tHURDAYAUGUT î7h. 50"M CA1-ADLAN STATISM. EOWMAIÇVELLE. ONqTRfô SOCIALMIDPERSONAL Mrs. Leo Mutton is home fromn Toronto. recently visited Mn. and Bravenhurut for a short visit. Mrs. W. J. Cully. Mr. Clarence Hall is visiting Misses Barbara Bruce and Vivi- telatives ln Newmarket and an Prout ai Bowmanville, ana Oronte. holidaying at Wigwassan Ladga, Chiai of Police and Mmi. Sidney Rosseau, Muekoka. ~'enton are holiday at Glenvandean Mn. Bud Nichais raturned ta en Hal's Lake. Englahart aiter spanding twa in Violet Currie and Mr. Jack weaks vacation with bis parants, agher were waekand guests Mr. and Mmi. W. H. Nichols. 0f Mnr. and Mmi. E. Passant. Mm. and Mrs. J. C. Thompson Miss Tennia Baran spent twa visited with Mn. and Mmi. J. H. *eeks holiday with hem parents Jannings, Gian Sutton, Quebac, Sud family at Dauphin, Man. and retumned by way ai the U. S. Miss Suzanne Thompson spent Mn. and Mmi. L. J. Nichais and week's holidays with hem cous- Mn. and Mmi. W. H. Nichais and ln, Marlene Laking, Newcastle. . Mn. Bud Nichais visitad Mr. and Mr. and Mmi O Rchon r m. Douglas Nichais at Kings- bolidayîng with Mn. and Mmi. E. tan. Goudy at a cottage on Pigeon Mrs. Orville O)sborna is leav- Lake. ang tomanmow ta visit han daugh- Master James Hughes, Taronto, ten and son-in-iaw, Mr. and Mmi. is enjoying bolidays with bis Alax Wight in Haughandan, Al- gandmothar, Mmi. Gea. E.Prt-berta. chard. E ri- Mn. and Mmi. Gea. W. Graham, Mr. and Mme. Sid Casbourn, Sr. hlave ratunned borne aitar 'I'oronto, spant the weakend with spanding an enjoyabia two weaks his panants, Mn. and Mmi. H. with thair daughten at Lake Casbourn. Simcoa. Heln TitFracesRow, Mr- Mr. and Mrs. William Rosnak HeletNi hT a MFr aces Ro eM r - have returned r am a m ot r trip imt Nihisehad M.anhld Mtsthmough the Eastern States ta ~ Witaeadanaholda- Maine and tbrough New Bruns- W at Bittania. wick and Quabec. Mr. and Mns. W. Watson, Ham- Miss Garaldine and Master fiton, Art Cully and Ed. Sauter, Dalmas Ballard, ai Ranlraw, ana 1 spanding thein summan balidays with their aunt and uncie, Mr. 00 BY Tralin to the and Mmi. J. Over3'. Miss Ileen Balson ai The mu Statasman Staff la halidaying1 CA D A N Balson and childran at terct wihM. and Mrs. llan W.ep seding a waak motaning through EX HI ITIO WesernOntario, the Bruce Pan- AT TORONTO inaula and Georgian Bay anea. Mr. IHerbant and Miss Marilynn Aug. 25 t. Sept. 9 Overy, Misa Jean Maman, al ai Low Rail Fares Toronto, have been spanding thair two weaks vacatian witb the f formmr's parants, Mn. and Mmi. J. FARI AND ONE-HALF Ovêry. IFOR THE ROUND TRIP iMmi. Jessia Lawson, R.N., bas I resignad imom the nursing staff at the Bawmanville Haspital and Good going Thwsday, Aiug. 24 > h as acceptad a Position as a Saturday, Sept. 9 lnclusive. Night Suparvisor at Toronto Gan- anal Hospital. IRetum Limit-Sepa. 13 Mr. and Mns. John Martin, To- fa informaton fr--e -Y agent, onta, weme Sunday guesta ai Mms. Gea. W. James. Tbey also cal-. ad on Mr. James who la stili a £ * G G O £ patient in the haspital but hopas ta be home in the naxt tan days. end a chance to win a 1950 CHEV. SEDAN at the Oshawa Lions Club MONSTER DINGO Friday, Sept. lst - .8:30 OSHAWA ARENA ,CLEARANCE "o New 7.8 cu. fi. REFRIGERATOR Regular $349.00 For -- - $299200 New 6-luhe Addison Comb. RADIO 3 Speed Changer. Regular $239.00 For --- ---_ $ 169300 New RANGETTE, Automalic Oven Control Ragular $71.75 For--- -59350 New Grey Velour DAVENPORT DED ]Regular $119.00 c or ---------- -7500 New 9 Clia fia Electric REFRIGERATOR Regular $429.00 For. __- .$359.O NANTEL RADIOS Regular $44.50 For _ _ - - - - muRPHY'S Appliance & Furmituro PHONE 811 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. W. I t t il ti c 1 c si h ri m b a ri ri p h ti ti ri v; tý. w w in T p hi tI w ci T if i -; ýým t e and cobalt concentrates a day, and bhis considering that silver pras- entiy salis for ninety and ane hait cents an ounce; cobalt, one dollar a pound. No other nation produces as nuch platinum or asbestos. Only he Balgian Congo surpisses ber in the production of uranium; she stands third in the world in the production af gold, zinc, capper, ilvem',and lead. Ail thisin a na- tion that ban yet ta be completeiy explored. At the presant time, Ontario is th great praducer of minerai wrealtb, but this may not always T1C K ET 8 TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamahip Consult JURY&h LOVELL Howînanille 15 King St. W. Phone 779 The names cf Mrm. Jas. Oakei Bull Phair and Clarence Englis] were omittad fromn reporta oi vic tims who suffered crap damag, during a recent hallstorm. Miss Phyllis R. Challs, Mis Mabel Chala, Mri. Elmo Ander son, Mrs. T. A. Garton, Bowman ville; Mrs. H. M. Faster, Camp belîcroft, lai t Saturday on j motor trip ta Quebec. Maritimeç and U.S.A. Mr. and Mmi. Norman Luxtor and chiidren spent a day at th< Sand Banks near Picton. Wher they raturned Mr. and Mrs. Lux. ton and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pres. ton, of Oshawa, went on ta Man3 Lake near Huntsville ta spend thair holidays. Mrs. W. J. Leask bas retumnec home after holidaying in Westemr Canada visiting friands in Cal. gary, Vancouver, Victoria. Be- fore ratumning home she spant à month in Florida visiting ber brother, Dr. J. C. Lumb, at Miami Beach, Florida. Mrs. Ross Stevens attended the funaral af ber cousin, Mmi. Dr. J. G. White (formerly Ethel Brit- tain of Bowmanville) at Ridge- way on Saturday, August 12tb, and ramained for the weekend with Mrs. J. R. Ovens, ber sistar in Niagara Falls. Older citizans in town ragrattad ta raad in Tuesday's Globe and Mail the death notice af Mrs. Gar- net H. Duncan, who passed away in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Duncan was a native af Bow- manvilla and before ber mar- niage was Katharine (Kate) Mur- dock, daughter ai the late Peter Murdock, well known marchant hare before the turn ai the cen- tury. Among those entartaining in hanour af Mrs. E. R. Hanna (formerly Heien Pritchard) were Mrs. Frederick Hughees, Toronto: Mrs. Fredenick Lewis, Bowman- ville, and Miss Ileen Balson, Sauina, wha wene hostesses at miscelianeaus showars. Also Mrs. H. T. Pritchard, Toronto, held a pantry shahf showar, and Mrs. Haroldi Bennett, Bowmanville, a kitchen showen. Mr. and Mrs. Mansaîl Coole, Hamilton, visited bis brother, Jack Coola and sister, Mrs. E. Henning, aven the holiday waek- end. They went an ta Peter- borough wbare thein son Ray- mond toak part in a golf tourna- ment. Ha placed first in bis age- graup. Ray and bis cbum, R. Macdlonald, won the Ontario Juni- ion Golf Championship in 1949. Cadet Murray "Peanut" Wina- cott wnites borne from the measles ward of a London bospital that ha is taking a seven-day holiday there, away from Camp Ipper- wash. whare ha bas completed a six weeks course in Army Sig- nalling. Altbougb classes ara finished at the camp, Murray is disappointed bacause ha will miss the practice sessions wbich will taka place on a three-day camp- ing trip north. On August lOth about twanty- thraa friands gathared at the Colwell home wban Mrs. A. J. Lyman, Oshawa, and Mns. Bert Colwell ware joint hostesses toaa surprise party in honour of Mmi. MVina Colweii's birthday. Aftar riumeraus contesta and games weme enjoyed and prizes distri- buted a dainty lunch was servedý and a social bour was spent with Mrs. Annie Bradley, of Bond H{ead, sistar ai Mms. Coiwell raadîng tea cups. Mms. Bradley ramainad for a few days bolidays. Mms. Nalia Palmer, Mise Rose Palmer and Mrs. Isobel Johns have just returned from a motor trip through the Maritimes and the New Engiand States. Thay aeturnad tbnough the famous Mlohawk Trail and Mountains. Miiss Josaphine Pierson joinad the vacation pamty at Belleville. On ha raturn trip, Mmi. Isobel Johns vas greetad hy bar son Freddie who spent a faw days with hem in Belleville and tourad the Thousand Islands, then accom- panied ber an the return trip home. Lions Club (Cantinued from Page One) them, and .ta Marx the gatharing e, that varioua philosophies, religions oh anct doctrines have béen recogniz- - ed throughout the world by sym- ge bols. The symbol for Christian- ity, for example, Wl. a *ish. This *symbol was u.ed when. Christians -were plagued by Pagans. It was -engraved in the catacombes; -painted on sidewalks and doors; a At was the symbol ai a Christian. ý Mohammed, born ini the year 629, origlnated the Islam religion. ýn His Chant, "There là only ane Gad, Le and Mohammedila bis praphet" ri achoed throughout the known r. world until taday, we recognize ;the Islam religion. In Russia, Mo- yhammed was idiculed when it d was said, "lThere is no God, and Kari Marx la bis prophet." d "The symbai af the sickle and nbammer," Fathar Caiiey said, "aven in aur generation, lias tried ta replace the symbol of the fish. aTheme is no religion in Commun- rism," ha continued, "it Io matenial- iistic atheism, a wish ta deny God." e Staiin'sIMes, Stalin's idea, accomding ta the .speaker, ls ta stamp out the wor- -sip af God, rander religion help- las tbeeby and facilitate the basing ai the Communist balief ron theomy, philosophy and matter. Communists do not balieve in the 1lufe hereaften, but tbay do balieva 1that man is the lame as matter -and themefore, as a slave ta the jState. Commun ist adherents, bowaver, .would willingly ovarlook adults -if they could -grasp youth fimst." -Thair weapons ana the closing ai rchurchas and the creation ai taxt tbooks writtan by Russian propa- gandists. "I saw it mysaîf in Fascism," Fathar Coffey said, "whien I was in Italy." Lika LCommunism, tbey denied the par- sonality ai a man and dastmoyedT his dignity. In Communism thera ls noa right af private enterprise, and no private pmaperty. Peoplea giva ta the Stata accarding ta thairr power ta give, and they raceives L ram the State accamding ta their needs. "Religion is the arch enemy* ai Communlinm," the Bowmanvilie Priest told the Lions meeting. "Tbey cannot exist n the same lands bacause they are the vemy opposite."l Social Order In order ta establish Cam- mu.nism, saciaty must êe under- mined. Communist agitatons will first endeavour ta incite a civil war. They will stnive tai raise the praletaniat in nebellion against other social classes. "Rav- olution and terron," said the! Priait, "are the pillars ai Corn- munism." They wiil appnoach ail classes. They will tell the -peasant lthat ha ie not recaiving anougli money undar the prasant social systam. iThe man in private entarpnîse wiil ba touched by maminding him of the buga chain stores ailowed ta opanata an a capitalistic sys- tam. The working class, ai course, will be contactad thmough demands for'bigber wages. *"I do nat candamn a legal and le- gitimate stnike," Father, Cofley told bis audiencé, "but Commun- ist inspired strikes are flot lagal, thay ara initiatad ta encourage a revolution. We in Canada might honestly say, "It cannot happen hera." Stili, citizans af Poland, Yugo- siavia and parts af Genmany, France and Italy, waeeknown ta maka this sama statemant. We muet study their methods the speaker 'said. "Today, Commun- ists are masters ai prapaganda, subversity, terror and revalution. We muet 'ha preparad ta meat their threat and meet it belon. it gats a hold on aur country." Father Cofiey was thankad ion bis anlightening address by Bill Oliver wbo said, "Yau bave braugbt home a good many points that.mast ai us hava givan littla menit ta." Lions President, Nelsot E. Os- borne, also tbanised the visiting speaker. Rolary Club (Continued froru page ona) ceedad by only those ai the U.S., Great Britain and perbapas the Ail fhras 5g for only BRYLCRE EN " Keeps the hair ln place ait dey. " Guards againsf end removes dandruff. " Gives hair a gteaming lustre. HAN294 'CI Il I49 Roy Tody 2 for 69e 35c Box of 12 - . Alex. We Deliver I. D. A. B]RAMqD sPEI ALMOND LOTION -oP E~.SCIALS BORACIC ACID, '5e-- 2 8, 16-oz., reg. 25c, 40e 9-2 CASTOR OIL, 932 4, 8_0z., reg. 25c, 45e 2-9 LINSEED MEAL, 12-0z, reg. 30c 23Ic PENETRATINGLINIMENT,23 reg. 45, __ 3 SEJDLITZ POWDERS---,3 7's, reg. 29c __ s P SENNA LEA'VES -zre.3c 23e SYRTJP, FIGS &SENNA. rg 1 WA 3-z. reg. 33e ---2c ? APER, 100 f. reg. 31c'_ 27c Starn Your Treatment - Now for.. Tabs.$l0$25-7Q inhalator - $79 Q1 Medicatior 'q Ref il - 2u 1 Inhal-it Jr. - 75e Frosst Ostoco Drops ~ . - 12-4U Frosf Pyrithn- 60c-$3.7$ Gluco Fdrin - 0 Lantigeli E" ,- ---- - $6.00 Idaphedrif I.D.A. Nosa Drops ý S5c P iv in e .--7 5 c Templetof'S Raz-M ah Caps. - 6c-S.25-S.00 for quick first aid PABLUM or PABENA - Baby Cereals ing in Hampton village five miles COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE j'UI SO'Rs> THURSDA Y with mevuemeut '<...F Stay put wiihout bindiug flesh colour - iucouspicuous CASH MERE TI1s sU E Compl.etely 730 SHERTS to the raol Si4I L or 2 ONE-PIEC[ Gilete!~RAZOR With 10 GilletteDe Siesln Dispenser - - 15C -39c -59c I.D.A. Brand INSECTICIDES Bridgeport Aer-A-Sol Bombs $1.89-$3.95-$4.98 FIy.Tox Insect Bomb - - - -. $1 .69 FIy-Tox Spray .- ------ 29c-50c-à5c Green Cross Insect Bomb -____ .$1.69 Green Cross Spray -- ------- 29c-50c-85c Reid's Household Insect Powder Cane -----------50e Sapho 5% DDT Spray L 29c-49c-99c WiIson's Fly Pads lOcl -25c - 50c1 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGeregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs' Plions 792 I.- ibe the case. The Northwest Ter- ceeding one billion dollars a year. ritories are three times the size Iron anld steel p:roducts, sbip of Ontario and have yet to be de- building and repair, and auto- veloped ta full capacîty. In the mobiles do almost as well and are Canadian Northwest there are continually increasing their% pro- found the Great Bear Lake radi- duction. um mines; the important Yellow- Industrial Centres knife gold fields; at Fort Norman, Forty-two Canadian cities each 011, silver, copper, lead, zinc and produce more than $25,000,000 ather minerais are to ba found, worth of rnanufactured goods a and the region abounds in coal year. Mantreal which triplad and undeveloped waterpower. since 1901 and now has a popu- New Iron Mines- lation of over 1,000,000 turns out Until recentiy. Canada depend- more than $1,000,000,000 worth ed on Newfoundland and the Un- annually. Toronto, which is near- ited States for ber iron ore, but ly as large, doas aimost 'as weli, now~ she bas bagun to deveiop and Windsor, Hamilton and Van- sorne of ber own deposits. Miner, couver together produce an equai in Labrador and Ungava produce amount. are that runs as bhigh as 64 per Fortunes To Make cent. iran; at Steep Rock Lake in In the words of Roy H. Thom- the Rainy River District, large son af Toronto, who started with deposits of iran are being worked. a radio agency in northern On- Access to these' important mines tario and who today owns a chain which may eventually be callad of three broadcasting stations and upon to suppiy the antire North five daily newspapers, "Every American continent, is at present man in Canada bas a chance ta quite dfficuit. This situation wili make a fortune." be remadied, howèver, when a Ail Canada needs is people. 300 mile railway connects the People ta work, ta reap profits iran producing districts ta the St. and people ta take advantage of Lawrence River. the unlimited oppartunities she Canada's Future -offars. Canada's future does not rest Mr. Morris was thanked for bis solaly on her mines and minerals. informative talk by John M. Already, just a newcomaer ta the James who told the speaker that industrial worid, Canada is ane he had "given a further insight af the "big four." into the great Canada we have." For a consderable pariad of time, Canada has been ana af thp greatast manufacturars of paper Air Force Veteran and waod pulp in the worid. Even before the war, sha exported twice as much newsprint as ail other (Cantinued tram Page One) nations af the world combinad. plan t. Shartiy afterward, how- With competition at its lowest lev- eVer, he enlistad in the R:C.A.F. ai. due ta war lasses and othar and as an aircraw hopefully trav- aconomic barriars in campating elled ta Toronto. nations, Canada' is unabie ta meet Destined ta be a pilat, Keîth world demand even though she is trained at Toronto's number 61 pusbing ber productian ta the ut- Initial Training School and taak Mast. hi s elementary flying instruction In 'aimost every field aof manu- at Oshawa. Hagersvilie was the facture Canada has made ber final step in bis aircrew training; mark. Smelting and rafining he received bis wings in August,1 stand first. with prduction ex- 1944. E SPECIAL VALUIES AND REMINDERS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY tTransportad ta England an the nortb ai Bowmanville. fle de France, Keith was assigned Watcb for the Friday opnins ta 323 Squadron lamiliarlv known af a local boy's optometmy Vesture. ta "fiy boys" as the Porcupine Squadron. Wîth himn on the air LaeA. station at Skipton on Swale, was Lions VIU another Bowmanvilie boy, Allan Ferguson, the son af Dm. Harold <Cantinuad irom Page Twa) Farguson. Returning ta Canada shortlv At present, the Lieguard ia aftr Hiter's deeat, Kith receiv- stressing classs in Water safety d is discharge in Septemban, and ha as noléd 26 people ini 1945, nt Toronto. Ha neturned ta swimming classes. 'Due to coIl4 Hamptn and workd with is ai ofthe wate, owave, the father on the ari on a yea. Brc class is not progessing ag But ater spending three and a rapidly as tat held fan tawn ahf years as a world travefle. youngstes at the Boys' Training' Keitb dcided that arming wasn't Schol ach Tuesday and Wedý- for him. Hae anted a highen ed- aesday. ucation and a crack at the bus- An invitation from 'the Training ines wrld Atthi tie, owSchool for Boys requested that maers wodnld'this tim e ldw-Lions and their friands attend the hi aven s a dîdn'tew hat fora.d25tbannivensary ai tbe School bisntalentheastuiod hlm for. ta baheld Thursday,, August 24th. Tbirnkinytdstuaotion avenoha It is expected that the Hon. Les.. Streand taeTorfcof the DYe- lie. Frost, K.C., Premier of On- Satenthaoffiens AftheiDe-tario, and othar prominant people pahnotnt 0f eften ffira. willba inattandance. The public Witbnothng efinta n mm, j cordiaîîy invitad ta the anni- hae was open ta suggestion. At D.V.A. ha was interviawed, vrsary funiction. as many ai ur World War II vets Andy Thompson Infommed club wer, y a co nselo, t en ba as m em bans that only two m em beils sent, bya c ta tellHamtn hf a ofthe onganizatian are still en- seit ban nvoivhedHaito darblaoying single blassadness, but "ohé Uih nivriy ourels. Ha "thought (Robert Preston) ih giving in due U n i v r s i t c o u s e s . H e " h o u g t at p r e s s u r e " a n d w i l l b a m a r i e d it over," and within a week was soty h te RlhBr back at the York Street offices hatly. Tha oingthew(alh an with the field narrawa\,d dowvn ta Dr. Harold Ferguson and Pr. dentistry, phanmacy and a)ptaml- E. W.' Sisson were welcomed to etry. the ràdape' e Evidently vbat sold bim on the linaG reendp aias' clubbathp3 latter course was a visit ta the g eeniiriedtnta p. Toronto Collage af Optametry on ________________ St. George Street, then presidadý aven by the late Dean Thompson. Lîla Here Kauth Billatt iamiliarizad Llin i' as himsalf with the innenwankings SHO FDl7lC ai a callea aithis nature and ha- S Teple, ACn . fana ieaving the buildinghasi ManiTepCnteS. ta himseli. "This is it." O SH A WA After threa hard years ai studv. Registration Sat. Morning, Kaith Biliett is a familv man* Hic Saptemnber Otb wile, the former Jean Baisan o paflRte o Hampton and bis year-aid daugi- OSpeofiaowRatento tar Mary Jean, are presentiv liv- Ota onSuet e Ecie wit Te PAGE SEVEb 1 m IIMUDAT, AUGUST Ilth. 1950 1DAMW Qvvv%* ýr! Get Tours Tody-In TiIs Nw' SPECIAL VALUE TONI REFILL KIT ."'* " Six Toni Midget SPIN Cuviers " Reguior Tant Home Permanent Roi " Toni Crame Szampo, 33c ixe $1.88 Value m i 1 m ý BAND-AID i EALTH SALTS 1b. 59C 1