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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1950, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO THURS.. SEPTEMBER 7. 19~ The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan Mr. andi Mrs. H. Rowland quiet- commodation can be secured. We ly celebFated their 40th wedding are vcry sorry to lose the Lynch anniversary with their family on fami trom Orono but wish them Friday, August 25th. We wish to ex ery success in their new home. congratulate them on this occa- Their bouse here has been soid to sion and wiish for them many Mr. and Mrs. Hendry, Newcastle. more years of heaith and hap- M.r. Wmn. Mitchell wvas guest piness. soloist at the Unitcd Churcb ser- Mrs. N. F. Porter,. Misses Shir- vice on Sunday morning, singing ley Porter and Audrey Billings the solo "Bless This House" in fine spent last week visiting the for- voice. Rev. Eustace had charge mers mother. Mis. Oliver, in Bob- of the service which -was \vell at- caygeon. Mr. Porter joined them ter.ded. Next Sunday the Sun- for over the Labour Day holiday, ca.v chool v.7il reopen in the Ma- ail returning home Monday even- sonic Temple at 10 ar. ing. Mr. and 3Mrs. Cccii Joncs visit- Mis. Ken Tambîva and srnali cd o.î Sunday xith bis brother, daugbtei, Karen, of Te xas, hav(- Mr. Ethan Joncs at Ne\xtonville been visiting Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. and found bim getting along nicely and w ith ber spent a week ,vith ait2-r recccivir"t evere injuries in Mr. and Mis. Charlie Miller ai. a miotar car accident. theîr Loige on Chandos Lake. _ i r. D 1,k Moi ton. Port Col- Mrs. Tho.s. Poxvcrs who lias bornc. spent the \xeekend with spent the summer visitîingMi, is parents, Mr. and Mis. Albert Jas. Dickson, is now visiting Mi. AMorton. and Mis. A. Annis. Courtijc. Mi. Muirra v Pateison, Bradford, Mi. and Mis. Frank Hall aie visited his parents here avec the sp -nding this week Lit their cot- weekend. tage on Chandos Lake, Apslev. lMi. and Mrs. Fred Frost. Tamn- ivi. a nd xr D. floi)pir and woni l, are guests of Mr. Charles aunt, Mis. StorcY, spent last wcek Frost \while ho is the rclîeving at Glenveridcan. Buttermilk Falls, bank manager at Newcastle for Halib)uitoni. thîe wceks. Mis. jack Arnott and son, Re- lii. and Ai\rs. Roy' vPowcrs, To- gîna, are visiting ber mother, Mis. ronto, spent Sunday with bis 4oY. imother. ir. C. L. 1Poweis. Mrs. Thompson, Bowmanville. Mi. and Mis. Jackc Leishrnan,ý is a guest of Mýliss Viola GîlfillY,,. Toronto, ire guests af Mr. and Guesis with Mis. HarvvyCar- Mis. M. J. Tamibl '\n. tis over the w ckl-enu wcxvii oi i l\i:. 1Liitz, Tloonto. visited lier and Mis. Mitchell and Mi. and atint, Ms Waltcr Cobblcdick re- Mis. J. BucklcY, al af Peter:bor- cent iv. oub. Mi s s lMv.rtle TamblYn, Toionto, Orono Public and Continuation visited relatives boere lest week. Schools opened on Tuesday moin- Mir. and i Is. A. A. Diîimmiond ing. There is one change in the anid Alex have aiiived home altcer Public Sobool staff. Mis Bertha spending thice weeks on a tipý Cain takes the place of Mis. Wmn-. iîhîough the Stales. Lynch and in the Continuat:on Ms J. J. iVellor is home iter Sebool Mi. Syd Rutherford takes spcnding txvo weks with lieir bro-1 over the duties of Mi. Lownies. ther, Mr. J. E. Collins in Toronto.i Mie. Wfm. Lynch bias gaie to \. and Mis. M\1,.J. Taniyn W'-.~irhe 'hrc.she vill tenuh viýýited in Bellev'ille with l\Ir. and îcli0o1. The femily %xill follox'; in Mr. Glen Tamib *v and Diane. a 1 !U U, a: ý:"i1 a lix u1g au'- ir . and Ms.Wm. Bailev, New FOR THE BEST IN PAINT Use C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes IN BOWMANVILLE IT'S Higgon Electric Headquarters for C.I.L. Paints 42 King St. E. Phone 438 4~?f UIPIWi(n4J _TBEATZE - OWMAN VILLE FBIDAY - SATURDAY- SEPT. 8 - 9 ERROL FLYNN 9E MITH 2 INTERESTING SHORTS - 1 "'uucA8 JAMES R WEBB RAY [NRIGHTI:,- BORDENCHS .DCHARLES ONÉAI BAro ON A STcAIy Sy ERNESt lAVCOX M~LOR CARTOON MONDAY - TUESDAY- SEPT. Il - 12_ iCVca!0 A Y ,.rýaet MOVIETONE NEWS &urdGWINN j~oie CARTOON SHORT WEDNES. 7 THURSDAY - SEPT. 13 - 14 Toronto, and niece, Miss Barbara HunIer. Hamilton, spent the week- endi xith Mis. Harîy Baiiey and family. Mr. Charles Wood, Kitchener, spent the weekend at bis home h ere. Mis. Rayv Goode. Mis. Herb. Du- v'al, Miss 'Mable Davy and Mis. M. H. Staples spent Wednesday aI the United Ch.uich Scbool for Leaders, beld in the Ontario La- dies' College, Wbitby. The immediate femily of Mi. and Mis. J. D. Brown gathered ah their home on Sunday 10 cele- brate Ibeir forty-eightb weddiag anniversaiv and the lattei's biith- day. Aften a pleasent dunner paity, Mi. and Mis. Brown weîe presented with a radio in recog- nition af Ibis speciai occasion. Misses Gladys. Ruth and Lois Reynolds of Leaside. with their cousins, Mi. and Mis. J. D. B ro wn. Visitais Ion the long, weekend wvitb Mi. and Mis. Leîoy Hamil- tan wveie their Iamily, Mn. anti Mu's. Norman F. Fisher and chil- dico Noîmie, Lynda and Kathie, Guelph. Hamilton Editor Speaks at C.N.E. "lus heed ai gunning foi oui pub- lic mon wxe might leaxe oui' guns bebînd aid go ouita b elp them saiel v home." This -,vas the ati- vice of Fiedeiick 1. Ker, publish- cdi ai The Hamilton Spectetor ta fellow publishers, pr'ess anti radio men. Fîiday. Mur. Ker xvas guesi speaker et ithe direciors' luncheon fou' Press and Radia Day et tbc Canadien National Exhibition. Mir. Ker noteti the progress rep- resenteti byv CsN.E. exhibits buti wainedti iat while "atonîie bombs and oui genius foi inv'ention maey tielay,. catastr'ophe, il xvill niot savu iis." Meteîîalism calone vas. un-i suificieni. "Spirituel founidaiions cannaI be replaced by social meas- tires," he seiti. The Hamilton Spertlaton pub- lisher anti pest piesitient af tbe Canaclien Pr'ess and C.D.N.A.. said 'We damu tbc leitists and the gavernment for giving in ta lhem, but we fail ho realize thet bhc leibists, in anti out of season, press their cause. And when the leftists don't gel what tbeY want tbey bitterly cribicize." He feit thai the C.C.F. leaders' cîiticism ai Donald Gardon was "utterly unealled for" anti cammendeti Prime Minister Louis St. Leur- ent foi defentiing the C.N.R. beai.. Such criticism cerne fîomi onlyv e compaîatively small section ai the public. Mir. Ker felt, anti "we musin't biame oui goverimcni foi misinterpreting (sucb) pro'a- ganda as the will ai a large pari of the people. Tbeî'e's a vast bodyv ai public opinion in this countryv bitberly appasecl ta change S lu labour laws in recent yeais, but xvbo gives Perliament a view oih- ci than that adivancedi by the left- ists," he asketi The "oitiinaryý citizen has ne- glecteti bis responsibility ta ap- pose those who would demoî'alize anti desbroy the social, ecanamie, anti other standards of oui Chris- tian civilization," he bold the pub- lishers. CADMUS Quite a number fram the com- ununiby attendeti Blackstock Fair an 1aturday anti Port Perîy Feur on Mantiay. Bath. were gooti fairs. Mi. anti Mis. Eidon Thompson anti Doug. Peterborough, witb Mis. Merdith Thompson anti John. Master Calv'in McKee retuineti haine Monday from spending a xx'eèlç's balideys with cousins in Osha wa. Mi. anti Mis. Bob Vivian andi Mai'ilyn, Bowmenvillc; Mis. Ivanl Kellett anti family, Pantypol with Mr. anti Mis. ArtirHn ne. Mri. anti Mis. Welly Midgley andi family, Couitwiight, are still holidaying with Mi. and Mis. A. Han ne. We are soîy ta heai that Mi Andy Holmes bas been ill in Osb: aew%1a. He is some better noxx, lhougb. Miss Audr'ey McKee and frienti attendeti the Ex. on Saturday. Mi. andi Mis. Dan Black, Jean anti Dora. Mur. Morley Bell, Miss Dorathy Steinton, M..Ew Diekev, spent Sunday' vwith Mv1i. I andl Mis. Don Jobnsion. . Mi. and Mis. Wilbert Reyvn- nids and Dorothy, Mi. Lloyd Henry, Bowmanville, with Mi. and Misr.. Laine McKce. Mi. and Mis. Bill Robinson and Gev, Toronto, with Mir. anti Mis. Edigar Gibson. 'Ne were aIl sorry t hear that Mis. Hairy Philip, e former mcm- ber of Cadmus W. A. and Cbuîcb, bias liad a stroke, and is quite ill. We hope the next news wiil be bjetteci. Mis. Tbompson is visiting et Mr. and Mis. Ed. Laxvson's, Yel- ver ton. Mr. Don anti Miss Joyce Lai- mier. Toronto, witb parents. FOR A TREAT try Fresh Frozen SALMON - COD WHITE FISH Just thav and cook for a delicious mnal. Phone 3367 ALLIN' S wviI1 deliver your fish, mieat and grocery order Free of Charge Bowmanville Man and Bride 1R. AND MRS. ELTON GEORGE BROCK who were married in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, recently. The bride, who is the for-mer Hilda Jane Cowling, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cowling of Salem, and the bridegroomo is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brock, Bowmanville. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gaýette BLACKSTOCK Mn. anti Mis. Ivan Tbompson anti Elizabeth were in Ottawa txva day,,s lest week. We wei'c gladti t entertain Mi. anti l\'s. G-eorge Cirawfoid in the Commnunity Hall lest Wetinestey evening anti give ihem a guIf Iîam the conmmunit.y. Peggy Fife. D etrii, xith Mr. and Mis. Johnu Hamilton. Mus. Bruce, Canuîinghon; Mis. R. Mc'Giil and Caroîn . Mndec Mis, S. Sheiman, Toronto, with Mis. H. Hooexv. Miss Hooe.y, Miss Farder, Mis. Henry netuincdti taToronto. Mn. anti Mis. Rexv Yatcs anti Mary with frienîts anti relatives. Revý. cuti Mi:. Cen. Nicholson aie au baolitiys turing Septem- bein Doicen VanCamp anti Merle Van Camp spout lest w'cek et the Jtunior' #Fai'mers' Camp et Laike S imçae. At tlhe Str'eet Feir an Fritiay nigbt, Oliver Smith won the radiio, H-enry Thompson bbc bask- et ai graceries, ant irMus. Bail Mis. Campbcll is x',isiting ber niere, Mis. C. W. Hutton. Muuia 'v Wciury, Ottawa, was berne for' tbe veend. Mur. anti Mis. Charle McLaugh- lin, Taronte, with Mi. anti Mis. A. L. Beiley. There will be no cburcb service in St. John's Anglican Church un- tii the fist Sunday in October. The Builetige femily enjoyeti e reunian in the village on Labour Day. Theu new schoal grading sysbemn sbaî'teti on Tuesday, with bus ser- vice. Miss Lais Larmer is teaching et Bleckstack; Grant Campbell et Cedmus, Mis. Haroldi Crawford at Caoserea, Miss Gwen Wilson aI Archers, Mis, F. Gilbert at Puiple H-lil. At. the Hicb Seboal, teachers are: B. P. Allun, Harold Polis, Eie; Cardon Paisley, Dunaville; Miss Gladys White, Proton. Miss Jessie Van Camp starteti tcaching ai ber schaol in Alton on Tuesday. MAPLE LRflVE Bracibuin the case of pees. &Aàl -- - -J VJ. ____________________________ Mis. Wicncli, Newcastle, v'ust- cd xvutlaMis, J. D. Stevens. liViss Maru' on Snowden, Tor'on- AT E TI N ta, is spending part ai bier oi ATTENTION de-swvith bier parents, Mi. anti îVfcs. C. H. Snawtien. Mu'r. andI Mis. E. Wilkinson, son Musi PuplsRobeî't, Part 1-lpe, visiieti with the iarmeî's daughici's anti son-' in-law, Mr. anti Mis. Allia Snow- IV. E.,C. W'ORKIMAN tien. L.L.C.M., R..M.T. M'Vr. anti Mis. Roy Tapping, son OrgaistantiChor Mater Jimmv, Weston, visiteti with bier Orgn-s an Chir astr pecnts, Mi. anti Mis. Fred Ste. SI. ohn' (.'urchvois, aver the weekenti, 'S Jhn'sCliuch 1/11s. H. R. Foley vîsiteti with Teecher of piano, organ, hieu' cousinîs, Mu. anti Mis. Boîtier- violin, singing in ils various - hu, i-s i tith Coolidige, Green- branches anîd Iheory. baaik, on Sundtay. Dont forget tice InstitUte meet- InI classes or privale luition ing on Mauday eveuîng, Sept. Il. .chool openeti witb 70 pupils Terms very moderate in athentience. Tom McGuiik anti i's. Gardon Mollet are the teach- Studio 33 Beecli Ave. ers. PIIONE 3496 Quite a numbor from bere are etiending the C.N.E., Toronto. Sorry ta lose Mis. W. Allison, Susan andI Daviti tram tîr com- TheKely K r'y onFiett St., Bowmanviile, anti mnidthSeeas boubi abous K indergarten lAîî'Nwijc0 ekIxI and Mis. Kow- PIANO METHOD i'v. They bhave baught Mis. W. Allisouis faim, faîmeily awneti and oaccuipieti by Mr. anti Mis. Noble Metccii anti family. Dont loî'gcu the twa services on Sunday next, September 1Oth. *Sunclay School et 1:30 p.m., anti chuîch service et 2:45, wben the lRev,. Surnimeiville, B.A., B.D., Spenceiville, wull occupy the *pulpit. A goodly number were out on Stinday lest ta bear anti greet ~ '4',uRev. R. R. Nicholson, Bowman- villewh occupieti the pulpit. Be aiso clîristeneti bis lbitte grand- daîightei', Meî'garet Ruth Mayo, -, Washington, D.C. Wveî shaîl I plav for you? NESTLETON A simple anti attractive ap- ET TO SAIN pioacb ta the stidyaio music Callers witb Mis. C. Emerton foi chiltiien 4 to 8 yers of i weie: Miss Mey Noan, Muskoke; age, tuîden specially Mr. anti Mis. Etiwaids, Detroit; quali 1ietiMis. Tomkins anti Jimmie, anti Kelly Kiiby Kiiiergarten Piano NMethod Teachers For parliculars apply ta: Margaret E. W'orksnan A.L.C.-M., R.M.T. Organist Park St. United ('hurch, Orono Piano pupils prepareti for the v'arious Toronto examina ti ans. Studio 33 Beech Ave. PIIONE 3496 is. Zatk Adams, Brien and Biycc. Box'.menville, x'isited Mr. anti Mis. Allen Beacock. Visitais witb Mr. anti Mis. Geo. Bo~weis weie Mi. anti Mis. Ross Adams, Bowmanx'îlIe; Miss Sadie McGibbons, Mi. anti Mis. Billie Bi.van anti Miss Helen Bou-ers, IToronto. Mi. Piiillip Langielti, Toronto. at borne for the xveekend. Mn. Lloyd White, Toronto, visit- cci bis mother, Mis. F. White. Miss DoiothyHvarris, Toronto, 1 spent the holiday with ber par- ients. Mr. anti Mis. Jas. Barris. Mi. Noon attentiedtihe Toronto Ex.hibition. Mis. S. McKee spent the week- enti in Oshawa witb ber daughter, Mi- M'. McKec, anti attendeti the E ý. hCi ct'on. Mi. anti Mis. Harrày McLaugh- lin and Lawrence visiteti Mrs. J. Forder. Mrs. Normani Lansing enjoyeti a family gathering at her home over the holiday. Mrs. Geo. Bowers and Ms Helen Bowers motoret ta Orrilhia with Miss Dorothy Bowers who boardeti a bus for Trout Creek where she will teach for another year. Mr. and Mis. Donald Thompson and Mr. and Mis. John Nesbitt spent a day at the Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samells and Sharon, Peterborough, were weekend visitais with Mr. and Mrs. Larmer Hyland. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sharpe, Ida, and Iheir daughter, Miss Ruth Sharpe, visiled Mr. Walter Sharpe. Miss Sharpe spent thisý past year teaching High Schol in England and lef t by train and 'plane for her new position ai Fort Nelson High School. Congratulations la Mr.- al ter Sharpe who celebrateti a birth- day Ibis past week. Miss Myrtle Beacock, Toronto; Mis. Winnifred Oliver, Orillia; Mr. and Mis. Hugh Taylor, Lindi- say, were visitors with Mr. and Mis. Grant Thompson and attend- ed the Nestieton Decoration Ser- vice. Misses Jean Werry, Wilma and Jesgie Van Cafmp, Dorothy Wright, Dorothy Boweîs and Marion Thompson enjoyed a molor trip and picnie ta Bobcaygeon and Buckhorn. We are pleased ta report that Mis. Harry Philp had regained consciousness on Satuiday, and althougb weak, is sbowing some improvement. ENNISKILLEN Mi. andi Mis. Harold Henry and Sharon, Belleville; Mr. King Kent, Master Jack Hewitt, Brant- ford; Rev. and Mis. Milton San- derson andi family, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. Adam Sharp. Rev. M. R. Sandersoni baptized bis nephews, Donald and Michael Gregg of Neshanie Station, New Jersey, at a family gatbeîîng a. the home of Ibeir grandparenfs, Mi. and Mis. A. Sharp, an Sunday evening. LIMESTONE IN SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO Be foie using lirnestone, faim- ers should have t.heir soul testeti fist to deteimine whether the soil required lime and if so. how much is needed. In addition a qualifieti person conducting the tests can point ouI any dangers or special ativanlages of the lime- stone to a particular cîop. More than fifly per cent af the soil samples tested aI tbe Do- minion Experimental Station, Harrow, in 1949 iadicated some need for applications of gîound limestone- However, only fifteen per cent of those testeti requireti applications exceeding one ton per acre. Ia view of tbis, and of the large number of border- line cases, ail fields shoulti be tested before liming. This ma.v save consideirable lime and money. In addition certain cîops may suIfer from heavy limestonie applications. Many of the smali fruits require siigbtly acid soih and some diseases such as the black rootrot of tobacco and scab of potatoes tend la be more pie- valent on highly lîmeti souls. Sweet claver, allalfa and otheî legumes are a 'ýmust" in the man- agement of the heavy lexturedý i day and loam soîls. Most of these cîops cannot be giown satisfac- toîily unless suflicient ground limestone is present ta prevent tlhe soil fîom beîng too acidt in reaction. There is some ev,ýdence that use of liming materials may imprave the yield of hybrid coin and the small grains. The effect of ground limestone on any cîop may be bath direct and indirect. In the first case, lime in itself sweetens the soil, which is essen- liai for certain crops, and it also supplies calcium as a plan t food. In the second instance, addition of limestone ta the soul may helpi la improve soul structure whicb in turn provides a better mediumi for plant growlh and makes the soul easier ta manage.1 ate Insurance and Collision Insurance. The former cavera your legal liabllity for any damage your car may do to the property of others. The latter covers the damage done to your own car. You need both policles! Get them hero. Stari RL James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE 'phone: Office 681 Reg. 4931 King Street, Bowmanvllle Canada's population increased, famnine, the building of the Can- rnost rapidly at the times of -the I adian railways and the opening of American Revolution, the Irish1 the Canadian west. MONTREAL - Lemon pie is not only extra- deliieous. ii's extra-casy tb make when yoxu make it .v... wilh DURHAM CORN STARCH. Foi'lte makers of tbis favourite coin slarch know Ihat a handy ta hantile package helps muike cooking a pleasure. Sa they'voe designeti a package bi'ts a plcasune ta open! Just pinch te top anti rail bak-no fumbling wilh a kaife or~ othei' sharp instrument ta open it I Inside you'll finti "Dunrhamn" carcfully Protected un a paper bgg. Thon. when vouv'%e finishied iuaing il., replace the lîd anti your corn starch will be proîccctd couuplctolv fronu (1115h 'tii the ne'd, hune yau use it. Anti, for the bcst leinon pic votu ce ccir lasieti just foilow lte Ann Adea recipe on your Duiriai Corti Stinch package! 'Come To The Fruit Cellar and see the jams and jcllios I put dowa thii esimmer!" Anti whcn your gue:sî Ixclaimn over tlhe fj- temphing array, you'lI bel puiffeti witli pride. Hetni"*s a M-a X way'y'ou can be confident your jams and jollies will be as delicious Ia eai as thox' are ta sce. Make Iluen with CERTO FRUIT PECTÈIN . . .catch the deop htue flavar of the fruit ai the peak ai deliciatîsness. Geibo iJfl24ir isupplies the pectin that many fiillv ripe fruits l'n.l' niaking more flavorful jamas or jellis-in 1/3 tbe lime ai the long bail melbod. Tîhe resuits are suie wlueîî3-o11 follow exactly tbce easy direcions xinder bhelal of cach Ceibto boftTe. 1 find 1 got up la 5011omare jain or jelly fronithIle saine cînouait af fruit, t100! Fresh, Ro8y-Red' Tom atoeg, spe- ~~ cially growui for « ~Heiîiz, are piikced nit Laminghton cuti Waýllaceburg, Ont- aria cvery veari' t Ii i ine. Sa take Ile Pci Par" of BE ýIN7ZTO'MATO IPRODUCTS ...Ilciîîz Crentnou f 7'ooIn0o Souip - Jfcinz T1opîîclo J , 1i'r- IJiiz Kclch up î(antHciuuz Chbii Sauce! l'in buisy "stoc'king ip' -on tliese famouis fouir -for I cunt on Illin ta lIvna p mrals froin Ibis sepîembei' la nexti 1Tne sotip - s0 delieioîs :î a firsi <ourse or' un mcci uod vegeleble dislies . ..lthe juico as a tasi.v rck- bail . . .the ketchup anti chili sauce ta atit flavaur ta main dislos. Pick bhc "pickz" ai the Hein-z tuuuucto ('rap froîn your groccr's shelves nawl "'My This Is Cood Coiffee! W'hat kind is il?" l'le oltuut b lian nui W-1E) R~' caffe Iliaut1 cccix i, o c'o ni ni e n (1 lba icc1Ioîlv a t'o for neyer, - in sevvval vc'us ne lu sing il , lu i xc Iliadal .(Oli(' fa il. tno! B1cd Busc Coffre liuactically niakcs il self! Berau'e it's quiit coffre i Is 'u i','di Ilionit la sî oiI ii, no miterIci îiv ' cird vou 1i11 , 111 xlirit yivie ia king it! I1,1 a...offcc I caen rcl v on for fiiiî lifid good baw tlat~xliy lErd Rosi, is mnv ltoire ! And Yvo1,11 find il I lîr saniî Bcd Rase quaI- itv nuakes Bcd Rlio r 'a tops ;in tiste. 1boa! Bca11'e Bcd PBn-e '[ce. us qoodti ea it :1,1ui11:111Y u maie (lips I lblue îuolindl- ils Ila- vour gocs a long, lonîg way I Now, while sumnmer holiday memories arce stili fiesh, is a goodti li e rInfor your next ycaî's vacation. And anc of I lie ,est wavs 1 know f0, do thii is to open a "Sunslinc V; Account" at tlic BANK 0F MONTREAL! You'il bcsa glad of Ibis special B of M ,Saviiigs Accoim t ___ xvhen holiday-lune cornes 'round again. No mnîiy worries tonuakze vacation-time less carefiel So \vhy not decide now how much vacation înoaey vaou e goiog to i'.eed? . . . put onc-twelfth of Ibis sum Ccdi monfli mbnioýur BofI M "Sunshine Accouai". And bc.gin thie good woik next payday. Don't You Find your young dauici ale ways fiels pioud wb lie' Iicll)ing prepane for gues.flres a dish l ie ril makze ail by herself. ICs oe of tibse (Iliciaus JELL-O desserts. Siînply inakze up a slîallow pani of Stiawbcniy Jeli-O. Whlino fr, breakc ml o bits wuix a fonk and inix w~itlî whip red crcam. Pile in glasses liard with lady fingers. 0f nin-c, cny ane of JelI-0'ti sevea spaikbing "loo-ked-ia" ilavoui s niy hbci id - and rnjoycd. 1 likze to krcp several packages of Trnil-0 Joliy Powîlis o hand for eVenyday and comîpany dianers. Joli-O is a y-car 'round SALADA vACU UM-S EALE D COFFEE Marks e 8pore0 Don,'t b. upset tc, Cali for SANITONE Dry Cleaning! 0 Stubborn Spots and Stains Out Like Magic go More Dirt Removed, Even Ingrained Soil " Returns Original Shape and Drape to Suits " No Odor-Perspiration, Cleaning Odor Gone " Costs No More Than Ordinary Dry Cleaning il ~ovo__ ~co EVYE LEI GH'S Cleaners & Dyers - Laundries PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR ,imFONDAmmeO'HARA IMMORTAL T SSERGEA r- ý-1 i- PAGE TWICLV TRURS., SEPTEM13ER-,?. 1950 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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