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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1950, p. 15

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I,'utb~lAr 7 T ¶ O ZizÔ, iHaCANAIA- .ATEMAN,-OWMNV-LE,-OTA- -- PGE-Py'I1 Put Apples on the Daily Menu ]Por They Give a Zesiful Flavor 'ro make the housewife more apple consciaus in senving this ~healthýgiving fruit mare often on the daily menu, we offen a few helpful suggestions sent out by the Dept. of Agriculture. Bow- j manville is in the centre of one of the best apple growing districts ~Ontario sa it shauld be easy ta ~Tthis deliciaus fruit in the la- 5Xstores at very reasonable pric- es. For the modemn bousewife, the apple evidently is becoming one of the most "versatile" of foods. She still can bake it in a pie: or turn it inta a sauce for park. But thene are other uses too-she will try it in a stew; and an apple with some bama is about the finest dish ýwhat am. Seriously though, home econ- omists of the consumer section, Dominion Department of Agricul- ture, recommend apples baked witb ham as an ideal meat course. Ingredients: One slice of un- caoked bam (about 1 l'2 inches thick), one teaspoon dry mustard; two teaspoons vinegar: two ap- pIes; one-haif cup brown sugar; one teaspoon butter. An Added Touch Z'%Trim rind from bam. Mix -,,Zl)(stard and vinegar tagether and spread on ham. Slice apples thinly and spnead in loyers on bam. Sprinkle with brnwn sugar and dot with butter. Bake in a moderaté oven (350 degrees Fah- %YOURS TO PROTECT The MALLARD is famîliar ta everyone. His handsome green head and white neck-ring identify him. He's the ancestor of nearly ail barnyard ducks. A fine-Iooking bird, he de-] serves protection. There are many varieties of mallards, aind ail are highly regarded by sportsmen. YOUR TOENJO c'AIRLING'ÎS THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO Il 45 ~ sCARLINGU D120A renheit) until bamn is tender- about 4.5 minutes. These food experts recommend adding a haif cup of grated raw apple ta beef stew or chicken soup. They say it adds a new and interesting flavour. Apples also have gained favour in salads and pickles and, of course, if's hardly necessany ta mentioni that they're stili populan in pies and desserts. Another Agriculture Depart- ment recipe is steamed' apple pudding-an ideal cold weatheni dish. Iiigredients Ingredients: 1I ,2 cups grated apples; one cup carrots (grated), one cup chopped raisins: 1P/4 cups sugar; l"4 cups chopped beef suet; two cups flour; one teaspoon soda; one teaspoon cinnamon: one-haîf teaspoon ground claves; one-quarter teaspoon sait. Mix ail ingredients together,l sifting soda and spices with flour. 1 Pour into large buttered mold and1 stea mith ree bours: individual molds require 1 là bours steam- ing. Serve with hot pudding sauce. Recent suggestions that cheese and apple pie be served tourists as Canada's favounite dish finds the Agriculture Department with a recipe for apple-pie with cheese crust. Line pie plate with pastry and caver with layer of thinly slîced apples. Allowing about two table- spoons of sugar ta each apple, sprinkle sugar. mixed with a lit- tle cinnamon or nutmeg over the apples. Dot with butter. Re- peat until pie plate is well fiîled. Rail one-haîf cup grated cheese inta pastry for upper crust. Ca- ver apples with the cheese crust. Bakze in a hot aven (425 degrees Fahrenheit) for 15 minutes. Re- duce heat ta 350 degrees Fahren-r heit and bake for 2<) ta 30 minutes longer or until apples are tender. WEDDING BONNEY - C AMPBELL Leaside United Church was the scene of a pretty autumn wedding an Saturday, Sept. 3tb, when Evelyn Joan Campbell, Reg. N., daughter of Mn. Campbell and the late Wesley Campbell, Nest- leton, was united in marriage ta Dr. Robent Bonney, anly son of Dr. and Mns. Walter Bonney. The Rev. Chas. Murray officiated and the bride w~as given in mar- niage by ber brother, Mr. Grant Campbell. The bride xvas lovely In ivory velvet styled with wide cuffed neckline and fitted bodice releas- ing a full sweeping skirt and train. She wore a Juliet cap of veivet with a long tulle veil and carnied a cascade of wvhite chry- santhemums. She wore the gift of the groom, a gold wist watch. Her matran ai honaun, Mns. Gardon Greenhill. Reg. N., Nia- gara Falls. wore plum velvet with a matching bandeau headdness. The bridemaids, Miss Jane Foxv- 1er, Toronto, and Miss Donna WHA HAE 1DONE? ~qvx y, j, ONTARIO DEPARIMEN 1 0 ~ <~k i -M e 4 -e.. - e 1!. * ~ * 33-41V Ja H. ADERNETHY, Paint and Wailpaper Store! 85 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 4311 HIGHWAYS NI DOUCITT. Miniter Some months ago, during a business trip ta Britain, a senior officer af The Canadian Bank of Commence was favourably if- pressed with the mobile banking service offered by several British banking bouses. His f irst encoun- ter with this type af banking was at a trans-Atlantic air terminus outside London, where, as be gtepped off bis airpiane, he vir- tually stepped into a branch of the Midland Bank-on wbeeis. When The Commerce was re- cently faced with the problem aof what sort af bank premises ta provide at the International Plaw- ing match (held this year near Alliston, Ontario) it was decided that the Bank would be well served by a mobile banking unit similar ta those now in operation in Britain. An order was forth- xith placed with a Toronto trail- Pr manufacturing firm. Their instructions wene ta work witb the BEtnk's Premises Department ta construct a complete bank in miniature suitable for attaching ta a towing unit. The name giv- en ta this Bank, sbown above, is Jenner, Reg. N., of Chatham, were similanly gowned in mass green velvet with matching head- dresses and ail attendants carrîed smail cascades of bronze and yeî- loxv chrysanthemums. The groom was attended by Mr. J. J1. R. McCrory and the ushers xere Dr. D. M. Finlayson, Dr. K. W. Brown, Mr. J. A. Woods and Mr. D. K. Camenon. Mrs. Willard Cook, Oshawa, friend of the bride, gave a beauti- ful nendition of "The Lond's Pray- er'" befone the recessional and du ring thesigning of the registen "Because." At the Boulevard Club Mrs. Campbell, mother of the bride, received in dusty rose crepe with bnown accessanies and a corsage of bronze chrysanthemnums. She was assisted by Mrs. Bonney, mother of the groom, gawned in a toast shade of lace aven crepe and matching accessanies and a corsage of pink nases. After the reception the bride and groom left mid showers of confetti and good wishes, the bride attired in a Glen ched1k suit with British tan accessories. Aften a three-week motor tnip and cruise Dr. and Mrs. Bonney will neside in Toronto. KLENDAL Mr. and Mns. Gea. Mencer were in Toronto Sunday. Miss Margaret Jackson, nurse- in-training at Civic Hospital, Ot- tawa, xvas home for tbe holiday. Mrs. A. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Honey and Mary, Missj Phv'll.s Jackson. Mn. Bob Van- natta and Mn. Leon Staneburg wene also guests of Mn. and Mns. W. Jackson.* Mn. apd Mrs. Barney Watters, Miss Juanita Mercer and Mn. El- don Downer, Peterborough, were visiting Mr. anci Mns. Herb Mer- cen. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes and famiiy and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lowes and Ronny, Peterborough, xere with Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Patton. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Eari Burley on the bith of their daughter, Barbara Ann, at Bowmanville Hospital, on Thursday, Sept. 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lang- staff and family and Mrs. Hattie Langstaf f spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burley and Joyce. Mn. Jim Gardon and friend, Oshawa, visited bis sister, Mns Eanl Burlev. we Mns. T. Hilditch spent lest we "Mobile Unit No. 1, The Canadian Bank of Commerce". It has an ovenaîl length of about twenty- eight feet and is of steel, wood frame, and masonite construction. The interior is panelled in beavy ply well-finished in accordance with traditionai bank design. Ample customner space is provid- ed. There are two teilers' wick- ets, accounting space, fitted fil- ing and stationery cabinets, a re- inforced space for the safe, rest raom, and a compact Manager's office which convents ta sleeping quarters. The mobile unit bas its own lighting facilities and is fitted with electnie brakes. It can be heated. When on location it is stabiiized by internally cantrolled jacks. It xiii be operated by a Mh ager with a staff of three, wben full banking service is ta be pro- vided. The extenior is of masanite, painted in maroon and warm grey with the Bank's name in go^Id Jet- tering on a maroon backboard. A two-foot decalco of the Bank's with Mns. N. White, Bowihan- ville. Miss Joyce Burley, Miss Chris- tina Jilisen and Mr. Len Hild- itch visited Mn. and Mrs. Ted Coatham, Sunday. On Friday evening a large' rcrowd of fiends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Flliott gathered in Kendal United Churcb ta express thein regret at losing Mr. and Mrs. Elliott from the can-munity. After a short vro- gram Miss Katie Stewart read the address and Mrs. Milton Rab- inson made the presentation af a iovely floor îamnp. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott are now residing In Orano In the borne previously occupied by bis sisten, the late Mrs. Tamn- blyn. A successful dance and draw was beld by Kendal L.O.L. in thein hall on Friday evening, Sept. 29th, when a capacity crowd en-j jayed modern and oîd time danc- ing ta music supplied by Chai- lice's Orchestra of Millbnook. Mn. Llew Hallowell was master of ceremanies fan the draw while six wce folks drew the six lucky tickets with the following resaîts: radia - Milton Dunbar, Penny- tawn: presto caoker-Gerald Hal- lowell, Cnooked Creek; electric kettle - Velma Lowery, Kinby; electnic iran -Babs Quick, 161 Parkside Dr., Toronto; $10.00 grocery voucher-Laura Burgess, Orona; eiectriec dock - Gardon Wilson, Campbellcroft. The pro- ceeds will be used ta repain and remodel tbe hall and if possible ta caver the outside with asphaît shingles. A senies of dances, with the same orchestra are being l)eld ta futher aid tbis praject. As the third gaine of the senies at Bailiebono ended in a tie. the fourth and final game between Bethany and Kendal for the Championship of the Rural Base- bail Leagues of Durham was play- ed at Newcastle bail park an Wed. aiternoon, Oct. 4th, with Kendal winning by a score of 7-4. Quantnil] was on the mound fan Kendal until replaced in the 5th by Connish with Kenny catcbing. Edmonds and Reynoldls were tbe batteny for Bethany. Kendal again started off in the iead, getting four runs in the« first, twa in the third and one in the f iftb, with two leit on bas- es. Bethany followed with one in the third and tbree in the fifth when the batten was struclk ouI with the bases full. With the picture still ean o! Betbanyt securing five runs in the Iast bal! of the last innings ta tie the game at Bailiebora, Kendal were on their guard tili the last maii was out. A large crowd were sup- porting' bath teams but the pnior- ity in rooting technique must be handed ta Betbany. On Wednesday evening, Oct. 4 Mrs. Lloyd Glass was hostess ta a dinner served by the Alaminumn Ca. ta twenty guests which was very much enjoyed by ail. Recent visitons with the Glass family were: Mrs. Walter Shep- pard and son, Brantford; Mrs. J. G. Jackson, Orono; Mrs. Annie Henry and son, Newmarket; Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Muma and son, Roger, Lansing. Mn. and Mrs. George Byers and daugbter. Marion, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving weekend at their summer home bere. During the second world war, the Canadian National Rallways1 transported 144,676.000 passen- gens. including 4,381,320 troaps requiring 6,540 special trains, and mare than 40,000,000 men andr women employed in war indus-,r try. SLEEPj If youi do't soop well -4f nights ane inter- ngby retaunen Iieys. I 0.w kidys are eut of order snd Iailing te clamethe bl.od of poisenas md excese &id-Yesw test 's ly AdW~M to ee. fl ia tthe ste UseDON' Kiào Pilla. Dous help ysmkIàiysgo rideof tre.m*akhg pous Md mà"i- h.lp rester, thus.te nomal ac" h à"S l.w amh boter yeu test at nWiht.low nwch bniglter you <sel i hte mg. Get snd ue Ded's Kiàq l'iM teday. j4s DO"â KWnY PINiS seal is affixed ta eacb side. AI- though this trailer is the langest made by the bulldérs, it is light enough ta be tawed by the ave- rage passenger motar car. It is fot the Bank's intention ta use the mobile unit solely for the provision of banking service. Where occasion permits, however, a full service will be given. Otherwise, the mobile unit wll be towed ta sucb gatherings as county fairs-wbere the attend- ance may be smail, but where it can be used as an education me- dium. It is also feit that the mo- bile unit will be useful in emer- gencies, or ta enable the Bank ta set up temporary service where required, as at new mining devel- apments, etc. Educationai mat- erial and displays are nowv being developed for use witb the mobile unit. The first Manager of Mobile Unit Na. 1 is ta be Charles Inglis. Toronto, who will operate it at the International Plowing Match, xvhere the usual attendance is about 200,000 farmers over a period of four days. KIRBY The W.M.S. and W.A. held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Bigelow on Wednesday even- ing, Oct. 4th. Mrs. Orby Chap- man. President. took charge of the W.A. meeting. The meeting! was opened with the singing of 1 "Take Timne to be Holv" followed1 by repeating the Lords Prayer in unison. The scripture was the 23rd Psalm repeated in unison. The business of the meeting was the last detail planning for the supper and bazaar. Mrs. Youmans opened the W.M. S. meeting with prayer. followed by the singing of the theme hy-n and the reading of the theme poem. The theme of the worshiip period was "Christ's Disciples, Bring Light."*1 The election of officers for the W.M.S. resulted as followl: Presi- dent-Mrs. Youmans: Vice-Pres. -Mrs. Bryson: Recording Secre- tarv-Mrs. \Vm. Allun: Treasurcr! -Mrs. Wm. Rutherford: Organist -Mrs. J. H. Lowery; Ass't.-Mrs. Reid; Stewardship Sec.-Mlersq. R. Chapman; Temperance Sec.-Mrs J. H. Lowery; Supply Sec.-Mrs., Reid, Auditor-Mrs. Wm. Wan-l -nan, Leaders for the Study Book' are-Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, Mrs. Wm. Wannan, Mrs. Raymond, Chapman, Mrs. Stanley Chapman,i Mrs. Bryson, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. J. H. Lowery and Mrs. Wrn. AI- lin. The hostess served a dainty lunch to ail. The meat supper and bazaar on Thanksgiving proved a great suc- cess. A large crowd was in at- tendance and a good time enjoyed; by ail. Mr. Carveth of Newcastle, showed some very interesting pic- tures after the supper. Mrs. Jack Cowan, Mri. Madeil, Mrs. Milton Wannan and Mrs. W. Cochrane spent Priday afternoon with Mrs. Win. Wannan. Mrs. Thornpson has been visit- ing wîth her son, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bradley, Pontypool. The Sunday Schaol held a spec- la] rally service in the church oni Suniday when the children of the Sunday School formed the choir and rendered twa choruses and a: trio.1 Mr. and Mrs. Cooke and famill, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Reid. Mrs. Davis, Lakefield, spent a, few days last week with her sis- ter. Mrs. Wm. Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross visited Sunday with bis* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wan- nan. Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt and family, Toronto, spent the weekend with1 her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson and babe fpent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and. Mrs. Elmer Randal and two sons, Oshawa, spent the holiday with bis mother, Mrs. Jennie Randail. Mrs. Gardiner, Toronto.wt Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Allen. Miss Olive Johnston, Peterbor- ough, with Mr. and Mrs. Wîlbert Hancock. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, with ber sister, Miss Annie Nes- bitt. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watters and son. Oshawa, with ber parents, SPECIAL LOW RAIL ZARES OTTAWA WINTER FAIR, OCT. 23-27 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOI THE! ROUND TRIP &600N - Satuîday, Oct. 2 lst -Priday, Oct. 27th ict. 19 - Leave Ottawa not later Chan inight, Sat, Oct. 28th. pou inhdtpm/rem 0 au Mr. and Mrs. Wllbert Langstaff and two daughters,' Toronto, and Mrs. Mabel Langstaff, Port Hope, with Mrs. Hattie Langstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Robb and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Brooks, Mont- real, and Miss Carol Brooks, of Toronto, spent the holiday at their cottage here. Mrs. Leushner. Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Leushner, Niagara Falls, also Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whittaker and son, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce. The report of Mr. Joe Sex- smit.h's condition at Port Hope Hospital is not very encouraging. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shaw (nee Eleanor Jobnston) are mov- ing in ta Mr. Leland Payne's cot- tage recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Mrs. McHolm, Mqrrish, Is spend- ing a few days witb ber niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Jones. On Sunday Mrs. McHolm took the Bible Class and compli- mented us on having such a large class. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane. Plat- tsviile, wbo spent the holiday in Coîborne, called on their return trip for bis mother, Mrs. Wm. Lane, who will visit themn for a xvhile. There will be no service in the United Church Sunday, Oct. 15, but there will be Anniversary Service at Shilob, afternoon and evening. If you plan ta attend make inquiries about the time. Mrs. Jena Carlow, Warkworth; Mr. Bud Jones. Napanee, and Miss Fae Jones, Peterborough, with ViuOROUS & WINEY DBOKAR l . RIH& FULL BODIEDsotrN G ]RED CERCLE 1b694c KRAFT MILD & MELLOW GOUDA CHEESE 8 O'CLOCK lbY2C LPUOS S5 ROSES FLOUR A4& P FRUIT Blue Concord Florida, New Cre Grapefruit Sweeî Potai Pascal Colery Stali Salad Mix Ready to Cook AND VEGETABLES . . . . 6-q1. 49cr op 96*s9 « . « 5 for 29c :oes- - 3 lbs. l9c Ige. sus i - - 2fer 15c - -- -pkg. 10c -*cello haq 17ç- Stafford Brou. Monumental Works Phone Whttby 552 318 Dundaa St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanshlp and çarefui attention ta detail are your assurance whený vou choose tram the wide' selection of lmp~orted and domestlc Granites and Marbies in stock. THIS Mrs. Willis Jones. Mn. Wiilis Jones spent the holiday looking for ducks out around Rice Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Daynard and daughter, Oshawa, witb his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Day- nard. Mr. Biiiy Wade spent the holi- day witb relatives in Toroqto. Mrs. Ivison Munday and daugb- ter, Mary, Maple Grave, with ber mother, Mrs. Lancaster. Mrs. Harold Bunley and two sons spent the bhiday xith her peaple at Bunker Hill. A man may bave authority aver othens. but he can neyer bave their heart, except by giving bis awn. W. Wilson. Sliced BREAKFAST BACON- lb. 57e Fresb FILLET 0F COD - - lb. 35c MINCED BEEF, Lean . .- . M.59c flOT THIS... ' b. 34e Pkg~o. 5 2 5-lb. 5 Bug Tin l3: Ti 20e -3 Pkgs. 26e Tin2o 39e Btl M9o. 5 * 14-oz.21 * 2 Btis. 35e 3 3TinsZ3M a a m lb. 73o Mb. 65e Mb. 47c lb. 45c You wiIl be delighted with this fragrant tea 81-OE POLèSH NUGGET IONA MÂACHES SHIRRIFF'8 LUSHUS YORK BRAND BOLOGNA HEINZ CWKENCU -HADDIE « AYL M ER, CHILI SAUCE LIBBY'S BABY FORDS SHREDDED A NN PAGE - WHITE or BROWN 'WHEACàT -« 2 Pkgs. 299 IK RA SLICED 24-oz loaf13 ANN PAGE OLD FASHIONIED MIAB EAU3 COOKIES - - Pko.M AMBLI A&P FRESH CANDV l TOMATO SOUP 210 oz trns 21c ROYAL MqIXl. 47e ANN PAGE FAMOUS, Vegetarian, Boston SýyIe, or COU . . . -oz. DE N Pork in Tomato Sauce 15-oz tin 9c ALL PURPOSE IONA (Pectin Added) PUEIY5-LU b. 33JA STRAWBERRY 24-oz jar42 A&P CHOICE PITTED RED A&P CHOICE CUT CH9ERIES - 15in:.91 WAX BEANS2 20-oz tins 25c TOMATO or VEGETABLE AN AEFMU SOUPS CLARK'8 2 Tins 17e AN PGE AKE S31b rng1.39 ANN PAGE PEANUT FRUIT CArin B ui"'~a . 16-oz. 5 BREAKFAST CEREAL LIBBY'S TENDER KING RO-r.Bl I O» GATS 8opk34 PEAS * 2Tns 3le~ ROBIN HOOD CHOC. or WHITE LAUNDRV SOAP Br k 5 SUNLIMHT 2 Brs2Ie CAKE MIXESpg35 So Whiite, So Washablel Scarfe's NEW .DUPER WHITE ENAMEL You can do a marvellous painting job with the new 'Brantine' Super White Enamiel. Equally good on kitchen cabinets, lawn furniture and boas ... on shelves and store front. Produces a tough, durable, high-e 1oss finish that resists -: weatber and is a cinch to keep clean. Try it! For exterior bouse surfaces, use Scarfe's "!729"ý Outside White. 1877 THE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE 18 TAKEN FROM ATA PHOTOGRAPHS OF BEFORE AND AFTER A&P PROPERLY TRIMB A PRIME RIB ROAST - YOU ACTUALLY BUV MORE MEAT WITH LESS WASTE AT A&P, PLUS CANADA-8 TOP GRADE 0F BEEF, RED & BLUE BRAND&. - AS ADVERTISED - PRIME RIB ROAST Sirloin & Doneless Rd. Steak or Roast . a lbn 75Ç HAM BUTT ROLU' Sweet Pickled - - - 1 SWIFT PREMIUM WIENERS- BOILING FOWL, Grade A ,%t- kl -- - - - - - - -=41 vrmmqnAv- nrTnl!tlrR il- insn ---I- PAGE IVfM TE£ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVICLLE, ONTARIO GM£M(DIE 21TOSCE , V ý 1 P., mýp ýý " 1 E Lio,

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