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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1950, p. 9

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?mJRSDAY, oe'rom Sth. 1050 T CWMÇATI8Â5~,UWW!T! fTEO.0N Civil Narriages Effective on Oct. 2 Local Niniziers Raise Little Protosi (IBy Dan Sullivan) The age-ald "I do" ritual, gen- 4erally accompanied by Lohengrin muuic, bas freed itself fnom con- ventipn's chains in Canada. Ef- fective October 2, 1950, yaung marrigge hopefuls will be able ta try the 10 dollar civil ceremony Sa Judle's cbamber or Magis- ate's office. The Canadian Gav- 1nnent lbas revised the Marriage Act ta this efiect. Ob erving that Bowmanville does not have a resident Judge or M4gistrate, it will be necessany for people desiring ta be man- ried i-n a civil ceremony, ta travel ta eitlher Port H~ope or Oshawa. The licenise fee, according ta Town Clerk Alex Lyle, is five dallars, and the authorizing documenta are obtginable at the Town Hall.ý Na particulan form ai ceremony 1hall be required by law, except that in some part ai tbe ceremony, in the presence af the officiating official and witnesses, each party shahl declare that he or she knaws af no "lawful impediment" why they should nat be joined togeth- er in marniage. Subsequent ta thia declaration, the Judge (or Magistrate) will Q ay, "I (name) by virtue ai pow- ,pra vested in me by The Marriage Act, 1950. do heneby pronounce You (name) and (name) ta be husband and wife" AUl civil ceremonies will take Place between the haurs oi nine and five. Churchmen Comment Members of the Bowmanville Ministerial Association register no particular objection ta civil 3Tarriages in particular cases. The gist o! their cambined opinion woild seem ta indicate a belief that the new Act will bave little, If any effect on the number ai chgrch marriages. People pro- feasing religion will prefer a church cererony; those barbour- ing no religiaus belief can avail themselves oi the civil ceremony. "~I don't think it wiil make any particular difierence ta real bona fide churcb people," said Rev. Fred R. Meredith, Pastar ai St. Andrew'a Presbyterian Churah. "Those who respect religiaus rite will ignare tbe civil ceremony. I'm nat laoking fan any great siump in that line, nor any great increase," be added. Rev. Eari Sigaton ai St. John'4 Anglican Cburch said, "I arn in agreement with civil marriage be- cause it is not right and praper for the Church ta insist that 'al persans entering upon a marniage cantract' sbhould be married by a minister ai religion. To farce those who bave no neligiaus be- liefs ta aubmit ta a religiaus cere- mony," he continued, "is ta make a mockery af a sacred and salemn rite. But I sincerely hope it wili not be 'an easier way' because I believe marriage is a spiritual ex- perience deep and enduring wben vows are made before God."1 Father S. J. Coffey, Pariab Pries t ai St. Josepb's Churcb, ex- preaaed the opinion that "thîs new Marriage Act wîll have little ef- fect on regular churcb members. Nearly ahl young couples are anxious and willing ta have a cburch marniage and abide by the regulations ai the church ai their affiliation. On the other band," he said, 'it will save era- barrassment ta bath minister and leity in the case where the par- ties concerned bave no church af- filiation." "I think it was better the aid way," stated Rev, S. R. Henden- son, Minister ai Trinify United MONTREAL - Guests for dinnen? Just right for the occasion is a gorgeaus dessert whipped up in no time with JELL-O JELLY POWDERS. Simply open a tin of your favounite fruit, or fruit cocktail. Then set themn in a mold of tempting spankling Jell-O. Garnish with whipped cneam and serve on youn pnettiest plates. M-mmm!- Ssuch a gala dessert for any and eveny occasion! Those seven I exciting "lacked-in" flavours make JelI-O one of the Mnost versatile produats on the market. Yet you can enjoy Jell-O0 for less than 2c a serving. If Leiusre Is Someuling You Dream About but neyer seem ta have time for . * here's bow to*nake your drearn corne truc! Speed up your bousework by sponging awgy dirt with the > brand new, grand new C-I-L SPONGE. VeVret-soft when wet, yet arnazingly durable, these C-I-L cellulose Sponges flot only make any ceaning job casier (from washing th~e e~<I !r ta bathing baby!) . . . they mnake it downright enjay- jable!1 No more ugly, bard-to-dlean Tagsaraound the bouse bailing water. Yes, they're sanitary . . . and they're kid- *"C-I-L Spanges can be easily cleaned and sterilized in experience wiIi stant you on a careirce, new method af bouseworkt Find thcrn in five convenient sizes at hardware, department, drug, variety and grocery stores . - . and remember ta look for the C-I-L P'm dlways De ihted ta get letters from readers who've tried and . ifiked the products I recommend. Here's ane that's particularly enthusiastic: "Thanks a million for your tip on Sloan's Liniment. You've no idea how it relieves the oceasional rbcurnatie pains I bave. l'Il never again be without Sloan's!" Yes, rheumnatie pains go deep. That's why you should go after thcm with dcep-acting t SLOAN'S LINIMENT. It's such a comfort when you're suffering from rheumatism or sore muscles - a sprain, a stiff neck or neuralgia. Such soothing warmtb jus 40eatbotie. fr lotistn eif taydrgtr o 40se a bon loa' o otintn eif t n rgtr o Tissu Meai-Geuling Tm. is rush- ced, it's extreme- %ýe lyLb annoying ta ho slowed up by a bard -to - r -open package. - That's why l'in wit h the new easy-to-open DURHAM CORl- STARCH package!1 Just break the seal and inside you'll find Durhama Cor-n S tai-ch ncatly prot.ected in a r pelag. No fuss - no botherl brop. we youvc uscd as much 'Dlie , pas ihytof the packth iDuraprn" thas vof ntheack-h age. If, wilt protpeci your -oi-n utarch i rom dust 'fil the rirxt lime you need it. And, if you".c neyer tried the luscioiîs recipies on the Durhanm package, you'vc a fi-cat in store! 1 par!icularl7/ reconmend the anc for Leinon Pic! It's an Ana Adam recipe, s0 af course it'H deliciauis! 1 W-1 Pedigreedl . . . that's what the brand new crop of Hcinz Toma- tocs are! Picked, icli ani rosy, in sunny soufthern Ontario, Ilcinz ai-e rightiy proud af them I Now's the time ,,ta buy thern in IIEINZ TOMATO PRODUCTS . .. Heinz Tornoto Juice -HIeinz Crcnm of 'Ionzoto ~Soup-Heinz Ketchup ad Jlciýz <'iJi Saucc. ,Iust think! from Septernber ta, Septenîber, you'II ho able ta perk up your mrals wh thîs famous foursome -sprciaJl1v l,,sciouis in the *'Nev Pa:ck' now! Take alvant.age of tlic ncw Autumn ci-op of Hcinz 'ýpedîgreeti" tomiitoc,-theyre at their hestinii Heinz Tornato Pro- OMarrLed Jomen Do Need Thoir Osvn Bank Aceoun as" remarked one afirmv snartcgi friends lasI wrek ai lunch. "John and I aiten used ta have - wilI - we - ý whenever 1 needcd a new dress or shoes or simply 'the lift a new bonnet always gives me. Trouble was I neyer sccmied ta have enough left over frian mv household allow- ance ta pay for these things whcn I wanted tbern. Then I bit on a solution . . . I opencd Mv own iSavinqs Account at the BANK 0F MONTREAL. Each week 1 put away the dollar or two leit aver from my houschold expenses. Vve beeu amazcd how quickly my balance graws. And Bo many af the things I really want I can noiv afford. Our budget runs much more smoothlv taa, which keeps John in the right franie oaind for a happy hustbantd." Planning A Bridge Party? Your lisi ai ohngbu-hebet refresh- ments won'r. becamlletc witlîout RiED ROSE TEA!1 ýYes, Red Rase is a taste-treatt ta cause happy com- ment among your bridge guest.s. And it's not jutat spccial occasion treat, but A) economical that you van make ân, ýcar- 'rouind habit ai itl Did you know that a deliciotus, flavoui--paeked cup oi Rud Rose Te% coats you less than a cent - in- cluding the ciearn and sugar* ' its a simple, mathe- miat ical fact! Because Rcd Rase Tea ia qood tes, it actually gives you more cups per pound---its flavour goca a long, long wayt Jusi anc more W thirin W ~hen youi-e ordcning your Red Rose Tea, ask for Red Rase Calece. tootl You will find that Red Rose Calice is as goad as Red Rose Tea. ihîer Taite A, Dream P . . . just wait 'tiI you taste this dreamy, dec-licious Ergeiog Sponge Cake, made with SWANS DOWN CAKE F.OtTR! Thats the fleur, you know, iiiat's ifted aver and <iver again unti! 27 times as fine' as ordiwiry flour. Ih makhesic heliglittst, 'fluffleat, ,ut u,,î, .t CnLkf-S iiîginalîi . . .F991109 Spcn ge3 'wu cg sîfted Swvans 1/4 tapn. msce %. i Cakes Ilour 2 eggs, unbeâten 1î tspn- Caitunîut Baicng 2/3 .up sugar 1/4 ownsar 2 tbspns. shoitening 1/4 spn.sait1/2 cup hot 1/2 t4pn. grated tenon rînd Sito ir once. mneasire, add baking powder, sait and mnace. Sift together Lm îne... Be.,t eggs with rotai-y egg Peater 14ntithiey are foamy jjr;. ,giiout. Add sugar si-adualiy. beatI nvjcGrwe4ntlyý until very thicand SAdd shortening to hot milk and heat unti;l nited; then acI4 ta es mixtjraie, rnîxing quîckiy. Add ail fRoui- and ieman rind and -beat wjt> r-otzr.y egg beater only until smaooth. Turn Into raund, 9-ineh layer pan, 1 !/2 ineo deep, wlhîch bas been lined on bottom wth paper, but flot g-cased. Bal<e ini maderjte oveii (3?5 deg. F'.) about là minutes. Cool in ganSplit cake in half. Spread whipped creaxa or £ustard diging betweea aes.fdt powdered ogar ~.oAp oetcokii. To Live ini Bowmcmville MR. AND MRS. RAE EUGENE RUNDLE who were married recently in King Street United Church, Oshawa. The bride, who is the former Helen Eileen Petre is the daughter af Mr. and Mrs. James E. Petre, of Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundie, Bowmanville. Courtesy Oshàwa Times-Gazette Church. "It is true that some people, because ai their lack of religiaus training, saw little real significance in the religiaus mar- niage ceremony. "But," be added, 'before there waa a provision made for a civil ceremony, these people were at least bnought into contact with the churcb and the miniater had a chance ta point out ta themn that 'Marriage ia an bon- ourable and boly estate institut- ed by God'."' WEDDING BANTING - WALSH A pretty autumn wedding toak place in St. Patrick's Church, Rail- ton, recently, when Mary Teresa Walsh, only daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Francia J. Walsh, became the bride ai William Richard Bant- ing, son ai Mr. and Mra. Fred Banting,* Ajax. Rev. R. C. Pick- ett afficiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by ber father, ware a gown ai blush slipper sat4n with a match- ing satin beaddress and finger tip veil ai tulle illusion. She carried a cascade ai Amerîcani Beauty roses. Her attendants were Miss Car- mel Koen, maid ai honour, and Miss Margaret Walsh and Miss Doreen Golden, bnidesmaida. They were gawned alike in floor length dresses of rose, green and violet moire with matching bats and miitts. Each carried a bouquet ai Johanna Hill roses. Mr. Francis Walsh, brother ai the bride, was best man and the ushers were Mr. Jack Bunting and Mr. Ray Walsh. Mrs. Fred White, Ajax, sang Panis Angelicus and at the sign- ing af the register Schubert's Ave Maria. Following the-ceremony dinner was served at Enwell Manon, bat- tersea, where the bride's mother received, wearing a dresa oi plum crepe with black accessories, and a corsage af pink carnations. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother, wearing navy crepe with pink accessories and a corsage ai pink carnations. For travelling the bride chose a fuchsia suit and bat with black a ecessaries. The couple wili re- ide at Orono. WEDDING HART - MILLS St. Andrew's United Cburch, Oshawa, was the setting for a candlelight wedding on Saturday e vening at 7 o'clack when Ileen Marie Milis was united in mar- ri age with Ernest Stanley Hart. T'he bride is the daughter af Mr. an~d Mrs. Royal F. Mîlîs and the bridegroom la the son ai Mrs. Ern- est Hart and the late Mr. Hart, all ai Oshawa, and granddaughter af the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Milîs, Bowmanville. Palma and gladioli shading fromn paleat yellow ta golden bronze with lighted white tapens in massive silver holders fonmed the background sind white bows centered with tiny pink and blue flowens designated the pews. Rev. George Telford, M.A., B.D., officiated. Mn. C. J. W. Taylor. D.C.M., presided at the argan and accompanied Miss Kay Elaton who sang "Until" at the comn- mencement af the ceremany and "O Promise Me" cluring the sign- ing ai the register. Given in marniage by ber fa- ther the bride chose a gown ai heavy white satin f&shioned with a moulded bodice buttoned at the back and very full akint hooped at the hipline. The bodice was made with a high round neckline accented with a Queen Ann coul- ar edged with fine pleating whic4 also iinished the lorng sheath sleeves. Appliques ai Chantilly lace in ivory tones lent interest to the badice. The same lace waa repeated at the hipline and the long circulan train. A beaded cnawn crested ber veil af tulle illusion and she carried an all- wbite cascade ai gadiolus floreta centered with white roses witb lilies and gardenias, tied witb wide satin ribbon. The matron ai bonar was Mra. Roy Porter, Lindsay, an aunt ai the bride, wbo wone a gawn ai corded taffeta shading inom deep cream ta Autumn ruat and car- ried a cascade ai dusky rose and Picandy gladiali with' Talisman rases and tied with satin ibbon shading irom green ta bronze. The bidesmaids wone Miss Mar- garet Brady, Miss Margaret Hart, sister ai the bridegnoam and Miss Eileen Ogden, cousin ai the bride, wearing gawns ai carded tafieta shading from chartreuse ta deep alive, and they carnied cascades ai yellow and scarlet gladiali with yellow ribbon and abat satin nib- bon ties. Identîcal gowns were warn by ail the attendants, styled with fitted bodices baving a portrait neckline enhanced with a draped bentha, and bouffant skirts baop- ed at the bipline. Long matching mittens complimented the short cap sleeves and they wone tîny bats made ai the same matenial as their gowns accented with gladiolus florets and chrysanthe- rnums complementing their bou- quets. They each wone a strand af peanîs. Mr. Donald Hart was best man for bis brother. The ushers wene Mr. Douglas Hart, another broth- er ai the bridegnoam; Mr. Grant Hart, a cousin, and M. Rosa Milîs, brother ai the bride. Early autumn ilowers decarat- ed the drawing noom at Adelaide House, Oshawa, wbere the re- ception was held. To receivo the guesta the bride's mother ware a stneet-lengtb dresa of taupe grey crepe, a wine foît bat with igrey astrich feathers, wine acces- sanies and a corsage ai ned Pin- nochia rases. The bnidegroom's Hello Homnemaloersl No matter how heptic and confused the world seems to be, we stili have a special day of thanksgiving during the barveet season. Yéars ago, pi- oneers set aside a day ta honour nature's bounty. The family gathering of only two gnerations 4go was the occasion for much preserving, curing, baking and cooklng of food for holiday meals. Today the old-lashioned good- ness of harvest produce la cooked and preserved with modern- speed and cleanliness. TAKE A TIP 1. Ba]ke rails and pies the day before and store in electrie re- frigerator. Make cranberry sauce and salad jelly ahead af the day, too. 2. Plan to roarit potatoes and bake squash at the same time as the fowl or meat is being cooked in the electric oven. 3. Use pressure cooker for mak- ing bomemade soup, preparing an extra vegetable, and precooking ham and such. 4. Set the company dinner table mother who 'assisted, was wear- ing an olive green crepe dreas, a feather trimmed black velvet bat, and a corsage of yellow Pin- nochio roses. A three-tier wedding cake with crystal pillars in a setting of white tulle and gladiolUs florets cen- tered the bride's table which was laid with a eut work cloth edged with filet lace and softly lighted with white tapera in low crystal bowls of white cbrysanthemums and peach giadiolus florets. Mrs. Morris Reed. aunt of the bride- groom and Mrs. Tenchia Malley of Pontypool poured tea. Serving the guests were Miss Shirley Shartridge, Miss Ruth Ogden, Miss Marie Porter, Miss Gladys Beebee, assisted by Mrs. W. J. Ogden, aunt of the bride, Ponty- pool,,and Mrs. Douglas Hart, sist- er-in-law of the bridegroom, who served the wedding cake. The newly wedded couple left immediately following the re- ception for points east, and on their return will reside in Osh- awa. For the honeymoon trip the bride ware a suit of black gab- ardine and a white velvet bat, with black accessories, also the bridegroom's gift, a triple strand of pearîs. White gardenias com- prised ber corsage. Before leav- ing the bride tbrew ber bridaI bouquet which' was caught *by Miss Eileen Ogden. The bride presented Miss Margaret Brady with a peari bracelet with match- ing earrings and compacts to the matran of honor and the other two bridesmaida. The bridegroom presented the beat man and ush- ers witb personal gifts. :ne guests were later enter- tained at the home of the bride's parents, Prince Street, Oshawa, and the home ai the bridegroom's mother, Kingaton Road East, Osh- awa. Out-of-town guests were' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Milîs, Port Huron, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Nes- bitt, Orillia; Mrs. B. Beebee, Reta and Gladys, Peterborough; Mr. Courtice McKay, Mrs. Tenchia Malley, Mrs. C. Wbite. Mrs. K. Malley, Pontypool; Mr. and Mrs. R. Porter and family, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ogden, Newton- ville, Mr. arjd Mrs. John Patton, KencIall1, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. H. Dewar, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lymer, Mr. W. Lymer, Mrs. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. W. Malley, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicholîs, Courtice; Miss Alice Lymer, Fruit]and, Ont.; Mr. Herb. Potton. Toronto.' early in the niorning and arrange a pretty center-piece for the oc- casion. BOAST GOOSE Oraike" Stuffing: Simmer 2 cups diced celery in 1 inch ai bail- ipg water for about 20 mins. Meantime. cook U~ cup minced onion in 1,4 cup dripping until tender. Combine 2 qts. bregd crumbs, 21/2 tapa. poultry seasan- ing, 2 tapa. saît, 'k tsp. pepper, 1 tbsp. orange rind and 1 cup peel- ed, diced orange. Mix crumb mix- ture witb celery and crumbs and stuif cavity of goose or duck. Truas the bird by drawing the neck skin towards the back and under the wings. Insert skew- ers under the legs and two acrosa tbe cavity. Then lace a string arQund the skewers. Make a paste of %k cup dripping and 3 tbsps. flour and pat over fowl. Bake in an open roast pan In electric oven af 325 degreL*s allow- Extra Large CookitTop Four Corox Suffie Uniftswih, Five Gontrolis Hut FuII-Ienglh Surface Lighi Eys-level Controi Pinel TeI-a-Glance Swilch ContraIs fiutontic Timer fippliance Oui!.! Suilt-in Minute Minder Menu-ma;ter ehouer Large Warming Comiprinment ,Twe Ut1iit Dawers 52 King, St. W. ing 25 mins. per lb. Baste occa- sionally. PAN ROASTED SWEET POTATOES Bail pared sweet potatoes 10 mina., then drain and put in cas- serole with 'k cup dripping (or around the fawl) and allow 1 hour ta bake tender. Garnish with parsley.. BRUSSELS SPROUTS MEDLEY Combine 2 quarta cooker Brus- sels sprouts with 2 cups cooked peas. Season with 1 tsp. celery seed. Serves 10. CRANJUERRY APPLE PIE 1. Prepare pastry for two-crust, 9-inch pan. 2. Combine 21'4 cups sugar, 1/2 cup water, 2 cups peeled, sliced applea, 4 cupa cranberries. Cook until bernies pop. 3. Blend together 2 tbsps. corn- starch with 2 tbsp. water. Add to cranbery mixtur~e, continue cooking until thick and clear. Cool. 4. Turn Into pastry-llnsd Pl* pan. 5. Place lattice strips over fi-' irig, seal ends ta moistened crust and flute the edge. 6. Bake in electric aven of 425 degrees fpr 25 minutes. THE SUGGESTION ÙOX Mrs. E. J. suggests: Three-In. One Biscuits. From the one basic tea biscuit doughi make plain biscuits, butter-' scotch rals, cheese wbinls. 1%oll part af the dough about quarter inch thick, spread wîth butter-, bnown sugar and chopped w4I- nuts of butter, grated cheese 4n4 diced pimenta. Rail up, then alice. Set alices in muffin pans ta bake. Place in hot electrie aven. Anne Allan Invites yau ta write ta bier c/a The Statesman. eend in your suggestians on home- making prablems Neyer before bas any electric range...-.- any type o cooking equipment . .. made so niany 'iita1 contribu.1 tions to cooking ease and perfect resuits as this' BIG, NEW Westinghouse. Only in Westinghouseý can you enjoy the advantages of the Super-Size' <'Miracle Oven" with its 4Éven-FIo heat distribution1 '.no drafts, no "«hot-spots." Only in Weiminghouse do you get the extra capacity cooking surface witli 4 high-speed COROX units (two giant, two reguIary. Seeing is believing! Corne in and inspect thià great new Westinghouse for yourselfl Rowmanville Phone 811 CROWN BRAN-D KITCHEN DETECTIVE C411S At VY</I /?#$E1 MIRES HOW IT WORKS: The Crawn Brand Kitchen Detective wiiI be in your neighbourhood. He wilI select, of randam, o Iist of homes. He wiIl cali at these homes sometime during the day and when you answer the door, this is what hoppens: le He will i d.ntify hlmself and present his credentials; 2. He wiII ask yeu If you have a fin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup in your home; 3. If you have a fin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup, he wilI ask te see if; 4. After you show hlm your fin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup ho wiII present te you a Gift Cerfificafe, redeemable for $25.00 worth of groceries purchameable ut the grocer from whom you bought your Crown Brand Cern Syrup, and whose name you wilI -R Ulve te the Kitchen lve. That'8 ail ther. is te it, se malce sure you g.t a fin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup lodqy> Ï THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED e e Montreal e é Toronto THE ELECTRIC RANGE WUTH THE MI j y I S FRNITURE AND MURPHY'SSTOR IMPORTANT If, when the Crown Srand Datactive cais on you, youp do net have a tin of Crown Oraind ln the haue but have the. two foliowing Canada Stard, products, Ithon yeu ar* eligIbie for the $25.00 bai4ket of grocerieti SifVlI GLOSS LAUNDRY STARCH end SENSON'S COIN STAICN 1 TRURSPAY, oc"nm ath. loge .,Aar zffl%ý

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