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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1950, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN' BRING YOUR. -- TRADE PYCS N MESSAGE BEFORE SV-IIU 12,000 READERS.COT3cPRA BIRTHS COTY-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coty (nec Marilyn Rundie) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Judith Lyn, Wednes- day, August 9th. 32-1 JOHNSTON-Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Johnston are happy to announce the birth of their son, Myles Ver- dun, 8 lb. 8 oz., at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on August 2nd, 1950. 32-1* SMITH-Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith (nee Ruby Griffîn) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter at Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, July 29. 32-1* ENGAGEMENT Mrl. andi Mrs. Sidney Kcrsey, Hamopton, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred Jean, 10 John Patterson L,' on, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon, Toronto. Wedding will take place the early part of Septem- ber. 32-1* DEATH ALDWORTH, Charles Wesley- AI Whitby on Saturday, August 5th, 19,50, Charles Wesley Aid- worth, in his 53rd year, beloved husband of Erie Bahl, and dear father of May~ and Beulah. The funeral was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Mondavi.- August 7th. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 32-1 GRAHAM. Edith IH.-Suddenly at Newcastle, on Monday even- ing, Augu3t 7th, 1950, Edith H. Carmichaei. beloved wife of R. Saxon Grahamn. Resîing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, until. Wednesday morning. Funoral service aI her home, Newcastle, on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Creniation, Toronto Crema- torium, aI 3:30 p.m. 32-1 a HARDY, GORDON K.-At the Toronto Western Hospital, Fni- day, August 4th, 1950, Gordon K. Hard >y, aged 49 years, beloved husband of Beranice Emmerson and nlcar father of Jean (Mrs. Reginald Burns) Peterborough; Myrtle, Donald and Ronald, James, Gordon Jr., aI home. The fiîneral \vas hcld at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monda *.v August 7th. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 32-1 MASON - At Bowmanville on Tuesday, August 8th, 1950, Clar- ence S. Mason, husband of the late Norma Couch, dear father of Mrs. Philip Nind (Jane), Thorold, and brother of Mrs. S. Scott and George R. Mason, Bowmanville. Resting at the Morris Funcral Chapel. Private service in the Chapel on Friday aI 3:30 p.m. Interrnent Bowmanvilhc cemeîery. THICKSON-In Bowman v i Il e hospital on Wednesday, August 9th, 1950, Peter Johnson Thick- son, lo\ring ,busband of Lilace Mable Thickson, and father of James Arthur, aged 73 years. Resting at Northeutt and Smith Funeral Chapei, Bowmanville, for servrice Friday, August 11, 1950, at 2:30 p.m. Interment B3owmanville cemetery. Friends and acquaintances please aceept Ibis intimation. 32-1 IN MEMORIAM LEE-li loving memory of B65607 Harry R. Lee, who was killed in action near Caen, France, August 12, 1944; now sleeping %vith his pals in the Can- adian Military Cemetery aI Brett- ville Sur-Laizp, France: Toda ' \\e*rc thinking of somneone Who \%as alwa ' s kind and true, Someone w'e loved with ail our hearts: Dear HarrY, that someone is you. Your heart the truest in ail the Your love the besî 10 recaîl; No one on earth can take yourj You are stili dear t0 us ahl. Swcret is * our mcmory, dear Isj yoUr naine; In oui' hearts you'll always re- main. Dceply' mourned by his mother, sisters, Alice and Beatrice. 32-1t CARIDS 0F THANKSi The familx' of the late C. W. Aldworth wish to thank al those wxho e:zpressed sympathy in their sad braemn. 32-1 Notice to Credifors IN the Wattei' of the Estate of MýARGAIRET A. XING. late of the Town of Bow'manx'ilîe. in the Colintv of Durhami, Clerk, De- ceas0d. ALI, persons having dlaims against thle Estato of the above namned dcea,ýscd xvo died on or about the 8tlh day of Jiiiy, 1950, arc reqîiested to file proof of the sanie with the undersigncd on or before bbce:îîst day of Auguat, 19501. after xx'ich the Estate wili be distrib tort having regard only to thec dains of which notice shah hoc baci and 10 the exclusion of ahi othei's. DATED aI Oshawa. Ibis 17th day of JaIy, 1950. JIUGH R. MECHIN, Excttor-, '. bis Solicitor, FRN EST MARKS, Esq., Farrister. etc.. I1 King Street, E., OSHAWA, Ontario. COMING EVENTS Decoration Day, Newtonville cemetery on Sunday, August 13, 2:30 p.m. 32-1 The Dedication Service of the Memorial Post of Tyrone Park will be held Sunday evening, August 13 at 7:30 in Tyrone Park. Orono band will be in attend- ance. 32-1 The Newcastle Horticul t ura I Society are havin the district fiower show Weenesday, August 16, in the Community Hall. Rev. E. Rigby of Hamilton will be judge and speaker. Supper serv- ed aI 5:30 p.m. Adults, 50c; chîldren under twelve years, 35c. 32-1 Nfotices DAILY transportation 10 Toron- to. Enquire 4 Duke SI. 32-1* Dr. Birks' office wili be closed from July 28th 10 August 271h inclusive. 28-6 The office of W. R. Strike will be closed for holidays from Aug. 7th to Aug. 26th, inclusive. 30.3* The office of Miss Apha I. Hodgins will be closed until Aug- ust 22nd for vacation. 31-2* Dr. C. W. Slemon's office, Church St., will be closed from Aug. 12 10 Aug. 28, inclusive. 31-3 John A. Holgate and Son will be ciosed for holidays from Aug- ust 7th to August l9th, inclusive. 31-2 ACCOMMODATION for tw o passengers 10 and from Oshawa evcry morning, leaving at 6:15 a.m. Phone 2122 afler 6. 32-1 Dr. C. J. Austin's office will be closed for holidays from Sat- urday, August Sth to Monday, September 41h inclusive. 30-6 Weber's Fabric Centre will be closed for holidays from Monday, August 7th to Friday August 111h, inclusive. Open again Saturday, August l2th. 31-2 Your Future in the Stars- Three months' forecast guide or a detailed character analysis for your birth sign. Send birîbday with fifty cents t0 Doreen E. Per- rett, Certified Astrologer, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Ont. 32-1* TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS addressed 10 the undersigned and endorsed "TENDER FOR PIER REPAIRS, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.", wihh be received until 3:00 P.M. (E.D.S. .T.) WENESAYAUGUST 16, 1950, for pier repairs (wcst pier) aI Bowmanvilhe, Durham County, Ont. Plans, form of contract and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, De- partment of Publie Works, Ot- tawa, aI the office of the District Engineer, G.P.O., 36 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office at Bowmanville, Ont. Note: Upon application 10 the undersigned, the Department wili supply blue-prints and specifica- tion of the work on deposit of a sum of $10.00 in the form of a cartified bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Pub- lic Works. The deposit will be released on the return of the blue-prints and speci f i c a t i o n within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If nol re- turned within that period the de- posil will be forfeited. Tenders will flot be considcred unless made on printed forms supplied by the Departmenî and in accordance with conditions set forth thercin. Eacb tender must be aceompan- ied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, pay- able to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds, as speeified in the form of tender. C. A. NARRAWAY, Acting Secretary. Deparîment of Public Works, Ottawa, July 20, 1950. 31-2 TENDERS WANTED SEALED tenders marked "Ten- der" will be received' by the undersigned until Noon on Mon- day, the 28th day of August, 1950, for the improvement of King Street for digging out, re- moving. replacing with granular fuI, and applying new road sur- face. AIl information, tender forms, etc., may be obtained from. the office of the undersigned. The lowvesI or any tender not necessarily accepîed. D. J. Kean, Engîneer. Whitby. 32-2 Boom and Board Wanted ROOM and board for Iwo gentle- rnen, day workers. Phone 3647. 32-1* Lost BASEBALL glove bearing name Rawlings, Mr. Shortstop: on W~est Beach road, Thursday. Phone Bowmanvile 3219. 32-1 Articles For Sale ICE-BOX, 75 lb. capacity, good condition. Phone 2763. 32-1* GIRL'S English bicycle, hand brakes. Phone 2707 after 5:30 p.m. 32-1 OIL-BURNING kitchen r an ge, good condition, apply 4 Duke St. 32.1* BREAKFAST suite, buffet, table and four chairs, green leather trim. Phone 3647. 32-1* KITCHEN range, white, like new, reservoir on back, tap and sheif. Phone 2230. 32-1* BICYCLE, boy's, good condition, reasonabie. Write box 440, c/o Statesman office. 32-1 CONGOLEUM rugs and yard goods available in many colour- fui patterns at Morris Co. 17-tf WOOD Silo in good condition, 12 ft. by 24 f1. Apply Mrs. Charles Porter, Pontypool, R.R. 1. 32-1* 1937 CHEV. sedan in good con- dition. Apply Lancaster Garage, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2703. 32-1 EUREKA Vacuum Cleaners, tank models from $39.50 up at Morris Co. Phone for free demonstra- lion. 17-tf 1932 PONTIAC sedan, $75; '381 Plymouth coupe, good running order. E. D. Knapp, Middle Road. 32-2* THRESHING machine, blower, bagger, 24-inch cylinder, belts, $125. Henry Nixon, Orono. Phone 56r5. 32-1 OLIVER Cietrac tractors. Oliver 66 - 77 - 88 wheel tractors 'and equipment. Virtues Garage. Ty- rone, phone 2882. 31.3* COOK stove, good f irebox, good reservoir, warming oven. Phone 2260. Would consider exchanging for a smal]er stove. 32-1* SAXOPHONE-Conn alto - re- cently overhauled - good playing condition. Reasonable for quick sale. Phone 24r4, Orono. 31-2 WE measure and instail Venetian Blinds. Phone Morris Co. for estimates. We also carry a com- plete stock of window shades. 17-tf BE READY for Spring and Sumn- mer with Sisman Scampers for eilîdren, boys and men. Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, 39 King St. W,, Bowmanville. 19-tf VENETIAN Blinds, Flexalum, Steel or Aluminumn Decorator Shades. one price 70e sq. ft. ex- The Canadicrn Statesman Classified Advertising Raies Effective JuIy 28th, 1950 NOTICEb, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR lENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate . . . 30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must b. pald by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added A chargé of 25e wilI be made for ail replies directed to thi. office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS Se~ a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or les.. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIA MS . -. $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse. Display Classificd at 80e~ per inch with a minimum of one inch Additionai insertion at the same rates. AIl Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'ciock noon, Wednesday. - Send cash, sta mps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference)J Articles For Sale ALL kinds of meat, good quality weiners, bologna,* cooked haras, smoked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger. Darlinglon Pack- ing Co., Hampton, Phone 2836; also pickling, smoking and saus- age making. During the summer months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattie at any lime. 20-tf FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- ers, Washing Machines, Ranges, service on milk coolers and mot- ors, that wiring job or anything electric. Trade - in or Terms. Consult Werry & Son Electrie, dealers for Woods Electrie Farm Equipment, phone 2539, Bowman- ville. 32-3 USED Spramotor ýSpraycr on rubber tires; new Case 2 disc Iractor plow; new 6' x 7' dise harrows; new Case horsc-drawn sprcader; new Otaco dise harrow; used Silent Giow oul heater; wire fence and steel posts: binder twine. We have a few new trac- tors - limited quantity. W. H. Brown, Case dealer, phone 497. 32-1 [pert installation. Phone 45 1, $1,426.-NEW model M John Waiker Stores. 23-tf Deere tractor with power lift for Quick-tatch implements. Come BEECH and mnaple, green cord- in and sec them. Try Ihem on wood, $18.00 a cord, sawed and your farm. New 41/2 foot tiller, delivered; also fence posts. H. $358. Tiiling season is close for M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port first plowing. New cultivators, Pcrry 193-r-14. 15-tf 10 foot width for $277. Dises, brand new, 8 fI., $226. Stop in BARRELS !!! STEEL BARRELS! and gel a free demonstration at $3.50 each F. S. Allen and Sons, 3 miles west BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE of Bowmanville, or eall 2833 or Phone 804 Bowmanvl. 594. John Deere means Qualit. 32-tf 32-1 COLEMAN Gas stove, 3-burner, like new, reasonable. Cook stove, new 6 months ago, wood or coal, must scîl. Phone Port Perryv 197r23. 32-1* POTATOES-No blight: carrots, cabbage, marrow; fresh daily. Corne and gel il cheap. Phone 2680, Bowmanvîlle. A. Shrubb. 32-1 FURNACE-used, hot air, suit- able for medium-size house. In- cludes pipes, etc. Best offer takes il. Caîl John James, 663 or 603. 32-If NEW and late model automobiles insurcd and financed. Dealer or private sales. Inquire about Ibtis iow cost plan. Roy Lunney. 48 King St. W., Phone 565. 23-tf CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleumn Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Waiker Stores. 23-tf CONVERT your wagon wheels 10 rubber, complete stock of steel rims, tires and tubes now avail- able. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, Corner King and Silver Sts., Phone 467. 16-tf LINOLEUM bcadquarters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleums, Congoleums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Every pattern that's made, is available at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf IMMEijATE ddlivery, Fairbanks Morse space healers. Heat yotir home the safe, clean economical way. Pay only, $11.45 down aI Bradley's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf OIL burners instalied, complete with one year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as little as $35 down and 24 months bo pay. S. Blain Elliott, Piumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal, Bowmanviile, Phone 3348. 29-tf PLUMBING, lieating and OiOu Burners installed anywhere ini Durhami County. Reasoiiabie rates and highest quality. For free estimates eaul S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Piumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf TEN - Pc. Living-room grou ps. Many cohours and style combin- ations 10 ehoose froni. Groups inelude: 2-pc. Velour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, le Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Meta] Smoker, 1 Alum- inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- ial $169.00 'only aI Bradiey's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terms to suit. Many other suites 10 choose from. 2-tf BRAD.LEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedrooni suites, $69.00; steel bcd outfits, complete, $26.95; feit base floor covering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs. $6.95. ail colors; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $6600; spring- filled maîtresses. $2495; tri. iigbî lamps, complete, $12.95: rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bcd chestcrfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpels, green or winê oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; tabl.e lamps, $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Livestock For Sale 8 YOUNG pigs. Austin Wood, phone Bowmanviiie 2388. 32-1* 300 HAMP-ROCK pullels, ten weeks old; $ 1.25 each. Gordon Melcaîf, R.R. 1, Neslelon. 32-1* 10 PIGS-6 weeks oid; purebred Guernsey bull. serviceable age. Reasonable. Phone 2035, Bow- manville. 32.1* EXCELLENT grade 3-year-old Holstein cow, with 2-months-old heifer caif. Appiy D. B. Pick- ering, R.R. 2, Newcastle, on higb- way No. 2. 32-1 Wanted To Buy SCRAP mron and batteries. Phone Clark. 2530. 17-If WE are baying wheat for loading in cars aI Bowmanvillc. Phone 2833 or 594. 32-1 BUSH - must be predominaîely bard maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone Port Perrv 193r14. 22-tf BEFORPE slininz vo,. ive.sniê.,. ATTENTION - Turkey, cbicken tr3u. Our prices are higher. M. and dog raisers. Selling out 45 FIatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phone 7 r strong 6 x 6 x 9 all heavv gauge 13. reverse charges. 17-tf %vire fox cages with woodien ken- nels. 2 x 4 frames. $15 each aI INTERESTED in haying, or in- farm. Also softwood. $R cord. at %'estiniz i, a smaii manufacîurnig f armn. Margwill Fur Farm, phone, businesé. Write box No. 441, 2679. 32-ti Canadian Statesmai, 32-1 Articles For Sale ARTS CAR MARKET 175 King St. W., Bowmanviile Home of Belter Deals on Better Cars 1948 Pontiac Sedan-Brand new car condition. 1947 Pontiac Coach - Perfect shape. 1941 Dodge Sedan-Looks smart and performs beautifully. 1940 Pontiac Sedan-A real buy. 1938 OIds. Coach-Reconditioned motor; a perfect body. 1938 Buick Sedan-Al condition. 1938 Pierce Coupe-Many extras. 1937 Chev. Sedan-Tip top con- dition. 1937 Chev. Coach-Ntw paint, mechanically Ai. 1937 IVillys Sedan-Very eco- nomical car. 1937 01dm. Sedan-A very classy car; Ai condition. 1936 Ford Coaeh-Looks smart;, runs smart. 1935 Pontiac Coach-Vcry good shape. 1933 Plymiouth Coupe-A car. 1932 Pontiae Sedan-Manyi left in this smart buy. dlean miles AIl cars are very reasonably prlced. We Buy, Seli. Trade-in Good Used Cars Low Down Paymenî and Easy Terms Can be Arranged to Suit Your Budget. - See Us At Once - Work Wanted HOOVER Vacuum Cleaner and Floor Polisher. For Sales and Service, Bowmanville Hy dr o Shop. Dial 471. 30-4* PAINTING & Decorating, interior and exterior. Fine carpentry work. Guaranteed satisfaction. Free Estimates. Phone 77r7 Orono. Horace York. 30-4 BRAKE DRUMS! Latbing, Honing and Grlnding We specialize in complet. brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanvilie 32-tf LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED Have them sharpened wiîh aur new precîsion machine. Caîl 467 for pickup and delivery G. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 21-tf Wanted To fient PLAY-PEN for last two weeks in August. Phone 2748. 32-1 ROOMS or apartment, by young couple with small baby. Urgent. Phone 3474. 32-1 PUBLIC School teacher, wife and chiid moving 10 Bowmanviile desire to rent house or apartment as soon as possible. Phone 635. 30-tf Fàrmners Attention!1 WE wiil be pleased 10 pick up [dcad or crippled farm animais and pay highest prevailing prices. IFor immediate service Telephone Coilect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young LId. 21f l'armHelp EXPERIENCED, reiiable Holland families avaiable. Arriving soon. Write 10 S. Buma, R.R. 1. Nestle- ton, Ont. Phone 125 - 24 Port Perry. 22-1' For Rent TWO boys wanted to share room. Phone 3693, Bowmanville. 32-1" THREE-room apartment, conven- îences. 95 Liberty St. N. 32-1 ONE room in Bowmanv i 1l e, breakfast if desired. Phone 979. 32-1 THREE unfurnished rooms. Write box 439, C/o Statesman office. 32-1* Help Wanted TRUCK driver-apply 62 Scugog St. 32-1 WAITRESS wanted for steady employment. Apply aI Cowan's Restaurant. 32-1* GIRL or woman for housework, 10 live in, smail family, good wages, all, modern conveniences; to move 10 another town. Phone 627. 32-1 GIRL or woman for housework in country. Good homne amid pleasant sîlrroundings. To start Sept. lst. Write box 442, States- man. 32-1* GIRLS wanted, steady employ- ment, experience not necessary. Apply between 5 and 6 p.m. Specalty Paper Products Ltd., 63 Temperance St. 32-1 WANTED-Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowman- ville. Permanent connection xiîh large manufacturer. Only reliable bustier considered. Write Raw- ieigh's, Dept. ML-H- 140-131, Mon- treal. 31-5 MAN or woman-steady income averaging $45. weekly. Cail on customers for famous Watkins Products in Bowmanville. No investrment. Business establishied -immediate earnîngs. Write J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. OC-B3-4, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal, Que. 32-1 Custom Work PLOWING, cultivaîing and sow- ing. J. H. Alldread, Phone 496. 29-8* Chicks For Sale BRAY started chiçks, pulics- and some mixed-prompî ship- ment. Chicks for later delivery order now. Particulars f rm agent-Hugh Stapleton, Newton- ville; F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 32-1 Booms For Rent DOUBLE room with Iwin beds. 182 Church St., phone 3453 * 32-1* Seed f or Sale RYE for seed. S. Jeffrey, phone 2179, Bowmanville. 32-1* i1 Repairs____ FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed1 service, dYeîng and custorn work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Sbop. opposite Garton Bus Tcer- minai. 31-tf CHESTERFIELDS completely re- buhît and re-uphoistercd. Satis- faction guaranteed. Have -our consultant caîl aI no obligation. Enquire at Weber's- Fabrie Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-11 REPAIRS 10 ail makes of refrig- erators, domestîc and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon Elc- trie, 42 King St. E., Phone 38 Notice Io Creditors IN the Estate of ELLA S. JOL- LOW, deceased. ALL persons having dlaims against the esîale of Ella S.o- low, late of the Town of B3jow- manville, deceased, xvho died on or about the 111h day of Julv, 1950, are hereby notified 10 sen d in to W. Ross Strike, K.C., solici- tor for the Executors, Bowman- ville, Ontario, on or before the Ist day of September, 1950, full particulars of their dlaims. IMMEDIATELY after the said Ist day of September, 1950, the assets of the Tastatrix wili be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to dlaims of which the Executor shaîl then have notice. DATED aI Bowmanville, On- tario, Ibis 51h day of August, 1950. W. ROSS STRIKE, K.C., Solicitor for the Executors, Bowmanville, Ontario, 32-3 Real Estate For Sale AT CAESAREA, year-round cot- tage, large lot, close t0 lake. Apply H. Hall, Caesarea, Ont. 30-4* 75 ACRES, more or less, brick bouse, 10 rooms, large bank barn, on Solina road. Possession arranged for. Phone John Nich- ols, Bowmanville 2168. 32-1 5-ROOM bungalow, bot water heating, oak floors, 3-piece bath and shower, venetian hlinds, laundry tubs, comb. doors and storm windows. 5 Liberty St. Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) maiied postpaid in plain seaied envelope with price li st ' Six samples 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont 2-4-9 Real Estate For Sale BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $750 down-new six room bouse. heavy wiring, new well, on 14 acre lot, facing new highway near Bowmanville. Price $3500. $1,000 down-6-room bhouse, 4 acres land, hydro, well, near Bowmanville. Price $3500. $2850-Price. Six-room bouse in Bowmanville, on King St. W. Modern bungalow, 41/2 rooms, 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen and batbroom, dinette, li.a. furnace, laundry tubs, elec. b.w. bcaIer. Garage. Price $6700. Low termis. MoVe in righî away. Special-Farm, 100 acres, near Cadmus, large 12-room brick house. Price $4,000, with ternis. $8,300-Fulh price. Brand new uil- tra modern butigahow, six rooms, oil painted, hardwood floors, h a. auto. oul heating, air conditioninýg, beavy xiring, laundrv tubs, elec. h.w. heater, etc. Ternis. Mov in right away. North end of ton We also have other homes, lodges, farms, businesses, etc. Bownia-.îville Real Estate 73 King St. West J. Shehlyn D. Maclachian Phone 3326 Bowmanville Phone 689 Oshawa 32-1 HAMILTON REAL ESTATE General country store carrying complete uine of groceries, dry goods, hardware, etc. Large store building w i t h modemn equipment and \'ery fine rosi- dence attacbed of 9 rooms and bathroom; new plumbing, new decorations, new oil burner fur- nace, FuIl price for buildings and fixtures, $12,000. Stock aI invoice. Loeated in prosperous district of Durham~ County, doing a thirty thousand dollar business. A bargain for quick sale. Leroy Hamnilton, Broker Orono Ontario Phones: res. 1r16 - office 32r1o 32-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 100 acres near Kendal, dlay loam, hip roof haro .32 x 80, im-pie- ment shed. good stables, 9-î'oom fram-e bouse, bvdro. hea'vy vii'- ing. $5,000. Possession immediate- 120 acres near Bowmanville, dlay loani, 10-i'oor br'ick bouse, harn 36 x 60, bydro, welh, creek, 12 acres woods.. 580 90 acres, 31à~ miles from Bow- manville on a good gravel road, 2 barns, buildings all painted, 8- î'oom solid brick bouse, hydro, ahi convenienees. $11,500. $6,000--double brick bouse, 8 roonis, hydro. bath, full base- ment, central location, possession arranged. Cosy, six-'o om new brick dwell- ing on Jane St. All conveniences, full hasement. garden, possession 30 days. $2,000 down. Beautifal brick dwelling. 6 rooms, aIl conveniences on Flctt St. Possession arranged. $2,000 down. Framne dwelling, 7 roomns, hydro. orebard, well, spning, harn, sta- ble, low taxes, around 10 acr'es on a good gravel road, close to scbool. $2,600. Othrr farms and dwcllings for sale. -James Nixon, Broker - Hello Homemakers! What we wanî is cohd, eloudless tea for a elammy. cloudless day. Iced tea seems to qucnch the summer thirst and enthuse the lazy appe- lite any day. But like the bot version of Ibis beverage. iced tea to be really good, should be prop- erly made. Many hornemnakers prefer the familiar mnethod of pouring stronLe bot tea ovci' a glass of cî'ushed ice. However, the newer method is to make a cool concentrate of double strengtli tea and likewi:eÇ pour over the ice cubes. Because eloudiness inî iced tea appears wben the tcrnperature of the tea drops t thie point wben il cati no longer bohd ahlitis components in a soluble form, strong breîvs tend to eloud more readily Iban weak, and higlb quality teas whichi prodtîce the ricb anmber colour, break down as,easily as others if tea us not measured carefully. ICED TEA (8 servings) 1. Pour one pint (2 cups) fresbi- 1l* boiled water over 8 teuspoons tea. Allow to steep six minutes, stir nnd 'lien strain into crockery or glass pîtci'r. 2. Add fouir cups (2 pints) cold wvatcr and let stand at room tom- perature until î'c2«dy 10 serve. 3 Filil all glasses with ice and pour' prepared tea over ice. Serve xith sliced lenion. Additions- Sweeteners: Fruit suga[ (dissolves more quiekly than granuhated stigar, fruit syr- Lips. boney or' sugar syrup. Flavour: Slices of lime or pinched minI, leaves instead of lemon. 1 CLIP watei' 2 caps sugar 1 cap te;i infusion 2 caps fruit syrup 1 cap lemion .luice 2)CuIPS Orange juice 2 caps pincapple juiu 1 quart soda water 1 cap imarascbino h--. Ice \vatei'. Boil sugar and watcr 5 minutes, add lea, fruit syrap (juice from quart of strawberrics or cherries)1 and fruit juices. Let stand 30 minutes and add 2 quarts water 10 mnake 1'2 gallons. Di-op in 1 dozen ice cubes. JusI before serv- ing, add i cup maî'ascbino cherries and 1 large bottle soda water. PINEAPPLE LEMONAD!E ,4 cap sugai ' iU 1/3 cup lcmroîi juicci 2 cup pineapple jîîictz iViake SaIgar S.y'UP oi 2 tbsps. sugai' and 2 tbsps. boum0 xi vater. Cool before adding lcmon jaîce and pincapele juice. Stir in 4 or- 5 ice 'Cubes. GINGER MINT DRINKZ 1 CLIP lemon .iiicc 1 cup fi'esh mint Icaves cl~ip sugar 2cuîp watei' 3 pints ginger ale ice cubes Add mint leaves, sugai' an 111 at- Ci' 10 lemon juice. Let sta.1d 3IA minutes. Poau' oveî' about 10 ice cubes and add ginger aie. 160) Liberty St. N., Bowmaivilhle 1. To pievent maî'aschino chce'- Phone 682 1 ies froni sinking to bolloniof 32-1* 'glass Of Punch, add as beverage is poîircd. COOKE REAL ESTATE 2. The fresh flavoar of mint i $l5,000-Newcastle beach, grow- botter xvhen you pincb the leaves ing concern. not one but twTo betore addinLy to a cold dr'ink. fally winteî'ized bouses located 3. Sy'nthetic bottled syraps are on a heautifully landscaped 5- hest combined with oîbeî- fruit acre lot. Main bouse, 9-room .iuiccs and swýýcened judicioîisly. stucco building. Valuable antioiuc 4. Canned IlenjUîce or lime soîid walnut furnitui'c. Smaller Juie max' bc ased inslead of rean-i- cottage, 5 rooms, unfurnisbed. cd lemons or limcýs. Many extras. 5. Keen a hottle Of sugar Syîa'tp $1100 ewaste bac, 1 -i on iiand to sweetenl coJd bever- $11,00-ewcstl bealiin-aies. Boîl 2 caps sugar and 1 room white brick house, famnist:;- eup watcî' 5 mninutes, then cool cd Ihroughout. One baîbrooni, toir use am ' r. two extra washrooms, oulside (6. Crushcd ice may be eusily shower. Large glassed-in dining made by placing al h xv ic C-Icih room overlooking lake. Heavy in a ean piece 0f haycoh winin",. Gond fishing, boat, im- gathce'ed up in a bajg shaupe 11(1 mediate possession. poanded with al potatoiL1hr 7. A brick of wtr-nspooiî- $10,000-100 acres, two-family ed imb glasses and dilulcd with property. Two sels of buildings. ginger ale niakes a refresbing Lovely old stone bouse, anoîher beverage. 7-room frame bouse, nicely paint- 8. Al-.vxs use cuastpris or mats cd. Full line of out buildings, anlder glas:;es and pitehei' con- good land, wcll waîered. Posses- laîning a cold bevei'age to prc- sion 30 days. : vent '!ondensa lion mark îng faur- .;) 5l1Oq-o.P.LU'r lut, t.rnnj 1 1 -n 1 a homeI good sab-divided aà ment, splendid bain rcad eariy possession. $3,000-Newcastie beach, attrac- tive and very dlean foar-room cottage, plus 5 good building lots. Hoase eoald easily be winlerized. Immediate possession. $2.600-Millhrook area, n e a r scbool and cburcb. 100 acres. 65 acres workable, 5 rooni stucco bouse. Barn, permanent spriog, early possession. $2,00t0-50 acres, no buildings. 10 acre mixed woodlot: pine, heech,, maple, etc. Permanent stream. Evelyn E. Cooke. Realtor Newcastle - Phone Clarke A2621 32-1 Lot voiîr light so shine befo:e- nIrýr th thIleY mpx' Sce c' goocl works, and glorifv x-oar Fa- r .hich is in heaxen.-Matthex., THE QUESTION BOX Aliss M. P. asks:I'oî ,a desert- r'ciP(' tiil is eed'\' b make in ait cectric refrîgeraîoî', for~ comp- PARTY ROLL ii poanri gi-ahani cracker's 8 marsbmallows. cltfinle 3 tablespoorîs creani 12 cap cbo)PPedi pitled datcy L, cap nt moats broken 1 tcaspoon vanilla Crumble crackers fine and ri- ser've 3 tablespooins foi' coatipg olh. Combine rcmaining cramlî'; with dates, inaî'slmzillaviaiv nul rocats. Blend witb rc.m add vanilla and shape mb oa moll. Coat xvîth cracker crambs and chili 3 Io 4 bours. Serve in slices witb wbippcd creani. Serves 6. Ano Allaîî invites v on b owrite io (ni' c/o The Sti:t .înanj. S(, - n yoimr siaggrcsins onlîin .- 111V probions ;iod watuh Ibiâ column for replie&. f .. CI.Tvpm-"Av ATTC-TTCMIP lAtu totom TM CANADIAN STATESMM. BOWMANVMLLP. ONTAItro

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