PAG FORTE~# XMECA!ADIK SATEMAN EOMA!VILE. NTAROTHURSDAY, (OCTOI§ER 12, 15O B. H. S. SCREECH OWL Norma. Allin 3311S. is once more bursting with, OtlVIty, and it is my pleasure to re- port It to you. I shahl do my best uud wlll welcome any constructive 'Critlclsm. 'Elections are the big toplo now, 9Md at last democracy .has a start, =niniations for president of the gtudent's Council were accepted, providirig the nominee had fourt backers The whirlwind campaigil( began elih speecheý in thé rnorningj aisemblM and ballot casting at three1 In the afteruioon. ReFults are as1 follows: President. Bob Gallagher: secretary, Retta Cann; treasi, ' r, Jerry Piper. T1he vice-president, who Is also president of the Liter- ary Society, will be elected shortly. Form reps are: 5th, Catherine Tee- pie; 4 D, Doug. Sleep; 3rd, Ivan T1C KE T S TO EVERYIYHEREi Air, Rail or Steamship Consult JYURY & LOVELL Bowmanvillet 15 King St. W. Phone 778 Orono Furnilure HOSPH1a1 Upholstering and Kitchen Cabinets See us for the latest in Tapestry and Drapery Materials. Free Estimates ... ...Moderate Prices G. F. DUNCAN ORONO Phione Orono 79r16 Reverse Charges Woolley; 2nd, Lamna Fletcher, Bob Mrtin, Barbara Murdoch; lst, Don Cxttmp, Palge Lycette, Myrna Tuierk; Commercial, Don Stutt. Athletle Society Athletic Society elections were also stagcd, and iri the case o!f the boys this can be taken literally. Re- sults:, presidents, Marion Dippell, Ted Dadson: vice-presidents, Wilma Richards, Don Taylor, secretary- treasurers, Greta Sriowden, Bruce Caverhy; bashetball conveners, Mar- joîy Muttan, Bill Murdoch,- volley- ball conveners, Jexiette Lobb, Mar- vey Dilling. Leading the cheerirg section this year are five exthusiastic anid fam- ous ('Did you sec oui pictures Ini the paper?"> girls from third form. They are Cathcrine Stewart, Lenore Osborne, Norma Allin, Gloria Rab- son and Darothy Johns.. Whctheî in class îooms, locker rooms, or walking on King St., one is likely to hear strains o! Gilbert and Sullivan, us that it won't be long until commence- ment time. Another last year's fea- turc returning again, is the "Educa- tionConcerts." I1 am sure we could aIl stand a ittle culture and M1r. Elliott will gladly oblige with tick- IeL. Congratulations ta Bob Gallagb- er and staff for the v.ry successful 'Victory Dance," held i honaur o! Bowmanvilhe's sweeping track wlns -track and field that is. The mix- ers were quit e unique, and we hope1 thcy wihl become a regular feature. RUGBY By Bob Gallagher B.H.S. griddcrs got off on the wrong foot as they dropped a bard- fougbt game ta Port Hopeý 10-0 ast Wednesday. Tumbles predominated ini the first harad. Port Hope ca- pitalized on this ta score two quick touchdowns. Prom this point on it wvas a bard-foughît contest. B.H.S. FRIDAY - SATURDAY - OCT. 13 --14 WILL bUll tAflRLL UKAA ÀwRLX 2 INTERESTING SHORTS COLOR CARTOON MONDAY . TUESDAY - OCT. 16 - 17 FOR ifiOSE WHO WIE[R KICKEB A HORS[ . .. .. OR [ICKED A KIILI "t 'f. I. 1: t. t' k 't 'e J '2 :'; , diofinli WLLIAM BENDIX! c iCiHiiA E L'c LEMENTS' Hloliday CRMI~~ u MARCH 0F TIME SUBJECT:. *" MacArihur*'s Japan MOVIETONE 'NEI1VÉ COLOR CARTOON WEJJNESDAY - THURSDAY - OCT. 18-.19 "OUTSIDE THE WALL" it- ALSO - "Il. WAS A SHOPLIFTER"l were hit hard -y this game, as tbey lost halfback Normn Eddy and quar- ter Clint Ferguson for the re»t of the season. The best mani on the field for eitber team was Bill Mur- docb, whose tacklig rea]ly slowed Port Hope do'wn. Wolley. Grant and Collie also played wefl for B.H.S. Whltby playys two games agalist B.H.S. this week and B.H.S. must win to stay in the running. TEEN-AGE BOWLING By Joan Hutehînson The high school bowling season. has opened again for another win- ter with nearly anc hurdred mcem- bers. These are dividcd into twelve teams on Thursdays. The names o! those wbo play are postcd in the bowling alley. The captains for these teams were chosen from the people with the higbest averages from las't yeaî. This ycar the teams are bowling agalnst one amother as in the big lcagues. Two points are receivcd by winning team in cach game and anc point is given ta the team for the most pins. Team Standing Points Pins Jackie Elliott 5 1444 Norm AllUn 5 1493 Lorraine McFKrIane 5 1410 Bob Gallaghcr 5 1370 Ron Frank 5 13371 Ron Frank 5 1337 Stephen Sisson 3 1244 Reta Cann 2 1227 Jack McCoy 0 1404 Dot Kilpatriclc 0 1294 AI. Richards 0 1186 Murray Winacott 0 1167 Art Joness 0 1024 Of course this standing will vary witli cach bowling ight. The high singlc this wcek was Stcphen Sisson with 250. The bigh double was Murray Winacott with 440. NESTLETON The Nestîcton W.I.- met at the home o! Mis. E. A. Sues, Cacsarea, Oct. 4tb, with the meting in charge o! Mis. Sues graup. We were pleas- ed ta bave oui District President- Mis. 0. W. Rolph, Orono and Mis. Foster Ferguson ane of oui former presidents, with us. Mis. Stecie, convener of Home Ecaxiamics and Health gave us a splendid paper. Mis. Harry ýMcLaugblin read- "WVvhat's in a mane". Mis.'Rolph gave a worderfui talk on "Home Economics." Plans were made for a cuchre party Oct. l3th in C.O.F. Hall. There werc 24 ladies and some childien prescrit. Roll call was an- swcred wlth-"What ta do for In- somnià". A dainty lunch was served by the graup in charge. Mis. Rolph and Mis. Sues weîe given a hearty clap, and vote o! tharks for a pleas- art and profitable afternaon. Next meeting in charge a! Mis. O. Brown's graup. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. E. A. Sues who wcre mairied 39 yeaîs on Oct. 5th and celebrated by atterding their son's weddimg jrn Toronto. This date was also Mrs Sues' birtbday. Sympathy is cxtended ta Mi. Mai- ry Philp, Bobby and Bryce, a! Stirl- ing, in the sudden passing o! Mis. Pbilp wba was buricd or Piiday. Miss Margaret Stecie, R.N., Sun- rybrook, visited ber parents, Mi. and Mis. Wm. Steele. Mr. and Mis. Edgar Emerson and family, Stratford, visited Mi. and Mis. Malcolm. Emerson. Mr. and Mis. Robt. McCoil, Toir, onto, visited Mr. and Mis. J. Joblin and called on other frierds. Mi. and Mis. W. Smith, Lindsay, visited Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Sa- melîs. No service in the Uinited Churcb mext Sunday awing ta Cadmus an- niversary. Mi. anid iýs. George Johns visit- cd Mi. and Mis. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mis. Ehi Mavis bave mav- ed ta Mi. Maurice Nesbitts' bouse. We wclcame thcm ta aur commun- ity. Mr. and Mis, S. A. Tiibrook and family, Scugog Point, bave maved ta their new home, the former Wheeler property, Mis. H. Vine and Ralph visited Mi. and Mis. Reg. Middleton, Isl- Ington. Mr. and Mis. Percy Bradbury, Donald and Raymond, Toronto, spent the week-end at their cottage, Scugog Paint. Mi. and Mis. Richard Hooper and Ronald, Peterboro, visited Mi. and ltis John Nesbitt.r Don't forget W.A. and W.M.S. meeting at Mis. Fred Cîawfoîd's1 rhursday, Oct. l9th, at 2.30, in charge o! Mis. Allan Suggitt's grôup. Mi. anid Mrs. Weatberdornmad Glhex, Stratford, Mi. and Mis. Frank Emerson and Mr. anid Mis. Wm. KCelly, Toronto. caliecl on Mr. and Mfrs. Malcolm Emerson. A number from here atterided the supper at Yelvertan and reported a wanderfuh supper and a goad time. Mr. and iýs. Fred Crawford and M(ary Lau, visited Mr. and Mis. Enrdicott, Lindsay. Rubble fromn Germany's war- ruined towns is being used ta re- build Molland's dykes and sea- walhs. Proposed expoît of Alberta's excess raturai gas xiil mean ad- ditional hcavy royalties. for the Province if it car be shipped cheaply enough ta compete with other fuels i the big markets of the Noîtlîwcst U.S. bekrlier uIct. Cet abottir today; keep gRowomcat it handy. mza 5 [Durham Conty Bowling. League BAHS. "Screech Owl"f Norman Allun BLACKSTOCK On Thursday *evenlng some sixty neighbours and frierds gatbeied at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. George Chant and famihy for a social even- ing before their departure ta Lar- don wherc Mr. Chant bas purchqs- cd a Box Factory. The Rev. C. W. Muttan acted as chairman for thc follawimg pro- gram: A solo by Mis. Lamne Tbamp- son; a rcading' by Dorcen Van Camp; a solo by Mrs. Harold Kyte; a reading by Mis. Percy Van Camp: a sala by Gladys Emerson and a reading by Mis. Tom Smith. Mis. Neih Malcolm read an ad- dress and Mr. Perey Van Camp and Mi. Lewis Swain prescnted Mr. and Mis. Chant with a lovcly end- table and table hamp. George vcry abhy replied, thank- ixig his friends and autlined bis new work ta the gathering. The remainder o! the evenimg was spent in playing cuchre. The winners were Mrs. V. M. Archer and Mis. Fred Trewin. Lunch was seîved and ail bad an enjoyable evcning. Congratulations ta Mr. Henry Thompson wha by an Order in Council o! the Province of Ontario was made a Justice o! the Peace hast Thuîsday. The plaY "Swcet Salhy Brown" by the girls o! the O.NO. Club, was presented at Raglan last Friday evening and at Yelverton on Thanksgiving Manday. They go ta Brooklîn to prescrit it this Friday cvening. This community was shocked and saddcxied ta learri o! the death, a! Mis. Harry Philp last week at Stir- ling. Friends from Ucre attended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Collins and Terîy with Mr. and Mis. Davidson, Raglan. Mr. and Mis. Archie Newton, Toranto, with Mi. and Mis. George Crawford. Miss Thelma Ferguson, Toronto, Miss Mona Ferguson, Brougham, Miss Ruth Drummond, Toronto, and Mr. Grant Ferguson, Osgoode Hall student, Tarants, with Mi. and Mis. Roy Ferguson. Mis. A. W. Stephenson, Wîllow- dale, Mis. Douglas Stephenson, Patsy and Garry, Richmond Hill, with Mi. and Mis. Cecil Hill. Mis. Harry Graham, Tarants, with Mi. and Mis. Russell Mount- joy and other friends. The Graham relatives from this community attended the Marks- Graham weddimg in Port Pcrry on Saturday. Mi, and Mis. Howard Saywcll and famiiy spent Sunday in Camp- belîford with Mr. and Mis. R. J. Bale. Mis. Robt. Bruce, Miss Mae King, Mr. and Mis. Gardon Strong ands Ralph, attendcd the wedding in Ca- bourg an Thuisday, Octaber 5, o! Bruce Curtis ta Dorathy Jean War-1 ner. Rcv. J. Griffith officiated. f Mr. and Mis. W. A. Dawson, Eatherine and Sanidra, Windsor,t with Mis. P. Bailey.3 Miss Vera Farder, Toronto, wlth4 YOU can lose your home, your automobile, your savings, and ail that you value, if you have to pay a judgmeat awarded hy a jury for in- juries sustained on your pro- perty. Comprehensive Personal Liahility Insurance will de- fend you la sueh an action anid pay the damages Up te the limit of your Insurance. Stuart R. James INSTJBANCE - REAL ESTATE 'phone: Office 681 les. 4931 KInt Street. flowmanvllle Mrs. J. Farder. Mr. and Mrs. Haîry Poole, Anrie and Tommy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. Gardon Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Malcolm, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Butcher and Lois, Tillsonburg, spent Thariksgivirg week-end wlth their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Marold Kyte and family. Mr. and Mrs. Menui Henry and family, Bowmamville, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry. Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford and Alhan, Mis. Gea. Fowler and Mrs. Luther Mountjoy, spent the week-end with friexids in Wing- ham. Mi. and Mrs. S. H. Malcolm visit- cd with Mr. and Mrs. Hcrb Taylor an Thanksgiving Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Wotten, To- monto, Mr. and Mrs. FranikWcbber, Newcastle, Mr. Nelson Hudson, Burketon, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bradburm. Rev. C. N. Mutton pmeached a Thanksgiving service at Bethel church on Sunday a!ternoon and had bis regular services at Nestie- ton, Cadmus and Blackstock. Miss Clara Marlow, Petemboro Normal School, and Mr. Jack Mai- 10w, medical studexit, U. o! T., with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. Rcv. Theodore Tuckcr from Don- di, Angola, Africa, spoke at the United Church an Friday evening. He was a supper gucst wlth Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot and Bryce, Lindsay, with Mr. Henry Thampson and Miss Ethcl Thomp- son. Mr. Bob Smith, Pétérboîo, at home for the week-end. Mrs. Lcvi McGili, Peterboro, with Mr. anid Mrs. James Parr. Mrs. Parr rcturned home with ber for a visit. Mi. and Mrs. Harold Martyn anid Ronald with Mr. and Mis. J. Ker- cher, Kitchenier. Mrs. John McKce spent the week- end in Pctcrboro. Mr. Charlie Venning, Sunnybrook Hospital, spent the week-end witb bis family. Miss Gcrtrude Henry, Toronto, wlfb Mrs. James Henry. Mr. Neil Bailey, Feterbaro Nor- mal School, Mr. Merlin Bailey and Miss Marjorie Baird. Brantford, Mis. May Pritchard, Toronto, witb Mrs. Vclva Bailcy. Misses Margaret Kennedy, To- ronto, Adair Wheeler, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Campbelh, To- ronito, with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Wcrry with Mr. and Mis. M. Secmey, Cavan. Mrs. John Marlow, Mr. and Mis. Glîbert Marlow witb Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shook, Toronto. All the staff o! the High School spcnt the week-end at their homes. Mr. anid Mis. Stephen Saywcll and Margaret, Mabel and Helen Van Camp took a trip ta the U.S.A. for the holiday. The Blackstock Womer's Insti- tute met at the home o! Mrs. Neil Msalcolm on Wedmesday, October 4 w1tb a good attendarce. The roll call was answercd by naming a hcalth food. Itwas decided ta charter a bus to take the members ta, the Con- venitionrinj Toronto for anc day in- stead of sending relegates. We were plcased ta bave Miss J. rabachi, nurse o! the County EHealth Unit speak ta us, telllng o! hci work. The members o! the group, Mrs. Ross Duf!, Mrs. N. Malcolm.- Mf. Byers, Mis. W. Archer ai, A. L. Bailey, presented an ii. ng Vitamiri Skit. Lunch was served by the group and a social time enjoyed. ENFIELD Mis. J. Stark and Marion Stin- son at F. Kiley's, Meiritton. Mr. anid Mis. R. Stinson and family witb Norman and Mis. H. Stinson. Mi. anid Mis. R. Pari and Law- rie witb Mi. and Mis. McLean, Bhackstock. Mi. and Mis. F. Samis and famý lhy, Mi. and Mis. M. Samis at F. Abernethy's, Oakwood. Mi. and Mis. Bob Smith and Laîîy, Mi. and Mis. Les Johnson, Tomants, Mr. and Mis. N. MugU- son, Myrtle,-Mis. G. Brent, Rag- ian, at Mis. T. Taylar's.' Mr. and Mis. MH.Smith, Mm. Frank Smith, at J. Smith's, Bobcaygeon. Richard and Lenore Bowmari, Barrie, at the Bowman homes. Misses Mabel and Alberta Virtue, Taranto, at J. Parr's. Miss Ida McCulloch bas etuin- cd from visitirg friends at Caifai- nia, Bitish Columbia and Manito- ba. She Is witb Mr. and Mis. O. J. McCullocb. Sanie people seem ta get their only exercise by jumping ta conclusions and running up bis. Would-be Bowlers-Hello - lyou Jim Tbompson for you being Well it sure looks like pretty Boy there. You wouldn't bave had suclh Perfect cari sure stick out bis man- an easy time If AI and, Roy Werry ly chest this week. Mis boys car-t badn't had an added attraction ir ried hlm to vlctory again to the the back row. Not bad AI, but tune of seven points to give hh femmes don't mlx 'with bbwling. league leadership with nineteen The Iron Men, beat seven points points., Sheppard and 0111 tried from Tyrone. B. Smith bowled nice- very bard but to no avûil. This is Iy for fôundry while Dealey trled Iikely to go to E. McQuaid's head bard for the 'tornadoes. I take but congratulations on your abov4 back what I said Frank. III! I s that average 649 for three. ail you can do wlth a swelled head. Westlake turned Up with five out The Lodge Boys took seven points of seven points when be played from Maple Grove. H. Snowden Blackstoclc. Lucky for you Bill bowled a nice 674 for tbree and the Blackstock was short handed again. bigh single of 272. The girls at Bill himself was bis team's best night school bothering you Everett? while G. Venning did ail he could You can tell us Ronny, "What for Backsock.makes you bowl one game in the for Backsock.lemon league every week?" It took Eau de Cologne Elliott Team standings are. Just three weeks to assert bimself Pins Pts. and lead bis team to victory. Mis 1 Perf ect's........... 8325 19 751 for three, the bigh for the night 2 Foundry........... 8877 17 helped nicely. Even the mayor of 3 Ennisklllen ......... 9014 12 Enniskillen, Mr. M-is Worship, Sir, 4 C.O.F .............. 8668 12 etc., R. McLaughlin, failed to rouse 5 BS. ..s.......... 8354 12 enough spirit li the Ennisklllen 6 Elliott's ............ 8110 10 Cripples to even take hlgh total 7 Westîake ........... 7867 9 pinls. . 8 Maple Grove...... 7794 8 B. I. S. accepted seven points from 9 Tyrone............ 8368 7 Young Enniskiilen Farmers-er-- 10 Sheppard and Gili . 7625 '7 Romeos. Keith Geo. was the big il Enniskillen ......... 7405 7 gun for the chalk boys and Thank 12 Blackstock .......... 6964 4 36 King Street West Toronto 1 Telephone: EL gin 4321 with Mr. and Um U Lrne MeKee. Mr. and Mrs. Clark WillIiams and Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Ron William, Port eerry, Mr. Lloyd Henry, Bowmanvlle, spent Sunday wIth Mr. and Mrs. L. McKee. Cadmus.W. 1. 18 to be'held next Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Marwood McKee. .Mr. andMrs. Bill Jackman and famlly, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.' Percy Wiliams. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marina and chlldren spent Tuesday at bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marina. MM" ENNISKILLEN A good congregation turned out Sunday evening ta join in the Thariksgivirig service at which Rev. Donald Lute of Tyrone, was the minister. With p1easirig mani- ner arid good voice he led our thoughts in tbanksgivirig Up to an tappreciatiori of our greatest gif t Jesus Christ. The service was greatly enriched with music and leadership ini song by Kedron choi.Te hrh a apo flowers directmng our thoughts to Thanksgîving. Al visitors pre- sent were much appreciated. The Service Club ladies met rit the home of Mrs. E. Trewin with eleven prescrit. The evening was spent sewing baby gowns for Bowmariville Hospital nursery. Lunch was served by Mrs. H. Milîs, Mrs. H. Ashton and the hostess. Next meeting will be a bard times party at the home of Mrs. P. Ellis, Oct. 17 at 8 p.m. Those mot dressed to represent hard times will be fincd. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wotten, To- ronto: Mrs. George Ferguson, Mrs. M. Johnson and David, Osh- awa; at Mr. and Mrs. W., J. Fer- guson's. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, To- ronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Russell McLaughlin's. Mr. and Mrs. N. Pinch and Master Eddie Blake at his son's cottage, Hawk Lake. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick, Mrs. Verna Wood and Nancy vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Pethick, Barrie. Mrs. George Ferguson, Mrs. Mac Johnson and David at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thwaites, Mr. Gordon Fleet, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fleet at Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn's. Mr. W. C. Stainton, Miss M. E. Virtue, Toronto, Mrs. Hunit and Mr. Claude Smith at Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens'. Mr. and Mrs. G. Reid and daughters, Linda and Carrol, To- ronto: Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Courtice, at Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and family at Mr. and Mrs. W. Bragg's, Providence. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stier, La- peer, Mich., Mr. R. and Miss N. Jenkins, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland with Mr. and Mrs. John Dorland's. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke are sportixig a mew Chevrolet car. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smales, Miss Betty Smales, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Smales. Master Rickcy Weaving had his tonsils removed this past week. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin (nec Aileen Toms) on the arrivai of a fine baby boy. Miss Isabelle Smales, Toronto, visîted Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lais and Charles had Thanks- giving diner with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Mrs. Verna Wood, Toiîonto,- at Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethîck's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and familv at Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving and Rickcy, Taranto, at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Maore's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ash- ton and famil&ý, Purpie Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John Oke visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mils and family, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron, Haydon, at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills'. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns and family, Peterborough, Mr.1 and Mrs. Wm. Stainton, Orono, at Mr. Lorre Lamb's. Mr. and Mis. Cameron Oke,j Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Ai. bert Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills and1 family with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.1 Jennings, Acton. Mr. anid Mrs. Garnet Trownsi and family, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, i and Mrs. Laine Lamb, Rahphr Stuart and Ruth with Mr, and- Mrs. M. Stainton. Mr .na dMrs. Carl Fruo guson, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bottreil, New- castle, and Mrs. Charlotte Stevens, Hamptoni. Mrs. Bruce Ashton is speriding a few days with her parents after coming home from the hospital with ber twiris. We wish Bruce and Marie the best of luck with their babies. Master David Beriham bas lm- proved corisiderably anid is able to get around on bis crutches very good. NESTLETON Miss Gwen Wilson attended a re- union o! the Peterboro Normalities on Saturday at the Empress Motel, Peterboro. Miss Ruby Morrow, Hilton, vis- ited Miss Gwen Wilson over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Lamb spent Thanksgiving witl- Mr. anid Mrs. Clifford Metz, Fairvlew, Pexinsyl- varia. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowers, Ralph and Jerry, Miss Helen Bowers and Mr. Wilfrid Vine, motored to Trout Creek ta visit Miss Dorothy Bow- ers over the holiday. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. Walter Sharpe in the déath o! bis xiephew, Mr. Samuel Staples, of Cavan. Several from the surrounding community attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Harry Philp in Stir- ling on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn and famlly visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Thompkixis and Jimmie, 'toronto, spent the week- en2d at their cottage. Messrs,. Tompkins and White enJoyed a spot of duck hunting on the Island. Mrs. Grant Thompson spent a few days i Stirling with Mr. Marry Philp, Bob.and Bryce. Many local folk cnjoyed the very excellent fowl supper and enter- tainmcnt provided by Blackstock O.N.O. club at Yclverton on Thanksgiving night. Miss Marion Thompson, Toron- to, was a visitor with her parents. ESTIMATES FREE B. . Abernethy 85 King St. W. Phone 431 Wooci, Gundy & Company Limited 1951 -r. alàt l Mr. ui .T £mai Krfv oro visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Nicol, Maloc, and attending a golden Service in Nestieton Priesbyter- ian Church Sunday evenng was E AXPrER UT, well attended and much enjoyed' The Moderator, Mr. Kay, of Peter- 7 boro, was present, assisted by Mr. ýÎ4 Albert Anderson, Toronto. o CAD1VUS Quite a number from this way . attended Yelverton's chiekeni sup- ' - _ FREE INSPECTION per. After' the supper there was a . _ play from Blackstock xvhich every- Everywatc one enjoyed very muoh. er wac A large number from the vicin- needs at least a ity attended the funeral o! Mrs. Marry Fhilip, ýSterling, on Friday. good cleaning and oiling Sympathy is extended to friends once a year. Smail adjust- and relatives. etorrpismdnw Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gibson and mesorears aenw Patsy, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill may Bave you larger repair Robinson and Gay, Toronto, with bills later. Our work is done Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Falils spent by experts with finest ma- the week-end at their cottage in teiais . .. and guaranteed. Cadmus. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams and Phyllis, attended the Mancrie! L I o n r wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna and g et t he n ew Mare, r. ndMrs. Jack Maxima and family, Hampton, spent Sun- DuraPower day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ilprn Hanna. Main p ig. Mrs. Bella Marina Is back home from visiting friends in New York. Now available for most Elgin She is spending a !ew days witb 'Watches. Gives an amazing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna. perianency of timekeeping Miss Marie Manna is working in performance. Bowmanvillc. *.Made et 'Eiiloy'metd. Patent p.nduMg Mr. Don and Miss Joyce Larmer, Toranto, spent the week-end wlth his parents. Mr.Ani PtesoKibMs1ARRIS spending a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Marewood McKee and Mrs. Thompson. They ahl spent e ler Sunday iith M. andelleryd Lawson, Yelverton, anid also at- 43 Kin; St. W tended Yelverton's axiniversary. Phone 463 Mr. George Beatty axid Wi1mouit BWA I Densmore, formerly'of Nova Scotia BWVNEL (now Oshawa) spent the week-end________________ Classes for New ' Canasians English and Cifizenship to commence Wednesday, Oct. 18, 8 at CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL to be conducted weekly BOWMANVILLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Samples of WALLPAPER Yes! the new designs are on display at our store. Corne in and see them and have us decorate those shabby rooms with something bright' ane cheery. Or buy papers which you can bang easiiy yourself. m L --imuRw- --ýr ý . IPAIGE POURTEEN MHE CANADIAW STATESMM, BOWMAWMLE, ONTAIRIO MIL-,