T PAGE 1KIGET ?NE CAKADIA1~ STATE~MA~I 'RnWMANVff.LU Af'PAwTei - -----., -- .. -----. --. ----w *.fl.~JStCJ.~fl * JtJ.5t$~JÂ C 14*, .OU. '~'~TD~T~ AV ATT4ITTCm ~A41.. lfttA Strike Action Idles Local Railroad Men Twenty-four Bowmanville rail- roaders are sitting at home ta. day honouring the strike action taken by their unions in an effort ta, gain a seven to ten cent an hour wage increase and a 40 hour week. At press time. 240,000 Canadians are listed as jobless as a direct consequence o! the railroad walk- out. Agents, wireless aperators. sec- tion gangs and formen af bath the Canadian National and Canadian Pacifie Railways in Bowmanville have closed shop for the dura- WEDDING 14HEELER - LYTON The marniage o! Beatnice Joyce, daughten o! Mns. Lyttan and the late L. C. Lytton, Victoria, B.C., ta Mn. Alden Dadge Wheelen, son a! Mns. Wheelen and the hate A. UD. Wheelcr. Bowmanvilhe, took place in St. Luke's Anglican iChurch, Victoria. The Rev. Can- on F. Pike o!!icatcd. Mn. G. B. Lytton gave bis sist- erin manniage. Her effective a!w o pink nylon sheer aven waftaias made with stand-up collan, collarctte a! French hein- loam lace, and a iront ticncd pan- el o! the lace aven the full skint. She carried a crescent o! Pin- acchio rases and Swansonia ta match ber bandeau a! lace and tiowers. Mrs. W. R. G. Wenman, matron- of-bonaun, chose powder blue figur9d voile, and Mrs. S. D. Ash- by wore navy taffeta witb insents off lace. Their beaddresses wene pink carnations and small roses ta, match their colonial bouquets. Mn. Douglas Gaît was the best man and the ushers wcre Mn. J. B. Southey, Bowmanville, and. IMn. R. B. Travis, Victoria. The reception aftenwards was at the home o! the brides motb- er. The couple will live in New- castle. The Oklahoma State Symphony Orchestra recently dedicated one Io! its programmes ta the wonks o! Jmodern Canadian compasers. Fitteen bundred miles o! Unit- ed States- contnolled raiinoad tnack is aperatcd in Canada, A bout 14 out o! eveny 100 pens- ons bann in Canada and now alive are living in the United States. HAY FEVER R3ELIEF Duke Fingard Inhalation Tlreatbnent - $7.95 Lantigen g"E" _____ $.0 nptin -39e-$1.25 Razmah Greys - 0-12 nobit 50C-$1.00 Razmah Brown. $1.25 Resitabi ____ 00P Allergitabs $1.00-$2.50 Nyaqua Xose Draps 50e Every Day Needs Fruitatives -- -- 25c-48c Anacin 25c-49c-74c-$1.19 Enos aLits ------ - 59c-98c ILysol- i ------35c-75c-$1.50 JFeenamint --- - 19c-33c-69c Baby's Own Tabs .--- - 29e Bayer's Aspirin l8c-29c-79e Dodd's PUIS - 49e Ton! Home Permanent - $2.79' Refluis si.25-s1.59 MA CLEAN YOUR TEETH TO YOUTHFUL BRILLIANCE! %h speclal lp.id solvens "ues wteid l . Tootfil'uab. Reulotub. 29<: 'i Econompical large tube 47< FOR \j FITNESS!e / '4 ENO'S "FRUIT SALT"p Fly Sprays Methoxychior - ----- $1.45 Fly Tox........----29-50c-85e Fly Tox Bomb---- - $1.69 Bridgeport Bomb - --- $1.89 Flut - -- -------- 23c-39e-6ge Sprayers 29e 49e Fly Colis -____ 2 for 5e Pal Blades - 10 for 25o Gillette Blades- 10 for 50e Minora Blades -- 10 for 25e Gillette Razors --' 49c-S1.29 Shavlng Brushes 50-75-1.25 - Baby Scales for Reni - PIEn COWLING'S DRUG STORE wF tion of the squabble. While the stnike is on, it is understood that the.v will receive no benefits fnomn their union non are they entitled ta draw unemployment insunance. The breakdown af the railroad personnel wlio are involved in the national crisis is as follows: C.P.R.-One agent, 3 wireless aperatans, one express driver, a thnee-man section gang and its foneman and ane labourer. Total 10 men. Canadian National employeci affected are: One agent and bis helper; anc wireless openaton, two section gangs af four men each and thnee expressmen. To- tal 14. Ta date it would appear as if these men will not return ta work until Ottawa bas donc its share of mediation, but popular rumoun in Bowmanville would seem «) indicate that strikirng railroadei-s wil] not retunn ta their job for at least twa weeks. LAMBERT FAMJLY PICNIC The Lambert pienie was heid iî Orono Park on Sunday, Augusi 20 with thirty membens attend. ing: Mn. Roy Lambert, Bobcay. geon; Mn. and Mrs. Earl Lambert Michael, Wayne and Patricia, 'o Richmond Hill; Mn. and Mrs Lamne Lambert, Highland Creek Mn. and Mrs. William ShouldiCE and Boblie, Lindsay; Mn. anc Mns. Jack Lambert. Bobcaygeon Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Gidding, To- ronto: Mn. and Mns. Tommie Jar. vis, Toronto; Mrs. Charlie Gid. ding, Sharon and Canoi. Toronto Mn. and Mrs. Don Gidding anc Laýrry, West Hill; Mr. and Mrs Fred Cook, Belleville; Mn. and Mrs. Doug Cook and Tenny, Mn, anci Mns. H. Conden, Bawman- ville. Ail enjoyed a good time. OBITUARY MRS. CHARLES HEASMAN In ill bealth ion the past week, Mrs. Charles (Lydia) Heasman, Bunketon, died in the Bowman- ville Hospital, Satunday, Augusi 19. She was in ber 741h year. Born in Manvens Township, Mns. Heasman, fonmcnly Lydia McCuilough, datîghter o! the late Mn. and Mrs. Joseph McCulhaugh, was a member a! Bunketon Unit- cd Church. She was married in Peterborough aven 50 years aga. She was pncdcceased hy ber bus- band, Charles Heasman, 14 veans aga. Mns. Heasman lived for the, past four ycars in Bunketan, pre- vious ta which she livcd in Om- emee. She is sunvived by hen tour mee. Thei service was conducted B ucékley, 'ail- prizes. The Church-is -a -neat- building, by Rev. Seamore. Basket of Mixed Flowers: Mn. Palîbearers were ber sons-mn- William Buckley, Mrs. William iaw. Miville Morton, Thomas Sex- Buckley, Mns. C. Plunkett. smith, Gardon Garbutt, Lloyd Bowi o! Mixed Garden Flow- Street, Leslie Argue, Melville ens: Mrs. Wmi. Bucklev. Mrs. Wm. Jones.________________ Guelph and the end af September! fan Essex and Kent counties. ~biIIoa bos.When taking the yields o Fiftv Bushel Wheat Club, E. A. Monu enta Wors I unrers and bis assistant tound onum ntalWors Isthe upastage o! the Hessian Phono Whltby 552 Fly in several fields. One field 1 318 Dundas St. E.. Whîtbi had as much as ten percent o! FINE QALJTYthe wheat broken dawn by this FINEQUAITYinscct. If the insect increases 5 MONUMENTS AND there might be a considerable. loss MARKERS next year. However, the para - MVUD I Precse wrkmashipand sites that wonk on this insect mav Precise wormanship and bring it under contrai. No farmer LI1N 1M EM T careful attention to detai] w'ho gnows fail wheat in Durham Apjly frey, and rub. are your assurance when should scsw wheat during August. 2.9 f as-yil.-ita raee, you choose from hie wide The wheat this year sbould be r. Mtk bringe quickr section aliimported and sown if possible betwcen the Sth relief to muscu!ar achesad )omstc G ante a d - n the 15tIh ai Septem ber in pain§. neuralgia, lumbago. Mrlslnstck. - --__- ~jthis insect whîch cala become s . WEDDING BÉOCK - COWLING Pink and white gladioli fori ed the setting mn Trinity Unit Church, Bawmanvîile, on Sati day, August 12, at 4 p.m., for, t wedding of Hilda Jane 'Cowlir daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jose] Cowling. to Elton George Broc son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Broc Rev. A. E. CressweUl was t off iciating clergyman for t dôuble ring ceremony, and 1Y R. G. Harle played the weddii mugie. Mr., Keith Wood sai three solos, "Because," "The Lar( Prayer" and "Through the Year, Given in marriage by her brol er, William Cowling, Aurora, t] bride wore a gown of white sati with a fittedi bodice fashioned wi a net yoke edged with Chantil lace. The dress was styled wi side panels of gathered lace ai satin, and fell to a sweeping trai The long sleeves ended in poli over the fingers. She wore siaîl satin hat with finger-t embroidered veil, and carried bouquet of red roses and gladic The bride's sister, Mrs. K. Tei nant, was matron-of-honour, a] wdi-e a dress of printed maui taffeta styled along princess lin with a large bertha collar, and sI wore long mittens. The bride maids were Miss Carol Craig, ai Mrs. Gordon Wilcox. The fort er wore a dress of yellow taffe with a fitted bodice, large colla and sash. and 'ýyellow taffeta m. tens. The latter's dress was St: ed the same oniy ofblue taffet The flower girl, Miss Gail Snov den, niece of the bride, wore dress of mauve taffeta, with scalloped frill and mauve mi tens. Ail wore small Dutch hat and carried bouquets of roses ai gladioli to match their dresse The best man was Ron Broc' brother of the groom. Ushp] were Murray Cowling, broth( of the bride, and Douglas Ha] cousin of the groom. At the réception in Trinity Sur day School room, the bride mother, Mrs. Joseph Cowling rq ceived in a navy sheer redingoi over printed silk. She wore navy hat with large flower, an a corsage of red roses. Th groom's mothqf, Mrs. Ray Broc] received with ber, wearing a dre. of navY/ sheer over taffeta with large navy hat and navy acce. sories. She had a corsage of re roses. The tables were decorated wit pink streamers and pink and whit sweet peas. The caterers wer the Salem Women«s Associatïo The three-tiered wedding cak was decorated in pink and whit and topped by bride and groor figures. For travelling, the bride donne, hlight blue suit, a navy velve hat and purse, navy shoes, ani gloves, and wore a red rose cor sage. She also wore a rhineston necklace and earrings, the gift o the groom The destination c the wedding trip was Kingstoi and points east. On their returi the couple plan ta reside on Quegi st., flowmanville. The bride's'gît ts ta ber attend ants were: ta the matron-of-hon opr, pearls;, to the bridesmai& each a rhinestone necklace; ta thý flower girl, a silver locket. Out-of-town guests came fror Aurora, St. Catherines, Niagar F'alls, Tory Hill, Toronto, Pox 3nitain Shores. Family Reunions WE DIGGladliolu8 Show Euèkley, Mrs. L. BaUl, Peterbor;- (%ý.ntiuec Frm Pge ne) Buttorihole Bouquet: Mns. C. TEMNANT - BURGESS (otnu&Fo PaeOe Plunkett. Mrs. Willia.ni Buckley, Mr. Clarke, Best Pot Plant: Mrs. R. C. m- On Thursday, August 17, 1950, Mr.- Cardwell. Jackson, Peterborough; Mrs. R. :ed et 8 p.m. in the Tyrone parson- Any othen cle3ign of funeral Cannelly, Peterborough; Mrs. ur- àge, Muriel Esther Burgess, the work. William Buckley, George Wm. Buckley. the daùghter a! Mr. -and Mrs. Harold Clark e, Mns. Shearer. This class included 80 entries. ng, Burgess, Tyrane, became the Decorative bowl of Roses: No Junior Section ph bride of Morley Stewart Tennant,' entnies. . One Spike Gladiolus: George rk, the son af Mr. and Mrs. Art Ten-" Miniature Gladiolus, 3 *spikes: Starey. George Cardwell, J. Neal, ýk. nant, Leskard. Rev. Donald Lute Dr. Sisson, Dr. Sisson, Mn. Sum- Robert Cardwell. he was the officiating clergyman, mers. .. Twa Spikes: Robert Cardwell, the The bride wore a street length Best miniature spike in class: George Cardwell, George Storey. %r- gown of pale blue nylon and a Dr. Siàson. Three Spikes: George Storey, ing white finger-tip veil trimmed tng with white roses. h are Three Spike Clama R. Cardweil, George $taney, Geo. - Shecarred aCardwell. dsbouquet ai red carnatipns. Pure White: Mr. Summens, Dr. Ayoie ait lwr:Go s" Hen attendant, Miss Marie Tay- Sissan, Willow Acres. Story, oan PrartyonLary RGo- t- lor, Tyrone, wone a gown of cani- Creamy White: Dr. Sisson, Dr. ertson, Bob Whitnall. the ary taffeta, street length, with a Sisson, Mr. Summers.Vaeo lwr:FnkPry in, headdress of yellow daisies. She Blush White: Dr. Sisson, Mr. EVe oFlowersDorais Penny, ith carried a bouquet af sweet peas. Summens, Dr. Sisson. LryRbrsn Ily The best man was Gardon Low- Yellow: Willow Acres, Mr.;Sum- Lenryt Robeton.ht lails th ery o! Orono. mens, Dr. Sisson. G este S dwll es pike of lails nd The couple plan ta reuide in Orange, Bufi and Orange Yel- Gre Caanyd ; best spike o in. Leskard. iow: Willow Acres, Mn. Summens, o! pink, Robent Cardwell. nts T. Jackson, Peterborough. EaayRdu o h ui la Pcard, oly. r. Ssso, Mr orSpecial Cup and Saucer. ti SILVER WEDDING Jackson, Mrs. H. Xeal. Peter- (Ptroug Exmn) aborough.(Ptrnug Exme) ili. Light S'almon, Light Canal and n- Mn. and Mns. Peter Murdoch, Light Rose: Dr. Sisson, Mr.. Sum- Cartwright Parish Maie Grove, were pleasantly sur- mers, Dr. Sisson. nd prisecj Saturday evening, August Salmon, Orange Salmon and le 9th, when their immediate tam- Red Salmon: George Clarke. (Continued fnom Page One.) esily and friends gatbered at thein Rose Salmon and Salmon Rose, Christ Chunch, Campbellford. who he home Base Line, ta extend con- Medium and Deep Rose: Dr. Sis- set the Cartwright Renovation e- gratulations and best wishes on son, Dr. Sisson, Mn. Summers.. Campaign on foot. rid the occasion of their 25th wed- Scanlet and Light Red: Dr. Sis- The following day, Monday, ni- ding anniversary, Fniday, Aug. son, Mn. Jackson, Dr. Sisson. August 28th, centenary celebra- 'ta ust 18, 1950. Red Crimson and Dark Red: tions are scheduled to take place r. When ail had assembled, their Mn. Summers, Dr. Sisson, George tram 4 p.m. onwards, beginning iteidest daughter, Mrs. Murray Clarke. with bail games, gaing on ta sup- y Tabb presented the "'bride and Maroon-Red and Black: Dr. per at 5 p.m., followed by an a. groom" with a 44-piece set o! Sisson and Mn. Jackson. evening's excellent entertain- w_ 1847 Rogers silverware. Mauve and Mauve-Pink: Dr. ment tram 7 p.m., which will in- a A beautiful silver butter dish Sisson, Dr. Sisson, T. H. Jackson. clude presentations ta chunch t-was also presented to the couple Purple: Willow Acres, Mn. members and a showing o! Koda- ts, by Mn. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- Summens, Willow Acres, chrome sldes of the past sumn- ndman and !amily. Light, Medium and Deep Violet: men's renovation work in pro- e. Mn. and Mrs. Murdoch sincenely George Clark, ah pnizes. gness. -k, expressed their appreciation and Smoky. Ash, Bronze and Côp- Histony of Parish ns thanked all for the kindiy feel- per: Willaw Acres, Dr. Sisson, Dr. Tetloigi re itr le Aften an evening o! cards and White, Light and Medium Col- a! the parish: Lmusic, a deliciaus ltýnch was serv- ours with conspicuous danken Little information is available ed and enjoyed by ail. blotch: Dr. Sisson ah pnizes. concenning the tinst yeans of the n--pleSeto Chunch's work in Cartwright, but e's wo-pikeSecionit is evident that the Revs. C. T. e- HESSIAN FLY MAY CAUSE Basket of Gladiolus: William Wade and C. S. Kennedy, and te SERTIOUS LOSS Buckley, Peterborough; Harry aiso Rev. E. Patterson, Assistant a - Gabbutt, Petenborough. at Cobourg, visitcd the township d The hessian fly somne years ago Thnee Spikes, different (onch- quite frequently, and that Rev. ie was listed as the most destnuc- id) Manvel, Market Queen, Mis- Samuel Armour, of Cavan, held k, itive insect attacking wheat in the taya); William Buckiey, Mn. Gab- frequent weekday as weil as Sun- ýs field. For the hast 10 or 15 years butt, Mrs. A. Wade, Peterborough. day services here. al it has been a pest o! minor im- Two Spikes, white shades: W. Thie Church was. active and welI sPortance. This yean aven a wide H. Nichais, Bowmanville, al organized as early as the year edarea in the Province hessi-an f]y prizes. 1840, seven years after the first bas been quite prevalent and i'n Tm-o Spikes, yellow shades: Mn.stlr rie rmnihor h a tew fields very destructive. Gabbutt, Mn. Nichols, Mr,~ Nich-- te The cool weather this spnîng was OIS. îng Cavan, for in April of thati favuraleforit deelpmet .-..year. Mr. James Caesar, after1 7efvaleafrisdeeomn. i wo Spikes, orange shades and whom Caesarea is named, was in n. The adultit a smalî mosquito. buff: W. H. Nichols. correspondence with the Bishopj klike fly. The eggs are laid on Two Spikes, pink shades: Mn. with a view ta erecting a Church. te the leaves and the maggots tram Nichols, Mn. Buckley, Mn. Gab- h e.S rorretoe these work down between the i:ut h eS rornetoe ni leaf and the steam. The maggotsbut Spkssamnsde:R above, father of the late Chief1 auk out af the stems and cause ornpieerb aloraughaMn. NR.Justice Armour, and grandfather cause o! Judge EeicboAomou, Mr. dieh ýdaweakened condition and break- owas the arissiony inthe dt eage at an near the ground just OI. i orno ewyar g - idbetare harvest. Wben the mag- i.wo spikes, light red shades: in Toronto isoarfwyanthgodiwh- r- gots are mature they tunn inta Mn. Nichais, Mn. Nichais. rict, applied ta the Bishop for the e pupae, still under the leaf sbeath. Two spikes, dank red shades: ponmn o emnn These look like flax seeds Mnd . . apointmet 0f a ermanen MnaNncoi, ilpnze.clergyman for Cartwright; whilet Of this stage is nefenned ta, as the Two spikes, mauve shades: Mn. conespondence in the Archives )n "Flax seed stage." This is about Gabbutt.Deatethoshatei- ,n the only time a gnower is likeiy Two spikes, purple and violet mediate erection of a Church wasr n ta sec it and this wiil be the shades; Mn. Nichais, Mn. Buck- cantempiated in the year 1843. E stage found at cutting timte.-The ley, Mn. Nichols.Te!odaonato!hePr 1- aduit flics emerge the latter part Two Spikes, smoke shades: Mn. isheis 1850,atn dtefthu Prh i- o! Auguït and in early September Gabbutt, Mn, Buckley, Mn. Nich- ihi 80 n h is hrh s, and lay on volunteer wheat or an ols. a trame building, later destnayed le eanly seeded wheat. 'i'wo Spikes, blotcbed shades: by fine, was erected in the follow- Contrai Mn. Nichais, Mnr. Gabbutt. ing year, at the site of the pres-1 n 1. If the field is not seedel.1 Vase of Gladiolus, 6 spiîkes, dif- ent St. John's Cemetery, about a 7a ail wheat stubble should be> ferent: Mrs. Wade, Mn. Buckiey. ,àexv east ot Blackstock, then; t ploughed under completelv' as L. pi.fte in the cla-ss. ,vr. Chucwn as deiclatedby .Th s Rt soan as possible. after the wheat CuNichais.aedbyte t.I is arvste an thn wnke ta il1eie were 40 entries in thisl Rev. John Strachan, M.A.. LL.D.. firm the soi]. Very few flies will cîass. D.D., first Bishop of Toronto, andc be able ta emerge from such soul. OeSie etoïram Legisiative records it is in- If pioughing cannot be done or On-pk eto teresting ta note that Ibis Church ivas not dane prornnlv, and tbis Three Spikes. different: F. had the unique distinction of be- probabiy appiied ta this ),car, let Samis, Bowmanvih.le. ing the oniy Church in the Pro-: n~ the volunteer wheat corne u. If One Spikie, whtte shades: F. 1 x-ince e\'er ta teceive the bless-: ;t it has not already started after Samis, 1'. Samis, R. Hocking, ing, not only of the Bishop, but -the cnop is off, rûn a disc or cul- Peterborough. alsýofo the Legisiature itseif. -tivator iightiy Over the field. One Spike, yellow sjhades: F. 'Ihlis Chunch served the Parish This ýwheat will be earlier than Samis, R. Hacking, R. liockîng. 1 until 1876, when the preseni )the regular 'ly seeded wheat and One, Spike, orange and bu!! handsome solid brick Church wvab will act as a "Trap Crop' for the shades: F. Sarnis, R. Hocking. built. TIhe Committee respon-, egg-laying of the flies. Do flot One Spike, pink shades: F. sible for this splendid projecUt ýplough this unden until the endI Samis, R. 1iocking, F. bamis. comprised Messrs. J. H. Devitt. R. dof September. One Spikie, salmonl shades: R. Bryans, R. B. Spinks, . XV. c-' 2. Sow Iust as late as is safe H-ocking, F. San-is, R. Ho{cking. Lauighlin, A. Lattin-oîre, J. Bailey! - i yur isrit t otan agod One Spike, iight red shades: F. and J. N1esbitt, the Recto, being stand befone winter. The follow-J Samis, R. hlocking. the Rev. John Creighton, B.D.J ing is a rough guide af dates ne- Une Spike, daric red shades: F. The folhawing is takien frornia cammended for maximum vield Samîs, F. Samis. R. Hacking. newspaper clipping of the year d yteFel ubnr ment: - Une Spike, mauve shades. F. 1876: "St. John's Church, hateiy Guelp .-And --eaEt o Samis, F. Samis. erected at Wilihamsburg,. in Cant- consisting ai Nave, Chancel, Ves- try Roomn and Tower with Spire. The Nave hs 48 feet by 33 feet and will seat 200 pcnsons,"-and in May of the year 1883 the follow- ing appeared in pnint: "Oart-' wright-St. John's Church in this Parish was consecrated by the Bishop ai Toronto on the 28th ulto, aîl indebtedness having been removed. The Bishop was assist- cd by tic Rector, the Rev. John Creighton, Rev. Rural Dean Allen and Rcv. Johii Carry. In con- nection with the Consecration the Rite a! Confirmation was admin- istened by the Bishop."1 In 1949, the Rector, the Rev. John McKibbin, exented much en- engy and broke much ground in rcviving this project; and in No- vember o! that ycan successfu!ly launched the lOOtb Annivensany Renovation Campaign, which was continued by bis successor, the Rcv. George Nicholson, and the alrcady functioning Renovation Committee, nameîy: the Cburcb Wardcns, Mcssrs. C. P. Devitt and J. H. Rabm. Mn. A. L. Bailey, Mn. J. Hamilton, Mrs. T. Smith, Mrs. A. L. Baiiey. In May o! 1950, the Rectony roaf was resbingled, and extensive repains ta the front and back porches and the windows a! the Rectory cannied out. On Monday, May lst, wonk was com- menced an the nenavation a! the Church. The onset o! this work disciosed seniaus damage ta the foundations a nd construction beams, due ta dry rot, etc., not discoverable otherwise. This ne- cessitated extensive expansion o! aur programme.. It is veny grati- tying that the whoie a! the rcno. vatian work bas been carried out by aur awn membens, with the exception a! the redeconatian o! the Churcb intenior, which was excelhenthy executed by G. Stone- man, Artist Decorator, of Toronto. Under the expert leadership o! Mn. G. Staniland and Mn. A. L. Cailey, aur Warking Party, con- sisting of Messns. T. Smith, J. Smith, J. Hamilton, F. Staniiand, and ton a short period Messrs. W. Pearce and L. Henry, the -major repairs were cannicd out and the intenior renovatian seheme most exceiiently executed. The in- tenion design was dnawn by the Rectai-, Rev. George Nicholson. The complete new ceihing, the ex- cellent panelng of Chancel and choir walls; the beauliful oak scneen at 'the chair stalls, wihl speak ta us ail cantinuallï a! the devoted and painstaking labours of the men mentioned above. The interest and support of the meni- bers a! the Congregation and !niends o! the Parish is indicated in the nuimber o! gifts a lre'ady ne- ceived toward this worthy projectt o!ff repairing and beautifying the Home Church. A visit ta the Chuncb is af in- terest and bistoricai value. Thene is a handsame stone Baptismal Font, presented by St. Paul's Church. Bloor Street, Toronto, 1926. There are Iliree vcry beau- tiftil stained glass mnemoniai win- dows. The one on the west wall in memory o! William and Han- nah McLaughlin; the anc on the east wall in memory a! Nelson Marlow and his wite, Ann Jane Parr, wbilc the magniticent Altar Window commemonates the ser- vices o! the Rev. John Creigbton, Rector tram 1875 ta 1907. Othier mnermarials, inchude Tablets ta Thos. H. Devitt, William F. Ham- ilton, and Clara Winnifred Ma- hood. organist o! the Church at the tume of hen rer"asc. The Cr-oss upon the Altar is in metn- Î.40 GALLON P.!. Abern.alby Boi,-man ville CARTON COACH l IEKES T"ORONTO EXHIBITION SPECTAL COING DAILY FR014 AUGUST 18TH RIDE ON THE BUS AND AVOID WOIBRYINGx ABOUT DRIVING IN HEAVY TRAFFIC, PARKING. OR CROWDING FOR STREET CARS. Grandstand Tickets for Sale with Transportation Tickets BUSES DAILY PROM Augusi 26 to September 9 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME leave (Going) Read Down AiM. 7:25 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:30 8:45 10:15 Kawartha Maples Janetville -------- Yelverton -------- Nestieton --------- Blackstock ------- Burketon -------- Enniskillen ------ Hampton ------ Bowmanville Toronto Exhibition Arrive ]Return flead Up Fara 1:35 3.9 0 1:25 3.90 1:15 3.70 1:05 3.45 12:55 3.25 12:45 3.05 12:35 2.85 12:25 2.70 12:15 2.45 Lv. 10:45 p.m. Children - Half Fare Fares Inlude Exhibition Admission Bus Takes Passongers Right On To Toronio Exhibition Grounds and Stays There Ail Day for Convenience of Passengers. - For Information Phonoe Bowmanville 2666 Pa'trons using our busses rnay leave their cars in park- ing space at Kawartha làaples, 7 miles south of Lindsay on No. 35 Highway or at our Garage in Bow- manx'ille free 0>f charge. ory o! Flying Officer Roy Edward Carter, and the brass vases in memory of Robert and Francis Spinks. The Lectern is in memory of Eliza J. McLaughlin. The beau- tiful Haly Table was given by Mrs. M. Smith In 1918. The Altar Book Resta and Alms Bason by Mns. Rt. Spinks, the Communion Rail by the Woman's Auxillary, the Pulpit by. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parr and Family, and the Prayer Desk by the A.Y.P.A. Canada's largest province, Que. bec, bas an area of 594,860 square miles; the smallest: Prince Ed-4j ward Island, bas an- area of 2,184W square miles. The Sfiesman Sold Ai FollowingSiores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. Wilson & Browx% Newtonville T. M. Slemon, Enniskiilen. F. L. Byam, Tyrane. G. A. Barron, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Burketon. Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool. H. T. Saywell, Blackstock. C. B. Tyrreli, Orono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagneli. Jury & Loveil, J. W. .Jewell, W. J. Berry and The Stateý;man Office. For Live Point Protection asnd Deauty KNITTING TIME FOR FALL Back to Sehool Means Knitting Foi' FaIl Nonarch Sanforla n A New Monarch Wool Non-Shrink Guelph 100% Nylon Long Wearing - 3-Ply Ideal for Socks We carry complete stocks of BEEHIVE BOUQUET and CORTICELLI Wools. 3. W. JEWELL "BIG "201p 27 King St. W., Bàowmanvle PHONE 556 You gél bath spread end econamny when you use the Sun-Proof Two. Cool House Point System. Sun- Proof is mode with "Vitolized Oil' which stays in thse point Film, keeps it Live, tough and elastic. Easy to apply, resists color changes and loîts for yeurs. ln moany respects todoy's Pittsburgh Points ore botter thon pro-war quolity. ài 1 THE CANADLAS STATESMAN. BOVMANVE=.- ONTARIO 9qWTlLqnAV- ATTaITqT e4th- 10M qwte serious.