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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1950, p. 4

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PAGE MOunTMM CINADLIN STATE *List, of Winners at Blackstock Fair (Contnued frorn last week) IIEAVY HORSES Ligbt or Heavy Draft-Marnle and Foal, Jas. Stark-, 2 year-old gelding or f illy. i and '2 Jas. Stark; one-year-old colt. Jas. Stark; foal, Jas. Stark; geld mare or glding, Jas. Stark. Commercial, Percheron or Bei- gîan--Two-year-old colt. Leslit, Cochrane; i-year-old, Rus Coch- iane; geld mare or gelding, 1, 2, ,% Rus. Cochrane; team. Percheron dr Belgian, Rus Cochrane; Com- mnercial teamn, Rus Cochrane, commercial, single, 1. 2, 3, 4 Rus Cochrane; best agricultural team (T. Eaton Co. Trophy') Rus Coch- rýane; 4-hanse team diven tan- djem, Rus Cochrane. Road and Carniage Horses-. Mare and foal, Garnet Cochrane, Ralph Saddler, Rus Cochrane; 2- yean-old colt. R. Sadien. Ra% Cochrane, L. M. Blight; i-year-old colt, Ray Cochrane; foal, R. Sadd- ler, G. Cochrane, R. Cochrane; Îoadster team, Ivan Cochrane, Bihl Reid, Mrs. Wheeler, G. Cochrane; carniage team, R. Sadd- er, Lonne Hoskin; pony team, Mrs. Wheeler, Lakey & McGreg- or, L. M. Blight and daughters, IDoc Christie; roadster, single. un- der 15M2, I. Cochrane. G. Coch- rane, Mrs. Wheeler, Stan Cowl- ing; roadster, over 15%Bill Reid, W. J. Fallis, I. Cochrane, Mrs. Wlleelr: ca,'riaur itiligie, linder1 15t- 1 i nd 2,. WSmdtile'r carrnage Cochrant, t'sls. leec lady driver., r. helrLMs lloskin, 'Mrs. Cowling; single 3- L. 11(i.skini; sîngle roadster, I. Cochrane. Mrs. wheclcr. W. J. Fallis: roadster teum. 1. Cochrane. G. Cochrane, Mvrs. Wheeler: single on rein, R. Saddlcr, Grant Henry; saddle open, 1 and 2 G. HienrY. 3 1.. loskin: saddle, spe- cial, 1 and 2. G. Hcenry. Pony Class-Single in harness other than hackney, 1 L. Hoskin, " and 3 L. M. Blight; single in lharness, hackney, 1 Mrs. Wheelen, 2 and 3 Lakey & MeGregor; 4 Mrs. Wheeler: single saddlc, L. Hoskin. R. Cochrane, h. M. Blight; single ini harness, diven by boy or girl, 12 yns. and under, L. M. Blight, Dr. Chr istie, Albert Caw- ker; pony mare. R. Cochrane. 2 and 3 Dr. Christie; pony foal, i and 3, Ray Cochrane, 2 Dr. Chris- tie, pony races, Garry Micheli. Jinmy Micheil, R. Cochrane; pony special. G. Micheli (wind- breaker), J. Micheli, R. Cochrane. Trials of Speed 2.26 class-Teddy Harvester (A. Brown) 1, 1, 1; Lucky Lady (J. Cameron) 2, 2, 2; Admiral C.' Gratton (F. Conlin) 3, 3, 3; Fast Crulnc tlectric Phone 55-r-i OronoM FARI< AND BOUSE WIRING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS .. . ..POLE LINES A SPECIALTYà E -FREE ESTIMATES - TAX KING'lS R ADIO0 5'WR~ VIA TXI1 24-HOUR SERVICE Phono: Day 561 - Nighis 561 -707 -922 SIX MODERN CARS.... ALL PASSENGERS INSURED- ... . PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE Operaied by Laihangue Bros. Rush (F. Ashhy) 4, 5. 4. Peggy M. Gratton (D. Dowson) 5, 4, 5. Free-for-Ali--Jerry M. Jr. (F. Conlin) 1, 1, 2; Peck Abbe (W. Fowvler) 2, 2, 3; Sally Lee (P. Nichois) 3, 3, 1. Victory Gadsby (J. Levcr) 4, 4, 4. Bicycle Races Juniors-Gordon Gettins, Allan Bailey, Russell Oliver and Jim- my Grieves; Seniors. Don. Coch- ranle. John Lamerock, Glen Van Camp. CA¶TLE Shorthorns. Pure brcd and Registered-Bull, 2 yrs. and over,j W. F. Rickard & Son, Garnet Ric- kard; bull, 1 yr. and undçr, Rick- ard & Son, Leslie Taylor, Stan Taylor; cow, giving milk, Rick- ard & Son, G. Rickard, L. Taylor; Heifer, 2 yrs. old, G. Rickard, Rickard & Son, .L Taylor; heifer, 1 vr. old, 1 and 3 Rickard & Son, 2 G. Rickard; heifer calf, Rickard & Son, G. Rickard, S. Taylor; bull caif. G. Rickard, Rickard & Son, L. Taylor. Shorthorn Grades-Cow, giv- ing milk, L. Taylor, P. Va.n Camp; Heifer, 2 yrs. old, P. Van Camp, L. Taylor; heifer, 1 yr. old, L. Taylor, P. Van Camp, S. Taylor; Heifer Caîf, S. Taylor, L. Taylor, Francis Quantrill. Aberdeen Angus-All prizes won by Malcolm Bailey, Ux- bridge. Herefords-Heifer, 1 yr. old, bull caîf, Clarence Turner: Heif- er caîf, J. A. Rosevear, C. Turner. Specals-Best fgt steer, Tom Duff, Clifford Bristow, L. Taylor; best herd sire, any age, Malcolm Bailey; best herd, registered, any breed, M. Bailey, Rickard & Son. Hosteins-Cow, giving milk, L. Malcolm, 2 and 3, N. Malcolm; hieifer, 2 yrs. old, N. Malcolm, L. Malcçolm; Heifer, 1 yr. old, 1 and 2, N. Malcolm, 3 L. Malcolm; heifer caîf, 1 and 3, N. Malcolm, 2 L. Malcolm; bull caîf, 1 and 2 N. Malcolm; best herd, 1 and 3 N. Malcolmn, 2 L. Malcolm. SHEEP Leicesters-Aged ram, Jack Green; shearling ram, 1 and 2, J. Green, 3 Allan Beacock; Ram Lamb, 1 and 2, J. Green, 3 Glen Larmer; aged ewe, 1 and 2, J. Green, 3 G. Larmer; shearling ewe, 1 and 2, J. Green, 3 G. Lar- mer; ewe lamb, 3 Glen Larmer. Shropshires -Lloyd Skinner, won 1 and 2 in all classes. Southdowns-Boyd Ayre won 1 and-2 in ahl classs. Oxfords-Aged ram, J. M. Fish- er & Sons; rama lamb, Lloyd Skin- ner, 2 and 3 J. Fisher & Sons; aged ewe, L. Skinner, 2 and 3 J. Fisher & Sons; shearling ewe, 1 and 2, J. Fisher & Sons; ewe lamb, 1 and 2. J. Fisher & Sons. Hampshres-J. M. Fisher & Sons, 1 and 2 in ail classes. Market lamb, any breed, Boyd Ayre, L. Skinner, Fisher & Sons; market lamb, exhibited by boy or girl under 10, Allan Beacock, Fish- er & Sons, B. Ayre. Best flock on grounds, B. Ayre, L. Skinner, J. Green. SWINE Yorkshires-Boar, G. Ricicard, R. Larmer, P. Van Camp; sow, 52 Kiag St. W. Dwuaaville Ph... 811 Nf You're TI RED AUliTHE lIME If's Docd's You May NeedI BECAUSE-Faulty kidneya let excess acids and poisonous wastes sty in the. systec. Baclaclies, headaches and that "tired-out" feeling often follow. Dodd's Kidney Pilla help reâtore y70 kidneys to normal actîoui-belp Yeu feel better, work better, play Be sure you get the. euneDodd'a Kidn.y Pis, a favourite rneyfer more than hall a ceury. You can depend on Dodd's! 157 Dodà KineLPI. I THUTRS., SEPTEMBER 14, 195nl KSMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO I j - raised pigs this year, P. Van Camnp, R. Larmer, G. Rickard; boar. over 3 months and under 7, G. Rickard, R. Larmer;, Sow, over 3 montbs and under 7, G. Rick- ard, P. Van Camp; best herd, G. Rickard. Tamworths--Boar, L., Taylor; sow, raised pigs this year, 1 and 2 L. Taylor; boar, over 3 mths. and under 7, i and 2 L. Taylor; sow. over 3 mths. and under 7, 1 and 2 Fred Trewin, 3 Leslie Taylor; best herd, L. Taylor.. Berkshlres--Sow, raised 'plgs this year, 1 anp1 2, L. Skinner-, boar, over 3 months and under 7, 1 and 2 L. Skinner; sow. over 3 months and under 7, 1 and '2, L. Skinner; best herd, L. Skinner. Speclal-Best herd on grounds G. Rickard. POULTRY Barred Plymouth Rock, Cock, Mrs. D. Edwards, Alf. Ayre; hen, Mrs. Edwards, A. Ayne; cockerel, Mrs. Edwards; pullet, Mrs. Ed- wards, A. Ayre. New Hampêhire, cock, A. Ayre; hen, Mrs. D. Ed- wards, A. Ayre. Leghorn, hen, A. Bailey, A. Ayne. Light Sussex, cock, A. Ayre. Mrs. Edwards; hen, Mrs. Edwards, A. Ayre; pullet, A. Ayre. Male Turkey, A. Bailey; drake and duck, Mrs. D. Edwards, pen chickens, Mrs. D. Edwards. GRAIN and SEEDS Faîl wheat, H. Swain, Mrs. Ed- wards; spring wheat, soft, H. Swain, R. Larmer; peas, smail, H. Swain, Mrs. N. Green, R. Lar- mer; beans, Mrs. Ira Lowe. VEGETABLES, ROOTS, FRUITS Early potatoes, Mns. Lowe, Mrs. Reg. Boundey; late potatoes, Mrs.' Lowe; carrots, Mrs. Fred Dayes, Mns. Lowe, Allan Bailey; hub- bard squash, A. Bailey; pumpkins, A. Bailey; beets, P. Van Camp, Mrs. F. Dayes, R. Larmer; ornons, <Dutch sets) Mrs. Edwards, G. Larmer, A. Bailey; onions (Span- ish) R. Larmer, G. Larmer, Mrs. N. Green; tomatoes. Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Mrs. Ira Lowe; table corn, P. Van Camp; sheaf ensilage corn, Mrs. N. Malcolm, G. Larmer; Golden Russett apples, Mrs. Dayes St. Lawrence apples, Mrs. Dayes; Alexander apples, Mrs. Dayes; pears, Mrs. Edwards. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Five lbs. Butter, Mrs. N. Green, Mrs. F. Dayes, Mrs. Allan Bea- cock; white bread, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. D. Dorrell, Mrs. Dayes; brown bread, Mrs. Dorreil, Mns. Edwards; white eggs, A. Bailey, A. Beacock; brown eggs, Mrs. Cari Wright. Mns. Dorreli, Mrs. Edwards; buns, Mrs. Edwands, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Dorreli; bis- cuits, plain, Mrs. Reg. Boundy, Mrs. Hutton, Mrs. S. Moore; muf- fins, brown, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. G. Marlow, Mrs. R. Boundy; cookies, Mrs. R. Boundy, D. Dor- reli, Mrs. N. Malcolm; tarts, Mrs. Edwards, N. Green, Mrs. Boundy; cup cakes, Mrs. Boundy. Mrs. Hutton, Mrs. Dorrell; jelly roll, R. Boundy, N. Malcolm, Mrs. Ed- wards; date and nut loaf, R. Boundy, N. Malcolm, D. Manlow. Chocolate layer cake, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Don- reil; light layer cake, Mrs. Mal- colm, R. toundy, Mrs. Dorreli; banana layer cake, Mrs. Dorrell, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Boundy; angel cake, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Dorrell; pumpkin pie, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. S. Moore; raisin pie, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Malcolm; apple pie, Mrs. Moore, Mns. Boundy, Mrs. Malcolm; berry pie, Mrs. R. Boundy, Mrs. Dornell, Mrs. Mal- colm, lemon pie, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. N. Green. Four practical ways of serving apples, N. Malcolm, Mrs. Dorrell, Mrs. Boundy; salad plate, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Don- reli; honey, Mrs. N. Green; maple syrup, D. Dorreil, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Edwards. CANNING Tomatoes, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Moore; bans, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Moore; peas, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Hutton; beets, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Malcolm, Mns. Hut- ton; corn, Mrs. Hutton, Mrs. Mal- colm, Mrs. Boundy; strawberries, Mrs. Dayes, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Malcolm; raspberries, Mrs. Boun- dy, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Edwards, cherries, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Dayes, Mrs. Moore; peaches, Mrs. Mal- colm, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Hutton; pîneapple, Mns. Edwards, Mrs. Moore- Mrs. Bouindy; naspber-r Mrs. Dorrell. Mrs. Hutton; giadi- Lowe; needle-point, Mrs. Mai- olus, Mrs. D. Marlow; salapi- colm, Mrs. Marritt; buffet set, glosisMrs Dorei, Ms. al-Mrs. Lowe, L. Butson, V. Butson; glosis Ms. orrll Mr. Ml-centre-piece, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. colm; phlox, Mrs. Dorreil, M15. Boundy, Mrs. Malcolm; place Moore; snapd.ragons, Mrs. Mal- mats, Mrs. Malcolm, Mns. Dorreli, colm, Mrs. Dorreli; petunias, Mrs. Mrs. Lowe; lace tablecloth, Mrs. Marlow. Mrs. Dorreil; verbenas, Lowe, Mrs. Marritt; luncheon Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Dorreli; na- cloth and serviettes, V. Butson, sturtiums, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Malcolm; tea Moore, African marigolds, Mrs. cosy, Mrs. Dorreil, L. Butson, V. Moore, Mrs. Edwards; French Butson. marigolds, Mrs. Marlow, Mrs. Rugs and MatLRug, rag, bool Moore; cosmos, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Id Mrs. Marritt, V. Butson, L. Malcolm; high basket, Mrs. Mar- Butson; rug, rag, braided, Mrs. low, Mrs. Malcolm; low basket, Marritt, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Mrs. Marlow, Mrs. Malcolm; col. Moore. cut flowers, Mrs. Marlow, R. Bedroom Accessorles-Dressing Larmer; potted foliage, Mrs, tbest \s orlMs oe Moore, Mrs. Dorrell; potted fu- talsetMis. Dilore casMsLoet chsia, Mrs. Malcolm; col. poltedMs. arttpiow cecu plants, Mrs. Marlow, Mrs. Moore; work, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Malcolm, shea of ladilusMrs.MalcL . Butson; pillow cases, embroid- shef o gldious Mr. Mlcom.ered, Mrs. Malcolm, V. Butson, TEEN-AGE GIRLS Mrs. Marritt; pillow cases, lace- Sewing kit, tea towels, sockees, trimmed, Mrs. Lowe, L. Butson, dressed dl, Doreen Van Camp Mrs. Boundy; towel, bath, Mrs. won ail prizes. Boundy, Mrs. Dorrell, Mrs. Mal- TEEN-AGE BOYS colm; towel, crochet trimmed, ToolboxGlen Van ampMrs. Lowe, L. Butson, V. Butson; Lawrencx, Lrer;andCamdetowel, embroidered, V. Butson, tools, L. Larmer; study table, G. Mu rs.Bu, Mrs. Lowe ; t.-owel Van Camp; model House frame, cudr, Mrs. lm owel, sg-Bun- L. Larmer; pouring can, L. L ar- Mr. alom tweget mer; end-table, G. Van Camp, L. Mrs. Boundy, V. Butson, Mrs. Larmer; pin-up lamp, G. Lar- Lowe; top sheet and pillow-cases, meG. Van Camp. Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Marritt, Mrs. mer, Moore; qIlembroidered, Mrs. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Malcolm, Mrs. Moore, V. Butson; First and 2nd tied, 75 points quilt, appliqued, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. each, Egypt and Archers; 3, 74 Boundy; quilt, Dresden plate pat- points, Caesarea; 4, 69 points, Ma- tern, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Malcolm, hood's; 5, Blackstock, 6 Devitt's; Mrs. Moore; quilt, cotton, pieced, 7 Purple Hill; 8 Lotus; 9 Cadmus. Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. LADIES' DEPT. Moore; quilt, fancy quilting, Mrs. Chlldren's Wear Lowe; crib quilt, Mrs. Marritt, Babys wol st, nittd, rs.Mrs. Moore, V. Butson. A. Marritt, Mrs. D. Dorrell, Mrs. Mselaou-_Kntigb, N. Malcolm; baby's wool set, cro- rs Malcolmn, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. cheed Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Don- Manritt; quilt blocks, V. Butson, rell, Mrs. Marritt; baby's wool L. -Butson, Mrs. Malcolm; article dres, kitMrs C. rigt, rs.made from flour sack, Mrs. Lowe, dores, kiMrs. C.r Wright, Mrs. lMrs. Malcolm, L. Butson; articles Drei, sMrs. Mooy re;bs oorrl sutable for Christmas gifts. Mrs. dressshrt, c, Mrs. Dorre;eli,' Malcolm, Mrs. Marritt, Mrs. Dor- Mr. arri tt cve, Mrs. Moore baby's rell; cross-stitch, Mrs. Lowe, L. carige ce, Mrs. rreil rs Larmer, Mrs. Moore; cut work, dress, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Dorreli, Ms BounMr.Loe Ms Viola Butson; boys sun suit, V. Mrs dy; hot water bottie cover, Butson, Mrs. Dorreil, Loretta Mr. Lowe, V. Butson, L. Butson; Butson; girl's swim suit, Mrs. Dor- oil-cloth novelty, Mrs. Dorreli; reli Mr. Mlcol, L Buson clothes-pin bag, Mrs. Dorreli, cheld' s.corarlcoveaL.îs Mrs.Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Malcolm; pot Dorll odroeal, Mrs. rit hl' holders, V. Butson, L. Butson, DorrllMrs Drne; hl ' Mrs. Lowe; tea towels, Mrs. Mar- sweater coat, Mrs. rl. rîtt, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Dorreli; Ladies' Wear fancy handkerchiefs, Mrs. Mal- Apron, fancy, Mns. Reg. Boundy, colm, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Lowe; Mrs. I. Lowe, Mrs. N. Malcolm; col. fancy work, Mrs. Malcolm, apron, kitchen, Mrs. Moore, V. Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Lowe; six pic- Butson, Mrs. A. Marritt; bed jack- tures, mounted, Mrs. Dorreli, V. et; Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Marritt, Mrs. Butson, Mrs. Moore. Dorreli; cardigan, Mrs. Malcolm, Major Foote Specials-Mrs. Neil Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Marritt; house Malcolm, $10.00 cash; Mrs. N. dress, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Lowe, Green, $5.00 cash; Mns. 'I. Lowe, Mrs. Marritt; house-coat, 2 Mrs. $5.00 cash; Mrs. D. Dorreil $5.00 Marritt, 3 Mrs. Moore; slip, Mns. cash. Malcolm, V. Butson. L. Butson; SPECIAL AWARDS pyjama suit, L. Butson, V. But- son, Mrs. Malcolm; nightgown, Simpson's, silver-plated relish Mrs. Dorrell, Mrs. Marritt, Mrs. dish, Mrs. Dorrell; featherweight C. Wright; gloves, Mrs. Malcolm, mon, by Radio Shop, Bowman- Mrs. Marritt, Mrs. Dornell; mitts, ville, Mrs, Malcolm; 2 lb. box Mrs. Dorrell, Mrs. Marritt, V. But- chocolates, by Hunt's Candies, son; sockees, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Toronto, Mrs. Boundy; biscuits, Lowe, Mrs. Dorreli; sweater, Mrs. by Christie, Brown Ltd., Mrs. Mal- Marritt, Mrs. Malcolm, V. Butson; clm;1i24-lb. bag Ogilvie flour girl's dress, Mrs. Dornell, V. But- each, to Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Ed- son, Mrs. Lowe; gloves and ber- wards, Mrs. Malcolm; Saywell et, Mrs. Malcolm. Cup, most points in plants and Men'sWearflowers, Mrs. Doris Marlow; Vase Men's Wearor choica of something ele by Mitts, fancy, Mns. Dorreli, Mrs. Radio Shop, Mrs. D. Marlow. A. Marritt, Mrs. Lowe; pyjama Take Notice-If thene are any suit, Mrs. Marritt, Mrs. Moone, errons or omissions in the above Mrs. Lowe; work socks, Mrs. Mal- list will you kindly advise Sec-y colm, V. Butson, L. Butson; socks, ra.HnyTopoBak fancy, Mrs. Marritt, Mrs. Mal- TstokwiHnryThomsonBlck colm, Mrs. Lowe; socks, hand-stcihotdly knit, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Donrell, Mrs. Marritt; sweater coat, Mrs. As early as 300 B.C. India had a Malcolm, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Mar- law providing a fine for adulter- ritt; sport shirt, Mrs. Lowe; ation of fond. slee\Teless sweater, Mrs. Manritt, Mrs. Dorrell, Mrs. Lowe. Living-room Accessories-Af- ~ ~ 7~ ghan,' Mrs. Manritt, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Dorrefl; chesterfield set, Mrs. Malcolm, L. Butson. V. Bulson; cushion, crocheted, Mrs. Malcolmý cushion,. knit, Mns. Dorreli, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Lowe; cushion, silk, S* I*a Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Dorrell, Mrs. ÈO Most important Paint Advancement in 25 yoars New Funie-Proof, Sun-Proof House Pant produces a film of unusual whiteness. it wilI flot discolur or darxen fruni coal smoke or industrial gascs It's self-cleaning, too-removes surface dirt. Yeats of extensive exposure tests under niany types of climats conditions, f rom strong sunlight,and sait air to heavy industrial fume areas, have proved the superiority of this new formula over ordinary house paint. Corne in and ask us about new Fuine-Proof, Sun-Proof Itouse Paint. J. H. Abernethy PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 85 King St. W. Bowinanfl1e ) «Sce~ this model' Tt was miade before 1 was a ciry to Canada - a place whi boin, and wlicn Ai'.ida was jiîst farrnland. like me live and work and 'tet 1 cao show )ou on it just wlicre our house My nciglhhours who have Iivci MIU RtpRB y'àS UNTRAD You will be delighted with this fragrant tea m & ca4~ p~Ot~C~ft~ j 52 King st W. Bewmuvme Phone 811

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