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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1950, p. 4

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U Ar V~ ~IYTT !NfTNTA!MN BWAVL~ NrnOTUSDY UUTlt,15 .U FOrierResdert H resurance Company in Whitby, has dry climate there will be Fbenee-insBL C ST C a course. in Hamilton, are ail Holiday celebrations in Fo nowrendd his srvice wth theficial to the children's health. I a iyR ioi L C S O Khome again. Perry, Caesarea and SU9prfec GordonOsborn now eded hi servie withthe ispossibe theyWeekendurnvisitorsd v withrs Mr.hand. nd nan reeportlalarge owcrowds, e topnan s nhldypro htylter. The Osbornes lived PROUT PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain Mrs. Ivan Hoskin were: Mr. and weather and splendid entertain- Going t Arizona to leaving for Tuscon, Arizona, in Bowmanville prior to leavingt and famiiyan r.LteMs Hol ThmoMs et about the end of August. Mr. for Whitby several years aga. The annual picnic for the Prout Mauntjoy with Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Kathleen and Mr. and Mr;. L. Leal, Peterborough, has and Mrs. Osborne and their famý- Very widely known in this dist- family was set for Saturday, JUIY Laurence Mountjoy at Morgans- Mrs. Gough, Toronto, Mr. and been vjsîting Mrs. Perce Leal. Anoneetis made that iy have arranged to remain in rict and with a fine record of 29, but the weatherman was flot ton on Sunday. Mrs. J. Hedge, Stewart and Da- Nestieton Women's Institute Gordon FOsborne, 37, Branch Tuscon for avid Nestietoncmmuit srvieandis rMr.,!naanddy oMrs.e f teeld- CnaatlatonstoMriadtedresting an M.grand- hld SomentretAd gan an e.,f h mie ieI-beas t idefiniattee wrio , mnt evc ohsceii idymod n fteha- Cnrtltost r n Melville Henry, Carolyn and mothers' meeting at the lovely ~Àae o h Epr if n bcue ti ei ht h am, Mr. Osborne will be very much iest rainstorms of the season Mrs. George Crawford (Eleanor Gary, Oshawa.hoef r.ClWisn Sv missed in Whitby, as will his made it impossible ta hold the Kemp) who were married at the MisTem gunpaydh eo! rsCciWln. e- family. A native o! St. Thomas reumaon outdoors. However, 24 Guiîd Inn (Guiîd of All Arts), thes w edding m rus n t annigt erai former Institute members, îMr. Osborne was educated te of the members, mostly those from Scarboro, last Saturday. Guest on Saturday for hier friend, aier lades nd ume itr and began his business career wt usd points, Millbrook and at the wedding from Blackstock Laurel Kaye. weredpes ent Thursday eV- retailailshshoe m wtfirmr lwiBrughmwithsmeoutside wre:DLadndies'J.AAidAr metksoSomesweSaleresnI moved ta Whitby as wormahen roua m band s ame e o m - wre:Dr. and Mrs. J.a.lcr- Baktc a wl ersn ening at the home of Mrs. John agr n 93. n 93 hstore a- anvilltGeebr vei acedarhe ormthr, Mr. and Mrs. ormaw- ed at the holiday doings at Port Beacock. Plans were compieted tge iracbuiesadrplyO Oshawa. Det the iceetGen r n r.FakSi-Pryo ody for the bazaar and home baking made a success of his work. Pro- weather supper was the chief at- son, Mr. and Mrs. John Venning sale. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher of moted ta branch manager, his traction and while we were few and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. J o hIn Wi.lams' Point very kindiy offer- ImrtrycvrdmatYok"n in numbers, we had a bountiful Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Her- NESL Ee ter ume om atray WUU ar afl tarria and Duerhda t Conie, Ond picnic supper. man Haoey. Rev. Milton San- ____ afternoan for the occasion. norUG Htarioad tauramcb ie Three Mr. Nelson Wilkins, President, derson, Toronto, officiated, and M.Rbr idî shldy Sunday visitors with Mr. and Pl nyeharsagoaebtrded Three-conducted a 'short business meet- Mr. William Murkar, PickeringMing RoneJamai, vi Nw ork, y-Mrs. James Harris were Mr. and years ag lie enered tMrs.alFisndaynPonllardaUnianvwiYoek tate business, which he aiso con- ing. Owing ta the small attend- was the pianist. Mrs. Sanderson with his neice, Mrs. Winslow. Mr. andlMrs. Wllsa, rn k-vil P.R O O Fducted with success. It is in this ance ail off icers were asked ta con- and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston,fo Mr. and Mrs Fred DobsoFrn turn n th new ome.decidd togo ta Geneva Park the seventy guests. and family o hi a oeTrno Mrs. Osborne is the former Ka again next year and the date ta Miss Velma Mitchell, Ponty- from their Huntsville cottage. oaa triePrya Par Son be July 28. pool, Mrs. Coward, Mr. Delbert M.adMs ae culn Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mount- The hae treedauhtesGo A few indoor games were play- Coward, Mrs. Hall and children, Bailyduff; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice itoyM and MRs M. oun tjyis donea14,havedtra1edaughters ed and some contests enjoyed. Peterborough, with Mrs. John Samelîs and Sharon, Peterbor- and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parks, 1O T A K K don9. Snr 2an oin Even though we were few in Farder. ough; Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, Lon- Tyoe 9. numbers an enjoyable evening Misses Jane and Mary Ellen don, visited Mr. and Mrs. Larmen yae H O U SE PA ÀIn community lîfe, Mr. Os- was spent. Next year we hope Dawney have returned ta Toron- Hyland. Ail enjoyed a picnic at Mrs. S. McKee is spending a borne has been closely identified ta have better weather and the ta. Musseîman's Lake. few days with lher brother, Mr. with local progress. He has serv- regular good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cox (Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon McCabe, and Mrs. Oscar McQuadg, Cad- U F I ,T O edon the town counicil, on the ________ Cxs n oono ale o etltnMUS. mm_@ÀBoard of Education, as Secretary MaelCaworCoxs n Trnt, aleNo esieo Word has just been received of Whitby Chamber of Commerce, BAO ENO from. Cleveland, Ohio, honey- friends on their way ta his aid b Mr. Percy Williamson o! the a ebr fWityBpts he2r ruin fte e-mooning in Canada, called on Mr. home in Nova Scotia, a thcee- by -o i an, r.Wila Cucamember o W hitby Bapist Thckeam23rd r eia ft Hea-o and Mrs. George Crawford and weeks' camping, fishing and mo- Porter, in a rest home in Toron- Chuch amemeroftheChis cok amly ashed a HmponMr. and Mrs. J. W. Pearse. tor trip. ta. Burial will take place Fn- tian Businessmen's Association, Park, July 8, 1950, with 111 pers- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saywell, Recent visitors with Mr. andd and hie has consistently been in-ans attending. Mr. Eacl Beacock, Bannie, Jili and Joan. Mcs. Frank Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Mr. and day afternoon in Union Cemetery. terested in ail matters connected San Francisco, and Mr. Bob Bea- Saywell, Oshawa, and Miss Nora Mrs. Wm. Lamb wece Mrs. Wil-- with the welfare o! youth. It was cock, Uxbridge. chose teams for Venning are spending the week son's aunts, Mrs. Bert Akister, BANK EXECUTIVE RETUftNS under bis chairmanship that the a basebaîl gamne, Bob's side win- at Balsam Lake. Whitebeac, Sask., and Mrs. Caley, TO EUROPE Swimming Pool Fund got its in- ning. A programme o! sports Mrs. Goldwyn Faint, Valerie Lindsay. Most important Paint Advancemont in 25 yeart itial impetus wîth the result that was carcied out. After supper Mr. and Vickie, Toronto, and Grant Misses Dacothy and Helen Bow- Sir Ernest Rowe-Dutton, Ex- t.',,- esame $3,500 was raised within a Arthur Beacock, Weyburn, Sask., and Beverley Wright, Tyrone, ers, Miss Norma Bradley, Messrs. ecutive Director o! the Interna- matter a! weeks. As chairman presided over the business meet- and Mr. Elmer Thompson, Mea- Wilfrid Vine, Ronald WilliamstiiaMntry anndLy New Fume-Proof, Sun-Proof House Pant o! the Red Cross campaign com- ing in the absence of Mr. W. D. fard, with Mr. and Mrs. 0. and Earl Bowecs enjoyed a Rowe-Duttoii arrived in Montreal produema C 6m nf unusual whiteness. mittee last season, collections Ferguson, President, who was ce- Wright. weekend holiday trip ta, Ruthven, recently an the CNR's "Montreai-l 1 wece carried Out sYstematicaliy covering from a tonsillectamy. Mc. and Mrs. Lamne Bradburn near Leamingtan, where they er" from Washington. They were 5 sa -that the fund hit an ali-time Silent tribute was paid ta those and family, Toronto, and Mc. and visited Misses Jean Bowecs and enroute ta Quebec City where high in Whitby. Believlng that wha have passed on. Letters of Mrs. Frank Carter and family, Elva Bradley who are members they sailed for England. Sir citizens should do more th an regret fcom some unable ta be Bowmanville, with Mc. and Mrs. Of the Summer Farm Service Ernest, the UK representative ta merely vote at election time, Mr. present were read, one being Wesley Bradbucn. Force.I the International Bank, later will Osborne bas also found tîme ta written by Mrs. Mary Hobden Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Carley Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. go ta Paris ta attend a meeting o! B promote the pragcam o! the Lib- who was 87 on June 23rd o! this and Anne, Cavan, spent the Ted Colley, Whitby, (nee Mildced that arganization. He said the Now, Mc. and Mrs. Osborne have tendeced a vote o! appreciation Swain. ond daughter. Patricia retucned 900 ta variaus countries since its fffle ?wo&disposed o! their house and fur- foc his work and time spent in Mr. and Mcs. Norton Van Camp home after spending twa weeks inauguration in 1946. The money nituce and made complete. ar- compiling the family tcee. Listowel, Rev. and Mrs. Fred with Mrs. Phil Langfeld. is used chiefly for agricultucal STAY WHTERrangements ta live in the United The oldest lady present was and farnily, and Mcs. Glennie, Mrs. R. W. Jackson an4 Mcs. machinecy and development, States until they feel, for personal Mrs. Wes Beacock; the oldest Riding and family, Union City, Acche Moffat, Welland, called on hydro-electric, irrigation and var- OGRreasons, that they should again gentleman, Mc. Sam Ferguson; Pennsylvania, with Mcs. W. A. sex'eral fiends in town. iaus industnial and economic pro- 0" %Vèolrlt WOU% 00" ~t ontsaiBaby wstephen-t members o! the family. Johcs. G ebt iie isL tamnh lBbStpe- On Sunday even* ,Ast 6, Johs.J.HRbesnisvst Hewoitagtalveun COMMUNICABLE DISEASE son; the !amily commng the great- teanua lakPeing, ugus (Jwe obrto i vsi- Hewh i ahope) iv uo REPORTetdanc , Mn ranisco, ate ade and Church Service was held ing hiec sister, Mrs. J. Watson, little owes more ta bis father's ______SaFacicoad h Caesra wisdam than he bas a great deal It will not discolor or darken from coal smnoke or industrial pu5s. Week ending August 5th, 1950 sagpeamk, c Ms y-wt e. GorglFe Nchlnd the mea It'a, too--removes surface dirt. Chickenpox-Campbell!ord 1; con Hyland, Omemee. . Band was in attendance. ough, and Mr. Peccy Hulbert, To- Seymour Townsbip 1. The foliowing were the win- Rainy weathec spoiled the onta, spent a holiday with their iYears ci extensive exposure tests under many ty7pes of climate German Measles-Cobourg 4. esm heporme !rcs planls of the L.O.L. 133 for their father, Mr. Acthurc Hulbect.e conitinsfro stongsunigt ad sit ir a havyindstial RedMeaiesCavn TwnsmpChildren under 5, Glen Hyland, Street Dance last Wednesday Mr. and Mcs. J. Tompkins and é conditiw% fromstrong unligh and satPaur Rahm;vyigirlsra5-7edNancyesClark;Twnbutpthel Dancegiwas5-7elNncJimlie; Jpent s te e t weekendnd at fum a±ashae pove te sperorty f ds ew ormlaove 1,Da lington Township boys 5-7, Donald Hyland, Glen in the Armoury, with a large theic cottage. XE ordinaq house paint. Mms-arigtn ons- Hyland; girls 7-10, Lorraine Hy- crowd attending. . Fred Rogers, Gladys and ~eey hr Coneinad skusaou nw ue-rofWhooping Cougb-Port Hope 1. land, Marilyn Thompson; boys Mc. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy, Harvey, Oshawa, called on Co n andof sThustownsto! Calais, Maine, and 7-10, Donald Hawke, Donald Hy- Mcs. M. Franks and Mr. and Mrs. friends in town. sedn i utm r e 9=-Prf àluse P".»ýThe owns f Caais, aine andland; girls 9-11, Jean Hyland, Lamne Reynolds and son, Peter- Mrs. lia Howe is sedn Milltown and St. Stephen, N.B. Lorraine Hyland; boys 9-11, Jerry borough, motored ta Niagara holiday with friends in Barrie. for many yeacs have pooled thei row o hmsn il 11 al and Buffalo on Tuesday Mrs. N. Lansing returned from - OUf CLOSED SATURDAY EVENINGS wtcspyopiasevesa VivianThompson, Barbara Brown; and Wednesday. a visit in Toronto. Hec sister, DURING JULY AND AUGUST f ire-fighting equipment. boys 11-16, Jerry Brown, Bob Prof. Wallace Ferguson and Mcs. K. Spcoule, is spending apepe- id epe Thompson. Ladies' race, Barbara Mrs. Ferguson, Damian, Conin., vacation with hiec. ______________________Brown, Vivian Thompson; gentle- w.ih Mr. and Mcs. Cecil Hill and Mr. Bryce Philp, Stirling, is I £ ~~man's race, Bill Brown, Doug Stý Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson. visiting Mc. and Mrs. Grant F REE INSPECTION i epe J. n . A bernethy phenson. Shoe race, Jean Hyland Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robinson Thompson and other r pok s with *Wapies and George Hawke. Pea- and Mrs. Mervin Grahjim. Pcoutt were supper gueýts o! vr wth PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE i nut scramble, Nancy Clarke, 55 Roy Graham, Gary Venning, Mc. and Mrs. M. Nesbitt. needs at least aAi wthn 35 King S. W,, Bow anville ext ya h ini.s~ob Harold Hamilton and Jim Mac- Mr. and Mrs. T. Langfeld are good clea ning and oilingmo y asKn S .BomnileNxtyptepeanuts.t belaw motored ta Niagara Falls foc on a motor trip ta Pennsylvania î________________________________v_______________ held at Orillia Park. Mr. Fred the weekend. ta visit friends. once a year. Smail adjust. Brown is ta be President, Mc. Mr. and Mcs. Sid Martyn, Osb- Mr. and Mcs. George Bowers ments or repairs made now George Hawke, Secretamy, and awa, and Mc. and Mcs. Harold attended the funecal of his cous- w iht u e Mn. Nathan Brown will be Treas- Mactyn and Ronald motoced ta in, Mr. Henry Miller, who wvas may save you larger repair uirer. Georgian Bay on Monday. killed in a 'plane crash. Service bills later. Our work is donc ' Merlin Bailey, Brantford, was was held in Hampton United m n N U LAM.B FAMILY PICNIC home foc the holiday. Chucch. by experts with finest ma- The eveteenh aual amb Rev. C. W. Hutton, Mms. Hut- Mmr. and Mcs. Johnny Acscott teias ... and guaranteed. TH M HE DD! The eveteenh aual ambton and family are spending the have purchased the Allan Gardon eunion was beld- in Riverside next two weeks at their cottage propemty in North Nestleton and E G w Park, Guelph, on Saturday, July near Picton. The Young Peoples have their present hause foc sale. E G N w e rs 22nd, under the direction of Mms. Union are taking the service next Miss Susan Gist, Montreal, whoh Gardon Harrison, President, and Sunday evening, and the W.M.S. habe isitiherh cousin, Miss g et the ne W Mrs. Bruce Hecron, Secretacy- the following vl e Tresunr.Mr. and Mcs. Melvin Black and Margaret Davison foc the pastD - Around 125 descendants and childcen, Kemptviile, with hiemr otwnto udytavst CE. riO fnieds ! te paner Lmb am-sister, Mrs. C. W. Hutton, Rev. hier gcandpacents near Peterbor- )A nw '- ily who came ta Canada !rom Hutton, and family, foc the week- ouh. Wle Ferguson and Mas- m ls rn *~L±Lw v Lancashice, England, in 1856, at- end.Ms.Wtc Now available for most Elgin tred hae s-a- tended. Miss Mona Fergusan visiteci ter Wayne Lee, Enniskillen, visited Watches. Gives an amazing It beingi a beautiful day evecy- friends at Guelph. iMr. and Mcs. Gea. Bowers. one enjoyed meeting andtain Misses Thelma and MonaFe- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symans permanency of timekeeping ed "e o s o! by-gone days. After a hearty guson and Jessie Van Camp hoaddagteBwmnile ist eomne picnic lunch, there was a bus tour took Summer Courses in Toronto, ed Mc. andi Mrs N. C. Maciow. sefEgiymt.&tpw ah - w ih t o! the city which included two bus and Miss Lois Lacmec, who took Marly local folk attendedCiviel loads, cavering places of interest such as Ontario Refocmatocy . O a A.., nd OUV.C.,residential and ___________ Mr. James Lamb a! Fenelon YET TELEPHONE SERVICE is one of the-smallest items Falls passed away during the v'ear>-_i 1. The seccet's out;; the word has gone'on --at the gand aid age of 93 yeacs; e'on in your fanuily budget. And at the saine timie your tele- aiso, Mr. Sidney Lamb, Kentuckv, Winchester is going places. This fresh pon rnstwzce as many telepimone users %vitliin your ont.,arn . Rchr HdinLD smoking pleasure is being discovered by C M G I raha tddtnyasao oaa las orIt was decided ta have the next more Canadians everywhere who are turning reunion in Victoria Park, Lind- reach ane s ibigdvale, er g.Tdy sawyyu say, Ont., on Juiy 21, 1951. to and enjoying Winchester Cigarettes. teepoe sbi vle..Election of officers resulted aý te Join your friends i try a week with Winchester Canon P. M. Lamb, Leaside; :. you'Il want to stay with them for life. «î/ý0ePresident, Mms. Herb Shaw, Lind- THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA say; Secretary-Treasunec, Miss aRelatives were present froi-n i ch s e ~ D e ln Vancouver, B.C.; White Bear, W ' ce tr l,à1 Saskatchewan; Fairview, Penn.:-I AR T E 0 FOIU jEtEHONE, r forcl higr grde ofImnlay City, Mich.; Niagara Falls', leYUPEWII uwj aei uta ucl sN.Y.; Windsor, Brantfocd, Toron-Bw an ll _________avuasrac_ a .Or otiun 9O i a r-ta. Lindsay. Bowmanvile, Milton. 3 Td% P TO BA CCO S - V l u A <I Y tà70 K/S/I 'Oryfociitis ntit.Clarkson, Hespeler, Fenelon Falls. voe on rovde he Oceý,, wh wan it whn ad werethe woFergus, Guelph. After a deliciaus Vietekn fà"c apicnic supper, ail departed for f«6~.~L o GIVE YOU SMOKING SATISFACTION thein homes, hoping ta meet again next year.- -riLum; MUR &KAM THLMSDAY, AUGUST IM, 1950'- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO i i

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