PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAIf, BOWMANVflLE~ ONTA~O TEUREDAT, AUGUIT 94t1i, IISO SPORT NEWS Thirteen Bail Clubs Ini Gala Toumnament At TyroneSaturday The Canadien Order of Fer- resters' bail clubs held another .successful tournainent at Tyrone, when 13 bail clubs staged a most guccesful show for the fans of the district. The tournament was offîcially opened by John M. James, M.P. for Durham and Rev. Garnett Hussar, Hlgh Chaplain of the Or- der. Mr. James congratulatea the Order an the splendid job they were doing in supervlsing healthy recreation for the youth of the community, a training that would fit them for the duties and re- sponsibilities of Canadian citizen- shlp. Rev. Hussar stressed the fact that the Order was non-de- nominational but supplied a com- mon ground where man could meet irrespective of their re- liglous views, and impressed on the assembly the prime necessity af recognition of a Divine Power in order ta successfully meet and salve the problems of life. Con- cludîng his rernarks he invoked the Divine blessing on the day's proceedings. Game 1-Girls' Gordie Chant's Hampton Club defeated the Oshawa Fitzjohn Club, coached and managed bY Jiramie Hurvid and Gordie Craw- ford by a score af 15-14. Yoe pitched good bail for the winners, whlle Ruth Brock had 2 home runs and a triple for Fitzjohns. Second Gaine Bob Cralg's Salem Club and winners of the Collette Trophy at thc Janetville tournament defeat- ed Bert Hardie's Teen Town Club by a score of 7-3. Third Game The Bowmanville Quakerettes, coached and managed by John Kitson and Jimmie Leavitt went down to defeat against John Stacey's Shaw Club by a score of 10-5. Fourth Gaine Hampton defeated Salem 11-6 ln the semi-finals. Hampton got to Craig in the first inning, bring- ing in 3 runs, adding 4 in the 2nd and coasted the rest of the way. Flfth Gaine Hampton met Shaw's in the finals for thc Collette Salon Cup. Yoe, after pitching two games for her club held Shaw's until the 5th and then faltered, when Shaw's took over. Final score 12-4. Slxth Gaine Senior girls, for H. B. McCabie Trophy. Lamne Haynes' Forester Senior Club, caachcd by Rus Hailman defeated the Grafton girls by a score of 12-7. Reliable Emma Shred Bragg again took over Uic mound duties and pitch- cd her usual stcady gaine and was well handled by her catcher, Isa- belle Moore, who was a patent factor in the club's victory. Seventh Gaine <Boys) Mike Kalynkos St. Marys Club defeated Sebe Claus Coulter's teain by a score of 9-5. Siblock and Marewich paced the winners, while Muxich and Lott supplied the power for Coulter's. Elirhth Gaine Frank Cook's Toronto Davies Drug Team were defeated by Harmy Snowden's Bowmanville Foresters teain. The Davies' Dmug teain arc new-comcrs ta the loop and will be afiiliatcd with Uic new lodgc now fammed in East Scarbora. They arc a net- tily dressed club and e credit to their sponsors and made Snow- den's club hustie all the way with the final score 8-5. Stacey and Kllpetrick caried the mail for the winners and Defalco and Car- ter looked especlally gaod for the Toronto teain. Nlnth Gaine For Uic Axteil Tmophy. This gaine supplied the greeteet Uimill ai the day when Uic St. Marys club chased the Bowinanville teain ight down ta the wime. H. Snowden wcnt the route for Uic Forester club while St. Marys used Shody, Maîawich and Rog- ers in an effort ta head off the Bowmenvillc club. The score was ticd up twicc, with the final score 9-8 for Bowmanville. Fea- ther Bird, husky outiielder for Bowmanville wes sensational with 2 doubles and a single, binging un the ticing uni end then scor- ing the winning un. Tenth Gaine Hemdbell, Janctville vs. Bow- manville. In the exhibition bard- bell gaine, Snowden's busy C.O. F.ers put an Uic gloves and feced Jimmie Burn Janetvillc Club. Bath teains changcd pitchers rap- idly. Swcctmen stated for Bow- manville, wes elicvcd by Weish, with Leavitt iinishing the gaine. Jerry McGill îtertcd for Janet- ville, was eievcd by Defoe with Rosi McGill, yauthful Janetville fieballer finiîhing the gaine. Final score, 13.3 for Janetville. The day wound up with an overilow crowd gathcming et the Tyrone Cammunity Hall for dan- cing. Cups were prescnted and Hammy Snowden intmaduced his committees who wemc esponsible for the day's success. Gounds and Dance-John Kit- son, John Stacey, Evcrett King, Harny Hammn, Tommy Mesterson, Jimmie Leavitt, Ronnie Bmock and Pemc Wcmmy. Booth-Mesdames T. Master- son, L. Heynes and F. Cyrifith and Miss Vemna Stapley and Fred Griffith. Clean up Coinmittcc, Steve Remega, Jimmie Coombes and Jerry .Taylor. The taumnament was oganizcd by Cal Braun, District Supervis- or, and Uic Order would like ta Uiank ail those who contrlbuted ta the diy's success with speciai mention ta CKLB and Times-Gaz- ette, Oshawa and The Canadien Statesinan.1 Llne-ups: Hampton-J. Vivian, M. Tink, K. Hoskin, R. Yoe, S. Pingle, N. Couttes, E. Hogarth, F. Rcy- nolds, C. Vivian. Fitzjohns-B. Brock, B. God- dard, E. Kelcmen , L. Dean, D. Griffinham, M. Perfect, R. Brock, G. Bart and Driskeil. Shaw's-J. Bragg, K. Husak, B. Brock, R. Brock, M. Allin, B. Goddard, T. Husak, B. Finn, J. Stacey. Quakerettes-B. Dew, M. Per- fect. N. Johnson, B. Goddard, G. Quakenbush, M. Snowden, J. Conway, P. Hyde. Salem-L. Sudds, D. Richards, J. Craig, F. Oke, C. Craig, D. Jewel, B. Craig, H. Moon, E. Hare. Teen-Agers-S. Coppins, B. Cardinal, A. Connors, J. Salder, F. Clin, H. Salder, J. Clark, P. Campbell. Men- Bowmanville C.O.F.-C. Kil- patrick, J. Leavitt, H. Snowden, J. Ross, B. Bird, K. Stalker, J. Kitson, B Snowden, E. King, SweetmnajIWelsh. St. Marys-Bass, M. Hrehoruk, T. Melnick, A. Czerewaty, M. Lycuk, J. Masowich, D. Siblock, S. Rogers, P. Siblock. Coulters-B. LÀocke, G. Mc- Knight, J. Claus, A. Lebrash. Wy- att, P. Shaw, Keeler, Crawford, S. Claus. Janetville-McGiUl, G. Walling, Karrys, DeBois, R. McGill, John Bumn, Jim Burn, F. McGill. Toronto Davies Drug-J. Cook, H. Carter, F. Defalco, J. Fraser, C. Cook, McDonald, B. Pickup, L. Smith, F. Panchok, J. Gregg. BILL STACE DISTRIBUTOR E Phone 2986 Bowmanvile TIEYS Make Donkeys Oui of Players In Screwy Gcane Brookdale Rose' rode ta a 6-4 decision aver Bowmanville's Gas Hous Gang Prldey, August 1MU, in a hard rlding, stif bucking donkey besebail gaine played et Uic High School grounds. A scant 300 people sew Bob Gellegher, estwhile catcher for the Flawems on thus historic even- ing, donkey trot around the bases In the top ai Uic second inning ta score "iding up." In the bottom, ai Uic second, Johnîton drove a two-bagger, hopped bis weiting stecd and aiter a jeunt inta ight field end- cd up scie on second. Trying a slow steal, donkey-miding Johns- ton rounded third and cosîed home plate befome opposition fieîders could eseat theinselves on their unintemcsted maunts and field the ,bell. Hooper stepped to Uic plate and. drove a haine run into thc outfield making Uic score Gai House 2, Roses 1. The stubborn animals used in Uic gaine seeincd ta have a c- mnite liking for the outficld. On more than one occasion thcy by- passed fimat baie ta the chagrin ai their hapless riders. Coach Osborne cmsscd the plate ta tic the scome whcn Uic Roses camne ta bat, and ex-pitchen But- tonshaw made it 3-2 for the base- ibail teain once emoved, whilc thé apposing third besemen went tlirough a seies ai contortions when trying ta mount his halmy undercamiage ta make the out. Although playing, Coach Os- bamne's donkey sneaked a sinal inooze while in. the field. The Roses held the Gai House Gang scorclesi when they took their chop et the iphere. In Uic lest inning Bob Galle- ghcm scored iroin second and Cox followcd hum in ta inake the score 5-2 for the Raies. Hamilton drove e fly bell ta right field, but he neyer ici t the bettcr's box. His educated dankey decided it wes time ta et and mci used to get ta his feet froin his spawied position in the "Irun- ning box." Hooper, meanwhile, pcfammed a remnamkablc balen- cing feat bctwcen second and thîrd when bis maunt decided ta try a littie fancy foatwomk. Nev- ejihelesi, he iinally managed ta straighten the donkey up, and he cossed the plate ta make the scone 6-2 in fevour af the Raies. Usuel pitcher Buttonshew miss- cd Uimec swipes and quelified ta use the scoop shovel and ride beckwards eound the bases. He hit a single with bis shovel, inaunted a donkey and aithough he made a reniarkablc effort ta eech an unscen first base, te was thmawni out by a slow moving in- ficîder. Although the Gai HouÈe Gang scored twa more uni, Uic gaine ended un a 6-4 victory for Brook- dale Roses. Spectatars agmee, howcver. thet it was nip and tuck moît ai the way. The gaine itîcif will probably be cntemed amang the zanicît besebaîl cantesti ever steged on a local diamond. Foresters Win Opening Gamne 0f Play-of f Series The C.O.F.* men's softball team lead the best 3 out of 5 semi-final series with Coulters, onie gaine ta none by virtue of their 9-4 vic- tory at Oshawa, Wednesday, Aug- ust 16. The second game is scheduled for tonight, Thursday, August 24 et Memorial Park and the Bowmanville boys wiil be try. ing to make it two streight. The Foesters started right off in the first inning. Stacey walk- ed, Levitt and Snowden bath bunted safely to load the bases. Ross lined into a double play, doubling Levitt at second. Bird walked, filling thc sacks. Kil- patrick's double scolled twa and an error by the right f ieîder on Kitson's line drive two more runs scored. Blackburn was safe an an error and Kitson scored. On the play Blackburn was hurt. King flied out ta end the inning with 5 runs on 3 huts and 2 emors. Stacey and Snowden crossed the bag in the second to make the score 7-0. Coulters scored 3 in thc last hait aof the second. Froin then on Stacey foý Bowmanville and Claus for Coulters ha coin- plete charge au the remaining seven inninga rolled by in rapid time. The final score, 9-4. For Bowmanvllle the whole teain fielded good behind" the steady pitching of John Stacey. Jim Levitt did the catching. At bat Snowden and Kilpatrick had 2 hits each. The fielding play of thc game wes Chumch Kilpat- ick's diving catch off a hard-hit line drive ta right field. For Coultera the brother com- binetion oi Jim and Seb Claus weme Uic best as they hit well and neyer stopped trying. Second game, Thursday, Aug. 24 at Memomiel Park; third game, Wed., Aug. 30 et Alexandria Park, Oshawa, fourth game (if neces- samy) Thurs., Aug. 31 et Memoriel Park. The Bowmenviile teamn defeat- ed Toronto 8-5 and St. Marys 9-8 ta win Uic Axtell Trophy at the tournement held at Tyrone, Aug- uit 19. Skinny men,women' gain 5,10,15 Ibs. tN.W], vwgo YOW h sht li!S n trbefi cto ugly honif 6 Tuad r aseOm tex . wcrlsbt-o ng taonks. MW P, yl m "vlity. iodai. As aldnamalsl g'---- TYRONE Mr. and Mmi. Fred Bigneil and little deughtem, Toronto, apentea few days lest wcek with Mr. and Mmi. Lamne Annis. Mmm. Wallace Miller spent Uic weekend with Mrs. Henry Miller et Heliburton. Mr. and Mmm. Harry Spmagg and faxnily, Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall and Mms. W. T. Wardcn. Mr. and Mms. Eeml Goodman and childmen, Toronto, spent a few days with his parents, Mm. and Mmm. L. J. Goodman. Mmi. Elva Beckett and Joan, Bowmanville. spent sevemal days wlihMme. Milton Virtue. Miss Grece Hayward of Bow- manville spent a iew days with Mm. and Mms. E. A. Virtue. Mm. and Mmi. Lamne Annis and chlldren spent Sundey with Mm. and Mmi. F. Bigneil et their cot- tage near Fenelon Fells. Mmi. A. W. Clemens, Toronto, was a gucît ai Mm. and Mms. L. J. Goodman. Alden Douglas and Wayne Hilîs, Hamilton are holidaying with their grandpaments, Mm. and Mmi. A. His. Mr. and Mme. E. A. Vitue and John, Mmi. Elva Beckett and Joan and Mm. Milton Virtue, Miss Grace Haywamd et Glenverdeen, Hall's Lake on Sunday. Mm. and Mmi. Harold Mertyn and Ronnie, Blackstock, with Mmi. E. Shantz. Mm. and Mmi. Frank Sonley, Jimmie and Shirley, Mmi. James Hadden, Pinedale; Mm. and Mmi. Will Jewell with Mm. and Mrs. Russell Wright. Mesrs. Marie Nikerson, Greta Martin, Bowmanville, spent Mon- day with Miss Marion Wright. Mm. and Mrs. Everton White visited Mm. and Mns. J. M. Oliver, Babcaygeon. Mm. and Mmi. S. Stomie, Oshawa, called on Mm. and Mmi. E. Deeley. Teddy McBtide, Brampton, is holidaying with his cousins, John and Lorraine Cook. Mr. and Mri. Grant McCoy of Bowmanville with Mm. and Mms. S. McCoy and Mm. and Mmi. R. Hawkey. Mms. Ed. Sykes, Campbellfomd; Mmi. L. D. Sykes, Hampton, weme tee guesti lest week with Mm. and Mmi. Gordon Brent. Mm. and Mmi. Carl Colbary and Michael ai Cleveland, Ohio, are spending a week with his par- ents, Mm. and Mmi. K. Colbamy. Sundey visitors et the Colbary home weme Mm. and Mmi. F. Col- bary, Long Bmanch; Mm. and Mmi. Jack Colbamy, Bmooklin. Mr. Clame Fmaight, Metachewen, is visiting with Mm. and Mms. Jas. Deleney. Mrs. C. Bigelow, Mmi. A. Rich- ards accompenied Mmi. H. Findley and Dean an e motor trip ta Kingston and other points. Mm. and Mns. John Beckett, Scugog Island, spent the weekend with Mm. and Mmi. O. Beckett. Mm. and Mmi. Don Lamb, Ennis- killen and Miss Arville Beckett, Bowmanville, weme Sunday viii- toms et the Beckett home and L. Alldmead's. Mr. Clame Fraight accompenied Mm. and Mmi. James Dcleney and Douglas and visited Mm. and Mms. Aubrey Hickson, Omeince. Mm. and Mmi. Stan Rehm and childmen, Blackstock; Mm. pnd Mmi. Lloyd Beech and baby, En- niskillen, with Mm. and Mmi. Stan Hall. Mm. and Mmi. Murray Tabb and Mm. Lewrence Tabb enjoyed a ina- tom trip as fer noth as Dorset. Mr. and Mmi. Lloyd Robinson and Scott, Peterborough; Mns. Joe Memriiield, Fort Erie, and friends, Mm. and Mmi. Snodden, Cannington, visited et Mm. and Mmi. F. L. Byam's. Mm. and Mmi. Walter Park and childmen while on holiday called on Mm. and Mmi.' R. Pettibone, Brampton, and Mm. and Mmi. Jack Trimin, Windsor. Mm. and Mmi. H. Cobbledick, Orono; Mm. Norm Beirstow and his mother, Leekard; Douglas Bell, Toronto; Grant Faulkner, g4ontreal* visited with Mm. and LMrs. G. Yeo. 1 Douglas Janes la vlaltlng et Mamywoad Camp, near Ottawa. Mm. and Mrs.. F. L. Byem and boys visite et Cannlngton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm n d Mr. and Mmm. Boy Graharn, Ray- don, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perger,- Waterdawn and Mr. and Mrs. G. Whlttaek, Hamiilton and ialso relatives in Toronto and Wes- ton.f Miss Helen Miller, Tomonto, visited hem parents, Mr. and Mxs. W. J. Miller. 3 Miss Beth Miller la on holidays with friends at Kosh Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoakin iand family vlsited et Mr. S. T. Hoar 's. 1 Mrs. Edith Anderson, Toron- to, visited with Mm. and Mns. Rus- sell Wright and Mms. Wight. Mr. and Mmi. S. T. Hoé.r and Mrs. Edith Anderson were tea guests ai Mr. and Mmi. E. A. Werry, Enniskillen, and Mm. and Mrs. H. Rundie, Hampton. Mrs. Will Little, Calgary; Mms. Kilbomn, Oshawa, were guests, ai Mm. and Mmi. D. Davey last Wed-, nesday. Mms. A. B. Stephens, Tomonto, is visiting hem sister, Mmi. R. Bur- gess. Mr. and Mn., T. Findley, Thorn- hill; Mm. and Mmi. Gardon Walk- er and Gàil, Langstaff, spent Sun- day with Mm. and Mrs. O. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright and children spent Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. David Faimthomne, Toronto. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent attend- ed the Colby-Taylom wedding in Dunbarton United Chumch. Congratulations ta Mm. and Mmi. Morley Tennant (nec Muriel Burgess) who were merried lest Thumsday evening et the manse, Tyrone. Mm. and Mms. H. Philp, BRon, Marilyn and Miss Jean Philp spent a few deys with Mm. and Mmi.* Chas. Wage, Binghamton, N.Y. Mrs. Keith Larmer, Fraserville; Mm. and Mmi. Gardon Lammar and Pat, Millbmook, weme Sunday viii- tors with Mm. and Mrs. J. A. Rose- vear. *Mm. and Mmi. J. A. Rosevear at- tended the funeral ai their cous- in, Mrs. Cassel Larmer, Oshawa, on Setumday. Mm. Ralph Glaspeil hs attending Ottawa Faim this week. We welcome Mm. and Mme. S. McCoy ta the village. SMm. and Mmi. W. H. Taylor and family, Mm. and Mmi. H. R. Bur- gess and family, Mm. and Mms. Lloyd Skinner and femily, Mm. and Mms. W. F. Park and Doris and Veronica Friend attended the Taylor picnice t Sutton on Sun- day, also Mm. and Mms. Ewamt Bragg and family. q Quite a large number attended the softball tournament under the direction ai the Canadien Order of Foresters in Tymone Park lestý Satumdey aitemnoon and elsa the dance at night. Mm. and Mms. J. Cook and chil- dren spent the weekend et Bramp- ton and Geomgetown and while there attended the wedding ai hem niece Syble Harmer ai Erin- dale. Mm. and Mrs. H. McClume and Mm. and Mms. F. Smith and Miss Qrace Smith also attended the wedding and Jamie McClure metumned home after spending the summer with his uncle, Mr. T. McBride. Mr. L. Dumen, Toronto; Mm. and Mrs. C. Johnson and femily, Mm. and Mrs. H. Wood and family, Mm. Rolph Maynamd, Mmi. D. Gibson and Eddie, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mrs. R. Mayniard and Mrs. Me- Roberts. Mm. and Mrs. H. Philp, Ron, Marilyn and Miss Jean Philp spent e few days with Mm. and Mmi. Chas. Wage, Binghemton, N.Y. Mmi. Alden Hoar wes hostess ta the August meeting ai Tymone HAMPTON Mm. and Mms. EdrI Luke and femily spent the weckcnd with Mm. and Mms. Jim Simpson and family, Trenton. Mmml. W. G. Doidge and Mmi. R. Luke wcre guests ai Mmm. John Purdon, Bowmenville, en Thumi- day. Mr.' and Mme. Frank Sonlcy and family and Mme. Haddon, Pine- dele, vlsited Mr. and Mmm. Elmer Wiibur an Sunday. Miss Jean Wood, Bawmanville, et Ken Cavcly's. Mm. and Mmi. W. W. Horn have returncd ironi Montreal whemc they spent thmce weeks et Uic haine ai their son, Dr. Wallace Hornx. Miss Madlyn Wilcox spent Uic wcekend in Belleville. Mm. and Mmi. Themon Mauntjoy returned home on Monday train visiting relatives in Saskatche- wan and other western points Uie paît four weks. Mm. and Mme. Gardon Wilbum are an a holiday trip ta Ottawa and Algonquin Park this week. Miss Gladys Chapinen rcturn- cd ta Toronto aiter thrcc wecks' vacation. Mmi. S. Kcrsey visited Mn. and Mmi. Mel McCunc, Oshawa. Mmi. Bruce Angus and Mms. Eami Bernes, Toront, weme guests ai Mme. W. J. Banton an Wednes- day. Mr. and Mmi. R. Sheilds, To- ronta, wcreSunday guests ai hem brother Haland and Mmi. Trull, and cunt, Mmi. R. Avery. Mmi, Bert Mortlack, Ottawa; Mme. T. Gibbs, Mr. and Mmm. Jack Gibbs and Michael, Tyrone; Mm. Raymond Petit, Misses Cccil Petit and Isabel Faulkner, Toronto, et W. Cbappian's. Miss RAuby Dcwell, Oshawa, with hem brother, Percy and Mmi. Dewell. Dm. Frank Teblecock, Toronto; Mm. and Mmi. Herbert Rogers, Bowmanville, visited Mmi. C. W. Souch and Mm. and Mmi. Ken Cev- erly. Miss Gladys Lane, Port Pemry, ie visiting hem sister, Mmi. Glen Williams. Miss Eilecn Couch, Bownman- ville, visited Mme. JinSinales. Mme. Bill Little, Calgary; Mmi. Walter Kiibourn, Oshawa; Mmi. Carl Wilbum, Oriole, visited et El- mer Wilbum's. Mm. and Mme. Elmer Williamson, Toronto, visitcd with their ne- phewe Sain and Pcrc, Dewell, and ettendcd Decomatian Service et Pontypool on Sunday. Mr. and Mme. Reg. Kersey and Bannie, Ajax; Mr. and Mmm. Ken Pooler and Larmy, Mr. and Mme. Mel McCune. Oshawa; Mm. and Mmi. Harold Ashton, Clame and Douglas, Enniskillen, et Uic home oi their parents, Mr. and Mms. S. Kersey. Reduced Fares Are Announced For "Ex" Visitors Reduced mail fares for persans travelling ta the Canadien Nation- al Exhibition ta be held et To- monta, Auguit 25 ta September 9, inclusive, have been announced by J. A. Brais, Ghairman ai the Canadien Passenger Association. fReduced tare tickets may be pumchased froin stations in the Provine ai Ontario, except thase west ai Grant, Jellicoe and White River, Ont. Round trip tickets will be sold for the normal ane-way fare plus anc balf for bath finît cdais and coach dlais travel. Tickets will be honored gaing fraie Thumsday, August 24, ta Seturday, Septeinher 9, inclusive. On the meturn trip, tickets wiflý be accepted leaving Toronto up ta midnlght of Wed- nesday, September 13.; 0f course these will 1?ecome.ef. fective only whezi the railway strike concludes. WÔmen's Institute. Misa Jean Noble, Bowmanvlle, gave a maît interesting demonstration on snaklng plain and fancy sandwich- es. Miss Noble gave seeral sug- gestions in bath Uic making and servlng of sandwiches and dem- onstrated wlth a numsber of semples which were later onjay- edIn the social hour. A much en- jayed trio by Mns. D. Cale, Misses Lillan and Helen at thc piano and a true story of applled re- ligion read by Mmm. L. Goodman completed Uic programme. The business Includcd (1) qain- hiunlcatlan me a conference in Bowmanville on Sept. 18 an Health, before and cter forty; (2) decision ta nat exhibit et Oshawa Faim; (8) reminder me peper sel- vage; (4) report that there would be a blanket fram the ahipment of woolle ns ta be disposed of. Appreciation wes cxtended ta Uic hostcss and Miss Noble and a social turne concluded a pleasant and profitable meeting. I . INTERMEDIATE 'A" . I ONTARIO BASEBALL ASSOCIATIONI PLAYOFFS FIRST CAME WHITDY VS. DO WMAN VILLE BIGE SCHOOL GRGUNDS 1(BOWMANVILLE) Saturday, August 26 2:30 P. M. ADULTS 35e CHILDREN T10e r i 4 ý CANADA NEEDS MEN TO TRAIN AS ANTI-AIRCRAFT CUNNERS ,A inajor requirement of Canada's defensive systemn today la men traine.d for anti-aircraft operations. Charged with the defence of vital ares,the men of the anti.aireraft units are aquipped and trained in tbe use of modern seientifie equipment -electronics, radar, radio and telephone. There are very few more Important jobs thon sa.vice in an antl-aireraft unit for youî,g men who want to make sure that Canada is well defended againat aMy eveatu.Iity. To enist you must - Il. Be a Conadlan citizeni or British subla.4, 2. Be betwe.n 17 and 29 y.ars of cg*. 3. B0 ingl. 4. Moet Army test r.quivonm.te. 5. Volunt..u for Service onywhere. Report right M j t%,o UIg igr~OTWOt Nec. 8 P..'s.aadDoeo ArWWlsy Park, bagot St, KINGSTON, Oa*. MORE THAN TALK ABOUT KING'lS 1R A DIO rwwwi -w--TAX À4-HOUE SERVICE Phone: Day 661 - Nighis 561 - 707 - 922 SIX MODERN CARS .... ALL PASSENGER INSIJRED.. ...PROMPT EFFCINT SEVICE Operated by Lathangue Bros. Noc. 6 Personnel DOPel, Choei.y P.,, Dougil Drive, TORONTO, Ont. y .7péroowl Deipot. Wobsey mnm 50M»".thShOOt, LONDON, Ont. Dep.h ea 8A.M. te 10 P.M. doly. lSO Srlaoeem oeua f go ce od ducatlo with yo. Ç ~ '~ ""'«~r 6 ACT1W-SERVI TOUR COUNTRY by atreagihoning Con rod'Â.m.d Force'. odeoy t. buld the dol em»n d o eu groaloaoverywhomo Join -the CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE Now!1 ENFIELD. Miss Elsie Semis holidayed wîth hem sister, Miss Corsine Semis, Oshawa. Mmi. J. Stark, Mmi. N. Stinson and Anne, Mrs. Fred Taylor and children enjoyed a vacation et Caesarea. Mm. and Mms. Calvin Niddery and fcmily and A. E. Niddcmy, Toronto, et W. Pascoe's. Mm. and Mmi. A. MacRae and femily, Toronto, are holldeylng et Uic Gray summer home. Mr. and Mms. John Webster and Jackie, Mm. John Webster Sm., Mm. and Mmi. Don Semis, Toronto, Miss Cansine Semis, Oshawa, Miss Joyce and Alex Abernethy, Peterbomo, et M. Semis'. Mmi. L. C. Pascoe and Miss Bessie Pescoe, Oshawa, et G. Bowman's. Mm. and Mmm. Les Johnson, Mr. and Mmi. Bob Smith and Lamry, Toronto, with Mmi. T. Taylor. Mm. and Mmi. Frank Lycett and farnily et H. McEwan's, Whitby. Patsy McEwan returned home citer a week's holideys with the Lycett's. Mm. and Mmi. F. L. Ashton, Miss Chikita, Toronto, Mm. and Mmi. Elmo Ashton and Philip, Detroit, et H. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mmi. IH. Ormistan, Miss Lois and Ivan Ommiston et Dm. W. Shcmwin's, Omono. Mms. J. Stark with hem mother, Mmi. J. J. Ormiston, Raglan, who hs quite 111. Basebail is North Amemican ; ne of the many common intemests that make Canadians and Americans "neighboura'" %in the happiest sense of the term. Thousands of those neighbours visit Ontario annually and that's good busi- ness for everyane. Make our U.S. visitors feel at home here. Make them want ta came back. John Labatt Limited, FOR BASEBALL FANS 1 PAGIE six "0 CANADUN STATESM", BOWMANVffwM ONTAMO TRUTMAT, AUGUST 14ili4 1080 TAXI 1