kenny------.. MVII A M GIU EJS UVflIM UST vSE discounage aggnessian," said tbe AtMalcsae Cottage-Mn, anti Mn.. veteman industriallst. bere AcGs Crawford, Mn. anti Mns. no othen way out. It is goîng to Fred Yates, Mr. and Mns. Fard becostly, but it ilb cheap if At Bunny Burrow-Etidie Ko- W T D I~ l IN T f we can accomplish the resuit." ce fWstVrii.Wuuuuu .uAIN.umUIToE D STRs A man af firm conviçtions, Litch- E- i Wet irginia. J.TKINU1 fieldi doesn't hesitate taking a at oEl-Ti-Di-Wa shi.nicci, course that might tinti bim in the aDC Rosih earioshin to. nd minonîty. In the recent Sena .,wt on a ubben* teMrs. Elmer Ott. Sally' Ott bas <~ hearings o ancw rb bill, h c retumneti home tram Ottawa. ~/* stooti alone amnong industrial At Cave Cottage-Robin the ' H ER -I D leadegs apposing funthen sale on Ranger, who was alloweti a week- ....e. . leasing af gaverrnment synthetic et oia n con ite plants at this time. heavy nains in Nothenn Ontario. lew~n Hehii httute bckn At Happy Hutch-Mrs. 0. J. Upaithe sythte ube pcktHthisoMn.poalaMc-,................................................................................................................ ........... . endanger national securuty. Whiie anti iMrs. Walter Saundens, ala....... of........ R rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~M tic wants the gavernmcnt Out ai Tononto. The Sauntiens saileti at................~,.#. . the nubber business evcntually full speeti, 28 m.p.h., smoothiy .... $ he figures this is not the time. anti quietly into harboun on Fmi-.... O N LY -6 Cangress extenieti the rubber day in their 34 tt. launch, the el........4 law for twa more years, kceping 'Smoothic." Its sleeping cap3ac- the govcrnment in -contrai ai the ity for five makes possible their Absolulely iauaranteed plantshandi synthetics. rlias saiiing cruises on aur lakes antid.. " O E RB T O E DS O beliefs, e tinks business as a At al the cottages-A smart 1 NO E R BU TON EED HOWresponsibiiity ta society as weli busincss-like canti listing ail the A * NO EPARA E BAT ERIESas ta its employes anti stockholti- available services with locations / " N .SE ARA E B TTE IESens. Panticuiarly is this truc af anti telephone numbers--one aif *langer companies, tic says. the cammunity efforts ai the "ONE SMALL COMPACT UNIT In bis opinion, the only eason Beaches' Association. " TEN DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE bscmayo n te n a do business is because ai the un- derlying foundation af decency The Chapel-on-the -Hill ~~ TRY anti monality. aîe yamag The first Sunday in ui st iK L L That led ia e yarag the tunning pointoftesm r U Ita have Goodyear sponsorn-a me- season was manketi by another ï OU Tligiaus radia program, "The oe session ai the S.S. F RECompany ai Tononto L Gneatest Stony Even Tolti," whlcb a hudr oqe ie it stili does. It was the tirst time Atayer by a y o queadm ieis a major company took such a tinguisheti the leader, Mns. Carl- GENOSHA ]HOTEL, Oshawa 5tme businessmen thought he sistants who shaneti the speaker'. was making a mistake, cantentiing corner with ber. A full six score OP uamàm- à----j 1PjLthat religionnanti hbusinpess don't w-sipesyun at oi i a ýý J6&ý*&4Mj"i PAGE TEMTEU te CAF ow i j

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