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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1950, p. 3

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?RMDAY, OCT013LPR5th. 1050 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM4ANV!LLE. ONTARIO PG fRl -Navy League taggers are hop- 9n for a generous response on Saturday, October 7th, 1950, to help finance the work that the League is doing on behaîf of Nav- al ratings and merchant seamen on the coasts and in support of its nationwide, youth training pro- gramml-e. The Navy League is a civilian ,organization sponsoring The Roy- 81Canadian Sea Cadets wvhose ~members receive special train- ing that is considcred "essentialiy go0d whether for civilian employ- ment or a career at sea." Its pri- mary objective is the develop- ment of character and good citi- zenship in boys during their for- mative years 14-18. "Prince Robert" House, in Vic- toria, B.C. and the Sca Guil Club in Halifax, N.S., caters to young Canadians serving in the Navy and stationed at Esquimalt. These Clubs provide club facilities in wholesome, home-like surround- ings, where young men from al parts of Canada may snend their leisure time and enjoy games and other forms of recreation. In Saint John, N.B.; Halifax, Sydney and Louisburg, NS., the Navy League operates clubs and GENERAL ELECTRIC LAMPS CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIM91ED o Queen OLIVES82r AYLMER-SWUOTf WAFER PICKLE hostels for the men who man the ships carrying Canadian farmn and factory products to world mark- ets. Meals and beds at reason- able prices, opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones and to receive Sick Bay care when neeGded, are important fac- tors in the lives of seamen com- ing to Canada from British and foreign lands. The welfare of these men has an important bear- ing upon the export trade on which the country's prosperity larizely depends. Through its Wômen's Auxiliary. the Navy League is in constant touch with navy and merchant navy personnel who are still in hospitals. Not only at Christmas but throughout the entire year these patients are visited regu- larly and provided with extra comforts which they might not othermýise receive. Another phase of Navy League work is that of conducting edu- cational campaigns on matters per- taining to Canadas naval and maritime interests such as the recent essay contest among Pro- vincial school pupils on the sub- ject "Our Navy and Seaborne Trade in our Daily Lif. . The Navy Leag ue is primarily a peacetime organization but it is organized to render service in wartime as %vell. This was very effectively demonstrated during, the last two great wars. The League is looking forward to many years of peace but should war come again, it stands ready to serve as in the past. BROWN'S Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson. Wyl- lene and Leigh spent Sunday wi. th Miss B. Cain, Orono.' Mr. C. Avery and family at- tended Lindsay Fair last week. Mrs. I. Colwill, Mrs. C. Fergu- son and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson at- tended the Eastern Star Conven- tion at the Royal York Hotel, To- ronto. Brown's Busy Bees met at the home of Mrs. T. Wilson on Octob- er Il. Mr. Keith Moffat, Dundas, is holidaying with bis aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ste- phenson. Browvn's H. & S. Club Election of officers was held Tuesday, Sept. 12. Pres., Mrs. Curson; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Williams, Jîmmie Curson, Mrs. Pickering, Mrs. Keil; Sec'y, June Wilson; Treasurer, Tommy Wilson; Cor- responding Secretary, Loraine Brown, Pianist, Loraine Brown; Auditors, Miss Jean Perrin, Bill Morley; Visiting Com., Mrs Pick- ering, Mrs. Williams. MrsI. Wil-i liams bas charge of next meeting, Tutesday, Oct. 10 and plans enter- tainment for that night. Plan to attend. 37c 1602. Jar 24c RED SEM.L-SWEET Mixed PICKLES 6,, KRAFT-CHEESE DELUXE SLICES5FO. 25c 30< CRANIIRRY AYLMER SAUCE 1J. 25c (alifornia Red Tokay Grapes Just Arrived Cranherries Firm. Ripe Bananas Snowi WVhite Cauliflower MONARCN CAKE MIXES M ONAICI GINGERBREAD MONARCH PIE CRUST MIX DOMINION STORES LIN To Live in Ennigkillen MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM WALLACE GRIFFIN whose marriage took place recently in Enniskillen United Church. Formerly Miss Veirna Irene Collacott, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Collacott, of Tyrone, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Griffin, of Enniskillen. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette Many New Books 1 On Library Shelves List of new and inte restingi books now on the Library shelves, released by the Librarian. Aduit and Non-Fiction The Pink House, White, N. G.; Lord Jonnie, White, L. T.; Mary of Argyle, Jacob, N.; This And No More,, Freedman; Father of the Bride, Streeter; A Bullet For My Love, Cohen; From Christmas to Easter, Orme; There Is No Ar- mour, Spring; The Doctor Wears Three Faces, Bard; The Tower and the Town, Campbell; Fracices, Huhbrll; Arabella, Heyer; The Horses Mouth, Carey; The Out- lander. Guevremont; Jubilee Trail. Bristow; The 1-epburn, Westcott; I Leap Over the Wall, Baldwin; Bonin, Standish; Geordie. Walker; Eastern Approaches, MacLean; "Thanksgiv ing Tabl 1,e Items" Maple Leaf Mincemeat 2Tn 40c Aylmer Tomato Juice m -Io( 10 Niblets Kernel Corn i 7( Cream Style C orn STOKEYS 2 Tin 27c Choice To mat oes DUSEN 2 i 29c Dewkist Choice Peas TM, * - * -2 lbs. 29c PIN EAPPLE AYLMu-PANCY APPLESAUCE cello pkg. 1ALmIu--C§OIcz . . Mb. 25c; PRUNE PLUMS 2 11 < 10- 35c ~~-27c AVL&M*-.OaANpE..puag...I1TgM lb. 19C 1MARMALADE J u m b o S iz e W N L U - U C 2 2forl19C1 SALADA TEA 24 ou.~* .j«,37cI 802. Ph. ________________ YLMER 9 OZ. 10111.1 DOMINO DNRY-SPARKLIN C H IL I S AU CE 18c GINGER ALE APLE ICONTENTS ONLY) 6 qt. baskets McINTOSH -t GREENINGS t CRABAPPLES q ea. 69e ea. 49e ea. 65e VALUES EFFECTIVE THiURSOAY, FliIOAY. SATUP.OAY. OCT. Sth, 6th. 7th The Grand Alliance, Churchill; This is Nova Scotia, Bird; This is ÎNewfoundland, Young; Worlds li Collision, Velikovsky; Peace of Soul, Sheen; Cross-Country, Mac- Lennen; Rommel, Young; Kon-' Tiki Expedition, Heyardahl. Juvenile Forest Folk, Roberts; Secret of Red Gate Farm, Keene; Mystery of the Tolling Bell, Keene; Bun- galow Mystery, Keene; Beverley Gray's Career, Blank; Beverley Gray in the Orient, Blank; The Golden Road, Montgomery., Kil- meny of the Orchard, Montgom- ery; The Story Girl, Montgom- ery; Boss of the River, Savard; Green Island Mystery, Allen; The Saddle of Carlos Perez, Tait; Cherry Ames (Private Duty Nurse) Wells; Elephant Bo.y. of the Teak Forest, Sowers: Salomies Burden, Stoke; Jane, Stewardess of the Air Lines, Wheeler. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barber. Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Macdon- ald and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Larmar, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Bail and Shar- on, Millbrook, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, Osh- awa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott. Mr. W. C. Sleeman. Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Brent. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Linda and Douglas, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspell. Alan and Marilyn, and Mrs. F. B. Glaspell,' Zion, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspeli. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Col- umbus, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens, Louise and Joan, Sutton, visited Iwith Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Burgess, Mr~. and Mrs. W. F. Park and Mr.' and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mrs. W. Miller spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson,I Bowmanv i le. Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan, Bowmanville, spent the weekend with Mr. Milton Virtue. Mr .and Mrs. James Clark, Kenneth and Donald, Agincourt, were recent guests of MVr. ana Mrs. Howard Brent. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pettibone, Mýr. and Mrs. Carl Webster anal children. Brampton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park, Ce- cile and Douglas, Miss Yvonne Byam, Mr. P. Murdock visited Mr~. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin and family, Enniskillen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McRoberts. Mr. and Mrs. D. Noden and family, Newcastle, visited with Mrs. L. Jones and Mr. aýd Mrs. Joe Riddell. Mr. and Mrs. G. Arnold and family, Gormley1 visited with Mrs. M. Hughson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Nelson, Mrs. Dunther, Wooler; Mrs. L. Carr and children, Codrington, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mismer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wismer, Mr. Frank Wismer, Islington; Mr. and Mrs. J. Colbary and children. Brook- lin, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Col- i ba.1y to learn that Mr. Duvalý IWho has been staying wth M.. and Mrs. Walter Park is not s0 well and has returned to Nassau, the home of his daughter, Mrs.j Pearl Webb. We hope he may soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and children visited Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Cresswel. Lindsay, and at- tended the services on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamb, Clark- son, ivere recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread. Mrs. M. Fowler has returned toi bel' home in Orono.1 Mr. George Alldread and his' mother. Mrs. Jas. Alldread, visit- ed Mrs. William RobinsonPn typool. i Sorry to know that Mrs. E. Nfavy League ta Raid Tag.Day 'I This District- Saturday, Oct. 71h Wight is confined to ber bed. Hope ohe will soon recover. Mrs. Aima Rundle, Marjorie and Jean and Mr. Ross Cryder- man,6 Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall vjsit- ed their son, Stewart, who is at the Riverdale Isolation Hospital,i St. Matthew's Rd., Toronto. Stew- art will be glad to hear from his friends. Mission Band next Sunday after Sunday School. Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Grant and Beverly from the village. They moved last Thursday to the new home they are building in Bowmanville. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood and family who have bought the wright property and have moved in. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Don Cameron last Tuesday ev- ening, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Tennant (fiee Muriel Bur- gess). After ail were comfortab- ly seated the bride and groom were ushered to two decorated chairs under the archway which was decorated with a large white wedding bell. pink and white streamers, balloons and confetti, and were preWented with a mis- cellaneous shower. Both made a suitable reply after which ahl joined in a sing-song and a social evening was spent. Mr. Perey Werry and Mrs. A. Hoar attended a tea in honour of their cousin, Miss Helen Hooper, a bride-to-be, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Andrews, Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Ron and Marilyn, and Miss Jean Phîlp spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Philp, Morganston. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and Gail, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. Mrs. D. Lute and children are visiting with relatives at Grimsby. Miss Joyce Murray, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. K. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. K. Hardy and Jerry. and Mrs. A. Prescott visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. A. Abbott, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. N. Yellowlees, Harppton. with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees. Miss Gwen Hilîs had a tonsil operation in Bowmanville Hos- pital on Monday. Mr. Ralph Hilîs is attending O. A. C. at Guelph. Rev. D. Lute and Mr. Wesley His attended the Presbyterial meeting of the, Young People in Oshawa Monday evening. NESTLETON Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bonney (nee Evelyn Campbell) who were married in Toronto on Saturday. A number of friends and neigh- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson. h bours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Suggitt on Tuesday evening and presented Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Suggitt and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbell with a lovely, round lamp table each. Rev. W. C. Hutton was the chairman. A programme and speeches were given and a dainty lunch served. We wish them many happy years of married life. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- son, Donald, Gladys and Irene visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Em- erson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mal- colm, Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis and Mr. A. H. Veale. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin viqited Mr. and Mrs. George Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Jamie and Nola, Port Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. Nqrman Malcolm, Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm and Gail visited Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cook, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emerson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Service in the United Church next Sunday will be at 11:15. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson at- tended the Port Perry Eastern Star dance at Geneva Park. Mrs. Arthur Franks and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Revnolds and Donald, Peterborough, visited Wall&g o4e,&dd KENWOOD BLANKET "C H R IS T MA S" tL YCU %ýtt4YOU can own a KENWOOD ILANKET ONLY DOWN WR. No extras charges involved! You simply select the blanket you want, pay $1 down and the balance 50c per Nweek until the blanket is paîd for. We will lay your Ken- wood aside and hold it for you until the last payment. It's easy - get yours today. ]KENWOOD RAMCREST Plain Colours 72 x 84. Ends bound with 4" satin ribbon. Individually boxed. Colours: Blue, Rose, Cedar, Peach, Green, Wine. 72 x84 each $11.95 60 x 84--------------each $9.95 KENWOOD BAMCHEST Bleached White One size only, 72 x 90, whipped ends. Available in ail white or with 2 colour orders of Rose andGreen, Blue and Gold, -Green and Cedar, Cedar and Gold. Parcelled in pairs --- each KENWOOD FAMOUS Plain Colours One size only, 72 x 84. Ends bound xith extra wide satin ribbon. Individually boxed. Colours: White, Blue, Rose, Cedar, Gold, Peach, Burgandy, Turquoise, Green ---- - -- - - ------- each KENWOOD VICEROY in l;test Home Decorafing Shades One size only, 72 x 84. Ends bound with extra wide taffeta ribbon. Individually boxed. Colours: Ivory White, Charm Pink, Sky Blue, Apple Green, Maize, Turquoise, Grey, Wild Rose ------------------each $11,25 $14.00 $15.95 KENWOOD NQRWAY CAMP BLANKETS One size only, 66 x 84. Whipped ends. Individually packaged in these check colours: Brown and Tan, Red and Black, B3lue and Black, Green and Black. Also Red with Black border and Tan with Brown border. -- - -- - --each $9.95 KENWOOID BABY BLANKETS I<ENWOOD FAMOUS BABY BLANKETS Size: 36 x 50. Bound ail around with satin ribbon. Individually boxed. Colours: Light Blue, Pink, White --- -- each $6.50 KENWOOD RAMCREST BABY BLANKETS Size: 36 x50. Edges Whipped on the four sides. Individually packaged. Colours: Light Blue, Pink, White--- - -- each $4.50 SELECT YOUR KENWOOD BLANKET TO-DAY Lay a Kenwood Blanket aside now for Christmas giving. If you used our plan last year, you'Il know how easy and how quickly your blanket is paid for! Join the Christmas Lay-Away Plan for Kenwood Blankets today. THE STORE WITH THE CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY CLUB $DOWN 50 WEEK b</d~e4 StO4~eL .eùnded SPhone 451 "TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP" Bowmanville King St. East 1 Miss WilheImlna Veenhoff Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John' Veenhoff, of Bowmanville, whose engagement is announced today to Mr. Joseph E. Potipcoe, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Potipcoe, of Toronto. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, October 28, in King Street United Church, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. Y- . . m . . M - - * M M - 1~.351 1om29c 17 O,. 3 33.(< MITED IGGS WANTED W. pay highest market prices for eggs. Shipping tags avaiI.ble at Our stores, Se* manager for par- ticulars. Reg. grading station 0-29. 1 1 PAGE TMMI l ýy

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