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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1950, p. 10

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PAGE TENTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO * SÂtJ1bbJA.fl~A ~~AtJA.JJ~4Sb 1O~ ARUM spacious li sen home Three Days at Cherry Hili ll n h around us By O.V.C. developi fhomes, in Cherry Hill Farm, Unionville, the home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Madsen, known now to many as the Danish-Canadian pioneer off the Canadian Folk School movement, was the scene off much activity recently when some 30 people, ranging in age from six- teen to sixty, gathered for a Folk School Refresher Course, in pre- paration for similar schools which it is expected will be held in various Ontario counties through- out the coming months. Fmom many parts off Southern Ontario we came - ffrom Man- ltoulin, Grey and Bruce in the north-west; Lambton and Elgin in the south-west; Peterborough and Durham in the centre, as well as from neighbouring York, Peel and Ontario. Durham County was represented by Betty McHolm, from Welcome; Shirley Quantrill, from Elizabethville; Glenn Larm- er, fromn Blackstock, and Oakley Carley, from Cavan, who were present for the entire cmrse; and by Ed. and Olive Milison, ffrom Orono, who were wîth us for some off Saturday affternoon and evening sessions. In fact, the at- tendance fmom Durham, if not the hhghest, was equalled by only one other county. From varlous con- versations, it appeared that many off us were present through the co-operation and the support off our local Federations off Agricul- ture, which is an indication off the growing interest in this rural1 welfare and aduit education move- ment. For some, 1 t was the first visit to Cherry Hill Farm, to othersj It was a eturn to the scenes off many pleasant associations in past days - at the Pilot Folk School two years ago, as well as the1 annual folk dance festivals andi reunions. For some, it was the( first experience of a folk sehool: for others who had attended or conducted such schools else- where, it was an opportunity for exchanging experiences w i t h others, and off gaining inform- ation and receiving a renewal off inspiration, which would enable them to carry on more effficiently in the days ahead. The sehool commenced activity on Thursday,.evcning, when the early arrivais, about fiftecn off us, sat down to supper. More ar- rived from time to time through- out the evening, others came in the ffollowing morning. School commenced in earnest then, the group meeting in the assembly r o om, famiiiarly known as "Cherry Hall." in the lower floor off the big barn which has been entirely converted for use as a folk school building. Here. in front off a fine, new stone fire- place, varlous speakers addrcssed the "seholars," conducted dis- cussion groups and carried on other activities. One off the main topirs taken up was the reports off various schools conducted dur- ing the past two years. The methods off operathon, the strong points and the weak ones, and the resuits obtained were ail gone in- to with the purpose off making the schools off the future more effective, or guide- those who would be conducting folk schools for the first time. It was agreed that more publicity, in the way off pictumes, films, reports to com- munity newspapers and radio stations, personai interviews and invitations, was necdcd to extend the knowledge and the apprecia- thon off these schools. The program off Saturday fol- lowed the pattern off the previous day. By way off variation,, in the evenings we met in the beautifful Tested in Your Soi!! Proved in Your Kilns! EVEN MORE ADAPTABLE! 0 Again for next season you can get the sarne high quality Blenn that Ontario growers have proved produces tobacco with full-bodied, fine-textured leaves of good colour. But now Blenn is available in an analysis that makes it more versatile -more growers can benefit by its advantages. So order your supply now frorn your Blenn dealer. "I'm for Blenn 100 per cent"8 Tbat's the recommendation of rJoecph Kekes R.R. No. 1, Eden, O0t, -ho adds: "The results 1 got kst year using Blcnn Plant Food were outstanding. It Is the inest crop 1 have ever grown in my entire growng experience. The yield was ~ exceptional and 1 par- ticularly liked the quality and colour when the large, fine-cetured leaves were cufed." PLANT FOOD DIVISION as we wer( F.O. Box 39, New Toronto, Ont. quainted. Leaving THIS FALL ... Thousands of people are stili the beauties of the Canadian Holidayers everywhere are mari the wealth of scenery and the abi of wild creatures. This natural heritage is yours t( But once It becomes depleted, it can neyer be replaced ail obey the rules of conservation we will be assured of ev holidays in the years ahead. Think of tomorrow-Canada,i fores and wildlife, strearns and lakes, is yours to protect. CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO NATURE UNSPOILED-YOURS T.0 pROTICT-yoURtS living roomn of the Mad e, where Mrs. Madsen e appreciation of beau ty s, and off how we migh e as d y Ag it, esReleased by Agi gs.Jontlusf his This week Agricultural Rep ýriences in Denmark and resentative E. A. Summers re nd off how he and Betty leased the results off the variou ird and prayed earnestly Junior Farmer club tests held hj ration for the day when Durham County during the pas they would be able to few weeks. The results as print farm home, such as they cd below are by clubs with thi 3ess, and to establish *a total number of points receive( 1l for the youth off their by each contestant following hi lpted country. Having naine. Each name listed belov much to themn in their will receive a cash prize in thi memark, they felt this near future. Detailed break a fitting way in which down of each contest will be sen .eir sincere appreciation to the individual Junior Farme. aas a land off great pro- within a few days. opportunity. Ws uhmSieCu fof recreation on Friday Wet ham Sine Club irday evenings, we ail heemn a n to the upper floor off Blackstock Fair, September 2nq - formerly, the hay 1 Glenn Larmer, Nestleton R it whicli some day wiIl R. 2, 96 1. [ly be a gynasiumn - 2 Keith VanCamp, Nestîctor ,a fine, smooth pine R. R. 2, 9 50. n conducted an hour's 3 Bill Ferguson, Nestîcton R folk dancing, including R. 2, 946. our old favourites, and 4 Richard Van Camp, Nestieto: ig us to some ncw ones. R. R. 2, 9 42. to say, the hours spent r) Orville Hindman, Hampton ced to consist off about _97 inutes, instead off the 6 Ted Werry, Enniskillcn, 934 Y. 7 Ernest Saunders, Nestietor inorning, we ail gath- R. R. 2, 933. he school room to hear 8 Joe McGill, Enniskillen, 922. erry, artist woodcraffts- 9 Donald Green, Nestieton R aturalist ffrom the near- R. 2, 914. .mity off Cedar Grove, 10 Clarenice Stainton, Bowman. eto us on the wonders ville R. R. 1, 906. around us, as plants, il Barry Smith, Cavan R. R nd bîrds prepare for the 1, 896. tr ahead, and off how ' 1 Edgar Bell, Cavan R. R. 1. Creator lias made pro- 896 r al lvin thngson 1'3 Max Lycett, Bowmanville y previous agreement, 81. ag yet omnil lars" (although 14Paie ucet, o82nv8. r, since some had to 88 -neealir)filled four orR 15 R. K. Vîciger. Nestleton R Sand drove over to R ,76 larkham, to attend the East Durhamn. S%'ine Club ing service in St. An- Achievement Day ited Church. The group Port Hope Fair, September 3( the auditorium together 1 Ross Bamsey, Port Hope R pied the front pews, R. i 897. Swere under the keen ýminister, Rev. G. A. 2 Alec Martin, Newcastle R who at the announce- R. 3, 896. ,od, gave us a cordial 3 Newton Selby, Newcastle, 875. At the conclusion off 4 Glenn Bidgood, Ida, 851. ewe received a further 5 Glen Bothwell, Cavan R. R )f friendly interest from 1, 846. iembers off the congre- 6 Tommy Dawson, South Mon- ho evidently took ser- aghan, 845. Sminister's admonition 7 Terrence Cruse, South Mon- ing to show any visitors aghan R. R. i. 822. Andrew's was a really 8 Ernest Derry, South Mon- hurch. The auditorium, .aghan, 812. Sdecorated and empha- 9 Douglas Olan, Millbrook, R. nksgiving for the boun- R. 2, 806. rst, the music off the 10 Malcolm Syer, Bailieboro en member ch-oir, the 795. 'anksgiving hymns and 10 Alian Thompson, Millbrook, nail combined to make 795. -orable occasion, one off il Francis Tufford, Port Hope ual uplîft, a greater ap- R. R. 3. 788. off the value off the 12 Nesta Libby, South Mon- -h, and the wide fellow- aghan, 779. hristians everywhere. 13 Maurice Pollard, Port Hope afternoon, we met R. R. 3, 694. 'herry Hall to hear Dr. 14 Jack Ogden, Newtonvillc, d. Assistant Director off 260. idian Association for 15 'Ray' Gowland, Campbell- ration, (one off the or- crofft. 245. sco-operating in the Durham Beef Caîf Club 1off National Farm Aheemn a .imn) who spoke about Aheemn a head off us, to which he Blackstock Fair, September 2nd unique and appropriate 1 Sam Turner, Bowmanville R. )ration Folk School." R. 4, 93 1. rto the farmn home we 2 Larmer Rosevear, Tyrone, 926. more, where, affter the 3 Clifford Bristow, Campbell- off Danish hospitality crofft R. R. 2, 893. and cakes, John and 4 Donald Green, Nestieton R. ressed their sincere ap- R. 2, 888. off our interest in the 5 Francis Quantrill. Camp«bcll- 1bade us good-bye and croft R. R. 1, 859. 6 Alan Dayes. Nestieton R. R. utside on the spacious 1, 803. ,e bright, warmn Octo- 7 Kcith Stapletoni, Newton- ine, xvhich incidentally ville, 75. ailed throughout the South Durham Dairy Caîf Club edays, many 'good- civmnDa Pexchanged with thoseAcivmnDa ashort time ago, were Orono Fair, September 9th to cach other. but who 1 J. Earle Brown, Newcastle R. ced like old friends. R. 2, 957. te power off human as- 2 Gerald Brown, Newcastle R. especially when drawn R. 2, 932. )y a common purpose, 3 Merrili Brown, Newcastle R. ýoff the valuable 'by- R. 2. 929. of the folk schools. In 4 Donald Sherwin, Orono. 911. 7as regrctted that the 5 NocI Chant, Burketon R. R. coming to an end, just 1, 906. re reaily becoming ac-r 6 Ron Brooks, Bowmanville R. R. 3, 904. bchind the scenes off 7 Roy McHolm, Port Hope R. R. 1, 902. 8 Gordon Wilson, Garden Hill, 895. 9 Doug Cruickshank, Hampton carry some off the spirit and in- spiration of the sehool back to those wvho supported us in this new and, we feel, great adventure in rural citizenship. TO70ENJOY 0119S b Winners Are ricultural Rep. is st t- re .d is manville R. P. 2, 830. 18 Jack Neal, Orono R. 794. R. 1, Durham County Potato Club Achievement Day Campbellcroft Hall,, October 4th 1 Elliott Dunbar, Port Hope R. R. 1, 954. 2 Newton Selby, Newcastle, 945. 3 Charlie Peacock, Campbell- croft, 938. 4 Nelson Gardiner. Port Hope R. R. 1, 927. 5 Winston Peacock, Campbell- croft, 908. 6 Clifford Bristow, Campbell- croft R. R. 2, 880. 7 Lorne Hiekens, Port Hope R. R. 1, 832. 8 Albert Chislett, Port Hope R. R. 4, 824. 9 Frank Gardiner, Port Hope R. R. 1, 822. 10 John Bell, Campbellcrofft R. R. 2, 803. Il Garry Carr, Ida R. R. 2, 794. 12 Edward Wycotte, Campbeii- crofft R. R. 2, 662. The following thmee did not complete Club work: 13 Ernest Derry, S. Monaghan, 357. 14 Robert Hayfford, Pontypool R. R. 3, 354. 15 Lynn Hay ford, Pontypool R. R. 3, 354. Durham Grain Club Achievement Day Agricultural Office, October Zndi 1 Arnold Brackenridge, Miil- brook. 956. 2 Gerald Brown, Newcastle R. R. 2, 953. 3 Earie J. Brown, Newcastle R. R. 2, 949. 4 Alec Martin, Newcastle R. R. 3, 939. 5 Merrill Brown, Newcastle R. R. 2, 937. 6 Newton Selby, Newcastle, 935. 7 Harold Hammond,* Bowman- ville R. R. 4, 934. 8 Ray Stapleton, Newtonville, 895. 9 Roy McHolm, Port Hope R. R. 1, 894. 10 Laurie Stapleton, Newton- ville 878. Il Keith Stapleton, Newtonville 876. 12 Francis Tufford, Port Hope R. R. 3, 865. 13 Glenn Stapleton, Newcastle R. R. 2, 863. 14 Douglas Rowe, Newcastle R.f R. 3, 860.t 15 Allun Osborne, Port Hope R. R. i. 837. 16 Jack Ogden, Newtonville, 827. 17 Edward Rowe, Newcastle R.. R. 3. 822. 18 Francis Quantrili, Camp- bellcroft, 797. 19 Douglas Cruîckshank, Hamp- ton, 523. Victoria County Boys1 Inter-County Winners At Plowing Match On a field swept by winds off almost gale force and intermittent sheets off rain two Victoria Couri- ty boys won first prize in the Sai- ada Tea Inter - County Horse Plowmng competition, major ev- cnt on October 12, at the Inter- national Plowing Matches held near Alliston. While the wcathcr resulted in a much smaller crowd than the previous record break- ing day, ahl competitors agreed that it made the. ight ioamy soil off six hundrcd acre Nottawasaga Valley Farms just about perfect for plowing. Thirteen-year-old Ivan Bell off Kirkfield had the highest num- ber off points thoughi the other member off the Victoria team, his cousin, Gerald Bell off Woodville, wvas not far behind.- The Went- worth County team consisting off George Markie, Aiberton and Tom Braithwaite off Ancaster won second place. These four boys, with a trip manager will make a tour off agriculturai and conser- vation project.s in the eastern Un- ited States next spring as guests off the Salada Tea Company off Canada, Limited. Blue 'Ribbon Classic ""The King's Guineas" For Best Beef Steer Hope Township Junior Farmers Hold Banquet About 70 members and guests attended the Hope Township Junior Farmers' banquet at Can- ton Community Hall on Friday, October 13. Miss Irene Walters, assisted by MViss Mary Rutherford, led in a short sing-song, after which Miss Waiters and Mr. Lloyd Kellog11r sang a duet. Mr. C. E. Stephenson, the goues speaker, gave an excellent ad- dress in which he said "Agrictil- ture could only succeed in a demo- cratie form off government." lin his speech he warned against the infiltration of an undesirabie' political group.i Miss Marilyn Bristo\v entertaîn-! ed with an amusing monologue.1 Mr. E. A. Summers congratu-; lated the Junior Farmers on theirr splendid work. The remainder off the evenin., was spent in dancing. Better Packaging And Grading Apples For Retail Sale 1'We would like consumners to know what they can expect when they buy apples at their localý store," Agriculture Minister T. L. Kennedy off Ontario said today in announcing a new commercial' display competition at the Roy4i Agricultural Winter Fair, Nv 14 - 22. The exhibit is being jointlyI sponsored by the Department of Agriculture and the Royal. "It is being sponsored to familiarize the consumer with new and bet- ter packaging and grading ol apples," he said. 'At the' sanie time the display wilI show other growers and packers of app!eý how good a job can be done in merchandising their products." The competition is open to any group off three or more bona fide apple growers or to growers' co- operative selling organizations. The display is to consist off at least 75 per cent reiulation com- mercial or consumer packages and should rover a space off about 150 square feet.. Last year a similar commercial display section was establisherl for vegetabies, including pota- tocs. Finest guarantee work doue by. experts. Prompt service. Free inspection. Briug in your watch. DuraPower Mainspring* f«r ELGIN OWNERS Availo-ble for replacement in most À.imd. oif l"fli Metai... t ped.4g; Jewellery 43 King St. W. Phone 463 BOWIMANVELLE Ontario's young farmers are bu- U B il Iu El %I 1 sy preparing their entries for the blue ribboui classie off farmdom, the Kiag's Guineas, which will be L C R 1 , tral ntcr airheNov.l 14 -L M S The GuWinearhav a4 -h2storyP dTin gubcknearlyav 100 yseary _ ~i when the lateearKin 100dw ar s ~ w.,v then Prineof WalKngecratedla thenPrice o Waes, reaedf ffund for the development off ag- ~ 1# 9~ riculture in Ontario and placed it in trust with the Agricultural and Arts Society off Ontario. When the Society ceased to exist, the ffund was tumned over to the On- tario Department off Agriculture to be kept in trust in perpetuity, the proceeds off which are award- ed at the discretion off the minis- ter. The guineas are presented to the exhibitor off the champion baby beef steer owned and exhib- ited by a qualiffied member off the Boys' and Girls' Caîf Clubs off Ontario. Since the animaIs are selected as top animais off their respective clubs, each entry me- ceives $20 and-even more priz- cd than the money-a suitabie sweater with the club crest to which is added "The King's Fiffty Guineas" for the grand cham- pion. A DANGNRL LCTC Later, aIl the calves are sold at CANAD AN GENEA.,,,,* RI euction. Entered wiil be Short- horn. AMgUS and Hegrd ateers. Among the sources off those in- numerable calamities which from age to age have overwhelmed mankînd, may be reckoned as one off the principal, the abuse off words. George Horne Falsehood is in a hurry; it may be at any moment detected and punisheo: truth is calm, serene; its jîîdcmcnt is on hir~h: its k~n~ comneth out of the chambers of eternity.-JosePh Parker. Truth is 'the summit of being; juistice is the application of it to f fairs.-Emerson. FROM FACTORY TO YOU BABY CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Lowest Price in Canada. Beauti. fui first quality, completely tuft- ed. No sheeting showing. All colours, double or single bed sizes. Flowered or solid patterns. $5.25 each. Sent C.OD. plus postage. Immediate money-backN% guarantee., you wil_j order more. Town & Country Mfgrs., 6330 Mountain Sights St., Montreal, Quebec. -j The Work C/o thes that laugh at #d'rd Wear! sBig 8 8 A OVERALLS WORK SHIRTS, WORK PANTS FOR THE WORKING MAN Haughs "Big 88"' Overails are premiumn grade over- c!ls-combining Haugh's Sanforized Gold Label cloth and finest workmnanship ... Extra full cut for more comfortable fit, with the *Tug.of-war"' crotch and heavy diamond bar tacits at ail points oF strain for longer wear. Vour best overali buy, because Haugb's "~Big 88" oare betteri 1. A. HAUGH MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. TORONTO, ONTARIO Does Your Roof Look Like This?. Or is it WEATHERTIGHT like this ? If you want a roof that's weathertight and long. lasting - then get Barrett Storm King*' Roll Roofing. The 19" overlay provides double cover- age over the entire roof. It conceals nailheads, Iocks thcm inside, prevents thern frorn drawing with frost or rusting away. The individual rolis lie fiat and firrn. They're actually Jused together when you use Barrett S.I.S.*~ Roofing Cernent. Ask your Barrett Dealer for "Stormn King" Roll Roofin g- three attractive colours to choose frorn. ljour Barrett dealer seils Protection PZlaw He stoc.ks a compicte fine of roofing, insulation and wcathcrprooling materials. He's got what it takcs to stop almost any wcather. Whcther ynur prohiem is leakage, scepage, rust or rot- BARRETT DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE LANDER HARDWARE 7 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE Phone 774 THE CANADIAN STATESmAN, BOWNL&NýE, ONTARIO IMItTI.c;nAV. nr-Ttll!%IrR IQ- la.lÇa 9 a lu FR AI PAGE TM

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