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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1950, p. 11

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THE CAIiADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, _ONTARIO Students Show Nuch Athletic Abilily ât Annual Public School Field Day During thc past fcw %weeks, mediate Girha--Pamela Downey, there has been a great deal in the 11 peints. Interinediate Boys- paper about the High School Eugenc Clark, 12 points. ttrack meet, and naw it is time ta New Records ilear irom the younger folk, the Jim Richards bettered 'by 8" Public School children, who hcld Gardon Sturrock's record af 16' Meir annual treck meet on Mon- made in 1944, ta jump 16'8" in Uhc day aternoon for the 5, 6, 7, 8,.eirBy'unn ra up 4 9year olds. at the CentraleioBysrungboajup « lic Schooi, and on Wedncs- Morley Richards bettered by 3"1 11 aiternoon, October 4th, for the the former record ai '7" made aIder childrcn, down at the On-bPy Ken Leman in 1937, ta do 6'l0" tario St. Schoai. in the Intermediate Boys' pale Junior Red Cross Sale vault. During the running ai the track EugneClrkbcttercd by 1iI' and fléld events other teachers 4'2"înHooe 1948 record ta jump and pupils wcre busy in booths hi Inèrmdiae Bys carrylng an the sale ai refresh- g up fienta , second hand books, fruits Pamela Downey bcttcrcd by 1 f.Jean Fletcher's 1942 record ai and vegetables, surprise packages 12'111 ta jump 13'l"' in Intermed- and canned goods. iatc Girls' broad jump. Net praceeds ai aver $100 will Foilowing is the list ai winners be used by the nineteen Junior in the Junior, Intermediate and Red Cross branches for their Senior Track: many. purposes.SeirBy Everyone. especiaily the teach- Sadn eirBy er tadn Broad Jump - Jim crwas quite pleased with thse Richards, 7'3": Wallace Larmer; track talent displayed at the Jack Neal. 100 yd. Dash - Jim Fied Day, and it can be plainly Richards; Wallace Larmer; Jack seen that there wiil be a numberNa.SotPt-Jc Ne, af pramising track stars in the ea9'8 1 hot;PWutacc a er; ly Higthe S ehoal fuureve ar aadd Prescott. Softball Throw - Ron- 4'A.te numer wo hav alraad Mcean, 154'; Jim Richards; te ýight fame ta these chool with Wallace Larmer. Higis Jump - isr track abillty. Wallace Larmer, 4'4"; Jim Richs- Highlights of the Track and ards; Quon Jong. R un nin g .Field Events Braad Jump - Jim Richards, Champions: Senior Girs-June 16'8"- Wallace Larmer; Lloyd Quinney, il points. Seniors Boys Prescoqtt. Rclay - Jim Richards, -Jim Richards, 16 points. Inter- Marvin Brooks, Pat Lcddy. Jim MAR VIN ROLLENDERG Optomerist OFFICE HOURS Monday ta Saturday - 10 ta 6 p.m. Closed Wednesday All Day - EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT - 22 Division St. Phone 2024 (I ç A' tnformatui 44ue Travel Funi New regulations covering travel funds werd by the Minister of Finance on Wednesday, Oc The main point to remnem ber is that Canadii require Form H Permit to take out of Canadc $50 U.S. or more thon $100 of Canadian ci rendes combined. Form H Permits will con available at banks. The regulation covering the use of Form H fo of currency is a safeguard against the expor sums where such export would flot be permit other channels. Authorlty hes been given ta bonis, end etlh.r agents Foreign Exchange Contrai Board to opprove opplic for U.S. travol funds without refermenta teai amounts up ta. 1. $500 per trip for borie fide business travet. 2. $500 per persan in tihe coiendar year for othert 3. $2,000 Canadien per year, or Its equlvol.,i aittendance during a full ocoidemnic year-eto univi :01109. or schooi in the. Unitd States. Applications in excuss ofethe ameunts m.y b. n Board end wiliIb. opprov.d for recisonabie umeunts, hoi the. duration of the propos" Ijournoys. Border Travir--individuals may obtain up te $50 U any caiendar month for use on o trip te t4. Unitd ý whero the opplicont will not bu taling eut ef Canada thon a total of $100, of which flot.more thon $30 U.S. funda. Further Inlormatlen ovolicible et aony bqwk orf FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL ST. JOHN'S5 e MONTRUAL - OTTAWA a TORONTO e WINDSOR lsuod under outhore*y of Me .Govoemmud oCSil s lacrurnbs ta top a vegetable casser- It is a recipe for a bigger, richer, marc comiortabie Canada. ole or a fruit crisp; grated cheese wit grtedrawaple or sad The "pinch" is scores af shiplaads cf thse red earth - bauxite - lt wich fiiling; a sprinkie ai grated from British Gujana. A three-thousand-miie ocean jaurncy ends cheese on scrambled cggs: at Port Alfred an the Saguenay River. Then the bauxite gacs by Cheese with cooked white navy rail ta the electrical '"kitchen" at Arvida a fcw miles away. frombennidita aasaet There aluminum is refined from the bauxite by using eiectricity BOARDan hali-inch-thick slices ai red- You sec, the Sagucnay provides twa essentials for making skinned appie. and serve as an aluminum - deep water for cargo ships and cataracta for power VANCOUVIR appetizer; stuif big, plump prunes -wti e ie iacaohr and use as an appetizer; open- iihnafwmle foeaohr dofaced sandwich-on toast place a Standing on the dock at Port Alfred, you sce something uînique. Y'ou thick suice ai tomnata, pour on hot %çatch freight cars filled with bauxite disappear aver a hill and return with cheese sauce;, use cheese in toma- shining aluminum. The process af turning bauxite inta aluminuin ta jelly for a luncheon salad; po- bas addcd Port Alfred and the city af Arvida ta Canada's living space, tata cheese puff--add cheese ta and opened new apportunities for thousands of Canadians. 1~-U fluffy mashed potatoca and brown in the aven. Add grated Cheddar to salad A U IU O P N FC N D ,LD dressing for tomate or plain let- A U IU O P N FC N D ,LD uuiilui.tuce salad; add grated cheese ta and Processors of Aimminum for Canadion lndustry and World Markets beef stew; sprinkle top af baked Plants ut Shawnigan Falls, Arvida, Isle Maligne, Shipshaw, Port Afred, apie with shredded Cheddar, Wakefid, Kingston, Toronto, Etobkoke returri to aven until cheese incita. These ame only a lew âîugges- EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED ýOC 01ýET! 12,_ 1 - 950 Clarke; 27 sec. Pole Vault- I boards under the federal market. of currency where such experts stay In Sterltng area countriws for Jimn Richards, 8'; Ray Sellers; i ng act, known as "Bill 82". would flot be permitted through a maximum period of six monthi. Sa enir Bos haponhp This was made cldar ta the other chanels. Applications for larger amounts Senio Boy' ChapionhipCanadian Federation of Agricul- Individuals may obtain up ta may be referred ta the Board.A Jim Richards, 14 points. A 'I ture by officiais of the, federal $50 U. S. in any month for trav- resîdent may flot use U. S. dol- Intermediate Boys Ai ±N ew." isc im department of agriculture follow- el in the United States where the lars to meet travel or personal ex- 100 yd. Daah - Eugene Clark, Ing the announcement of the de- applicant will flot be taking out of penditures in Sterling area count- 13.5 sec.; John Fowler; John Ma- Cisiofi. Canada more than $50 U. S. or tries. son.StaningBroa Jum --Under "Bill 82" the federal go- more than a total ai $100 in U. son.h Stvaning7%Broaul J m-.vernment may delegate powers S. and Canadian funds combined. A bough; Bob Tuerk. Running 1 ta a marketing board set up in Banks and other agents of the A d thrmore sathenest ta e Broad Jump - Eugene Clark, (From The Western Christian Advocate any province under provincial Foreign Exchange Control Board anchoe logr te s roetaine 12'9%"; Ralph Vivian; Garnet o aoGoga legislation, for the purpose oi wili approve applications up to and, indeed, neyer ta be parted Wray. Relay - Paul Leddy, Bob -- o aoGoga making it possible ta carry its the equivalent af $2000 Can- with.d Jeremy Taylor Tuerk, John Mason, Ralph marketing operations into the in- adian per year for attendance dur- Vivian; 30 sec. 1?ole Vauit - "The government is my shepherd, 1 ter-provincial and export field. ing a full academic year at a Kindred tastes, motives, and Morley Richards, 6'10"; Jini Fer- 1 need flot work. It allOws me ta' lie down This, accarding ta legal opinion, university. college or baarding aspirations are necessary ta the guso; Genn rosey. ighis not delegating federal powers school in the United States. formation ai a happy and per- gusan; EGlen Crkey. 'Tig on good jobs; it leadeth me beside stili under the constitution ta provin- Banks or ather agents af the manent campanionship. Jump -Jac ugone ClaTurk, 4'2"; factories. It destroyeth my initiative; it cial gavernments, but mnereiy con- Board may also approve permitsMayBkrEd bhll Throw - Eugene Clark, 98' ed meitpah ofhe arsefr ferring the right ta provincial for expenditures af Canadian dol- Sumthin' oid, sumthin' new, 411; John Mason; Morley Richards. ed mentpah cfhe arsefo marketing boards ta operate in lars or Sterling up ta the equiv- Sumthin' done, sumthin ta do-in Intermediate Boys' Champion- politics' sake. Yea, tho 1 waik through fields af operatian which are aient ai $1000 for each ane-month the Want Ads. ship-Eugene Clark 12 points. the valley of laziness and deficit spend- i pureiy under federal jurisdiction. 00y.DShni Jue Gir nesl ng, I will fear no evil; for the gavernmentÇt /P Hii CANADA. SAVINGS BONDS 13 sec.: Shirley Bathgate; Gladys is with .me; its doles and its vate-getters, Courtice W A old Richards. High Jump - June they comfort me. It prepareth an ecan- FudM l rd cr U H N T EE S A Berniece Young. Relay - Shir- oi tpafrm yaporaigteH v e d ce ley Bathgate, Merle Lingard, earnings of my grandchildren. It f illeth UeteBo onh -samn la iePrCn Beriec YongJun Pasan',*Courtice W.A. heid a successful Down-Payment - $2.50 for $50 Bond, $5 for $100 Bond Berni5 ec SangiJn Passn' my head with bologna; my inefficiency ifîower demonstration recentl1y Balance in Easy Monthly Instalments Over Year Jump - June Quinney, 6'9"; Ber- unt vr ueytegvrmn h rsM.EAki, niece Young; Gladys Richards. rneh vr url h gvrmntwe r. ando Mrs. M . lE. Atkins, Running Broad Jump - June shahl care for me ail the days of my life, fist a i foanvher dremon- These are times when it is especially valuable te Quinney, 12'6; Shirley Bathgate; and I wilI dwell in a foal's paradise for- occasion, also churc'h decorations have a reserve, fund. This is something only steady saving June Passant. Softbali Throw - for weddings. The floral pieces will give yau.' Besides, with the high cost of living, it is Helen Terry, 107'; Lucille Brooks: ever." were composed of very simple Wise not ta spend more than yau have -to, because cautious Gladys Richards. garden fiowers as weli as rases, spending is the best way of keeping prices under contrai. Senior Girls' Championship- carnations and chrysanthemums.Itsbh June Quinney, 12 points.____________________________ The fiowers were distributed tsbh far-sighted and patriotic to put away as mnuch Intermediate Girls ____________________________ among a full house as foiiows: maney as you can. 100 yd. Dash - Pamela Down- Fîrst year Wedding Anniversary, That's where the Bank af Mantreal's instalmerit ey, 13 4/5 sec.; Barbara Bathgate; my Thompson, Donald Mastersan <D"TD Mrs. Ernest Gearing; Tenth Wed- ia fob Pa Cnwy. Hih um -an Anod agir. LIULI.1, ding Anniversary, Mrs. William pla o uying Canada Savings Bonds cames in. Canada Grace Quackenbush, 3'9V; Mari- Bail Catch and Toss, 7 yr. boys Marsh, Twenty-fifth Wedding A-SvnsBnspy2 e etitrs vr er n lyn Mutton, Pamela Downey (tie). -Lee Rackham and Garry Ormis- niversary, Mrs. Charles Nicholis, are backed by the resources and the gaod name of this Running Broad Jump - Pamnela ton, Jimmy McKnight and Owen WILLIAM CODLING Harmony; Fiftieth Wedding An- country. They're certainly a fîrst-class buy. Downey, 13'l"; Barbara Bathgate; Scott. I aln elhfrteps niversary, Mrs. George Baldwin; What's mare, you can u your bond even t4ugh Grace Quackcnbush. Reiay -2 Skipping Race, 7 yr. girls-Su Iii fyars iln ihamth or the past Chair Prize, Mrs. E. McLean: buy Pamela Downey, Beverley Cowi- san Allison, Lynda Rundle. -toyerWlimCdngb- Baby Novelty, Mrs. Robert Ev- yau haven't the ready cash . . . a down-payment of just loved husband of the former ans, îmnile; Secretary, Mrs. five per cent is ahl that is needed - $2.50 for a $50-bond, ing, Barbara Bathgate, Iris Ax- Juniors MarZ Ann Brewer, passed away C BilAdms;nvidnMs o,$5fra 10bn.Th BofM wlpoveteblnc fard; 30 1/5 sec. Standing Broad Dash-Boys, Lowell Highiield, in the Oshawa General Hospital ehcilam;eie, Mhrs.o-$cfra$00bn.ThivfM edraiete aac Jump - Pamela Downey, 6'8"; Harold Mutton, Ronnie Pollard; an Friday, October 6, in his 84th sh acKoen ieearc eived h oeyt ucaeth odimdatladddc SoalThrol; -erea oln.Grs oce Quack- Julia Alun. ' a. Rosebuds; Treasurer, Mrs. H. each month fram your accaunt a portion of the cost. Thus, enfbsl h. 65'"- IGrdCna; Foace-Boys, Waynea Ther- A son ai the late Mr. and Mrs. S c o r g i e received Chrysanthe- at the end of the year yau will have an investment of nuh, Perfect. gridteil, Hrow ardeRunds, WericNicer- borns Codiing, the deceased was mums. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. A. lasting value, buh in a way that suits yaurbugt RuthPerect tel, owad Rndl, Eic ickr- ornat Bury St. Edmonds, Eng- Oke received Chrysanthemum Intermediate Girls' Champion- son; Girls, Joyce McLean, Ann land, on September 21, 1867. He for being the oldest ladies pres- Caîl in at yaur local B of M branch tomorraw, and ship, Pamela Downey, Il points. Leddy, Babs Vermeulen. was married in London in 1895 cnt. have a word with Gea. Moody, the manager. He, or any Ontario Street Sehool Central School land had been a resident of Can- The remainder ai ilowers were member af his staff, will be very happy ta help yau arrange Running Race, 5 years, boys Running, 5 yr. aid-Boys, Brad- ada for 42 years and ai Oshawa distributed arnong the chiidren the purchase of your Canada Savings Bond. and girls-Michael Dickens, Da- ley Yourth, Jon Hancock; Girls, for 27 years. Previous to coming present. Refreshments were serv -_________________________________ vid Allison. Eileen Hughes, Pauline Hughes. ta Oshawa he lived in the B elle- cd. Running Race, 6 years. boys- Running Backwards, Boys, Brad- ville district. _________ David O'Rourke, Raymond Crom- ley Yourth, Donald Brown; Girls, Besides his wife he leaves ta bie. Pauline Hughes, Eileen Hughes. mourn his passing two daughters, May Now eu Dprm n ofE cai C crtS is Running Race, 6 years, girls- Hopping-Boys, Donald Brown, Mrs. L. Mosher (Liliy) ai OshawaMSeueD prm n ofE cainC crt eie Carol Wili<ns, Rena Fowler. Wayne Wray; -Girls, Pauline adMs .MLa My fU o$0.0-o Running Race, 7 years, boys- Hughes, Candace Eastaugh. Ban Mr. R.Mcan (Myfaiur asonsOO.t Anthony Mollay, Jim McKni:ght. Six Years old-Running, Boys, Frank and Arthur ai BeileviIeý Travel in the States iFirst C on cert Running Race, 7 years, girls- Johnny Goode, David Hoag; Girls, and William and Charles ai Osh- Dianne Ferguson, Annabelle Ste- Dianne Haîlman, Judy Gibson._ awa. The Minister af Finance has i phens. Running BackwardsBoys, Ro Aiso surviving are four sisters announced that Form H Permits i Bean Bag Balance-David Ahli- bert Watt, Allan Tamlinson; Girls, and two brothers in England, il for travel funds may now be ap- A DT RU son, Joan Crawford, Dianne Halîman, Margaret Cor- grandchiidren and fine great proved by banks and other agents NICH SCHOOL A DT RU Bean Bag Throw, 6 yr. girls- den. grandchildren. ai the Foreign Exchange Control Rena Fawley and Carol Wilkins Hopping-Boys, John Terhune, The funeral was heid £rom flic Board for amounts up to $500 per (tied). Johnny Goode; Girls, Judy Jef- Armstrong Funeral Home d'ýt.trip for bana fide business travel A I Bean Bag Catch and Toss, 6 frey, Elizabeth Cale. 9, foliowed by interment in Osha- and up ta a total ai $500 per per- vWedn s a ,O t b r 1 ,1 5 yr. boys-Allan Brock and Jim- 7 years old-Running, Boys, wa Cemetery. Rev. D. M. Rose, son during the calendar year for n s a ,O tb r 1 ,1 5 __________Hughes,________ Thomp- rector ai St. Georges Anglican travel or for other purposes.8:5 .. son; Girls, Eva Murphy, Lillian Church, conducted the services. Applications for larger amounts8:5pm Orr. may be rcierred ta the Board and Running Backwards - Bywil normaliy lie approvedi for ARTISTS:- Brenton Hughes, Alex. Wiseman; Court Decision genuine travel expenditures when Girls, Larrane Jamieson, Donna tedrto ftepooe or Bragg. Does Not Af fect neys appear ta justify them. SUMIERv aS CONCERT TRIO Hopping-Boys, Brenton Hugh- The Form H travel permit must es, Douglas James; Girls, Eva Marketing Boards stili be obtained and surrendered MuphLidaPrd.ta customs at the time ai îeaving Erica Zeniner - Violinist Eight-ycar-old Girls- Decision ai the supreme court Caaaifatavle -.ain u Running Race-Lana Purdy, ai Canada, annaunced recently, ai Canada more than $50 in U. James MvacDonald - Pianist Karen Downey, Linda Mutton.' that the federal gavernment and S. funds or more than a total af ~ lChestnut Race-Rosemarie Mor- provincial governments cannot $100 in bath U. S. and Or--' .ian Norman Summers - Barîtone b U rinl, Marguerite Clarke, Ina Ver- exchangc or delegate i rom anc ta fundis. The Form H is considJered Imeulen. the other powers under the con a necessary protection against the Eight-year Boys- stitution, has no effect upan the export ai capital sums in the form Reserve Ticket Sale Opens at McGregor's Drugs Runnlng Race-Biliy Crosscy, operatian ai provincial marketing MONDAY, OCTOBER 16TH AT 9:30 A.M. BobbyRichrds.SEASON'S TICKETS FOR FOUR CONCERTS FrgRace-Gregory Cooper, tions. Far marc details and ac- ~4 Baby Richards, Donald Bagneli. tuai 'recipes for cheese dishes, an Nine-year Girls- ddit $Sec-uets-$15 application ta the Consumcd Sec-A ui 25 Suet 15 -docst Rutnniarng Race__________ Tickets available from any member of the Lions Club guire, Linda Çolwell, Carol Cale. ______________________ rannounced Ninc-year aid Boys- 'e Running Race-David Singu- ctober 4th. lar, Wilbert Lemon, Gardon Walk- er. Ball Throwing-Dan Cattran, ýion residents Brian Martyn, Donald Hcnning. c more thonINyýR and US. cu,- Cooks Loslng Out LMN HSG W TO riinu. t. b. By Not ServingBEALREP T F Canadian Cheese ---------- - -- - - -- 1 1111 Roll PAGE ELIVM

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