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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1950, p. 3

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?HURS., SEPTEMBER 28, 1950 THE CANADIAN STATESMMi, EOWMANVILL!, ONTARIO PAGE THB~E To Contiue Basic English Classes Board of Education Decides The popular classes in Basic English and Citizenship for new Canadians will be continued again this year. This was learned at the September meeting of the Bowmanville Board of Educatian held ini the High School Libmary on Friday, September 15. Mr. Slute will likely handle the class- es again. They will ibe held .ither in the high scbool or the *entraI public scbool. ,The lengthy meeting which last- ed almost four bours covered many items a! business which we summarize at the end of this stomy. One of the moat enlight- ening parts o! the meeting was the reports pmsented by the Principals of bath bigh and public achools. Ahl scbools showed a large in- crease in enrolment. At the bigh sebool the enrolment is up ta 348 pupils. This is not as higb as anticipated possibly due ta the Enniskillen Continuation schoo] rc-opening. The one extra teach- er hired in June will look a!ter the extra pupils for this year. However, 25 extra steel lockers and 10 new desks will be requir- cd to meet the increased number of students. The breakdown a! enrolment ia as follows: Grade 9, 118 pupils; jjWrade 10, 94; Grade 11, 42; Grade ( 36; Grade 13, 32, and Commer- 'qial 26. There are 4 pupils at- tending grade 13 from Newcastle, one from Orono and one from Burketon. The enrolment at bath the On- tario Street and Central public sehools is at a new high witb a to- tal o! 762 pupils. Central school in 13 roams, bas an enrolment a! 483, and an average o! 37 pupils per classroom. Ontario Street sehool has an enrolment o! 279 in 6 rooms plus the kindergarten. an average of 35 pupils per class- room. Tftc total enrolment for bath schools is 26 pupils bighem than of June 29, 1950. To accommadate the Increase which is somewhat larger than expected an additional 10 chairs and desks were ordered by the Board. Other necessary changes and additions ta fix up the gym- nasiunis inta clàssrooms at bath schiools bas already been com- pleted. Other motions following Principal A. M. Thampsan's Public Scbools repart are as follows: the best ar- rangements possible are ta be made regarding transporting kmn- dergarten pupils ta the Ontario Street achool. This included per- mission ta ask certain parents ta have their children waik ta school and thus save the expense o! ,hiring a bus for both the a!ter- noon and morning classes. Principal Thompsan was auth- orized ta arrange a timetable sa senior students at the Ontario Street sehool can take cra!t and home economica at the Central public school. Arrangements are ta be made with Garton's bus ta transport the pupils from the On- tario Street shool on the eturn trip after taking the kindergart- en pupils down there. The On- tario Street school pupils will re- turn ta their own sehool on foot. As the auditorium at the On- tario Street school is now being used as a classroom it was pasa- ed that organizations wishing ta use the achool, subject ta the ap- proval o! thé Board, would be granted the use of the main hall. 'The Ladies' Auxiliary o! the Me- marial Park Association bas been granted this permission for the fourth Wednesday o! each month for their regular meetings and every Tuesday evening for card parties. Pupils attending the public schools will be allowed ta take home books owned by the schools but damaged books must be re- placed. The public achoal teachers ask- ed for an increase in the salary minimum. A special Salary Cam- r: 3 7<on Guaranteed 3% Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amunt .... for a terrni of five years . . .. guaranteed bath as ta principal and inerst .... Interest cheques mailed ta e reach holders on due date, or, at balder's option, may be allowed ta accumulate at eomplound interest. An Ideai investment fort Executors a Individuels e Administrators Commiffeesu e Corporations e Trustoot . Comaery Sourds e Hospital Bourds STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bey Street, Toronto 1 mittee composecL of D. A. Mc- Gregor. Mrs. W. Clarke and E. L. Oliver was appainted ta look into the matter and bring back a recomendation at the October meeting. Information 'included in Prin- cipal L. W. Dippel's high school report revealed that twa pupils, Madeline Osborne and Wm. Mur- doch, were chosen ta, attend the Ontario Athletic Commission camp at Lake Couchiching. They re- port a good time and that they learned a great deal regarding school sports. Tbey will be of value as leaders in many schaol activities along these lines. The Bowman'Yille Lions Club in conjunction with the Department of Education asked for the fol- lowing evenings at the bigh school for their musical programs: Oct. 18, Nov. 15, Jan. 17, Mar. 7. Permission was granted for them ta use the auditorium. A letter was received from the Bowman- ville Hospital thanking the high school for produce from thel school garden during the summer. Other general business includ- ed a report that no definite plansi have been made regarding the change in the playing field at the high school. It was suggested that the grounds be left as at present until the hall teams came forward with their recommenda- tions and notification that they are willing ta make partial pay- ment. Mr. Alan Densem was appoint- ed as temporary Attendance 0f- ficer due ta the illness o! Walter Hall. The paving at the Central public school has been completed. A letter from the Bowmanville Boy Scout Association asked for ownership o! the old South Ward school. A reply was sent, stat- ing that fiefore the school is dis- posed of, the Scouts will be given first opportunity ta secure it. The Scouts were granted per- mission, subject ta Management Committee approval, ta use the high school gymnasium one night a week. Chairman of the Board, D. Alex. McGregor, is ta check with Mrs. J. Thickson regarding dam- age ta her property by surface water running from the Ontario Street school. The Board will start prelimin- ary plans for an addition ta the high school ta accommodate the increase o! pupils when the new board takes over in January. A competent Ontario land surveyor will be hired to make a survey o! the land adjaining the school. Sfafford Bros. MNonumenial Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundaa St.. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and Lcareful attention ta detail are your assurance when yau choose from the wide selecion of imported and domestie Granites and Marbies in stock. .......... ANNOUNCING The Opening of Our MENI'S Made-to-Measure Clothing Department MR. E. MATHESON of James Brothers, Toronto will be here on Friday and Saturday September 29.m30 to take you.r measurements James Brothers have been manufacturîng men's clothes for over 50 ycars and need no introduction to the Ontario trade. We wiIl show you a fine range of imported worsteds and gabardines. Cn.Au KENNEDY -SUCCESSOR 'PO - CQUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Dowmaimvillo 49 Ring Si. W. ENNISILLEN Service Club met at the home of Mrs. G. Yea with twelve pre- sent. The election of officers was held for the coming season* Pres. -Mrs. L. Wearn; Vice-Pres.- Mrs. E. Trewin; Secretary-Mrs. G. Yeo; Assistant Sec.-Mrs. H. Ashton; Treasurer-Mrs. F. Beck- ett; Hospital Convenor-Mrs. O. C. Ashton; Social Comm.-Mrs. J. Siemon, Mrs. H. Milîs: Gift Comm.-Mrs. L. Staînton, Mrs. D. Pickering; Calling Comm.- Mrs. E. McNair. A dainty lunch. was served by Mrs. Wearn, Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Mrs. Beckett and the hostess. The second meeting of the Service Club met at the bome o! Mrs. E. McNair with twelve pre- sent. A!ter a business bal! hour, baby gowns were eut out ta be sewn at the next meeting. The club this year will again sew for the Bowmanville Hospital Nur- s ery. A tableclotb was 'given to Mrs. Pauline Clothier and a lavely necklace ta Mrs. M. Thomp- son who bave lately moved from the community. Lunch was ser- ved by Mrs. Slemon, Mrs. Stain- ton, Mrs. Ellis and the hostesa. Next meeting Oct. 3rd at Mrs. E. Trewin 's. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Elford and Rowan, London, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Beckett and Perry, Ham- ilton; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee Wayne and Terry, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson. Maple Grove, at Mr. and Mrs. W. Fer- guson's. Mrs. Claude Smith and Mrs. Hunt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Milne, Rock- wood, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thomas, Bobby, Jimmy and Lynda. Nia- gara Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick. Miss Ruth Knox, Miss Betty Knox, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milison, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon. Miss Betty Sma]es, Oshawa, spent the weekend with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin, Reg and Mary with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin, Piirple Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Howsam, dreenbank, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair. Master Grant Werry with Mas- ter Donald Wearn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and family at Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens and Gardon spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Cour- tice; Mr. and Mrs. L. Pearce, Mr. J. Pearce, Part Perry; Mr. and Mrs. M. Tabb, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Mr. Geo. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore and Mrs. F. Beckett called on Mrs. K. Burton, Nestleton, wha is very sick with pneumonia. Master Grant Werry, In com- pany with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and family visited at Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Robinson's, Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lamna, Oshawa, in company with Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo and family visited at Sturgean Lake. Mra. D. B. Kay, Miss Hildp, Kay, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. A dam Sharp's. Mr. Edmund Sand e rc o k, Orono, Miss Elsie Battrell, New- castle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Mm. and Mms. Arthur Brunt are sporting a new Plymouth car. Mm. C. Werry, Mrs. M. Moffatt, Oshawa; Mm. Wilfred Wermy, Montreal: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Mrs. E. A. Werry and ýetty Jane were Friday dinner guests at Mm. and Mrs. Harvey McGill's. visited Mr. W, Marks and Mr. * Orr Je!femy's, Port Pemmy, on Sund.ay. SHAYDON Thank O!ferîng Service twvill be held Sunday evening. For particulars see Coming Events. Several froma here attended LidsyPar and Mrs. Jim Martyn and Anne Elizabeth at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens and Lynda at Mm. Russell Cochrane's, Brady. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family. Mrs. T. Cowling at the Blackburn home, Newcastle. Mrs. E. Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mark, Mrs. Gage, Lind- say, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. Mrs. Henry Ashton at Mr. Stan Wooling's. Toronto. Mrs. Herb Bradley was guest po! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patts for tea on Sunday. Mrs. M. McAlpine. Mr. Elmare Walker, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Upper and John Coîborne at Mr. J. H. Walker's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Sauina, at Mr. Ceeil Slemon's. Mr. and Mrs. Sleman accomp- anied Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert to Mr. Lorenzo Mountjoy's, Nestie- ton. Mr. Lloyd Jackson, Miss Ruth Jackson, Mrs. Joe Jackson, Bailie- bora; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby, at Mr. Chas. Garrard's. Miss Jean Black spent week- end with friends in Lindsay. (Intended for last week) School opened here with 32 pupils present and Miss June An- derson as teacher. Little Debly Potts f el off a chair recently and fractured bis shoulder. Mr. Leslie Graham has sald bis silo filler. Miss Olive Rankine entertained several o! ber friends from To- ronto at a corn raast held at ber Parents' home. Misses May and Winnifred Tre- Win entertained several of their friends at a carn roast held at their home. Mrs. E. Brooking, Mrs. M. Bran- nigan, Bowmanville, at Mr. Cecil Slemon's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and family. Mrs. W. Martin at Mr. Bert Ferguson's, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mauntjoy and family, Toronto, at Mr. Frank Denby's. Mr. 'and Mrs. Will Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Elme:. Herring, Osh- awa, at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gage and family, Thornbill, at Mr. M. Ber- trim's. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Smith, Sally and Ricky, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice, April and Kenneth, Mrs. Chas. Rice, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Downey, Anne Marie and Mar- lene, Sbaw's, at Mr. Don Cam- eron's. Shirley Hester, Toronto. witb Marlene Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross. Mary and Cathy, Mr. and'Mrs. Dick Gib- son, Lynda and Fran, Toronto, spent Sunday at the Bert Ash- ton cottage. Ian area off 6,000 square miles 9butheast o! Lake Winnipeg there are 3,000 lakes. OBITUARY ELEANOR B. M. NOKES At Whitby, on Wednesday, September l3th, Eleanor B. M. Nokes passed quietly ta rest at the agd o! 83. She had been il for three years. Mrs. Nokes was born in Bow- manville, October 2nd, 1867, the daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Robert Young. She was a bouse- wi!e and an adherent ta St. Paul's United Church. Predeceased by ber busband, Merel Nokes, 12 years ago, Mrs. Nokes is survived by two daugh- ters, Mrs. A. E. Smith and Mrs. R. Candler, Bowmanville; one brother, A. E. Young, Winnipeg, Man.; two sister, Mrs. C. M. Scott and Mrs. C. S. Macdlonald, Ed- monton, Alta. The»funeral was held on Friday, September l5th, 1950, from the F. F. Morris Funeral Chapel, with Rev. S. R. Henderson o!ficiating. Mrs. J. Gunn was at the organ. Palibearers were S. Walker, J. Sheehan, J. Nokes, J. McGuire. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. Beautiful floral token wr~ received from the Compiianionso the Forest, Wednesday' Nigh' Club, and Girls Club, alsô man% from neighbours and frlends. Mrs. K. Cayley and daughtei; Mary, and Mrs. R. Fair. -carnet from Oshawa ta attend the fun-à eral. Orono Furniluro Hospital Upholstering and> Kitchen Cabinets See us for the latest lh Tapestry and Drapery Materials. Free Estimates... ..Moderate Prices G. F. DUNCAN Phone Orono 79r16 Reverse Charges Siraighi - Cui CREPE SLIPS By one of our best makers, in threEw appealing styles, one, a cocktail type with wide lace top and bottom; two, a tailored style with embroidered bodice; three, wide lace with ribbon insert top and bottom. Made of first quality rayon crepe in white, pink. and blue. Sizes 32 to 42 - Regular $2.98 Value A Wonderful Buy! each $2,28 Fine, Quality (81"fi x 99"1) SHEETS These sheets selI regularly at $7.50 pair. Made of fine 128 count American Cotton - they'll withstand plenty of bard wear. Full double bed size finished with plain hems. Stock up at this low sale price. per pair $6n78 Glenwood Cotton Print 'A wide choice of smart patterns in this good quality Glenwood Cotton print which usually sella at 49e yard. Suitable for dresses, aprons, quilta, etc. 36" wide. Target Sale Special 36Ç per yd. Firsi Qualiiy - 45 Gaige - 30 Denier Nylon Hosiery Sheer beautiful Full Fashioned Nylons especially styled for smart fali wear. The product of a leading Canadian mnaker - the same fine quality that regularly seil for $1.65 pair. Two lovely new shades ... Cordial or Swagger. Sizes 9 to il 99Ç per pair Firsi Qualily "IBEX" Flannelette Diankets Famous Tex-Made Ibex Flannelette Blankets which regularly seil much higher. Firmly woven with soft, fleecy finish, they're grand ta snuggle in on cold winter nights. White ground with pink or blue bor- der. Whipped singly. Double bed size 70" x90". 70" x 90" - Target Sale pair $4.78 Excepiional Value! Chenille Dedspreads Bedspreads of this quality regularly seil at a much higher price. This one features a smart new floral design in multi-colours on véhite or coloured grounds. Heavy quality, closely tufted, this bedspread is sen- sational value at our low sale price. Double Beâ Size $899each SEPTEMBER 28-29-30 When we prepared for this sale six months ago these values were EXCEPTIONAL . Now with the vast price increases ihese values are SENSATIONAL!1 HERE ARE A FEW 0F THE DARGAINS SENSATIONAL VALUES. ""Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop" PHONE 451 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. E. ------------- IL- fi TEURS., SEPTEMMER 28, 1950 THE CA14ADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLC, ONTARIO PAGE TIMMC PHONE 451 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE

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