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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1950, p. 9

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?EU~8.; BEPTEMEE~ 14. 1050 T~ CANAD!AIi STATE8MA!~. ~6WA1~IVTT.T~u AV~AUI~ A List of Winner. L!sted below are the winners Stan Chapmnan. at the Orono Fair held last week. Tomatoes. red-Mrs. N. Mol- The winners are imrnediately colm, J. D. Brown. following the class with the sec- Turnips. Swede-Rus Osborne. ond and third place winners fol- Turnips, table-Rus Osborne. lowing after. Watermelons-Stan Chapman. GRAIN and SEEDS Muskmelons-J. D. Brown. Bushel Fali Wheat, 1950-Mrs. Potatoes, hall bus., early-Mrs. Geô. Baird, J. W. Boyd & Son. Ira Lowe. Bushel Spring Wheat-J. W. Potatoes, hall bus.. late-Mrs. Boyd & Son. Ira Lowe, H. Hancock. __ Bus. Barley-Mrs. Geo. Baird. Potatoes, collection-Robt. Han- Bus. Late White Oats-Mrs. cock. Geo. Baird. Display Garden and Farm Pro- Bus. Peas, White, mmall-Mrs. ducts-M. H. Staples, John Kor- Geo. Baird. opatwa, Robt. Hancock. Bus. White Beans-Mrs. Geo. FRUITS ]Baird. Ape Spring Wheat, 1950, shea-J.Ape W. Boyd & Son. Collection of Apples-F. A. White Qats, 1950, sheaf-J. W. Squair, Russ Osborne, John Kor- Boyd & Son, Mrs. Geo. Baird. opatwa. Barley, 1950, sheaf-J. W. Boyd Gravenstein, 6 qt. basket-John & Son. Koropatwa. VEGETBLESMelba, 6 qt. basket-John Kor- VEGETBLESopatwa, Russ Osborne. Beets, blood, table-Mrs. W. Duchess, 5-John Koropatwa. B. aHoar, Stan Chapman. Melba, 5-Russ Osborne, John Carrots, red-J. D. Brown, Miss Koropatwa. P. Leach. Alexander, 5-Carlos Tamblyn, Cabbage, winter-H. Hancock, John Koropatwa, L. A. Squair. Fred Bradshaw. 9 St. Lawrence, 5-L. A. Squair, Cabbage, red-J. D. Brown, Carlos Tamblyn. Mrs. Joe Walker.1 Wealthy, 5-L. A. Squair, Russ Citrons-Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Osborne, J. W. Boyd & Son. Mangolds, gugar-Rus Osborne, Snow, 5-L. A. Squair, Carlos Miss P. Leach. Tamblyn, Everett Brown. . ~Mangolds, A.O.K.-Rus. Os- McIntosh, 5-Rusa Osborne, L. borne, Everett Brown. A. Squair, Carlos Tamblyn. Onions, yellow-Mrs. W. B. Scarlet Pippin-Russ Osborne. Hoar. J. D. Brown. Baxter, 5-Russ Osborne, Car- Parsnips-Mrs. W. B. Hoar. los Tamblyn. Pumpkins, pie-Mrs. Ira Lowe, Wolf River, 5-John Koropat. Fred Blackburn. wa, L. A. Squair. Squash, summer-Fred Black- Blenheim Pippin-Russ Os- burn, J. D. Brown. borne. Squash, winter-F. Blackburn, Crab Apples, 12-J. W. Boyd & Son, John Koropatwa. Spy, 5-Carlos Tamblyn, Russ ~ .< ~ Osborne. L. A. Squair. '- Delicious, 5-Russ Osborne, Carlos Tamblyn, L. A. Squair. LaSalle, 5-Russ Osborne, Car- los Tamblyn, J. W. Boyd & Son. 7711 Golden Russet, 5-Russ Os- borne, L. A. Squair, Carlos Tamb- Stark, 5-Russ Osborne, L. A. Squair, J. W. Boyd & Son. Baldwin, 5-L. A. Squair, Russ £ *.Osborne, Carlos Tamblyn. Greenings, 5-L. A. Squair, SRuss Osborne. Tolman Sweets, 5-L. A. Squair Carlos Tamblyn, Everett Brown. Pears A DUIRO PUMP patwa, L. A. Squair. water when and where we Bradshaw, lO-Carlos Tamblyn. need it ... adds to our con- Prune Plums-Carlos Tamblyn. venience and comfort of daily Grapes life. Red, 3 bunches, on vine-M. J. DURO Pumps ard avail- Tamblyn; 3 bunches Green, on able in ail sizes to meet in- vine-M. J. Tamblyn; 3 bunches dividual needs. See your Black, on vine-M. J. Tamblyn. Pluniber or DURO deàler FLOWERS AND PLANTS for full information or Write Carnations, col.,-Mrs. Neil for FREF folder, "Runnrng Malcolm, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Water, the Farm Necessity". Roses, display-M. J. Tamblyn, K. C. Hopkins, Mrs. Alice Hooe.y. Rose, single bloom-K. C. Hop- kins, M. J. Tamblyn, Miss P. Leach. Zinnia, pom-pom-J. H. Jose K. C. Hopkins, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Zinnia, large, flowered-K. C. Hopkins, M. H. Staples, J. D. 1' Brown. Dahlias, collection-Mrs. Van Horne, K. C. Hopkins, D. G. Ilm DUO Pu" Hooper. Till usRO PU is Dining table Bouquet-Mrs. ilured Van Horne, J. D. Brown, K. C. 111200 FO.B. Hopkins. IIiZA@Out.. Living-room Bouquet - Mrs. ~ 0t Van Homne, J. H. Jose, Mrs. Alice Hooey. Basket of Glads-J. H. Jose, PUIIP SOFT MERSMrs. Alice Hooey. LIMITED PF8 Glads in low bowl-Mrs. Van LONDONCANADA Horne, J. H. Jose, M. J. Tamblyn. LOND N -Miniature Bouquets -K. C. Hopkins, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Best High Basket--J. H. Jose, J A CK BROUGH Mrs. Van Homne, Mrs. Malcolm. PLUMBNG AD HETING Best Low Basket-J. H. Jose, PLUBIG AD EAiNG Mrs. Van Horne. Mrs. Malcolm. Bowmanville Division St.S Col. African Violets-Mrs. Mal- Phono 2384 colm, Mrs. Alice Hooey, K. C. Hopkins. s fé. W.k CI&ithes ~het. laugh et Iard Weai "Big 8 8 OVERALLS WON SHIMRTs VIXPANTS IFOR TUE VORXINQ %AN FT BETTER £:TO WE-AR LONGER- IFw Heughs -Sg 88" Overofl am areemium grade over- oflh-combining Haugh's Soaforized Gold Label cloth and fineat workmanship- Extr h4fuit tfor more comfortable it, with thé eTug-o-wr 4âo;ch end h.orvy diamond bar tecks et ail points of strain for longer wear. Yeur best overoil buy', becaus. llaucht "Big 88- ore betteri L. A. HAUGI MANUACTURISm .Lai. TORONO, ONTAR bs at Orono Fair Minitur Gardon-R. S. John-' Baird, Mrs. N. Malcolmn. 1_ stonîur Mitts, wool-Mrs. D. Dorreil, e.oJ. age-Mm . DVarn.m, . Sleeveless Sweater, knit-Mrs. J. Tmbln, . D.,Brwn.N. Malcolm. Mrs. Ira Lowe. Col. Asters-Miss P. Leach, Children's Wear M. H. Staples, K. C. Hopkins. Child's Twin Sweater Set, knit Asters, White-Mrs. Van Horne, -Mrs. N. Malcolm. 5.M. H. Staples. Chibd's Camdigan-Mrs. N. Mal- Asters, Sheli Pink-K. C. Hop- colm, Mrs. D. Dorreli. 5kins, J. H. Jose. Cbild's Helmet, knit-Mrs. N. Asters, Rose-K. C. Hopkins, J. Malcolm. 1- H. Jose. Child's Sun-dress, cotton-Mrs. Asters, Red-Mrs. F. Stinson, D. Dorrell, Mrs. F. Green. -Mrs. Van Homne. C hild's Playsuit, Ove-ralls and Asters, Mauve-M. H. Staples, Jacket-Mrs. F. Green, Mrs. D. K. C. Hopkins. Dorrell. Asters, Purple-Mrs. Joe Walk- Child's Dresa, smocked-Mýrs. er, Mrs. F. Stinson. D. Dorrell, Mrs. H. Baibey. Marigobd, French - Miss P. Infant's Dresa, short, cotton- LLeach, J. H. Jose. Mrs. H. Baîbey, Mrs. D. Dorreil. Col. Nasturtiums-Mrs. Mal. Infant's Jacket and Bonnet, colm, K. C. Hopkins. knit-Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. D. n Scabiosas-K. C. Hopkins, M. Dorreil. H. Stapies. Infant's Jacket and Bonnet, Petunia, single, plain-K, C. cocheted-Mrs. M. Malcolm, Hopkins, F. Blackburn. Mrs. D. Dorrell. Petunia, single, fancy-K. C. Infant's Rompers, cotton-Mrs. n Hopkins. Ira Lowe. Petunia, double-K. C. Hop-. Baby's Carrnage Cover, croch- ikins, J. D. Brown.. eted-Mrs. N. Malcolm. Col.'Stocks-K. C. Hopkins. Baby's Carniage Cover, knit- r, Col. Vebenas-K. C. Hopkins, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mms. D. Dom- R. S. Jobnston. rell. Is Saivia-Mma. Wm. Riddell. Cbild's Toy, stuffed -Dora Col. Snapdragons-K. C. Hop- Morris. ekins, M. H. Staples. FnyWr Col. Phlox, Drummondo - M. FnyWr H. Staples, K. C. Hopkins. Silk Cushion-Mrs. N. Malcolm, Col. Cosmos-M. H. Staples, Mms. Ira Lowe. Mrs. Van Horne. Knitting Bag-Mrs. Geo. Baird, Dahlias, cactus-Mrs. Van Horne Mrs. N. Malcolm. K. C. Hopkins. Card Table Cover-Mms. Geo. * Dahlias, Shaw-K. C. Hopkins, Baird, Mrs. Ira Lowe. D. G. Hoaper. Display Articles for Christmas Dahlias. decorative-K. C. Hop. Gifts-Dora Morris, Aima Cutteli. kins, Mrs. Van Horne. Neediepoint, I piece-Mrs. N. Dahlias, Pom-pom-K. C. Hap- Malcolm, Mrs. Wmn. Riddell. kins. Petite Point-Mrs. Reg. Boun. S Dahlia, Best Bloom, A.O.K.- dey. K. C. Hopkins, M. J. Tamblyn, Needbework Picture, framed- Glad., single spike-M. j. Mrs. Wm. Riddell, Mrs. N. Mai- Tamblyn, Miss P. Leach. colm. - Glad, white-J. H. Jose, Mrs. Pot-holders-Mrs. E. Young- Van Horne. man, Aima Watson. - Gbad., red-J. H. Jose, M. J. Kitchen Curtains, cottage style -Tamblyn. -Mrs. Gea. Baird. Glad., Pink and rose-M. J. Kitchen Curtains, plastic-Mrs. -Tamblyn, Mrs. F. Stinson. N. Malcolm. Giad., yeilow-M. J. Tamblyn, Col. Sheil Noveities-Alma J. H. Jase. Cutteli, Mrs. Gco. Baird. Glad., A.O.K.-Mrs. Van Horne, Boy's Sieeviess Pullover-Mrs. Mms. Malcolm. Ira Lowe. Cushian Mums-M. H. Staples, Boy's Ovenalls-Mns. George> rMrs. Van HorQie. Baird, Mrs. F. Green. Col. Pansies-Mrs. H. Bailey, Boy's Shirts, 6-10 years-Mns. Mrs. R. S. Jahnston. Ina Lowe. Tuberous Begonia-K. C. Hop- Rugs kins, H. Hancock. Hearth Rug, waol, hoaked- Baby's Tears-M. H. Staples,, Alice Hooey. Mrs. N. Malcolm. Hearth Rug, rag, hooked-Mrs. NEEDLECRApjT DEPT. D. G. Hooper. Miss P. Leach. Household Linen Orono W. I. Special Luncheon Set, embrojdered- Home-made Layette-Mrs. Ira Dora Morris, Mrs. Ira Lowe. Lawe, Mrs. Gea. Baird. Luncheon Set, Cutwomk-Mrs. Wamen's Institute Dept. Ira Lowe, Aima Cutteil. Exhibit, Kitchen Accessories, Luncheon Set, cross -stitch-Mrs. open ta Institutes oniy-1 Tyrone, Ira Lowe, Mrs. N. Malcolm. 3 Orono. Buffet Set, crochet-Mrs. D. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Darreil, Alice Haoey. Loaf Whale Wheat Bnead-Mrs. Buffet Set, Tatted-Alma Cut- D. Darreil, Mrs. Carias Tamblyn. tell, Dora Morris. Fruit Loaf-Mrs. Carias Tamb- Bridge Set, cut wark-Vrs. Ira lyn, Mrs. Reg. Boundey. Lowe, Dara Morris. Daz. Buns-Mrs. Carias Tamb- Bridge Set, cnoss-stitch-Mms. lyn, Mrs. D. Danreli. Ira Lowe. Chelsea Bîins-Mrs. Gea. Baird, Bridge Set, crochet-Mrs. Gea. Mrs. Carias Tamblyn. Baird. Mrs. Ira Lowe. Tea Biscuits-Mns. D. G. Haop- Pillaw Cases, hem-stitched- er, Mrs. R. G. Moffat. Mrs. Ira Lowe, Dora Morris. Bran Muffins-Mrs. N. Mal- Pillow Cases, embroidened- colm, Mrs. R. G. Moffat. Mms. N. Malcolm, Alice Hoaey. Scones-Mrs. R. G. Moffat, Mns. Piliow Cases, cut work-Dora D. G. Hooper. Marris, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Banana Cake-Mns. N. Mal- Piliaw Cases, tatted-Mrs. Ira colm, Mrs. D. Dorreii. Lowe, Dora Morris. Jeliy Roii-Mrs. Reg. Boun- Piliow Cases, crochet trim- dey, Mrs. N. Malcolm. ,E Alice Haoey, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Chiffon Cake-Alice Haoey, Pillow Cases, cross -s titch-Mrs. Mrs. Carias Tamblyn. Reg. Boundey, Dora Morris. Layer Cake, ark-Mns. Carias Set, Top Sheet and Pillow Cas- Tamblyn, Miss P. Leach. es-Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. George Layer Cake, ligh-U-Mrs. Chas. Baird. Tamblyn, Mrs. N. Malcaolm. Guest Towels, 1 pr.-Mrs. Reg. Date Loaf-Mrs. D. G. Hoop- Baundey, Alice Haoey. er, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Bath Taweis, crochet trim- Cup Cakes-Mns. Carias Tamb- Mrs. R. Baundey, Mrs. D. Dorreli. lyn, Mrs. D. Darreli. Bath Towei, tatted tnim-.-Dana Spice Cake-Mrs. Reg. Boun- Morris, Alice Hoaey. dey, Mrs. M. Malcolm. Bath Towels, embraidered, 1 Fruit Cake, white-Mrs. Carias pr.-,Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. D. Tamblyn, Mrs. Reg Boundey. Dorrell. Apple Pie-Mrs. Reg. Boundey, & Tea Towels, embridered-Mrs. Mrs. R. G. Moffat. Reg. Baundey, Mrs. D. Dorreil. Pumpkin Pie-Mrs. Reg Boun- C Place Mats, 4-Mrs. Ira Lowe, dey, Mrs. N. Malcolm.E Mrs. N. Malcolm. Raisin Pie-Mrs. Carias Tamb- Mats for hot dishes, crocheted lyn, Mrs. R. G. Moffat.c -Mms. Ira Lowe, Mms. N. Mal- Raspberry Pie-Mrs. D. G. e colm. Haaper. Mrs. Carlas Tamblyn. e Centre-piece. crochet- Aima Lemon Pi-Mr.-.Gren Kitc 1hen Apron,-- plastic-Mrs. dey. RW Geo. Baird. Jam, 2 var,-Mrs. D. Dommell, Apron, fancy-Dora Morris, Mms. Reg. Boundey. M4rs. Reg. Boundey. Jeily, 2 var.-Mrs. Reg. Baun- Ri Bedjacket, waal-Mms. Ira Lowe dey, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. VIns. D. Darreil. Magie Baklng Powder Single Ri Ski Mits-Mns. D. Dorreil. Layer Cake Competition Gioves. knît-Mrs. Ira Lowe, First, Mrs. Carias Tamblyn, N. Malcolm. second Mns. Reg. Boundey. Cardigan, wooî-Mns. N. Mal- Winner af Robt. Simpson Ca. colm, Mrs. Ira Lowe. Speciai-Mrs. Neil Malcolm, af K Puiloven Sweater, woai-Ahice Bunketon. Hooey, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Winner of the Radio Shop Spe- Sc MEN'S WEAR cial-Tied, Mns. Carias Tamblyn, Orono, and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Sports Shirt with coîian-Mns. Bunketan. pi Geo. Baird. Work Socks, knit-Mns. Ina SHEEP Lowe, Mns. N. Malcalm. Leicesters and Cotswolds pi Fine Socks, knit-Mns. Reg. Ram. aged-N. R. Green, N. Baundey. Mrs. N. Malcolm. Ai drews. Diamand Socks-Mrs. D. Don- Ram, Sheamling-N. R. Green, R re, Mns. N. Malcolm. N. R. Green, N. Andnews. Pyjamas, catton-Mms. Gea. Ram Lamb-N. Andrews, N. R. Baird. Green. N. R. Green, N. Andrews. ]Pyjamas, flannelette-Mrs. Geo. Ewe, aged-N. R. Green. N. R. Green, N. Andrews, N. Andrews. Ewe. Shearling-N. R. 'Green, N. R. Green, N. Andrews.. Ewe Lamnb-N. R. Green, N. Andrews, N. R. Green, N. An- drews. Southdowns and Shropshires Ram. aged; Ram, Îhearling; Ram Lamb, Ewe, aged; Ewe, shear ling; Ewe Lamb-lst, 2nd won by Boyd Ayre in each ciass. Oxford Downs and Hampshire Downs Ram, aged; Ram, shearling; Ram Lamb; Ewe, aged; Ewe, Lamb-lst and 2nd won by R. B. Glaspeli in eacb class. HORSES Clydesdale Mare or geiding frorn classes 1 and 2-lat, 2nd, T. R. Hall, 3 J. W. Boyd & Son. Mare and Foal-J. W. Boyd & Son. Foal of 1950-J. W. Boyd & Son. Colt, 1 yr.-J. W. Boyd & Son, Jas. Stark. Filly or gelding, 2 yrs.-Jas. Stark. Filly or gelding, 3 yrs.-T. R. Hall, Jas. Stark. Span horses in harness and wag- on-J. W. Boyd & Son., Mare and 2 progeny, under 3 yrs.-J. W. Boyd & Son, James Stark.ura Mare and foal, faal of 1950, filly or gelding, 1 ym., fiîîy or gelding, 2 yns., bat in each clasa, Jas. Stark. Span hanses in harnesa and wagon-T. R. Hall. Beigian, Percheron, Punch Geld mare on gelding-W. G. Shea. 2 and 3 Howard Allun. Mare and faal-1 and 2 W. G. Shea. Foal of 1950-1 and 2 W. G. Shea. Filly on gelding, 3 yrs.-1 and 2 W. G. Shea. Span hanses in hamnesa with wagon-i and 2 W. G. Shea, How- ard Allun. Single hanse in hanness with vehicle-1 and 2 IF. R. Hall, 3 J. W. Bayd & Son. Span borses in harnesa with vehîcîe-T. R. Hall. Best hanse on run, fram 1, 2 and 3-T. R. Hall, 2, 3 W. G. Shea. Lumas Hardware Speciaî-Best 4-hanse tandem hitch witb ve- bice, fnom classes 1, 2, 3-W. G. Shea, T. R. Hall. Carriage Hanses Mare and foaa-Ralph Saddîer. Foal of 1950-Raiph Saddîer. Filly or gelding, 1 yr.-Ray Cochrane. Fiily or gelding, 2 Yrs,-Ray Cochrane, N. Andrews. Single hanse in harness. 5. or aven-i and 2 Ralph Sacdiler. Single hanse in bannesa, under' 15/à hands-i, 2 Ralph Saddlen. Pair hanses in harness-1 and 2, Ralph Saddier. Roadster Horses Mare and Faal-O. W. Roîph, Wes Brown & San, Stan Chap- mnan. Foal of 1950-Stan Chapman, 0. W. Roiph, Wes Bnown & Son. FilIy or gelding, 1 yn.-Wes Brown & San, J. W. Boyd & Son. Filly or geîding, 2 yrs.-O. W. Rolph, Raîph Saddler. Filly or gelding, 3 yrs., in han- rîess-Ralph Saddîen. *Single hanse in hanneas i51'z an oven-T. A. Reid, Mns. Wbeeîer, I Ivan Cochrane. Single hanse in hannesa, under .5'2IvanCochnane, T. A. Reid, vIns. Wheeier. Pair hanses in harness-Iva-n Cochnane, T. A. Reid, Mns. Wheel- er. Pony- in hanness, unden 2r 12 L. M. Blight & Daughter. Pony under saddle, under i21ý -L. M. Blight & Daugbter, Lamne Hoskin. Team Ponies. unden 121,-L. M. Blight & Daughten. Saddle Hanse-Grant Henry, O. W. Roiph, Grant Henry. Pony in harneas. aven r~ 1and 2 Mrs. Wheelen, L. M. Blight & Daughter. Team pan ies in hanness, aven 212-Mrs. Wheeien, L. M. Blight b aughter. Gentleman's tunnout - Ivan Cochrane, Mns. Wbeeler, T. A. Reid. Specîal-from sec. 40-41-Ivan acbrane, T. A. Reid, Mns. Wheei- r 3 and 4. Speciai-from sec. 42-Mrs. Vheeler, Ivan Cochnane, T. A. Reid-Rolph Special Beat Lady Driven-Mns. Wbeei- r, Lamne Hoskin, L. M. Bligbt kDaughten. Breslin Special Running race, saddie or bane- )ack-î and 2 Ray Cochrane, Han- )Id Aluin, Bill Hooey. CATTLE Shonthonna Bull, 3 yra.-Garnet Rickand, lusa Osborne. Bull, 2 yns.-W. F. Rickand & >n. Bull Caîf, Jn.-1 and 3 W. F. ickard & Son, Ruas Osborne. Bull Caîf Sr.-Garnet Rickard, V. F. Rickamd & Son, Rus Os- mone. Milch cow-W. F. Rickard & ;n, Rusa Osborne, Gamnet Rick- ,d. Heifer, 2 yns.-W. F. Rickard Son, Rusa Osborne, Gannet Rick- rd. Heifer, 1 yn.-Garnet Rickand, VF. Riekard & Son, Rusa Os- Heifer caif, sr.-Russ Osborne, >mrne. VF. Rickard & Soan, Gannet tckard. Heifer caif jr.-I and 2 W. F. ckard & Son, Carnet Rickand. Hend-W. F. Rickard & San, Lsa Osborne, Garnet Rickamd. Herefonds Bull, 2 yrs.-W. R. Bail. Bull, iYr.-C. Turner & Son. Bull Caif Sr.-C. H. H. Mc- [pine, W. R. Bail. Bull Caîf Jr.-C. Turner -& on, J. A. Rosevear. Milch Cow-C. Turner & Son. Heifen, 2 yns.-î and 2, McAl- ne, Heifer, 1 y.-î and 2, McAl- ine, W. R. 'BaIl. Heifen Caif Sr.-McAlpine. Heifer Caîf Jr-I and 2, J. A. aoevear, C. Turner. Herd-McAlpine. Jerseys Bu11-Dr.Shrî. Milkh Cow-l and43 Dr. Sher- win, P. Hinton, Heifer, 2 yrs.-1 and 2 Dr. Sher- win. Heifer, 1 yr.-1 and 2 P. Hin- ton, Dr. Sherwin. Heifer Calf-Dr. Sherwin, 2 and 3 P. Hinton. Bull Calf-1 and 2 Dr. Sher- i i erd-Dr. Sberwin. SWINE Bacon Hogs Boar, 2 yrs.-W. R. Bail, Geo. Stephens. Boar, 1 yr.-Garnet Rickard, W. R. Baîl. Boar, over 6 mos.-Geo. Ste. phens. Boar, under 6 mos.-I and 3 Geo. Stephens, Garnet Rickard. Sow. 2 yrs and over-W. R. BaIl, Geo. Stephens, Garnet Rick- ard. Sow, over 1 yr.-1 and 2 Geo. Stephens, W. R. Baîl. Sow, over 6 mos-b and 2 Geo. Stephens, Garnet Riekard. Sow, under 6 mos.-l and 3, Garnet Rickard, Geo. Stephens. Sr. Herd Boar and 2 Sows, over 1 yr.-Geo. Stephens, W. R. Baîl. Jr. Herd Boar and 2 Sows, un- der 1 yr.-Geo. Stephens, Garnet Rickard, W. R. Bail. Get of Sire, 4 pigs under 6 mos.-Geo. Stephens, W. R. Bahl. Best Brood Sow-Geo. Stepb- ens, W. R. BaIl. Best 3 Sows fromn sec. 161. 162, 163-Geo. Stephens. Ribbons awarded for Cham- pions-Sm. Boar, G. Rickard, Jr. Boar, Geo. Stephens, Grand Champion Boar-Gamn. Rickard; Sr. Sow, W. R. Ball; Jr. Sow, Garn Rickard; Grand Champion Sow, Garn. Rickard. POULTRY Chickens American- Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Rhode Island Red, Jersey Black Giants, New Hamp- sbires. Most points-Aif. Ayre. R. M. Brown. Mediterranean-Leghorns, white, bmown, exhibition. Most points, AIf Ayre, R. M. Brown. Ducks Rouens. Pekîn, 'Other Varieties. Most points, R. M. Brown, W. H. Bail.e Touluse esenMotpis R. M. Brown, Gloria Pîgott. PONIYPOOL Last week we told you about Lamne Homner being in the car accident that coat Jerry McCui- iough his life. Just a week later, Lamne park- ed bis car near his father's home about 9:30 p.m. and went ta bed. About 11:30 one af bis sisters no- ticed something wrong with the car and wake athen membens of the family, so that they couid investigate. The car upholsteny was burning. Luckily no ex- plosion occurred. Lamne is be- ginning ta wonden if a jinx is on his trail. According ta Sept. 7th Globe and Mail. Casey McCausland af Leakard won some pnizes with a Kerny Blue bitch. We offer aur congratulations and sincereiy hope this is but the fonenunner aI many auccessea. Incidentaiiy the photo of tbe pup was really quite fetching. Casey didn't look toa bad either. Nobady in 9this establishment bas ever entened any competition at Onono Fair befone this yean. We persuaded Mrs. Y. ta enter some needlewonk in last week's show. And, thereby learned something. One af the campoè.- tors told us we should have moun- ted aur pieces on candboard, be- cause it shaws the article off ta beter advantage, keepa sets of 2 or maie pieces together, saves the judges mauiing the goods. We entered a centre-piece with a cracheted edge, only ta discaven the wlPbIe thing was supposed ta be crocheted. We really iiked the fine spirit of ca-openation be- tflm the campetitors. Wom- en, wba wene aid banda at the game, assisted newcamers with advice, given volunta'ïly and sin- cerely. I stood around and no- ticed bow every waman found samething ta admire in same other waman's show-piece. I expecteci same cattineas, but thene waan't any. Juat a buncb af excited fe. maies wbo seemed bappy to be ruhbiniz shoulders with othens of their sex. It was nice ta h ear thern tell each othen thein names and whene they lived. We offen- ed some slight assistance to a young matran wbo was a firat time campetitan; it turned out she knew aur eidest son and daugb- ter. If Onono Faim does natbing eise, it heipa folks living in dif-1 ferent parts of the County to be- came better acquaintc. . And, t0 have a better appreciatian of each othen's character and ac- compbishments. We don't know how manyj people went thnougb the turn- sties, but aur guesa la that, con- sidering evenything, weathen, ex- hibits, races and crowds, Onono had, penhaps, their biggest and >est Faim. My wife caliected a finat and wo thirds out of eight entries. Sbe feels delighted and says abe .vauid rathen win third prize in he stiff competition offered this 1 t c year, than a -first with only lim- ited opposition. We can't help but admire that spirit. Honest to Pete, folks, I'd rather atténd Orono than the Ex. at Toronto. While the crowds and excitement at the Ex. are quite welcome, the tbing that catches us with Orono is that, you know damn near everybody present, some of whom you may not have seen for a year or two. It is really a homre-tdwn show, with a nice "homey. 'elcal feeling that is ard to define. It is our show. One hint to the Directors may flot be considered too impertinent. Boys, wby don't you have a hobby class for adults? If such a class had been allowed this year, you would have had, at beast, one exhibitor of good wood carving showing is stuff. He lives right in Orono, top. You will usually find him working arolimd the nursery. His name is Ray Grinneli. There are others. too. Probably because you live in a one-eyed burg, you don't reabize that handicrafts is becom- ing big business. We know that Orono Fair is an agricultural one, we want to see it stay that way. But, we also want to see the handiwork of our citizens who are living in our midst, and, who may not be engaged in farming, but are doing important work that may have its bearing on the future of our country's economies including agriculture. We are not criticizing you, fel- lows, just makipg a suggestion that we hope will help to make our littie aid fair better than ever. And, also, bring out into the light, some of the talents posscssed by some of our modest citizens. We were lîstening to The Sal- vation Army on the radio a fcw minutes ago. A speaker tolrl of, a circus clown. whose hat fell off. An elephant stepped on the bat. The clown tried ta lift the ele. phant's leg, no dice. He then kicked the beast's foot, stili no dice. Then, he went a few feet NATURE U NS POIL ED ýYOUR TO POTEC The YORS OADPRTECTA i nTher ofD-WtNeD HAWKpr is. nother fth uasefudpo dators. mylle thnona red- tar ill my oseenpcs.i Heove honly, fo estruplcesve Ho mls ao n serctadi mey ammls andinsecs, ad i vre valable. Hor he ldbe white tail -bands. CARLING'S THE CARLING DREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO PHONE 3496 Lt 01,45 CARLINGB D1IOD '-'p in front of the pachydern, mat 4 the ground and began eating pMa, nuts, whereupon the eleph4 walked off the hat to, beg 800# peanuts. At which juncture tb* clown jumped up, grabbed h# hat and finishod bis act. Tlip moral of this la: Don't kick or trfr to do the impossible, but makt yourself more attractive if yo~i hope ta get results. As my friend the barber would say, Look who'4 talking." Telephones ini Canada carry aip average of 1,700 conversation! each year. ATTEN TIONR Mlusic Papils W. E. C. WORKMAN L.L.C.M., R.M.T. Organlat and Choir Master St. John's Church Teacher of piano, organ, violin, singing in Its varlous branches and theory. In classes or private tuition Terms very moderate Stud!- 33 Beech Ave. PHONE 3496 The Kelly KirlSy Ki nderga rter PIANO METHOD What shall I play for you? A simple and attractive ap- pmaach ta the study of music for chiidren 4 ta 8 yeams of age, under speciallv qualified Kelly Kinby Kindenganten Piano Method Teachers For particulars appi>' to: Margaret E. Workman A.LC.M., R.M.T. Organist Park Mt. United Church, Orono Piano pupils prepared for 'he vanious Toronto examinations. Studio 33 fleech Ave. Alike in their Iiking for OLD CHUN Like fatlier...Like son Father and sons togethor enjoy OLD CHUM'S mild, mollow flavour . . . the tobacco that's always cool, frosh and comfortablo ta smoke. OLD (HUM Mow&024ê 1Jde As ae1 e 8 e.. O AR E .R IP C. I E . R LLI G eU O* -Àe "M CANAD" STATESMAN, BOMVWNVMLE. ONTAIM - "Judaed tlrif-rofe ointe '881, TEMt8.; BEPTMBER 14, 19» 1PAMP.

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