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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1950, p. 7

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THURS., SEPTEMBKR 14. lest> THE CANADIMT ~TATP~MAN. ~O ~AMVTTX.W IT9'A~?V'~ PAC~E MUVKW i. -I SOCIAL AID PERSONAL Phone 663 Mrn. L. J. Barton has been vis- We are sarry ta repart th Iting with friends in Oshawa. Rev. H. A. Turner, minister St. Paul's United Church is Miss Nele Burke, Orillia, spent Wellesley Hospital, T o r o n t the weekend with her mother, where he is undergoing medic Mrs. T. S. Holgate. treatment. M&a. F. Cator has returned frain Mrs. Stan Hadgson has returi vlsiting her son, Wm. Cator, at cd from a month's vacationi Windsor and friends in Toledo, Glenverdean, Hall's Lake. M~ hla Hodgson and children spent t r.nd Mrs. Charles W. Pain- iew days there, and brought Mr tEston, Sask., were visiting Hodgson home. bilS sisters, Elizabeth and Carnie Mrs. Donald Lawson entertair Paintan. cd on Monday in honaur af Er: Mrs. J. H. O'Dell of New York Lawson's thîrd birthday. Guesi CitY, spent the weekend with werc little thrce-year-old b. ber brother, Mr. C. H. Papineau, friends, Brian Hancock, Bruc ofa Liberty st. N. Cuthbertson, Paul McNeil an Mr. and Mrs. F. Powell, Mail- David Bridges. Orytown and Mr. and Mrs. L. It is worth your while ta Powell, Kingston, visited Mr. and and sec the progress being mad Mrs. H. Powell. on the new Memorial Hospita Mr. Norman Rickman, Lindsay, We only wish that we could rE going ta Toronto an a visit, stop- port that the donations wer ped off in tawn ta have dinner keeping pace wîth the construc with his anut, Mrs. Seward Dow- tion ai the building. son. Dr. Geo. W. Miller in advisin Members af the Bowmanvillc us from Geneva he is returningt Board af Education were in Osh- this side ai the Atlantic write. awa Wednesday night looking "Please don't forget ta have th aver the new Oshawa Simcoe St. girls address my Statesmant ~chool. Bowmanville from now an. We' tMrs. Thomas Richards, Queen hate to miss a copy- of the famil and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon newspaper. 11ihards attended the Paulton- Prof. Gardon C. Ashton1o Baddley wedding in Toronto on MacDonald College, St. ' Anne' Saturday. Quebec, with Mrs. Ashton lel Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James last week ta take an extendei werc supper guests on Sunday c ourse at Raleigh College, Nort with Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams Carohina. Praf. Ashton is son o at their summer cottage at Lake Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton Scugog. Carlisle Ave. Mr. M. H. "Monty" Goslett, Mr. Gea. W. James was please( papular member oi the staff ai ta have a fraternal caîl on Tues Lander Hardware is on two day from Mr. Oakley DalgleisJ wecks' holidays ta several On Editor-in-Chief af the Toroni tario points. globe and Mail. H was retn Mrs. S. Carter bas returned Hope where he> is attendini home fram a very pleasant visit Trinity College. in Windsor at her son's. She also Terwssmexcten anid fisi ToedoOho. the C.P.R. station Monday nighi adeTot o.rnpr Rdo i when the tender of a shuntiný Dep. 0 TansortRaia i-engine backcd over a closec cence inspectors have just cam- switch. The tender went of pleted a coverage ai Oshawa. A the track but with a little in- word ta the wise ta have your's genuity the train crew soon haé ready when the inspectons cail. it back on again. Mr. Norman Allîson is attend- Advcrtising is the education oi ing the General Executive Board the public as ta who yau are meeting and United Rubber where you are and what you Wonkcrs' Convention in Cincinatti, have ta offer in the way of skihl Ohio, from September 8th ta 23rd. talent or commodity. The only Muriel Dunn would like ta ad- man who should nat advertise ic vise ahI those who bought tickets the man who has nathing ta af- on the Penetang Lions Club fer in the way ai commodity or Pontiac sedan that the lucky win- service.-Elbert Hubbard. lier was Mr. H. Long, Peterbor- The Roads and Streets gang of dugh. the tawn have been busy the Mr. and Mrs. Claude Oke and ast weck erecting new traffic daughter Miss Alma Oke, Rich- signs on the back streets ai town. mond, Mich., visited bis sister and There are a variety ai different brothen-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. signs from "Through Street" t. Marris during the holiday week- "School". The majanity ai the end. __signs are in black and white ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (ANGLICAN) HARVEST FESTIVAL SUNDAY, SEPTENDER 17TH 8 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOI ti l i SERVICE 0F THANKSGIVING Rev'd 3. T. Coneybeare, Rector of Port Perry. 7 pm THE BLESSINGS 0F HARVEST The Rector. "Corne ye thankful people, corne!» TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Looks .Forward - Suniday Services Retular Services of Worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Nursery for the small children and classes for the Pimary and Beginners Groups duning the Marning Service. SUINDAY SCHOOL at 12:15 Special Services 24 Sept. - Rev. E. Young wiII speak at the Ex'ening Ser- vice represcnting The Up- per Canada Bible Society. 1 Oct.-World Comimunioni Sunday wilh be observed at the Marning Service. 8 Oct.-Thanksgiving Services. 15 Oct.-Anniversarv and Thank - Offening Services %vith Dr. Kent as gucst speaker. 19 Nov.-Missions Sunday ' with Rev. T. 1. Tucker off An- gola as guest speaker. Through Ihe Week Aclivities MISSION BANDS Boys' Mission Band 2nd and 4th Mondays after school. Girls' Mission Band 2nd and 4th Mondays alter school. Meets every W:dnesday night at 7 p.m. in the Sunday iSehool Roorn. i EVENING XIAR M4eets 3rd Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. IVOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY *Meets lst Tuesday of each * month at 3 p.m. VO'MANS ASSOCIATION Meets 2nd Tuesdav of each month at 3 p.m. YOUNG PEOPLE'S * UNION Meets every Mondas- night at j 8 p.m. in the Sunday School Roomn I JACK & JILL CLUB A club for young married couples %which meets the lst Tuesday of each month if you are flot attendlnt any church came and loin with us. 1 ~A Warin welcome awaits you. Miiiister: Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D. Dîrector of Music: Mr. R. G. Harle. hat of in o , cal rni at Ur. a Irs. in- ric sts oy ce go Sde :al. re- ýre ce- ta te ta Ily of1 ýs, ift s- ,t of mt d S t- ;h, Trinity W. M. S. First Fall Meeting The first autumn meeting ai Tninity W.M.S. Aiternoon Aux- iliary was hcld Tuesday, Sept. 5th, in the Sunday School roam. The president, Mns. R. T. Haskin, welcomed those present and took charge ai the business. Commun- ity Fricndship Secretary, Mrs. W. R. Strike, gave a list ai names ai new-comers ta the church and asked the ladies ta caîl on these members. Mrs. W. P. Rogers gave a splendid talk on Christian Ste- wardship using verse 14 of Psalm 19. Miss Marion Belîman who attcnded the School for Leaders recenthy held at Whitby Ladies' College brought a mast interest- ing message on the sessions hchd there. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson and ber graup had charge ai the worship service and new study books. Mrs. W. R. Strike and Mrs. K. Cox led in the worship service and Mrs. Hutchinson introduced the study books "Japan Begins Again" and Japan." The meeting closed with a benediction often used by Mrs. Smythe who for many years was dean of Sehool for Leaders. Mr. & Mrs. S. Morris Celebrate. 40 Years 0f Married Lif e Francis G. Winspear Edmonton, Alta., who was eleet-' ed President of The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the na- tional federation of Boards* of Trade and Chambers of Com- merce, at the Canadian business organization's recent A n n u a 1 Meeting in Banff. Mr. Winspear, well-known business 1 e a d e r throughout Western Canada, is a Past President of the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, a former Professor at the University of Alberta and a student of Canad- ian public affairs. WEDDINGS CAMERON - PENWARDEN Amid a setting of marîgolds and gladioli in the Long Sault Church Saturday, August 5th, 1950, ai 2:30 p.m., Greta Penwarden, the daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Penwarden, xvas united in mar- niage ta Robert Cameron, son off Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cameron. Rev. G. D. Empey officiated, and, Mrs. Orme Miller playedý. theJ wedding music.» Given in marriage by ber fa- ther, the bride wore an ankie- length gown af white net aver, satin, with matching accessories. On her head was a white halo. with a shoulder-hength veil. She. carricd a bouquet ai red roses. Her only attendant, Mrs. Char- lie Cam pbell, wore an ankie- ýy length gown ai blue net over sat- is On September 5th, 1910, at the in, and a blue veil. She carried r- Methodist Church parsonage. St. a bouquet ai pink roses. The )rThomas, Ont., Rv .H Kirk- best man was Charlie Campbell, land unitcd in marniage lia Marie and the ushers were Lloyd Wcýb )f Oke af Sparta and John Sidney and Morlcy Kcllett. ie Marris, Bowmanville, Ont. The reception was hehd aiter- ic On Saturday evening, Septcm- wards at the home af the bride's 1- ber 2nd, relatives, neighbours and parents, with ber mother receiv- ita few close friends plcasantly sur- ing in a drcss af blue crepe. and A priscd Mr. and Mrs. J. Sidney wearing a corsage ai pink roses. e Marris, Wellington St. and help- The groom's mother assisted her, ;e cd them celebrate their 4th wed- wcaring a grcy dress and corsage *ding anniversary. of pink roses. aAs the date ai the party was set For the wedding trip, the bride afwdays ahead of the annîver- danned a grey gabardine suit and sary they werc taken compîeteîy grey hat, with white shoes, white*, by surprise. They had had sup- glaves, and purse. On their wed- per at the home ai their daughter ding trip the couple visited and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Guelph, Owen Sound, Wasaga. gar Foran who had aftcrwards Martyr's Shnine, Bracebridge, anQý taken themn for a drive, returning Algonquin Park. On their re- home ta find everyone assemrbled tomn they taok up residence in The rooms were décarated with Tyrone. pink and white streamers and sitting an the centre ai the buffet was a three-tier wedding cake, LYON ; KERSEY macle and decarated by their two Anicl a setting off gladioli, ast- other daughtcrs, Mrs. S. Martyn, ers andl pink and white stî-eam- Oshawa, and Mrs. H. Powell, crs, on Saturday, September 2ndi Bauquets off gladioli also decarat- a 'lc nHmtnUie cd te nom.Church parsonage, Mildred Jean 1 * They wcre seatcd in two wick. Kcrscy, daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. en arm chairs which had been S. Kerscy, Hampton, xvas united prescntcd ta Mr. Marris' father in manniage ta Jahn Patterson and mather, the late Mr. and Mrs. Lyon, son of Mn. and Mns. John John Marnison on the occasion ai Lyon, Scarbono. Rcv. Geo. Emn- their 50th wedding anniversary. pey was the aificiating clergy- Little Misses Betty and Verna man. Foran presented their grandpar- The -bride warc a long gown of, ents with flowens, Mrs. Marris' white taficta, and a finger-tip bcing a beautiful corsage af pink veil ai white silk net, with bead- rase buds. ed head-dness. She carrîed a Mns. Edwin Wood nead a finely bouquet oi red rases and asters. worded address which had been Hen onhv attendant, her sister. written by her and at the proper! Mrs. Kenneth Pooler, wore a time Mrs. F. Pawell. Mallory- gown off bine taffeta, with a bliie tawn, Ont., and Mrs. J. Hum- silk net veil with white flower. phrey, îown, presentcd the won-î She carried pink roses and glad. thy couple ,vith a 66-piece set off ioli. The best man was Mr. Geo. *China dinnerware. Ling, Toronto, brother-in-law' off Mn. Morris responded and the groom. thanked everyone for their beau- For the reception afterwards tiful gif t and kind wards and at the home ai the bride, ber wishes. Mrs. Morris was aîmast mothen worc a gown ai flowcred specchlcss but was able ta say blue silk crepe, and a corsage af *"thank you" toalal. Then evcry- sweet pelas. The graam's mother anc sang "For thcy are jolly good assisted ber, wearing a gawn off fellows." grey silk crepe, and a corsage off After playing cards a dainty Foi' trpaveln tebie on lunch wvas ýerved by their daL1911- Fotrvlighebdeond ters, granddaughters snd Miss a e abassriesuitnd viicorsavge Irene Brookham. The bride andble cesais dacoag groom off 40 yeans then cut the aif red roses. The couple are weddiug cake. The gLiesîs dcpart- travelling ta points noî'th on the * cd wihin th wathycouple wedding trip, and on thc'ir ne- many marg e anwaohth andtom plan ta reside at 205 King happincss aud are looking forward S.EBwavle ta the day when they will celc- brate their 50th wcdding anni-j Th y er asoreipens fai a ii the Editor' s M ail lovely Gencral-Electrie toaster1 from Mrs. Marris' brothers, Roy, Neil and Will Oke, St. Thomas,9418hAv, and Chaude Oke. off Richmond, 9EdmantnASep.,Sh Mich., and many lovely cards.Emno, et t Those attending from ou ffMv Dean George: t If am glad idcccl ta ieaî'n tha, tow'n wcne from Mallorytowu. \.ou have been able ta return ta Kingston, Hope Township, Ty- y-oum home but 1 am sure you hacd * rueTorntaandOshwa. betten continue ta reix' on that able staff and also ta keep cool. Good orn Cop iI have missed those pleasant GoodCornCropmemoires of sevent.v ears ago Assured in Durham that Bert Hutchinson used , In Durhamta cause some of us ta rehlive those InDrhmCounty corn has aId days. A neighbor onlv a madle excellent grawth and pro- block awav whose father was a viding there is flot an early frost. I Civil ýEngineer in Rupert's Land there should be an abondant ci-op j was brnlte atrnHue thi yer.Man frmes hveen-'of Bawmanville, and a frequent quired about the availablity Oaf visitor at the home of his grand- good seed mwheat since nUch Of, mothf-r a little further ta the east, their own had its germinating recails Bert and eageriy looks far *abilitv ruined bY \et weather in more from his pen. the acarlv harvest period. This Sincerely, xvas learned tram the weeklY bul- J. R. Berry. letin issued bY the Provincial De- p.S.-Enclosed please find Past- partment off Agriculture, ai Note for another series off Wheat in Northumberland yield- The Statesmnan. ed over 50 bushels ta the acre but lftt1e has been sold yet at Dear Mr. Editor,- the price of $1.50 per bushel. The On behaif of the Lord's Day grain crop is anie of the best for! Alliance x-'e express aur thank> several * ears. Apples have sidI oŽd'ta ou for kind courtesies extend- remarkahliv weil for this time ed in anna'znc-ing the presence off of vear and the tamato crap is aur representative in your corn- adequate. munity in former years. We wil'. erected an a bright yellow pale. NATIONAL BUSINESS HEAD Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippell's cottage in the Higblands of Haliburton last Saturday were Miss Jean Cunningham, Miss Leila Carr, Mrs. Agnes Lewis, Miss H., Rice, Miss McKague, Miss Ann1 Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Roass, Miss Novelda Berry, Mr. and Mrs. A. Witherspoon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson and Rev. S. R. Hender- son. One good turn deserves an- other - sa Barb Pethick found out this week. During the sum- mer months a passing New York tourist asked "Barb" for a Slip af the beautiful plant in the windaw 1. of the barber shap. She wished ta pay for it but "Barb" just asked her ta send him a picture of the Dodgers Jackie Robinson This week the picture came alang with à- large group of other f arn ous baîl players. They are now on display in Pethick's windaw. I ppreciate your further courtesy in inserting the fallowing an- nouncement in an early issue of y-our paper. -The Lord's Day Alliance is rep- resented in aur cammunîty this year by Mr. E. A. Sullivan.. This organization is recognized widely as one performing valu- able national and community ser- vice in safeguarding the national wveekly day of rest for Canadian workers, and the freedom of aur Canadian Sunday from commer- cial exploitation. The opportuni- ties for Christian warship and spiritual culture are likewise im- portant, but these are questions for individual clecision and .-tti- tude. In any event the leisure and quiet of thîs -one day of the wveek are afi ieal value, individ- ually. and collectively. Yours sincerely, The Lord's Day Alliance of Canada. M. W. Davidson, Office Secretary. A Spanish treasure ship, sn '350 years &go, has been discover- ed off Scotland. eral stages, using different guides and Eskimos. IGeoqraphic Journal Gives Vivid. Picture LOf e ini the Arctic An unusual and intercsting journey is described in the Aug- ust issue af the Canadian Geogra- phical Journal by Richard Har- rington, well known Canadian writer and photagrapher. Mr. Harrington nat only gives a vivid picture af eskimo life in the Eastern Arctic, but describes the differences in appearance and temperament between the inhabi- tants af the northeastern coast af Hudson Bay and those living far- ther south. His article, "Joruney in Arc- tic Quebec. is illustrated by ex- cellent photagraphs taken by' the author during bis rugged north- south trip. Mr. Harrington flew frorh Moose Factory on the south caast of James Bay ta Port Harrison, halfway up the eastera coast of Hudson Bay. He returned by dog sled, making the trip in sev- and drivers recruited fromn the accasianal settlcments at which he stopped. The jou.rney took six weeks an~d was made by way af the tiny villages at the mouth af the Nastapoka River, Rich- mond Gulf <where Eskimos em- ployed at a lead minelrefused to haul wood because of the cold), Great Whalc River, Roggan Riv- er and Fort George. At the most southerly of thesei phac'es Indians and Eskimos live together in harmony, although the Indians consider themnselves « supeitior, an attitude which is laughed off by the genial Eski- mos. When there is any inter- marriage at ah,. it is the Indian who takes an Eskimo wife, which is considered a better economic arrangement than the other way round. In addition to containinIg many solid facts, Mr. Harrington's ar- ticle succeeds in conveying the peculiar charm of the Barren Lands. Sometimes teachers travel with Canada's nomadic Arctic Indians a-- I ALMOND LOTION,' 6-oz., reg. 50ec------ -------39e ASTRINGENT MOUTH WASH, 4 and 16-oz., reg. 23c, 69c ---- --------- 17e - 53e BORACIC ACID, 16-oz., reg. 40e -------------- ----- 32e CALAMINE LOTION, 4 and 8-oz., reg. 25e, *45c ---- 17c - 29e CASTOR OIL, 4 and 8-oz., reg. 25c, 45ce-- ------- 22c - 39e COD LIVER OIL, B.P. Standard, 16-oz., reg. 89e - ----67c COLD CREAM, theatrical type, 1-1b., reg. 69e ---------- 54c Children like it and it's gaod for them! -IDAMALT Extract ai Malt & Coà Liver 011 A pleasant, nnît- nitiaus vitamin prepanation that children " take ta ", adults as well. - 65e si, 09 $1,89 W An I.DA. Brand 1-lb. jar 2-lb. jan 4-lb. jar PENETRATING LINIMENT, 4-oz., reg. 45e 33e SEIDLITZ POWDERS, 7's, reg. 29c ---------23e SENNA LEAVES, 1 and 4-oz., reg. 10c, 30c 8c - 19e - ------ 24e ------- 23c - 59e -- 2for 39c POCKET COMBS, reg. 10ce----------------8--- e, 2 for 15e POWDER PUFFS, reg. 10e---------8c, 2 for 15e WASH CLOTHS, heavy quality ------------ -----3 for 25e, WRITING PADS, "Eeonornyt Note Size - 10e, 2 for 15e Ladiest or Letter size ___15c, 2 for 23c SYRUP FIGS & SENNA, 3-oz., reg. 33e ---- WITCH HAZEL, 4 and 16-oz.. reg. 30c, 75ec- NURSING BOTTLES "Comfy" ------------- THOMPSON SHAVING CREAM, reg. 39e -- de~endent Dvuggists - Alliance EKSALE - Monday to Saturday September llth - 6th I.D.A. Brand English Style HEALTH SALTS 16-0z. 59e I.D.A. High-Test COD LIVER OIL Finesi Quality 8 and 16 ounces 69e - $1.19 For coughs due ta eolds BRONCHIDA I.D.A.'s fanious Cough Syrup 50e A n A-B-C Sale Featurt- I. D. A. WAX PAPER HEAVY ;GRADE in box with metal cutting edgc. Reg. 31c An' A-B-C Sale Featurp' I. D. A. MINERAL OIL HEAVY GRADE A highcst quality miedicinal ail. 16-oi*. battie Regular 45c 34Ç ENVELOPES, 25's For Qulck Relief of PAIN IDASAL TABLETS .5 grains off Acid in each tablet. For headache, neuralgia, toathache and pain. A-B-C Sale Special 100's 300's reg. .9c reg. 89c 29e 69e 2 pkgs. 15C PRESCRIPTONS A SPECIALTY Alex. We Deliver MeGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 k Drugs A-B-C DRUG SALE A FULL WE RICHARD HUDNUT offers 2 Special Bargains HOME PERMANENT REFILL Plus Free Egg Creme Shampo Bsth for $ 1.75 for the price of the refîli alone you get kit and generous size bottie of Egg Creme Shampoo. Free Cape with Family Size HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO Bath for $2.00 for the price of the Shampoo alone you get a plastic make- up cape free. Flaxseed. 16-oz., reg. 29e 22e Glyrerin & Rose Water, 16-oz., reg.0.30e -1 -23e Halibut Liver Oil 'Caps. 100's ------- --- - $1. 1 Idol-Agar, 16 and 40-az., reg. 79c, $1-59 ---- -57e-$1.19 lodine, 2 %%, 1-oz., reg. 20e --- ...... 6c SPECIAL OFFER! Revion Double feature make-up TOUCH - and - GLOW Llquid Make-up and Face Powder Both for $ 1.50 Save 40e an this $1.90 value q, 11 1 DRUG -STORES 1 ýl 1 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVrLLLr. ONTARM Mj Let us satisfy aur own conis. ciences. and trouble flot aurselve by looking for fame. If we de- serve it, we shall attain it; if we deserve it flot we cannot forci it.-Senecca.1; If pigs are housed wlthout direct sunlight, pasture or green feed they are likely ta suffer from lack of vitamins. The feed- ing of a teaspoonful of a vitamin, feeding ail once weekly ta nura,- ing pigs, the same amount dally ta weanhings, two teaspoansful daily ta growing pigs up to 125 pounds, pregnant and nursing sows, will prevent many losaeg and greatly improve the general health and thrift of the herd. TI1CK ETS8 TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamshlp Consuit JURY& LOVELLj Bawmanvllle 15 King St. W. Phone 778 ý., SMPTnMLPR 14, 195b PAGE SITM m

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