M'UEDAY, AUGUST lOt, 1950TECAAAKTAEMN O AIVL1flrUà John, Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, spent an enjoyable holiday fromAB T AN were visitors at Mr. and Mru. H. Tuesday until Thursday at Algon- L B T N I th i an Ditn a tMcGill's. quin Park -and Hall's Lake, then In heDi a d isan P siMr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and returning home and t9king ar famly ithMr.and Mns. Douglas and Wayne for the weekend to From The Stateaui FUes Barton, at their cottage, Bowman- London and Niagara Falls, also _______________________________________ville. calling on Mr. and Mns. E. C. Mr. andMrs. Egar Wrght and Flory at Niagara-on-the-Lake... FJ! EASAOTWENTYFIVE YEARS AGO family visited Miss Marguerite Mrs. Wm. Whittaker, Mr. and Wednesday, August Sth, 1900 Thursday, Auus 13, 1925 Wright. St. Catharines, and Mr. Mrs. Arthur Redknapp, Newton- and Mrs. Frank Spry, Rocheste ville; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Peth- In vryprtt hosewedig, Bowmanville-The flying club N.Y. Misses Doris and Carol ick, Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, at Addie Louise, youngest daughter flew their first race Saturday, Wright returned home with themn S. R. Pethick's. Of Mrs. (Rev.) D. C. McDowell, August 8th, from Riverdale with and Miss Gloria Wright remnained Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson, Mr. Liberty St., became the bride of Bottrell's pigeons coming first for her holidays. and Mrs. John Oke spent an en- Mr. George Eddy Kennedy, a and second, and Diling third. Mr. Earl Bottrell and sister joyable holday at Wasaga Beach. îf¶Vluggist in Ottawa. Rev. J. Ken- The staples Clan held their first Elsie, Newcastle; Mr. Edmond Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke at Mr. 'lIy, London, father of the groom, reunion at Horse Show Park, Co- Sandercock, Orono, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Purpie Hill. ficiated. bourg, on Wednesday, August and Mrs. C. Ferguson's. Mrs. E. Strutt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Newcastle-Durham Old Boys 5th, 1925. Master Donald Wearn with- Pethick and Ruth with Mr. and held a reunion at Newcastle which The Hooper-McFeeters Picnic Master Ronald Parrott,. Chalk Mrs. Ed. Cain's, Pontypool. was a complete success in every was held at Lakeside Park, Osh- Lake.MisKyM eir.ad rs waywih n ecelet pogamawa o Agus 3d.Most of, the Mr. and Mns. Wm. Stainton, H. J. Slemon, Toronto, at Mr. and provided for this third annual members of these familles reside Orono; Mr. Warren Preston, Osh- Mrs. R. McNeil's. gathening. in Durham County. awa. at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and HUGH F. LABATT New Haven-The Y. P. of the Newcastle-The raspberry so- Lamb's. family at Mr. and Mrs. A. Wearn's , The directors of John Labatt Limnited ant Y.P.S.C.E., Base Line, spent a cial was held in the Community Mrs. E. Drinkie, Oshawa, Is Claremnont for a few days. president, succeeding John S. Labatt, bot pleasant evening at Miss Van- Hall on August 5th, under the visiting her neice, Mrs. A. Lead- versary with the company receritly. Jo Camps, spacious lawn on Friday auspices of St. John's R. C. beater. senior brewing consultant. Hugh F. Labat eengin honour of Mr. Russeli Church, in celebration of its 25th Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and S R IL La= iad previous to his depar- anniversary. Mr. Murray Adas- daughters with Mr. and Mrs. B. whoar spndngthesume ture for Manitoba. kmn favoured with selections on Wearns, Woodstock. h r pnin h une Solina-Mr. J. W. Brooks suc- his violîn, accompanied by Mr. Gordon Stevens spent Sun- Miss Hazeil, Toronto, has re- with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hallowell, cessfully raised a mammoth sheep Miss Yvonne Hazelwood, Bow- day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Weav- tunned after a pleasant vacation spent a few days in Toronto. barn the week previous to this manville, at the piano. ine at Hall's Lake. with Miss Norma Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. W. Benson and edition of the paper. Millbrook-A boît of lightning Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson baby, Toronto, spent the weekend Orono--Mr. George Henry, son set fine to the barn belonging to Mr. W. Sanderson's, Columbus. and sons spent Sunday mn Osh- with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hallo- of the late Alex Henry, Sixth John Moore, about three miles out Miss Carol Wright is holidaying awa. well. Line, purchased the William Mof- of Millbrook, totally destnoying with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred San- Mr. and Mns. George Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Eliiott Dunsford, fatt farm, Lot 18, 8th Concession, the building and contents. The derson's, Columbus. Orono, with Mn. Arthur McKay. visited Mn. and Mrs. A. Dobson re- ace.barn was partly covered by insur- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett Mrs. H. Harrington and son cently. irr;owmanvleO teBw - ance, but the crops of oats, hay ville markets, eggs soid at the and peas which he had harvested rate of lic a dozen; butter was were a total loss. 15C a pound, and potatoes were Kirby-Mr. Cecil Powers han- 25c a bushel. Quite a difference vested a field of oats that was from present day prices, don't 5 ft. 10 inches in height and well you think? headed. ( the town of Bowmanville was 40 Go By Train To The mills in 1925. Principal J. H. Johnston attend- m ed the annuai meeting of the Can- 0 T T A W A adian Teachers' Federation in To- ronto. - E XH IB IT IO N M. a. ppe congratulated Mn. August 21 to 26 editor of this papen. Some of the papers were: The Whitby Gazette Low Rail Fares and Chronicle, The Coiiingwood Bulletin, The Campbellford Her- $ 10.65 $ 12.25 aid, The Thorold Post and The ________ Coach Sleeping and OsawTegr. Parlour Cars* *Parlour Car or Benth Fare B sns o e ExtraBuiesW nn Good going Saturday, Aug. Meet in England 19 to Saturday, Aug. 26, Want Equal Pay inclusive. Return Limit-Aug. 28 The agenda at the th Congness of the International Federation oi Full information from any Business and Professional Wom- For a REA L NIGHT of FUI agent en's Clubs was of particular in- terest to the members of the ne- ibis> A. i' *,. cently formed Bowmanville B. ~~'4444I~4(~C4&$ Te Congness was held in Lon- f A NITV '1 don, England last week and wound M N * MM * * in the fundamental human ights W of people everywhere. t Delegates from 20 countries, in- cluding Canada, also came out NATURE UNSPOILED strongly in favor of equal pay for1 Iwomen who do the same jobs as Imen. In its "human rights" resolu- 'w'tion, the Congress said: "We believe that everyone ~.. should have the ight to an effec- - - . tive remedy by the competent na- ~$ tionaLtrbnasfor acts violat:ng tefundamental rights granted Nooeshould be subjected to abtayarrest, detention or ex- il'Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hear- ing by an independent and im- partial tribunal, in the determin- ation of any ciminal charge against him. Everyone charged with a penal offense should be M YOURS TO) PROTECT presumed innocent until proved___ guilty according to law in a pub-OWAV LE HI The. SHARP-TAILED GROUSE is lic trial." bron, hicen-ikebir wTheBar Congress instructed its " bown chcke-lie brd ith Boad of Directors to investigate " short, dark tai. This tail, and through the United Nations, or byr the absence of neck ruifs, other means, any reported in- separate him from thé ruffed fringemnent of the U. N. declara- grouse. Sometimes called the. tion of human right. e'prairie chicken"', he's a Valu- Ift urged the setting up at once ofsome sort of international ma- able northw.stern game bird, chinery to deal with "equal pay and deserves proteceiofi. for women." lt askerj national federations to work for its rati- fication and implementation by YOU S O EsO 1 individual governiments. diARyIrI IrN G'S ENÉliKIr-Ea - - - --' -.--..- rA~.*.Ui J 40UNCEMENT Brothers and sisters and their CARR BROS. CIRCUS FUNSTER1S - THE families of Mr. Claude Smith, vi ngatbered at the spacious lawn of MadMrs. Howard Stevens onAd iso - 50c ai Gale - 40c If Ticket Boug Sunday afternoon to rememberAdiso '> ~ him on the occasion of his birth- day and ail enjoyed a lovely sup-ChdnUde12FeAcopredbP pen together. Cidé ne 2Fe conçne yP picklinq Friends and neighbours wish É10%eeClaude congratulations on bis fibirthday. .- FREE ATTENDANCE PRIZES O U R ber aunt M rs. P. Tresise, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fenguson and famîly at Mn. and Mrs. Eth. Wight's, Pontypool. os1. ÀrMiss Nora Werry, Miss Eleanor Mountjoy, Mn. R. J. Luke. Ked- -LSAF IE lm OTIL r__ non; Mr. and Mrs. B. Luke and well.maind stadfas. Itis t e w Mn. and Mns. Ford, Lindsay; of the people. People evenywhere.. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden with Here in Porcupine, in the Rau- Mn. and Mrs. A. Dobson. manian Onthodox Chunch, for In* Mns. Piitz and daughter, Dun- stance, slightly above othen pic. barton, with M. and Mrs. Victor tures on the walls, ang coloured Farrow. pbotographs of the King and A good number welcomed Rev. Queen. .And over the door is a Lancaster at Shiloh Sunday after- crest, not the Ontario crest on the noon and enjoyed a fine sermon. Canacdian crest, but the Royal It was decided to hold service at crest, quite a large one, and ovr 9:45 a.m. until further- notice. it. affixed in the middle, is a tny It is noted that Rev. Wesley sik Union Jack. No one asked the Down passed away at Belleville Rev. Teofil Maxim to Put them Up. in bis 92nd year. Mr. Down was He did it voluntariiy. "Our King," in charge of this circuit some he said, "King George, in hlm years ago and was the oldest sur- place-oh, yes, the people like viving minister in the United that." Church of Canada. A Timmins school teacher in Detroit last January was offened a more lucrative job. This lnvolv- WHAT HE REPRESENTS ed the loss of British citizenship, which she absolutely refused to What Viscount Alexander rep- relinquish. resents is above party politics, Thus among al Canadians, and fame-seekers, climbers of ail here in te Camp whee more knds. What he represents is races and religions lve, quite pos- something good and noble and en- sibly, than in any small town in during. Our King and Queen, the Empire, the spark of wanted Prince and Princess-they al rep- Sovereign prevails, and Thein Ma- resent the Crown. They are not jesties reign oven all-equally. ItI after votes. They are fot after is a bond of unity and hanmony fame. They simply reign above something stable in an unstab*e it al, and over al the people, their world. That is what Viscount subjects, devoted and loyal. That Alexander represents. Long may is the way it is today; the way it it be preserved.-Timmins Ad-. bs been for centuries. And it is, vance. we believe, very fine indeed. Duing the war thrones and Upwards of 8,000 miles of Can - kindgoms topped. At least four adian-controled railroads in the emperors and five kingdoms came United States re linked with JOHN S. LABATT nnounce the election of Hugh F. Labatt as oth of whom celebrated their golden anni- Fhn S. Labatt wîiI remain a director and att will serve, also, as chairman of the board. M. B. McKay, Newcastle' with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bougben. Miss Helena Hailoweli, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mn. and Mrs. D. Shutka and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rog- ers-.and daughter, Oshiawa, with Mn. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Miss Helen Halioweil spent aý few days with Miss Norma Hailo- to an end. The Bnitish Tbrone ne- their panent systems in Canada. j J 4 il SCHOOL OROUNOS NIVAL in ""SLIDE of DEATH" No Nets - ERIPLEYS, BALANCERS ;ht in Advgnce larents New Games Merry- New-Boound Proceeds for Crippled Children's Work in this District P7, y, -»S AND bmL. j i X(VORKS DISPLAY PAGE 1 THE CANADIAN BTATES?£«, BOWT&ANVI=. ONTknyô " A #,lin v Fm . - New Booths-