mURSDY, AUUST ztli, e~t,- CANADIAN STATESMAN. WMAXMTTV- rIDef%,.'AMM, fite Dùiman If From The SU FIFTY YEARS AGO Wedneuday, August 22, 1900 Bowmanvjlle - There were many strong complaints about the Weeds along Division Street. The Statesman congratulated . cipal Gilfillan of the High 'p1, and the staff on the ex- ~nt record of no failures in sihr Junior or Senior Matricu- lation - resuits of the students, and' only two failures in the whole school. King Street had a cernent walk Six feet wide from Silver ta Temperance St. on the north ide. While she was in Toronta on a boat trip, Mrs. W. Wadelin, Bow- planville, was knacked down by . teamn of runaway harses at the qforner of King and Yonge Sts. She suffered two broken ribs and ber ankie, finger and ather parts of her body were considerably bruised.. ;Leskard - Mr. J. W. Cornish purchased the corner store busi- ness from Mr. D. Bell. Kendal - Amongst those to finish harvest first were Messrs. J.ià. Rae, Starkville, John Neal George Cooper. ono - H. G. Beers shipped 1500 pounds of claver honey to Montreal. Newcastle - While threshing peas at Mr. John Riekard's on Wednesday, Mr. Jas. Parson's tearn taak fight at the whistle, throwing him from the wagon. He sustained two very severe1 scalp wounds and was badly shaken Up. ý Westîn FEATURES 0 tic OApAOITYlit COMPATdAe8 -IlvuYaU40ttise se aeatlt 0 UARGEST SURFACE CAPACITY el IleY la-il raqt i a.1I 0 AIITOMATIO HEAT CONTROL Kun svina 1molwt whes you soliL 0 LARGE CAPAOITY OVEN-C, IY iuafated wilà Ybrglas. This modern, compact Westinghouse A-4-M Range is, no mere makeshjft ýapartment model" ... it's a fuli-size, high. speed automatic electric range with two extra large and two regular size "COROX" surface units! Ful capacity True-Temp aven provides complete cooking facilities, even for the really big family! Sec k tamorrowl ÀO4 M $230O. NEW/! COROX SURFACE UNITS ... provide the ultimate in electric surface cooking! They're faster, more efficient * ' , more ecanomical! AI! four units eqtuipped with 5-heat switches! Easy to clean! muRPHY'S Appliance & Furniture PHONT 811 BOWINIANVILLE KING ST. W. On Thursday afternoon the Aug ust meeting of Zion W. A. wa held at the home of Mrs. Edwii Ruthven, with an attendance c fifteen. Miss Laura Hamilton, with thi assistance of Mns. Ruthven an( Mns. Morton, took charge of th( devotians. Aften hymns, Scnip ture and suitable readings wer( presented, the mieeting wa. turned aven ta the Ententainmený Cammittee. Mrs. Tufford, Bunker Hill, op. ened with the theme of the pro. gramme "Gnandmothers' Day' as shown in the selection "Gnow. ing Old." A reading "Cammor Sense for Parents" by Mrs. Elîs. wonth Caswell was followed bý ail singing "Silver Threads Amone the Gold." A contest was en- joyed by evéryone, then the meet. ing adjourned fan ice cneam, cake cookies and tea. Mrs. E. Barrowclough, Wesley- ville, spent Friday afternoon witl- Mrs. H. Caswell. The neighbourhood was shockec ta hear of the accident ta Mn. Ethan Jones and hope that he will make a speedy recavery, Sevenal from the district at- tended the Durham County Junior Farmens' anual pienic and church service, Elizabethville, on Sun- day. HAMPTON The Sunday evening church service was of special intenest and was conducted by aur paston Rev. G. Empey. Rev. Mn. Cariff, an English missionany of the Cangregational Churcb, from Kingston, Jamaica, was guest speaker and presented a veny inspining and intenesting address, giving much information about the beautiful islands in the West Indies, the people and their man- ner of living, and the influence the Gospel bas had on the lives Complets LUXURIOUS BATHROOM SETS in magnificent colours Y Rcais Bath Tub, C. P. Tub and Shower Fttin; qoit transe valiveand 2 soswer te"d. 14, C. P. M. up bath waste and ove,. 24 x 20- Marha Washington Wash Basin. sitil C. P. comtrnaton supply and pop-up wste httlini. 3'. C. P. angle suppleîs wit stops, C. P. bix logs% . P. towed bars Wo use oit Ions,1l3sstrip. SYLENTA Closet Combssaton silil tttingi. sitil C.P. cdosaI supply 1to an tis stop, plus sutan d come la coloers lu niatcli These seta include the large wash basin with chromiuni legs and towel bars, a '<Sylenta» closet with seat and cover plus a 5-foot recess bathtub with shower head. Ccdours ave ilable: coral blush, twilight blu- pastel green, colonial yellow PhdC DU.IVIRID $31250 (Discount le Plumbos> Write us for any further informa- tion desired. We wi be dehighted to furnuih colow- p..aques upon request. DUNCAN MACL.EOD IAINROON FIXTURES . 3»0 spADINA AVEW., TORONTO - PHONE WAYERLEY 4463 CARTRWRIGHT COUNCH Lduni D sa tP s ~1met on ustth1 id D stan Pas memersail present except Cat cillor Black; Reeve Heaslip in1 tatem au fl es c aD regation from Caesarea, coi prising Len. Proutt, President TWENTY..FPJE YEARS AGO Regatta Ass.; Sam Holiingswor Vice-Pres., and Fred Fray August 27th, 1925 waited on Councili equestingt The Mariow family heid their usuai grant fnom Township.F second annual reunion at the quest gnanted. They also than farmstead of Mn. R. W. Marlow, ed Council for the garbage coi]( Cartwright Township, nean Nest- tion started this year, alsoi leton Station. Ail had a good queted the support of Council time witb many guests present recommendations ta the Fedei from fan and near. Govennment that a breakwat Enniskillen - A fine memoniai be built west of wharf, and ot] was completed in the Enniskillen watenfront improvements, al Cemeteny, witb the unveiing ta some chloride and signs ta pr be at a later date. hibit speeding on the villa, Bowmanville - Mn. W. Kelvin streets. Bunner, son of Mn. and Mrs. W. Mr.Bwsdsusda os A. Bunner, Liberty Place, saiied ealen. o he disc sdicosi on Satunday, Aug. 22, from Mont-eabeenhthnwsudvs real, for England where he wili on the Sam Bruce Estate ai spend a month on more in pre- Public Park at Shingle Landin paration for bis wonk in the Will be back for funthen disct Gold Coast, West Afnica. sion next manth. Tyrone - On Thursday, Aug. Insunance on roads, townsh 13tb, the Dramatic Club of Ty- garage, grandstand and townsl roine enjoyed a jally neunion and employees was renewed with D( picnic at Oshawa-on-the-Lake. Bun; also, the Cartwright Car Newcastle - Mn. John A. Mel- munity Recréation Hall (the A~ vin exbibited 13 head of Short- mounies) was insured for $400 horn cattle at Ottawa Fair and Cierk was instructed ta hai iMn. Norman Allin also went East the piano repaired and tuned. wîth a car of some twenty Lei- Tenders ta be posted for a cai cester sheep. taken for Cartwright Commun:l Bawmanviie - Part of Queen, Recreationai Hall, tenders Ontario, Centre and Division close September 4th. Streets wene in the process of By-Law No. 918 passed, settir being paved. rates as follows: County Generi Mn. George James wrote the 12.8 milîs. County Con. and Hig fifth of his senies of articles -Sehool maintenance 2.7 mill aboutbis trip ta Western Canada. roads and bridges 6.5 milîs, mi r ~nicipal grant ta schools 4.7 mill About 50 per cent of Canada's Township generai rate 2.8 mill total expants in 1949, worth about By-Law No. 919 passed, settin 1.5 00 millions, went ta the United schaal rates as Public Scbc( States. Area 7 milîs, High Sebool Are 3 milîs, S. S. Na. 3, 5.5 milîs. By-Law No. 920 passed, settin garbage collection rates for CaeL 4~ area, Bowles' Beach, Emerson Beach and Scugog Point 3.2 mil Permission- granted for usec ink for Blue Ribbon Salec regaistened cattie on Novemben bs eOn motion the following ac counts ondened paid: [ghaqse Thog. Gettins, garbage collection, pt. salary ----$ 200.0 Port Penny Fain, grant -- 250.0 salany ------- -------------65.01 Doris Manbow, typing ---. 7 Don. Bun, Iis. Premium, Gnandstand ----------- --- 75 Voucher Na. 7, roads and bridges -------------------2826.91 Clenk instructed ta inspec cemetery at Bethel Churcb an( report on condition of same nex meeting. Council adjourned ta Tuesday - ~ 'September 5th, at 8 p.m. Henry Tbompson, Cleni ~ ~ .. . ION (Hope Twp.) Z.N. Flag for Unified Headquarters" L the un- the tof rth, the Re- nk- ec- ne- rai ter ,hen iso )ro- age id- don nd ng. .ip hip )on ve ýity ta Ing af.many. He took fan his text: Lynda, Oakviile; Mr. and Mrs. -ai Gai. 2: ZO "Yet not I, but Christ Walten Kelusky, Gaît; Mr. and Ih liveth in me; and the life which Mrs. N. S. McNally and Mr. and gls I now live in the flesh I live by Mns. Rutherford, Coîborne; Mr. .l the faith of the Son of God who and Mrs. Harold Forder and Gale, uloved me and gave Himself for Port Perry; Mr. Allan Ransberry, ls, me.", Ail were delighited with Mvontreal; Mn. Gordon Sturrock, ls. this very impressive message. Bowmanville and Misses Lucille ýng Mrs. Elmer Wilbur receivedl and Marilyn Farder, Bowman- :)o1 word last week of the death at ville. ýea Taber, Alta., of hier cousin, Mrs. Mr'. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, John Fletcher (fanmerly Millie Ohwvstdwt r n ng Noble) and sister of Mrs. Helen MOs. a yw M. Ls- Hall who spent several weeks Ms o alr n's with Mrs. Wilbun and other ne- W. M. S. Auxiliary ls. latives in the Leask family four The Auigust meeting of the Af- of years ago this summer. She was ternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. was held at the home of Mrs. Roy st. James Noble, residents of Hamp- Ferguson. The meeting opened c- ton, many years ago. Friends with hymn and worship period here extend sympathy ta the was taken by Mrs. C. Hill. Mrs. family. Ralph Larmer, Group Leader, read 00 Miss Madlyn Wilcox attended a poem on "Harvest." The Study 00 the National~ Confenence of Young Boak was taken by« Mrs. E. Lar- 00 People at Belleville during thie mer. Mrs. H. Hooey gave a weekend. Peace mesage. Meeting closed 60 Rev. Mn. Caniff, from Kingston ,vith hymn and prayer. A dainty Jamaica, who had been attending lunch of sandwiches, cookies and 00 the World Convention on Christ- ' ce creamn was senved, and a so- 75 ian Education in Toronto andj cial time enjoyed. whorm we were privileged ta hear 50 an Sunday evening was a guest of Rev. and Mrs. Empey at the , 6 parsonage. Izt-n ct Mr. Empey alsa attended the 8E 81'n"15End d convention. xt A number of relatives attended a tenth wedding anniversary Korean Chuckle Ycelebration at the home of Mr.n rDu akaBw Premier Kim II Sung of North k. manville, pn Saturda.v evening. Korca lhas ordcred his traops ta Congratulations ta Doug and driv'e the United States and South Florence. Korean forces fromn Korea by the end of August. As Commander- in-Chief of the Northern Army, hie B LACKSTOCK Kren n UitdSttr~~eArny ta the last iman. is Mn. and Mrs. H. Hadgson and An excellent rctort from a Red in famnily, Toronto; Mn. Sydney Field Commander would be a )fHurd, Hamilton, with Mr. and translation of the aid saw, "We ie Mrs. Arthur Leighton. caido the difficuit now-The im- de Man., and Miss Rita Swain, Aima *lne. )_Coilege, St. Thomas, with Mrs. Royal Thioughits -e W. A. Van Campand othtr rein- Princcss Elizabeth brought a itivos. girl child itothe wrdTedy it The Junior Hamemakers' Clubiu iostýthandaldyTesy met at the home of Mrs. Hector rgi Sh o araytig Shortidgeon Tursdy, Agu are iaooking uP for the new-born Shorride onThusday Auustheir ta the Eogiish throne. A few 10 with 10 girls present. The haurs alter hier bit-th, hier 29-year- Hampton Girls and their leader, aid Daddy gat a raise in pay when -Mrs. Reynolds, also attended. promoted ta the nank of Lieuten- niMiss Jean Noble, Home Econom- ant-Cammander. Besides that, ist clemanstrated canning toma- sela odru uuei h *tocs, and also discussed garden stas acconrdi tueLondohe y pests an-d their contrai. Achieve- strologecr, henew Prinessonion mtDaychw le at OronotSet.mature inoa athoughtful, deliben- 1- ot. Lnhwssrvdb'teate, shrewd, diplomatie, insistent e ates red-head. Yiirthermore, she will Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Ridge, To- be extnemely interested in litera- ronto and Mrs. A. Mitchell and ture, art, music and social wel- Wayne, Pontypool, with Mrs. John Îai'e. She wili have a full, happy Farder and ýVera. a nd fotunate lite, crowned by a Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, îîigîîîy popular and successful man- hias been holidaying at home. niage when either 22 ar 25. e Misses Valerije and Vickie Faint, Quite a future-quite a girl- Toronto,. with Mr. and Mrs. A. quite a Princess. Wright. .* r We are sory that Jimmy Swain Foundering Figs broke'a bone in his wrist and xil! ' sjs rntseln nBian have ta have it in a cast for a igjutae'selninBtan few weeks. The bottani, lias dropped out of Mrs. Aichie Newton, Tor'onto' the nmarket and huge quantities with lier sister, MVrs. George Craw- Wil l e Put uip 'or a[Uctionl. One fard and farnily. restaurant manager biames the Mr. and Mrs. Rager Dorreil, whole thing on the National Martin and Valerie, of Avimer, Healli Service. It scems that a 1with Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Dorreli. gond many People have received L Mrs. Frank Stinson visited a laise tecili uinder the British rfew days in Bowmanville with Health Plan, and just cant abide Mr. and Mrs. James Nixon. fig seeds unden their plates. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Edgen- Ston and Mrs. George Fowler with With Hoaxing Intent LMr. and Mrs. Ed. Strong, Bow- Two Montreai youths were manville. picked up by Provincial Police Mr. and Mns. Merle Henry and east of Cornwall last week, in a bfamily, Bowmanville, with Mn. car that had 10 inches of a fuily band Mrs. Lewis Henry. clathed ieg protruding from the Mn. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm trunk. with Mn. and Mrs. Herman Wil- Charged with creating a public son, Janetville. mischief, the boys explained that Mr. and Mns. Geoff. Hughes the shae, sock and trouser-clo t4ed and Barbara with Mn. and Mrs. leg was woaden, and that thiey John Gieves. rigged it up as a joke ta see haw Mr. and Mrs. William Fonder far tlie '% could travel without be- adJoyce, Mn. and Mrs. Ray ing stopped. Bradburn, Mary and Betty, Mr. We've hecard that some people and Mrs. Fred Bradburn and have been known ta pull xings Patricia, with Mr. and Mrs. Eari off butterilies too. Bî'adburn on Sunday ta celebrate 4.1 Donald's and Ivan's birthdays. Thieves M'ith Ethics Misses Wilmia and Jessie Van 11o Buffalo, thieves entered a Camp and Joyce Venning are bakerv' wanehouse and took a ton holidaying at Royal View Lodgé, of suýgar. nathing else. Sweet Haliburton, this week. toatli or black market? Mn. Dougal Meflougal, Toron- In Long Beach, California, two ta, vîsited fiends in the village. gunimen stole $90 fram a liquor Miss Barry Keiser, from Eng. store ownen and showed great land. is visiting hier brother, Mn. respect for the law. One crook William Keiser, Mrs. Keiser and lifted a bottle of whisky off a famil.v. Miss Keiser ii a High sheif and was about ta take a School teacher in England. drink when his chum said, "Nat Mn. Jack Smith is at Camerni 1here.This is an of; -lpac. Once upan a time, crooks were known ta stage daning, surprise hold-ups. but now, it seems, they would rather do their steaiing by appointment. Rere and There Regina, Sask.-A little boy standing outside the stork cage at the wild-iife exhibit of the Re- gina Exhibition, looked rather du- biously at the mangy stonk in the cage. Then he turned ta his moth- er and said "The stork wbat bringed me was much gooder- iooking, wenen't he, mummy?'" Edmonton, Alta.-Snow and frost threatened grain cnops in northern are4s of Alberta, Sas- katchewan and British Columbia with genenal hanvest time stili several weeks awP.y. Amenshalm, Buckinghamshire, England-A '"Peeping Tom" was fined 62 cents when he pieaded guilty ta beihg found in pnivate grounds wbere bis presence was likely ta cause a breach of the peace. The complaint was registened by an eldenly woman and hen sis- ter. The basis for the fine was a 589-year-old law. The law is aven seven times as aid as the Do- minion of Canada. Yorkton, Sask. - A salesgirl glanced in a minnar she was wnap- ping fan an Indian custamnen. You no do that," nebuked the North Amenican native, and she chose another, handing it ta the girl face down. Tulsa, 'Okla.-A prisoner's wife called the Tulsa police captain and told him that ber husband badn't came home following his supposed release fnom jail Mon- day. The captain explained that be bad signed ber busband's ne- lease, called bis name, someone answered and that someone was fneed. Luter thev found the missing busband on the second floon in a oeil reserved for women. He bad a week's grawth of beard on bis face, but be bad been fed negul-1 arly. The pnoblem facing the captain now -is finding out the t name of the wise guy that answen-c ed the caîl and where he managedf ta run to. % Stat*ti* fhene were 165 convictions for offences in July against game ane fisb regulations. The Bureau of Statistics reports that Canada's honey stocks tot'ali- ed 7,259.191 oounds at July 1, campared with 7,490,905 on July 1, 1949. A deerease of 231,714 pain ds. There are 75.000,000 married people in the United States, an in- crease 0f 14,500,000 in the last ten years. m-hich is more than the en- tie andin oplain os m odemfd Scaidfacnase- Mn. and Mns. Chas. Warren and boys of Swift Curnent, Sask., are visiting relatives in town. 1 Mrs. Chappell, of Toronto,' spent the weekend with Mns. P. F. LeGnesley. Mrs. Chappell wili best be remembered as the form- er Mrs. (Rev.) Fenning. Mrs. Harve Bonathan, Mns. Harve Bnitton, Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. George Smith motored to Stouffville on Wednesday for the day. Mrs. Fred Cowan Sr. spent a few days with Mn. and Mrs. Sam Cowan and Kathy of Belleville. Mn. and Mns. Jack Wade and Dougie spent Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. John Box, Port Hope. For the continuance of the nailway strike a few sligbt chang- es have been made in youn local postal services. The monning mail now arrives at il o'clock a.m. D.S.T. and should be ready for distribution at appnoximately noon. Second, third and fourth class mail have been curtailed during the strike witb only finst ciass mail being accepted for mailing. Nigbt mail will close Thickson. WEDDING PAYNE - DUFF In Myrtle United Chunch on August l9th, the wedding of Jean Victoria, daugliten of Mn. and Mrs. Bert Duff, ta Mn. Murray Carlton Payne, son of Mn. and Mrs. C. Payne, was solemnized by Rev. C. C. Oke, wbo vwas as- sisted by Mn. S. Saywvell of Osh- awva. Mi-. Nicholson, of Oshawa, accompanied by Mns. Colby, cf Uxbridge, while she sang "The Lord's Prayen" and during the signing of the negisten "Because." The church was decorated witb baskets of pink and white gladioli. Given in marniage by ber fathen the bride looked lovely in a gown of white slipper satin, witb a floon length veil 0f tulle illusion ivith a beaded tiara. She cannied i bouquet of ned roses. She wore " string of peanîs, the gift of the groom. Miss Doris Duff, sister of the bride, was maid of bonoun îttined in a pink gown of ny'on net aven taffeta. She carried a bouquet of blue carnations and pink gladioli. Misses Phyllis Duff, ;ister of the bride and Rutb Payne, sîsten of the groom, were bridesmaids gowned ln green n 'v- Ion net aven taffeta. Tbey car- rled bouquets of yellow gladioli. C~arol Thorndyke, cousin 0f the groom, was flower girl, w7eaning, agreen dness similar ta the at 6 p.m. D.S.T. as usual. Mn. and Mrs. Çleonge Smith called on Mns. Sam Smiih. New- i tonville, and had tea with Mn. and Mrs. George Stapleton on Sunday. Mns. Ida Logan, Lindsay, bas been visiting with Miss Mabel Oldfield for a few days. Miss Muriel Lake, Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. Frank Gbsson, on Sunday. Mns. Gibson hsjust netuî-ned fnom \'isiting ber daugbter, Mns. J. A. Smith at Gore's Landing. Mns. Austin Turner, Mns. Ross Dickinson, Benn 'v and Ronnie left Tuesdav for a moton trip ta Buf- falo, N.Y. Miss Ethel Tadgham, Tononto, spent Tuesday with Mn. H. T. Manes, Miss Oldfield and Mns. J. Embley. Mn. and Mrs. Anchie Martin and children are biolidaying with bis father, Mir. J. P. Martin. Miss Gerny Harnis, Cbesley, is spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. Talbot Alldread and family. 'Mn. Wesley Kerr, Toronto, ia visiting Mn. and Mns. W. D. gay of mauve glads. and yellow roses. Mr. Howard Pavne was best man and the uishers were Mr. Gordon Duff, brother of the groom, and Mr. Keith Burley, af Newtonville. After the ceremonv a reception was held nt the chuirch. The bride's mother received wearing a gown of n vy blue -,heer with nav v accessoî îes and wore a cor- sage of red roses. The graam's mother received wearing a gowvn of navv bîtie sheer with olax'v, ac- cessories and a corsage of red roses. For a wedding trip ta points west the bride wvore a navy blue suit with white ac-cessoriesý. Her corsage was of ,vhite carnations. From the end of Wor]d War Il to Januiary 1. 1950 immigrants fa Canida totilled 362,431; inthe single year of 1913 we gaincd 400,- 870 inmi<gr9nts;. Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL 0F DANCING Masonic Temple, Centre St., OS HAW A Registration Sat. Monning, Septemben Oth Special Rates for Out of Town Students The Newcastle Independeut Miss Mariraret Ash PAGE FIVIC A United Nations flag, already a veteran of U.N. field missions, ls given to Ambassador Warren Austin of the USA (left) by U.N. Secretary-General Trygve Lie (center) for use over the headquar- ters of the USA's General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, com- mander-in-Chief of the unified forces acting in behaif of U.N. i Korea. Looking on is Ambassador Arne Sunde of Norway, Securlty Council President for July. The blue-and-white flag was formerly used by U.N. military observers and the U.N. Mediator in Palestine. C41- çr« 1 rEUfflDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1959 c