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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1950, p. 6

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FAÇq ,qpr !AAJMIEA six ~WAVIL.ONAT The Newcastle Independeni Il Miss Marraret Asb Pum and frolic was the outstand- lg feature of the Newcastle Lions Club "Stag Night", held in the Queen'e Hotel Oct. 5. "'rono All- tar" Donkey Basebail players de- luxe; the Kirby Tug-of-War Team and thfi Bawmanvllle Lions were SU guests of the local Lions Club and taxed the capacity of the din- tng-roam wberc turkey was king for the day. SWth na reflection on the work of BilUle Meek, outstanding enter- tainer, and bis most competent and obllglng accompanyist Ernie LILLIAN MAE MARSH School of Dancing Ballet - Tap - Toe Character - Barre Masonlc Temple, Centre St. OSH AW A 1iformatton -Oshawa 3048W Nyal Creaphos Stops bard branchial coughs Io an Ideal tonie $1.25 bole Starn Your Vitarnins Now Aiphamette Llquid .85c-$1.65-$3.00 Alphamette Caps. -- $1.00-$1.85.$3.00 Nea Chemnical Food: LIquId ---$1.35-$2.95-$4.95 Capsules --$1.45-$2.65-$5.95 One-a-Day Tablets A & D -' ----- 59c-$1.33-$2.50 One-a-Day Multiple Vitamins --$1.25-$2.50-$4.00 Kepler's Extract Malt and Cod Liver 011.. 90c-$1.501 Barnes. the feature of the evening was the address of Dr. George Miller, reecntly returned f r o m Switzerland to take up a new post tin Washington. Dr. Miller spoke of the work of the World Health Organisation and of the fears of that organisation, what bacteria- logical warfare could mean and stated his opinion that this type of warfare was more fearful than the atomic bomb. Business was at a minimum during the evening but a brie! re- port on the blood bank was given and it is uriderstood a demand for this service exlsts. Oct. 19 Is to be "Dr. Butler Night" and members wil bave to leave their pipes, fags and the Tall-Twister, his cigar, at home that nght as it wilI be a smokeless nlgbt which will benefit many, other than the venerable doctor. Miss Dorothy Devitt, Mr. Roy 'Wrigbt, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. HOME PERMANENT Tivice as easy - Twice as fast Only $2.79 Complete FOR INNER FITNESS!m-.M ra. E NO'S "FRUIT SALV" Corega Lactogen 93e 100 Dental Baby Noxzema A.S.A. Powder Food Cream Tablets 23c-39c-69c 69C - $1.69 79e . 9e Vitarnins for FOR THATOstaco Dra ps $1.35-$2.25-$4 Viosterol 65c-$2.50 COLD 0Oleum Rus IN... ,Percomorpheum --95c-$3.99 Suppiavite Drps $1.25-$2.00-$3.75 àInfantol ----90c-$3.0 Zma Drops $2.25 "KINE 0F PAIN ~ Ayerst 10D Cod 5-17 Hematinie Plastuies - $1.00 Ironized Yeast Tablets------- - 98c-$1.69 Chase's Nerve Food ---------- 69c-$1.79 6 ,9,N" uWLING ' JJKUU STORETRSE I randfather was a thrfty soul but 6iw lie gambled!1 In fact, once upon a time, ail business men whc, advertised were, willing or unwilling, confirmed speculators. They couldn't help it, because in those days they had no way of knowing what rhey would get for their money. Today, advertising money can be invested on a basis of facts-the in- formation in the reports of the Audit Bureau of. Circulations, a national, cooperative and non-profit associa- tion of 3300 advertîsers, advertising ageacies and publishers. The A.B.C., organized in 1914, has established standarr4s for measuring the circula- Wright, Toronto, vislted Mrs. Gar- don Ash and f amily on Thanksgiv- Mr. Walter Hayes, bis ater, Mrs. Kirkpatrlck. and her grand- son, Carl, Rochester, NY., vlsited ber birthplace and the sc811C5 of her childhood at the home of Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. on Tbanksgiving Day. The Hayes f amiiy left here 40 years ago. Mrs. Toplif!, Peterboro. spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare. Wbile bere she vislted ber many friends around town. The many bahl fans got a last game thrill last Wednesday when Kendal played Betbany in the lo- cal park for their last game. Ken- dal won 7 to 3. The young f ry got a kick out of! the moving pictures in the Hall Saturday nlgbt. It is to be boped. that this practice is continued at least for the winter. Mrs. P. F. Le Gresley bas return- ed after a deligbtful trip ta the States with ber sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Embley and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Em- bley, Mrs. Reta Embley, Miss Mabel Oldfield and Mr. Tracey Manes spent Thanksgiving Day wth May- or and Mrs. Tracey Maines, Lea- side. Weekend visitors witb Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce were Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinson and Marilyn, Cbesley, Mrs. Joe Hockin. David, Douglas and Jamie, Ajax, and Miss Peggy Pearce, Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shortt on the birth of their little son In Bowmanville Hospital on Saturday. Miss Jean Williams, Toronto, spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Pennegar. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Dixon, Tor- onto, spent the hoilday with his sister, Mrs. Chris Law, and Mr. Law. Misses Florence and Mary Tuf f, Toornto, spent the weekend witb their aunt, Mrs. Frank Branton, Church St. Mr. F. J. West, Regina, Sask, spent a few days with bis daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilf. A. Blaney. Mn. West was en route ta Regina after spending four weeks visiting friends and relatives ln England. Mz. West works for the Sask. Industrial Sehool for Boys and visited the bcbools in England. Miss Eileen Ganer. Toronto, visited Mrs. Cbarles Finley oven Thanksglving. With a nean capacity congrega- tion the Cburcb Family of New- castle United Ctiurch acknowledged the dlaims o! Dominion Thanks- giving Sunday in prayer and pralse. The minister's text was taken from Psalm 16, "T'le lines are fal- len unto me in pleasant places, mine is a pleasant heritage." The Cburch Channel was beauti- !ully adorned with fruits, flowers and vegetables - tokens of the Creators Gcodness. This beautify- ing of the church was made pas- sible by the Young People. Tbe choir in superb style, rendered the anthem, 'O Give Thanks Unto tbe Lord,' with Mr. Glenn Prout as so- loist. The re-unims about the home beanth were equally matched by gathering about the cburch altar. Mrs. Wilf A. Blaney and ber fathen, Mn. F. J. West, spent a few days with Mrs. Blaney's sister, Mrs. Jim Angus, and Mrs. Dave Lyall of Toronto. Miss Betty Gray and Mrs. Evelyn Waite, Chesley, spent the holiday weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Talbot Alldread andi family. Mrs. Frank Gibson left last week tou tions of newspapers and periodicals, just as there are definite standards for the weights and measures of mer- chandise. This newspaper is a member of A.B.C. Our circulation is audited by experienced circulation auditors. The information thus obtained is issued in A.B.C. reports which show how much circulation we have, where it goes, how it was obtained and ocher facts that tell business men what they get for their money wherî they adver- tise in these co1umns. Ask for a copy of our A.B.C. report. -on~Îu sttgmm 1 ta, spend a few months with ber1 daugbliers la Toronto. lirs. Roms Embley Is supplylng at the Post Office while your cor-1 respondent enjoys a week's holiday.% Miss Dorothy Trenwltti, Toronto,i spent tbe holiday week-end wtb bier aunt, Miss Louise Trenwitb. 1 There was many a disappointed9 baIl fan around town wben the Yankees took the World Serles ln four straigbt games. Next year thej Phillies sure won't lack experience anyway, perbaps then tkiey won't be just sentimenltal favorites. It bas been brougbt ta aur at- tention that nothing h'as been isaid about Newcastle's Low-Cost Houa- ing Project for some time,-Are the Council stilI worklng on It? We be- Ileve this was brougbt Up toc, dur- lng the election campaigni I Mr. and lirs. Arnold Tomkinson and baby were week-end guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barchar4d and family. We are *indeed happy ta hear that Chris Barchard Jr. la sbowing a marked Improvement in Oshawa Hoapital. Mn. and lirs. Douglas Wright, Trenton, spent the holiday week- end with relatives and fiends in tawn. Sabbath visitons at the United Chunch Parsonage were Mn. and Mns. Amas Osbaldeston and son Ronald, Gaderlch. We were very sorny to learn that lir. Harry Couch's condition war- nanted bis removal to tie hospital. A speedy recovory la aur earnoat wish for hlm. Messrs. George "Sandy" G17abam, Vctor Garrod and Norton Cawan wene lucky enough to be able to motor to New York for the final World Series gamne on Saturday. Mir. Clarence Clarke, Trenton, spent the holiday week-end with bis father, Mr. Asa Clarke. Sympatby is extended ta lira. W. H. Gibson oh the suddon lass of bier sister in Meaford last week. A fine congregation attended the Harvest Home 7banksgiving ser- vice at St. George's Anglican Churcb. The alter was tastefully decorated with flowens while fruits and vegetables wene in abundance as proof o! God's kindnesses. The ministors nomarks wene pointed toward the goneral thanks off ered by eveny race on this do- minion hioliday ta the Lord oun Creaton and Preserven. Prayens and hymus of thank!ul- ness were lustily proclaimed ta our Saviour. Cartwright Council Signs Papers To Purchase Armouries Tbe Municipal Council o! Town- ship af Cartwright met on October 2nd at 8 p.m. D.S.T. Members all present. Reeve Heaslip i har Minutes read and adopted o o tion a! Councillars Black and Sweet. M%1. Dick Watson was present and expressed bis appreciation and thanks ta the Council for fixing road up ta Caisan's cemotery. ln Garnet Wright seeking damages for 2 lambà kllled by dogg. M.r. ,Bowes re suggosted plan of subdivision on Sam Bruce Estate. On motion of Black and Cochrane proposed plan' appraved. Mn. Archie Dysant and Howanrd Saywell asked for Lodge room for L.O.L. Na. 133 in Coin- munity Recreational Hall. Le! t for funther consideration. Stuart Donreil a.nd Richard Van- Camp requested usual grant ta Ju- nior Farmers. On motion of Coun- cillons Black and Sweet grant of $25.00 given as usual. lirs. Vine, lins. J. Farder and Mrs. G. Thomp- son o! Nestleton W.I., discussed witb Council senlous condition o! a wom- an at Neatleton who bad been in bod for a year and bad no one to nurse bier. W.I. ta supervise nursing and housekeeping assistance and Council ta give some financial as- sistance. Ail accounts for nursing and other expenses ta be approved by Woman's Institute. On motion o! Cochrane and Sug- gitt Reeve and Clerk instnucted ta sign rest of papers lu counection with the punchase of the Armories fnomn the War Assets Corporation. On motion o! Sweet and Suggitt Clenk instnucted ta try and get some one ta dlean up cemetery at Bethal Church and somo vacant lots ln Çaesarea. on motion of Black and Sweet ae- counts paid as followa: County Trreasurer, Hositalisation, $70.00: Mr. Harold Reynolds, Toronto, at Mn. J. w. Yelowloes'. lin, and Mrs. Stanley Sharp and Laura, Ida, at Mn. J. R. Kivell's. Mn. and lins. Jack Marks and Marilyn, Toronto; Mrs. Charles Allin, Bowmanvllle, at Wes. Yellow- lees'. Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Smales and David, Hampton; Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Brian and Karen Ornuston, Ebenezer, at Tomn Bakor's. Mn. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, Osh- awa; Misses Betty King and Alona Switzon, Tbonnton's Corners; Mr. and lins. Walter Davis, June and John, Kedron, at Ralph Davis'. Mn. and lins. Bryce Brown and Jean, Mrs. R. J. McKossock, Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa; lirs. W. A Ormiston. Bnooklin; lMr. aud lins. Bill Nichol, Billy and Roberta, Peterborougb, at Bruce Tink's. 1 Dr. and lirs. George Wenry,j Carohyn and Docald,)Mr. and Aira. Noble Metcalf, lin. Charles Werry, 1 Oshawa; Mrn. and lins. John Bal- son, Mn. and lirs. Keith Blllett and Mary Jean, Hampton; Mn. R. J. Luke, Nedran; Miss Olive Luke, To- ronta; Mr. and Mns. W. Brown, Maple Grave; lin. Frank Short and Mnfs. Editti Johnston, Brampton, at S. . E. and Wesley Werry's. Mn. and lins. Miorley Cook, Miss Doris Cook, Mn. Tommy Sbeldnake, Colbonne; Mr. Arthur Gorlng, Osb:- awa; Mn. and lins. A. L. Blan- chard, Hampton, witb lins. Chas. Blanchard. Mr. and lira. James Rucif, Ro- chester, NY.; Mn. George Schahl, Washingtonl, D.C.: lin. Orval Lunn, Misa Muriel Langmaid, Peterbor- ough, at Roy Langmaid's. Rev. S. R. Hendenson, Bowmnan- ville; lin. and lins. Evenett Brown, Maple Creok, Sask; Miss Ada Pas- co, London; Mn. and lins. Cecil Jeffeny, liaple Grave; Mn. and lira. Bort Stevens, Hampton, at Mn. A. L. Pascoe's. lin. and lins. Frank Lycett and famlly, Enfleld, at lin. S. Hocka- day's. Mn. sud lira. Waller Parninder and Helen at Mr. Archie Lunn's, Kinby. lin. and lirs. S. Hockadsy at N. Leach's, Taunton. Mn. and lins. David lionnîson, Oshawa, at Lamne Kellett's. lin. and lins. Ernest Larmer, Blackstack; Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterborough; Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, at E. R. Tsylor's. lin. and lins. George Boutillier, lins. A. Blewett, Mn. L. Blewett, New Toonto; Miss Jean Cryder- man, Toronto, at Everett Cryder- man's. Mrn. and lins. Harold Balson, Gene aud Virgînia, Hampton, at A. J. BaIson's. The Thsnksgiving occasion was reverently obsenved at Eldad on Sunday when the annual Harvest Thankofferng services were held. Rev. G. Emprey, ministen o! the Hampton circuit, delivered the theme message lu the a!ternoan and welcomed aIl wtio shared in this service af worship. Rev. S. R. Henderson, o! Tinity United Churcli, Bowmnanvillo, conducted the evening service and brought another challenging address on the great need for a true spirit o! Thsnksgiving. Miss Alona Switzer,_ i ART PHONE ZI48 Tharntan's Corners, was guest sa- lolat at bath services and tbe choir sang appropriate antbems. Kay Beauprie Tops Ladies' Ma5or League Kay Beauprie took top honors ln the Ladies' Major Bowling league on Monday nigbt, coming up with a nice single o! 369 and bigb triple of 776. OtheF good games to date, D oris Polley single of 271 and triple of 665. Averages Kay Beaupnie ........... Onie Etchen ............. Jackie Elliott ........... Ann Gay....... VI Coole....... Hilda Bnock*........ Rutki Banclay......... Audny Burnsa........... Doris Polley............ Team Standings Team Cannons ................ Luxton ................. Etchen ................. Beaupri................. Countice ................ Lockbsrt................ King ................... Canton.................. Brack .................. Coole................... Barclay................. Jol..................... Points1 ZION The community gathered at the home a!flir. and lira. Tracy Glas- pel on lionday evening sud pro- sented Mn. and lins. Keith Petons (Eileen Glaspel) with a china cabinet. lin. and lira. Boyd Ayno, lins. Russell Penkins attended Markham Fair and visltod Mn. snd lins. Arthur Rso. lin. and lins. Gerny Glaspol vis- ited at Weston on Sundsy. lins. James Staintan, Miss Grade Staluton, Mn. Keith Stainton, lis Muriel Moone visited lins. W. J. Stainton and Misa Frances Stain- ton, Buf!falo, N.Y., on the weekend. li. n.udlira. Michael Nemis, lir. and lins. Robert Kilon visited lins. 's 1949 CHEV. SEDA14 - - $ 1975.00 Black. Approx. 3,500 miles. Like aew - OnIy 1949 CHEV. 5-pass. COUPE - $ 1975.00 Light grey, low inileage. White walled tires, heater and defroster. Must be seen te appreciate its snmart appearance and performance. 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN - $1660.00 Blite. You also get a radio, heater and defroster ail for the same maaey. 1947 BUICK SEDANETTE - $1975.00 Metallie bine. Buit-in radio, under-seat heston ani bulit-in defrostens, window washers, back-up lights and many other extras. A buy you don't want to miss. 1941 OLDS. SEDAN 1938 NASH COACH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, UEO Tom Currie at Hamiilton. Mr. and lins. Edwin Geissberger1 and family, Maxwell, were at Hans [Geissberger's. Mir. and lir. Ivor Gerry, Toron- ta, were at lira. P. B. Glaspel's for the weekend. Mir. and Mrs. Ralpb Glaspel and family, Tyrane, were at Oerry Glaspel's. The W.A. Ladies' Choir will f ur- nish the music at the Harvest Home service on Sunday. Oct. 15. Mr. and lins. Wes Cameron and Joyce, Miss Marie Killen were at iOrono Park on Buflday. Mr. andm m r. PoM D&VidauI and Peggy wre at Ban Hubbard' Burketon. Mir. OrvMle Knapp la gettlng bis new house frmme-work up. It is estlmated that there are more than 3,400,000 households in Canada. In the fiscal year ending March 31, 1950, total operating expenseW@I> of the CBC were $8,240,000 ancFthJ net operatin"-eflclt was $4,0: FROZEN FRESH!l!l FISH FILLETS AND STEAKS INDIVIDUALLY PRICED Fresh Frozen 15-az. STRAWBERRIES .-55e Fresh Frozen 15-oz. PEAS-------.29c Aylmer il-oz. bot]. KETCHUP ----_ 18e Nabisco 2 pkg. Shredded Wheat --- 29c Fnesh Frozen Ii-oz. RASPBERRIES ---41c Fresh F'nozen ' 15-oz. GREEN BEANS --33e Aylmner 10-oz. TOMATO SOUP ---10 York Brand 15-oz. PEACHES 20C -Free Delivery Service ALLIN'S Quality Meats aad Groceries M. A. "Pat" Yeo, Proprietor 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 MARKET DO WNAN VILLE Eg) $995.00 1936 PONTIAC COACH - $480.00 Heater. This car makes travelling a pleasure. 1936 CHEV. COACH - - $650,00 Hleater. Miles of pleasure for a loin purs. 1 $395.00 i.0 1941 DODGE SEDAN n - $895.00 1936 PLYMOUTH COACH *- $295. Metallic blue sedan. Heater and defrosters. You can save enough to pay your income tax Looks amant - performs beautifully. on this car. 1941 PONTIAC 5-Pass. COUPE - $1050.0 Heater and defroster, new paint job. Looks like aew. 1939 FORD COACH - - - $875.0 Heater and defrosters. So easy to handie, even your wife could drive this. 1939 DODGE COUPE - n - $780.01 Heaten and defroster. A good car for a two-some who wish ta be alan. some. 1939 PONTIAC COACHn $875.00 1936 FORD COACH - - - $395.00 Another good car to f it a small budget. 1935& BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN - $375.00 We are like a credit company, we give you a run for your money. 34 CHEV. SEDAN - - n $295.00 A good means of economical transportation. 1934 DODGE SEDAN . n n $350.00 Opportuaity only knocks once, there is no knock in this. 1938 CHEV. COACH - n- Heater. More go for your dough. $695.00 1930 DE SOTO SEDAN m 0 m $575.00 Heater and defroster. Art cried when w. set the price on this one. 1938 PIERCE ARROW COUPE - $680.00 Radio and heater. You can beat your wife, but you can't beat thîs. 1937 LA SALLE CAB. . . a $395.00 A fast car for a fast persan. 1937 DODGE SEflAN - - - $650-00 Heater and defrc*iter. Sa economical, you could bc a miser and min this. 1937 CHEV. COAChf « $675.00 Heater and defroster. Practically a car free for a èare free person. n n $125.00 An aIl round buy, for an ail round guy. MILK FED Roasling Chickens ----lb. 55c Order early - Iimited supply CAR Th is Week's Special 1947 OLDSz SEDANETTE Lglft bin colour, equipped with buit-in radio, defrosters and under- 1750 sea heter A arvery well taken care of with very low mileage.---- -$5 5O 1947 PONTIAC SEDANETTE - $1575.00 1936 PLYMOUTH SEDAN - - $450.00 Black. Equipped with built-in radia, heater and Heater. This is one reason why our profits defrosters. A car ta suit aay one persan. aes al Two-ione - Itydromatic Heater and defrosters. A beauty. 1941 PLYMOUTH COACH - $1080.00 Two-tone green. Heater and defrosters. Original tbroughout. A pip. i., ê 'h * * 4 1' Q g i. 1936 FORD COACH - - - Econorny, with a vengeance. Heater and defroster. A good deal for a fast deal. 1933 CHEV. SEDAN n n n $295.00 1938 DUICK SPECIAL SEDAN - $790.00 Plenty of room for carrying hunting equipment and? Heater and defroster. A big car for a big family. on your hunting trips. Corne in, look arournd and enquire, il cosis noihing. Bill Sîack and Jack Bishop will be happy Ia take yau on a tour of aur loi. mmý- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1. IbAew-ir 42TIr ,-!Z- )o 193 mma

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