T-CAAIA TAESA, OMAVLL, NAM &TR.. PEM aR u. 1MBl WAGU SIXTEEW - B R"ING YO0UR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS BIRTHS BROOME-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Broome, Hampton, (nee Reta Burgess) are proud to announce th~eliirtii of their daughter, Norma (Faye) at Bowmanville Hospital on Sept. l9th, 1950, a baby sister for Jackey Kenny and Linda. 39-1* FAULKNER-To Mr. and Mrs. G. Faulkner in Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Suinday, September 24, 1950j a daughter, a sister for Susan. 39-1 WOOD-To Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Wood at Bowmanville Hospital, oni Saturday. September 23, 1950, a son, John David. 39-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Noble 6f Uxbridge, xish to announce the engagement of their daugli- ter, Joyce Madelene, to Arnold Roy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor of Blackstock. The max- rnage will take place in Chalmer's Presbyterian Church,, Uxbridge, oh October 21st, 1950. 39-1 S The engagement is announced of Shirley Anne Moore, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore of Ascot, England, to James Thomas Colliss, eldest son of Mrs. Colliss and the late Mr. Thomas CoUliss of Maple Grove. The wedding will take place Saturday, October 21st at 2 p.m. at St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- inanville. 39-l* IN MEMORIAM- BRADLEY -In memory of J. Bradley, who died Sept. %0, 1944: You are flot forgotten Brother Nor ever shahl you lie As long as life and memory last We will remember thee. -Bro. Norman and family. BROWN-In loving memory of a d e a r father, Herbert Milton Brown, who passed away Sept. 25th, 1947: 1 have lost my soul's companion, A life linked with my own, And day liy day I miss him more - As I wva1k through lfeý alone. -Wife and iamily. 3- DARCH-In loving memory of Albiert Leslie Darch, who died Sept. 28, 1947: -Sadly missed by his wife and family. 39-1 MUTTON-In ]oving memory of our dear son and brother, B17943 L/ICpl. Frederick C. Mutton, Royal Regiment, who died of wounds received in Holland, Sept. 28th. 1944: Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear*: Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near. -Sadly missed by family. 39-1* MANNING-In loving memory of rny dear mother, Pearl Manning, Who passed aw,,av Oct. 2, 1943: Loving and kind in ah lier ways, ilpright and just to the end of her days. Sicere and true in her heart and mind Beautiful memories she left liehind. é-Ever remembered liy daughter, slean Luxton. 39-1* WHITE-In loving memory of a dear husliand and father, George White, of Solina, who passed away September 27th, 1943: -Loving1y remembered liy Wife &ind family. 39-1 WOTTEN-In loving memory of t dear father, William George Wotten. who passed away Sept. 26th, 1947: Gone is the face we loved so de ar, Silent is the voice we loved to hear: Toc far away for sight or speech, But not too Car for t hought to reach. Sweet f0 remember him once who waher. And who. fhough absent, is just as dear. --Always remembered liy bis chiidren.3- Notices Nowv is the time for new spirella. Phone 935. 39-2* COMING EVENTS Rummage sale, Hallowe'en tea, sale of home liaking, country store and fish pond, at St. John's Parish Hall, Oct. 2th from 2 to 9 p.m. Sponsored by evening liranch of the W.A. 39-4* The Home & School Association at the Ontario Street School on Wed., Oct. 4th at 8 p.m. Mr. W. Thompson, M.P., Oshawa, speaker. Theme "Citizenship." Everyone welcome. 39-1 Haydon Thank-Offering Ser- vice on Sunday, Oct. lst at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Donald Lute in charge. Special music liy Tyrone choir. Moving pictures shown Oct. 6th by Dr. J. C. levitt. 39-1* Women's Auxiliary, Memorial Park series of euchres starting at the South Ward School, Tuesday, October 3rd. Good prizes every week. Ladies' and gents' series prize at the end of series. 39-1 The Eastern Section of the W.M.S. of Oshawa Presbvterial will meet at Maple Grove United Church on Thursday, Octolier 26. Morning and afternoon sessions. AIl ladies welcome. 39-1 Anniversary of Newtonville Presbyterian Church, Thanksgiv- ing Sunday, October 8th. Service at 7:30 p.m. D.S.T., Minister, Rev. F. R. Meredith of Bowmanville. Special music. Everyone invited to attend. 39-2 Attend the Canadian Order of Foresters "Thanksgiving Bail" at Varcoe's Pavilion, Friday, October l3th. Dancing 9 to 1, f0 the Novel-Aires Orchestra of Cobourg. Music f0 suit everyone, smooth Hawaiian numbers, popular and old round dance numbers, as weIll as the odd square dance. Dress optional. Admission $2.00 per couple. A good time assured. Articles QUANTITY, of Phone 805. For Sale used apple bls. 39-4* 1938 NASH Lafayette Sedan. Phone 3417. 39-1 *BOY'S overcoat, size 14 - 15, good as new. Phone 3294. 39-1* FOUR acres of good standing silo corn. Phone 2913. 39-1* LARGE Thor electrie washer, reasonable. Phone 2985. 39-1 WESTINGHOUSE refrigera t o r, almost new. Phone 2778. 39-if GIRL'S winter coat, size 12, brown tweed, $10. Phone 3254. 39-1 1 CHILD'S crib, no mattress, in good condition. Phone 432. 39-1* GOOD deer hound for sale. Ap- ply Bill Johnson, Burketon. Phone 2210. 39-1 EIGHT section portable electric radiator. Plug in, like new. Phone 3154. 39-1* '29 WHIPPET, 4 new tires, selling for $25.00. E. D. Knapp, Middle Road. 39-1* COOK stove with 2 oil burners, bottle and stand, $30. L. Nichols, 39 Duke St. 39-4* QUANTITY of oat straw; also some wheat straw. Phone Blake Short, 2479. 39-i 1940 CHRYSLER Royal Sedan, inr excellent 'condition, W. Goode, Liberty St. N. 39-4* YOUTH'S gabardine suit; almost new, 34 - 36: also winter jacket. 101 Scugog St. 39-l* HOLLAND BULBS-tulips, daf- fodils, crocus, hyacinths. Stew- art's Seed Store. 38-tf PRINCESS Rose range, cream enarnel, $15. Apply 69 Queen St. or Phone 3379. 39-1g. 1930 FORD Coachi, in good run- Notice tIo ,redixor ning condition, $150. Apply Mms. oSS. Irons, Burketon. 39-i IN the Estate of EDITH HENRI- ETTA GRAHAM, Deceased. ALL persons having dlaims against Edith Henrietta Graham, late o! the Village of Newcastle, in the County of Durharn, Mar- ried Woman, deceased, who died on or about the Seventh day o! August, 1950, are required to send particulars of same to the undersigned solicitor for the Exe- cutor on or before the Thirty-first day o! October, 1950, after wbich date the assets o! the deceased will lie distriliuted, j1iaving regard only to the dlaims of w hich notice shall have then been given. DATED at Port Hope this Twenty-first day of September, 1950. W. E. BONNEVILIE, 11 Miii Street North, Port Hope, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 39-3 Help Wanted WANTED-Part time office help for evenings. Experience not necessary. Apply C. J. Garton, 64 King St. E. .39-1 BEAUTY counselors have oppor- tunity for mature woman with pleasing personaliv~ and an earn- ing need. Write Box 475, c/o Statesman Office. 39-31 GIRL or woman, must bie fond' o! cbildren, for light housexvork and care of three small children, one going to school, while mother in hospital. If interested apply stating wages and expérience to 22 Silver St., Bowmanville. 29-1 MARRIED man with small family wanted before November 1sf. Experienced in mixed farming, by well equipped, farm. Separate house with fuel and hydro. Write stafing experience and reference f0 Box 477, c/o Stafesman Office. 39-2 WANTED-Reliable man as Deal- er in Bowmanviile. Experience not necessary. A fine opportun- ity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Pro- ducts have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-I-140-163, Montreal. 36-4 ARE you looking for a pleasant place to work? Girl or woman wanted for housework. Modemn home in Toronto with private room and ail privileges. Lots of 1 tim offýNo hp vy Wiv N. , SUUUr Anybdy wshin toloina I ea. $15.00 weeklv. Phone Mms. European Club contact 3621. Breslin coilect, evenings, Orchard P9-1 5604 or Breslin's Store in Bow- manville. 39-1 Dr. Keith Slemon's office will be closed from October 7fh fe 15th, inclusive. 39-2 Agents \Vanted The Evening W.A. of Sf. Paul's SAEr ayadpoiaM Chuchvil oldanaffernoon tea, with our 250 bousehoid musts, hobmrcoowiililan umg fsloodsfuffs, fonics, disinfectants, home cookingpenderummag 3 e lmedicines. etc Guarantec-d satis- SatrdySepemer 3Oth,3 t faction. No experience rrquired. 6 p.m.38~2*Write E. O. West, 1600 Delormier YouR FUTURE IN THE STARS St. Montreal, 24, P.Q. 39-i -Three months' !orecast advising- aeuofIhe opportunities te grasp Applications'W'anted and piffalîs fa avoid. or detailed ___ tharactem analvsis for your birth Aplctosfrlipston! aigri. Seid biîthdav' with fifty Assessor for the United Counities. eents to Doreen E. Perrett, Cer- o! Northumberland and Durham, tified Astrcologcr, R.R. 1, Bow- wilil be received by the under- Mlanville, tint. 39-1* signed up until 2:00 p.m., October Personal HYGWENIC SIUP1PLIES - (rublier ion,.ds) mii-d po.7tpaid in plain seer n.vrape witb price list. six 5np c . 24 samples $1.00. Alail Ord(l- Dent. T-28. Nov-Ruli- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-8 2Ofh, 1950, with dties fa com- mence January lst, 1951. Salary $3.000.00 plus mleage. Appli- cants should state age, qualifica- tions and experience in their applications. W. E. BARR, Clerk, Counfies of Northumberland and Durham, Cobourg, Ontario, 1941 OLDSMOBILE Sedan, black, good tires, good shape. H. A. Pickard. Phone 3185. 39-1 IMMEDIATE delîvery, 9 cu. ft. Crosley-Shelvadoor rerrigerator. Keith Aiken, Clarke 3331. 39-1* 1 DEERING corn binder, in good condition. Best offer. Apply Ivan Mountjoy, Burketon. 39-1* TWO motorcyrles; International tractor and plow. Apply Rod Simpson, Enniskillen R. R. 1. 38-2* NEW Holland hay lialer for sale. Used two seasons. Contact M. Leggette. Phone 3744W1 Oshawa. 39-l* BLACK Faîl coat, winter coat teal lilue, opposumn collar, both size 12. Phone 565 between 9 and 5. 39-1* FORD tractor with International pick-up plow. new this year. Murray Barrie. Phone Clarke 2431. 39-1* BOYS or man's C.C.M. bicycle; lady's ice skates; 1 pair skis and poles. Phone 3576, 111 Elgin Street. 39-1* 9-PIECE dining-room suite-ex- cellent condition. A liargain at $50. M. Bre'sin, Bowmanville. Phone 854. 39-1 i WOODEN wheelbarrow, steel wheel, practically new: 7 used tires, 16x650. Apply J. Gunn, Bowmanville. 39-i EMPIRE cook stove, equipped with water front, High Heat oul humner. Apply Percy Collins, Blackstock. 39-1* 9 - PIECE nmodern dining-room suite; new chesterfield suite: 4- plate modemn electric stove. Phone 620 before noon. 39-1* HARDWOOD, $18.00 per cord. Cut in one ft. lengths and de- livered. Frank Gilmer, Newton- ville, Clarke 613. 37-3 GOOD uscd I.H.C. fertilizer drill, 13-disc; two tires, slightly used, 900x24. S. S. Morton & Son, Massey-Harris Dealer. 39-1* ACME cook stove, warming oven, reservoir, with 6-inch Silent Glow oul burners. complete, excellent condition. 147 Scugog St. Phone 20o6. 39-1* BODY hardwood, hardwood sialis, softwood slabs and kindling. 4 ft. and foot. Delivered. Geo. Heas- lip, Janetville, Phone Bethany 18r33. 38-4-* POTATOES-Omder your potatoes now f0 lie sure o! good qualif y for winter use. Free deliveryv in Bowmanviile. Douglas Con, 5 Nelson St. 37-3* BEECH and maple, green cord- wood, $ 18.00 a comd, sawed and delivered, also fence posts. H. >M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 193-r-14. 15-t! COAL or wood range, white en- >amel, modemn style, deep firebox, ,copper reservoir, in good con- dition. PercY VanCamp, Phone Port Perv 197r32. 39-1* NEW and late mode] automobiles insured and financed. Dealer or privafe sales. Inquire about thisi low cost plan. Roy Lunney, 48 King Sf. W.. Phone 565. 23-tf DODGE Coupe, 1938, excellent condition, driven by owner, about 55,000 miles, new paint job, tires, seat covers, batfery-, seaied beamn iights. See Elgie Harnden. 39-1 The Canadian Statesman Classified Advertising Rates > Effective July 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. "-h4 Rate - - - 30 per word wlth a minimum of 500 Must be pald by date of ýnsertion. If charged, an additional 250 wiiI be, added A charge of 250~ will be made for ail replies dlrected to thia office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30~ a word wlth a minimum of $1.00- for 33 words or leas. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIAMS - - - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse. Display Classified at 800' per inch wltli a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the saine rates. Ail Classified Ads. must b. ln this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money - (Clip This Out For Handy Reference> Articles For Sale CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleuma Deluxe 2 and 3 yards xide, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf USED electric refrigerator, 7 cu. ft. Coldspot. Guaranteed refin- ished, $175. Easy Terms. Addison combination radio, 3-speed chang- er, brand new. Reg. $239.00 for $189.00. Phone 811. 39-1 LINOLEUM headquarters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleums, Congoleums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Every pattern that's made, is available at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf USED General tractor: pair 10 x 24 tractor tires, new, a bargain; Viking hammer milis and Gemn oat rollers. Virtue's Garage, Goodison Oliver Sales and Ser- vicEý, Tyrone, Phone 2882. 39-2* TULIPS - Top grade Holland bulbs. Gorgeous mixtuire o!f en different colors. Special offer: Ten, 60c; Twenty-five, $1.40; Fifty, $2,60; One bundred, $5.00. Stewart's Seeds, Phone 577. 39-1*' IMMEDIATE delivery, Faiibanks Morse Épace heaters. Heat your home flic safe, dlean economical way. Pay oniy $11.45 down at Badley's Furnifure and Appli- anc. Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf OIL burners installed, complet. with one year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as liffle as $35 down and 24 months f0 pay. S. Blain Ellioft, Plumbing, Heafing and Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone 3348. 29-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oil Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonahle rates and highest quality. For free Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf BOY'S bîtie tweed suit, size 6; 2 pair shorts, blue and grey; navy blazer, size 6; pair Lone Ranger rubber boots, size 13; pair red fur-trimmed rubber overshoes, size Il; 2 new Firestone snow tires and tubes 525-550-17. Phone 3575. 39-l* ATTENTION - Turkey, chicken and dog raisers. Selling out 45 strong 6x6x9 ail 'heavy gauge wire fox cages with wooden ken- nels, 2x4 frames. $10 each at farm. Also softwood, $8 cord, at farm, and cedar posts. Margwill Fur Farm, Phone 2679. 39-tf KITCHEN suite, like new, cabinet, table and four chairs, liglit oak trimmed with red. A beautiful set for a real bargain; also one Spanish guitar with case, neyer been used, can lie tuned for Hawaiian. Seling both cheap for quick sale. Phone 3157. 39-1 FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- ers, Washing Machines, Ranges, service on milk coolers and mot- ors, that wiring job or anything eiectric. Trade - in or Terms. Consult Werry & Son Electric, dealers for Woods Electric Farm Equipment, Phone 2539 Bowman- ville. 38-3 USED Case S fractor; used Case SC tractor; new Case DO tractor; new Case VA tractor: new Case horse spreader; snow fence; wire fence. See us about a liatteryi for your car or tractor: Pressure1 water systems. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 39-1 ALL kinds o! meaf, good quality weincrs, bologna, cooked bams, smoked hams and bacon. sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Pbone 2836; also pickling, smoking and sausage making. DUring the summer months - hog killing on Tues- davs and çattlc at any time. Articles For Sale WOODS Co. electric equipment: grinders, rollers, hammer milis, freezers plus refrigeration, Vik- ing hammer milîs. Fluery plate grinders. Bisseli 26 plate 18" disc (a special) $175. Ford lift-matic ,discs, $150; Roby 9 ý/2' cultivator, $190. Phone Carl Todd, Newton- ville, agent for Woods, Fleury- Bisseli, Otaco. 39-1* TEN - Pc. Living-room groups. Many colours and style combin- ations to choose from. Groups include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, i Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 Alum- inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- ial $169.00 only at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terms f0 suit. Many other suites to choose from. 2 -tf BRADLEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroorn suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits. completp. $26.95; feit base floor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs. $6.95, ail colors; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfield suites, $14900; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattresses. $24,95; tri-liglif lamps, complete, $12.95-, rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bed chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or- winp oriental designs, $49.50, chenille hed spreads, $6.95, table lamps. $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Lost RED alligator wallet, containing about $20. Liberal reward. Lost between A. & P. and High School. Phone Clarke 1523. 39-1 Found ONE white faced steer, strayed onto the property o! James Mc- Laughlin. Owner may have same hy poaying advertisement. Phone 2296. 39-1 For Rent FOUR-room house, unfumnished, hydro. Write Box 473, c/o States- mnan Office.' 39-1* BEDROOM, suitable for one or two men or girls, ail conveniences. Phone 3622. 39-1* ONE furnished room, for one or two girls, light bousekeeping. Phone 3479. 39-1 TWO rooms and kitchenette, middle age preferred. Box 474, c/o Statesman Office. 39-i, ONE partly furnished room. School girl or business person preferred. Write M,D., Post Of- fice Box 502. 39-l* Wanted To Rent A TYPEWRITER for schooi sea- son. Write Box 471, c/o States- man Office. 38-if WELL located 100-acre farm, with good buildings, water and hydro. Phone 172r21 Port Perry. 38.2* THIREE or four beated rooms for married couple with one chid. by Novembee 1sf. Write Box 476, Statesman Office. 39-t! HOUSE, apartment or duplex. Urgently needed. On. child. 7 monflis. Phone Port Perry 189r12 or 96. Reverse charges. 39-1-1 HOUSE with 2 or 3 rooms and kitchen, for Scotch family, on. girl. agcd 13. Reply to Miss M. Lawrie, é/o G.P.O. Box 383. 39-i* Real Estctte For Sale BOWMANVIILLE REAL ESTATE Special -Lot 80x335, foundation dug, new concrete well, small shack, surveyed, low taxes, nicely treed with cedars, on Highway No. 2 between Bowmanville and Oshawa. Price $400. Six roomn cottage, furnished, motorboat included, fireplace, could lie winterized. At Cedar Crest Beach. $3,'500 with $1,000 down. Ultra -modern bungalow, six rooms, auto oul heating. Price $8,300. Terms. Four room insul-brick cottage, 6 '2 acres, low taxe§, east of En- niskillen. Price $1,800. Brick bouse, 15 rooms, suitalile for tourist or rooming bouse, in centre of Bowmanville. Price $10,000. Terms. $750 down-Six room bungalow, new well, on "14-acre lot, facing new highway, near Bowmanville. i Price $3,500. Also fMrms, businesses, etc. We have others. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone 3V26 Bowmanville Phone 689 Oshawa 39-i HAMILTON REAL ESTATE $2,000 Special -30 acres within haîf mile of No. 35 Highway, 4 miles north of Orono, 7-room;ed stucco bouse, stone founidation, asbestos roofing, new electric wiring. good water. Must lie al cash at this price, for immediate sale. Mortgage funds are available on your improved farm, town resid- ence or business property. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Ontario Phones: Office 32r10 - Home 1r16 39-1 COOKE REAL ESTATE $12,000-125 acres, 90 acres good workable land, excellent build- ings. Nearly new 6-room brick bouse, barn 40x8O, driving shed, hog pen, chicken bouse. Two spring streams, some bush. lm- mediate possession. $11,500 -165 acres extra good land, 3 miles from No. 35 High- way near Bethany. A-i tractor farm, no stones. 40 acres fal wheat planted. Splendid barns and stgbling. Can tie up 60 cat- tle. 7-room frame house, weli, painted. Water in taps and 15 acres hardwood bush. Permanent stream. Possession 30 days. $9,000-Near Oshawa, '75 acres, 60 acres workable. 9-room brick house, new roof on barn, fair stabling. Milk contract. Good fences. 15 acre wood lot. Possess- ion arranged. DOUBLE HOUSE Why not have your own apartment free? S1l,000-In Orono, 12-room solid brick house superlative construc- tion, centre hall plan, two living rooms, two dining rooms, 6 lied- rooms, bath, oversize furnace, low cost heating, bouse very warm, screened sunporch, balcony open- ing off of hall upstairs, double garage, lovely garden. Immed- iate possession. E .velyn E. Cooke, Realtor Phone Clarke A2621 Newcastle 39-i Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK 'EVEREIT ROBBINS, Deceased. ALL persons having dlaims against the estafe of the said Frederick Everett Rolibins, late o! the Township of Darlington, in the County o! Durham, Farm- er, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day o! February, 1950, at fthe City o! Toronto, in the County o! York, are required f0 file proof o! the same with the undersigned executors o! the last Will and Testament of the said deceased on or before the 2lst day o! October, 1950, affer wbich date the said Executors will proceed f0 distribute the said estate, bav- ing regard only to the dlaims of which they shahl then bave notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, f his l8th day o! September, A.D. 1950. RUSSELL ROBRINS and PERCY A. LANGMAID, Executors, hy Creigliton, Fraser & Drynan. .9 Simcoe Street N., Oshawa, Ontario, their solicitors berein. Wanted To Buy SCRAP iron and batteries. Phone Clark. 2530. 17-tf ELECTRIC fan, 10'" or 12". F. A. Dilling. Pione 2767. 39-1 BUSH - must lie predominately liard maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone Port Perry 193r14. 22-tf USED. wooden silo and' rod s. 34-tfI JFOUR rooms or an apartmenf. Howard Paync, R.R. 3, Newcastle, FRAME building, size 18' x24', Provincial Policeman, wi!e and Phone Clark. 1422. 39-if store *y and a bal!. locafed at 24 child. Urgently needed .A pply SCRAP batteries, any condition Ontario Street, xiilicb open for Provincial Constable Hardy, O.P. S$1.00. Telephone 467 for pick-I inspection at 6 p.m. Saturday,1 P., Bowmanville. 39-2* Up. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Sept. 30th. Must lie tom down 37-t!* and taken aa.Tnessol lie awaes:BySctenesBuld, Pets F rSale BEFORE seflng your ive pouitry c/o Wm. Aluin, Bowmanville. For- ) try us. Our prices are higher. M. further information Phone 576. HOUND pups, ready ta start. 1 Flatt, R.R. 1, Befhany, phone 7 r 39-1 Phone 2936. 39-i 13, reverse charges. 17-ti JAUCTION SALE ATTENTION FARMERS Thursday, Sept. 28 v111 be the last evening sale at the Durham Couniy Sales Arena at ORONO Commencing THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5TH ail sales wlll commence at 1:30 p.m. and wlll be heid each and every Thursday afternoon until June, 1951. Plan to meet your farm friends on Thursday afternoon of each week at the Durham County Sales Arena -Terms Strlctly Cash - L. Hall, Sales Manager. Jack Reid, Fred Lycett, Auctioneer. Clerk. 39-1 AUCTION SALE Community commission sale of furniture will lie held in Pethick's yard, Ennîskillen, on Saturday, Oct. 7th. Anyone putting articles in this sale please have same at yard by 12 o'clock. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. T. S. Mount- joy, clerk. Clifford Pethick, auc- tioneer. - 39-2 Wanted Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom wor,W try the Neat-Way Shoe Repaîr Shop, opposite Garton Bus Irer- minai. 31-tf CHESTERFIELDS completeiy re- built and re-uphoistered. Satis- faction guaranteed. Have, our consultant caîl at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. , 39-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig. erators, domestie and comnmercial; milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Room and Board' WANTED-Elderly man desires warm single room with board, oul heating preferred, near centre. Will pay monthly in advance. State price. Ref. Dr. H. Ferguson joseph Brown, Caledonia, Ont.W - 39-2 Business Opportunity HARNDEN'S Garage Business, complete with tools and equip- ment. Good going concern and splendid opportunity for liody and fender repairs as well as mechanical. Owner mnust sell due to ili health. Phone 952. 39-1 Odds - 'rn' - Ends Here and There ACCOMMODATION wanted for London, England-Reuters wire number o! cattie to lie let out for service reports that politics bave winter feeding. Phione 84r8 Orono. moved into police couts. Ken- 39*nefli Winston Churchhi, 25, was jailed six months for car theft. Rooms For Rent In charge of flic case was Detec- f ive-Sergeant Stanley Baldwin. MAY bave some rooms available Saskatoon, Sask.-The Mayor for aduits (abstainers) at 191 o!flice city is credited with the King Sf., East. Not suitalile for idea o! installing electrical out- children. 39-1* lets in parking meters. Besides coming in handy for keeping a Farmers Attention 1 motor warm on cold winter days- a local businessman is able to WE will be pleased to pick Up dash off a fast electric shave on dead or crippled farmn animaIs bswyt ok and pay highest prevaiîing prices. Lo ndon, Ont.-A superintendent For immediate service Telephone o! the Ontario Unemployment In- Collect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or surance Commission forecasfs a Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young shortage of male workers for Lon- Ltd. 2tf don inc(>stry this winter. He warned that increasing de- mands o! industry as weli as a gnrai increase in need for work- Notice ta Creditors erswill hring about a definif e AND OTHERS shortage o! labour. For the will- ing-a job. IN THE ESTATE o! Richard Fergus, Ont-A milkman re- Hawkey, late o! the Town o! ports baving seen a wbite robin Bowmanville, In the Counfy o! in the eastemn part o! town iast Durham, Province o! Ontario, week. The bird is descrilied as Retired Farmer, deceased, wbo having a rosy lireasf witb some died at Bowmanville, on or dark spots among the white feath- about the 4th day o! April, 1950. crs on its back. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51. OTTAWA MUST SET EXAMPLE Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate (The Financial Post) are required to send particulars Ir. the financing of our soaring and full proof thereof to the un- defense costs undoubtedly the dersigned on or liefore the 2th Federal authorities will be expect- day o! October, 1950, after which ing the people to step up purchas- date the assets o! the estate will es o! government bonds. There lie distributed baving regard f0 would be a twofold advantage. the Will and the dlaims that have The Government needs the money tben been received. and, liy putting if into bonds, the DATED af Bowmanville, Ont- contribufors will have that mucli ario, the i4fh day o! September, less f0 spend on non-essentials, 1950. flic production o! which miglit Lawrence C. Mason, conflict wif h the output of de- Barrister, etc., fense requirements. 30 King Street, West, On this bond selling business Bowmanville, Ontario, the authorities must keep on. Solicitor for the Executors. point firmly in mmid. People are 37-3 not going f0 b. anxious to invest even foday's low purchasing pow- LivetockFor ale er dollars if fhey think dollars LivetockForSale aregoing fa get cheaper still. DAPPED gey Prcheon mre, If is essentiai f0 the success of 8DerAPP pryrhrox 0ls naerearmament financing that citi- 8 yersappox.150 Ils. hon zens have confidence that there 805. 39.1* wîîî lie no delierate inflation PURE bred rams, yearlings and and that ail possible means lie lambs. Oxfords, Leicesters and taken f0 stabilize the price level. Sussex. Apply Foster Snowden, Lenders want reasonable assur- R.R. 2, Oshawa. 39-i ance that their dollars will lie me- tumned to fhem in as sound con- 1 HORSE dappled gray, gelding, dition as when borrowed. sound and good worker. General purpose or for saddie; 1 thick set JUST BEYOND bay mare, sound and good work -___ de er, colt, 7 years old. Apply Neil 1,,e feasted on rich sunsefs Rainel', Phone Orono i7rg. 39-1 That were gorgeous as could lie And yet the rarest sunset \Vork \Vanted Is fice one l'Il neyer sec. BABY sitting by day or evening. As footprints spoil the beauty. Phone 939. 39-1 * 0f a smooth and silver beach So nature's wvondrous music CUSTOM4 work with tractor. J. Is desfroyed by human speech. H. Alldread & Son. Phione 496.1 39-4* The birds and forests disappear 1When civilization comes- WELLS drilled by Ontario licens-1 Enchanting landscapes are ed driller; modern equipment. replaced R. B. Renwick, Phone 781 or 833, By narrow streets and slumi. Bowmanvilie. 38-4* EAVESTROUGHING, contracting. Man's toucli defiles the lovely oid eavesfroughing repaired and things new put up. For free estimates And ravishes the lands.- caîl C. E. Devitt, Phone 597. iThaf's why God keeps Mis 38-4* Heaven ________________________ Jusf beyond our morfal handir, BRAKE DRUMS! -Nick Kenn Lathlng, Honing and Grlndlng We specialize in complete Lake Winnipeg, where the fa: brake overliauls. Goldeye fisb have just about BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE stopped. coming from, is 2,000 Phone 804 Bowmanville square miles larger than Lake 32-t! Ontario. MANilAGERESSWANTED for our DOWMANVILLE STORE excellent position for capable person APPLY IN PERSON The Clory Ann Shoppe (Oshawa Store - Phone 5866) «W- AY--- CASH -- --AND-- SAVE-MINIMUJM COST 50c PER AD -' " CANAT)UN STATMUN, BOV;IL&NVI=, ONTA RIO lirm., Sziri=«LFR 28, leu