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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1950, p. 13

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TRIJRDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1950 THE CAKADIAIf STAT~SMAK. BOWMM<VILLE, ONTAMO PAGE THIRTEEN V'ery tew activities happened last week to take one's mind from school work-nothing, that isf outaide of rugby, bowling, bad- flunton and operetta. The first two activities are capably re- POrted beiow. Since junior bad- --minton mernbership bas been led ta tbree dollars, and Sa far ei1 eads are doing most of the practicing for the operetta, there remains ile for me ta write about. Working avertime for the per- fection of H.M.S. Pinafore are Grace Nicholson as Josephine, Gretta Snowden as Buttercup, Lloyd Martin as Ralph, Ken Hock- in as Sir Joseph Porter, Ivan Wooley as Captain Corcoran along with Claire Allun, Bob Gallagher, Ted Ott and Earle Brown as Hebe, Boatswain. Dick Deadeye and Carpenter's Mate respective- ly. A completeîy new system for the awarding of "Athletic A 's" in which badminton will be includ- ed is under formation by the Ath- SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO OTTAWA WINTER FAIR OCT. 23 - 27 FARE AND ONE-HALF For the Round Trip Good Golng-Saturday, Oct. 2hst ta Friday, Oct. 27th inclusive. Return-Leave Ottawa not later than midnight, Sat., Oct. 28th. Full information from any agent. rom- .. harder ta obtain and consequcntly valued more. First-forpiers were nat partic- ularly over-jayed With the news of an extra set of cxams. They wil be over in time for a Hallo- we'en celebration of some sort, which is being planned by the Students' Council. JIUGBY By Bob Gallagher Last Friday B.H.S. falcd a mare determincd Whitby teamn than the anc they defcated Wednesday, 15-0, and lost a hard-fought battle 10-1. B.H.S. played good rugby but could not match Whitby's powerful lime or hard-driving backfield. B.H.S. could not gain on plun- ges or passes and cansequcntly Whitby had control of the bal! for three-quarters of the game. The game was the exact opposite of Wednesday's with the excep- tion of kicking-half Ivan Woo- ley who was hoisting them high and far. Bill Murdoch was by far the best for B.H.S. but a bad ankle injury slowed him down. Grant and Ritter were the pick of the B.H.S. line. This Friday B.H.S. plays at home against Port Hope and must win ta stay in the running. Port Hope defeated B.FU.S. 10-0 in Part Hope but jùdging from an inter- view with Mr. Ross and we quote, "The score will be reversed." Let's hope so! TEEN BOWLILNG By Jean Hutchinson Anyone following the crow that left achool on Tuesday an Thursday at four o'clock woul be led to the bowling allcy, wher the team standtng changed con siderably and is as folhows: PointsPin Bob Gallagher ------ 10 288 Ran Frank ---------- 10 275 Jackie Elliott 8 291 Norm Allun ---7 290 Retta Cann - ------- 7 26U Dat Kihpatrick -------5 *285 Lorraine McFarlane -- 5 261: Ld n- Murray Wmnacott - 5à 2552 Stephen Sisson - 3 2332 Jack McCoy 0 2562 AI Richards 0 2317 Art Joncs.___-__ 0 O 2179 The hlgh single was Bob Gai-' lagher with 278. The hlgh double was also Bob Gallagher with 479. IRECREATION CALENDAR KCen Luxton High RScores With 378 1'5 In Major League 3 Ken "Lucky'\ Luxton, the boy 55 with the new twisting baîl, came 2 very close to a bowlcr's drcam on -Wcdnesday hight. Ken had 8 straight strikes and then in the ninth he pulled the head pin, in the tenth he came back with 3 more strikes for a total score of 378. This is high game for the Men's Major League this year. The Hearle brothers were next, Reg with 32 .6 and Bill 307. Two bowlers hit the -800 mark. Ken Luxton had 828 ta win the Royal Theatre tickets and Bill Hearle had 808. Eight other bow- lers were over the 700 mark, Reg Hearle 755, Ted Hoar 750, Doug Carter and Doug Taylor 737, R. Maynard 732, George Elliott 730, Ted Bagpell 709 and Hap Palmer 7ù2. Jack Lancier won himself *a prize w1th bis score of-96. H-ar- old Bennett was next with 101, Blaine Elliott 107, Ran Maynard and Don Swcete tied with 112. Bill Bates' team had high team score with 3380 and is stili on top of the league with 24 points. Luxton's tcam had high single score of 1238. Ailey Chatter President Norm O'Rourke is do- ing a good job this season and Norm will be pleased to show any bowler how he can improve on his 'bowling average. We might add it is a good way if you don't get caught. Mel Dale bad ta bowl Wednes- day afternioon as he was busy at night dclivering birda to the Bad- minton Club. The way Dr. Rundie's team bowled the other night It; would be a good Idea If Doc lceft. for the deer hunting grounds. Team Standing Team Pins Points Bates ..-.ý -- --- 13285 24 EIliott ---- 12694 20 Rundle..........12823 18 McKnight - ----- 12908 17 Westlake----- 12958 15 Hoar --- 12353 15 Mine -- .----- 12352 14 Luxton 12156 12 Bagnel --- ----- 12071 12 Osborne 12748 10 Phillips --------- 11758 7 Hearle-------------- 12261 4 I[ndividuaI Averages Name Games Ave. A. Osborne-- 12 242 R. McKnight 12 232 T. Hoar.----- 12 230 B. Westlake 12 226 B. Gallagher . 9 225 Dr. Rundle 12 223 D. McKnight 12 223 C. Rundie... 12 223 K. Luxton 12 221 E. Rundle------ 12 221 B. Hearle 12 219 'H. Palmer 12 218 T. Bagneil 12 218 B. Mutton. 12 216 J. Gay 12 215 A. Pip r -- ---- 12 215 J. Cale 12 214 P. Cancilla --- 12 210 R. Hearle ----- 12 210 R. Maynard------- 12 209 WhenYour DaC Begins l'o Ache REAOI FOR 4811 6 ry )N ce, isi 1- rs id BOWMAN VILLE COMamuNJI COUNCIL, FOR -RECREATIO: Thursday; Oc$ober 19 4:15-Teens' Bowirig- Leagui Martyn's Bowling Acadcmny., 7:30-Ladies' Dressmaklng Cia.- at Lions Community Centre. 7:30-Organization cf Art Clasi (Aduit). Lions Communit Centre. Evcryone iýeed wel came ta attend. Frldzy, gotober 20 4:00-Jr. Stamp Club. *Lion Cammunity Centre. 7:30-Basketbal « Game an( Teen . Town Hallowe'en Dance Admission 35c. Monday, October 23 7:30-Waodworking Class. Op en ta any age, male or femaît Free use of ail pawer tools. Cený tral Public School. rnstructor Mr. M. Slute. Tuesday, October 24 Teens' Bowling League. Mar. tyn's Bowling Academy. 7:30-Ladies' Smocking Class Lions Community Centre. 7:30-Leathercraft Class. Oper ta anyone any age. Lions Com- munity Centre. Instructor, Mr M. Slutc. Wedncsday, October 25 7:00-Boys' Gym Class. 10 tc 14 years of age. High School Gym. Bring running shoes. Thursday, October ;6 4:15-Teens' Bowling League Martyn's Bowling Academy. ,' 7:30 - Ladies' Dressmaking Class. Lion's Community Centre, Instructor, Mrs. G.,S. Buchan.. n ea. Perfect and his boys took that good in Enniskillen, even fivc more points on Friday Iast if the wamcn plantcd ii. ta retain a two-point lead ini firstý Team standings are: place by trouncing Enniskillen Pts. Pins Youngsters for two games but G. Perfect -----. 24 11239 otook quite a beating in the second Foundry ----------------22 11945 hl game of the session. Ennigkillcn Corn Borers 19 12070 The Lodgemcn bowcd ta the B. T. S.------ 19 11383 Enniskillen Oldies by losing two Eliiott --. 15 11157 of the threc games to thcm. C. O. F. _____ 14 11313 Wearn and, T. McLaughlin had Wcstlake --..___ 14 10692 more on thé bail than thé others Maple Grave . . 10 10514 but were fairly well aisisted ail Tyrone -----------9 11107 *the way along. R. Brock bowled Enniskihlen (1) 9 10319 an impressive 383 for bis threc. Sheppard & Gifl 7 10005 To tell the truth they ahl appear- Bhackstock--------- 6 9569 cd inebriated'at lcast by the score. __________ Westiakc again led bis ,tcam ta an even fivg points over Tyrone, M s .H oe oi witha 652 for threc. Tyrone M s .H o e ol came ta lifein the second but Higli Single in died again in Uic third. Abe rTweddle hchped Westlake1s cause Ladies' Major Group considerabhy. To Sheppard & Gil-The wail- Monday evcning showed the ing wall is downstalrs sa please bcst attendance ta date. Sa, keep don't. cry on the aleys. These it up girls. Came out and hclp boys hast seven points ta the tcach- support your team. ers at B.T.S. K. Yco is still tops LUIh Hooper rollcd the high for B.T.S. Cut bragging, Har- singhe game of 295. High triple rison, you only had anc good anc. was tied by Kay Beauprie and Mape loe astf ve pontstaHelen Lockhart rolling 629. Kav Geo. Elliott. Oea. sure was the as had a grand average of 202. bigshot, 798 for three,' abiy as- Nice going Kay. sisted . by Compcau -and Quenn.. Standing of Tcams 1 wonder what .would happen if Luxton 23, Etcher 21,'Connors the applause stopped, Gorgeous. 20, Lockhart 19, Carter 14, Brock C. Milis was the big guns for 14, Beaupri 13, Courtice 13, King Maple Grave. 13, Coohe 11, Barclay 7, Joli 0. Under the leadership of Smith Hlgh Averages & Smith. the Faundry taok firm Kay Beauprie 202, O. Etcher hold on second place by taking 189, T. Ehiott 188, L. Hooper 184, five points-from Blackstock. Vi Coole 179, H. Lockhart 174, A. One question boys. When is Gay .174, B. Carte r 173, R. Bar- any-lone tearin swteluagyeealy Clay ,Ü I, D. Polley-.170, H. Brock mean jZood ones. Thanka boys, for-the card, but arn sure you can't grpw corn NESTLETON Dr. Slemon 9 209 The Nesticton W.I. sponsorcd a L. McFeeters 12 208 cuchre party on Friday night R. Halllman----- 12 207 which was quite a succcss. Win- R. Oke---- 12 205 ncrs were. high score, lady's G. Elliott-----.- 12 205 prize went ta Mrs. Percy Van M. Harrison ------ 12 203 Camp, Blackstock: consolation R. Richards 12 201 prize to Miss Dorothy Reynolds; A. Spicer 12 201 high score, gcnt's prize, Mr. E. G. Piper 12 200 A. Sues, Caesarca; consolation M. Dale ---------- ---12 200. prize, Mr. Ivan Proutt; luck num-- BAHS. "Screech Owl"à Norman Allia ZION (Hope T-wp.) The sympathy of the commun- ity goes ta Mr. B. Crossley and Mrs. M. Irwin in the loss of a loving.wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Dunn, Oshawa, called on Mrs. E. Cald- well and Mr. R. Tamblyn. A recent gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton included ail the members of the. family now living at a distance: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morton and family, Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morton and family, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. B. McGahey and family, Peterborough, Wintcr's icy fingers are rah ing out here and there and leav- 5/x#1889 #iio orna If'AT!R(X.DITA~jO Willia 1 Lycctt, says: Your wife will find it difficuit ta step into your shoes if you leave them fuil of bis. It's a thought, isn't it? LET'S TALK THIS OVER BOWMAN VILLE ,I'HONE 2382 j It was Sept. 22, 1949. At Little Rock, Ark., Toronto Tip Tops were matched with the Clearwater (Florida) Sombers. Tip Tops had battled their way un- defeafed through the cream of North American softball teams-with the worid titi. as their goal. Faced with the Bombers' ace hurler, the Toronto team trailed from the 3rd ta the 7th inning-then tied it Up,. M-. For the next 10 frames the teams battled a dead- lock. Suddenly Tip Tops rellied. ln the 181h they. blasted two men home .. . end became the fIrst Cana- dian team ta Win the world softbali chompionship. -o',' William L. Lycett Close teamwork fias won many fIrsts for Canadion sports- men. And teurmwarkr with sportsmanship, con help yau, tac- in wark and play. Togethier they k.ep your scope for opportunity ln Canada . . . un- limited. .x-..,.han=p u... m E :'.ain ioi rakaea SECA US- tii; ambd lu uu rhall a tcuy Dheus Kidny miahave 6a .d wh rmu fmm baache.y .céing@U bayàes. GelAl u cm w hteRING ST. -E. (Kea, Cemofery) ,exander BO WNAN VILLE Motors PROIE 551 TH E CANADIAN STATÈSMAN, IBOWMANVI=t ONTARIO ,"Just becaus. h. sav.d .nough to buy a Canada Savines Bond." OCTOBER 1~50 7~ke ~&?~9~ # P~s#i ~ 4'Ia~ 42w*V~ ek,,,, ~',f e<7f 1 GO for the... SANITONE DRY CLEANER H. gets out cil the dirt and presses everything so beau tifullyl You'11cimb on the Sanitone bandwagon, too . .. when you discover how wonderfully different this better dry cieaning reaiiy is. Here's a service that gets even the dccp-down dirt out of your finest fabrics! No trace of dry cleaning odor! Try it today-you'l neyer go back ta ordinary dry cieanwg. YiA!> EVE LEI CE S Cleanors & Dyers - Laundries PUONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 LOWs Agent:- HOOPERS LADIES' WEAR Personal Memo ber, Mr. Wi]ford Jackson. Ladies ing blackened vines and foliage wild. ducks made their deter- decided ta have another euchre wherever they toueh. These îast mincd way south. Flying in T- piarty Friday, Oct. 27th. few sunny days are the more formation, the crossbar was a A number from here attended Idipn thin line of about a dozen spread anniversary services at Cadmus.~ preclous for the duil, dipn out; fromn the c'entre fiuttercd a& Mr.Samson Lndsy, isieddays and nights of the week prcv- long dense line of occasionally Mr. amponLindayvistedious, but that Iùlp in the air squawking birds, with character- bis granddaughter, Mrs. Fred lmeanis warm jackets and kerchiefs istîc autstrctched necks and rush- Crawford.1 if ane is ta enjay the . utdoors. ing wing-beats. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yel- 1Asu ddcn houd snort in the woods _________ vertan, visited Mr. and Mms.1 betrays the presence of a deer, Victor Malcolm.: too quick in his getaway for the Men give counsel; but they Mr. and Mrs: Errol Fallis, Sask., eye ta dctect. -Fhocks of wild give not the wisdom to profit b3r visited Mr. A. H. Veale and Mr. geese fhying south; noisy crows it. To ask wisdom of God, is the and Mrs. Chas. Fallis.1 congregating and families of beginninR of wisdom.-Mary Bak- Mr. and Mrs. George Johns 1blucbirds swaoping here and er Eddy. and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin there alI tell of preparations Economy-minded B. C. may visited Rev. and Mrs. Harry At- against the cold ahead. replace Provincial Police wlth P. kinson, Oshawa. This marning a large flock of C.M.P. Miss Gladys Emerson enter- tained a number of friends toa a party for Miss Yvonne Chant be- * ff foarc she leaves for hier ncw home .........A- in London.II,1lIffUf1w go -PAGETRIRMN IDurham- Conty Bowling League BO'ýMANVILLE 4j - P- COOOjý ý PHONE 551

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