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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1950, p. 14

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'~ pAdg TOVRTEEN - . - -- - - - - -- - ~- - - - ... - - --. --- *S ~A~IZIÂ~ OLA~LbMft24~ ~JWLWA. V4LêL~I., u~a'&tu~. . -. - - -- - THUJCSDAY, UL~~O1~EJ! 15, 15~U ~PItV 1~A$.? A imi A* - . - . - ~.. en a ....Èm ..n r .-.n.... - a. ea TheE Mns. Wlbur Henry, ket, spent the weekend Mabel Davy. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A! family were Sunday Mr. anid Mrs. M. J. Ta Min Laura Alun. 01 tended the anniversar3 and vlsited her brother, ence Allun. and Mrs. Ai] guests were Mr. and à Taylor, Bowmanville. Mr. Murray Paterson weekend at his home hi Miss Shirley Porter, spent the weekend with ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ne Other guests were Misse and Celia Paul, Toront< Mr. and Mns. Russe] ton and children were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. B: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Millsor day. 0. LANDEI C7 King- St. E. 1 "4Warmc it says Mr. and Mm. Ru of needs resulting They read the ad timely and clothing, drugs, fu for the bouse> ind4 Ih will pay you about your nterch vertising ini thesec When you use üi ment us made on à tion. Ask for a cop ntQZ fi Mnt. asud -m". A.1 A. Druipmond ~ y.In the déath of his*aunt, Miss Amnie Drunmond af Newcastle r>ono N ~ews Miss Viola Gilfillian is viuitlng ber nephew, Mr. James GIllian Mm IL. . &Logan and family,. in Montreal. --- We extend incere uympathy ta Mr. Colin'Smith and children, Newmar- Mr. and Mrn. Geo. Crawther Rose Mary and Neil, iu the death with Miss and Charles, Newcastle, vlsited of a laving wife and mother. The on Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. sympathy of the entire commun- Lhton and Norman Allin. ity goes out ta them lu their nad guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns. Baw- bereavement. imblyn. manville, were guests of Mrs. C.' Mr. Sam Keane, Brighton, apent ýshawa, at- Wood an Sunday. Sunday with his parents, Mr. sud y services Mise Audry Billngs, Toronto, Mns. A . H. Keane. ,Mr. Clar- spent the weekend at hier home The Wamen's Institute held a in. Other here. veyscesaful sale ai home bak- VIs. Colin We are sorry ta report that ing on Saturday afternoon in the Diane Phasey felliniiithe achool- tawn hall. Afternoon tea was spent the room on Tuesday morning and served and, two cakes were iere. fractured hier ight arm. We raifled. Mrs. D. Hooper won the ,Oshawa, hope she wlll have a speedy rq- fruit cake and Mra. J. Feuster the hher par- covery. angel food. The proceedsamar- ounted. to $35.00 which will be il Porter. Qulte a number of ladies from used for coinmunity welfare. 's Dorothy Orono attended the open meet- Thmniesr evcs*a 0. ing af the Canadian Club, Bow- Park 'Street United Church were il1 Ormis. manville, and thoroughly enjoyed héld in the Town Hall on Sunday, guests ni hearing Mis. L. T. McLaughllni's October 15. The hall was dec- rown and description of her trip ta New orated wîth fall flowers which ,n on Sun- Ztaland and Australia. addgetyt h euyo ~wè extend sincere sympathy ta the services. The Rev. J. K. Moffat, Siceoe St. Church, Osh- Sawa, was guest speaker, taking as his text in the morning "If any man enter in he shaîl be saved. and shall go in and out and find Pasture" -and in the evening new h ehis theme was "Does Liue Add * Up." His stirring and appeal- new hom e, l~~~ng messages were greatly ap. IIGMSSOSt o Thechor sng wosere Te from the new - United Natic -enniversary collection wa4 aven reports beek there for discui $600.0. . hip Council'a Visitin~ Missi MURPHY PAINTS FOR EXTERIORS Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Moffat and three- sns were guests of Rev. The outside of your home will reflêct. and Mrs. A. E. Eustace at the- pletely wipe out the.ui relation- - parsonage on Sunday. ship between the dollars of the the beauty of the interior with lasting Mrs. Manson Comstock, Bow- two countries . . . would let the lovelinesa that beaus the weather mnanvîl, visited an Sunday with two cunrencies move in relation Mns. Ephniam Evans and attend-. ta each other as economie con- year after year. Smooth ed the anniversary services. ditions required. That would flot f win Mprevent pnice increases in the U. g uipyPainsareS. from being. reflected in Can- casier ta apply. last longer. 111e ad on g9ods imported from h eneral inflationary trend i h MhMII TOWII FOR WALLS L osa aaaU S. from being uoaily Looksat C nada copied in Canada. Transformâ rooms and halls iflto a "I What the world is facing today dream of loveliness with your own Canadiana: One of the largest is danger of Communist conquest, family reunions even held in the now flot in some distant time, selection from Il charming pastel intenior of B. C. recently, at Rut- alter it bas been proved that won- land Whe-n Flemings met, six sist- denful social and economnie shades. Petal Toue is the . ens, four.-,biothers, 38 grandchilc¶- schemes can be eetablished. Only -.reft and. gréât graudchildren possible action at, the moment finest of washable wall An eitpensive glass of beer: a bar- 'S ta stop Cornmunist conquest by paints - fat, sei.gîoss tender in a Northern Ontario force, and any suggestion to the hotel grot a german thaler, dated' contrary is okaying the. Moscow and glosa. A 784, trohi a customer for a glass game. (Now it's being done). of suds: now the coin is worth North Battleford News: Thus, $17 . . Twelve wasps invaded the at best, provincial-municipal re- NARVU FOR WOODWORK meeting of Smiths Falls town lationg, and, Dominion-Provincial AND 1FORNtUREcouncil meeting one night recent- backward areas of the globe, need ANDFIJNITRE y; thene were tweîve casualties a lot'of tuning up before the best Add ricti and glowving beauty with finally alter quite a battle . .can bp expected of them. The Mayor Vale aud Treasurer Brooks exploratony and devolopment Canada's- sxartest high glass enamneL signed their names 400 timos to a work that must be done before the debenture issue totallinig $336,- langer ta sk of union can ho suc- NARVO is easy spreadizig,. gives 900, took them two houx-s ta do cessfuly fàced is to say the least, gratr ovraeand longer it .. At Chillivack, B.C., Al- prodigiaus. But this work can be greaer overgebert Frey bas a second cnop of doue and shaîl be done as the wear, is available in raspborries coming; apparently humran race heads for economic nobody told them summer was and moral redfemption in the years 25 delightful colours.- oven . - . At Tisdale, Sask., the that lie ahead. United Cbunch W. A. bowling tournament got away to a flying _____________________________stant with oven 200 bowlens tak- LkeSoe lre ing part; ladies' high score nely L k ShrCa e. 100 points betten than the men 's Pain sfiN RVUAt Giind Manan, N.B., in Mr..and Mrs. Frank Johns andt ______________________________ arold Penz's garden is a 15-lb, family, Mr. and-Mrs. Fr.ed Wil. squash that grew strait up four, son, Oshawa; Mn., aud Mrs. Mor-r and a half feet traom the earth ley.Alin and f amily, Newcastle,1 .. uOe acre plot of Eagle Oats with Mr. aud Mrs. W. Basker-* -at the Olds, Alta., school of agni- ville.c culture threshed 134 bushels to Mr'. and Mrs, Geo. Jaynes andL the acre while at Haskett. Man., Sanidra. Ceylan; Mr. aud Mrs.c HA D A Etw: farmers threshed barley Hany Wade, Port Gabwt R H ARDW ARE ~~ ~~~yielding 65 bus. to the acre...Mran s Bvaye.V TeHerald for MacGregor, Man . adMs ey an BOWMANVILLE Phone 774 cannies a display advertisemeut by Mt. and Mrn. Robin Alldred the Bluebird Cafe which re minds -aud Lois spenit Suntlay with Mr.0 kids that two free cones will be and Mns.. Donald Duncan, Brook- I given «for the highest average ~ in. class exams . .. Stanley Durr ai Miss K. Richies visited Mr. and Bromhead- brought to the Este- Mrs. Sid Lancaster, Newtonville. van, Sask., Mercuny, potatoes . .. Mr. aud Mrs. E. A. Tonkin and t At Vulcan, Alta., councillors have David, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mrs.u solved and have noa more "bad Jack Crago, Newcastle, weren roada"'; wherever' there is a bath Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.d stretch, they call it a "detour," Sam Powellt at least the Advocate tells the Mrs. E. Bull. Barbara and9 story. Smitbs -Falls. Record-News- Bobby, and Mrs. M. Pninglet Canada is* a land of the future* Bruce and David, Toronto, with Hene, lun the ages that lie before Mr. and Mns«. W. Adams.. us, world histony nxay neveal itseli. Mn. and Mrs.. Bob Shupak, To- Today is now and uusoiled, a land ronto, spent the weekend withu of desine fon all those who are Mn. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. di weary of the histonical lumben- Mn. sud Mrs. W. Graham and t coumns. ta mourn hon passing heie oly bis paper Your advertising ines Oil 'Heating cf wo gna MNdcblldnen, Cara Ir- biai cf(mct-.-uditd crcua. MIESTOURPREENT Win sud Mrs. Norman Earle (Thel- kt bis f fcts-udied ircue MKESTOURPREENT ma). Ida, Ont.; ane sisten, Mns. >of our A.B.C. report.* HEATING EQKIPMENT Clara Sharp, Oshawa, and four TWICE AS GOOD brothers, Cameron, Peterborough; _______Melville, Toronto; Wellingt on, Mondovi, Wisconsin. sud Elgin, - Saves Fou Money on Tour ot oe ?4p .-smma . h ui oficlatlng. Interment at Wel- uDNWwSLof Cit" 4 e f UOS"d" .,ha. e" àm h w okaiin aan ILUMBINO - HRATINO Bous. Mon 238 28 King St, W. Bowmanille Pono-74 o ,rritorleu ln thse U.N. Trusteeshlp System. wilI Iea'v' Ions headquanters ln New Yark and bring their ssion. Shown bore are members of the U.N. Truste.- sion ta West Afnica, meeting à tribal chief tain. Prosperity % R. H. Greuvihe If is not having store beyond our need But knowing of no lack God cannot fMI That coustitutes -a truc prosper- ity; Not stdrng up against some fu- ture ill But drinking deepiy of each mo- ment's joy; Nof acquisition but the power ta find. Beauty and bi> essing lu the nean- at-band. A strong, sound body aud a healfby mind Are blessings past the powen of wealth fa buy, Yet God bestows thoni freely and outnight. No lack on limitation can be ours Wheu we walk momonfly by faith's cdean higbt. Trusfiug sud thankful, kuowiug that we are Heins fa a kingdom that is iu- . imite. Look ai 'Her, Teeth It may ho old stuff ou the back fifty, but puzzled city folks stili wonder how you can tell the age af a cow by hon toeth. If the ani- mal bas no bintb certificate- isn't. a pure bred registened béas- tic, bore's baw if figured ouf: At 12 months or less, ail the milk (cailf) incisor tefh are in place. -Af 15' nonths, the centre pair af incisor teeth may ibo replaced by, a centre pair af permanent in- cisons, the latter teeth being througb the gums but not yet ini wear. Af 18 monfhs, the middle pain ai permanent incisons should ho f ully up sud in woar, but tbe next pair, the finst infermodiates, bave not yef cut througb the gums. At fhree yoars, thene should be thnee pairs ai broad teeth iully up sud lu wear and the corner milk teeth may ho shed or shed- ding, with the corner permanent teeth jusf appearing fhrough flic gums. That's what the Royal Agnicul- tural Winfer Fair says, anyway. Contnary fa common helief naf- urai gas pipelines seldom help levelop now industries in the dis- tricts fhrougb which thley run. But fbey gneatly aid the expan- sion ai exlsting industries. FRO TRXI ARIA t h a otUN.atvtedre..fruxth FROMUnteId NaRiC hadtarteFan Nantis, .N. activiteirInee fmte Shew Unled Nasthonsiedquonarriva noN rinl ae heiof slies feor Sohw r landhden sent-bUNe atratinlrthrn'inad f upes ford mothers md chlldren sent by U.N. International Childrens Emergency Fund., Largest Birthday Party on Record Mn. sud Mis. Percy E. Green- field wete in Peterborough on Friday'participatîng In one of the largest birfhday parties ou record -the observance af the 75th an- niversary af the Prudential In- surance Company ai America. The occasion was marked by sim- ultaneous gatherings of some 75,000 people lu Canada, the United States sud Hawaii. Iu Canada the celebration had a double significance as the anni- vensany yean colucided with the opening ai the Pnudential's Can- adian head oafice lu Toronto. During the 41 yéars tbat the company bad been senving Can- ada, more than 1,000,000 Can- adians bave taken out more than one billion dallar-s ai Prudential Life Insurauce. The Canadian 1leadquarfens was establisbed fa efficîenfly administen the bus- iniess whicb pnevlously bad been baudled iu, Newank, N.J. According ta Mn. Gneenfield, this is the first time tbètt the en- tire Prudeutial angauizatian h&,: been able to join in a siru faneous celebration. Ho estimat- ed thaf similar parties were bel . iu approximately 400 cities 11-1 Canada sud the U.S.A. Highhigbtiug the program .WU~ a special broadcast fromthe coin- pany's home office in Newark, which was heard by the Peter- borough gafberng. Extonding greetings ta, the fan-flung Prit- dentia1 "ianlily," Carrol M. Shanks, tbe companys president, tracod the gnowth of Prudcntý_l into one of the wonld's gre2tdt enterpnises, serving more-t 26,000,000 policyholders sud hav- ing assefs af approximateiy 8 2ý billion dollars. Basketball Starts This Friday Night f y, 4 4. ~~4 4- o, $ t 'k, eutered with two teams from Pet- erborough, and one' irom Osh-; awa, Cobourg, Port Hope sud Lindsay. As yet a schedule bas not been dnawu up but the first league game is expected in the next few weks. President of this Lakeshore League is H. Bla--,, Port Hope, with A. Withenspoon, Bowmanville. the Se'y-Treas. At present the Bowmanville team is compos%,d of D. Stutf, J. IDUFF ERINI Mclntyre, J. Graham, T. Dadson,, R. Moonecraft. A Junior town team will bo formed at a latex- date. A Canada wide survey shows transportation costs have lit fle or uo relation. te increases lu the cost of living at diffeenut points. Most prolific source ai ood for fisb in Cauada's streams is noar .1 I alwans ------------IAMNDRINGS Each ring je set in a gleamning sphore of chrome mount.d .on an ebny-black pedestal . . sa thot It con b. proudly presented . .. always We will be glad to arrange a privale showing especially for you V u*e Riv er of ...d ?MOa er. .d b> .f. We iwolbara erceCongela -Phone 747 or 27191 OCT. 21 m Nov6 Admission (Including Tax) m s1.1 When you stant bearnxg basket- bail talk you are prefty sure that winter cau't ho fao fan away. This week members ai the Bowmau- ville Infermediate "C" basket- bail entny auuaunced that fhey would ho sfarting the season this Friday ovening with au exhibition gamne. Thein opponents will be the. Port Hope "C" toam. lu the Higb School gym, starting at 7:30 p.m. Foilowing the game there will be a 'Teen Town dance iu the auditorium.j The team this yean wilho PARKE TORONTO 2 PuB rChildren Under Sixteen Nof Admified UE FIRST CLASS LUNCH COUNTER r Proud41 Pesented...1 Double Guerantea Certifient@ witi, oec l ue River Diamond Rig,..en HOOPER'S JewelWery and Gift Shop *è- - PWKTM A MIMÉ% 1 ýp = ; Bowmanville Phone 70

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