PAGE six m A K DI N TAEa party.VI LE O T A O Lake Shore, Clarke Mr.handar. E. Brown, Orono, spent Sunday with Mr'. and Mrs. Mrs. W. Holmes attended the Bill Lake. weddlng in Oshawa on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKnight of-Mr. Boyd Valleau to Miss Clara end family and Mns. M. Huggins,1 Dainty, both of Oshawa. Oshawa, vlalted Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and Mrs. A. Hot- Mr'. and Mrs. A. L. Gibson, on.~J Cortland, N.Y.; Mrs. D. A. Val- TeLk hr ais .S bauOshwa, ithMr. nd rs.C. Club met at the home of Mrs. ~ '« W. Holmes. Geo. Skelding. Quite some time Mr'. and Mrs. Ray Goode, Orono, was spent discussing the blank- spent Suztday with Mr. and IvLs.esmdefmodwolnsr- Jaek Holmes. esmd rmodwolnr-t Mi' H.JayesOshwa;~ Tceived recently. Enough wool- .Mr. H.Tornt, Osad; r. G lens were sent for over thirty Smith, Throao, and.. wr *G. blankets. The Club was quite S mi h, hic goIll . w revisitons satisfled w th the finished blank- Miss K. Riches spent the week- oeo m .Aas c.4 end at Cambnay and attended Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haw- 7 4IP Llnday Fir.thonne and Barney, King; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns a.nd and Mrs. Bruce Overend, Toronto, faminly, Oshawa, and Mr. T. Stev- and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycett and ens-and family, Bowmanville, famiIy, Orono, with Mn. and Mrs. v1sited Mr. and Mrs. W. Basker- AfBon ville. ______:_____ Master Freddy Bedwin celebrat- ed his 3rd birthday on SundayW DDN BARNETT - ADAMSON On Sept. 16, Hampton United W eek-endChunch was the setting for the marriage of Dorothy Muriel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ad- Iamson, Hampton, to ekArh Values un Barnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Barnett, Providence. Rev. G. AT Empey performed the ceremony and Miss Norah Horn played the wedding music. ALLIN'S Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wone an after-. noon dress of gray crepe wîth lace bodice and sleeves and navy blue acessonies, and a corsage of rose QUALITY MEATS carnations. H only attendant was Miss Elsie ray who wore a rose afternoon dress of crepe and AND ROCE IES lace wîth brown accessories. Her ANV GR CERIES corsage was bronze mums. The groomsman was Mr. Brian Shinola Paste Barnett and the ushens were Mr. Floor Wax 1-1b. tin 39c Bill Toyne, cousin of the bride, .t and Mr. James Howard. Maple Leaf Quix During the signing of the reg- Soap Flakes- pkg. 29e ister, Mrs. James Howard, sist- - er of the groom, sang "I'11 Walk Beside You." Our Special For the reception at the bride's CanaianCheeSe home, the bride's mother receiv- Canadianed the guests in an afternoon Mediumdress of navy blue sheer with a corsage of pink rose buds. She was assisted by the groomn's moth- lb. 55Cer who wore a wine dress wlth - matching hat and a corsage of Silver Ribbon white mums. After the reception the couple left on a short wedding Tomato Juice 20-oz. 9c trip. Crown Brand Corn Syrup 15c-29c-67e Bank By Mail Bluebird If You Live . Toilet Tissue 3 roils 25e u fTw Specialy FedBe An Early Monning Customer Roasling FowIWithout Leavlng Home ' " 4 ta 6 lbs. each Every morning, before the bank th Bwanilebranch of the Whîle the Canadian Army s Special Force is busy which have taken place durîng the past year: 1. Canadian lh. 5C Bof M are busy with the de- preparing for it's averseas roil with the United Nations Army penguin snowmobiles praceed along the Alaskan posits of the day's first customens ather branches of the Army whîch are celebrating Army Highway during Exercise Sweetbriar; 2. Glider-borne troops PHO E 367 mail bas just been de- Week in cities and towns across the country wherever there secure the appraach ta the Peace River. bridge after landing fIor Amng3he7ank f Mntral' there has been noa let up in training and exercises for the during Exercise Eagle; 3. C.O.T.C. Cadets training at the for 1,700,000 account-holders, arne are units of the Active or Reserve Farce available ta put on RCEME School, Barriefield, are shawn receiving instructions many who find it more conven- a display. With the impetus given to recruiting for the on at PIAT gun; 4. Members af the Royal Canadian Regiment lent ta do their banking 'by mail. Army by wonld events during the past few manths the are shawn here preparing ta put up a lean-to bivouac during FAcasR E hto epst, oey ordceqeso geneaule are more than ever interested in what is active farce training in the Petawawa, Ontario, area; 5. Re- DELIVERY despatch or other banking busi- happening in their Army and are expected ta take full serve Force men load their 5.5 field gun at the Royal Can- ness, te e the postman cala advantage of this appartunîty ta visit the Armaunies and adian Schaol af Artillery, Shilo; 6. C.O.T.C. Cadets during of your the bank for them. And the watch the parades as the Army gaes on display. assault training at Currie Barracks, Calgary. helpful, efficient staff of the B The follwing photos show some aspects f the training1 (National Defence Photos) mwy of M carry on from there. N'eai and urocery If Banking by Mail wauld salve ________________________ any of your problems, drop a theT? Y71911 ad s19TNTNTadié9 Ore ine to Gerge Moody, manager SILVER W VYJJJDJ.NU presented a tribtte. a cofcp able, Orderof the Bowmnville branch. He'llTh Ne c sl a rose bowl, a smali table lamp bglad to send you theB of M'a h ge c sl Indepuendent MR. AND MRS. GEO. BOWENS and a silver cake dish. j special folder about this useful Mr. and Mrs. flowers made fine a"N'service, and make any arrange- Miss Margaret Ash Some one hundred and fifty responses, thanking everyone for nA La S ments that will help you take_________________________________ relatives, friends and neighbours their kindness and asking folks M. . Pa" YoPrp. advantage of Banking by Mail. gathered on Saturday evening, to visit themn any timie. This was M. A."Pat"Yeo, rop.Miss Lîda Lake, Toronto, is spent Saturday attendmng Lindsay Sept. 23. 1950, at thé home of Mr. followed by the gathering sing- 55 King St. E. Many independent grocers 10- holidaying wîth ber mother. Mrs. Fair. and Mrs. George Bowens, Nestie- lng "For They Are Jolly Good B W NVLEcate their shops close to a big Frank Gibson. Miss Janîce Lake, "Beef and Bull" Nîght at the ton Station, to celebrate thein ail- Fellows." BO M NVLEchain store comnpetitor. Business Ajax, spent the weekend with ber regular meeting of the Newcasthe ver wedding annivensary. Lunch was servcd by the young statistics show they gain fiýOm grandmother, Mns. Gibson. Lions Club brought forth many The rooms were tastefully dec- girls and ail were given a piece the many shoppers attracted to Dr. and Mrs. Jack Hare, St. suggestions of menit for the con- orated with pink and white strea- of the wedding cake. Everyone1 w' such a 'district by a chain store. Thomas, called on bis parents, sideration of the members. The mers and belîs, a miniature bride rnucdiaveypas io- ____________________________________________Mn. and Mrs. Percy Hare recently living blood bank was given ta the and groom on the buffet and a cial evening and in departing,1 on their way to a medical meeting Health Committee for institution beautiful three-istorey wedding wished Mn. and Mrs. Bowers many in Kingston. From there they and ail volunteer donons will be cake graced the lace-covered din- more years of wedded happiness. were going to motor through Que- typed at a laten date and lista ing table. The bride and groom Guests were present from Lind- bec. given to ah doctons for use in any of 25 years received their guests say, Hamilton, Toronto, London- Congratulations to Mr. and emergency. Plans have been com- at the door. Bowmanville, Orono, as well as Mrs. Raymond Aiken, Victoria, B. peted for the Stag Night on Oct. Mr. Earl Dorneil was the very the surroundmng district. 'v ~ C., on the birth of thein li'ttle 5tb, which will be held in the able chairman, with bis usual ____ dauhtr _n Stud, Sp.1 . .uen' Hteldiing-om ad-ndafhumros-s-ne-.Th Niagara Falls on Sunday. They also called an the former'. aunt and unche. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman and Glenn, St. Cath- arines. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinnen, Ted, Ann, Tyrane, were Sunday supper guests wlth Mn. and Mns. Cecil Jeffey, M. and Ms. teve Doyle. Mr. and Ms. Allen Low, War- ton, were Sunday guests of thein cousins, M. and Mr. Ahan Snow- den. Mr.Gordon Ash infonmed us . taNFILJJmily and community in their ac- yeans of happy maried ife. Wallape cretedby haýtssh rea wih iteret aouttive cburcbh ife. Mn. E. W. Brad- cratd ythe nation's top tatred ihinestaot____ ley, Oahawa, in bis inimitable deasier . . executed on finest paper stock the Eaer lilies blooming in Fort M. and Mrs. E. Lee and fani- manne, added much meniment M P E LR V dsges.Erie and Bowmnanville. She, toC>, ily at S. Cowling's. Wbithy. to the evening. An impromptu A L GR V for longer wear . . . made part of your home bas one that is neanhy in bloom Mnkwdigwthpriiat now. She set this outside after Mr+ and Mrs. H. Ormiston at P. mc edn ihpriiat by our experienced craftsmen .. . and ail at a it had ceased blooming after King's, Oshawa. suitably attined, was much en- Rev. U. E. Crozier, Whitby, wîhl budget-soothing price. Wide selection of pat. Easter and the danger of frot ? M ndMs F. Samis and fan- oyed. M. Wilfred Vine was the Occupy the pulpit on Sunday. It had passed. She infonms us she ily at F. Abernethy's, Oakwood. .'itr r onFaaohisWrdCrmno udy h terns and styles to enhance every room in had anothen bhoom beauiul Mr. and Mns. F. Mason, Oshawa Lin dsay,. the bride; Mr. Wallace Sunday Sehool meets at 1:30 p.m. your home. Today - see them! the first of August, and seato- with. Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Trick. Lindsay, the bridesmaid; Church service at 2:45 p.m., both sîde after it had ceased bomn Mr. and Mrs. E. Orm ton, Eh- Miss Ehaine Thanipson, the bride- D.S.T. after Easter, 199. rs.Ashba enezen, at H. Smitb's. l groom, and Misa Jean Bowers Sunday- Schnol Rally Service "" r.Ahhs Mns .Sakate dtefn the best man. was very well attended last Sun- had great pleasure froniIi n .J.Sakatne the fun- The chainman then asked Mr. day. The guest speaker, Rev. S. usual flowering. t lentatenal of Mn. J. Thompson, Brook- and Mrs. Bowens ta take seats R. Henderson, Trinity United' We are sorry t er.ta lin. close to ahl three noomns so the Church, Bowmanville, gave a ià tr tt yMaster Chris. Barchard Jr. as large gathenng could hean pro- fine discourse on "Value and Need J. H . A er et ybeen taken to Oshawa Hospital. ceedings. M. Bud Elford read of Religious Education." A fine I s o b ce oe bacaan he road an abeahtb fnom the relatives and selection was rendered by the PA NTooAL PA EIST R again. nte oa ber ? Ms Darathy Bowers presented choir. Mr. H. G. Freeman, Supt, PAIN WA LPAP R S OIR gai. Z i 0herparents with an eigbt-piece had charge of the service. H- IMrs. Richard Bunce, Sharon cabinet of Evening Star Com- was assisted by Mrs. Wni. Laird, 85KN T .PHONE 431 and Bobby, Oshawa, wene Sun- munitv silverware and a silver Ass't Supi. dav visitons witb Mr. and Mrs. casserole. Mns. Vine nead an ad-, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff Charles Finley, Beaven St. desfo th rn'mIsi-and family, Mn. and Mrs. Pency Mr. andMs ereSn tute, tbe Nestleton W. A., and'Fiintoff and Alfn motoned 10' Patay were with relatives hn To- ronto for a few days. Miss Edlth Brooks spent her va- cation bene whth Mn..and Mrs. Trick. Miss Jean Davey. University o! Taronto, with Mn. and Mrs. R. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bullied, Mrs. J. Adams, Toronto, whth Mn. and Mns. E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, Peter- borough, home with relatives and frienda. Mns. H. Rabm is with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Rahm bas been ill for a few days. Mn.. Vera - Hatberley bas been staying with ~ ber for some time.t Mn. and Mns. Chas. Stephenson, Bethany; Mn. and Mns. Cliffand Brown and daughter, Mn. Doug- las Brock and Miss Maxine Vivi- an, Mr. and Mrr.Ban Shute were Sufiday visitors *with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatcbehl. Mns. Jim Gatcheil was in Lind- say on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Leo Moffat, Osh- awa, were Sunday guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbatt. Mns. Pearl Avery visited in Osh- awa witb hen daugbtens. Mn. Art Prentice, Mrs. M. Hew- itt, Pont Penny, viaited Mns. E. Caugbilh. Mr. and Mn, Ken Rablin spent a few days with relatives and fnienda In Picton. BURKETON October lst, World Day of Com- munion,* will 1e observed in Burketon Church. Members and al are invited to attend. The service will be on Daylight Sav- ing, same as Oshawa trne, until they change the last of Novem- ber. In the play here on Sept. 15, it should have read, Mrs. Harold Kyte sang betweeri the acts. Many from here attended Lind- say Fair, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trick were guests at the 25th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Nestieton. Master Leonard and Miss Lor- raine Pollard have returned to their home in Lindsay after spending six weeks with their grandmother, Mrs. H. Trick, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Bailey motored from Miami, Florida. to spend a few weeks with Mi. aud Mrs. Tom Bailey. textile workers in Canadian Mr. and Mrs. J. Frankum and Japanese textile wonkens get'- ting paid a few cents per day îý make producta that compete dan. ' gerously with those of Canadian I ROCK WOOL Insulation Bals Fireproof Easy Application 2inches thick 2 inches thick, 40 sq. f t. -$2.80 BULK INSULATION Paurs in and is e u. ft. bag --_ $1.25 RQOFING 3-IN-1 ASPHALT SHINGLES 210 Ibs. per square 9 Blends $8.50 per sq. Colours: red and buff RQ1ls 18 inches wide Ecanomical Two RoIls Per Square $2.45 per roi! - WE HELP MAKE HOUSES HOMES- Don McGregor Hardware Cou PHONE 386 59 KING UT. W. 'j TRUM., SEPTEMBrit 28. IM TIM CANADIAN STATMMAN, BO"IANVMLE, ONTARIO ' ri ri PHONE 386 39 KING ST. W.' BOWMANVILLE