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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1950, p. 16

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mkr OY4VWjH AADA TTSMN OMNVLX NARO'IUSDY COER1.15 -- - - - - - - - - - - - SBRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS1 BIRTHS BROOKHAM-Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Brookham (nee Laurett Pegg) are happy to announce the biSith o! a son, Thomas Loyde, at Oshawa General Hospital, Oct. 7,1950. 411 MILNE-Carol, Bobby and David Milne are happy ta announce the býrth o! their baby brother at Bo4wmanville Hospital on Oct. lth, 1950. Happy parents are M&r. and Mrs. Bruce Milne o! 13 C#rlys1e Ave. 41-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Edward Large announces thf! engagement o! ber daughter, Helen M., to Mr. William A. More, son o! Mr. and Mrs. G. R. More, Oshawa. The wedding will take place quietly on October 20th. 41-1 *Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Pingle o! Hampton, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Shirley Maie, to Arthur John Reynolds, son o! Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rey- nolds o! Hampton. The marriage wjill take place the latter part o! October. 41-1* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam annaunice the engagement o! their daughter, Dorothy Fay, to Mm. Howard Forder, son o! Mrs. Farder and the late Jos. H. For- der o! Biackstock. The marriage to take place an Saturday, Nov. 414, 1950, at 3 o'c]ock, at their tesidence, Manchester, Ontario. 41-1 The engagement is announced SMary Margaret (Betty) daugh- lér o! Mrs. L. F. Powers of Osh- *Wa and the late Mr. Powers to Xôy Gerrard, son of Mm. and Mrs. Jôseph Trudeau of Bowmanville. The marriage will take place at St.. Gregory's Roman Cathoiic Cburch, Oshawa, on Saturday. October 28th at il o'clock. 41.1 DEATHS CROSSLEY, Marion P.-At Port Hope Hospital on Wednesday, Oc- tober 11, 1950, Marion P. Allison, beloved wife o! A. Bruce Crossley, dear mother o! Hazel (Mrs. Mc- Nali Imwin), in ber 74th year. Service at the George Funeral Chapel, Wallon St., Port Hope, Friday, October l3tb, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Welcome Cemetery. Friends will be received in the chapel on Tbursday evening fromn 7:30 ta 9:00 p.m. 41-1 MANNING-In Bowmanville Hos- pj.a on Monday, October 9th, 1,950, Evelyn Manning, daugbter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John G. Manning. The funeral from the Funerai Chapel o! Northcutt & Smith an Wednesday, October 11, ai; 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 41-1 'IN MEMORIAM PRIMROSE-In loving memary of Diane Primrose. who passed away October 13, 1947. Gone, dear sister, gone ta rest, Those who think o! you today Are the ones who laved you best. --Ever remembered by fatber (S. McKnight) and sisters. 41-1* ,,LEWIS-I loving memory of Arthur Edward Lewis who pass- id away October 14, 1933. in our hearts your niemory lingers, Always tender, fond and truc; There is nat a day, dear son, That we do not think of you. -Ever remembered by Dad and Mother. 41-1* WILKINS-In loving memory o! a dear busband and father, George Blake, who departed this life at towmanville, October 10, 1934. In aur hearts your memory ling- ers' ýweetiy, tender, fond and truc, ,JThere is not a day, dear father, ,,, That we do flot think o! you. -Ever remembered by Family. 41-1 RICHARDS-In loving memory of aur dear mother. Willia Mina Richards, who passed away Oc- tober 13, 1949. 'Nothing but memories as we jour- ney an, Langing for a amile from a loy- ed ane gone: M<AYNARD-In laving memory ot' dear wifc and mother, Violet Maynard, wha passed away Oc- tober 13, 1949. Gone dear mother, gone forever, How wc miss yaur smiling face, But yau left us ta remember None an carth can take your place. Ahappy home we once enjovcd Haw swcct the mcmory still, But deatb has lefI a loneliness 1The world can neyer fil]. --Sadly missed by busband Wil- Iiim. daughter Bcrtha, Arletta and lamilies. 41-1* Applications Wanted 'Applications for the position o! Assesar for the United Caunties o! Northumberland and Durbam *111 be rcceivcd by the under- ~ned up until 2:00 p.m., October Ileth 1950, with duties ta com- ýhience January Ist, 1951. Salary S3,O00Op lus mileage. Appli- vanta should state a.qe, qualifica- tions and experience in their W. E. BARR, Clerk. Cou nties Of Northumberland and Durham, Cobourg, Ontario. Court of Revision Township of Cartwright A Court of Revision to hear appeals against assessments per- taining to the Roll of 1950 upon which the Taxes for 1951 will be levied will be held in the CoM- munity Hall, Blackstock, on Mo- day, Nov. 6th, at 8 p.m. D.S.T. Dated at Blackstock this ith day o! October, 1950. HENRY THOMPSON, Clerk of the Township of Cartwright. Assessment Act Sec. 72, Sub Sec. 9, R.S.O., Chap. 238. 41-1 CQMING EVENTS Women's, Hospital Auxiliary are holding a card party Oct. 20, 8 p.m., in Lions Centre. 50c a person. Everyone welcome. 41-1 Dance at Tyrone Community Hall, Oct. 21, 8:30-11:55 (D.S.T.). Lou Deweil's Orchestra. Admis- sion 50c. Auspices of Hall Board. 41-2 Salem Women's Association are holding a bazaar and afternoon tea in the Lions Community Centre on Friday afternoon, No- vember 24. 41-1 The Tyrone Football Associa- tion is holding a dance in- Ty- rone Hall on Friday, October 13. Ruth Wilson's Variety Band. Dancing 9 p.m.-i a.m. Admission 50C. 41-1* Afternoon Tea, fancy work, home-made cook#ig and Rum- mage Sale under the auspices of the C.W.L. of St. Joseph's Church, Community Centre, Friday, Nov. ith, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. 41-1* Plan to attend the Eastern Star Bazaar ta be held in the Memori- ai Arena on Friday, October 27. Afternoon tea will be served from 3-6. Booths wil include fish pond, touch and take, country store, aprons, candy, and home baking. Also, draw on quilt. 41-2 The Annual Salvation Army Home League Sale of home-made articles, home cooking and nov- elties will be held, Saturday, Dec. 2nd from 3- to 6 p.m. in the Sal- vation Armý' Hall, Division St. Afternoon tea will be served. 41-1 Attend the Canadian Order o! Foresters "Thanksgiving Baîl" at Varcoe's Pavilion, Friday, Octaber l3th. Dancing 9 ta 1, to the Novel-Aires Orchestra of Cobourg. Music to suit everyone, smooth Hawaiian numbers, popular and ,old round dance numbers, as well as the odd square dance. Dress optional. Admission $2.00 per couple. A good time assured. 39-3* Bowmanville Women's Canadi- an Club open meeting, October 16, 3:30 p.m., Parish Hall. Speak- er, Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin. Sub- jeet: a trip to the Southern Pa- cifie. November, speaker, Miss M. A. V. McWhorter. December meeting, Mr. S. Hyman, one o! our new citizens from South Africa. Prospective speakers for the new year include: Mrs. Harry John- son. MA., from the Institute o! Child Study, Toronto University; Molly Spicer, Fashion Editor: Ed- gar A. Guest, Paet. 41-1* Notices Anyone wisbing to place articles in an auction sale of household goods please phone 2556. 41-1* Transportation avaîlable, leave Bawmanvilie 8 a.m., return leav- ing Oshawa 5 p.m. Phone 3254. 41-1 Please note that the Darlington Abattoir, Hampton, the home of fine meats now bas a new phone number. Please caîl Bowmanville 3243 for the best in meats. 41-1 To ail whom it may concern: Take notice that I will not be responsibie for any debts hereto- fore or hereafter incurred by my wife, Hilda M. Brown. either upon my credit or otherwise. David H. Brown, Bowmanville. 40-3 Town of Bowmanville Notice is bercby given that ai by-law will be introduced aI the next regular session o! the Coun- cil o! the Town o! Bowmanville ta be held on the 6th day o! Navember. 1950, closîng a lane 9 1/8 links wide shown on plan No. 58 of Carlisle Avenue and situate immediatcly west of Lot 14 and immediately east of Lot 15 on said plan which is filcd in the Registry Office for the Registry Division o! the West Rid- ing a! the County a! Durham. The Council will hear in persan or by bis counsel, solicitor or agent any persan who dlaims that his land will be prcjudicially a!- !ecced by the bv-law and wbo applies ta be heard. A. J. LYLE. Municipal Clcrk. 41-1 Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber gaods) mailcd postpaid in plain scalcd envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1,00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-8 fCARDS 0F THANKS ITbe Women's Auxiliary, Mcm- anial Park, wish ta thank the following for the prizes tbey donated ta the euchre: Radia Sbop, War Surplus Store, Cowl- ing's Drug Store, Ellîott's Var- icty Sbop and Lander's Hard- ware. 41-1* We would like ta take this op- jportunity o! thanking our rela- tives, friends and neighbours o! Durbam County for their kindness shown us during our bereavement in the loss o! a loving wife and mother. Harry Philp, Bob and Bryce, Stirling, Ont. 41-1 Voiers' List Posied Section 11, Form 4. Voters' List Act Clerk's notice o! fimst posting o! Voters' List. Voters' List, 1950, Municipality o! Cartwright, County o! Durham, Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 o! The Voters' List Act and that I liave posted up at my office at Biack- stock, on the 4th day o! October, 1950, the list o! ail persans en- titled 10 vote in the said Munici- pality at the Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I bereby caîl upon ahl voters ta take immediate pro- ceedings ta bave any errors or omissions corrected accord ing ta law, the last day for appeal be- ing the 251h day o! October, 1950. Dated at Blackstock this 101h day of Oct., 1950. HENRY THOMPSON, Cierk o! the Municipality o! Cartwright. R.S.O. 1937, C 7 Sched. A. For n4.411 Lost LADY'S skirt on Centre Street. Finder Phone 697. 41-i BLACK and wbite terrier, an- swers tQ name "Chum." Phone 2233. 41-1* GRAY beifer cal!, around 300 lbs.. north o! Tyrone. Phone 5îrli Orono. 41-i FOX hound, white and tan, crooked tai,, Blackstock area.1 Phone 2679 Osbawa or 916 Bow- manvîlle. 41-1 Found A BLACK and white dag; about three months old, on Queen St. Phone 3364. 41-1 BLACK and white part Spaniel, in vicinity o! Lake Scugog, some lime ago. Mrs. E. Benson, 50 Boulevard, Toronto. 41-1* ON Monday, Oct. 91h, wallet witb sum o! money, etc. Delivered ta owner on proof o! prapcrty and payment o! advertising. L. C. Mason, barrister, 30 King St. W., Bowmanville. 41-i Wanted To Buy BEST prices for *scrap iran and batteries. Phone Clarke 2530. 40-t! SECOND Grade potataes. State price. Box 485, c/o Statêsman Of fice. 41-1 BEST prices for scrap iran and batteries, $2.00. Phone Clarke 2530. 40-tf MANURE Wanted. Telephane 3345, Brookdalc-Kingsway Nur- sries. 41-31 BUSH - must be predominately1' hard maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone Port Perry 193r14. 22-tf CHILD'S tricycle. Apply Mrs. J. Rice, 77 Ontario Street, Bow- manville or Phone 891. 41-1 OLD HORSES - Wanted urgent-i Iv. For best prices caîl Margwill Fur Farm 2679 Bowmanvilie. 40)-tf SCRAP batteries, any condition, $1.00. Telephone 467 for pick- up. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shap. 37-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higber. m. FiaIt, R.R. 1, Bcthany. phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17.1! Wanted To Rent SMALL apartment, 3 or 4 raoms, by quiet business couple. Phone 712 or write P.O. Box 330- 41-1* THREE or four heated rooms for mamried couple with one child, by November lst. Write Box 476, Statesman Office. 39-t! For Rent LARGE furnished room for light housekeeping. Phone 3479. $10. 41-1 Farmers Attention ! WE will be pleased ta pick up dead or crippled !armn animals and pay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young Ltd. 2t! Handicraf t IF yau like making things for pleasure or profit. you will be intemcsted in the Handicraft Guild Group we are argan iz ing. For fui] particulars send "ouï name and address ta Box 484, c/o Statesinan Office. 41-11 Articles For Sale 100 USED apple barrels. 90c each. J. C. Alldread. Phone 800. 41-1* FREE saw dust available at Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Co. 41-1 TWO single beds, 36" width, nearly new. Phone 2778. 41-1* ONE stack of oat straw, and one of wbeat straw. Phone 2479. 41-1 CLIMAX cook stove, in good condition. Phone 1530 Clarke. 1 41-1 TWO brown steel three-quarter beds, springs and mattresses. 198 Church St. 41-1* 1946 NASH 600 Coach, completely overhauled recently, 5 good tires. Phone 2254. 41-1 FOX and deer hound pups for sale, ready to hunt. H. D. Milison, Phone 2432. 40-3* BALED straw for sale, any quantity. M. A. Pickering, R.R. 2, Newcastle. . 41-1 HOLLAND BULBS-tulips, daf- fodils, crocus, hyacinths. Stew- art's Seed Store. 38-tf VENETIAN Blinds-We measure and instali. Phione Morris Co. for free estimates. 40-tf '37 CHRYSLER Royal Sedan, in good condition, radio, heater and overdrive. Phone 2703. 41-1* NEW shipments o! Congoleum Rugs, Yard Goods, and new in- laid patterns at Morris Co. 40-tf AUTOMOBILES insured and fin- anced, low-cost plan. Roy Lun- ney, 48 King St. W. Phone 565. 40-tf AUTO track on rubber, '31 Olds. motor, with truck rear end, trans- mission, lights. Phone 2030. 41-1* QUEBEC Heaters, 2 used heaters, in A-i condition. For a real buy sec these at F. F. Morris Co. 40-tf LIMITED quantity of Taîlman Sweet apples, and pears by the hamper. L. A. Squair, Phone 2223.,* 41-1* '46 PONTIAC Sedanette, radio, heater and defroster, fog lights, gfood condition. Phone Brooklin 87r3. 41-1 ABOUT 200 bushels of choice sugar mangolds, in piles in the field. Phone 2337. 242 Liberty S t. N. 41-l1* FINDLAY Quebec heater for sale, nearly new, in best condition. Apply A. Besteman, 15 Ontario Street. 41-1* BLIGHT-free potatoes, 75c a bag at the farm, field run. Bring your ow n bags. Cliff Curtis, Pontypool. 41-2 WASHING Machines - Sée the ne'v 1951 models in stock for immediate deliver3i at Morris Co. Easy terms. 40-tf TWO Beagle Hound pups, frorn good hunting strain. James De- laney, bal! mile north of Hamp-. ton, 1 mile east. 41-1* POTATOES, Ontario No. 's, or- der now to ensure good quality. Free delivery in Bowmanville. Doug Curi, 5 Nelson St. 41-3 FINIJLAY Oval cook stove. in good condition, sell cheaply; Reaniingtan portable typewriter, like new. 46 Liberty St. N. 41-1* TWO German Shepherd maie dogs, 6 mnonîlis old. Can be re- gistered. James Delaney, half mile north of Hampton, 1 mile east. 41-1* BODY hardwood, hardwood slabs, softwood slabs and kindiing. 4 ft. and foot. Delivered. Geo. Heas-j lip, Janetville, Phone Bethany 18r33. 38-4* 1 BROWN crept dress. with monogram; 1 green wool dress; 1 brown check suit; I1xvool check skirt; 1 brown wool skirt. Phone 2167. 41-1 '40 CHEVROLET business coupe, only driven 30,000 miles, in ex- cellent running condition, Priceý FINDLAY Quebec beater, med- ium size, new condition; also baby swing, white canvas, like new. Donald Lawson, 79 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 41-l1* BEECH and maple, green cord- wood, $18.00 a card, sawed and delivcred; also fence posîs, H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Part Pcmry 193-r-14. 15-tf FINDLAY Oval cook stave, burns wood or coal. in good condition:1 also good extension table and floor linoleum. Apply Mrs. John Greer, Burketon, R.R. 3. 41-1 WHITE enamel Findlay cook stove, with reservair, equipped with ail bumners, 45-gallon ail drumn included. Apply 64 Churcb St., Bowmanville. 41-1* CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugc's, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oieuma Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods aI budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Store;ý 23-tf HOOVER vacuum cieaner-new, low-cost, powerful suction, tank type cîcaner, witb exclusive dirt disposaI fMature. Phone Hydro Shop for free home demonstra lion or service. Dial 471. 41-4* Grass revenue o! the Canadian posl office lasI ycar waRs almostI $96,000,000, more than three timesi the 1934 Uiure. Articles For Sale GRAHAM'S GARAGE - Used Massey-Harris spreader, excellent condition: '34 Chrysier, overhaul- ed; '38 Packard 6-cyl.; '41 Buick 44 series, to be repaired; 6" Gemn grinder, $30, like new. 41-1 LINOLEUM headquarters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleums, Congoleums, Printed and Inlaîd Linoleum. Every pattern that's made, is available at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf IMMEDIATE delivery, Fairbanks Morse space heaters. Heat your home the safe, dlean economicai way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bradley's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf QIL burners instafled, complete with one year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as littie as $35 down and 24 months to pay. S. Blain Elliott, Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metai, Bowmanville, Phone 3348.29t PLUMBING, Heating and Oul Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates cali S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf SPECIAL Introductory Offer - Ladies' Home Journal, 20 months, $5.00; Readers Digest, 1 year, $2.75. Orders given careful at- tention through local representa- tive, P. D. Walker, 46 Ward St., Port Hope, Ont. 40-4 ATTENTION - Turkey, chicken and dog raisers. Selling out 45 strong 6x6x9 ail heavy gauge wire fox cages with wooden ken- nels, 2x4 frames. $10 each ai farm. Also softwood, $8 cord, ati farm. and cedar posts. Margwill Fur Farm, Phone 2679. 39-tf ALL kinds of meat, good quality weiners, bologna, cooked hams, smoked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, 'Hampton, Phone 2836; also pickling, smoking and sausage making. During the summer months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattie at any time. 34-tf ALL kinds of meat, good quality wieners, bologna, cookcd hams, smoked hams and bacon, saiisage and hamburger, Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pickling, smoking and sausage making. During the summer months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattle at any limne. 34-tf TEN - Pc. Living-room goups. Many colours and style combin- alions la choose from. Groups include: 2-pc. Velour Chýester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, l Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table1 Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 Alum- inum Semving Tmay. 10-pc. Spec- ial $169.00 only aI Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Temms ta suit. Many other suites ta choose from. 2-tf BRADLEY Fumniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroolnà suites, S69.00; steel bcd outfils. complete. $26.95, feIt base floor covering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95. al] colors: 3 pe. allovei velour chestemfield suites, $149, 00; 6l-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring. filled mattresses. $2495; tmi-light Lamps, complete, $12,95: rangettes, ranges !rom $59.00; 3-pc. allover velaur bcd chesterfield suiites, '$119.00-, 9 x f; Axminster carpets, green or wine, oriental designs, $49.50; chenille hcd spreads, 56.95; table lamps. $6.75. Everylhing for' the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-t! Livestock For Sale TWO Yorkshire sows, well bred. Phone 2646. 41-1 NINE pigs. 8 weeks old. Apply Taylor and Hall. Phone 2402. 41-1 1 YORKSHIRE sow, with 10 pigs: 2 Yorkshire sou~s, with 8 pigs each. Phane 2487. 41-1* 80 BARRED Rocks, fast feathoer- ing puillets. Apply Merlin sui- gitt, R.R. 2, Nestîcton, Ontario. 41-1* TWO Holstein heifers, three years aid, due ta freshen. anc an' Oct. 17 and anc later. Phone Clarke 2820.411 ONE Springer cow, quantity o! Durham and Hereford Stockers and Feeders. F. J. Clemens, 105 Agnes, Oshawa, Phone 1504W. 41-1 PURE bred Shropshire ram lambs and yearlings, openfaced, heavy, !lccced, above average weight for age, from imported sire and dams, priced reasonabl *v. C. H. Mum- fard, Hampton, Lot 28, Con. 5. 41-3*1 Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shap, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf, CHESTERFIELDS completely me- built and re-upholstered. Salis- faction guaranteed. Have aur consultant cal] at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabrlc Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf REPAIRS toallai akes o! retrig- erators, domestic and commercial; milking coalers. Higgon Elec-, trie, 42 King St. E., Phonie 438.1 25-tt Work Wanted DRESSMAKING and alterations. 10 Division St., upstairs. 41-1* CUSTOM work with tractor. J. H. Alldread & Son. Phone 496. 39-4* RELIABLE girl desires bouse- work. Write Box 486, c/o States- man Office. 41-i WELLS drilled by Ontario lîcens- ed driller: modemn equipment. R. B. Renwick, Phone 781 or 833, Bowmanville. 38-4* EAVESTROUGHING, contracting, old eavestroughing repaired and new put up. For free estimales cail C. E. Devitt, Phone 597. 38-4* BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grlnding We specialize in complete brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf Help Wanted PIN boys wanted. Appjy Mar- tyn's Bowling Academy. 41-i BEAUTY counselors have oppor- tunity for mature woman with pleasing persanality and an earn- ing need. Write Box 475, c/o Statesman Office. 39-3 Agents Wanted SALES are easy and profitable with aur 250 bousehold musts, foodstu!fs, tonies, disinfectants, medicines. etc. Guaranteed satis- faction. No experience required. Write, E. O. West, 1600 Delormier! St., Montrcal, 24, P.Q. 41 -1 Music Instruction POPULAR piano playing - Learn ta play papular music in 20 les- sans. Advanced or beginners. For information and demonstra- lion contact Bert Payne, Hamp- ton, Phone 2091. 40-tf Auction Sales Mr. John Ksenych, Con. 8, Hape Township, 1 Con. north and a hiaîf mile east of Campbellcro!t, is giving up farming and wiil selI by public auctian on Wed., Oct. 18, aI 1 p.m. (D.S.T.), al bis farmn stock, implements, hay, grain, pouitry, etc. For further parliculars see bis. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. '1',_41_1_ 1 have received Instructions fromn the executors o! the estate of the late Ella Jollow ta scîl by1 public auction at hem late resid- ence, 192 King Street, East, Bow- manvîlle, on Satumday, Oct. 141h, aI 1:00 p.m. (D.S.T.) ber entire household effects. This sale will include modemn and antique fumn- itume, dishes, glasswame, bedding, linon, etc. For particulars sec bills. Toi-ms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 40-2 *For Sale By Tender SALE OF HOUISE RVî.TENflERl Real Estate For Sale HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE $6,800, Darlington Township'farm on good open road, 125 acres, some bush and orchard, mostly workable, open spring, steel roof- ed barn, 9-roomed solid brick bouse, cistern and well at door, electricity, good cellar. First time offered. Terms. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono -Ont. Phones: Office 32r10 Home 1r16 41-1 NIXOIN REAL E$TATE Generai Store. Post Office and large living quarters, hydro, ail furnace and bathroom, fixtures, large stock, twa gas pumps, ker- osene pumip, 2 telephone lines, large stock roomns. 130 acres, near Bowmanviilé, solid brick bouse, new fumnace, hydro, steel barn, litter carrier; 20 acres bush. 2 acres wooded land, black loamn, creek, well, hydro, dwelling, $ 1,400. 90 acres, 7-romcnd framne bouse, bamn, stone stable; 4 acres bush. $1,200. Solid brick bouse, 8 rooms, hy- dro, balhroom, full basement, on Cburch Street. $6,000. 145 acres, not far from village, Lot on Duke St.. good land. $300. framne bouse, 7 roomns, hydra, water. 2 bamns, good stable, gar- age. Possession armangcd. Farms and business moderately Diced, sec or phone your fiendly Broker. James 'Nixon 160 Liberty St. N.. Bowmianville Phone 682 41-1* BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE Five-roomn bungalow, sun porcb, winterized, însulated, beavy wir- ing, well, 3-pce. bath, fireplace: lot 70xl165; taxes around $12,00. Price $4,900. Termis. Located an East Beach. Six-room ultra-mode-rnbungalow, auto ail heating, heavy wiring, off Liberty St., N. Price $8,300, Terms. Six-roomn semni-detacbcd brick bouse, 3-pce. bath, beavy wiring, venetian blinds, hardwood floors. Immediate passesion. Located on Centre Street. Price $5,650. Lot on Highway No. 2, aI Maple Grave, foundation dug, well, imal1 shack, lot 80 x 285. Price $00. We have others. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shebyn D. Maclachian Phone Bowmanvile 3326 Phone Oshawa 689 41-1 HAMPTON 0Z-à-K- %.K-"£% - ELLA S. JOLLOW, E state 1 Miss Barbara Reynolds, Toronto, The promises formerly occupicd; was a Sunday guest aI the home o! by the above deccased situate ati ber uncle and aunt, Mm. and Mrs. 192 King S'ýrect East, will, be sold ,Jack Reynolds. by tender for cash. The highest Miss Elsie MacMillan, Glen Sand- or any tender not nccessariiy field, spent a few days wlth- Mrs. accepted. Tenders will be me- ~ .Cl n cee redhp ccived at the office o! W. R. .Cl n eee redh Strike, K.C., Bawmanvilie, Ont., ee uip ta 10 a.m.. October 2lst, 19e0. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, with- Tenders shauld be signed ancf a Mr. and Mrs. Will White. certified cheqtýe for 10' o! the Mrs. C. Gage, Toronto, spent a few r tender price enclosed in Oa sealed days with ber sister, Mrs. S. G. Nid- envoclope addressed ta W. R. ____ Stîrike and plainly markcd "Ten- Miss Evelyn Smale, Bowmanville, der Jailow Estate." The tenders spent the wcekend with her parents,j wili be opencd immediately after Mm. and Mrs. Wilfrid Sinale. 1 10 a.m. an the said day aI the Mr. and Mms. Alvin Clemens, Baw- said o!ffice in the presence o! manville, with Mr. and Lavemne! thase fiing tenders should they Clens be present. The cheques fmom eM.Ramn PeiCclet, unsuccessful tenders xiil be e- M.Ramn PeiCciett turned. by return mail,* Vacant Kay Billyard and Isabel Faulkner, possession on or before November Tomonta, spent the weekend at W., îIs., 1950. Chapman's. Promises ma.v be inspected on Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brown, MapleI jOctober 101h and llth from 7:30 Creek, Sask., were weekend guestsi p.m. ta 9 p.m. o! Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, and W. R. Strike, K.C.. called an a number o! friends. Boumanville, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith, Jacki Solicitor for the executors. and Axns, and Miss Helen Smith , 40-3 Oshawa, at Lewis Trull's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Staintan, Brace- L!i l 1aorsbridge, and Mrs. Ross Lec, Kedrali, nonceW.tW. Horn'& and Mrs. R.. I1__________________ Avery's. IN the Estate o! EDITH HENRI- Dr. E. C. Reynoalds, Mr. and Mrs. ETTA GRAHAM, Deceased. Russell Reynolds and son Alan, ALL persans having àlaims Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with against Edith Henrietta Graham, their sister, Miss L. Reynolds. laIe o! the IVillage of Newcastle, Miss Madlyn Wilcox spent the lin the County o! Durham, Mar- weekeend at Hamilton. ried Woman, deceased, who died Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray wltb Mr.j on or about the Scventh day o! and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Oshawa,, August. 1950, are required ta on Sunday. send parliculars o! same to the Donald White, Peterborough Nom- undersigned solicitor for the Exe- mal Schaol, spent the weekerid at cutai' on or before the Thirty-first 1 home. dayv of October, 1950, after which Mr. and ms. Alan Parker, To- date tho asseIs a! the deceased onta, spent Thanksgivlng with will ho distributcd, baving regard Mrs. M. Goodman and Miss Louise only ta the dlaims o! whicb notice Goodman. shaîl have then been given. Miss Eileen Wray of the Oshawa DATED at Port Hope this Hospital Staff spent Thanksgivlng Twenty-first day o! September, Day wltb hem parents. 1950. A meeting in the Interest a! the W. E. BONNEVILLE, Bible Society is belng hcld Ibis Il Mill Street North, Thursday evening, Oct. 12th at 8 Port Hope. Ontarioa. nteSndySho oit Solcit roth xuor wnen Rcv. Edgeton Young, Dis- ______________________9__3 trict secretary o! the Upper Canada IBible Society will be present ta give Business Opportunityl an addmess o! the splendid womk - - that is bcing done by the Society HARNDEN'S Garage Business, thîaugbout the warld, In pravldlng compîcte with tools and equip- Scrîpture for every mian in bis own ment. Good going concemn and tangue, and In bringing Braille and splendid oppartunity for body records ta, the blind. Films will «lso and fender repairs as wiell as ibe presented. This meeting shauld mechanical. Owner must seIl due eoinrstoaladwrhyf - -ll eath.Phoe 52. 41- *a good attendance. A canvass for Huma hoe ad fath houd1 the wark will be conducted later. j join in natume's grand harmony. Rcv. G. Empey preached ip Trin- and, if on minor key, make music J iîy United Church, Bowmanville, on in the heart-Mary Baker Eddy. Buflday evening. The Octaber metlng af the Hamp- ton W.l. was held in the Sund Schoal room Thursday, Oct. t , Mrs. Knock, 2nd vlce-president,, charg-. The meeting opened with the Institute Ode !ollowed by the Lord's Prayer. Minutes were rcad and approved. The fallowing mo- tions were carried. The bazaar on Nov. 9th will open at 3 o'clock; Mrs. Cale was appainted ta charter a bus te take Institute members ta the convention in Toronto Thursday, Nov. 2nd; Institute members ta send Christmas cards ta Cobourg Home. Mrs. Jack Reynolds and Mrs. Wé Smale elected ta take charge uf "Junior Hamemaking Club"; Graup' leaders te be responsible for Bible, Society canvass. The program was' in charge af East Group, Mrs. H. Rundle 1presiding. The motta was' read by Mrs. Goud and aise a read- ing "The Good Folks". Mr. j. H. Abernethy was guest speaker and' gave a very interesting and instruc-., tive talk on "Home Beautificatiql&--, Current events were given by jjjj Pugh. MD's. Haney moved a vote N thanks te Mr. Abcmncthy for taking' time te visit aur Institute. Roll cal was display a! aprons and patterns. Mis. T. Mountjay reported $339,63' in treasury. God Save the King, was sung and a bountiful lunch was, served by the East Group. Next Institute meeting will be held Nov. 16th, Postponed two wecks on account a! convention. and. bazaam. Jack and 1111 Club Hold, Hallowe'en The reg ular meeting 6f the Jack and Jill Club o! Trinity Un- ited Church was hcld on Tuesday evcning October 3rd, in the formn o! an carly Hallowe'en party, campiete wilh costumes. Games and stamies were greatly enjayed by everyone, and a grand march was staged ta decide the prize winners. The prize for the best dressed couple went ta Gwen and Chuck Hogg, and the prizeý for the Most comical costume wcnt ta Ralph Macîntyre. The most original costume was that worn by Art Coverly. Afler a lovely lunch scmved by. the commitîce in charge, Ivy and Art Coverly, Marie and Bill Mos- es. Marion and Howard Je!frey# the business meeting took place. Durhamn County Boy Retires as Editor Industrial Canada' W. Arnot Craick, 70, for 33 years editor o! Industrial Canada, monthly business magazine, me- tired Sept. 30. He was also man- ager o! the publishing deparîment af Canadian Manufacturers' As-. sociation at Toronto. He is suc- ceeded in bath positions by A. L. Abbott, o! Toronto, assistant edi- tom o! Industrial Canada, officiai publication o! the C.M.A. For 30 years, Mr. Craick bas been active in the Empire Press Union o! whose Ca adian section he continues ta be honorary sec- retary-treasurer. He was a sec- retamy o! the second Imperial Press Conference held in Canada in 1920 and attended as delegale ta the five conferences held quin- quennially since in the United Kingdomn and variaus Dominions. Born in Port Hope, Mm. Craick graduated 'rom University o! Toronto in 1902 and was with Maclean Publishing Company for eight years, until 1910. He wî]1 continue ta reside in Toronfo and plans ta engage in free-lance writing. Dramley Motor Sales Tour Meteor, MINercury Prcfect Dealer Phone Stewart OSHAWA 5505 BOWMANVILLE 3263 1946 CHEV. COACH A Clean Car -------- $1150.00 1946 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN Radio, Heater ---- $1195.00 1947 FORD DELUXE COACH One Owner.......-___$1250.00 1940 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Pearl Grey -----------$850.00 1935 PLYMOUTH SEDA?'ýq' $25.00 Down.. $100 1940 FORD DUMP Ready to Work..----$395.00 1935 FORD %~-Ton PANEL As lu ---------. ý $200.00 1946 FORD 1 -Ton EXPRESS Like New - $950.00 1947 CHEV. 2-Ton STAKE Cattie Racks -- . $1195.00 1950 MERCURY 12-Ton PICK-UP New, Prestone __.. $1595.00 1950 TRAMES %~-Ton PICK-UP New . ....$1350.00 PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 50c PER AD d"WP.*- "M CANADIAIIT StATESMAN, BOMUNVILLE, ONTAIRIO "tURSDAY, OCTOBER Ifl, 105q 2 »Aat *ixq TEN

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