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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1950, p. 7

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'l'EUES., SEP'rEMBER 28, 1950 TRI CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO ~A(IU @~WSt Chamber of Comimerce Stresses Decentralizafion of Industry and' &reaier Emphasis on Soil Erosion Canadian towns and smaller ship owners and exporters, Coxnmunities are good places for National Vice-Presîýdent. TI industry to settie, according to a Banff meeting markd the 25 resolution passed Iby The Canadi- year of existence of The Ca an Chamber of Commerce at iti adian Chamber of Commer 21ut annual meeting held in Banff, which was founded in Winnipi ' Iýberta, last week. In this reso- in 1925. Then, a mere handf tion entitled 'Decentralization of Boards of Trade and Chambe lu Industry" it was pointed out of Commerce, the national or that there is a trend in North anization today numbers n*o America toward decentralization; than 650 Boards and Chambe getting away from the big centers representing every size of cor of population into the smaller munity throughout Canada-ca: communities.* This is due to the clusive evidence of the greatly ii proximity of nmany smaller towns creasing interest of businessm to important new markets, and across the country in nationala the increased efficîency, improv- fairs. The meeting which w ed public and human relations attended by close to 600 delegal which can be achieved in towns, was lively and covered mu( the Chamber's resolution stated. ground. Also, decentralization is desirable Considerable attention was d from a defence and strategic view- rected f0 the agricultural pro] point. lems with resolutions adopted 1 The Canadian Chamber of Com- the gefieral meeting urging thi merce resolution urged its mem- greater emphasis be placed( bers to pursue a policy of decent- problems af soul erosion and wat ralization where economic and conservation. The meeting ali engineering surveys indicate that urged that governmental actic it is desirable. Also the Chamber be taken to guard against floo( recommended that the Dominion such as the one suffered this ye; Government proceed without de- by residents of Manitoba. ,gW f0t decentralize wvar industries Delegates to the Alberta mee reduce the potential danger ing travelled across Canada t 'womn bombing or sabotage. special trains on a three-weE The Canadian Chamber also tour designed to study econoni urged that the Canadian Gov- conditions at f irst hand. TI ernment establish a separate group which travelled ta Vai Ministry of Supply t0 be respon- couver from Banff is now hea( sible for industrial mobilization ing back east again, stopping aloi in the present emergency, with the route ta meet businessmei government war spending soar- agriculturists, government offic ing. Close to six hundred dele- als, etc. The new President, Frai gates at the national business cis G. Winspear, in his fir meeting devoted their chief atten- speech, before the Vancouv( tion to defence matters urgiâ'g im- Board of Trade. predicted t]. mediate action to co-ordinate biggest, most vigorous year fc Canadian defence with the United Canada's national business or, States and recommending great- anization to date. er efforts ta clear away customns obstructions and other hurdies f0 the greatcst possible continental E T TO defence. Defence Minister Brooke Clax- Next Sunday is Communic ton commended the business org- Sunday in the United Church. anizafion for ifs interest in de- Twelve W. I. members we. fence problems and predicted an enfertained at Blackstock W. early renewal of the Warld War in the Conrimunity Hall whe Two Canada-United States Hyde Miss Gardener f rom Niagara Falý Park Agreement. Mr. Claxton was the speaker. alsa indicated thaf the gavern- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawfor ment desires to work with busin- and Mary Lou visited Mr. ar essmen in providing the counfry Mrs. Endicott. Lindsay. with the best defence available A number from here attend against the threat of communist ing Lindsay Fair and report aggression. good Fair and crowds, considez Francis G. Winspear, senior ing the cool weather. partner of Winspear, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emersor Anderson and Company' was el- 'Donald and Irene, visited Mr. an, ected President of the Canadian Mrs. Wilton Cread, Barrie. Chamber, with Homner Zwicker, Miss Gladys Emerson visitei President of Zwicker and Co. Miss Jean Bowers. Ltd., Lunenburg, fish packers, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Batemar Caesarea. vlaited Mr. and Mru. L.Loi Ab it Joblin. Lsn A i yTo Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, Think for Themselves Melville -and Anna visited friends____ in Toonto.A cal! f0 abandon frantic rac- Mr. and Mrs., Frank Joblin ing affer material successes which and Ronald, Sutton, visited Mr. produces hypertension in the and rs. . Jolin.peoples of the world today and Mr. nd Ms. ae Mlcol, ~"go back f0 the simple beginning Yelverton, visited Mr. and Mrs. as Victor Malcolm. h of things," was made tb members of the Peterborough Sales and Ad- 'he Several people from this com- .etsn Clbaswekwhc th munity attended Mr. and Mrs. G. ~mgtb e~wt rftb u n- Bowers' silver wedding. mgtb edwt rftb u ce Mrs. James Wiliamson visiteraes )eg Misses Margaret and Sarah John- Mr. Raîston is a faculty mem- ful stan, Janetville ber of Washington and Jefferson rs Don't forget' W. 1. meeting at College and Director of Public g- Mrs. E. Sues', Caesarea, on Wed- g Pbrums of the United States De- ire nesday, Oct. 4th, at 2:30 partment of the Interior, Office ers o__________ f Education. m- He offered three landmarks ?n-Mt "%"~" which could'guide people out of in- TYR .O La the black future that faces them: en yoe udyScolhl the Ten Commandments, the Ser- if- yroe SndaySchol eldmon on the Mount and the basic 'as their Rally Day service on Sept Sense of right and wrong within ;es 24th. The church and Sunday people. He said people were los- ch School met together at il a.m ing the ability ta think for them- The service was conducted by Mr selves. They were stupefying and cil- Everton White. Scripture was George White, CXL i poisoning their own minds and )b- read by Mr. Clarence Woodley the minds 'of their children with by A story and object lesson were Announcement bhas been made cheap literature and continual at presented by Rev. D. J. Lute. that Mr. George White has suc- "entertainment" instead of feed- an The subject of the sermon for cessfully completed his third year ing their minds with great read- ter next Sunday will be "It's Better the Chartered Life Underwriters ing. Is0 Than Aspirin." and, all prior examinations set by "We ourselves are causing the ,on Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Watson of Canada and is awarded the decline in the morality of our ýds and girls, Brampton; Mr. and title-Chartered Life Underwriter youth, "with the stuff we are ar Mrs. Fred Smith and Miss Grace Mr. White respresents The feeding them-lurid and lousy," Smit.h, Long Sault, recently visit- Empire Life Insurance Company he said. t- ed Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. in this district People are lasing sight of the Y.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook and_______________ benefits of work. They are cons- e Mr. and Mrs. Everton White at- tantly shirking and slowing down ic tended the first Annual Oshawa oi% the job. "Work is the greatest 'he Barber Shop Quartette Festival presented Mrs. Coombes with a moral farce in the world," Mr. n- in the Oshawa Collegiate, Satur- lovely bouquet of roses and car- Ralston declared. d- day nighf. nations. Cards were played and I esnsmdi a cu m, Mr. and Mrs.,Jack Huis, Jac- a dainty lunch served pied, it "becames a sewer." ci- queline, Mildre~ and Gwen visit- Congratulations to Mr. and [n cities such as the car manu- n-ed Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Daw, Mrs. Leslie Coombes on celebrat- facturing city of Detroit, people >st Toronto.- ing their 2th wedding anniver- are learning ta hate the man ,er, There has been no school for. sary ]ast 'Safurday evening. who is willing ta rall up his he several days owîng ta the illness Quite a number met at the sleeves and get down ta work for or of the teacher, Mrs. Philp. home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry his wife and children, the speaker g- Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall, Salem, Stainton last Friday evening in charged. He said he was a great wif h bis mother, Mrs. W. T. Wor- honour of the recent bride and believer in organized labour as den. groom, Mr. and Mrs. Robert long as ifs purpose was the better- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb with Cameron (nee Greta Penwarden) ment of the worker and his fam- Mr. and Mrs. P. Murdoch, Base and presented them with an oc- ily and of ail mankind. But, hie Line. casional chair and end fable. A charged, American labour leaders, Dn Mrs. J. Home, Hamilton, re- social evening was spent playing such as Lewis, Reuther, Green cently visited ber daughfer, Mr. cards and lunch was served. and Murray are concerned not reand Mrs. A. Hamilton. Mrs. A. B. Stephens, Messrs A. with the warking man, bütx wifh Silo filling and apple picking T.. and B. J. Stephens, Toronto, a sfruggle f0 grasp more and . snow the order of the day. with Mr. and Mrs. R. Burgess. mare power. en Mr. and Mrs. H. Martyn and Mr. and Mrs. George Haines, "One man wants ta become the IsRonald, Blackstock, visited her Kimberly, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur czar of labour On this Continent," rdmother, Mrs. E. Shantz. Haines, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mr. Raîston said. In such a Miss.Helen Hardy, Toronto, s Rahm, Saintfield, visited with Mr. position the man would have more id holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. K. and Mrs. O. Beckett. power than any president or any d-Hardy.. Sheila Caverly, Bowmanville, administrative leader. k Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall visit- visited Cecile Park. People no langer have respect a ed their son, Stewart, at the Iso- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam with for constitutional aufharity, he r- lation Hospital, Toronto, last J. Lillicrapp, Canningtan. said. Children no longer recog- Sunday. We hope for Stewart a The Octaber meeting of the nize the authority of their par- ri, speedy recovery. W.M.S. will meet af the home Of ents. A killer who ran amok and d Mrs. H. Masters, Mr. J. Bird Mrs. W. J. Miller on Oct. 5th at killed 13 people one affernoon in and Jacqueline and friend, Bow- 2 p.m. The,Haydon W.A. ladies New York State a littie mare than d mnanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy are invited and will provide the a year aga, Mr. Raîston learned Maynard. # program. All ladies of the com- from interviewing him, 'never re- n, Mrs. A. Youngmgn and child- mnunify are cordially invited to spected the aufhority of bis ren spent a few days with ber attend. mather and pushed her around parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Glad ta know that our teacher, like a wet rag." Taunton. Mrs. Philp, is feeling much better He called on the members of Quite a number froni here at- and re-opened school Tuesday the club ta forget their utilitarian fended Lindsay Fair lasf week. mortiing. courses, such as letter writing Mr. and Mrs. Errol Hughson, The openîng meeting of the courses, and courses in making Toronto, visited bis mother, Mrs. Tyrone C.G.I.T. was held at 7:30 speeches and return ta the learn- Mina Hughson. Friday Pvening in the Tyrone ing suh history which gives Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hardy and school, with Bessie Yeo in the People a background f0 their Jerry and Miss Helen Murrý,y chair. The meeting opened with tiiinking. visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Abbott, the C.G.I.T. hymn and pledge, _______ Oshawa. followed by the Lord's prayer. What is the basis of this Ap- Mr. Arthur Stephens, Gorrie; The time and place of future elfrPaItianpel Mrs. Dave Hicks, Harriston, visit- meetings was discussed and if' e for e ache If tis a appea ed Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood- was decided that for the present bomb. If that would bring ley and attended the funeral of the meetings would be held every world peace wme ail would be glad Mrs. E. L. Waodley at Peter- second Friday night in the Tyrone ta sign for if, but we knaw that borough accompanied by Mr. and schoo]. Next meeting f0 be on if oltnyhse nte Mrs.Noran oodey nd r. ctaer th.The election of of- warld war, for with Russia arm- Clarence Woodley. Burial took ficers was held with the following ed on a far greater scale than place in the Port Hope Cemetery. resuits: President, Patricia Phil- ever Nazi Germanv was, the rest Sympathy is exfended to the lips; Vice-Pres., Marian Wright;oftewrd oudh'hpes bereaved family. Secretary, Lillian Cole; Treasurer, oftaheenwd tself ThSovet miii. Congratulations to Mrs. W. H. l'athleen Yea: Pianist, Gloria tarist now ts, an theyov nt i. Rahm, Burketon, formerly of Brent. Follawing the business the tkoic *bob oufno the wayt Tyrone on celebrafing her 80fh meeting the graup wvas led in 5 thafthe bmaybet fre ta ar birthday at the home of ber son, games by Mrs. Lute. A lunch sother atic 'ar machne troîl- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, on was servcd and the meeting mhe. Whiant ls isth machinel Sunday, Sept. 24th. Those at- closed with Taps. for? ates i ht ahn Itending were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. fr Rahm, Weston; Mr. and Mrs, . S Hp w Pedlar, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. G. ZION(H p w . Rahm, Saintfield; Mr. and . Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Union, and Mrs. q Lelia Cochrane, Toronto. Mrs. Gerow and Mr. and Mrs.c Mr. and Mrs. Ralph GlaspeIl Nanman Gerow and David have and children visited Mrs. F. B. returned from a visit ta Picton. I ER Glaspell, Zian. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney and Doug Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman spent the weekend in Windsor. ALUMINUM HAS GROWN TC visited Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Jones and BE A LARGE PART OFF Coy, Brooklin. famuly, Detrait, Mich., and Mr. CANADIAN LIVING Mr. Donald Chatham, Miss Max- and Mrs.'Harry Janes, Toronto, mne Pearsali, Guelph, visited Mr. visifed Mn. and Mrs. Robent Mor- and Mrs. F. Wrighf.- ton, recently. th BU[OY& I'1 s ExcelIency ~ 21 jewels For faniaus tfinepieces lilce these, ln times Ifike these, you can't find liner values anywhere! Corne in and sec aur choice collection of Bulova watchcs foda y! Ternis available. WEDDING GRIFFIN - COLLACUTT In Enniskiilen United Church recentiy, Velma Irene Collacutt became the bride of William Wal- lace Griffin. Baskets of gladioli in pastel shades adorned the church and the -guest pews were designafed with flowered rosettes. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. M. Seymour. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mr.s Norman Collacutt, Tyrone, and the bridegroomn is eidest son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin, En- niskiilen. The wedding music was piayed by Mrs. R. M. Sey- mou r. Mn. Gordyn Brent sang "The Lord's Prayer" before the cere- monv and "Because" during the sigýiing of the register. Mrs. Brent accompanied ber husband. The bride was given in mar- niage by her father. She wore a gown of slipper satin styled with a fitted bodice of lace over satin with Chantilly lace peplum and a full skirt ending in a short train. The fingerfip veil fell from a beaded tiara. Her jewelleny wasi a necklace set with rhinestonesi aM machingeannings, the gifti otebridegroom. She carried a cascade bouquet of red roses, white gladioli and fern. She was attended by Miss Marion Hayward, Bowmanville. who wore a gown of orchid net over taffeta, styled wifh a fifted bodice, wide bentha collan, fui]l skirt with matching beaddress and tiny lace gloves. She worej a rhinestone necklace and earrings f0 match, the gift of the bride, and carried a cascade bouquet of yellow gladioli and fern. Mr. William Mahaffy, Ens killen. acted as best man and the' ushens were Mr. Harry Collacutt, Bowmanvil]e, and Mr. Gro Whittaker, Hamilton. The reception was held af the home of the bridê's parents. To receive the guesfs tri e bride's faille with navy blue accessories and a corsage of red carnations. The brid&groom's mother wore black taffeta with wine acces- sories and corsage of yellow baby chrysanthepxums. The couple lef t for their honey- moon ta Ottawa and points east. On their return they will reside in Enniskîllen.- For the honey- moon trip the bride wone a black and white shepherd check suit wifh black accessories and a cor- sage of pink carnations. Before leaving the bride gave ber bridai bouquet f0 the grandmothen, Mrs. Wallace Abernethy, Tottenharn. Guests were present frein Tot- tenham, Hamilton. Bowmanville, Yelverton, Purple Hill, Hampton, Tyrone and Enniskilien. A so]emn and religiaus regard ta spiritual and eternai things is an indispensable element of al true greatness. Daniel Webster People neyer Improve unless tbey look f0 some standard ori example highen and beffer thanl mothen was attired in navy blue CENSUS PREPARATIONS (Montreal Gazette) Anothen Canadiari task force là now being recnuited f0 a total af 18,000, not to eliminafe people but f0 count the heads of flot le&~ than 14,000,000 of them, corn- mencing next June 1. The elaborate machinery. bath here in the Dorftinion Bureau of Statistics and in the "field," whîch means the 255 Federal constituencies for taking the nindh decennial census is now being organized for if requires not les than fine montha f0 complete the preparations. An outstanding feature of the next census wili be that the lar- gest decennial increase in pop- ulation in the countny's history will be reported by the enumer- atons., While Federal statisticians like fo be moderate in their esti- mates if is conceded now that the ncw figure will be slightly over 14,000,000 which is 3,500,000 ahead of the number shown in the 1941 census, and the amount oi in- crease is at Ieast twice that showni tbemselves. Tryon Edwands in the lasf three censuse6. ~6 TIS FALL . 0e Thousands of people are stili enjoying the beauties of the Canadian north. Holidayers everywhere arc marvelling at the wealth of scenery and the abundance of wild creatures. This natural heritage is yours ro enjoy. But once ht becomes depleted, it can.ndever be replaced. If we ail obey the rules of conservation we wiIl be assured of even finer holidays in the years ahead. Think of tomorrow-Canada, with her forests and wildlife, streams and lakes, is yours to protect. CARLI&G7S HE CARLING BREWERIE.5 LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO NATURE UNSPuiLED-YOURS TO PROTECT-YOURS TO ENJOY Di 193 Vision1 S"Daddy,what makes it hum Rewritten rom previaus copyrights of Optornetrist Disney Bldg. (Opp. P-0.) Oshawa, P:- Dne 1516 No. ,12O Remember if if is possible to have youn vision corected ta normal. Normai vision. means seeing with comfort. If, howeven, you cannot be made normal, if is possible ta use that correction that wili help you ta save what vision you have and at the same time give a greater relief than was at firsf expecfed. In some of these cases a percentage of relief is sufficient comfort ta give a re- newed courage wif h a renewed confidence in oneself and nature wili again assent herseif for the general good. "-A\si>RAIN-ROîs, SN I l'% a fnie ansmcr.. In SIliipsliam, puwisrliise yuî jaime a mveî by t he fium tiuf îwelve gigantic generatois. 'I ev a ir djin y riniand snow wlîh 1111i L ake Si. John aiid pour duwn rthe Sagurenay River. -l'li aer is channelîldru a uiaîr niadr lake on top of a 'hili. Then it rushes down tunnels chiselled through solidi rock to clash against turb)ines lîke the tnudel ai which the boy iî pecring- but weighing 50 ions. The turbines dri've grnerarurs. The- electricity thev generate speedi to nrarhs Ar% ifa. Thrre il refines shining alumninumn oni 0f bauxite bi<îi British G,îîîana. Os crhM 1(g) Cauhî;rn cuîrlparîicsfoinialiiinirnm itall sorts or ii%-Iiluîlarli les.. AH rts nivarîs scur k or (anagliani. lI lis culillt v suipplies nurlîing but [lie raiudiops - and the luîjîrsi, bauds and l îîîr ie to hL lainîess thein,! 'l'lie hulu r n lir pum-isirbouise al i Sijhîaw is a l1i n of picigrss. Il is a sotîud of <aiiada's standard of li% ing going rap. ALUMINUM COMPANY 0F CANADA, LTD. Produrers and Protoitors of Aluminum, for Conadon InduLsry ond World Morkets Piano& at Shawinigan, Falls, Arvida,hIsle Maligne. Shipshiaw, Poart Afedo Wakefield, Kingston, Toronto, Itobicokp THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1WURS., SEPMMER 28, 1950 pAal RWIVEM

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