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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1950, p. 8

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Durhamn Girls - Make Fine Record At Peterboro Fair ýOu Thursday, August 24, 1950, Peterborough again held its an- ntaal exhibition and again thegil of Durham County came forward with a splendid sbowing in thel vaniaus divisions.1 In the Girls' Hamnemaking Clubsi Division, the Inter-County Dem- oiftstration and Skifs, and the In-ý ter-County Exhibits, a total of eleven Durham girls participatedj and won prizes. Girls' Homemnaking Clubs-This class was open ta girls from 14 ta 26 years cf age, who bad cern- pleted two or more of the follow. ing bomemaking clubs, and one or twa between September 1949, and August 1950: The Cereal Sheif, MONTREAL - The secret te appetizing hot- weather meals is Io keep them Ilight, gay and, of course, completelv delicieus. That's why JELL-O is such a midsuùmmer favourite with me. There are se many refreshing salads-ro many ex- citing deserts to he madle from Jel-0s seven "]ocked-in" flaveurs. Ea.qy in the making, teol And ~.I'm particu!arly attracted te the verv definite economy of Jeul-O ,elly Pnwders. At a few,% cents a ser g, I know of ne more delicious dish te serve te farnily or friends. Why Not Send The Kiddies Notv for their mediral and dental check- ups? Then, if treatment is nceded, it can prohably be al IcleRred up before school opens. Biemeyou can Ilfollow this wse plan even if you're short of re.ady cash. Ficost. ifTe al ter ith voîic hîinannd gmieofwth Firs.4.T, if tal tent's necessary, getandesimategof tî S him te see your BANK 0F MONTBEAL Mainager. If 011're in a position te repa y ont cf regular incoîne. you'Il find the money you nccd at the JB of M. A Persmia 1 Loon coq s only 27 cents a mont h in interpst pep' $100 borrowed, "'when repaid in 12 monthly instalints. Yes, it costsq much less in thîe long -run te have your inedical and Sdental work done in good time. "A Prelly Pickle"-or, rather, loig cf lusciou.sq pickies-is what you'll have when M you follow the.'e two tips for pick- ling success 1.. First cf ail, write £omeBrbr Brent, 1411 Cres- cent St., Mont real, P.Q -for rhat marveinua FREE BOOKLET- "Pickling Sieeps"I This 16-page folder prepared by Heins Homie Institute gives you reripes for re- lishes -pickled 'egetab les -fine spieed fruits . . . Nt follow the ne- cipes exactly for wonderful results! Second tip for piekling suceess is te always use HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR! It's inexpensie- mhort-cuts the job-is easier te handie. I've found that this crystal- clear vinegar safe guarde the natural colours of my fruits and vegetables -and its mellow, age-d-in-wood pungenc y adds zest ani piquancy te My pickles. It May Have Been A 111man who invented this handy new \.f DURHAM CORN STARCH package ...or it May have been a smart mnan, watcbing a woman cook. In any case, the makers cf that goed 1)urham Cern Starch deserve a vole of thanks for their new package design 1 Its a package that's actutally a pleastîre te open! Just pinch the top and roll bak- ne fumhling willh a knife or other sharp instrument tn open if! In- side, you'll find "Durham" rare- fuýly protectedi in a paper bag. Then, wben vouvýýe fioishied using if, replace theP lid and your fa- cilite coin starchlvjl bc, prett te'd cornpletely froni dust 'tiI ne\t lime yent use if. And you'Ill h thrilled with the delivious recipes on evecy package cf Durhlam('CornStarcil Tbie.v r special An n Adrmz recipes, sono woiîdcr fliey'e geodi Ta8ing li Beliering how very Prize-Wini,,g, Prnise-Winning gond Ibis tea jai n jellîs reaillis! Y'e,the ' ."tcin ho happily »blenlers cf RED -ouswin -%o SROSE TEA havelseC w!Ys ynadspan ide(lofl 1/Iad ,lis equaîo/i y-sc, ha '.\Jm R OX maeiih C e theres ra1fla- FruJitrI in lae Ouîr - satisfa t on 1P tat ditniv in a cipofileir cleur and fla fgloiosy excellent tea ! îempting freslî fruiis-flip tender ,And real econemny, tee!1 For inre "set' tiît Vou finIl in tuie most Red Rose Tea is gond tra-its admired jamns and Jellies. And olâ flaveur gees a long, long wy- Ilie pract ical suIe, thiere's tie fart dives you more cups per poundl ithat Certo niakes sîiceess se sure. - And each suprh cup cf Red Rose Yoti have ne costly failures. if vou cbsts yen less than a ceît-includ- follow cxactly flie însîrcii in ing the milk and sugar! Se it's the bookiet iîcked under eceh boîh taste-wise andi budget-wise to Cerf o label. buill fincl yoîi get up make a yenr-'moind, clock-around te 5O<e) more jan or jellv frmm habit cf lied Pose Tea! And, by flice saine 'amociint cf fruit, and the wav-you'll find fthat Red Rose Y01111 save 111 to 2/3 flhe time of 'Coffee is as good as Red Rose 'lea. flue old-faslîioncd ymctlîod. '.Look High ... look lcw .. . look ins;ide and ont. n cant beat tlue new .1950 FRIGIDAIRE "Thbrifty,-30" FLLIXTRIC !RANGE! It's in aL class by itself! Te liegin wiîuh, I this new Frigidaire "Thrifty-30' bas a giot- oven sthat stretches clear across the range-crooks mncc efood on -no more current. This range is b-i-g in everv tother way, tee .. . eceupt in kiteluen space andI size! 4 nely 30 inches wide, fis perfectly in Pmall kit dicos. t1's an amnazing Generai Mefors value tîtat gi%-es yen %fatures yon'd onl.v expeet in much more rosI lv rances: new, farter- cooking 5-qped Radiantuibe Uus, new counter-halanced lefîp tdoor, HigNSpeel, wnaist-high Broiler and other advatgs e ta 0'your Frigidaire dealer's. The Club Girl Stands on Guard, Dressing up Home-grown Vege- tables, The Supper Club, Clothes Closet up te Date, and members of Girls' Garden Clubs who are carrying on satisfactorily. In the first laward group eut of 25 entries, two Durham girls, Jean Toms. Blackstock, and Irene Trick, Millbrook, were success- ful, each receiving $2.95. These members attained 80 per cent and had completed at least six Homemaking Clubs, and attend- ed 75 per cent of club meetings. In the second gruup, girls bad te 1 ttn 70 nrr cent. attend 75 per cent of club meetings, and com- piete at least four Homemaking Clubs. Mary Pickard, Liberty St., Bowmanville, and Doris Hutchison, Millbrook, were each awardled $2.20. There were 16 in this group altogether. In the third group members at-, Hello Homemakers! When any- one starts collecting recipes at the age of fine as did Mary Elizabeth, a cousin cf ours, ber personal cook book is sure te include in- teresting recipes. As we noticed the dates under each paste-up cf a newspaper clipping, the girl's first favourite food was cake and cookies. About the glamour stage of seventeen, cepieus notes were made concerning salads ,and raw fruit desserts. Then, coinciding1 with the dates of Mary's marniage preparatiens, there were pages cf main course supper dishes and now she is begging for recipes using leftovers and for supper dishes which may be part of a. carried lunch on the following! day. Here are three recipes for Mary and two from Maryv's file. Per- haps your scheolgirl may wish te clip ail five recipes and paste on 3 by 4 inch cards te begin a collection. SPANISH TOAST 2 eggs, beaten slightly «I4 cup tomate juice j'ý' tsp. Salt 5 slices bread 3 tbsps. fat Blend beaten eggs, tomate juice and seasonings. Dip both sides of each slice of bread into the mixture. Brown on hoth sides in hot fat in frying pan. Place on a bot platter and serve at once with Cheese Sauce or Scrambled Eggs. GLAZED SUPPER LOAF 1 pound ground beef 112 cup dry bread crumbs -1 cup milk I well beaten egg 1 1/4 tsps. sait 1'4 cup chopped green pepper Scup chopped onion '2~ cup gratod carrot ~cup catsup Combine ingredientq, except catsup. Place in oiled 8-inch ring mold or loaf nan. Bake in elec- trie oven cf 350 degrees for 45 mîns. Turn baked loaf ente oven- proof platter: spr#'ad with catsup. Place under broiling element for 10 mins. Fi ring with bot corn. Garnish with fried apple rings. Serves 7. FISH SHORTCAKE iegg Principals in Pretty Wedding ME. AND MES. JACK BRIDGLAND seen signing the register after their marriage in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, recently. The bride, who is the former Lillianne Mary Naylor, is the daughter of Mrs. Edwin S. Naylor of Bowmanville, and the late Mr. Naylor, and the bridegroom, now of Oshawa and formerly of Sitting- boumne, Kent, is the son of Mr. Charles F. Bridgland, and the late ]3Irs. Bridgland. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette 4 cups hot mashed potatoes 2 cups cooked salmon or other fish 1 green pepper, minced 11/2 cups seasoned white sauce Beat egg and take out 2 tsps. egg to brush top later. Mix egg wîth mashed potatees. Add fish, and green pepper to white sauce. Spread haîf on mashed potatoes on the bnttom and sides of a greased 10-inch pie plate: fill with >fish mixture and top with remaining potatoes. Brush top with the 2 teaspoons of egg. Bake in an electric oven of 350 degrees for 15 mins. or until lightly browned. Serves 6. MARY'S LEMON PIE RECIPE 3 cggs 1 cup sugar Grated rind and juicp of 1 lernon 2 tbsps. butter j4 tsp. saIt 1 baked pie shel Separate eggs. Beat the yolks with 1½2ciîp of sugar in top part of double boiler. Add lemon rind, juice and butter. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly, until thick. Remove from heat. Add sait to egg whites and beat until stiff, gradually beat in the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar. Fold haif of thls meringue into lemon mixture and pour into a baked pie sheil. Spread remaining mer- ingue on the top of pie. Bake in an electric oven of 325 for 20 mins. Serves 6. BLUEBERRY MUFFINS 2 cups flour 3 tsps. baking powder 1/2tsp. Sait 4 tbsps. sugar 1 cup milk ]Business Directory- L E GAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWVRENCE C. M1ASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanvifle Phone, Office 688 Residence, 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 9112 King Street E., Bowmanville. Ontario Phone, Office 825 House, 409 MISS APHA I. HIODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor te M. G. V. Ilould Temperance St., Bowmanviile Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College. and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto Office, Jury Jubilee Bldg. King St., Bewmanville Office Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. te 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. RudelI 2827 DR. E. WV. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in his home, 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Heurs 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. t0 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 REAL ESTATE BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members of the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards Bowmanville 326 Oshawa 689 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITJ3 Chartered Accountants 3KigSt. E., Oshawa -r. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A.. resident Dartner NE WTON VILLE (Intended for last week). Mr. Wm. MèKinstry of To- ronto is spending a few days wîth Mr. and %Irs. Geo. Ovens. Mrs. Nellie Hoad of Toronto wbo has been visiting ber sister- in-law, Mrs. Chas. Marris bas re- turned home. The Henderson family held a rounion at Picton on Sunday. Mrs. Spencer Burley who bas been indisposed is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader and Miss Tremeer of Oshawa, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Urry and famnil ' vf Ottawa who have been visiting with Mrs. Jennie Ran- daîl left for home on Saturday. Mrs. Sam Smith is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Glass of Kendal. Miss Joyce Jones of Orone is visiting ber cousin, Miss Mary Jones. Miss Mary Lumb cf Welling- ton called on several old friends in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grayson and family cf Montreal are visit- ing the iantter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce. Mr. Lanson Milîson Ieft early Monday morning by bus te visit his mother, Mrs. Walkor Milîsen of Regina. Mr. Arnold Wade will 2 tbsps. meltod fat 1 egg, beaten 1 cup blueberries Combine dry ingredients. Comn- bine iiquid ingredients and add te dry mixture as quickly as possible, mixing oniy enough to dampen fleur. Sprinkle blue- bernies wîth 1 tbsp. fleur and fold into batter. Drap by spoonfuls in buttened muffin pans and bake 25 mins. in bot electric oven of 400 degrees. Makes about 16 muf- fins. TAKE A TIP I. Double egg mixture for Spanish toast. Reservo part of it for frying in the manning. Spread with a little jolly or chili sauce and wrap fer the packaged lunch. 2. Glazed Suppor Loaf may be sliced and fitted into hamburg rolîs accompanied by raw carrot sticks for the lunch box. 3. Cook an extra piece of fish when making fish loaf. Mash about 1 cup with 1/2 cup chili sauce or well-seasoned white sauce. Split weiner rolîs on one side and tuck in ample fish fill- ing. 4. If you have stew left over from supper, drain off the liquid, put through the food chopper and mix wîth some finely grated car- rot and onion. Use as filling be- tween buttered slices of brown bread. THE QUESTION BOX Miss T. R. asks: What quantifies of spice de yeu use in makîng a goed Spiced Grape Jam? Answer: SPICED GRAPE JAM Slip skins from grapes. Mea- sure pulp. Add water (¼/ cup te 1 cup pulp). Cook until soft,l thon put fhrough a sieve. The skins may be put through a food chopper. Add skins te pulp. Measure the mixture. For each cup cf mixture add appnoximately 14ý tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. aluspice, greund. Add 1 cap sugar for each cup of grape mix. Boil te jelly- ing point. Mrs. J. A. asks: What kind cf apples and hew much do yeu use te make a tasty grape jam? Answer: Use 3/4 cup diced a»- apples te 3,4 cup grape pulp - preferably crabapples with skin on. Mrs. B. B. asks: How much lonion jutico do yen add te blue- bernies or sweet plums te make mixture jeu?" Answer: Fruits Iow in acid should be eut inte small pieces or part ially mashed, then measured. Add 14 cup lemon juice toaa quart cf blueberries; add 42 cup lemon juice te a quart cf pre- pared sweet plums. Anne Allan invites vou te write fa ber c/e The Canadian States- man. Send in yaur suggestions on homemaking preblems and watch this colunin for replies._. tained 60 per cent, attended 601 per cent cf club meetings, and had completed at least twe Home- making Clubs. Out cf 44 girls, seven from Durham each receiv- ed $1.50. They were Jean Hub- beard, Millbrook; Mae Hubbeald, Millbrook; Diane Webber, Ontario St., Bowmanville; Muriel Hind- man, Hampton; Nancy Coutts, Hampton; Marjorie McLean, Blackstock; Ruth Bland, Ida. Inter-County Demonstrations and Skits-Only one team was allowed te enter from each ceun- ty. The Durham County team received $5.50 in the second award group. Their tepie was "Areund the Clock with Cereals," with Mrs. D. Selby Grant, 6 Mill Lane, Bowmanville, as leader. The members cf the team were Diane and Hazel Webber, Agnes I Dumas, Mary Pickard. Inter-County Exhibits - This was open only te one team from each county. Durham County me- ceived $5.50 in the First Award Group. Ruth McKinley of the Bethany Club, gave a three-min- ute comment on "The Cereal Shelf," the topic picked by ber club. This record shows the great in- terest taken in these clubs by the, Durham girls, and perhaps by the time next year's exhibition rolîs around, even more girls will par- ticipate in the clubs and demon- strations. Dear George: Availing myself of a long week- end, I hied me ta the baunts of my childhood (around Enniskill- en) and neyer did the hilîs and dales ef my native ceunty of Dur- ham seem fairer than upon this August morn, as the aftermath of St. Gwithin's tradition; never the woodlands and orchards of green- er sheen; neyer the meadowlands carpeted in grass cf richer em- erald hue. Grass! Accepted by us a matter of courge, but aIl too often with- eut recognition of the fact that it is God's mest indispensable gif t te humanity. In the early eighties of the last century, the Junior Genator from Kansas was Jno. J. Ongals, a born orator, a keen wit and a master of English prose. His tribute te '"Grass" I regard as a classic. I append it hereto, knowing that you wil.l appreciate it. (This trib- ute on "Grass" is published else- where in this issue.> Glad te note that you are on the impreve. Our kindest re- gards te you aIl. Sincerely, W. J. (Billy) Milîs. 8 Oncole Gdns., Toronto, Dear Gorge: August 23, 1950 Will you now send Statesman te our Toronto address. Return- ed from European tour yesterday, just under the wire cf railwa strike. dtisjs I have heard no etisut look after the mail trip. Mrs. Alice Borland (nee Alice Newport) of Oakland, California, is visiting her cousins, Mr.. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Butler of Toronto spent Thursday with Mrs. Chas. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Clèland Lane and family have taken a cottage at Darke's Beach for two weeks. On Sunday there was a reunion of the late Chas. Britton family. Forty-one answered the cail and enjoyed the get-together. We are very sorry to hear of the automobile crash at Garden Hill which smashed up Mr. Ethen Jones' new car and sent him te the hospital at Port Hope. The Community Hall -was well filled Saturday evening the oc- casion being a presentation for the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Car- los Smith. They were given a lovely china cabinet and some silverware. There was a short program after which lunch and dancing followed. Mrs. Bowman off Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifff Robertson, Peterbor- ough, were present from a dist- ance. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover and two children are spending some time in their trailer at a camp north of Peterborough in order that Jack may be nearer te bhis work. In the Editor's Mail St. Marys, Ont., August 23, 1950 LORNE'S PICK-UP PLEASE CALL RINGÀYS TAXI - 561 moo #ê K 1ING' 1s TAXIR ADIO0 SERVICE!T A X I 24-HOUR SERVICE Phone: Day 561 - Nighis 561 -707. 922 SIX MODERN CARS .... ALL PASSENGERS INSUEED. .... PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE Operaled by Laihangue Bros. MIU IR PRla S FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE STORE 52 Kimg St. W. lhwmaville Phone OU that you had been in hospital. It went back te rny hotel and wrote certainly did grieve me and I some 20 lines of versq. Wlth the trust I arn writing this to your amount of salient history togeth- convalescence. Since you prob- er with Canada's place In the sun ably, or at least should, have time for the futu&e, I amn, strange ta on your h-ands I will enclose a say, even pleased with it myseif few lines of verse of mine for on finding it in rny bag on return. I'mi sure it will flot effect your Well, hope you are better for blood presure. (See poem in an- we need you stili. other column.) Yours, Speaking of verse-we arrived (Dr.) L. B. Williams. in London for Canada's July lst and my hotel room faced square- PUPPETS PLAT AT EX ly on opposite side of street toe____ the King's horse stable gates onl Toronto puppeteer, Mrs. Vivien one side of Buckingham Palace Keogh gets a word of professional grounds from whcre for a couple advice fromn two of her puppeth-~ of early morning spectacles 1 saw while writing the script for hý the Grays, Bays and Chestnuts- latest puppet show to be staged a couple of dozen of them came out at the Chemical Wonderland ex- on streets for exercise, a pretty hibit, at the Canadian National sight. Exhibition. Mrs. Keogh, a pioneer On July lst forenoon was the in her field, began her hobby-- world-fan-ous "Changing of the turned-business 22 years ago and Guard"-Thousands and thous- is considered today te have one ands of people, every tourist in of the best puppet troops in Can- ail London, the military dress ada. parade and military bands-fin- est in the world. Canada's first stearn railway As the great gates swung open, I could not but think that through began operations in 1836, and ran those "self-same" gates emerged fromn Laprairie, Que., te St. Johns, Canada's Confederation Charter, Que. It was taken aver by the 1867, as represcnted by Canada's Grand Trunk in 1864, and the King of that date (better say GadTukbcm ato h Queen) and I wondered :if any- GadTukbcm atc h body else had thought of it all. Canadian National systemn in that way. I was so impressed I March, 1923. NEW PHONE NUMBER PAGE EIGHT TUE CA~ADIAN STATESMMq. BOWMAKVILLE, ONTAMO Y'HURSDAY, AUGUST Siat, 1O5~ ________________________________ u _________________________________________________________________ This could b. YOU Drivers! Parents! Citizens! The Week-end lies right ahead and roads wilI be crowded with traffic. Every accident to moterist or pedestrian brings heartbreak and suffering to nmre one, young or old. Safeguard others - safeguard vour own paçsengers. Rerember.. . It's HURRY that KILLS. DON'T HURRY. HN1530 ONTA RIO DEPAR TMEN T 0 F HI1G HWA YS 010. M. DOUCEIT, Minlater - Y - PAGE XIGHT THURSDAY, AUGUST Slat, 10" THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLX, ONTARIO -

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