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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1950, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVEHECADASTTMABWAVLEOTAO TEj111MLAY, AUGUUT Mhtl, 115 PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMU COST 50c PER AD -- I 1 IRl~Tk± ALLIN-Mr. and Mrs. Morley Allin, Newcastle, are happy ta announce the birth af their daughter, Olive Jane, on Sunday, August 27tb, 1950, at Bowman- ville Hospital. 35-1* BRYANT - Douglas and Jean Bryant announce the arrivai of a son, Ronnie Albert, at Bowman- ville Haspital, August 27th, 1950. (Stillborn). 35-1 CHANT - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chant are happy ta, announce the birth of a daughter on Tuesday, Aug. 29th, 1950, at Bowmanviiie Hospital. 35-1* CRAIG-Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Craig wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Roberta Lee, on Monday, August l4th, 1950, at Bowmanville Hospital. 35-1* THOMPSON-Mr. and Mrs. Gar- don Thompson (nee Betty Steph- ens) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Donna Marie, on August 28th, 1950, at Bowmanville Hospital. 35-1* WIGHT -Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wight (formerly Lillian Osborne, Bowmanville, Ontario) of Hugh- enden, Alberta, wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Marilyn Jean, on August 2th, 1950, at Wainwright Municipal Hospital. 35-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. David Selby Grant announce the engagement ai their only daughter, Mariliynn Joyce, to George Mortimer Bebee, son of Mrs. Stephen Ferguson and the late Roy M. Bebee, of Camp- belîford, Ont. The marriage wil take place at Grace Lutheran Church, Oshawa, at 3 p.rei., on katurday, September l6th. 35-1 DEATHS COOKE-Suddenly, at Newcastle, on Sunday, August 27th, 1950 Herbert Henry Cooke, beloved husband ai the late Margaret Ripley ai Portland, Ontario, in his 79th year. Funeral from the home ai his sister-in-iaw, Mrs. Howard Coake, Newcastle Wed- nesday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment Cataraqui Cemetery, Kingston. 35-1 TAIT-At Bowmanville Hospital, on Saturday, August 26th, 1950, John Andrew Tait, beloved bus- band ai Amy Dorothy Moor and dear father ai Arthur G. (Jerry), Oshawa, aged 60 years. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Inter- ment Bowmnanville Cemetery. 35-1 IN MEMORIAM KELLY-In loving memory o aur dear daughter and sister Isabelle, who passed away Aug. ust 29th, 1947: Ta-day recalîs sad memaries Of aur dear daughter gane ta rest, And the anes who think af he: to-day Are the ones who loved her best. --Sadiy missed by Father, Mather and brothers. 35-1* COMING EVERNTS Euchre Saturday night in Unior Hall, 8:00 p.m. Under auspices ai Women's Auxiliary ai the Legion. 35-1* CARIDIL'S 0F THANKS My thanks ta Bowmanville Hospital staff, special nurses, doctors, Rev. H. Turner and those who remembered me while in Hospital. Jean Bragg. 35-11 I wish ta express my sincere thanks ta my many friends who sa kindly remembered me with flowers, cards, letters, giits and ta those who visited me during mnv stay in Oshawa Hospital, and whiie canvalescing at home. Ed. Doidge. 35-1* The iamily of the late Ida Stevens wish ta express their very grateful appreciatian. and gratitude ta Dr. Ferguson, the matron and nurses ai Bowman- ville Hospital for their many acts of Ioving kindness during her long stay in hospital. 35-1* I wish ta express rny sincere thanks toalal mv' friends, relatives, Sneighbours and wamen's argan- izatians ai St. Paui's Church. for cards, flowers, fruit and gifts I received while iin hospital. Thanks especiaily ta Drs. Starey, Rundie and Fergusan, Miss Harding and staff, and Rex'. Turner, for their kindness ta me. Mrs. Susie Graham. 35-If Found :BLACK spaniel. female. Owner please phone 2285, Charles Os- borne. * 35-1* For Rent THREE rooms, ail canveniences, aiet couple, rio children. 95 Liberty St. N., Bawmanville. 35-1 Personafl SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5i ta 15 ibs. New pep, too. Try% famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double resuits: new healthy flesh: new vigor. New -get acquaint- ed" size only 60c. Ail druggists. Notices Dr. Ferguson's office will be closed for month of September, after September 2nd. 34-5* Dr. Starey's office will be closed Sept. lst ta Sept. 2th. 34-4* For local and long distance hauling, Phone 2988 Bowman- ville. Colliss Bros. 34-2 Dr. E. W. Sisson's office will be closed for holidays from Aug. l8th to Sept. 5th. 33-3* Round and square dancing every Friday and Saturday at the Avalon, Oshawa, George Scarfe and his Orchestra. 35-i Dr. C. J. Austin's office will be closed for holidays from Sat- urday, August 5th ta Monday, September 4th inclusive. 30-6 Trucking business for sale with F.C.H. license. Good reason for selling. Carl Gimblett, Phone 835. 34-2* POPULAR PIANO PLAYING - 20 lesson course, advanced or beginners. For information and demonstration. Phone 2091. 35-5 NOTICE TO FARMERS - Get your orders in for use ai Forage Harvester. Corn wîll soon be ready. I. Munday, Phone 3438. 35-2 YOUR FUTURE IN THE STARS -Three months' forecast advising you af the apparturNities ta grasp and pitiails ta avoid, or detailed character analy'sis for your birth sign. Send birthday with fifty cents ta Doreen E. Perrett, Cer- tiiied Astrologer, R.R. 1, Bow- manville, Ont. b 35-2*' Real Estate For Sale HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE Naw that the 'grain crops are pretty well out ai the way man; prospective famm buyers will be looking around ta find the famr ta which tbey would mave if the quaiity and price is right. I havi listed a number ai such farms in Durham County and invite in- quiries. 1 will alsa welcome par- ticulars ai youm mmrm if you havi in mind selling. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Omono Phones: office 32m10 - home irl6 35-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE New brick dwelling on Jane St., 6 roams, hardwood iloors, all con- veniences, full basement, garden. Possession 30 days. $2,000 down. Beautiful brick dwellîng, 6 raoms, on Flett St., aIl conveniences, -e y ie n e 6 Articles For Sale '39 FORD coupe, goad cdean ca Phone 2822. 35-. STRAWBERRY plants and rasl berry canes. Phone 2337 35-' EASY washing machine, 25 cycl Mrs. Jordan, Phone 2168. 3& 1937 OLDS sedan, A-i conditi(: best offer. Terms arranged. Phor 729.34 SMALL Gurney cook stove, r servoir and sheli. Cheap. Phol 2750. 35-1 '36 FORD coupe, radio and heate excellent condition. Phone 57r Orono. 35-1 TWO-piece bedroom suite wit spring and mattress. Apply1 Jane St. 35-1 1949 DODGE Special, good cor dition. Cash or easy terms. Phon 3557 after 5:30 p.m. 35-1 '42 PONTIAC coach, motor receri ly overhauled, good tires. Phon 2639 or Howard Brown. 34- CONGOLEUM rugs and yai goods available in many coloui ful patterns at Morris Ca. 17-ý 1933 PLYMOUTH sedan, in goc running conditiori, $15000. Appl 14 Jane St. or Phone 535 aitE .5 p.m. 35-1 BALED wheat and rye straw fc sale. Apply Grant Jackson, Blaci stock, Ontario. Phone Part Perr 333-11. 34-3 BROWN enamel crib and ma tress, $10.00; blue go-cart, $150 Bath in perfect condition. Phon 2071. 35-1 EU1ÈEKA Vacuum Cleaners, tar models from $39.50 up at Mor Ca. Phone for free demonstre tion. 17-1 A QUANTITY ai baled straw ar second cut Alialia. J. A. Jahr stan, Bumketon, R.R. 1. Phor Port Pemmy 172-12. 35-1 C.C.M. GIRL'S bicycle, aima, new; 2-piece chesterfield suit( and two ¾ý beds, complete wit' mattress. Phone 2556. 35- WE mensure and instali Venetiar Blinds. Phone Morris Ca. foi estimates. We also carry a con. plete stock of windaw shades. 17-1i 1939 PLYMOUTH sedan, ne,% motar, 3,000 miles. Must be solc Best offer. Phone 1930 Clarke. 35-1 ,ar. 3p- fle. 5-1 one [-2 e 1* r9, .C ith 18 1*- ne .1* 't- nie ý-3 rd ir- 'tf ly 1* k- ry 3*- it- ne IIM, 1* M( -ho wz -ti id O] n- wiý re ani l*ani 'stEll -1PL in Bu Sanc est. f 1eý - Phi w - d. AIL we 1SM( '29 FORD, good condition, new tires and battery, seal beam lights, new paint job. Caîl at 57 Liberty St. S., or Phone 2744. 35-1 VENETIAN Blinds, Flexalumn, Steel or Aluminum Decorator scolan Érc lok 1 u r, l , prt ts ir.~'0 . ex TEN -Pc. Living-room gmaups. Ldick. 35-1 scholandchrcb2 locs.Pas- pert installation. Phone 451 Many colaurs and style combin-To. y - session immediately. $2,000 down. Walkem Stores. 23-tf ain acos rm rus W ne ilul:2-pc. Velour Chester- , $7,000 -5-roomed bungalow, al BEECH and maple, green cord- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 SCRAP iran and batteries. Phone -conveniences, bat water heating, wood, $18.00 a cord, sawed and. Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Wahnut Clarke 2530. 17-tf ba*-dwaad iloors, 3-piece bath and delivered; alsa fence pasts, . End Tables, i Attractive Table shower, venetian blinds, combîn- M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Part Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1- Alum- OIL humning jacket heater or atian doors and starm windows, Perry 193-r-14. 15-tf s mall spaebeter.Phone957. shrubs and rasphermies, goodi înum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- pae5ae-1n r loatio. BARELS!!! TEELBARRLS'ial $169.00 only at Bradley's, 40 3- location. BRRELS$3.5STEL ach LS King St. W., Oshawa. Terms ta BUSH - must be predominately Doubl brik boue, 8moams BOB .TOC eR' A RAG suit. Many other suites ta choose Dol rckbue 8ron, BOirCERSGRG 2-tf bard maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone bydro, bath, full basement, cen- Phone 804 Bowmanville arm. Port Perry 193r14. 22-tf r tral location. Possession arranged. 32-tf $,2-E oe on $6,000. 1l46N W mde on BEFORE selling youm live paultry CASE tactor, twa years aId, Deere tractor with power lift for1 try us. Our prices are bighem. M. $4,000 - Fmame bouse, 8 raoms, reasanable price; also Buick front Quick-tatcb implements. Came Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r barn, stable, garage, creek, well, end camplete witb tires for ln and see them. Try tbem n 1. evrs cares1-tf hybdra, low taxes, balf acre asp- tailer. Phone 2552. Joseph yu farm. New 4'2 footciler bernies, 5¾ý acres, not fan- from Crawfbrd, Hampton. 35-1* $358. Tilling seasan 'is close for SBowmanville, good place, goad - is plowing. New cultivators, R o sF rR n "land and well kept. NEW and late model automobiles 10 foot width for $277. Discs, insumed and financed. Dealer or brand new ,,8 it., $226. Stop in BED-sitting raam available ta 100 acres in Cartwright Town- private sales. Inquire about this and get a fre& demonstration at business girl in dawotown apart- sbip, 7-raom frame bouse, built- low cost plan. Roy Lunney, 48 F. S. Allen & Sons, 3 miles west ment. Write Box 453, c/o The »in cupboards, barn, water bowls, King St. W., Phone 565. 23-tf ai Bawmanvihle, or caîl 2833 or Statesman Office. 35-1* hydro, garage. $9,800 witb drap, 594. Jahn-Deere means Quality. $8,800 without drap. 20 acres CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, 35-1 Room and Board bush. This famm and buildings yard goods and hall runners; Rex- TR are in good condition. oletîm Deluxe 2 and 3 yards xide, . ADE-INS-Bionde maple, full James Nixon, Broker yard gaods at budget prices. sîze bed, reguhar $39.50, for $ 19.50; ROOMERS Wanted - Two rooms r160 Liberty St. N.. Bowmanville Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf gray velour davenport bed, reg- with twa single beds in each Phon 682ular $1 19.50, for $75,00; Asteral raom, suitable for men. 33 Tem- Phon 682 35.1* '49 METEOR custom sedan, good baby refrigerator, reguhar $149.50, perance St., Phone 3693. 35-V~ - condition, canyon blue, white- for $12950; Westinghouse washer, BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE wall cushion tires. Will seli im- re.$5.0 or$95;mne Help Wanted 1Special-lot 80 x 335, faundation 'mediately $1695. Phone Clarke radios, new, regular $32.50, for'________________ dug, new cancrete well, smalh 37SSSL or see Vemn Goheen. - $23.50; mantel radios, new, reg. FULL time short order waitress shack, surveycd, how taxes, niccly 35-1* 44.50, for 32.50; new 6-tube coam- wanted. Apply' ta Jerry Kean, treed witb cedars, on Highwav ucinatiun radio, r'eg. $29.0 for Huyck's Caffee Shop. 35-1* No. 2, betwcen Bawmanville and CONVERT your wagon wheels ta $169.00; Gurney coal stove, coam- Oshawa. Price $400,00. rubber, complete stock ai steel plete xith ail humner, like new, SALESGIRL for local retail store. rims, tires and tubes now avail- $75.00: 3-burner electric ange, Write stating age and experience Seven room cottage witb dowAn- able. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, closed elemeots, guaranteed four if any ta Box 455, c/o Statesman [stairs and upstair porches, 3-pce. Corner King and Silver Sts., years, like new, in use anly txvo Office. 35-1 bath, garage, firephace, fumnisbed Phone 467. 16-tf mnooths, reg. $129.50, for $99.50. TE agbot preica camplete. Could be winterized. ___________________________- ehectrician. Apply in writing Taxes $15,00 per year. $1,(000( CLARE JEWEL ange witb ailBRDE untrCo,4 King stating age, education, etc. ta down, balance like ent. Price humner, coal gates and bot water SBRAW, OsEaaFu ne 21 Ca.,x 40 /àSats nOfie $3,160. front; dinette, 6-piece, waînut St.W.oon usha, $P.00anee1--pB ox47e/oSaema fi35-1 finish; uprigbt piano, (maving) beri sie,$90;selbd____________ Six room irame bouse on King reasanable for quick sale. Mrs. outiats, complet, $26,95; felt base YOUNG girl wanted for general St. West. Pric-c $2,850. Terms. Fred Lake, Newcastle. 35-1* floar cavering, 49c a square yd.; hausewark, 2 schohagers, liberal _____- chrome chairs. $6.95, a41 colors; time off, private room. Phone Lovelv brick home. 12 maoins, 10-20 INTERNATIONAL tractor,' 3 pc. aihover velour chcstcmfield callect 6 ta 7:30 p.m., Toronto divided ino twa, seven and five an rubbcr, lights. generator Suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natumal finish HYhand 6470. 35.1* i'aoms each. ail heating in oe, power take-off, excellent running breakfast suites, $66.00; spmnng-1 large grounds nicehy landscaped aorder. Here's that extra tractor filled mattresses. $2495; tri-ligbî GIRL or mîiddle aged woman for garage. $10.500. Terms. yovir want for thnesbing and silo hamps, compiete, $12.95: rangettes, g encrai housework in new mod- filling. Sacrifice. Apphv Morlhey ranges irom $59.00; 3-pc. allaver ecn home, in Toronto. Ahl con- Brick bouse, 15 n-aams, suitable McAlister, Campbelcroft R. R. 1. velour bed chesterfield suites, veniences, private room, good for taurîst or raoming bouse, cor- 35-1* $119.00;, 9 x 6~ Axminstem dan-pets, home, excellent wages. Write' ner propemty in centre aiton green or wine orientai designs, Box 456, c/o Statesman Office. Price $ 10,000. Terms. ATTENTION - Turkey, chicken $4950; chenille bcd spreads, $6,95; 35-1 ______! and dog raisers. Seihing ouit 45 table lamps. $6.75. Everything forf New ultra-modemn bungalow, six jstrong 6 x 6 x 9 aIl heavy gauge r the hume at Badley's. 40 K in g G LOVE ope rator wanted by aId. raoms, modemn kitchen and bath- wîr- fox cages with wooden ken- St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf establislied Toronto firm, 75ec maon three bedrooms, auto ail nels, 2 x 4 trames. $10 cach at hourly if experienced, graup in- beating, heavy wiring, laundry;farm. Also softwoad. $8 cotdc, ati THREE SPECIALS suran'ce, possible ta camo $30.00 tubs. electric bot water beaterl farm. Margwiil Fur Farm, Phone i 1949 Meteor 2-door o an piee wnOrk fWieBox351, large picture m-indaw, etc. Move; 2679. 35-tf dark blue, heater, undercaating, c oSatsa Ofc.S51 riglht io. $8,300. Terms._ _1 showroom condition $1695.00; WANTED-Mao for steadY' travel t Bowmanville Real Estate USED S.C. Case tractar: new S. 1948 ('hev. Coach - among consumers in Bowman-s 78 Kng t. Wst ase racor: ew .A. ase jet black, immaculate inside and ville. Permanent coonection with rn J. Shelîvo D. Maclachlao tractor: new Case disc plow: new 1 0ut haeSnvsr 15.0 lrgmnucte.Olyeibe Phone 3326 Bowmanvilhe rCase disc harrow; used I.H.Cr i te, urîvso- 155,0 lr mnufactre. Olyriehiable- Phone 689 Oshawa poixer corn bînder; new Quaker 11938 Pontiac Sedan -bsircn~ee. WieRw 35-i aoil beater: water systems and original finish and interior. Per-: eigh's, Dept. ML-H-140-131, Mon- 1 wire fente. W. H. Brown, Case fetmcaial.c ra.3- \Vanted Dealer, Phone 497. 3511 Chevrolet mnotor $725.001MNo oa-tayicm LIOLUMbedqatcs n s Th"e above damscar new car averagîng $45 weeklv. Cail on t 2. 3 or 4 ARTLY uumished.iorawahandudatrict. -cusioniers for famoîi' Watkins - 2, o 4PATL frnshedo 1aw ad isrit.Rexoieums, SISSON'S GARAGE iProducts in Bowm-anville. No B unfurnisbcd ooms %vaoted bv!Congoleums, Printed anîd Iniaid'OronoPhn 86-) investnierît. Business established e vouong couple. Phone Osliawa Linoleumi. Everv pattern tbat's Oe .-9pm meit anig.Wîr 1 1881J, T. Humst, 358 Division St., r'made, is avaihable at Bradley S's, Manday through Saturdax- R. WVatkins Ca., Dept. OC.B3-4. iti Oshawa 35-1* ' 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf 1i 350 St. Rach St., Mantreal. 34-2 The Canadian Statesman Classified Advertising BRaies Effective JuIy 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate - - - 30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added A charge of 250~ will be made for ail replies directed to this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30~ a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIAMS - - - $1.00 plus 10e~ a line for verse. Display Classified at 800 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the saine rates. Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. - Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sale MMEDIATE delivery, Faix banks aorse space heaters. Heat your ome the safe, dlean economical ay. Pay only $11.45 down at ýad1ey's Furniture and Appli- nce Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf IL bumners installed, complete .th ane year guamantee, $350.00 d up-for as littie as $35 down d 24 months ta pay. S. Blain liott, Plumbing, Heating and heet Metal, Bowmanville, Phane M8. 29-tf LUMBING, Heating and .Oil mrers installed anywhere in irham County. Reasonable rates id highest quality. For free timates cali S. BMain Eiliott, eating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, àone 3348. 29-tf LL kinds ai meat, good quality miers, bologna, caoked hams, oked hams and bacon, sausage id hamburger. Darlington Abat- r, Hampton, Phone 2836; also ckling, smoking and sausage aking. During the wàmmer 'nths - hog killing an Tues- is and cattle at any time. 34-tf dli toi pic ma da., Livestock For Sale SIX week aid pigs. Phone 2091. 35-1 PUREBRED Shortborn bull, 8 montbs aid. Earl Trewin, Phone 2351. 35-1* RELIABLE team ai horses, bar- ness, whifiletrees, etc. Phone 2035. 35-1 150 NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, 5 months aid, weight 6 lbs., ready ta lay. Phone Bawmanville 2902. 35-1 250 LEGHORN Pullets ready ta iay. We bave boused what Leg- horn pullets we need and find we have the above quantity ta seil: aiso a number ai Fast Feathering Barred Rock Pullets. Phone 2636 or Write H. J. Brooks, Orcbland Farms, Bawmanville, Ont. 35-1 Seed Grain For Sale CORNELL Wheat for seed: alsa quantity ai baled straw. Phone Clarke 1904. 35-2* 800 BUSHELS ai Fail Wbeat, suitable fax- seed. Sawn fram Gav't. certified secd last year. S2 a bushel. Phone 2986, Bihl Recal Estate For Sale COTTAGE - easy ta winterize, good lot and fruit trees, lavely location. Phone 2464. 35-if FIVE-room frame house, bus and train service. First house on north east side of track at Burketon. Appiy at residence. 35-1 NEW, modemn, 6-room, storey and a haif bungalow, 5 minutes from schaol, ail conveniences. Possession. Phone 2749. 35-i HOUSE for sale - Kitney's on Liberty St. If interested make offer in writing ta J. Nixon. Terms will be considered. 35-i* $2,100 down - New 5-roomed bungalow, landscaped, venetian blinds throughout. Immediate possession. Terms. Phone 3633. 35-1* 100 ACRE farm - south haif of Lot 1, Concession 5, in the Town- ship of Damlington, implements to go with farm. Colin Smith. 35-1* AUCTION SALE The undersigned has eceived instructions from LOT 18, CONCESSION 1, HOPE TOWNSHIP Smile east of Port Britain ta seli by public auction Monday, Sept. 111h at 1 p.m. sharp valuable livestock, machinery, grain, poultry, etc., including 3 borses, variaus milk caws and caives, 1000 bushels ai mixed grain, tractors, cultivator, iding plow, mawer and many othem implements; '42 Chev. truck, a gas engine. Terms Cash No Reserve Jack Reid, Wlllard Lord, Auctioneer. Clerk. Auction Sale An auction sale ai household articles, the property ai Dr. J. A. Butler will be held at his me- sidence an King Street East, New- castle, an Saturday, September 2nd at 2 p.m. Articles including 1 practically new ail heater, 1 Gurney annex range, wardrobes, dining-room table and chairs, cbesterfield, add tables, dishes and numerous other articles. Anyone wishing ta enter art- icles in the sale should contact Miss Butler not later than August 26th. Lloyd Stephenson, Auctioneer. 34-2 Wanted To Rent SMALL bouse on- apartment, two smali children. Write Box 452, c/o Statesman Office. 35-1* FARM-ýDutcb family wishes ta ent a fanrn, about 100 acres with option ta buy in thmee yean-s. E. Roorda, R.R. 3, Port Pe-my. 35-1 PUÙBLIC School teacher, wiie and chiid maving ta Bawmanvihle desime ta ent bouse or apartment as soon as possible. Phone 635. 30-tf Work Wanted CARPENTER wark -, kitchen cupboards ahd trim. Phone 2464. 33-41 WELLS drilled by Ontario licens- ed driller; modemn equipment. R. B. Renwick, Phone 781 or 833, Bowmanville. 33-4* EAVESTROUGHING, contracting, aid eavestraughing mepaired and new put up. For free estimates cail C. E. Devitt, Phone 597. 33-3* COOK, housekeeper, used ta farm life, age 36, seeks empioyment on iarm, good home preierred ta high wages. Write Box 459, The Statesman Office. 35-1* COUPLE in the early thirtys are seeking position ai any kind or work an a farm, with living ac- commodation with hydra, near tawn. Wiil hire by month, the yeam round. Write Box 458, c/o Statesrpan Office. 35-1 BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding 1 We specialize in complete i brake overhauls. c BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE ï Phone 804 Bowmanvillej 32-tf t LAWNMOWERS t SHARPENEDt Have them sharpened with aur new precision machine. Call' 467 for pickup and delivery r G. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP d 21-tfe S( Repairs i F'OR prompt, efficient, guaranteed Vý service, dyeing and custom work, nr try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Il Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- ce ninal. 31-tf n' - ti CHESTERFIELDS campleteiy re- t]- built and re-upholstered. Satis- n 'action guaranteed. Have our consultant cal] at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen- ce mre, 10 King gt. E. 3!)- t f O g. REPAIRS toalal makes ai reirig- bi erators, dornestic and commercial: v. nilking coo1rs. Iliggan Eliec- il trie, 42 kXÀng St. E., Phone 4'l2,;.i 25-tf ta Custom Work PLOWING, cultivating and sow- ing. J. H. Alldread, Phone 496. 29-8* Farmers Attention 1 WE wili be pleased ta pick u15 dead or crippied farm animais and pay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Tomonto Adelaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young Ltd. - 2tf Farm Help EXPERIENCED, reliable Holiand families available. Amriving soon. Write to S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestle- ton, Ont. Phone 225 -24 Port, Perry. 22-14 The exchange of goods between Canada and U.S.A. is aided by transportation systemns which both countries use freely. For ex- ample, the St. Lawrence-Great Lakes Watemway penetrates the continent for 2,350 miles, and the first barrier between Montreal and the Thousand Islands has been circumvented by 35 miles of Can- Drowview Farm HoIsteins Win Many Prizes at Peterborough Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estate af MARGARET M. HORSEY, Spinster, Deceased. ALL persns having, aims against the estate of Margaret M. M. Hosey, late ai the Twn of Bowmanville, in the Cunty of Durham, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 3th day ai July, A.D., 1950, are hereby nat- ified ta send in ta the undersign- ed Personal Representatives af the said deceased on or before the 3th day ai September, A.D., 1950, full paticulas ai their dlaims. Immediately ater the said date the said Personal Re- presentatives will distribute the assets ai the said deceased having regard only ta dlaims ai which they shahl then have natice. DATED at Oshawa this 29th day ai August, A.D., 1950. Harold Ferguson and Edgar Frank Bastedo e Executors. By McGibbon & Bastedo, Bammsters, etc., 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. It really seems that Bowman- (Ail "gets" af "Gienaiton Futux.. ville and district people are doing ity" comprised of calves awned by remarkably well with cattie, Brown, Jase and Bawman). Best flowers and everything else that uddered female-third. bas been entered in the Peter- "Glenaiton Futurity" owned byr borough Exhibition. Sa far the Central Durham Bull Club was lists ai winnems published have Senior and Grand Champion been mainly flower winners, Maie. Mm. Brown was awarded mainly of interest ta the lady af ail other championships. Junior the bouse, now we have some ai Champion M on his Senior Bull the winners in the Holstein Class, Cali, "Browview Futurity Ace." winners which are ai interest ta Senior and Grand champion- the men, ship female on "Innlawn Joan In the Holstein exhibits at the Dewdrop." Reserve Senior and Peterborough Exhibition, a total Reserve Grand Champion Female ai 108 head ai cattie were shown on "Rab Roy Texal Rag Apple and placed by veteran Holstein Veeman," and Junior Champion- judge, Mr. Fred Hubbs, Bloom- ship Female on 'Browview Glen- field, a past president ai the Hol- da Eva." stein-Friesian Association ai Can- During the livestock parade, ada. Mr. Brown was presented with James T. Brown & Sons, the Premier Bruder's Banner. Mr. "Browview," near Newcastle, ex- Brown was not alone however in hibited 19 head and won the fol- his prize winning. lowing placings: Bull, 2 years and J. W. Bowman, Enniskillen, ex- over-first; Bull, one year and hibited three head ai cattie win- over-fourth--- Senior Bull Caif ning second place on Senior Bull -irst, third, fiith and seventh. Cali, and third and fourth an Cow, four years and over, in Senior Heifer Calves. milk--fifth and ninth: Caw, four J. H. Jase & Sons, Newcastle, years and over, dry-iirst, second also exhibited a number ai cattle. and third; Cow, three years, in Junior Champion Female was milk-fimst; Cow, two years, in f irst; first prize in Junior Yearl- milk-third;, Heifer, senior yearl- ing; first in Senior Caif, and ing-first; Heifer, junior yearling Junior get-of-sire. He had a sec- -third: Junior heifer cali-sec- ond in Junior Herd, and third in and and fourth. three-year-old in milk. Graded Herd - iirst; Junior Mr. Jase had goad success with Herd - iirst; Progeny ai dam- 1bis gladioli which he exbibited iirst and fourth; Junior get-of- lin the. flowem show, winning four sire-first, fourtb and seventh. 1 firsts, one second and twa thirds. THE MASTODON WAS A MIGHTY MARK (By Joseph Lister Rutledge) There are certain people who, like the White Qucen in Lewis Car-ail's 'Through the Looking Glass," find it pheasant ta train themselves ta believe a dozen im- passible things before breakfast. One ai these things, wbicb bas become a most widely favored misconception, is that in bigness there is something essentially cvii and dangerous. Recently Charles E. Wilson. President ai General Electric, stated emphaticallv that *' there is not a sbred of actuai ev:,- dence that bigness bas been an evil force either ecanomicalhy or sacialhy. No campany and no in- ,duistry,," he urged. -lias yet been big enough ta bring enough goods ta enaugh people." 0f course, those wbo follow the White Queen's tbinking promptly retort that this is bigness itself tahking, and soA i is a prjudicedt witness, and they go on fn-rn thatr ta argue that if we break bigness ino littheness we should be bet- ter off. They are bliod ta the teachings ai natural history that evemything, even size, must jus- tiiy itseli, aor cease ta exist. The r mastodon and the dinosaur, when r size ceased ta be an advantage. disappeared, a pn-ey ta thei- own i bigness.1 In days gone by men lived by 1 candhe-light and as anybody could make a candle, candle- 5 making never became a vast in- r dustry despite an almost univers-al demand. But canidhe-ligbt nia f longer suifices. A modemn world e, is an clectric worhd. Individuals can't make great genen-atars or d, plian and finance great power pro- c4 jects. The millions ai dollars and d, the techiiicai pragn-ess.iuvalvcd. il,2 mavine fn-rn the candle age ta P the ehectrie age bas made small- tess an împossibility. Today oui d, conomy is pedicated on bigness. tl The neds ai the day cannt be d( net by the products ai smalh un- lentakings. Prices wouhd be too th exorbitant and present wage I 1 cale3 and labor conditions an SI impossibility. To break dowr jr. iigness ino its compancot parts wauld dcmand that wve scrap the machine and return ta the age ai iard labor. No small uiîdertaking- could econamnicall 'v provide the .ceds af aur day, the transporta- ion, ti'e power and the sel-vicies sti rat aur present way ofi lue de- ai maiids. p The fear that bigness will can-1 en ,.e campetition and result In mon- ar )pl., is not borne out by. thel on ,reat automotive industmy, wblere bhho iig n ess ba s e a h e d i s m a i u m . h .here competition is the keenest bc rri w1.'ere thc:'e is a fringe of in- (-o i. of J1-. c:' si/c iadv ici t- ake anirnediate advantage oflof any failure ai tbein-angem dam- petitors. Bigness must always be crcating new cficiencies ta hold its place. No monopoly can be unassailable whihe there ane men with imagination and enthusiasmn and daring. When bignss ceas- es ta serve the needs that made it great then, like the mastodon and the dinosaur, it too wil pAss away. FARM ACCIDENT DEATH RATE DOUBLE OTHER INDUSTRY RATE Farmn workers bad an accidentai death r~ate more than twice as high as worke-s in non-agricul- tun-al industries in 1949, the Na- tional Safety Council reports. The 1949 death rate for famma woi'ke-s was 54 per h100,000 work- crs, whihe in nan-agricultumal in- dustries the average death rate was 22. The Counci's announcement of the occupational. death mates gave emnpbasis ta plans for the seventh annual National Fan-m Safcty Week, proclaimed by President rnuman. Fan-m ToîllBits 17,000 Highlights ai the Cuncil's an- niual report an accidents ta farn- residents wene: 1. Total farn resideot dcaths fr'or 'accidents wcrc 17,000 in 1949, about the same as in 1948. Injuries totalled about 1,650,000. 2. Farm, home death totalled 5,000 with appraximately 750,000 non-fatal injuries. 3. Motor vehicles killed 6,500 farmn residents i0 1949 and irîjur- ed 230,000 more. 4. The total ai 4,300 fan-ni work deaths was dawn slightly-2 per- cent-fn-rn 1948. Farn-mwomk eaths accauoted io- more than 5 per cent, ai the nation's accu- atanaI death toîl for 1949. 5. Public non-motor vehicle eaths. such as drawnings, taak te lives afiaabout 2,000 famm resi- On the basis af these figunes,' àe Council said that ane ai eve-yd 17 fan-m residents in the Unjtedi ;tates will suifer a disability in. umy fram an accident in 1950. PRAÇTICAL ACTION IN RURAL HEALTH Getting campeterit dactors te ay in rural an-cas bas been ane dthe pn-oblems iaced by famm Sople in impmoving thicir heahth oditions. The District Fanrn- rs' Association ai the New Rosa rea in Nova Scotia, decided that nc way ta do it %vas ta build a mre fan- their new dactor, and ey bave set u[) a corpor~ative ,dv ta undertake îlje' r.iac- ording ta a repart fn-rn the ex. "i ou1 se'xrie- of the N. S. Dept. £Agriculture. 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