P A E WO~~~RTNNw - -. - - ~ ~ ~ JIJ .V .v.N~V a..mu ON, RI i i ji WJ 3, 5 P E 2B B i, 1 5 The Orono Mnu. R. E. Logan Mr. and Mrs. W. Leamnan are spending a week's holiday visit- irîg in Oakville and London. Congratulations to Mm. and Mrs. W..A. Gerry wvho were mar- ried i Oshawa on Tuesday, Sept. 5tb. Mrs. Gery was formemly Mrs. Mary E. Laing. Tbcy wiil live in Orono. Congratulations to Mm. and Mrs. Doug McGee nee (Irene Cunninghamn) wbo were rnarried in St. Paul's Cburcb. Bowman- ville, Satumday, Sept. 2nd. They will reside in Bowmanville. Miss Lois Dean wvho is taking a course as nurse's aid, bas gone' to Orillia for a month's trainin in the Ontario Hospital there part of hem training. Mm. and Mrs. Donald Robb an the latter's sisýter, Mrs. Verni who have been on an extende visit to Seattle, Wash., returne home last week.' '.%r. Roy Powers, Toronto. visi ed xith his mother. Mrs. C.1 Powers over the weekend. Mr. Charlie Wood, Kitchene spent the weekend at his hom here and attended the Faim. Mr. G. L. McGee is a patienti Oshawa Hospital following an ai eration. We wish for him À9l-l9mmt-..m i i ONTARIO -DE PARTMEIÀNT 0F HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCEIT, Ministeo' .BETK *BOWMANVILILE FEIDAY - SATURDAY - SEPT. 15 - 16 h SHE'S GOT THE WHOLE TOWN' SINGIN' AND SWINGIN'f ~ VAGUE BI WELLES r ' ~ :;2. YAN NGNDAY - TUESDAY - SEPT. 18 - 19 The,~uhIhe Directed by HENRY KING .Poduced by NUNNALLY JOHNSON .Ç MOVIETONE NEWS CARtOON SHORT WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY-SEPT. 20.-21 12 Weeks ai One Toronto Theatre! -Plus TRis Exciting Second Feature ROBERT MITCHUM - JANE GREER - WM. BENDIX ""THE BIG STEAL" Teneed for a real interest ini your church and al it stands for is greater to-day than ever before! "GO TO THE CHURCH 0F YOUR FAITH NEXT SUNDAY?" I found to their somow that the1 mone-y tbey ealize fmom, their entire farm will not purcnase a town bouse as good as the bouse on the farm propemty. IY MUR EYES and Vision Rcwritten from pmcvious copyrights of C. H. TUCE OPtomietrist Disney BIdg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 118 Wben we look back we can, me- cali a past historv of the symp- toms as mentioned last week when I refemred to symptoms as applied to the school child. Many other symptoms may have a connection to cyestrain as a contributing cause. Dyspepsia, nausea, poor nutrition, anemia Ian d other chronie departures fom, 'health. Reflex disorders of the~ îàystem MaY be lier*e noted. 1 -r- If Miss Lomna Harris is working at Ribey's store. Mm. and Mrs. John Carter and Fred visited Mm. and Mrs. E. H. Coates, Brooklin. The Home and School Associ- ation beld its first meeting at the school on Monday. September 11. We wish a spcedy recovery to Mrs. David Archer who is in Toronto Gencral Hospital after an operation. Mrs. Lionel Tautant attended the funeral of hem father, Mm. H. Boulter, Aurora, last week. newly-weds: Mm. and Mrs. Bev- erley Veale -(ne. Jean Werry) and Mm. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin (nee Veliia Collacott). Value of textile goods produced annually in Canada exceeds the value of the entire wheat crop, and is five times that of gold. Personal expenditure by Can. adians on consumer gdods and ser- vices amounted to $1 0.750,000,000 in 1949, compamed to $3,770,00,. --- - ------ -speedy recovery. Maple Grove Man and BridE Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood and Allie over the week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hos- kin, Mr. Kenneth Hoskin and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundie, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hosk- îng in and children, Blackstock; Mr. a s Albert His and Miss Bessie Hilis, Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert nd Lingard, Port Hope. in, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Pet- led erbomougb, spent the weekend ied with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell. Other guests were it- Dr. Fred Leslie, Ottawa; Dr. H. L. J. Leslie and Mr. A. Parkhil, both of Hamilton. er Miss Marion Rîckaby. Toron- ne to, visited relatives here over the weekend and attended Orono in Fair.- )- Miss Shirley Porter is visiting a this week with friends in Sarnia. - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Homne, Whitby, visited with Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Mrs. C. Wood visited bier daughter, Mrs. Ray Barrabali in Oshawa hospital and found ber doing nicely following a serious à operation. Her many friends here are glad to know that she is improving nicely and wili soon be able to go to ber home in Whitby. The weathem for Orono Faim on Saturday. Sept. 9 was ail that could * desired and consequent- ly a record crowd attended. The Fair is biggem and better each year and attracts many visitors from outside places. The con- cert at night which wa.5 beld in the town hall and put on by Tom Hamilton, Toronto, was also well attended. It was a variety show and proved very entertaining. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Buckley, MR. AND MRS. RUSSELL JOHN WIGGANS Peterborough, are spending their holidays with Mrs. Harvey Cur- whose marriage took place recently at parsonage of Simcoe tis. Street United Church. Formerly Miss Gladys Whitney, the Mr. Bouck, Toronto, is visit- bride is the daughter -of Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney of ines agter r.RyFr Newcastle, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mm. and Mrs. McHolm, Morrish, Steve Wiggans of Maple Grove. visited their daughter, Mrs. Ce- -Coumtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette cil Jones and family. -Mm. and Mrs. WilI Davis an d son and Mm. and Mrs. Gene Davis SL E E DN IB of Rochester, N.Y., spent the SL E E DN IB Sweekend with Mms. Will Davis' brother, Mm. W. J. Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman Thmeshing has been the main family. issue in the community lately. Mm. and Mms. Charlie Johns, About 70 relatives and fiends Sevemal ladies attended the big Bowmanville, attended the Omono gathered at the home of Mm. and fumniture sale in Omono last Fair and visited with Mm. and Mrs. Evemett Crydemman, Solina, Thursday evening. Mms. C. Wood. on Satumday evening, Sept. 9th, The W. M. S. and W. A. held Miss Gweni Phasey, Bowman- to honour the occasion of their their monthly meetings on Wed- ville, spent Sunday at ber home 25th wedding annivemsary: edyeeinSp.6 hee.While Mm. and Mrs. Cryder- The theme of the W. M. S. meet- Congratulations to Rev. and man weme attending a soccer ga meinwasThSiitoteCrs. Mms. Sam Delve, Seeley's Bay, at Maple Grove, their home had n The Sreaingote rassme on the arival of a daugbtem, been beautifully decorated with TSponi eîyxvas aknfrom Ir Heather Elaine, on August 25th. baskets of gladioli, the git po ohn, chap s tknfo Visitors with Mm. and Mrs. H. SlngomnsIs itute, m.f uohn as 3and 4. An intro- Rowland were his sister, Mrs. L. SlanMr.ordos nLesk and faM-. sutdiook onmade to the new C. Fallis and hem son Jim, Toron- ily and Mm. and Mrs. Harold Pas- Jpn to. coe and family. The bride's table, The chief item of business in Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis (nee bcdecked witb pink and white the W. A. was the decision of the Shirley Myles) have moved into streamers, was centemed with a ladies to have a meat suppem and the bouse oia Park St., owned by tiered wedding cake and silver bazaam next month. Mm. Stan Payne. candle holders. Mrs. Patterson, Mm. and Mrs. Miss Anna Staples who bas M EBill Wannan and Ross spent Sun- been holidaying witb hem parents Mr . R. Taylor, brother of day with Mm. and Mrs. R. R. Pat- heme bas accepted a position in an tive bride. explained the intru- texrson, Port Credit. office in Bowmanvjlle. sv nature of the gatheming as Mm. and Mrs. Jim Rutherford the bride and groom and their at- and aiyvstdwhMran tendants, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood on ORONO W. M. 9. Smith of Oshawa, were escomted Sunday. to their bonoured places. Cor- Mrs. James Wannan and Mm. The September meeting of the sages and boutonnieres were gîv- and Mms. John Stone attended the Woman's Missionamy Society of en them by Olive Cryderman, wedding of Mm. Wannan's niece. the United Church was held in Anna Smith and Kathleen Gra- Miss Shirley Nobes, in New To- the Masonic Hall on Tuesday af- ham. ronto on Saturday. ternoon, September 5tb, *with Mms. Florence Pearce, of To- Everyone bad a vemy enjoyable Mrs. M. H. Staples pesiding and ronto, then very capably express- time at Orono Faim Saturday af- Mms. A. A. Drummond at the ed the kînd wishes and congrat- temnoon. piano. ulations of the family and fiends___________ A very encouraging report was to Mm. and Mrs. Cryderman. given by the Treasumer that $224 These thoughts weme ecoded in had already been sent to the Pres- a lovely guest book. decomated ENNISKILLEN byterial Treasumer. A special of- with white satin streamers and ____ fering, received at the July meet- pepared by Mms. Pearce, in Wensa nghSp.6te i~gfortheWinipe Reief ba xhich the guests also recomded Enniskillcn communitygted been sent to Rev. E. Eustace, their presence at this memorabylehee Winnipeg, for relief womk. It was 25th wedding anniversary cele -athealtoonraectbid decied o snd prces o cloh- raton.and groom. Mm. Wallace Griffin dided osed preso loh rto.and Miss Velma Collacutt, Ty- inbueodarticles, such as On bebaîf of their childmen, one. r towels and bedding to Winnipeg Hazel Crydemman pesented a Rev. R. M. Seymour, ably act- for distribution among the people chest of silverware and Elma cd as chaîrman for the following who lost their homes in the flood. Cryderman a bouquet of flowems program: piano solos hy Ray, Plans weme made for a sVecial to their mother and dad. Rep- Ashton and Joyce McGill: Mrs. Thank Offeing meeting in Oc- esenting the sisters, brothers, Seymour, in hem usual pleasing tober, celebrating the 65th anni- nieces, nepliews, neighbours and manneî', gave a humomous read- vesary of the organizing of Or- other fiends, Mrs. Emnest Lar- ing. The bride and groom were ono Society. Committees wcre mer, Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Mm. Deb. then invited to take seats on thei appointed to make aîî arrange- Vice and Mr. Bill Westlake made pîatform. Mm. M. J. Hobbs read men ts. their presentation of a trilightanddesocngtutisad Mms. Staples, assisted by Mms. floor lamp, two chairs and a sil- best wises a cngraultonsd ad R. E. Logan and Mms. N. F. Por- v'er flowcm basket. Other gifts laefor isecadourtesyas aschol- ter conducted the Worship sem- includcd a sandwich tray from pupil of bis. Allan Werry, a vice, aftem which Miss Mabel members of the Solina Dramatic scbooî-mate, made 'the presenta- Dav *y briefly and in a vemy in. Club and a bouquet of med roses tion of a tri-light floor lamp andi teesting manner, intmoduccd the fmom Mm. and Mms. Allan Balsonmatlonets Thre i- 1new-s 1 o, 'JpanBeinsan1fail, Kingston.onmets Tertmq TRIPLE INDEMNITY INSURANCE A new policy providing accidentai death and dismemberment benefits to protect your loved ones. Your beneficiaries will receive: raceVale o th poicyif you die frorn a natural cause. Double the Face Value of the policy if you die by accidernt. Triple the Face Value of the. policy if you die by accident while riding as a pas- senger in certain public conveyances or while in a burning public building. You yourself get liberal dismemberment benefits providing cash for loss of parts of your body. Branch Office: 169 Charlotte Street, Peterborough, P. J. MATHER, Divisional Manager present. Vice-Pres. Mary Griffin took charge of the following pro, gramme: devotional, by Shirley Milîs; reading, by Domothy Stain- ton and a brief chapter of the study boko by Reva McGill. Ruth Lamb conducted the recreational period. A dainty lunch was semv- ed by the bostess and hem moth- er. Next meeting at the home of Ruth Adams, September 29th. Mm. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick, Miss Gomia Wright, Miss Nancy Wood, with Mr. and Mms. Henry Sheppard and Mrs. Win. Shep- pard, Elizabethville. Mm. and Mrs. Waltem Ferguson with Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Gim, Cad mus. Mm. and Mrs. Chamles Brake, Mm. Harry Brake, Mm.Kirt Joncs, Wilmington. Delaware, with Mir. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. Mm. and Mms. Howard Oke, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mrs. Wal- ter Oke. Mm. and Mms. Foster Veale, De- troit, spent the weekcnd with Mm. and Mms. F. W. Werry. Mm. Roy Spry, Rochester. N.Y., with Mm. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Mm. George Lewis, Detroit, a former Enniskillen boy, was a dinner guest with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mm. and Mms. Arthur Brunt, in company witb Mm. and Mrs. Ad- arn Sharp vîsited Mm. and Mrs. C. Robinson, Newtonville. Mm. and Mrs. W. Thomson, Me- dicine Hat, Alberta, visited with Mrs. A. Leadbeatem. Congratulations to the two wedding couples wbo were mar- ried at Enniskillen United Churchi on Satumday, September 9th, the couples beîng Mm. and Mrs. Bey Veale (nce Jean Wemry, R.N.) and Mm. and Mms. Wallace Griff- in (nee Velma Collacutt). Mm. Gordon Stevens spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. Mms. E. Strutt, Mm. and Mms. C. Pethick and Ruth, at Mms. P. Av- cmy's, Bumketon. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Billett and family, Scarboro Bluffs, with Mr. and Mms. Roy McGill. School bas O'ened witb Mrs. Mitchell of Pontypool as teach- cm. Congratulations to two pair of 000 i~ 1938. SOLINÂ t Mm. and Mms. Stanley Mîlîson en- tertaîncd the nursing staff of Oshawa Hospital at a corn and weiner moast last week in bon- our of Miss Muriel Gifford who bas accepted a position in Labra- dom. Her class mates pmesented hem with a mcd icather travelling case. Miss Ada Pascoe undcmwcnt an opemation at St. Micbacl's Hos- pital, Toronto. Hem friends bere wish hem a speedy rccovery. Members of King St. nd Sim- coe St. Young People's Unions, 1Oshawa, enjoycd a bay-ride in this vicinity Monday evening with Ewart Leask, Harvey Yell- owlees and Bruce Taylor as coachmen. Mrs. Stanley Milîson attcnded the wedding of a former class- mate, Jean Mcyers, at Belleville, on Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Broome presided for the missionary program at Sun- day School wbcn Mms. Tom Bak- er mead the story and Pearl Leach and Gladys Yellowlees sang a duet. Rally Sunday will be held on Sept. 24th. World-wide Com- mutnion will be observed October lst and Hamvest Thanksgiving services on October 8th. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, at home. Mm. Donald Jardine, Kingston, at Gordon Leask's. Mm. and Mrs. Albert Balson and Ileen at Glynn Eastwood s, Greenwood. BURKETON Mrs. B. Rostmîm, Toronto, .d Mm. and Mrs. Douglas Rost,ým, Hailey, Ont., recently spent a week with Mm, and Mvrs. J. Cur- ra n. Mm. and Mrs. A. McKitcbney have meturned to Winnipeg after staying with Mrs, T. Breck for several weeks. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Dean and familY, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cuirran attendcd the Dean-Hopkins wed- ding at Centre United Church in Oshawa on Saturday, September 2nd. David Porter is attending Black- stock High School. Lois Davey and Fred Carter are at Bowman- ville High School. Isobel Carter has returned home after spending the summer at Bumnham Lodge on Stoney Lake. Next week she will begin hem studies in the So- cial and Philosophical Studies Course at Victoria College, Uni- versity of Toronto. Don't. forget the play '"Sweet Sally Brown" here on Friday. Sept. 15. There will be a door prize and lucky draw on a pig. I I TAYLOR BUS SERVICE A NEW SERVICE ORONO rOiRISTOPHIR COUEMBUS L OSHAWA "M CANADUN STATIEqu,&W- mmmalDTM PAM POVRTUM - Starting Monday, Sept. 18, 1950 -For Information Phone Bowmanville 2806 - W. H. TAYLOR, Owner. YOU NEED THIS GREAT FOOD EVERY DAY! Two Trips Daily ANNOUNCES