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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1950, p. 5

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T!!URS., SE? EMEE~~~~~~~ 2THE 1950 N SATILSiVAN, .BWMANVMLLP, ONTARIO ,maAVa.A.. -. --- Haylolt Hoedown effort for her to put the show Lefty Brown, hergccompanist, At Newcastle Hall ing. Another favourite was the Lefty."preesoth cnet gentemanwhodid a step-dance. The redso th cnet Was-Huge Success It was a treat to see some real will be used for the Memorial step-dancing again. Arena in Newcastle. With an alamen lef t, and grand The stage looked like a hay-.......... change, Uncle Ezrys Hayloft loft, with balles of straw forming Jauîboree got under way Friday seats at the back, and coin WL.u.JINGS and Saturday nights in the New- sheaves, behind them. There was castle Community Hall, a saddle at one side of the plat- The announcer, Kcith Aiken, form, with several childien sit- VEALE - WERRY began by telling evcryone to en- ting on it, and the other side of Enniskillen United Church was joy themrlelves, and act just as the stage was reserved for the the scenle' of a pretty wedding, if they were at a real broadcast, musicians. Along the front of Saturday, September 9th, when and hoot, and holler, and yell, the stage lamps were stiung, to Margaret Jean Werîy, Kirkland and whistle, to their heart's con- give the place a reai hay'loft look.j Lake. Ont., daughter of Mr. and tent. and that is just what they The square dancing delighted IMis. F. W. Werry, Enniskiilen, did. Aithough the whistles were eveîyone, not so much for its per- was united in marriage to Mi. penough to practicaliy deafen the fection, but because it xvas real, Beverley David Vealle, son of Mr. ~ audience at times, -stili, every- just the way they wouid have and Mrs. K. B. Veale, Kearns, one got into the spirit of the done it, lots of mistakes, and mix- Ont. The Church was decorated thing, and had a really good ups, but lots of fun, too. Favour- in pink and white giadioli. Rev. time. ites such as "Dip and Dive" were R. Seymour, Enniskillen, was the It was fiee to sec friends and done. officiating clergmn ith the neighbours up there on the stage Audience participation once o r wedding musire played by Mis. singing, or playing guitars, square twice was weil reccived. and Albert Cole, Bowmanville, and E.W. Hayt'cr dsacig harmonicapayn.oryugadodutilheha singing by Miss Audrey VanCamp, Mr. C. B3. Cooper, Generai Sales dîpayn their many talents in loto singing some of lhe old fav- Listowcî. Rbe omayo1Cnd ether ways. ourite songs. Rbe opn fCnd Uncle Ezry's jokes brought Chiidren and adults alike gave Given in marriage by hier fa- promotions: many good laughs from the au- of their time and talent to put this ther, the bride wore a gown of Mi. E. W. Haytcr is appointed IV dience. He came tottering up show over. and put it over they white slippcr satin that feli into In addition to continuing to be rE the7 aisie in old, faded trousers did. People won't have t, look a train. It had French lace over Promotion, Mi. Hayter's ncw patched with plaid aod fiowvered far for talent if another show of the shoulders and buttons down îcsponsibility in sales direction pa patches, an old plaid shirt, and this kind comes to town. They the front. Her veil was floor- research, distribution and personn a hat that had certainly seen bet- have it right here in their midst. icnt, ih ac ap ndse sisatManaW.GrAdrtiappnt ter days. Then to top it ail, when The final winners of the show carrîed a bouquet of talisman MittlW. G. rtt appoin he reached the stcps ieading to were: fiîst, Teddy Sallows, Who roses.MiC.RLiteSurvs-ec the stage, hie tripped, and went sang; second, were two little an- Her attendants wcre Miss Wil- - sprawling up thcm. gels in red, wbo did a ballet dance, ma VanCamp, Toronto; Miss Mari- Lulu Belle wvas one of the big- Gail Thomas itnd Veima Harris, on Thompson, Toronto, and Miss TYRONE gest bits of the show. She is a and third. weîe Mis. Trudy Sal- Beth Magee, RN., Peterborough.1 Snatural entertainer, and it was no low, piaying the hatmonica, and AIl wore turquoise satin gowns, pand gioves and single strand Mr. and Mis. Ira Erbe, Max pearîs. Their headdrcss and and Larry, Carsonville, Michi.; bouquets weîe of pink gladioli. Mi. Walter Devitt, Pcck, Mich.; Mr. Richard Bowles )vas best Mi. and Mis. William Reddv, Mr. th»~ 0/man and ushers were Mi. Frank and Mis. Norman Bycis, TÈoîon- Emerson and Mr. Roy Werry. to; Mir. and Mis. Percy Byeis, For the reception held in the Coîuîtice, weie visitors with Mr. Community Hall, Enniskillen. the and Mis. Otto Viçtue. bride's- mother wore a dîess of Mi. andi Mis. Will Dobson, Mi. - ~ o navy blue sheer with navy ac- and Mis. Loch Johnson, Toîronto, cessories, and a corsage of sweet were Sunday visitors with Mis. peas and roses. Assisting hier, Mina Hughson. 0 fbrown crepe, and a mink wrap. to ssedn e aswt Hrcorsage was also roses and 0heis pensdi. anwd Mis WJ. 8 Rt DFor the weddîng trip to Chi - Mr.and Mis. Llod Skinner' cago, the bride donned a blackan hlr vstdwhM. faffeta dress, with black acces- and Mch illn aviitewtlMi sories,an a corsage of red roses. L1a, The couple plan to reside i Kirk' Stind Ms Jh cMhn land Lake, Ont. -TMi.onto is. JohSnaMcthMr. having trained a eebruh M.a-dMs .Go;-tttiad Civie Hospital, and Mi. Veale is son, Harold, Guelph, were iecent an Engineer's Assistant, havingvitos Ms.G attended the University of To- T. Htor. .G Aronto. eusshwr a Mi. and Mis. J. A. Rosevear A i sceth e o us syHow lE nwsand family visited with M i. and hei intheComuniy HllEn-Mis. Howard Brackenridge, South niskillen, Friday night in hion- Monaghan, and also visited Mi. oui of Mr. and Mis. Beverley and Mis. I. W. Larmer, Milibrook. Veaie. The bride and groom re- o udy ceivcd many lovely gifts, among Mr. and Mis. Norman Woodle.v thcm being a puise of money fro m visited Mî's. L. Woodley at the the football boys. The bride an d Peter'borough Hospital Satuiday. groom thaoked ever.yone. The Mi. and Mis. H. Bowins, Mr'. remainder of the evcningw spent in dancing. - Os Ron Bowins, Miss HeIlen Partoci', Oshawa; Mi. and is. Heri Pow- On Monday night, Scptembei' cli, Bowýýmanville,: Mi. and Mis. 4th, Miss Ruth Ashton coteitain- J. Darch, Port Hope; Mi. Alfr'ed cd the former C.G.I.T. girls, and Keelci', Cobourg, spent Sulndayr the bride at hier home, the occa- with Mi. and Mis. Fred Paitaci'. sion bcbng a linen shower. Maoy orheIîcs 'owds seen lovely gifts were receivcd. The bTiOne inthe arsttde th bride thanked ail, hoping theyv otbl ame Satuiday evening would come and sec hier at Kirk- in the park, between Solinia an-i land Lake. The evening was Maple Giove teaims, with Solina spent in a social.-chat. A daintY wilining the CLIP. lunch was served by the hostess Mr. andl Mis. Nor'man Woodlev,, and lier mother. rci'c odSna ioîîg Ihiat Mis. L. Wondce, Poeiero- Sec first that the design is wse ough, ,,idov of the ile Thomas and just: that asccrtaincd, pur Woodlcy had passei away. sue it resolutcly; do not for one Smah sctnldt i. repulse forego the purpose thal L. Jones on the passing of hir you îesolved to cffect.-Shakes- hiothei-iin-iaw, Mi. Wm. Burns, Bowýmanvillc. Let us labour for that larger On Fî'iday evening the C.G.I.T. F comprehension of Iruth, and that wil meet in thc school to îe-org- jmore thorough rcpudiation of ci- amz7e, meeting 10 commence at roi, whicb shahl make the histoiy 7:30. Ail girls bet\wecn the ,ageýý f of mankînd a series of ascending of 12 and 17 are invite-i to attend. >..developments.-Hoiace Mann. SuLiniay Sehool Raliy oext Sun- day moining at Il o'clock. Noa Sunday Sîhool.G IMi. and Mis. Howid (lBicot hav'e Ctirned home from a veiv jpleasant hoiida v ih their aunit c( -fand uncie, Mi. and Mis. Charles ci E. Siemran, Bangor, Penn. j'7 Jane Ashleys Crowi, Brand Recipes FREE W I. will meet at the home of c( Write ion. Ashley, The Canada Starch Company Lmted, Mis. Howar'd Brent. Wedonesdlay, t P. 0. Box 129 Montreal, P. 0. C 28 S* ISet. 27. Mis. 0. W. Rnlph, Oi'ono, Ji i ivill bc Zviirguet \ere'sa bargaîn for you! e IJoNv would vou I will run a dozen errands *.make appointments, do your shopping *..stand guard oî'er your safjet y ..carry you f0 the side of a sick friend . .. sate y'ou wvorry, and effort, and hours ..make your work easicr, your lii e plea.santcr. measuire vour telephone's true worth.?' Its endless convenience. Its Iife-saving speed in time of need. The steadilv growing number of people it hrings within your reacli ... Ail these things contribute to the surn-total of telephone value. Yet in dollars-and-cents cost, your telephone remnains one of the sinallcst itemis in your family budget; even a srnaller part than it was before the war. Today, as always, your telephone is big value. 714E BELL TELEPIIONE COMPANY 0F CANi IF OU IE AIT NG OR TI IPI ONE orfor a higher grad e of IVic you ave auIIGR srneia yuw aeit just as quicldy aS w . con pr evide the ne <ess$ Y acilti* . O u co tin U flg goa s t prOP ofete ida service ta ail Who want it, whef n d eteywn l -C 'y he « e say, were guests of J. C. Cook on Satu Mr. and Mrs. By Oakzwood, are spen4 days with Mr. and M~ NESTLE, NESTLETONS Mr. James Emeri hoiîoays x siting fri rie and attended thE Miss May Noon daying With her fati had a few neighbour evening to celebratE bsrthday. Congrat. 00fn! Mr. and Mis. Go: Ivan, Lillian, Shirie.: Scugog Island, visiti erton and Mr. Noon. Mr. and Mrs. Brue, Photos by Notand lîieril Mr. and Mrs. Stanl A. E. Ross Cavan. were Sunday Mr. Walter Sharpe a es Manager, The Goodyear Tire & der. Limited announces the foIiowing Mr. and Mrs. DanE to, spent a few da M'arketing & Advertising Manager. and Mrs. Grant Tho] responsible for Advertising & Sales Seealolflk appointment gives him overali Veal-errylcl ok particuarly ini the fileds of market VeleWrr eddir inel; Mr. A. E. Ross is appointed kllen church on Sa )epartmcnt. Addtonal promotions . Mr. and Ms. Lor, ited Sales Promotion Manager and *ioy, Miss Rose Mount -anical Rubber Goods Departnient. R uth Proutt were re P to Lindsay. Miss Yvonne Mari Mr. and Ms. C. Murney and spent a few days thi children, Mr. and Mrs. . Park with her cousins, the and James, Peterborough, were dRent iitî dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.EartisOivrs we Walter Park and chi]dren. They tr.e alOie r aso visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Cov- tr Sr., Mr. and Mrs ery and girls, Bowmanvileý and ter and baby Davii Werc accomnpanied bY Mr. and Mrs. Danny Paisley, Ms. W. Park and children. ronto. Rev. and -Ms. D. Lute and Mr SMcean childen visited his father, Mr. J. cKee, Oshawa, wer Lutte, Toronto, with Rev. Lute the weekcnd. attenrling the General Council of Tesriei h the United Church on Friday. an Church Sunday vÀ Mir. and Ms. S. McCoy accomp. tended. Two ex-poli anied their son, Peî'cy, and visit- Albert Anderson and cd their granddaughter, Mr. and Reid, Toronto, and Ca Mrs. J. Oliver, Fenelon Falls, on ducted the service, Sunday. a mae quartette fr Mir. and Ms. Sidney Jewell Presbyterian Churci visited Mvr. and Ms. A. Hiawke.y These young men rei Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Taun- fine unaccompanied m ton, visitd M. and Mrs. A. ers. Ex-Sgt. Roberi Yountgnian. conduct services aga Mis. W. Wr'ight, Mr'. M. Barrie daY morning and 1 Newtonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ledlie, Ii'ish tenor, T, Russell Wright.sig Mr. and Mrs. E. Deeley visit- . allers with Miss E cd Mi. and Mrs. E. Stevens, To- JOy were: Mr. and D ronFran Crossman, Ms. F. Mr.Frn Colbaî'y, of Long Mis. Conlin, Oshawa, Branch; Mr. and Mis. J. Coibary, Mrs. A. Anderson, Ce Brookljo visited Mr. and Mrs. k. Mr. Boyd Hy]and, Colary. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bicot, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hy and Ms. H-oward Bient, Mr. G. recoverng from a slig Brcnt, altnded the funcral of Sympathy is extend Mr. S. J. Couitice, Oshawa, at Eb- Geo. Fin layson and d enezer Church on Monday. Syvm- the passing of Mr.1 pa1thy1 is cxtcnded to those ber- Mr. Russeli Jackma eavrdý. spent the weckend w Mr. and Mis. John Rowe, Mi-S. Mis. Jas. Harris. Ch-3s. Prescoti, Mr. Roy Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. Neis, Bowmnailville; Mis. ChIas. Tabb, spent the piist %eek Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Nor- the home of Mr. and main Collncutt. Symnons, Bowmanville.* 1\1r- and 1M11-. Walter Rahm, Congratulationg Ronald and M\iss Jean Haynes visited Mi. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Union. . Mi-.D'id Mrs. Evciton White Visifed lier 1-oilhcr, Mrs. Elliott Buckhoin, and also lheld a tea in honour of lier niothei's birth-1 dily. M\r. and Mi's. N. Yeliowlces at- tenC'ýCC1 a SUipi: biî'thday paîty lor heî miother at the home of Mr- and Mrs. H. Riiodie. Mis. WMI.Mller visited fîiends in Bowmanviile iast weck. Mi. Noiman White and Miss Phyllis Blîier, Toronto, visited M'r. andi Mrs. F. L. Bvam. A vcery happy galhei'ing 0[ friencis ani ci cîghoui.'s zssei-nblcd at the- homne of Mir. and Mis. C. W. Woodlcv on Friclay evenîng and gave Mi. and Mis. Wallace Grjffîn (nec Velma Coilacutt) a inisceilancoîts showei'r. Aftcr ail weie comfortably seated the couple weie ushered to two lovely chais tnder an aî'ch of streamers. FEATUREI-DEWKIST-SI: \vcddinig bell and balloons withi confetti, wheie a large basket C O C i rim ed vith p in k and w h ite w as e laden ý\-ith g lUts. Each thanked i i 1 L heur fricnds very tittingly. Aill FEATUREI-LYNN VALLE' ang "For They Are Joy Good' C U Fellows.' Musie was playcd by cuLVVW ax 1 MIis. G. Yeo, Enniskillen, and Mis. )Dae. Tyrone. Lunch was CULVERHOUSE-CHOIC se \ed, including wedding cake.À Mis. G. Ar'nold. Master Tom MISS CANA DA-CHOICE--RED I s a v c M Proiectifi IF A BLOWV comes, you wili be glad you have Wind-storm Insurance. You won't have to pay hundreds of dollars out of your oivn pocket to restore your property if you have your fic insurance Policy extended to cover windstorm damage. Ask this ageîîcy about it. StuartI R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 King Street, Boivrmanville *Ms. Geo. Bowes who are this given. Ms. Gilbank and helperi week ceiebiating their twenty- servcd a dainty lunch of Ice creaM fif'th annjx-crsaiy. and cake. Mrs. Grant Thompson motored A meeting of the three congrf. to North Bay to visit ber bioth- gatiOns was heid in Nestletoh ers, Messrs.. Jas. E. and Geo. K. Prcsbyterian Church Friday even- Jonston and families, North Bay ing but no solution was reached and Bonfield. until fuither communication witýi Mi. Grant Thompson spent the the Moderator. Mi. Kay. weekend at the home of his par- Sonry to report Mi. Andrew ents, Mr. and Mis. J. Thompson, Holmes has been confined to hos- Beaverton. pitai in Oshawa. We hope hîe Miss Marion Thompson retun- will soon be mucb mpoved. j d to Toronto Western Hospitai after spending a month's holidayu with ber parents. Harvey Guernseys Mis. Jos. Forder spent th e Tk hH nr wcekend with Miss Mary and Mi. T k ihH n r Harry Tinney, Cax'an. Ms. Harry MLaughlin, Miss The exceptional Guernsey herd Norma Hooey, Ms. H. Hooey, owvned by the Harvey Brothers, Ms. R. Wery and M. Hary Providence, has brought further Sanderson motored to Peterbor- laurels to Ravenswoth Fam.' ough to visit Ms. John Beacock Exibiting nine catte in sev- in hospital. Her many friends ral competitions, Ravenswot1t wish Eveivon a speedy' î'covery. Gueroscys captuz'ed five firsàs M. and Ms. J. Hoar, Toronto, four seconds, thie thirds, as weli have moved into John Aiscott's as Senior Grand Champion Bull, bouse. Junior Champion Female and Mis. Jos. Foîder held a success- Reserve, second in graded herct fui quiting for the Istitute at and a first in "get-of-sire," at the;- ber home this week. Oshawa Fair iast wcek. Ladies' Aid met Thursdav ev- Previous wins made recentli* coing at the home f Mî's. Ken- weie at the Big Foui Guense3; neth Gilbank, Buiketon, with a Club Show on Labour Day, al fair attendance. Cards were Port Peiiv. At this Fair, the* sent to Mis. 'Finlayson and to Har'vey Brothers gaincd a Senior Mis. John Beacock, two csteem- ad Reserve Grand Champion- cd members. Plans weîe made ship with their bull, Majesty's for a pot-iuck supper and bazaar Tiumpeter"s King, and captured eariy in October. A good pî'o- two firsts. four seconds, two gram of M ýS*c and rcadings ivas thirds and two fo urths. p HUNTERS!!B r, e-". For good hunting spend a few da3 s at 'Hap" Gill's Chateau Wembley the highlands of Haliburton hegin - 400 acres of woodland on which to shoot duck, Sep iarridge andorabldcci. e EXCELLENT MEALS - REASONABLE RATES For reservations:- Phone Bowmanville 3514 or write H. G. "Hap" Gi11, Bowmanville is onconditiono,,arI ionteed t. give you 100% SATISFACTION OI NI10N-DEL1I COUS HEI 1NZ-FRU ITS-MEATS--VEG ETABL ES - ~ -- - r« BRITISH COLUMBIA PACK-FAN4CY CLARI'S-IN CHILI SAUCE PORK &BEANS LIBBY'S-WITH CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE PANCAKE MIX T24C 20: i 5 WICHMLLO- ~IA-TAN GY WATER I<'E 16-oz. cell bag 20rw1YIIVI t-'Angqev J ~HARRY' HORNE'S - Stpis PEANUT BUTTER - - - 47: . . . 35 12-oz. Large Jumbo Cauliflower 2 for 1.9c ýàm. --DOMINION STORES LIMITED EGGS WANTED We pay bghest market pricmt for eggs. Shppng tags avaiiabI* et Our stors. Ses manager for par- ticulars. Reg. grading station 0-29. VALUES EFFECTIVE a 0 Tilt 2 7c VAN DUSEN-TOMATO Juic OReY-Coctai 315Os J.~~~~~ W.01.YSIEEE Grapefruit Juice ~ ('ravenstein No. 1 Apples- - - - - 3 lbs. 19c WVashed and Trlimed Jumbo Green Celery -- 2 -for .17c 1 qt. basket, Prune Pluins . . . . . 55c Fresh Corn on the Cob h doz. 25c Now Arîiving - Best for Preser in ELEERTA PEACH3ES vn PAGE ETW .-Iq - 'IR MAVA"TAW RPMAMqVM219A'Ke 9 Open Until the End of Nôvember 1602. Jar 35C Lb. 49C Tffum., SEPO ER 21. 1950

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