T I I U R S D A T . O C T O B E R 1 9. 1 9 5 0 a .~~~In z ZIJ.I .N E MAN . £ . fI J Y L ~ , W T 4 N V 4ITI. , O P T A K K A C I v s ru- o EVERY CUTr WELL TRIMMED TO GIVE YOU MORE«MEAT WITH LF-88 Glen Rae's snllk Io one fo d economy. A't*h*t hmeflue is too smaii. Low iriep WAST, AD, F CURS, CNAD'S op DE 0FBEE - ED lane l mn hi9 draft wastes fuel in dirty clîn WATAND BLCUEBRAN EFDAI L GAEAFTU -RE that. always atItls best., ' r 1aimp mokes oo. Wastes dollars, too! Proî AND LUEBRAN BE. EF- DILY EATRE. ver dayof he yarthrough lack of air. c OR lbACTSFT RE MI SLICED c6.75< 3Man ov r, o oa5fr0IT HRih o CM.E AE lb. 45e laI easy ta digest and docaA II V f DRI PMI UULEES479 DILINCFOWL n45< IIERIif SPalep. ACEEA FRESH lb. W ~Order Glen Ra'. milk ta-Q uÀKER PM UTsr*** b 5<SEA F00D VALUES day. SWEET PICKL.ED FRESH COTAGEUnomSth. 144 OB FUEmS « .«îb. 330 < WD CHOIE &____L____1M EH .T D RONI SCOTCH ______&0971____ IN MNTu BRKF S AMON 570 oeith.rs391 IMJLM 4fI I'..mlel MAPLE LEAP RINDEM O -- S.t busq=CS LE .SIDE BACON - s * Ialb 5< Jar- - l o.65e - B - - L&m« Icno mbaLugo.cP .. 9 Lot Us Give 'rhmks Home and Country on the "Heri- Wm. Atkins. Toronto, visited at ship service was uinder direction produce a sufficient number af of Hampton; Frank and Perey, cause of poor home life,_ ba tage of Wales." It was very in- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens.. of Mrs. L. Ashton. Mrs C. SI.- Lbases of ail types- ta justify the both of SaUina and Mm. Nelson nelghborhood associations an ~uoJ oct of Talk Cit teresting ta hear about their Eis- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick mon, Bowmauiville. gave a talk où setting of the expensive radio- Fiee (May). Taunton, who made faulty emptanal set-up. Mte rvo Wlfod which ta us wauld b. a enraute ta Montreal, spent the thedevotional, and the Bible read.. therapy'equipment èecessary for the special annlversary cake for The schools under Mr. Eait blapl Grov W.L musical festival and also the W. weekend wlth hlm parents, Mr. mng was given by Mon F~lorence. treatmnent. af speclal cases, ta Say her parents. They' also have 13 augh's supervision, have ceased I. handiwork exhibit. Our adapt- and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Werry., Mrs. Seymour had charge nothing of the tralned personnel grandchildren. corparal punlshment, detentian President Mrs. 1. Munday con ed Institute is in Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton oAibe study chapter., Mrs. R. Ir. requfrsd ta aperate this equip- Mr. and Mmi. Westlake are and have no confinement what ducted the- business for the Oc- Refeshments of sandwiches, and family at Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Hoskin, Bowmanvifle, gave an Ini- ment. mmbers aof Eldad United Church. ever. These principles have tober'mçeeting af the Maple Grave Pumpkin pie with whipped Ashton's, Purple HUj temesting and educational talk oni While there lsa-apopulation aiof_______ proven entirely satisfactory I W. 1. The rail eaUl was "Same- cream., and tea were served by We are very sorry ta say that India, reading parts of letters and .20,000 there wiil b. about 50 new deallng wlth these- boys. .Žthing we Canadians can be thank- the group in charge. Mr. Geo. Reid is nat too weil these displaying gifts and, pictures re- camp aif cancer per year. Certain lm na T chr ful for." days. ceived from her sn Rev. J. Hos- types of cancer such as those afi -etryTe ch r Mrs. James Geddes and MissMm. and Mm. John-. Oke, inkin,- who hs statianed in Central the skin will b. more comannO troC u t ofi BVelYn Finney were appointed as ENNISKILLE'T company with Mr. and Mmm. Herb India. Mmm. Seymour closed the than others. It would tae the leaders of the Girls' Home-___ Rundie, vsited Mm. and Mrs. Nom- meeting with prbyer,,after whlch months or yeams ta gain an ex- o vn atBTS maigCu.Ms eelman -LxorAax rup twa served lunch. perience with even as f ew as ten ,raa and Mm. Howard Bradley weme A demonstration of nylon plas- Mrs. Geo. Watkens, Columbus, cr e cases f a i an p ca - O rdyOtbr the h Onar nominate<i asý a cammittee ta tic wam held at Mrs. R. J. Ommis- Ohia; Mr. and Mmm. L. Pearce, Tei en km itben aesxpfc ac rth mentamr eacers oa Ona charter, 4 bus for the W. 1. Con- ton's home an October 6th and the Mr. J. Pearce, Port Pemry; Mr. Propor reah15 sinmnthst b e ited breast i County Narth, under the able ventiôn Ini Toronto, November Stanley Bmush Ca. gave a demon- Vertile McMuilen, Pantypool, Ilmnhtnoftebes n16laesi f h el-poit- I E C L 3rd. .-A donation ai $5 Ih te b. stration ai their products at Mms. with Mr. and Mms. A. Leadbeatem r 5 IA~rP tens mnhtnaiteueu edespiter, nwy-pIit For Ca cer Paients months edn onthpectar, n H.LW. Knlght, met sent ta the "Save the Childmen Edgar Wight's home an Octob- and Mm. Gea. Reid. iTho Clse years, of the bladdem in5 yeams, at the Ontamio Training Sehool Fund. er 13 with a good attendance at Mm. and Mms. Sam Brown, Mm. I he lse the lung in 7 yeams, the lip 8 years,foBysa wanilfrthr A motion was camried that we bath. George Bmown, Pontypool, with télrn 6yas n 0cssana ovnin help the -Sunday School buy cur- Miss Elva Omhard, Mm. and Mm. and Mms. Walter Ferguson. Accomding ta a ecent repart af af brain tumour In 25 years. anal ne n eition.,tetahr tains for the windows oi the Mrs. M. McDonald and. Gemald, Mr. and Mrs..Ed. Cox, Isling- the Canadian Cancer Society theme Local pride in matters ai medi- Aferegie inogrothe tahed chumch basement. Mm. Muray Cowling, Bowman- ton; Mm. and Mm. Austin Brawn- are thmee pinciples underlying cal care must give way ta reas- weredivded uinsfte groupsan Mm. Win. Brown, Mm. I. Mun- ville;, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Stain- idge, Toronto; Mm. and Mms. goad medical came for. cancer onalble uniderstanding of the ne-cndcebyuplaitesol day and Mms. Ken Summersiord ton with Mms. J. Adams and Fred Toms and Jean, Pumple Hill; patients: cessity for the concentration ai thmoughout the variaus' buildings rw w were named as a committee ta Ruth. Mm. Lloyd -Slemon, Haydon, at Mm. Early and accurate diagnosis. ail cancer treatment facilities onîy nd grounds. It wam exceedlngly- buy an electric stve for the Mr. and Mm. L. Hpper, To- Earl Trewin's. Adequate teatment. intoecnrswihda rmireigular obacademieclsses ail church kitchen. monta; Mm. and Mrs. 1. G. Traveil Mm. A]lan Wemmy In company Careful follow-up control. - populations ai large size. kinds ai tradestramleathemalt Mm. Chas. Geenham, Conven- and Bruce, Oshawa; Mrs. E. C. with M. Ross Metcalfe spent the The responsibility for early d- t ehnc en agt h er af the Public Relations and Ashton and Miss Bannie Beech, weekend with Mr. John Louis, 4gnasis lies with the patient and co higtand en ard ai omkThn Community Activities Gmoup, Maple Grave, with Mm. and Mrs. Peterborough. wath the doctor ta whoma the eîcec imngmn a was in charge ai the pmogam. As O. C. Ashton. Mm. and Mms. A. Robinson, Part patient iirst goes for advice. Case mait gmatfi iyio nageeaitthos pres it was Thanksgiving night we Mm. and Mm. A. L. Wéarn and Hope; Mm. and Mms. C. Robinson, records show that delay in diag- ent . VA C U U Mlthoe pe sang the hynn'We plough the iamily at Mm. and Mmm. Earl Par- Newtonviile; Mm. and Mms. Hamry nosis is flot always the fault ai Ebenezer Aiternoon Auxiliary e licausdinerwa eve fields and Scatter." rott's. Chalk Lake. McComb. Mm. and Mrs. W. Purdy the patient and for this reason ai the W. M. S. Society had as Athelcers inerdnig all aive Mrs. Fred Stevens spoke on the We welcome Mm. and Mrs. w. and Barbara, Toronto, visited at proiessional education is just as their guest speaker at their Od- the secholn. h dnnghllo motta, "Let Us Give Thanks," Howell and iamiîy ta aur com- Mm. and Mmm. Adam Shamp's. important as lay educatian. toher meeting which was the the aitmo onssso i h saying that one ai the fist things munity. They have moved ta the Mm. and Mms. Wilfred Sander- A general practitioner may came Autt hakteinhetig sebly rootessboys'n chi that we teach the babe in the late 0. L. Byems' residence, be- on, Columbus, with Mm. and Mmm. for some 2,000 people-,and in this Miss Bessie Sriowden, Kedron,medecmayvr enobe high chair is ta say thank you. law the Enniskiilen bill. Albert Oke. gmaup an average ai anly four who was introduced by hiem aunt, rnee ayvr noal o What a lit it gives one when a We alma welcome ail the other Mmm. Bruce Ashton and twins new cases ai cancer wiil arise each Mmm. Ross Pearce.ý Showing en- numbers. cheery smile and a pleasant newcomems who have moved here have eturned ta hem home at year. The practitioner themetore thusiasmn for hem year's womk as W. J. Eastaugh, Superintend- tha'nks is given ta one and how in the past few montbs. Pumple Hill. cannat be expected on the basis ainrea h aaBl isoneto nai riigSho much it is missed wben not giv- Mmm. W. L. Rowe, Toronto; Mm. Mmm. Lloyd Ferguson and Betyexeience in his own practicé ta nuse tat the eala Baldtat orntaiot ia maini ng Shol en. We in Canada sbould say a H. Humphmies, Mmm. W. Densem, at Mr. and Mmm. W. J. Ferguson's. be an authority on the diagnosis tention ai the ladies as she told gave an lntemesting and enllght- special "Thanks" at this season Bowmanville, ecently visited Mm. Mm. and Mmm. Albert Oke have and teatment ai cancer. Nor tih. past bistory ai the Indians ening address. He stated that for aur plenteous food. and Mmm. S. A. Pethick. purchased the late Mrs. Mary do practitioners pmetend ta be such who live on the Island and the boys are usuaily delinquent be-, Readings on Public relations Mm. and Mmm. L. Stainton and Gitin's esidence. authomities. Their desire is t lite as lived today, with mast aià1 were given by Mms. Cecil Jeiimey, iamily with Mm. and Mrs. C. EniIkiIlen W. M. S. ecognize the pesenting symp- the chumch arganizations that we Mm. Stephen Jefirey and Mmm. Milis and Mm. and Mmm. R. Hope, The Oçtobem meeting ai the W. toms and signs ai cancer, ta carry haveplsBbeCu an a Wm. Laird. Don Flint gave smre Port Pemmy. M.S. was held at the home ai out fr ta r tat confimm dia-payret ibl e Club and musical elections on his piano- Mmm W. C. Atkins. Morden, Mmm. E. A. Werry on Oct. 10 with nosîs o eter the patient ta eidwscnuce yMs o accordion. Mm. Stewart Morton Manitoba (iormerly Miss Mar- the President, Mmm. H. McGili smre centre where these and oth- perodascouted by M mss ob s ead an article tram an English gamet Bell) and Mr. and Mmm. conducting the meeting. The wor- tetent ay eceane he e borne. Prayer was oiiered by ut ithe t e pem ecei thosee Mm. H. F. Osborne and Mmm. K. fit oftheexpriece f toseHopkins. A vocal solo was con- wbo are eeking cancer patients tributed by Mmm. Harold Muim, ac- tram day ta day. Se companied by Mmm. Chas. Found.m .«. .Treatment Next Se#0.W AMA1D S ~ *~o:: ~ ~.** ~The next step is treatment and Members are reminded that the S'--- ~one ai several decisions may be subCOAVFOPT.8fhez <sinar eached. Sumgemy may be ad-Motl 0aenW due. .4elegates ~'vised, radiotherapy may fie ad- ta attend the Sectioçal meeting * vised, a combination ai urgery at Maple Grave on Thumsday, Oc- il'and radiotherapy may be prefer- tober 26 are Mmm. Chas. Found I b able or iinally, the only measure and Mmm. Carl Down. - ta be adopted will be those whic.h immediate effective and Conclu- #J will keep the patient as free tram Mm. and Mmm. Norman Griffin t 6 >4~ symptoms as p~ossible for the me- were Friday dinner guests with maining time hee bas ta live. This, Maurice and Mmm. Bickle, Har- Î in m orioms ai cancer such a .asm ny. r.Dvd rso, that ai the prostrate gland, may Mman Mm. avdPet, be tomfilve yeams and mare. Bowmanviile, were Sunday guests The best advice as ta method ai with Norman and Mmm. Grittin. teatment fom tbe individual case Glad ta report Mmm. Earl Ship- ai cancer will camteftram those man împmoving nicely, aiter be- Aloc ifiid oldOidya Yur-wbo. tbmough clinical experience, ing quite indispased for a time. bave seexi enough cases ai that Mmm. Essery, Sm., accampanied particular type ai cancer ta be by hem son, Eldon, attended the Hm i a rid ted P FWit akefamiliar with the course ai the tuneral ai hem brother-in-law, the -o i disease and its eponse ta treat- late Jashua Gay, wihwshl 1-lb U C 2-1b 4l lb-,ment. in Detroit. 47I8 C 416sab 12 Theme is a tendency at the Mr. and Mmm. Albert Jacobi, 3-1bRINGpresent time on the part ai w411- Toronto, were visitors with the AYLMER (NEW LOW PRICE)' meaming citizens ai smorneai ur latter's sister, Mmm., Robinson Sm., IN OVERSEAS MAILING CARTON 1. 9C IIS U E .z 3 maller cities and towns ta de- on Saturday.Tus'nwhm e lm39 HILI Si VC 2 9Bt=ls.%d"Mo mand that l cancer teatment Mm. Gamnet us'nwhm IONA <Petin Added> VELVEETA facilities be set up in their par- at Prestonvale is comijrg along in JA 4 c RA13HE SE Va-lb. 29g ticular cammunity. In the best good shape, alsa Mm. Gibsons on STRAWMERRY 24-oz Jar 42c H a mLW'N A Pkg. £~ intemest ai the cancer patient these the bull, west. Mr. Gibson is JA19 &P HLLOW'EN ANDYdemands cannot be medically jus- trorneNewcastle and bought a lot A&P SPECIAL BLEND ,IV nr u * lb. 39e~ tified-nom can, they be justltied tram Alen Wilbur. Douglas Oke, DLACK TEA 'hlb pk 38c . " economicaly. i who op ~ is buldig west ai Preston- BLAC TE O/-lbpkg38C ONCNTRTEDA ppulaionof 0,00 popleval, i maingpretty good pro- SI» » y» Lrg dag does not produce asfiin gress. PARAMOUNT SOCKEVE RED SUP R S DS kg~. 38 number ai cases ta allow fom a Mm. and Mmm. Carl Wilbur, I -~TOILET SOAP large experience in the bandling Oriole; Mm. and Mmm. Elmerl SA M Nsfn3 clàt LITECae.ai o cancer patients and does not Middleton. Oshawa, were visitors Cake with Alan and Mmm. Wilbur dur- CHOCOLATE or WHITE CLEANSER ing the weekend. C R M X Spkg35 L M 2 Tins M5 -Mm. Raymond Cale, Kitchener, JONOIGRAPEFRUIT ii home on Friday. 98,C FAN I1JMm. and Mmm.lbr Teuna GL0 w AT pt lin c q2 in0____ ______ CLARlin OTinsKeon weme Sunday visitors SHORTENIG2-r fl Sympathy is extended ta' the â e O lB ae s nd ia i Tiiamily ai the late Mmm. W. H.Qu er01 eae sn d s ai ho SW IT' INGlb37 NICE EA - rn~< AL UM POW...Vy wth itrment in Eben.. It can get awfully cod when that old heater goesou A&P's PURE VEGETABLE JJ I~ POWDER 2 Pkgs. 23e DU5TED TICKLY OVC-R 1-bi 7 UAKR ODLIRROI 2OT, ezer C______________ (m henth Litl «ate) Wsays the ki HARV oNE-b'8 nicQUE- - LareCDLJR I PT$ Look - right around the corner there's a dealer h HARYHRNi .> Pg 33e ABSORBS OIL,WASI4ES Solina Couple Are bkdeae Quaker OilHaerfrya.I perates mit P PIGOUT:, LEAVING NeO B rin syau do is adjust the dial ta the room-temperature yau wn OGILVIE 1-lb fin jjc 8-=z 104 ODOR. On t h Ay Fivorsa Wl! give you clean, humidified warm air in every room . fflRRIFISWhy go on like this? Get a Quaker tomr ROT ROLL MIX pkg 29c 1LUSHUS - 3 Pkgms.6e_ 42-dvstr.l-OponlAcsoi aSalExaCo BeInSCRI PTiONs Reasonable Prives S'A L ED PEE irs stoking! .and fast-talking wilI ids are shivering. it has a trim, modern, asimple dial . . . ail I.Your new Quaker constantly! rindependent of Et conditions. You. Completel;g trolled ta, work rroom. ?ER CENT RS ýed. There is a strat ion. finimum Cosi ?r adds a draft r, makes heater rident of flue and ,y at high f ire. les air for hot, flame. noG LTERS Ring Si. W. RUTTER GRAITE CO. Port Hope - Phone 3218 MONUMENTS ... MAEKERS... CORNER POSTS TfftnmAT. OCTOBLrn-lo, ipso qWV. rAVAnTAV CIVA91V-QltgAT f