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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1950, p. 5

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IMBDAY, AUGUST SIst, 1950 THE CANADIAT ~TATE~MA~'.Y OWMAUTrT.%JINf1 'VRTl AV1 Wl Resulîs of Darlington-Clarke Football Season This la a completed schedule af the Darlington - Clarke Football League with the first four teems ln the play-offs. First p lace wes decîded with a tosaed coin, Meple Grave win- ning the toss. First and third, second and fourth teams playing 'Ç>1&ornc and home games wîtl, goals Wcount. Winners playing best WAo out of three games for the Team Maple Grave Court ice Enniskillen Saline Hampton ZMon Orono Tyrone Won 7 7 cup. Thcy will play home games, If a third iaemc is necessery iti will be on neutral ground. Maple Grave and Enniskiilen hiave plaed home end home games, and anc neutral geme with the score deedlocked at three goals apiece. Faurth game et Tyrone, Wednesday night. The winner of this round will play Saline who shut out Courtice two goals ta nothing. Tled Lost Pts. Goals F. Goals A. Shut Outs Games Headquarters forf DECORATING SUPPLIES Wallpapers ... al types Exterior and Interior Paints TIMBERLOX - to prevent that scely condition HIPPO OIL and TUNGO OIL for floors bard durable finish Johnson Floor Cleaners and Waxes Window Shades Speed Satin and Lustre a GYPTEX - for those texture jobs Estimates given on painting and decorating jobs J. H. Abernethy PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 85 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 431 Foresters Tied With Coultiers On. Gamne Eachi The C. O. F. Men's Softball Teamn is now ticd with Coulters after three games o! the cp finals. On Thursday at Memorsa Park and minus three of thei regular players the Foresters fought beck grimly atter a poor stert, ta gain a 13-13 tic. For the Bowmanvillc club BIac- kie Blackburn and H. Snowden shared pitching duties and Jin Levitt did the catching. Coulters scared 5 in the 2nd and 4 ini the 4th and at ane time led thc lace. boys 11-5. Coulters uscd P. Musick and S. Claus as their bat- tery. The Foresters played good ball in the lest two innings, cut- ting off two elmost certain runs at the plate and then trailing by anc run in the 7th. H. Snowden doubled but steyed on second as B. Bird struck out and Staiker grounded oaut but reliable Jack4 Kitson tripled in Snawden be- fore King bounced out ta end the 7th et which time the game wa celled. Final score 13-13. At Storey Park, Oshawa, Sat. urda ' afternoon, the Foresters' winning streak of 7 straîght was ended abruptly aê Coulters ran wild for a 16-3 verdict. The local Foresters scored thre ru.ns in the first on Ross' long fly and Stacey's twa-run single. From then on Jimmy Cleus, pitch- ing for Coulters, reelly took mat- ters into his awn hends and pro. ceccled ta hurl eight scorelcss in- nings, allowing the Farsters only 3 hits. Coulters tied the score in the second and took the lead ini the 4th. Howcver the Sth aMi 6th innings were the bad ones as Caulters scored 4 and 6 runs, re- spectively. Coulters' infield real- ly shone and gave Jim Claus lots of protection. They also really put on a great displey o! bunt- ing which really handcuffed Bow- manville. The Foresters naw feel that they cen master this bunting attack and are confident they will be able ta beat Coul- ters on Wcdnesday night at the Public School Grounds. Stacey pitchcd for the Foresters until the seventh and Snowden finished. B. Snawden did the catching. Only anc home run of the geme was S. Cleus' long smash in the fourth. Final score, Coulters 16, Bowmanville 3. Rotary Club Open Letter TO MOT1RERS 0F LITTLE GALS FROM 5 TO HIGH SCHOOL AGE Haw does your daughter grow? With natu- rally curly hair? If sa, we'Il cut ber hair in a style that will be trim and tantalizing. If not, we'1l cut ber bair ta a perky length and give ber a baby-saft permanent wave. Na more puttink it up every night or after every rainstorm. This plan is not only belp- fui ta you, but good for your cbild. Most littie girls are coquettes at heart. We'l wager a cbild wbo looks pretty as she can will be smart as she cari - and bappier - in scbool. The first bell is just about ta ring! To stert the new school ycar rigbt, send your daughter to Joan's Deàauty Centre PHONE 455 - RESIDENCE 2951 Open Tuesday to Saturday - Closed Ail Day Monday 'j- SAVE EFFORT!!ia WITH SELF SERVICE CAITS Wise shopper, budget your time just as you budget your money. You iop off shopping time when you shop aur way - with the aid of self ser- vice cart. Every box, cari and jar is placed in full view along your route. You'11 neyer know how re- laxed yau feel after shopping until you've been here. Stop, buy and see! 1 FOR FREE DELIVERY FROZEN SALMON -COD WHITE FISH I - PHONE 3367, ALLIN'S Quality Meats and Groceries M. A. "Pat" Yeo, Proprietor 55 MING ST. E~. BOWMANVILLE PHONYE 3367 Scientific JVeapon in Anti-Influenza Fight Il s r s r sing shift. Repart rcading donc, BTD rrL tshe visits the seriously ill, and BURKETONUI later she issues narcotics, drugs and other supplies. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson, The Ontario Departmcnt of Farmington, Mich.; Miss Bessie Heelth kceps a vcry close check Avery, Mr. George Lutes, Mr. and on the amaunt.of narcotics used, Mrs. Norman Avery, Toronto; Mr. and "wc have toaeccaunt for and Mrs. Cyril Avery and son, *evcry teblet given," thc genial rccent x'îsitors of Mr. and Mrs. *nurse seid. If e patient is in Clarence Avery. need of narcatics, a card giving Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKcan- bis neme, time given, prescribing ey, Winnipcg, Man., with Mrs. dactor and other particulars, is Breck. carefully recorded. Sometimes a Mr. and Mrs. Hantborn and drug tablet is reportcd missing family were et Fenclon Falls with and according ta Miss Harding, a relatives for the weekend. "terrific seramble" rcsults. 'You're Mrs. E. Adams, Mrs. R. Car- always loaking for a drug eddict ter,wthMsCornRal. 'roud abut,"she aid.Recent visitors of Mrs. Roblins t A Superintendent must also in- were Mr. and Mrs. R. Osborne, still confidence into incamîng Orillia, and Mrs. D. Osborne, Osh- Patients and try ta camfort friends awa. end relatives et the same time. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearce, Toronto, She must arrange time off for with Mr. and Mrs. J. Frankum. nurses and other help et the hos- Mrs. T. Ncwton, Toronto; Mrs. pital. and is responsible for draw- T. Cao, Bowmanville, with Mrs. ing up the monthly 'eight-hour H. Rahm. duty schedule for nurses. Be- Mr. and'Mrs. Geo. Carter, Mr. sides these beadeches, she must and Mrs. Alf Carr, London, Eng- cape with travelling salesmen who 1,,d, visited the Carters et Laae- Wauld like ta înterest the hos-. field, and ather relatives at Pet- pital in new drugs. erboraugh and ettendcd Toronto She tries ta visit eech patient Exhibition. et least twicc a day. She visits Mrs. Caughill visited in Ottawa bath the kitchen and laundry. last week. Thinking of the summer heat in The flowers in the church on the latter twa divisions, Miss Har- Sundav wc're in memnory of Mrs. ding said, 'I'm sure the staff L. Haisley. They were placed will be more than glad ta get ino there by the family of the late a well ventilated spot in the Me- Mrs. Haisley. marial Hospital.' Doctors Fraised Lk Local doctors came in for well Lak Shre (Clrk merited praise wben Miss Harding ____ seid the people of Bowmanville r.A to, ootMs cen cansider themselvcs fortunate W . . OtoNwcaot, Mrs.e in hvin suh a inemedcalPollard and Douglas, Brampton, staff. "I have neyer known a Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ranson, Mr. medical staff ta get along so and Mrs. Hugh Hunter and Mrs. well,' she said. The Hospital W. Hunter, Toronto, with Mr. Board of Directors, those people and Mrs. W. Holmes. wha give their time freel ' with- Messrs Alec and Lloyd Martin aut remi4neretion. were also praîs- and Ron Munro motorcd ta cd by the Hospital Superintend- Huntsville bringing Miss Joyce cnt. Martin home witb tbem. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the The congratulations of the com- haspital, the women wbo work munity are extended ta Mr. and so bard in supplying linens. dish- Mrs. *Bill Skelding who were es and numerous ather articles, married Seturdey, Aug. ]9th. came in for mention as did Mr. As the bighest standing boy R. R. Stevens, dairyman, who and girl of Newcastle High Scbool donates required linon supplies to Mr. Lloyd Martin and Miss Dor- the Bawmenville Hospital. c'ne Powcll wcre guests et e Miss Harding Thanked luncheon in the Women's Build- Miss Harding was tbenked by iget the C.N.E. Rotarian Art Ribey who said:' Glad ta know that Mrs. Alf. "We have certainly bebaved aur- Brown is progressing fevorably selves todey." He told the Super- after having had an operation a intendent thet the club members week ega. had thoroughly enjoyed the verb- Messrs Ross Adams and Bill ai trip through the hospital and !Jaynes spent the weekend et cancludcd his remnarks by- saving, Apsley and Dcer Lake. "We know that Bawman *ille Hos- Mr. and Mrs.- Gardon Martin pital is in capable hends." and familv spent Sundey with lMr. and Mrs. Frank Ardran et Rotarian President Jack East-! Lake Scugog. augh also tbenkcd the Hospital Mrs. W. Baskcrville and Mer- Superintendent for ber informa-I ilyn attcnded the wedding o! tive telk and presented ber with !Miss Carolyn Carnwith ta Mr. a souvenir pencil on behaîf of the Donald Wilson et Brookln. Rotary Club. Mrs. Roy McKay and Bud, Guests et the luncheon wcrejMrs. Geo. Inglehart, Bronte, Mr. Roterians Stuart Alger, Oshawaland Mrs. Les Alldread and fem- end Bill Johnson, Toronto. Mr.: il.v, Orona, wltb Mr. and Mrs. Kenzie Haig was an out-of- Robin Alldred. Miss Dorcen Ahl- town visitor et the Rotary Club dèred is visiting Miss Lois Ahl- luncheon. dred. Misses Joyce and Doris Martin spent a few days with Mr. and Using the "carrier current" sv- Mrs. T. A. Venner and femily, stem and autameatic printing. Little Britain. machines. the Canadien Nationil Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Glenney Telegraphs cen transmit 192 and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill mness-ages simultaneously aven a Allin and family visited Mr. and single pair o! wires. M'rs. W. Baskcryille. Courteous, Dependable All Passengers 24 Hour Service Fully Insured S TAIR TA&XI1 Phono 3324 OPERATED BY EDGAR N. TOMLINSON 85 King Street E., Bowmanvile Opposite Sheppard and Gi Miss Marilyn Baskerville is visitmng her grandmother, Mrs. J. Baskerville, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell attended a silver wedding celebration in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Ai!. Hold- away, Port Britain, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tonkin, Oshawa, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tonkin Saturday evening. Mrs. Gordon Martin is spend- ing a few days in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron and while there will attend the Ex. The Lake Shore Ladies K.S. & C. Club met et Mrs. Sam Powell's with some of the ladies away be- cause of threshing, but most were there. We learned the il effects of reading Macbeth, of eeting green apples after a warning. (try some sait on them next time). Next meeting will be et Mrs. W. Baskerville's, Wednesday, Sept. 6th. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Taylor and family, Courtice, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. Mrs. E. Dean, Orano, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean and family visited friends in Hamil- ton. Mrs. W. Holmes is spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. J. Allun, Mrs. W. Tren- outh, Mrs. T. Penfound and Miss M. Brimacombe, Bowmanville. had tea on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and Mrs. W.1 E. Hotsan. Miss Joyce Martin and Mr. Alec Martin attended Peterboro Exhib- ition where Alec was judging with the Junior Farmers. OBITUARY ]IDA MAUD STEVENS On August 25, 1950, in Baw- mnanville Hospital, Miss Ida Maud Stevens, a well known resident of Meple Grave for many years, passed quietly ta rest, in her 8lst year. She hed been ili for a num- ber of years, and confined ta the haspitel for#the last twa years. Born March 2, 1870, in Maple Grave, she was the daughter of the late Jacob and Helen Stevens, She was a practical nurse, and while able she wes very interest- ed in Young Peaple's work and was the leader of the Mission Band et the United Church, Meple Grave, for a number of years. Surviving her are a brother, R. R. Stevens, Maple Grave, and anc sister, Mrs. M. M. Munday (Bea- trice), Bowmanville. The funcral was hcld on Sun day, August 27, fram the Mrris Funeral Chape1, Bowmanville. with Rev. F. Yardley officieting. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery with six of her ne- phews as palibearers. Friends end relatives attended the funeral from Toronto, Osh- awa, Sauina and Orono, and many beautiful floral tributes were re- ceived, including anc from Maple, Grave United Church and the Community. APRICOT, PEACH AND PRUNE NECTARS Very attractive and flavourful beverages can be prepared from well coloured, ripe apricots. peach- es and fresh prunes. Sound fruil which is too ripe to make a good canned or frozen praduct may sti]l be made inta a delicious drink. First the fruit is heated just to bailing and pulped with onlysf ficient water added at thestr to prevent burning. It is then pureed by passing through an extractor, sieve, screen, or col- ander to remove pits, fibre and skins. The puree is mixed with sugar, usually about 4 parts of puree ta 1 part*of sugar to make a concentrated fruit nectar. Di uted with equal part-,; f water, an excellent drink resuits. If pre- ferred, instead of adding sugar ta the puree and diluting later, the purce may- be, blended directly with an equal volume of a light syrup (15 to 20 per cent sugar) ta make the fruit nectar drink. Some people find these nectars not sufficiently sharp or astrin- gent, particularly at breakfast. Peach nectars are improved by the addition of about 1I ½ level tea- spoansful of pawdered citric acid per quart o! concentrated nectar or half that amount per quart of the diluted or blendcd nectar. A littie less ecid may be used for prune or apricot. But the ad- dition Of grapefruit juice is per- haps the best wav of i.mprovýâg the tang of these nectars. De- pending on personal preference, apricot and peach nectars may beneficially cantain 10 to 40 per cent grapefruit juice, and prune nectar 5 ta 20 per cent. Grape- fruit juice markedly enhances the peach flavour in peach nectar and improves apricat and prune nec- tars as a breakfast drink. The nectars may be canncd or bottled in the concentrated or dii- uted form by heating tQ 190 de- grees F. or just ta boiling, filling hat inta containers, sealirig, heat- ing in boiling water 10 minutes and cooling. If preferred they may be prescrved by frcezsng. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 wish ta announce that I have sold rny fuel business ta Mr. Norman DeBow of Bowmanville. I would like ta thank ail my custom- ers and friends for their kind patronage dur- ing rny period of business and would ask that yau extend the same kindness to Mr. DeBow who I arn sure wilIlaok after your needs ta the best of bis ability. Any orders that WiIl be promptly f illed are naw on the books by Mr. DeBow. OWEN NICHOLAS. Make sure that you are going to have the best throughout by comning in now and consulting us about your electrical wiring plans. We specialize in bouse, farm and business wiring and we are able ta give you the benefit of our years o~f practical experience. If you have a wiring probleni be sure to ceau l n noiw - we will gladly furnish you with a free estimate. Higgon Electric Your Generai Electrie Appliance Dealer Pone 438 Bowmanvlle 42 King St. . &AUTY PRiPRRATIOHSM Only wben every deficate shading af texture, fane and fragrance was perfected did Tiffany Beouty Preparations become avoulable . .. and dedicated ta discriminating wamnen. To a Oueen's taste are a sophisticaîed Perfume, a dew- cool Colagne, finely textured Creams that caress youe,. ski<n ta petal saftness, superbly complirmentary Powders,' Rouges, Lipsticl<s and stimulating Lotions. A new experience awaits yau when you linger aver gorgeously packaged Tiffany Beauty Preparotions at aur Beauty Caunter. _____ Perfume -----1.00,2.00 Cologne Creotion --- 1.50 Creoma...... 1.00, 1.50 Rouge ..... ..1.25 Lipiticks .........1.25 Face Powder------- 1.50 Ltons - -------1.00, 1.25 i 1* 5' JURY & LOVELL A member of an International team of scientists at the World Influenza Center, set up by the World Health Organization, (WHO) In London, inoculates an egg with influenza virus in the first step of a Iaboratory identification and classification. The Center was establlshed by WHO, a United Nations Specialized Agency to coordinate and aid in studies of infiuenza throughout the world. e t 4 I (Cantinued from Page One) The present hospitel is small and has no weiting room. Nurses, according ta the speaker, find it difficult ta carry out their duties with a hall ful a! people watch- ing them. "If e patient is dengerously ill," Miss Harding said, "we have, and want his family eround et any time." Evcryone wants the best passible treatment but it cennat be offer- ed if hospital passegeweys are continuously blocked by well- meaning visitors. Hospital Staff Intraduced by Roterien Bill Rudeli, Miss Harding told the club that including herseif, 30 people werc attachcd ta the Bow- menville Hospital staff. One per- son supervises the operating raom and the case room; twa night supervisars elternete shifts eech fortnight; four Registered Nurses and four non-Registered Nurses with the help o! four -Nurses' Aids, handie baspitel patients. On the business end a! the bas- pital is a part-time secretary-treas- uirer; Miss Harding bas a secretary whom she considers e wonderful help. A dictitien is in charge of the kitchen. Thrcc ward maids, two cooks and anc kitchen maid anc also an the staff. The hospitel employs a leundry man and a part-time clening and ironing women. Also on staff is an engineer wbo is something of a "jack-of.all-trades" and filîs in as grounds keeper. The bas- pitel is praud of bis work end Miss Harding suggested that Ra- tariens take a drive dawn and look et the lawn. "It's really lovcly," "she said. Superintendent's Duties "I seem ta have e finger in every pie," the Superîntendent seid when referring ta ber awn duties et the local hospital. Re- ponting for duty et eight o'clock every marning, Miss Harding's first job is ta read the night re- ports left by the previouq nurs- - 1- Àmmw dD ý% à THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVrLLt. OlqTARIC) pAar 71VE

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