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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1950, p. 4

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PAQU romi _______________________________THE CANADIA>iN STATLMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTRI~rO HSD ,AUTTSt,19nvV AC fl .. 1~ The ;Oro Mr. J. Souch visited his broth- or, Mm. Ed. Souch, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Rom. Stonehouse were receni visitons ai Mn. and Mn. F. Trull's. Mr. and Mns. Whittaker, Scar- baro,' have been visiting at Mn. George Farbes', Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Truil and daughter, Nancy, Kingston,' gpen oome of their holidays with Mn. and Mrs. Fred TruIL We-anc pleascd to sec Mr. Jas. Richards able ta be walking on Uic etreet again, afier his long il- siess. Mr. and Mns. C. M. Hurat, To- rot~wene guesis o! Mr. and grs. Douglas M. Simipson tor holi- days. Miss Audrey Billings who is bome an holidays, and Mn. and Mrs. Carl Billings, visited Mr. and Mxa. Russell Rosbonough ai their cottage, on Uppen Chemong Lake. Mrs. J. D. Hoopen, Mns. Awde, Mrs. Butiers, Mrs. Thos. Powens, Mns. Jas. Dickaon, Mrs. Dane Pound cnjoyed a trip ta Glenver- dean ai Buiterrn.ilk Falls. This beautiful lodgc an Hall's Lake is owned and operaicd by Mns. Hoop- er's nephcw, Mn. Dean Hodgson. Mms. C. L. Powers has reiurn- ed tram hospîtal and la conval- escing ai the home of Mrs. »r. J, Lycet. A good congregation attended I EXAMPLES 0F LOANS i15 MO. 2' Mo 24 MO. t * You Get 154.19 529.59 7565 * ýj ! $12 $ 8$40 U Eve,, $ Poynents for in.b.tveen omounis are in proportion (Con.) er 1w Loans $50 ta $1200 on Sigui ~~ECOM AN fui W~6~UàM~F 2nd FI., 111/2 SIMCOE ST., N.( Phone: 5690 0 F. Elton A touns mode bo residants of ail surrounding tom, Oshawa, Canadla wtiBarrettL*AE If your roof is getting the w the trne to re-roof-befoi Barrett Dealer. He has a wi Asphait Shingles, styled to Iiard-weaning BARRETT S finest roofing feit, ilnpregna, surfaced with fireproof mninei Next time you'ne in towr deaier. Ask him about a B Roof. NEW ROOFS BY THE ROLL. Yoý Storm King* Rail Roofing. Cc naiheads concealed. STOP WOOD ROT with Carbo5 fencc posta, building foundatio ground. STOP LEAKS with Plastic Eiastig fine for patching. A thin coa Cernent eseais aid mail raofings. INSULATE with Barrett* Rock Wý Provides fire-safery. in Barra, Bli forms. your problem is icakage, sec Diiour B~'arret daleýfi Ë ico o fn , n uainis the only rd n cd dta e. th t's always at ts best, ct ,ith lYwaytb uds oet ' O W a ea ther. Wh rhcr floe rs i 1,r ro ui nt!e eh a o h ear,,,Ptro , th e o a ! he fr iter nd ammd - a d d eX P DO i l se .p a e r s r n o eor s a d m m b e s a d c d t a t ' s a g o f t h e o l d a r a s e à t R C E B A N -i rat! j t be aiîtyr. cAipdofusiony over 50reftne Ir t1the e m b rs o! thyO O. Itheea y o ig st an dB A NDs ¶ Club are pleased ta have received LIITD invitations ta present their play otItefee wih lep . unie *WInamp.g 0 V again. Thcy wl ie i n OdrGI nRae's miik te_ ~ ,dNBunketon on Sept. 15, Albert Si. day. gC. -KAT United Church, Oshawa. on Sep- tember 27 and at Raglan in Octo- ,- - ~~ber. ' ' - D.EAKjILER IN BISUNVIILLE LANDE HARDWARE 7 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE Phone 774 Poe - 4 4 % Otyro n e skr uln h Bowmanville Manm and Oshawa Bride I was pervasive, for Miss Gertrude music and speaking by many Brooklin, on Sunday. ata hre IGreen well known from coast ta, churches was given. The large Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson ad M.and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mis caast through her monthly book- crowd enjoyed it very much. family, with Mr. Raymondi B(t 110 N ew s Shirley Porter and Miss Audrey review '"The Narrator'l was onl Masters Allan and Garnet Wray trell's, Newcastle. Biflings are spending some hall- hand to test the twelve entrants Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Master Garth McGill and MEs Z. Levma days in Bobcaygeon in the quiz contest on the life Of Harvey McGill's. trBr er aiae vt Mi Mses.Mr. and Mrs. P. Beckett and their cousin, Master Brian Bar thsevieisPr t.UiedJt eannetrsr.haMs.benR.y. Her remarks, introductry ta family visited Mr. and Mrt. Clar- rowdale, Oshawa. the srvic in ark t. U ited ith er p rent, Mr and Mrs. . he tes, ca sed egre that her nce radsytB wman ifle._regret_ ____ ____ ____ Church Sunday morning and A. Forrester, before going to a time wasridlte, She expessed M heard Rev. F. Yardley whasi- cottage at Lake of Bays, Muskoka. aaeeta h niaekol Mr. and Mrs. Howard Okt iat edar iise adprahe n Mr. and . Mrs. George Crowther eMeteyugtr a f~ r. and Mrs. Walter Okels. excellent sermon tram the text, and Charles, Nèwcastle. visited work covered In eight short Mr. znd Mrs. Allan Henr and Stafford Bros. "Jesus Christ, the same yester- Mr. nd h0%. Naran. Aflin oni weeks. Rewards of books were daughters, Lindsay: Mr. amdid r. Nnmnm ah day and Today and forever."1 Saturday. given to ail wha presented theni- Don Mountjoy and dauIghters, Monumenal Work Rev. Yardley and family were Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl selves. For recîting the Ten Com- Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Adami Phone Witby 552 guests of Rev. and Mrs. Eutc Billings this week were Mr. and radins aCteieYe;Sap 1 udsS . Mb at the parsonage for the weekend Mrs. Ed. Fielding, Misses Laura forth8QiztaLida ilertMrEad.r,.Haol Milsan and will soon be leaving for their and Allie Fielding, Toronto. Rea iig. oan emndaMle, fMiry are holidarolgd M s nd.FN UL new circuit at Embro. Miss Margaret Milison and Miss .~'~MrlnCly wnMroh en OUET N The congregation were pleased Kay Green and friends. Miss Iene BobblynCarlto, GWilliM uBrdch, d r. A . W az n A K tahvea get ooit M.Hu- ethOsaaMis iAu- Edmund Barrick, John White, El. tamily spenttiTrno av eundhm week's haliclays at Precise wankmanship and bent Cbbledik, Lemingto, whotin, Trontohave eturne homeeanon Pickard and Holly Fox. Loon Lake. Master Donaild re- caeuatnio todai cotibtd er in olo. atratndytpt loqi For "The Burija1 of Moses", ta mained for are holidays. Park, Timmins, Cochrane and Qi- M Nha rx I ns. Ns as prx or Mr. Bert are your assurance wheý Quite a number tram Orona tswa N as h wh o, unfortunateîy, Miss Joyce McGiil and I& AI- you choose tram tie wide and vicinity attended Peterbor- r n r.Bl aln n sfe-an Werry visited with their aunt seetnofiore ad ou h F i atw e .ed another heart attack on Fr -i d u ce r. a d M s . H ouhFi atwe.daughter Kathy visited over the day night. Miss Green gave-hlm Borrowdale, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Lamne Thompson weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H a book not yet on the Canadian Mnad rsR.. niont Marbies mn stock. and daughter, Jean, Blackstock, Rowland market, "Mn. Jones, Mee the Mn.adrs evn~ spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs Master." At the end of the ser- £.rSI ____________ Will Cobbledick's vice the children said "Thank Mn. . N Hokin Hamony NETLE ON .*~You" ta their teachens by atfering Mn. and Mrs. Armour, Hampton,temgts Rna ilngmd viie r n r.R .Wood thc presentatian on behalf ofthei visinte n. an rs . The Nestleton W . 1. will m eetLo c Be h an El n r Pi k Lowe BecCHOOLEe4nRE-OP- ENING duin te the home of Mrs. Olive Brown, SCIRard an "he Cve. Mrs.C. aveley nd on il-Sept. 6th at 2:30. Mns. G. Bow- liam, Lyn, have been visiting entes130srvc, rgHr with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davou in charge of rap was ini charge with Mn. C. P. àh oac hmbc a y ervice in the United Church spoke on the fourth Command-To n f w a vil and spent a few days at the next Sunday wiIl be at 3 p.m. It ment "Remember the Sabbath DayTo n I w a vil Thousand Islands. is the regular Decoration Service ta kecp it holy." He showed his Mrs. Howard Walsh had as and Rev. Bick and Rev. Hutton usual power in packing definite guests lier cousins, Mn. and Mrs. wiIl be thene ta look after the information and practical sug- P B I C O L Herb Findlay, Who also called on service. gstions into the short space of a a nmbr o t trena nd Mn nd MtrsatfrsallM r.lmMR. AND MRS. CLINTON HENNING quarter o! an hour- a power and nn, traford viitedMn.which atter ail is pleaslng toaa and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Mn. who wene married in St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa, summer congregation. He touch- Ope TuesdaySpe brSt t9am Ma-and Mrs. L. Joblin.cnl. The bie who is the former Marian JyeHys ed brie! ly on thc com.monly ex- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, is thedagher of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hayes of Oshawa, paunded impracticable injunc- Ban tenidlecal on fridand tebiero stesn fM.adMs aodtions about Sabbath observance Al pupils in Grades 1 to 7 living south and and attened the soial on Frdayaand seressedgriheiideassothat Mrhendasts.ofrthdeecornerthefoKing oStreetSt and DndvDsviionStreet night. Henning of Bowmanville. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette evil ta be avaided is wonking for will attend Ontario Street School. ~*JNEOCongratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. monctary neturnaon demanding Sratewampbeli neisay h eewl pa ato o Ji~na hat others, lbac thein day in sev- Al other pupils in Grades 1 ta 8 will attend ayanidinTrot o atray Ypres in Belgium. en ton spiritual, mental and phys. Central School. ....- are nTrnoo audy Windrows has becorne for hen a ical ncfneshnient. Altogether it r)4oto.Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson Mount Pisgah &~orn whlch she was a well-put exposition of a AIl pupils in Grades 1 ta 8 wîll please be *sfinl erie usdr and family who have bc-en visiting has visions of the hilîs of her eten- layman's thoughts on the sub- 'rs t9 '1 a ot involved. You choose beut psy- Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson îect. ent at 9 'clock a.m., Tuesuay, ~peor5h ent date and amaunt. alhoe.Fet.Setebe 5h É and other friends have neturned Who is she? Our brave, wise Next Sunday Mn. Albert Bail ol owing the organization af classes the schools will Mn. and MisliL. Joblin visitedom-humorous nehoheoin. Mrs. Eliz-will speak on "Dreams." Any- be dismissed to, enable pupils to purchase the required se lest year. Corne in, phono, or Mran r.L ,lnvstdhmounegbr r.Eiz rit toay ndseawhy thinnepew nd iee, n. nd __________abeth McNulty, as Irish as thc anc who has attended one of supplies. ,frie, our-nl5ure hy er ut r. BeHwld e, Mr.han d bogs, struggling ipto health ihese last summen services neyer ictur, gunitur, orAutothrough a summcr-long periad o! misses the ncxt anc. They are Glad ta know Mn. Delbert Bea- convalescence. unforgetiable. Tumeil1:30 a.m. KINDERGARTEN CLASSES- ý gce?0SAY I E cock has neiurned home much im- Here are Adrlennc's lasi cuil-Aiknerren ppl lvng nCeta 41 IU O~praved in health. inîs of news for the seasan. Please lkidratnp islvngI Cerl Mr.Jn atTrno ii-sn ournw tm o ti School area (see above) will be tnansported by bus Over Bank of Nova S<otie) Mn. and Mrs. Armoun, îrwin wekssaemnta Miss Sally _____Cnra___o t9 'lckam adrtunn nderson, YIS MANager and Junior, Mrs. H. Vine and Oit at El-ti-di-sa by next Sun-1 Service Club ladies wil mcci at 10:30, commencing Tuesday, September 5ih. u Personal Finance Company of Canada RalPh callcd an Mr. and Mrs. L. The4DEsy Dcli p1e j thho :5mo . Û et _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n_._T he__ _ _ _ _ _D ell p e a le w th th a 8 e15 mi. e S p .A ll k in d e r g a r te n p u p ils liv in g in O n ta r io Miss EtelnadMn. Ht senn hop C O EMs. MItay have retuiënd ram a Ms. Pearl Avery, Burketn, Street School area will be present at kindergarien ai Miss______andMr.______________ Etrip ta Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. ai Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peih- 1:20 p.m., and will be dismissed ai 2:45 p.m., com- Mon. Regitoc na d Nabti vlsd he__ Wm. McKay back tram a holi- ick's. recn usaSpebr5h soBakican teddteday in California. Mns. Ruby r.A WilasTontt special services in the Anglican THSE HILLS OF HOME Bruce and Mn. Tom Wardnake Ms .WlimTrsta ecn usaSpebrSh Chunch an Sunday. visiting thein isister, Mns. Wm. Mrs. John McGill's. A. K. THOMPSON, Mr. and Mrs. John Cheesman Ninse and thinty ycars have McKay, Sr. Mn. and Mns. Leonard Stainton and Eddie, Mn. and Mns. Reg. shrouded in mist the memories At Happy Hutch-T7he Xack end famuly with Mr. and Mis. R. Picpl Middleton, Isljngton, visited Mn. of "the hilîs of home" fom the Hutchinsons and the W. O. Saun-1 Hope and Mn. and Mns. C. MillsPicpl and Mns. H. Vine, banc figure sealed tram day ta ders, ail of Toronto, with John Part Perry. E o iiii Mns. Richard Hooper, Peter- day ai sundown up on the hill- Wood Mn. alc wrewek nd Mrs. J . Pearce, or. snd 'wit borough, visiied her daughten, crest ai Windrows. She is living viof Havhebockwee lween Mrs. John Nesbitt. again hem life ai Limerick and avisit on Te Sweitenas us eîlMrns. Z4M.. Pearce, o te nBIEwiihO Iiliarney. To lher ihe bcd o! a ranubofes wa auual, a Mr. Geo. Reid. "rthat -flawcd ini full flood in Atreatuceslis. n . Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Yeo and BLACKSTOCK *e&:sb! the Indians seems the George Leslie wilh Billy and visiied aidM. . Grlls, TCone. iln .eda eIm a nia , <Shannon valley, as she gazes ai Gary vsiedatMr . rils, outie Oen Tesay Sp ebe 5t the fields o! conn and the black- Atry. dis-Mrn ur Mrs. Gea. W. James, Bowman- Mn. and Mns. Marshall Mal- thorn cloihing the hiils to the Ait l-y ti-i;oMrn urak ville and Dr. and Mns. Grahami Studenis in Grade XI, XII, XIII and Com- colm and Anne, Sinaiford, x0ith west, auilined againsi a sky brul- Metay Ot n and M Nuys Jak Bennett, New York, paid a fly- ' 'z' Mn. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm. liant with the sun's afierglow. h adMsMcutsf- ing vîsit ta Mn. and Mns. James mnerdiai Classes shouid be present at 9 a.m. Mn. and Mns. Gcrald Hill and Whai are the dreams in those cme, Mn. G. K. Rundle, and soie- A. Wcrny and tamily lasi Sun- Loren, flrth ay, ith r. ad witfulanc ydayalkao, aerMns.paA.n J.ueOldendrsth.daStudeniMr. A.J. OGrades SudIXs indrads Ihandldsh bed pre-e .-' Loneecil nHByll ih.n. and wsu ol el ta h lif inharvesi moon. Thomas, and hem son Bnock, teach- sent at 1:30 p.m. ~'Mr. Cccii Hil. Br annGynr d e ll tela! hem ilitelln At Grey Sennen-Mr. Grey en ai Clinion High School. an -<, Mad Mn. Bet Alodle,aMiynofa had r elavn d Se wiil teiBanick home fro ma visit ta his Miss Fanny Smales has return- Second-hand Book Exchange will open ai >~ g-~ 'Laura Hambly, Winnipeg, Man., af whom have neached the his mtAin ave Cog eis em- wî hmTrnts. Mn. olan Mrs. ' wilh Mrs. Fred Bailey. MISS beyand life's horizons and she td e Ce oteMissked. Jam e aes, M.adMs Hambly is siaying fantewe.trd re o the weekn.Jms mls Mrn. r.OklyCre William Barrick and cousins ai Miss Canal Jamieson, Miss Beth L .DPEL ande aawt aCnde his elevenîh bithday pariy, fea- Travel. Oshawa; Miss Janice Picpl > ' Mms. Clarence Marlaw. tuedwihflin T AI bouh Beech, Maple Grove, are visitingi ~- m. ndMrs Gorg JliTo YAh% frai Michiga n by Gordon White Miss LoisAso. Montaand M.aenge Joli rAshton. r_______andMr._Clarence_______on his rciurn trip tram British Mns. Wm. Chester. Oshawa, Bowanilewit MssEv Prr._nia wthhem uncle, Mr. Sheldon Pcih- lowi anville Misses Jane qnd Mary Ellen _____________,. 7;Downey, Toronto, wiih Mrs.TE APLO-THE-H]EIT VL~RaCnnwavle Mmohn odrs.aRoss rtisTE and DOARDMis R0F CtinDUCATIONle Jonron and Vema.os frIs ad ARBLC 15 spending a few holidays with B A D O D C T O Alihough the 1950 summer sea- Mn. anîd Mns. John Oke. Helen, Ornînîa, wîth Mrs. Robert FI REPLACBS son is fast awinging ta a close, no Mn. and Mms. A. L. Wcarn, D. A. McGREG'OR, S. R. JAMES, 1t11 ~TIe~ Bruce on Sunday and bnoughî sign is evideni o! a weakening Lamna and Susan, visited Mr. and Cm~i. e ra s>pllLsi1flJ.e Miss Mac King home. WILL RECAIN COLOR IF of intencat in the Chapel services. Mrs. A. M. Wearn ai Clanemoni, him .Se'-Tas Mm. and Mns. Joseph Sedgewiclç WASHEID WITH HOT WATCR Ai the final S. S. service for th and attended a revival meeting and Mn. and Mrs. Charles Mc- CONTAININCI TWO TABLE-- season a spinit o! cxpectancy in i arena when a pogram o!' vorst of the we.ather, now j5 Laughlin, Toronto, atiended the SPOONS VINE-rAR PEk re itstl. Se yu services a S.John's Anglican GA..N e it tOOlate. your Chu rch on Sunday..- ide selection of BARRETTr Mrs. Levi McGill, Peterborough, >fit every budget. Rugged, with Mn. and Mrs. James Parr. - - Miss Leona Dcviii, Pont Perny, hingles are made of the spent lasi week with Mn. and Mns. - ted~~~~~~~~... ....pgrd.shat nigînDvii G 'J PrUr #qA'KTAINTAT efflAMMMNIkAPAý9 se -

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