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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1950, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTABIO THURS., SPTEMBEN 28, -1950 Miss Shirley Flintof f and Miss Florence Linton left on Thursday for Guepb, where they wilI at- tend O.A.C. Sorry to hear that Dr. McNeil of Pontypoal is a patient in Pet- erborough hospital following a beart attack. We hope he wil have a speedy recovery. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grady on the birth of their son in Bowmanville Hospital on Monday. Sept. 18, a little brother for John. Mrs. Beal, an old-time resident of Orono, now living at Baysville, bas been visiting friends bere this past week. Visiting last week witb Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton werc the formfer's brother, Judge Frank A. E. Hamilton and Mrs. Hamil- ton, Winnipeg, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Thompson, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Lewis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter and Larry, Oshawa, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen. Mrs. Edgerton Hancock return- eel home after a week in Wark- worth with Mrs. Glen Hancock and children while Glen was a patient in Belleville General Hos- pital. He has since returned ta bis borne and is doing nicely. Mr. Newton Cobbhedick has bought the house on Church St. South, formerly owned by Mrs. C. L. Powers. Mr. Roy Powers, Toronto, visit- ed his mother here over the week- end. We are sorry ta renort tb- Mrs. Will Moffatt bas been quite iil and is now a patient in Osh- awa Hospital. We hope she will soon be feeling much better. Mrs. C. Wood visited her sist- er, Mrs. W. R. Young in Peter- borough recently. t Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson anid Betty Ann, and Mr. R. Arch- er, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Watson. Guests with Mrs. Cecil Jones were Mrs. W. McHolm, Morrish, and 1Vlrs. Addison, Carberry, Man. The Choir of Park St. Churcb held their practise on Wednesday night at the home of the Presi- dent, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rainey. The occasion was their annual corn-roast which is always look- ed forward ta with a great deal of pleasure by the choir and their friends. At the close of practise deliciaus corn on the cobb was served, also hot-dogs and taffy apples, and a social hour very much enjoyed. Mr. R. E. Logan, on behaif of the Choir, thanked Mr. and Mrs. Rainey, Jean and Gerahd. for their kindness and hospitality. Mr. Rainey replied, asuring all that they were very welcomc. Mrs. Harry Taylor and Mark, Napance, visited wit1% Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. N. Allin ast week. At a meeting of the Police Trus- tees and the County Council on Friday night it was decided that Orono wouhd remain on Daylight Saving Time until further notice. It was also decided that the con- struction of a new bridge in the north end of the village on the road from Main Street ta Cobb 'Scotland' to Visit West Indies The recently reconditioned 26,000-ton Canadian Pacifie luxury liner Empress of Scotland will re-enter the cruise field this winter with a series of seven voyages fromý New York down through the sun-bathed Caribbean ports of the storied Spanish main, beginning December 22nd. The beautifully-appointed flagship of the Canadian Pacific "White Empress" fleet, shown in lower left, will feature indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a Lido deck for sunbathing (shown at top), and buffet meals served on the glass- enclosed promenade deck (lower right). Traditional Canadian Pacific service and cruisine will be combined with, extensive experience gained in operating cruises to the four corners of the world before the war. The ship will cail at Kingston, Jamaica; LaGuaira, Venez- uela, and Havana on the two 12-day cruises; and in additioniwxill eall at Willefstad, Cur- acao, and the Panama Canal on her 14-day cruises, which begin Jan. l9th. Hill, would be commenced in the Evening Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Ev- ening Auxiliary was held hast Thursdav at home of Mrs. S. Ruth- erfard,'1(irby. Mrs. H. Allun pre- sided, and Mrs. C. Tamblyn and her group were in charge'. The guest speaker for the even- ing was Mrs. Bowman from Ennis- killen, who gave a very interest- ing talk on how aur lives can be happier and fuiler if we but have Faith! she quated from the writings of Dr. Peal. Special music for the evening was sup- plied; vacally, by Jean Rainey and Betty Chapman, and instrument- ally by Mrs. E. Brown. A social hour closed a very enjoyable ev- ening. WEDDING SOUCH - GROSJENE Yellow chrysanthemums, white, pink and coral gladioli in tali white standards with white moire bows centered with miniature nosegays of flowers in pastel shades formcd an effective set- ting in King Street United Church, Oshawa, for a wedding on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 16, w h en Betty Joan Grosiene. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Grosjcne, was unitcd in marriage in a double ring ceremony. with James Maurice Souch, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Souch, ahi of Osh- awa. Rev. E. J. Robertson officiated. Mrs. G. R. Booth presidcd at the' organ and accompanied h e r daughter, Miss Eleanor Booth, who sang "Thraugh the Years" before the ccremony and "The Lords Prayer" during the sigo- ing of the register. Given in mariage by ber father the bride was gowned in beavy brocaded white satin. The'f itted bodice bad a Qucen Elizabeth collar and the graceful skirt swirlcd into a long circular train. A juliet cap of satin brocade cm- broidered with clusters of seed pearîs held ber finger tip eeil of tulle illusion. She wore a single strand of pearîs and carried a spider bouquet of Lady Bounti- ful and Pinochia pink roses with trailing ivy and white satin and tulle florets.j Miss Ann Grojene was maid of honor for ber sister. The ather, attendants were Mrs. Douglas Sword of Belleville, au.nt of the bride, Miss Mary McLaughlin î and bliss Orma Mowers of Osha- wa. AIl the attendants wore id- entical gowns of ice-blue slipper satin fashioned with fitted bodicec' pointed at the front, full gatherci skirts and bracelet-length sleev- es. Tiny satin buttons outlir'ed the front of the bodice with a lily point collar. They each wore sa- tin juliet caps with tiny bows, short white gloves. and carr*cd nosegays of y ellow and orc;iid chrysanthemums with blue satin ribbon tics. Thcv cach wore the bride's gift, a single strand of pearis. Miss Lynda Pierson was the flower girl wearing a long frock of iceblue faille taffeta in Kate Greenaway style. She wore a matcbîng bonnet tied under the chin and ber flowers were a nase- gay of white orchid and yellow chrysantbemums tied with orchid ribbon. She wore the bride's gift, a mother of peari locket an a fine gold chain. Mr. Donald Souch wvas best man for bis brother. The ushers were Mr. Ravnond Souch, cousin of the bridegroam, Mr. Douglas Weir and Mr. Gardon Pierson. The reception was held at the Sign of the Gate, King St. Re- ceiving with the bridal party was the bride's mother wearing a grey crepe and Chantilly lace dress, a small navy blue velvet bat with pink astrich feathers, navy accessories, and a corsage of Lestra Hibberd rases. The bridegroomn's mother who assist- cd was wearing a dress of marsh rose and fine French lace, with which she wore mink furs, a black velvet bat with coque feath- er trimming, black ýaccessories and yellow Pinacehia rases for ber corsage. The thrce-ticr wedding cake in a setting of white tulle and dlus- ters of red roses centrcd the bride's table which was lighted with white tapers in silver hold- ers. Serving the wedding party and guests werc Miss Phyllis Richardson, Whitbv: Miss Jean Burgcss, Bowmanville; Miss Lyn White, Miss Eleanor Hamilton, Miss Mary Ann Ristow, Miss Mar- tha Washington, Miss Mary Clark, Miss Elcanor Banc, Miss Bar- bara Banc, Miss Dorothy Pcllaw, Miss Joan Jackson, Miss Arlene Cox and Mrs. Donald Saucb. Mr. and Mrs. Souch lef t by GUELPH 100% NYLON for sweaters and socks in attractive shades. SANFORLArN A Monarch wool, non- shrink 4-ply, long wear- ing for children's garments. DOUBLE KNITTING and SPEED-WAY for sportswear. BABY YARN A wide variety of well- known brands, plai'n or with silk twist. J. W. JEWELL ««BIG 1*20", 27 Klnt St. W.. Bowmanville POE556 motar for Huntsville and other points in North Western Ontario. On their return they will reside in Oshawa. For the honeymoon trip the bride chose a navy blue crepe afternoon dress with which she wore a matching bonnet-shaped bat, a naturai beige wooi top coat, navy blue accessories and a white orchid corsage. B3efore leaving the bride tbrew her bridai bouquet which was caught by Miss Martha Wash- ington. STARK VILLE Shiloh W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Percy Farrow. Plans were made for the anniversary and also for the annuai bazaar. Mrs. Lan- caster gave a very informative talk on weaving and had many beautiful articles ta show the ladies. Miss Hilîs gave a musical number. Lunch was scrved and the meeting enjoycd by ail. Mrs. Stone invited the ladies ta ber home for the October meeting. Mr. D. Strutka, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Strutka. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and sans with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Barclay, Oshawa. Mr. Delbert Halloweli visited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hallowell, re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. K. Rowe, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. C. Blanchard at Elizabeth- ville. Miss Bculah Hallowell, Toron- ta, with Miss Norma Hadlowell. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Maclntyre, Detroit, spent a few days with ber cousin, Mr. Wm. Laing. Word bas been received from Port Hope hospital that there is sqme impravement in Mr. Jas. Sexsmith's condition. Messrs. Keith Burhey and Rus- sell Elliott who were away on vacation, first ta Ottawa and then ta Virginia, have returned. Miss Jean Wade is spending a few days with friends at Lindsay. Miss Bertha ThomPson was in Toronto an Wednesday attending the funerai of ber cousin, Miss Annie Thompson. Several fromn here attended a farewell preserltation held in Port Britain schooi on FridJay for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nesbitt (n'ec Olive Whitney) who are leaving for the west. Our time is an awful rnix-up. We are running on fast tUrne be- cause Newcastle is, and tniey are because Bowmanville is, -uid they are because Oshawa is, and they are because Toronta is. But at Port Hope things are different. They are on time -official,»ý' known as Eastern Standard Tjir.e." We have pupils going bath ways ta school. The Colonial Coaches are running an Standard Time. For some unknown reason, Hj;dro has not corne along with aur street ights. Let's form a 'Ligh t-up Club." If everybody in the village wouhd turn on their front light, be it parch or ver- andah. from 7 or 8 o'clock until 10 o'clock it wauld help consid- erably. A fair. crawd attended the pic- turcs Put on by the Downbam Nursery in the church base- ment on Tbursday evcning. The pictures were good and the advice excellent but we think thev should be advertised for grown-1 ups only as the cbildren are not is getting along fine. Mrs. Fred Bowen spent a few days i Toronto visiting ber niece, M'ss Doris Stocl<dale, who is on hoiidays from London, Eng- land. where she is stewardess with B.O.A.C. Visitors with Mrs. F. Bowen and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Down- The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan interested i.n bow to plant a rose bush. etc., etc. Mr. and Mrs. Len Barton visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley, Har- mony, on Wednesday. The many friends of Mrs. Chas., Morris received an awfui shock when they heard of ber passing, on Tuesday. Mrs. Morris buried her husband just two months ago. She had gone to Mount Albert to spend a month with ber broh- er and sister on the hornestead before settling down here for the winter. Mrs. Morris will be much missed for she was active in al branches of church work. Sev- cral from here attended the fun- eral on Thursday which was heid at the Funeral Chapel of Newbig- ging & Brown, Mount Pleasant Rd., Toronto. Interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Rev. Lancaster spoke with feeling, of her passing, in the Sunday even-i ing service. Little Dennis Burley is suffer- ing from branchial pneumonia. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Neirnann, Hali- burton, yisitd Mr. and Mrs. W.1 Brunt aver the weekend. 1 Miss Mariene Laking, New- 1 castle. spent Saturday with her cousins, Gerald, Russeli and Carol Marie Gibson. j Messrs. John Fisk and David McRulis and twa children attend- ed Lindsay Fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell, Camp- beliford, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk and family on the weekcnd. Ladies! Don't forget Sulent Sisters will meet at the home of Mrs. John Fisk, Thursday, Oct. 5.i Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Grant Malley wha were mar- ried a week ago Saturday. Miss Vîrginia Holmes visitcd with her family in Cabourg on the wcekend. Bclated congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. P. Williams wha were marricd a fcw weeks aga. Mr. Bill Barchard fell hast Sat- urdav and sprained his ankie but Il .1 KRAFT SANDWICH QUAKER Large OATS * Pkg. PEP DOC FPOOD le* i 26-40-60 WATT soux LAM EaS SOAP POWDER cl11x1 1 . 0* Pkg. SHORTENING SWIFT'N»ING, *lb. KRAFT DELUXE SLICED CHEESE. ý270 e33e 15e 32e 37e ANN PAGE-WHITE or BROWN. MIMEK DREAD SLICED 24-oz loaf 13c CUSTOM GROUNO DOKAR cONE lb 92C OPERATED BY 85 King Street E., EDGAR N. TOMLINSON Bowrnanville NIAGARA No. 1, SWEET1 GRAPES * FRESH No. 1, NEW CRC- CRANDERIIES 1-b.23e GOLDEN No. 1, WASHED& WAXED a SWEET POTATOES 3 Ibs. 25< SALADMIX ~ -**Celo le CARIOTS WSED *3 lbs. 0< LARGE No. 1, LEAMINGTON, COOKING ONIONS.............l b. 19e WAXED TURNIPS . . . 2 îbs. 9< TOMATO SOUP a ()-OZ tins Zlc LIBBY'S TENDER KING GRtEENV PERS a iS-oz tins 31c ALP CHOICE TOMATOES a 28-oz tins .5 c AIJNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR pkçI19C LIBBY'S NEW PACK FANCV TOMATO JUIrC' 20-oz tin 1l0C YORK GRAND BE 1TE5* - soz tin 26c TILBEST CHOC. or WHITE CAKE MIXES * pkg 35c A&P CHOICE COIRN CREAM STYLE Z 15 oz tins a5c JELLY POWDERS SEIIIIFF'S I1USHUS 3 pkgs 26c VAN KIRK'S CHOCOLATE CHIPITS pkg 7c 6-Qt' Caticà9 STEAKS OR ROASi SIRLOIN, WING, BONELESS ROUND or POIRTMEJBISE " SHAMROCK, WffOLE OR HALF SNOK EmsHAN CHOICE SLICED IBRMAFAST BACON ». MAPLE LEAF RINO>LESS BREAKF[IAST BACON V2 CHOICE SLICED BEEF LIVER FRESH WHOLE OR HALF PORK HAMS LL ~ ___________________ kg Wfti. Linehan, Ottawa-, Mrs. J'. Allin, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. El- roy Gibson and Miss Baine, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen and Darlene, Newcastle, with bis fa- ther. Mr. Stan. Bowen. Miss Darlene Bowen spent Tbursday with ber aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barch. I FRANK.'S SNAC] PHONE 3231 Courteous, Dependable 24 Hour Service S TAR [»BAR 72 SCUGOG ST. AIl Passengers Fully Insured TAXI 9. UUgl b53e SILVERBRIGHTr SALMON STEAKS 9c SELECTS - . lb. 57e %.Pt.~~ 659 WE SPECIALIZE IN FISH and CHIPS Dinner and Supper Orders will býe prepared and ready for pick-up if phoned in. Phone 3324 Opposite Sheppard and Gi JOHNSON'S GLO COAT » Pint 59e SHORTENING FLUFFO .lb. 32e SUPER CREAMEC CRISCO * lb. 40e FINE CANADIAN MEDIUM CHEESE ' lb. 39e IOASTRAWBERRV JN (Pectin Added) 24-oz.42 ALL PURPOSE 5ROSES FLOUR Ba1 .35e IONA HALVES PEACHES - 20-o: .20e A&P FANCV TON. JUICE * Ti.21< IONA CUT WAX BEANS - 2 Tin.25< HEINZ ASSORTED BABY FOODS 3 Tins i ANN PAGE PEANUT B UTTER 16oz- 35e A&P CHOICE PTTEDJa BaD CHERRMES 15-oz. 19< TOILET SOAPTi Doy ÀA&P ':5Sper Right " Quulity Meutsqb TyA&P Superriglit Meats' today. Buy wth confidence. Every cut weII ~~ trimmed to give you mare meat. Corne and ses for yourself-be convinced. And, of course, Canada'. top grades of beef-RED and BLUE Brandi are a fature. SHAMROCK, SMOKED SHANKLESS, Picnic Style POU SHOULDERS lb r FRESH SHANKLESS lb. 89< IPORK SH3OULDERS . lb. 531 FRESH lb. 55 PGRIK iITTS . . lb.- 59< GRADE "A" lb. 59o BOILING FOWL *» . b. 45< SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED -lb. à>~ BO O N - - lb. 39g ui iy n4m PAGE 1POUR-TECEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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