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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1950, p. 9

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--.~-.. a.r L5~~ 7. £UO'1 I I - -, - -- - - Duham County1 Win Honomi at Eleven representatives of Dur- pham County credited thernielves admirably i n the Junior Darmer Judging Competition at the Can- adian National. Exhibition last Week. Ten of the l people fromn this district wha entered coimpe- tition were prize winners. Bruce Taylor, Enniskillen, and Wiliiani Ferguson, Nestieton, car- ried off tinst and second place ne- spectively ini the Senior and Junior Swine judging category. Francis; Jose, Newcastle, shared second place in Dairy Cattle judg- ing, Senior Section, with Gordon tHenderson, IR. R. 5, Tara. He also shared second place in the Senior Parm Maoinery Campetition. In order to qualify for entry In the Junior section, competitors had ta be. qualifîed members of Boys' and Girls' Farm Clubs and between the ages of 16 and 20. In the Senior divWson, farmers or farmers' sons under 26 years of age were eligîble. AVE EFFORTI À% with Self Service Caris Quality Meats and Groceries ALL IN'S 55 Kig St. E., Bowmanville Phone 3367 for Frree Delivery iunioi Farmers 1950 xhibitio~ aThe cometition was condu d a o oiowsk our animals w e rbrought i the show ring, d -each comptitor indicate tchoice befo~ a competent lv -i tock judge t explained bis re sons for pla ng the chosen an mal ln a 1f t place positia Points were dited for correctI -placing animai and further poin -were added o~ the basis of the 1effectiveness o> reasons for plac- Sing an animal 'ýt the top af the 1 list. - Farmers from 'tis district did 1particularly well in the Daity 9Cattie and Swlne competitions. rIn the Senior Dairy Cattle judging Francis Jose, Newcastle, tied for second place; Earle Brown, New- scastie, tied for nînj-i place, and fEwart Leask, Taun*n, tied for fifteenth place in i competitian that had 38 entrant. In Swlne sjudging, Bruce Tayý, Enniskill- fen, won the Senior section and William Ferguson4, Nestleton, plaeed second in thi Junior sec- tion. Harold Hammond ,R R. 4, Bow- manville, placed tv.N!th In the Junior section of thé Beef Cattle competition. 1 I the ai ternooni Grain and Roots, Fruit and V(getables and Farm Machinery 2ompetitions were beld. In the Stnior Grains and Roots ciasa, Bluce Taylor, Enniskillen, tied for ninth place and his brother, Domald Taylor placed eleventh. In the Junior sedion af this class, Harold Hammoid, R. R. 4, Bawmanviiie, piaced t$urtb; Keith Stapleton and NewtonSélby, both of Newtonville, placet tenth and fifteenth respectively, among 32 contestants. Finally, in the Sqeior' Farmn Machinery competitibn, where contestants were facet witb find- ing as xnany of the M faults as possible on a tractorbolow cam- bination supposedly rEady for use, Newcastle's two entritt tied for second place. With étht people entered, Francis Jase7ýnd Earle Brown split second pla,64 honours. SEEDWHA We have some excellent seed showlng Do 4yid"cee of sprouting i CORNEL 595 and DAWSON'S GOLDEN CuAFF - Available lmmediately CERTIFIED No. 1 CORNEL 595 TREATED AGAINST DISEASE. You Reap What You Sow . a So Sow The. Best Garnet Rickard, PHONE 2813 BO VMANILLE KINGSTON ROAD EAST EANDLYS CABONAT D EVERAGE OSHAA - - - PHONIR 755 Ozitacri pariment 0f Ag Iture Hczs Fie C eE. Exhibit. «Ontari arms Produce the World's B t Food," and 'Ontario gnown Pr uce is Youn Beat Buy," according o captions on the On- tario De rtment af Agriculture exhibit a e Canadian National Exhibitia Extcndipg aîl along the Non walof the Ontario Governn$it Building, this big ex- hibit po4,ays the* importance ai goed foc by pointing out that we\i-nou sed cbildren today, ha~ , py, heahthy adults ta- "DILýgne1 ta drive home the fact ,that buÀget-wise bomemakers 5hou ani do buy Ontario-grown foods fa tempting dispinys ai this duice are featured in the panel These include neiriger- ated c ets ai meats, and dairy and P rv products as well as a big w ai scasonable fruits and v ables. However, the visitor the exhibit is not just i=mplore buy Ontario produce but aiso advised and, in fact, asked ta uy these products by grade so ta be sure of getting the most his or lier money. The ot important message brougbt f ard in the display is heiter ndence ai agricul- ture and ustry if we are ta b ave and k a beahthy cconomy. The headin n this center panel neads "We'r h In This Together" and ta dri ome the interde- pendence th ave a big balance or scale. the farm section ai aur econo on anc panel and the industria ction on the oth- ier anc the Po r on the balance ,reads "Good" en at-the center. kHowcver, wh cither Agricul- iture or Ind gets the lion's 1share and ups the balance, the pointer goes t e very curt but effective word "Not Good." At cither en the exhibit are booths with P Is showing on the anc hand t ducationai and Research sct-u ithin the De- partment aof ulture and on the other thýe A inistrative set- up. These be manned throughout the ibition by of- ficials from the taria Airicul- tural College and e Depar*.ment oi Agriculture of es at Queen's Park. The exhibit wé repared and instahled at the bition bythe Public Relations partment-of the Ontario Agric ural Col 'e, working under th pervisionof a committcc af partment 1 ) Agriculture officia SNEWTON LLE - Miss Margaret L casten, To-., ronto, spe n the ekend with ber parents at the p sonage. Mrs. Clarke, Bfa , wbo spent the summer with hie rother, Mn. Wmn. Culhins, bas re rncd home. Mrs. Chas. Morris bas leit for an cxtended visit witi her broth- er and sisten at Mou4 Albert. We arc plcascd ta #ear that Mr. Ethan Joncs was abh# to leave the hospital and returngd ta bis owr home on Saturday. Mns. Margaret pay, Toronto, spent the weekendwith Mr. and Mns. Clinton Browe. Mr. and Mrs. Peler Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley, To- ronto, were Sunday guests with Mn. and Mrs. A. Red1jnap. Miss Annie Nesbitt bas return- cd aîter havig a pleasant visit with fricnds at Beeton and Allis- ton. Word has beeit neccived frorr Mr. Lanson Millson that be arriv- cd at Regina but owing ta the stnike it took quite a while. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmer and son, Centralia, arc holiday- ing with bis*parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gilmer. Schoois rcapcned on Tuesday, Mr. Bruce Gorrill, Little Bnitain and Mrs. Murray Waltpn. New- castle, wihl be in char#e here. Mrs. George Stapleton bas beer engaged for Crooked Creek schoo. and Mrs. Willis Joncs wiil resumE ber classes nt Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwer and son, Peterborough, spent the holiday with ber parents, Mr. anc Mrs.- Cecih Burley. Wh.nYoui BACK Begins to Ache, Mc" HFoR i ii f SECAUSE- B ackache la oten due ta an upsat kidney condi- dmss; and for over hall a century Dodd's kidnq Pillabave holped bring relief froue bachaclîs hy tr.ating th. kidneya. Get DoddFs Iidney Pill today at any drug couter. Lokfor the blue box with the red ban&. Yeu eau depend on Dodd'L 155s Women's Institute Meetinig The August meeting ai the W. I was held' Wednesday afternoon, August 23 at the home ai Mrs. Melville Samîs, wltb 24 ladies present. The President, Mrs. Johnston, opened the meeting by caliing for the Institute Ode, the Lard's Prayer, and minutes ai previaus meeting. The Treasurer rcported a balance ai $30.81. Mrs. Johnston read a letter from a member ai a W. I. group in Eng- land, and Mrs. McCuilough was appointed to write the rcply. It was decided that we wiil put on a display at Qrono Fair. Mrs. Milligan, the Historical Re scarch Convener, then took the chair. and xith ber group pre- sented the iollowing programme. Mrs. Cecil Burley gave a very in- tercsting account af Professor Squair's History of Clarke and Darlington, dealing with those parts that affect aur community. She told of land being grantcd to some of the early settiers. Names stili weil known here. One who received land wherc Newtonvilie now stands was Sophie Shaw. We heard ai the eariy efforts to establish churches in Clark Twp. Politics were taken veny seriously too, in the early days. Mrs. Bur- ley stressed the thought, that, though aur community bas de- veloped a great deal since the early days, we must be wortby ai the pianeers, by trying always ta improve ourselves, aur social lufe and aur community. The rail cail was answered by the ladies shawing childhaod pic- tures ai themselves. Mrs. Milli- gan braught a letter that had been received in her family many years aga. The members cnjoyed a lovely solo "Long, Long Ago," sung by Mrs. M. Joncs, and a piano sala by Flarence Rowe. Mrs. W. Woodu and Mrs. McCul- laugh gave readings chosen frorn an aid time recitation book "Thé Lsual Way," and "The Minuet." At the conclusion ai the pro- gramme ail enjayed the lunch provided by the group, and the social hour. The Newton ladies have accepi. cd an invitation ta join the Mar- ish W. I. an Sept. 6th. Provincial Ministers Hold Meeting Discuss Agriculture Marketing, sal conservation, farm management and transpor- tation are the key problems in agriculture in Canada today. This statement cames from. a spokes- man for the Conierence ai Pro- vincial Ministers af Agriculture and their Deputies, concluded Tuesday afternoon. At what was termed thé most important meeting which has tak- n place on agriculture for many c ars, the Ministers and their - euties discussed many individ- ýai problems, but they alh seem- to lead back ta these basic %es. Naniious phases ai the market- i~problem covered in the first ai the conference rangcd froma st*ngt the, apple and potato cs t the bandling of fecd g4is to the satisfaction ai bath T most pressing problema seem- cd be ta find ways and means ai abilizing the price livestock mEn had ta pay for feed grains >1 ~sey could do some effective plahing ai their future produc- tioýprograms. Added ta this was tth«,ld bugbear of having the gra*s mn position sa shortages watlà not occun during winter. 'P, Coniercuce, however, went on -,-cord as heartily approving ethe 'ederal Freight Assistance in effect and express- c d ti hope this policy xvouid con- -tinuý L ~ Ibe field ai marketing they also jve considoration ta ways *and ans a assisting in inter- provijal tracie.. They concluded the wc fielda marketixpg need- cd mt u er study. he~ cornes tasai conserva *tion,' t finisters worc agreed on ethe neai an overaîl or national progralin this ficld, but it was ri rpeatety emphasized the pro- egram ost bc a practicai anc -which 441d ,and would be dem- onstrattight on the iarm. Thcy added thre was need for the De- partme1ý ai Agriculture ta give leadersh-g in developing such a *policy, r.hcr thani leaving itta sother ag(cies who did flot under- stand th 1 roblerns af agriculture. They all t the first step is ta build alaizatian and under- standing t aur soul is aur most imotn esource and the plan- ning for i best use is the key ta CI the futur i aur agriculture. Ailied sal conservation was another i ontant tapic, Farm Managem and îaR Ministers wceagr on thé ýnecessity 6f expanding' air woý iin this f ield. It would ta be tf a practicai nature ho ert, anq tied in the proper Jan se. During t first aeferhoon the meeting liea a bni on the pas- -ition ai the 'Iairy industry pre- sented, by tih Dairy Farmers ai Canada. In ithey were told the dairy industr, as a wholc, and Inat just the bu4er praducers, wr facing a series situation as a resuit ai the pýsent manufacture and sale ai mafarine. The Dairy Farmers claime the only answcr ta the problenis a compiete ban ai the manufiture and sale af the praduet. 'I~ Ministers' m-eet- ing however, served comment until the deci n on the appeal currentiy befo the Privy Coun- cil is braught pwn. Ail those pr~ nt felt this first conference ai $ kind since 1939 xvas very usetil Ontario's Min- ister ai Agnicu ljre. Col. the Hion. jT. L. Kcnnediy ummed it up by Saying it was ai nevelation W evenyone present to hear what was being done elsewbere. They decided the conference shauld be- come a regular afiair and on the invitation of British Columnbia'n Minister af Agriculture, the Hon, H. R. Bowman, it waa decided to hold the 1951 conference in Brit- ish Columbia with the main ses- sions ta take place at Victoria. Ministers present for the meet- ing were: Hon. A. W. MacKenzie, Minister af Agriculture and Mark- eting, Halifax, N.S.; Hon. A. C. Taylor, Minister ai Agriculture, Fredericton, N.B.; Hon. F. C. Bell, Minister ai Agriculture and Im- migration, Winnipeg, Man.; Han. I. C. Nollett, Minister ai Agricul- ture, Regina, Sask.; Hon. H. B. Bowman, Minister of Agric ulture, Victoria, B.C., and Col. The Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister ai Ag- riculture, Toronto, Ont. Impossibllity ai getting trans- portation ta the Conference and pressing business prevented the Ministers ai Agicuture from New- foundland, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Alberta attending, though other senior officiais were on hand from ail Provinces but Prince Edward Island. Lake Shorr- Clarke Mrs; IP Skinner and Doratby, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cardon and Margaret, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skelding, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ahi Brown. Mrs. Brown is home from Bowman- ville Hospital, feeling mare like herseif, witb Mrs. Spencer Wood, Bowmanville, looking ai ter ber. Miss Joyce Martin bas begun her duties as Assistant Kinder- garten Teacher at a Port Hope school. Mr. and Mrs. Bey Jaynes visitcd friends at Toronto, Long Brancb and Oakviile. Miss Betty Aluin, Peter'borougb; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wil- son, Osbawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskervilie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gibson and Alfred, Cortland, N.Y.; Mrs. D. A. Vallenu, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoimes. Mr. and Mns. E. Brown, Orono, and Jack Neal, Bowmanvillc, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. Arch, Streets- ville, and Mrs. G. Kcllam (Mrs. G. Skcldings sister). New West- minster, B.C., visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skelding on ber way home from Trinidad and Barbados Isl- ands, British West Indies. On Friday, September lst, the Lak e Shore Scbool was the happy scene ai a miscellaneous sbower in honor af Mr. and Mrs. Bll Skel- ding who reccived manyr lovely gifts, including a six-piece dinette suite in. black and white, from the groom's grandmotber. Mfrs. Archie Brown favoured with sev- eral piano selections and also led in a sing-song. The committee in charge, Misses Audrey Adams, Dorene Powell; Messrs. Ross Ad- ams, Bill Jayncs, and Mrs. Jack Crago, served a nice lunch, after which an enjoyable evcning came to a close. Business Diroclory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanvfllc. Phone, Office 688 Residence, 553 W. F. WARD. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 91/2 King Street E., Bowmanville. Ontaria Phone, Office 825 House, 409 MISS APHA L HODGIN8 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bownianville .Phone 351 DENTAL 78 King Street West Propeyties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members af the Canadian and Ont,ario Real Estate Boards 3. Shehyn D. Maclachian Bowmanville 326 Oshawa 689 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITH Chartered Accouatants 37 King St. E., Oshawa Mr. Gordon W. Riebi, CA, - ,reaideat partnmr., Good Butter Hats Many Uses Housewlves have many uses for good butter, but they may be sur- prised ta know the top quality product la an excellent mnedium on which the sculptor can prac- tise his art, according ta an offici- ai off the Dairy Branch af the Ontario Department af Agricul- ture. Evidence af the truth of his statemenit is ta be found in "Bes- sie"' the butter cow who is be- ing displayed in her 1950 form at the Canadian National Exhibition. This officiai says that last year many people wondered if the but- ter from which "Bessie" was formn- ed was a special kind or type. He states quite dci initely that it Is simply top grade butter such as housewives buy for use as a spread. The Dairy Branch was asked ta supervise the making of the butter for Bessie's production but thîs was simply ta make sure that anfly top quality butter was used for this purpose. In other words, says this official, the men wbo supervised this work were only carrying out their regular job af cbecking quality, a job they do ail year 'round ta the benefît af consumers ail over the country. ZION (Hope Twp.) Mrs. Greaves, Port Hope, spent some time with Mrs. Caldwell ne- cently. Keith and Brian Casweil have motored ta Regina, Sask. Mr. Ceciu Jones and daughters, Patsy and Joyce, Orono, visited sev eral homes in the neighbourhood. Gary and Bruce Green, New- castle, spent Saturday with their grandparents , Mr. and Mns. Els- worth Caswell. Mr. Stan Jones visited bis brother, Mr. Ethan Jones, New- tonville, whom we are glad bas ne- turned home from the hospital. A native note of interest ta the neigbbourhood is ta be found one- hait mile north-west of the Clarke- Hope Township line, where in the littie creek bordering the noad beaver have built a dam. It can be seen where they have' dragged brush and sticks ta formo a sturdy framework, which bas been chink- ed with mnud. The water b as been raised ta a level of over four feet higber than south of the dam. ýNESTLETON Decanation service at Nestle- ton Cemcteny was well attended. The flowers werc beautiful. Mn. a nd Mrs. Frank Emerson and Mn. and Mns. Jas. Boe, Shir- ley and Sandra, Tononto, visited Mn, and Mns. Malcom Emerson. Miss Margaret Steele, R.N., Sunnybrook, visited ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walden, Mur- iel and Richard, Waterdown; Miss Iva Williams, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Fred Todd and Rosa, New. tonville. called on Mn. and Mrs. L. Jobhin. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Bowmanvilhe, visîted Mn. anid Mn.. Lawrence Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wright and Mrs. Eliott, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs, Chas. Pallis and Mn. A. Veahe. Mn. and Mrs. Wilmer Fitzc. Oshawa; Mrs. Frank Harris, Ce- dan Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm and Mr. Bob Spence, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. George Johhs vîsitcd Mn. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mn., and Mrs. Kcnneth Samells, Melville and Anna, spent Wed- nesday at Niagara Falls. Mn. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited Mn. and Mns. G. Johns. Congratulations ta Dr. and Mrs. Bowles wba celebratcd their 62nd wedding anniversary.% Mr. and Mrs. George Johns at- tended thc Wallace-Nickle wed- ding in St. Andrcw's. Church at Marmora. Miss Elva Bradley, Oshawa, visitcd Miss Giadys Emerson. vero;. and Mrs. P acrcmyeMl- Mn. and Mrs. an erycoMa Yl- colm, Toronto; Mrs. Lloyd Hun- ter and Nola, Port Penny, visited Mrs. L. Joblin and helped celc- .rit% 29C The Super-Efficient DILO - NAGIC 0O1 Heczfing MdAKES VOUR PRESENT REATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saves Tou Money -on Yo-r Fuel Casts Phoneoronconinit JACK BROUGRm PLUMBINO - IEATING Division st. S. Bowmauva.ile New Phone - Office 615 House Phone 2384 7=7-' Wanied For Expori Registered and Grade HOLSTEIN COWS and Heifers, freshening this Summer and Fali WALTER FRANK R.R.. .5BOWMANVILLE PHIONE 2403 '0 _____________ ______________ Qukck Easy To Prepare Meals CLARKS-I)Y TO SRVl BOILED DINNER 'nu 29C CLARKS-PfRUPARID IRISH STEW MAPTS.-SUVES POUR PEOPLE Ready Dinner 2 Ms. 27C WITI5 CHUES! IN TOMATO SAUCE Heinz Spaghetti 'ne, 15c CLAIK'-IN CHILI SAUCE PORK &BEANS 2 fI' 29C HEINZ-CONDENSED TOMATO SOUP CORNED BEEF H O RD DRAN O LWeiners & Beans 1003.I Tin- 4 c 2O 27c 2f -, --- -# - V GOLDEN YELLOW - RIPE DANANAtlS-m SNOW WRITE - FM - LARGE CAULIFLOWER --- YELLOW, FLESH, FREESTONE PEACHES LARGE MIM HEADS LETTUCE - - m lb. 15Ç aea. 15c NOW AT THEIR BEST FOR CANNING - - -M 2 for 17c IGeS WANTID W. pay highest market prtces for egs hippng tags avallobIe et our strs. Ses ménager for par. ticulars. Reg. grading station 0-29. VALUES EFFECTIVE .*4URSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SEPT. 755, gth & SSI DOMINION STORES LIMITED HuiNZ-PURI TOMATO KETCHUP i8- HEINZ-PRUITS-MEATS-VGETABLES INFANT FOODS 3! 1.111NZ-PANCY TOMATO J UIC E2 AYLUR-CHOICE-CRIIAM STYLR GOLDEN CORN 2 2 SLICED PEACHES AYLMI-CHOICE--S.C. PACK PRUNE PLUMS 2,15 A&YLMRR-HAND PACilE-CrH0ICUR TOMAIQES DOMINION-FULL NUT FLAVOUR PEANUT BUTTER OLD CHEESE brate hor blrthday. Mr. Victor Malcolin's childrçu had chicken-pax. Brenda wua taken ta Oshawa Hospita i ra few days. I Rev. Harr Atkinson, Mns. At- kinson and David, Oshawa. visit. ed Mn. and Mrs. G. Johns and Mr. and Mç& s. 1 Joblin.* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford and M~a yLau vislted Mr. and,.,ý- Mrs. Endicott, Lindsay. Mns. Urry and Miss Mummery, Chatham, visited Mr. and Mrn. Fred Crawford. Mn. and Mra. Roy I<napp, Nain- ilton, visited Mn. and Mrs. MiM- colm Emerson. 1 ML MOFF SPWU! (AtATIA% T WA'rflhIAYt WItANVWLU. CMtf

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