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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1950, p. 7

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THUESDAYI OCTOBER Sth. 1050 THE CANADIAN STATESMA!N, EOWMANvILL, oNTAM(.- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL J Phone 683 J 'l Mr. andi Mrs. Alan Greville:s. onald Hall and famil Toronto, visiteci their parents, Mr.1 Chathamr, visited Mr. and Mi and Mrs. K. E. Cox. James Hall for the month of Sel tember while Mr. Ronald Ha Mrs. Redpath, Fenelon Falls, made a business trip to Vancoi vlslted over the weekend with ver andi Victoria, B.C. Mrs. . R.Ormiton.Dr. Geo. W. Miller has been Mr. andi Mrs. Ray Stacey, To- busy man since bd.s return frci ronto, were Saturday guests of Geneva. He spoke at the Lioa ~~ad Mrs. Alvin Stacey. Club on Sept. 25, the local Starr :YMss Eleanor Barton, Oshawa, Club on Sept. 27 and at the Ost visited the weekend with herJ awa Stamp Club on October 2ri grancimother, Mrs. L. J. Barton. Mr. andi Mrs. Fred J. VanNeý Mr. andi Mrs. W. R. Dawson of and daughters, Joan and Julia, T( Tillsonburg, were weekend visit- ronto; Mr. Herbert VanNest, Phi Ors with her parents, Mr. and adelphia. Penn., and Mr. an Mr. and Mrs. Avery Johnstoa Grove, were Sunday callers0 have returneci from a six weeks' their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geý Visit with their daugbter, Mrs. Dr. W. James. Veale, at Harrow. Members of the Durham Chap Mrs. Blanche Corden, A. & P. ter who attended the Easter bookkeeper andi cheeker is hav- Star Convention from Sept. 19t ing a month's leave of absence to 22nd, were: Mr, and Mrs. from ber duties. Anderson, Miss Velma Gay, Mrg Emma Ruthven, Mrs. Georg Mrs. H. E. Buckland, Toronto, Brown. Other members of th has returneci homneafter spending Chapter went up for differen a week with ber parents, Mr. and sessions, but did not stay th Mrs. Paul Wilson. wboîe time. Mrs. W. A. Edger is spending Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Beecl a few days in Toronto with her Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lai mer, Mi mother, Mrs. F. W. Kirkendall,an r.GdoBehadgil 0 os convalescing. Mrs. Clara Topping, Mr. and Mn j~r.F. A. Phillips left for Ross Richards and family, Mi 'Çingston last week where she has andi Mrs. Lloyd Beech and Ger ten up residence while ber son ald, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larme Duncan resumes bis studies at and family, visited at Mr. an Queen's University. Mrs. E. N. Beech's, Port HopE The cottage raffled at Kirkfield and celebrated their 25th weddin recently was won by Mr. William anniversary. Cain of Niagara Falls. Tickets A Peterborough despatch say on cottage were solci here by St. a mental examination was orler Joseph's R.C. Church. ed for Harvey D. Sylvester, 32 Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown of formnerly of Bowmanville, whi the Boys' Training School Sfaff told provincial police that he se left early this week on a trip to fire to a store there in August Irelanci. They expeet to be away 1948. He is scbeduled to appe& for about five weeks. in court Friday on an arsoi Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wesley, charge in connection with th4 Walkerton, visited her mother' $250,000 fire at the S. S. Kresg( Mrs. J. H. Jobnston over the week- Co. store. He went to provincia endi. Mrs. Johnston returned police at Cobourg, Sept. 24 witl witb tbem for a visit. bis story of setting the fire. Mr. andi Mrs. Don Morris, Miss! Whenever a large communit3 Ruth Reynolds andi Mr. Bob Wil- camrpaign is launcheci in Toront( liams attended the Ontario Funer- jyou generally find a Durbax ai Service Association Convention County boy is one of the prin-x andi Banquet. at Hamilton. movers in the projeet. It wa. Mr. ad Mrs WrigtsonWigbt therefore not surprising to see i have returned from a two weeks' te$,9,0 e ete on visit with their daughter and munity Chest Campaign heinç son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Forbes starteci this week in Toronto tha) Monoe nd amlyat ttaa. a we]l known former Bowmanr Monre ad fmily atOttwa. ville boy, Byron Y. Haddy, Trea. Dr. and Mrs. H. Cauffielci, To- srer of Canadian General Elec- ledo, Ohio, spent the weekend trie Co., is Chairman of the Bud- wîth ber mother, Mrs. John Perey get Committee. We wish thE and sister, Miss Beryl Perey who drive every success. are both under the doctor's care. Ed. Youngman, The States. For the benefit of local bun- man's versatile Pontypool corres. ters the dates of the open season pondent and keeper of the treec for partridge in Darlington Town- at the Ganaraska Forest, has beer ship this year will be on Friday galavanting again. We found thh andi Saturday, November 3rd and fact out in a card received fror, 4th only. bim posteci at Binghamton, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Joncs, of in wbich he writes: "On a . Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Allan State conservation tour whicb h Jones, of Toronto; Mr. andi Mrs. very interesting and enjoyablE C. G. Monture, of Ottawa, were andi everybody over bere arE recent visitors with Mrs. Gicidus swell. Was at Cornell University Jones. today. These Yanks are very ST. JOHN'IS CHURCHI (ANGLICAN) ll5th Anniversary Services ly, frs. ep. ia 'ns np rid.1 est o- nd le on eo. ,rn 1th! E. rs. ,ge he rit he ,h [r. [s, rs. Ir. ýr- ýer id e, ng Ys ý2, n Le al bh ty to m e es in ie T' 8 a.m. - Holy Communion 11 a.m. - Morning Prayer Rev'd. RAMSEY ARMITAGE, M.A., D.D. Principal Wycliffe College 7 p.m. - Evensong Rev'd. T. -A. NIND Rector of St. John's, 1910 - 1917 serious about conservation." The Editor of The Statesman was pleased to receive a picture post card from Miss Edna Bot- treil, Toronto, a former valued memnber of The Statesman staff, from Ireland. Edna is on a two- months' tour of the British Isles and Europe and will attend the IHoly Year ceremonies at Rome when they will have an audience wîth the Pope at the Vatican. They crossed the Atlantic fromn New York on the Mauritania and en- joyed every minute of the trip as it was very calm. On their arrival at Cork they were given an officiai reception by the Lord Mayor of the city. Miss Audrey Nortbcott enter- tained at a cup and saucer show- er at her home, Ontario St., in honour of Miss Mary F. DePratto. Oshawa, who was marrieci Satur- day morning. Those in attend- ance were the girls of the Sales Department of General Motors of Canada. The gifts were "show- ercd" with a decorated watening can ail arranged in an enclosure in the room with a "grass" car- pet, arrangements of summer flowers and a pieket fence. A' mock wedding createci much mer- riment. Assisting the hostess in serving supper were Miss Helen Gulenchyn andi Miss Lillian Mar- tin. A request bas been made by the Bowmanville Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club, that al] those who hold application forms for membership please fili them out, and send them to Miss Mar- 1 garet Nichois, Elgin St., the mem- bership convenor, by Tuesday, October loth. This was urged at an Executive meeting of the club which was held in the offices of Shepherd & Gill, on Monday ev- ening, with the President, Doris Robinson, presiding. A report was compiled for the provincial annual meeting of the Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, which will be held in Windsor, Ont., this week- end. Miss Violet McFeeters wil] represent the local club i Windsor. West Beach Crossing Again Raises Heated Dehale ai Council Meeing An indignant Mrs. Lillian Dili-' base with it," he said. le îng, supported by some 15 Beach New Highway Question .e Association members, demanded The assembly was further ;to know what progress the Bow- questioned, "Is Council taking any 'Y, manville Council had ni'ade with action toward betterment of the regard to keeping the road to the Beach when the new highway goe!? West Beach open. The demand through?" was registered at the regular "We've been shown plans," tbe Council meeting, Monday, Octob- Mayor repiied, "but xve can't say er 2nd, at the Town Hall. anything definite as far as the The Canadian National Rail- West Beach is concerned." ways closed the railway crossing A bridge spanning the new high- on the road to the West Beach Oc- way, together xith required ap- tober lst. With the roaci closed, proaches, would cost an estimnat- Iwinter residents at the lakeshore ed million dollars according to i have no passable route to their Council, and it 'was stated that homes. when highway engineers were in Mrs Dilin sad sx fmilesBownifanville, they "weren't par- Mrs.Dillng sicisix amilesticuiarly interested in getting traf- including five children, were fie to the West Beach." Once foreed to live at the Beach ail winter due to shortage of accom- they finish the cioverleaf, they modation in Bowmanville. "What are finishcd. "It would cost $400,- about these families?" she de- M00yor theai dgd.on manded vehîementiy.Mao id "Two chiidren have been taken It was moved by Councillor out of sehool because their par- Carruthers and seconded by Dep- ents wouidn't let them cross the river to get there," she stated. 11 can't see why you havent got the strength and weight in town to go to these people (the C.N.R.) RUTTER and get permits for us to cross," Mayor Mason explaineci that GRANITE CO. 10 years ago regulations were made by the C.N.R. governing the Port Hope - Phone 3216 crossing. He saici the crossîng ivas allowed to be used for certain MONUMENTS..* periods of the year (the summer rnonths) and only if guards were MARKERS employeci on a 24-bour basis. CRE OT Guards Suggested e.CRE OT Mrs. Diiiing suggested that . INSCRIPTIONS guards be kept on the railway crossing the year arounci, or else Reasonable Prices adelegation approach the rail- road and talk with them. She was told that the guard sol -________________ ution (due to finances) was im- possible, and that John M. James, M.P. Durham, is endeavouring to open the matter Up tbrough the Federal Government. He said further that Council received no reply to a communication address- ed to responsible ai4thorities last June. He said that Mr. James was in touch with the Minister of Transport and as far asthe Couneil was concerned, the prob-l lem is "purely a matter for.thel Board of Transport Commission- ers to deal with." MayorMao conti.nued, "We wiil help Mr. James, our Member, in any way we can." -Do you want our chilciren tol stay out 0f school?" Mrs. Dillingi The Super-Efficient asked hotly. "These people aren't; there because they want to be.-un 1E fI Deputy-Reeve Jamieson added OIO- A I to the discussion. "When you cross the crossing, Mrs. Dilling, 0O1 Heating~ *"You trespass on railroad prop- erty?.MRS"ORPRSN &-ihat's only a technical point AEjOJ RSN they use to keep people off there," ETIG1UIMN I she countered. 1 TWICF AS GOOD j "You can't trespass on any-j one's property," Mr. Jamieson re-; 1 plieci. Saves T'ou Money on Tour iganswered, "they have a Fuel Costs ~~~w ilr ~ ht o w, M rs Dii..P hon e or C onsu it threateniing people." Cuclsuggested that a second letter be written to the Railway I C Company requesting that per- mission be granted to allow Beach BR OV LJG H childrerî to cross the forbiciden PLUMBING - EATING tracks in order to get to sehool. "Thank you," Mrs. Dilling saici, Division St. S. Bowmanvd~it "I'm pleased you*d do that much." New Phono - Office 615 One Councillor interjected a.ouePno24 comnment relative to the above' RuePoe28 letter. -You won*t get to first 1 ladendent~ COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE 11,.ioca SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DISPNSE;-,:ýýI.D.A. BRAND~ A Frsh Bade n ASoId on Money-Bi FlashAROMATIC CASCARA 3 and 6-oz. Regr 30c and 50c ..\ Y COLD TABLETS -Box of 25's. Reg. 25ec --- -- IODIZED THROAT TAI IGoes Used Blade or Gargie. Reg. 35c -------- MILK 0F MAGNESIA S<r16 ounces. Regr. 33c --- --- SODA BICARBONATI 4, 8 and 16-oz. Reg. 10c,1 *. WILD STRAWBERRI ________ ________Compound. Reg. 35c BRYLCREEMnnSU " Keeps the hair in place ail day. R i1F " Guards against and removes _______________ dandruff. " Gveshai a leainglusre. Choose the Shade of Hand IN Ges harageN glUBStr.Beauty You Want IN HNDY UBESNew no-rub-off make-up 2S9 1 glorifies even red rough knuckles in 10 seconds IIMm« )491 4 shades to choose from. I I j 65c and $1.25 SERVTAN Gaua u CHEICATMBAYER ASPIRIN pi FOOD KLEENE Xciîi8 TONRCTissues 1c- eA Peasant Tatng, FACE -ELLE Tisses 1 8C Complet. and Econ.micul VITAMIN and MINERAL IMERCOLIZED WAXC FOOD SIJPPLEMENT ~ '1.35 ~ '295 l~4DAYS 5495 ~ flNC'.T-ITflA j a. ..a4& .L.L.A. Er 1 SPECIALS Back Guarantee BLETS E5c 25e --- c - 12c - ----- - ----- - --------- ilk Laxatiý or fast in relief 2 for 3, - 2 for Cream for 19C 23c 29c 18OC 23c Quick ReIi for BURN c uTS, SCRAI P OISON IVYJ K. Greasel, ve 75-1.57 "V2 1 18c -29c -79c!. AB ý5c- Men's 29 HEADAC OANOY rU., NEURALC 3 5c Men's 29c 35c RHIumATIc r lmihs87c, 7OMY1.50 COLD rand Cough Syrup 50C EL"I 's 'PIS leuc T ETS r,, OP :HES GIA PAIN rH 'UL 29Ç 47e E X it w.- Young People Larunch Mission Drive ut-ev Jmeo thia; the JTrinity Y.P. Launchesi ticket from Pres. Rena Mutton Clr eisrýe owiethe for fiye dollars to get the ticket Board of Transport Commission- Drive for Missions selling started in the right spirit. Sa i pr io ers. Ottawa, requesting them to Sow Fim Hee oîiat a eratetuchave be the i paeTi grant a temporary permit for resi- To lready aevraticeh ave tben dents o the West Beach to cross nominal sum. Even in a few spare-time hours thedtatcks at the C.N.R. station, At a recent meeting of Trinity Ail expenses will be paid by the each day you can make important J te am tme rqustY.P.U. Executive it was decided cu nodrta h niepo extra inoHavrwr fl-iea them to re-open the whdle situa-to.hwherlgusfm"in ceeds may be used for Mission and make big money. Hv tion. of Kings" in the church auditori- work. business of your own, selllng umi, Oct. 11, to raise this year's sheer nylon hosiery. No exper- '7OT i Mission objective. ience necessary. Rush name for Z N(Hloue .Lwp.) This group has been very Mis- Worldly fame is but a breath full information, Home Hosiery' -~~~~ ~sion-minded andi last year flot of wind that blows row this way, C. 8Wllgo t et o Mrs. E. Payne, Port Hope, visit- only net their objective but won and now that, and changes namnerotO. ed her sister-in-law, Mrs. s h wr o h ags iso as it changes direction.-Dante. Jones. ~~~~~gîvings of any club in the Osha- Ntigi esslihta day with her. sister, Mrs. Elmer their allotment this year has been desire of faine. since its only sure increased by more than two and acquisition is by labouring for' Green Newastle Mrsone -h aif times, the club seems de- t s-Walter Savage Landor. Mrs. E. Caldwell visited Mr.otes A. Caldwell,,Port Hope. termined to keep the standard Whatever enslaves man is op- A lagel atende metin ofthey set for themselves last year. th inW .wshl nTus President Rena Mutton said, posed to the divine government.a da tthe o efr. A. wa hldonThr- "As Youth Partners under Christ. Truth makes man free.-Mary * er * we caài give no greater service Baker Eddy. Miss Gwen Jones gave an in- those that of teaching and helping - ----- m teresting account of hier session hs people less fortunate than at Oak Lake Camp. Supplies ourselves. The interest and sup- University Women's Club of Oshawa and District were distributed for work on port we give to the Mission work presentS articles for the fortbcoming an- of the Church is our opportunity for that service. Although our ATSY PARR ~ ns Quite a number attendeci theMiio obetv thsyahs Port Hope Fair on Saturday. been set for us, much higher than at OSHAWA COLLEGIATE on ever before. we must meet it."1 Rev. S. R. Henderson launches Trrnity Y.P.U. mission This highly recomn-ended film, oe br2,15 M8:0pm drive buying the first ticket to see the film "King of Kîngs" Betwèen May 1949, and May "King of Kings" has been secur- from President Rena Mutton while mission convenors Ar- 1950, Canada's manufacturing ed and every member of the club Tickets - $1.0 vill Becett nd Jyce cGil loo on.Rev.Hendrsonwage index rose 4.06 per cent. is armed with tickets. The tick- Frifraino ikt villa Becke t and Joyce M cGil look on Re Hend rson while the cost-of-living index in- ets are to be sold for a nom inal i- F r i f r a i n o i k t paid $5.00 for the ticket "Just to get the ticket selling started creaseci by 2.82 per cent. fee of 35e but it is hoped that Miss Hilda Rice, Bowmanville High School in the right spirit," he said. The pennant in the background Fromn 1939 to 1949 Canada's net rnanv will see fit to set their owfl Dr. Doris Tremeer, Phone 2205, Bowmanville marked by the cross was won by Trinîty Y.P.U. last year federal public debt per capita in-1 ratgýs much higher. Rev. S. R. for the highest mission givings in the Presbytery. creased from $279.80 to $869.41. Henderson has purchased the first'_ _ You'll get a deep satisfaction out of attending the church of you±- choice on Thanksgiving, out of offering your personal thanks before the altar of your faith and praying for continued blessings in the company of other sincere and grateful people. Thanksgiv- ing time is one of the most appropriate times of the year to renew the habit of attend-' ing church regularly. Thanksgiving Service - il a.m. Evening Service- 7 p.m. BEV. C. D. ENPEY, B.A., Hampton .wiII preach at the evening service THINITY UNITED CHURCH > ------- - - ---------- - ----------------- - - 1 PAGE SEVEN 1

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