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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1950, p. 5

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THURSDAY OCTOBER12, 1950THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAN VILLE. ONTARIOPAEIV 1/3 cup chopped green pepper 1/3 cup chopped celery 1 tsp. grated onion 1 tbsp. gelatine 44 cup cold water 112 cup cooked salad dressing ~<cup boiling, water Soak gelatine in cold water. Add boiling water and stir unti] a dissolved. Chili and add may- ~V4~t ~ onnaise and sait. When partially MRO set, add prepared vegetables. HoM Oe M CM M j Pour into 6 individual greased molds and chili in electric re- frigerator. Unmold and garnish * .omýaakcrs! The colour with parsley. of fall fashions should send us 'SPinning and twiriing to vie with SAUTED TURNIP ,'nature's coloured leaves as they 4 cups grated turnip dance into nooks and crannies. Salu ttdper 'Sueh colours as polka orange, min- Satnd epr , et grey and ballet purpie seem Cut turnip in haif, Peel. and to make us happy and proud. grate. Place, grated turnip in While preparing meals we shallow pan in which butter has should be pieased with our col- been melted. Add sait and pep- ourful faîl vegetables. too-the per. Stir occasionally and cook. orange pumpkin, the green-grey covered, for about 20 mins. No 4squash and the purpie grapes. water is needed for fresh turnips *These and other faîl vegetables using this method. ~are economical in prjce yet high SCALLOPED ONIONS IX in food value. TOMATO CORN AND 6 large onions. sliced GREEN PEPPER MOLD 3 tbsps. 'butter> i cp cokd crn3 tbsps. flour ,-l c________________Cern __ 12 tsp. saIt 3tsp. pepper 2 cups tomato juice Arrange haîf of onions in cas- erole. sprinkle with haîf the flour, saît and pepper. Dot with but- ter'. Finish aIl ingredients in a scond layer. Pour on tomato jice. Bake in electric oven at 400s.gee for 35 to 40 min- ORIENTAL MARROW 1 vegetable marrow 2 green peppers 3 tbsps. butter 5 ripe tomatoes 1 can rice 1 tsp. celery saît ý' tsp. garlic sait ~OLE Prepare marrow by peeling and ctting into cubes. Soak in sat water for 15 mins. Malt butter in askillet, add green pepper eut the nbrry Saule-Ci fombinaei uatirawnherries. 2 cups ae 2 scps whie grand sbaoing5 sU mîns.FrBes U Craperr Sauce-Combine 1 u eiOOEUmelted butter, U cup bacon drip- mrnced onion, 1 tsp. chopped ca- pers, sait and pepper. For Boil- ed Potatoes. Mushroom Sauce-MeIt U' cup EU butter and blend in 3 tbsps. flour, 3 tbsps. minced onion, i cup con- somme or th in gravy and 1 cup sauted mushrooms. For Vege- U I table Marrow. REIE tbp(for .ED) 1cups omojice igbas "'7 2tus. Wiforesershirlesc - 1cup csoked crub 3ltbsthe butter ad co h ced oni onunil oden ron 1lend 2in the curry powdersi l'ànd the for.Adto matoic ic 1and Worchestershire sauceCo urntigthckand pour ver hesn __ veget ales in ahecasserole. Cov- mewithe butterd ums ndk te at 40degrees F.ugoldnl rumbs Ble broinedtheurves4 (fd orrs. J.sac. C 6 tl targe tortoesth eIie o 4 withcu tread crumbs db i s400 etegreeF n pepperm chr opedSre4 o6 (fortsps.sait CT 6 artsp. peppe 1 egg, wel breatenumb 2 tbsps. melted butter 1Usîng agrpefrut ie eut cen touat ftate. pine t spt nd netfottr or Comine gap tefringreient ctinot ofthtomatoes. Snrinkle- "' WHEAT is mawde Irom 100% L t bole wkedt! Tomorrow, en- %4YOURS TO PROTICT joy deliciaus, golden NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT The CANVASBACK is a we-I steaned!knn mn V-. --.-i-o cante . him by hi$ white body and rd bead. He bas o long, slaping forehead and bil-this is use- fui in distinguishing him from the redhead. A fine game bird, he sbould be protected. THE CARLINS IREWERIES LiMAITED WATERLOO. ONTARtIO t 0 t$43 ALNuD O Teachers and Secretaries of West Dur«nam Inspectorate- '950-,951 School 1Section Cartwright Teacher 1. Miss Gwendolyn Wilson 2. Miss Lois Larmer 3. Miss Hazel Thomson 4. Mrs. Florence Gilbert 5. Mr. Grant Campbel 6. School Closed. 7. Mrs. Harold Crawford 8. School Closed. 9. School Closed. (Cartwright School Darlington U. 1&23 Clarke Mrs. Leila Atchison 2. Sehool Closed. 3. Mr. George Graham 4. Miss Alice Arnold U. 5&25 Clarke Vernabelle Wilkinson 6. Mr. Thomas J. McGuirk Mrs. Olive Moffatt 7. William J. Frankumn 8. Mervyn J. Hobbs Mrs. Myrtle Greer Mrs. Inda Timmîns Mrs. Lenore Hoar 9. Miss Mari orie Collacott 10. Mrs. Ethel Hendry il. Raymond Farrow Mrs. Eva Warren 12. Henry DeMille (South Dariington Se 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Manvers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 10. il. 20. 13. 14. 15. 16. 16. 16. 20. Miss Ruîth E. Payne Mrs. Eileen Knox Mrs. Jessie McKenzie Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell Mrs. Rose Prescott Mrs. Etina Philp Mrs. Will Ashton Miss Betty King Miss June Anderson Mrs. Ruth Malcolm Miss Christella Rowan Mrs. Elizabeth Patton Mrs. Laura Rowan Miss Nancy Wilkinson Miss Shirley Terry Ronald L. Bissett Mrs. Jessie Fisk Francis H. Wilkinson Miss Christine Roberts Union with Ops. Miss Betty Ho\v Union \vith Cavan Mrs. Vera Sarginson Mrs. Lulu Jexvell Miss Velma Thexton Union with Cavan. Lawrence Milîson Miss Marilyn Cavano Union with Ops. Mrs. Fnmily White Union with 20 Clarke andi Mrs. Grace Miller SALSIFY (for Mr. IV. J. \Vasli and peel, cut into I -incl, slices. Plunge into boi]ing splteci water to cover. Cook for 25 min- utes. Drain. Serve choppcd with Faît. pepper and plenty of buitter, or serve in large pieces with cream sauce. Anne Allan invites you to wvrite to her c/o The Statesman. en in your suggestions on homne- making p3roblems and wvatch this column for replies. Business Direclory LE GA L W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 791 Bowmianville, Ontario LAWVRENCE C. M1ASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bown2anville Phone, Office 688 Residence. 553 W. F. WARD. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 9'2ý King Street E., Bowmanville. Ontario Phone, Office 825 Huse. 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanviile Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College. andi Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto Office, Jury Jubilee Bidg. King St., Bowmanville Office Hours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closeti Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudell 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N.. Bowmanville Office Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 REAL ESTATE BOVeWMAN VILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members of the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards J. Shehyn D. NMaclachian Bowmanville 326 Oshawa 689 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITH Cba.rtered Accountants 37 King St. E., Oshawa Mr. Gardon W. Riehl, C.A- resident oartner OPTOMETRY KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist. 74 King St. W. Bowvmanville Phone 3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondas' to Saturday Evenings by Appointment_ Address Secretary Address Burketon, No. 3 Henry Thompson Biackstock, Box Nestleton, No. 2 Henry Thompson 'ýBlackstock, Box Burketon, No. 3 O. J. Hyland Burketon, No. 3 Hampton Henry Thompson Blackstock, Box Nestieton Henry Thompson Biackstock, Box Hcnry Thompson Blackstock, Box Blackstock Henry Thompson Blackstock, Box Henry Thompson Biackstock, Box Henry Thompson Biackstock, Box Are& includes ail Sections with exception of No. 3)- Bownianville, No. 4 M. J. M. J. Hobbs Hobbs Bowmanville, No. 2 M. J. Hobbs Bowmanville, No. 2 M. J. Hobbs Bowmanville, No. 4 M. J. Hobbs Bowmanville, No. 2 M. J. Hobbs Bowmanville, Box 216 Burketon Mrs. Jean Grace Courtice M. J. Hobbs Courtîce Courtice Cou rtice 'Bowmanville, No. 5 M. J. Hobbs Bowmianx'ille, No. 5 Gordyn Brent Hampton M. J. Hobbs Hampton Hampton M. J. Hobbs ;chool Area includes alI Sections i to 12 ýxccption of No. 7 and No. 10) Tyroîîe. No. 1 Fnnilskzilleni. No. 1 Purketon, No. 2 Enn i sk 11 en Enniskillen, No. 1 Tyrone Enniskillen, No. 1 Hampton, No. 1 Bowmanville, No. 6 Janelville, No. 2 Bethany Pontypool, No. 2 Bethany Bethany. No. 2 Janetville, No. 1 Janetville Pontypool, No. 1 Pon typool Pontypool Janetville, No. 1 R eth an v Janetville, No. 2 Pontypool, No. i B et han y Bethany .Tanietville, No. 1 23 Darlington Pontypool, No. 3 Fred A. Partiier Geoi'-re Knox P. W. Pascoe F. W. Werry Clar'ence Av;er.v F. L. Byam 1 I"rs. W. Yellowlees1 Chas. E. Shortnitige1 Dan Black1 Enn iskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Burketon Enniskillen Enniskillen Bowmanville, No. 5 Enniskilleni Enniskillen with the T vîone Enniskillen. No. i Btirketoni, No. 2 Enniski lIen Burketon, No. Tyrone Enniskilleii Hampton, No. 1 Bowmanville, No. 6 Mrs. Ray Robinson Janetville, No. 2 Leonard Gilbank Pontypool, No. 2 Rupert Wood Pontypool, No. 2 George Neals Bethany Walter Neals Bethanyv T. V. Grandy Janetville, No. 1 Harold Moxon Janetville Sam Brown Pontypool H. M. Richardison Pontypool Honace Heaslip A. H. Veals Jaines Gray Leonard Porter F. W. Reynolds W. N. Armstrong W. A. Miller Mrs. Elmo Anderson Jnducted Organist 0f Grand Chapter For the first tie, a member .ý the Durham Chapter' of the Eas t- ern Star OrCer, Mrs. Edna Ander'- son., vas among the dignitaries, installed as officers of the Grand Chapter at an impressive cere- mony in the Roy-,al York Hotel. Tononto, last Friday evening. Mrs. Antierson becomes Gr.-nd Org- anist of the large organization. Deleguates andi members from man.v points in Canada were pres- ent for the event. including about 2.5 membens from the Durham Chppter. Includecl as tielegates were Mrs. Emma Ruthven. Mrs. Greta Brown, Mî-s. Beth Teeple, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Found. Mn. anti Mns. Elmo Andierson. Grand Organist, Mrs. Anderson. who has a busyý year aheati of hcý', 'vas in Creemore on Monday, Sep- tember 25, Willowtiale on Wed- nestiay, Sept. 27, and Kincardinýe on Monday, Oct. 2, for the instal- lation anci constitution ceremonies.- of local Chapters. Janetville, No. 1 Omiemee, No. 2 Janetvi]ie, No 2 Pontypool. No. i Bethany Janetville Pontypool, No. 3 Mrs. 0. W. Rolph Guest Speak-er At Tyrone W.I. Mrs. O. W. Roiph, District Presi- dent. w'as the guest speaker at the Tyi'one Women's Institute hielti on Sept. 27 at the home of Mrs. Howard Brent. Mrs. Roiph tolci the ladies that the institute pro. grain shoulti be three-fold: edu- cation, culture and ser'vice: that education titi not mean a college degnee but that manv nieople do- ing the most v.orthwhile wonk in a community, lacked that higheir edîîcation. She ernphasized that while we shoulti encourage the younger ladies to ioin oui- Instituîtes that we shoulti not fonget the olie,' mcmhers v\ho have worketi so well to build up our o-,-ganization, to what. it is today. She told a very poignant storv to illustrate this. Mrs. Rolph tiiscussed the difference between publicity and public relations and the value of short, well-given current e\'ent talks at each meeting. AU who heard Mjýrs. Rolph felt a neal in- spiration towand better institute work. The President, Mrs. Rosevear. conducted the business period. The roll caîl vas answered by "A Good Book 1 Have Read." A committee svas appointed to locate1 leaders to form a girls' club. It was decided to apply for the Gov- ernment grant. A committee was named to sec about chartering a bus to area convention in Toronto. Mrs. Henry Stainton reported the Ty-1 rone Institute received first prize1 on the exhibit at Orono Fair. Mrs. Rosevear has donated a wool blanket to the Institute to be dis- posed of to raise funds. Mrs. Skinner gave a very timely devotional on "Harvest." Mrs. Rob Roy favoured with two fine piano solos and Mrs. Russell Wright gave a brief talk on "Our Institute Hand-book." The pro- gramme was under the convener- ship of Mrs. Douglas Cole. Ripe Raspberries In Local Garden This seems to be a season of od- dities in the garden world. First there were Easter hules bloomingp out of season, then it was an oveî'- size potato, and now there are raspberries, that have definitely forgotten just when they are sup- posed ta ripen. Whoever heard ol raspberries ripening in October? But they did, because a lady brought them into, the Statesman office Wednesday morning. There were fîve raspberries ripe on thec stem she had picked, and several more nearly ripe. Very unusua) for this late month of the year. The berrnes were picked fron- hier garden by Miss Vîvian Bun- ner. OBITUARY KENDALL L. DOLL His friends in BowmanvillE weL'e shocked and saddened tc hear on Monday that Kendall L.: Doîl had passed away suddenl ', at his home. 46 Heather St.. To- ronto. aged 58 years, of a heart at- tack. He wvas born in Winnipeg and spent his early boyhood in New York City. For several years hefore he took up residence in Toronto lie lived in Bowmanville with his mother, the late Mrs. Harriet Hig- -genbotham Dol], and wvas employ- cd at the Goodyear plant. In hi,, youth lie piayed rugby and base-. bail. In preparing himself for a business career, Ken. as lie waý familiarly known. had i¶igh ideak i and ambitions with pe 'fection hirs pltimate goal. whether in bus- iness or sports. To this end he, studiously ap:plied himself byv tak- 1 ing two business courses in e::cc-i utive administration and sales-! manship which stood him well in latcî' ,ears. He wvas active in the automobile biu, mess in Toronto for 39 years. He wvas former Vice-Presiden' ind Manager or Toronto Motor, Car Co.. and alzo formier gener- ah manarer of A.' D. Corrýe 8- Co. Ltd. He joined thie Urquharl 11Mofoî's Ltd. twvo«'Nca rs e <ýo îs gen - erMn Manarcî' which position he held up to the time of his death. He wFas a mnember of ic e -* ton Golf and Countr'y Club and Toi onto Curling Club. He leaves bis wife. the formecr Margaret Tur'ner of Pelerborough: one daueliter. Cpro], (Mrs. A. F. McDoniald). three sons, Joh'n, Dn- vid and Alan. al of To, onto. an-_ sisteî' Veva. (Mrs. T. J. O'Er;en1) of Winnipeg. H. C. Ki'ger.both- amn. Whithy., and E. C. H;I2in- botham, Calgary, Alta., are cous- ins of dcceased. The editor of The Statesman bas lost a life long and genuine Mienti ,n the passing of Mr. Doîl as the- ,,.ci-e great palîs vhen he live- hrre and since r-novingp, to Toronto. It wvas through Ken tilat the edi- toi' met andi married Mrs. Jame-. Wc are more sociable, and get on better with peole by the heart than the intellect. Brîîvnre IVHAT HAS LABOUR TO FEAR? (Toronto Telegram) What has labour to fear in com- pulsory arbitration if its cause is just? If its demands are unjust it has indeed reason to shun any court of public opinion, and no ruling in its favour by arbitra- tion would wvin the support of the people. If its demands are fair. public opinion will see to it that they are met. It is a negation of demoécracy whcn a fraction of the commun- itv takes independent action that is con trary to the interests of the nation. No mari can possibly Improve in any company for which he has not respect enough ta be under some degree of restraint. Lord Chesterfield OCTOBER 1950 ~Yoe~e~4w 74. u Szmýa/ *ky eei Wma, s Bwl L"VisHiiiCOULD SEND J'OU TOMY SANITONEJ Clothes get back that 'natural" look, because Sanitone dry clc-aning gets out ground-in dirt and grime. . . leaves garments soft and pliable! Here's a really better service, spots are rernoed . .. even pzrspiration stains! Wonderful press stay-s in longer! No dry ciz-ani-i7 odor! Try Sanitone -sec hovv clothes sparkle liMe.-nevw again! EIVE LEICH 'S Cicaners & Dyers - Laundries PHONE: OSHAIVA ZENI'rH 13000 Local Agenfi- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR a I CROWN BRANDO KITCHEN DETECTIVE MSuAr FOUI fOUSE! HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: The Crown Brand Ktchen Detective wilI be in your neighbourhood. Me wiII select, ut random, a Iist of bornes. He wiII cali at these homes sometime during the day and when you answer the door, this is what happens: 1.* He wiII identif y himseif and presont his credontials; 2. He wil ask you if yeu have a tin of Crewn Brand Corn Syrup in your hoema; 3. If yeu have a tin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup, ho wiII ask te see if; 4. Aft.r you show him yeur tin of Crewn Brand Corn Syrup ho wiII present te you a .1 - Gift Certificat., redeernable for $25.00 worth of greceries purchaseable at the grocer Z from whem yeu bought your Crown Brand Cern Syrup, and whose name yeu wilI give ta the Kitchen Defective. ýtè*SYig Thal's ail there is ta if, sa moite sure you get a fin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup todlayl THE CANADA STARCH COL.PANY LIMITED. . e Montroal . . Toronto q IMPORTANT If, when the Crown Brand Detective colis on you, you do not have a tin of Crown Brand in the haute but have the two following Canada Starch products, thon you ore eligible for the $2500 basket of groceries: SILVER GLOSS LAUNDRY STARCI4 end &ENSON'S CORN STARCH TI4URSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1950_ PAGE FIVIC

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