"M Me8D'r, ocTOBER 19. 1950 LIMH CANADIAN STA¶'ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIOOAESVN TwlnM Are WinnerS lowiflg arc thbc contestants and IL 9H & S. Ch.û> their subjects: Carl Merlin, «To.. Sp.aikinq Contesit "Conservation af Sou";'- Alan Han- cock, "The Case Against Mar- NO. 9 Home and Schbool met for garene"; Fred Fisk, "Saving the the. firit meeting af thc season last Vital Top Soul"; Eleenor Osborne, TUesday evening with a very "Milk"; Ruth Ritchie,, Simon large turnout. Blake, "Inventor ai-. Uic SUD- With thc President, Mrs. Chas, marine"; Jean Ritchie, "Grasi Fick lu the chair, Uic meeting op- Grows Green": Sandy Ritchie, ened with thc singmng ai "0 "Spot the Dog Who Made Good"; Canada" follawed by the Lord's June Ritchie, "Nickel, Here ta PraYer. Mri. Brunt read the Stay": Donna Brunt, "Building minutes ai Uic meeting in June, for Health"l and Muiel 'Gîbson, alto the executive meeting held "Th, Beaver." recertly. The judges, Miss Mary Bell and The Home and School af Mr. Bruce Gorreil, had a very Ç ooked Creek invited the Club bard task ta agmee on the win- l" a Hallowe'en Party in cas- ners as ail were excellent. The urnie) ncxt Tuesday, Octaber 24. wlnners were: lst Ruth Ritchie, 2nd Jean Ritchie, 3rd Dona Brunt. Next Wcdnesday cvening, Oc- The first two bappen ta be twin taber 25 tbc Club will meet with sisters. Congratulations toalal! the trustees and their wives, and school teachers af the Schaol Am"a The- meeting closed with The as guests. 'The trustees are pro>- King after which lunch was vlding Uic speaker. We hope semved. Keep in mmnd Tuesday everyanc will make a special ef- and Wednesday next.9 fort ta attend the latter, if flot1 bath.In -an average package there are Belng the fimst meeting it waý; appoximately 93 yards ai spa-1 Public speaking night. The fol- ghetti.1 Wise as a Coon.. -or better still, wise as the man who protects himself by having adequate electrical wiring. You may bhink your wiring will lasb another year but why flot have ib checked now to make sure.- You may be saved a lot of trouble during the cold winter monbhs by having your wir- ing and electrical appliances checked now. Cali us to-day and we wilI be glad ta advise you what is besb. IHiggon El etruc Tour General Electrie Appliance Dealer pha,,1* 438 Bowmanvllle 42 Rinit st F MÂPLE GROVE Miss Mildred Snowden hasire- tumncd home froni her motor trip ta Los Angeles, California, vihere she vluited ber cousins, Mrs. Mar- guerite Flood and Mrs. Boberta Jean North. Mrs. Y. Swallow spent thc weekond in Toronto wlth ber cous- in, Mrs. A. W. Phipps. She at- tcndcd thc SOth wcddlng anni- versary celebration af Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Yeormans, also Uic 75th annivcrsary of Woodgrcen United Churcb., Mr. Bob Stevens spent the weekend in Guelph and attended thc 1950 reunlon. .Rev. Crozier will accupy the pulpit on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Morley Flintoif and famfly visited at bis aistcr's, Mrs. Wes Cameron's, ZMon, an Sunday. About 25 members af tbe W. M.S. and evening Auxiliary gath- ered with St. Paul's ladies ta hear Rev. Eustace, Omono, speak on his work in Uic mission field et Win- nipeg and cnjoyed a social time. Mrs. Eber G. Foley, Calgary, Alberta, is visitlng hem sister-in- law, Mrs. J. D. Stevens. CÂDMUS Cadmus- Thank Oiiering wes bcd on Sunday with Rev. Empcy of Hampton and Mr. Hutton for bath services. A tria irom. Toron- ta, Charles Linton, Joe and Don Van Der Wilen supplied Uic mus- ic morning and evening which everyone enjoyed very much. Bath services wcre well attcndcd and the oiiering amaunted ta be- tween $140 and $145. ' Mr. and Mms. Norman Pbilp and Catherine, Târonto; Mr. Ross Philp spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philp. Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Lewsan, Yel- verton, witb Mr. and Mrs. Mer- woad and also attended Cadmus services.' The trio frani Toronta bad din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt and supper wlth Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson. Mrs. Imene Henry and Don, Oshawa, spent theg)veekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne McKee. Sunday guests 'at Mr. and Mrs. Lamne McKee's were: Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and Allan, Purple Hill; Mr. Hector and Ross Wil- son, Mrs. Iene Henry and Don, Mr. Steve Rice, Madeline~ Henry Roy Henry, Francis Gammon, Oshawa, Mm. Bert Shea. Miss Marie Hanne, Bowman- ville. with ber parents. Mms. Bob Vivian and Marilyn, Bowmanville, spent Saturday witb her parents. Mrs. Belle Hanna is beck ta ber home in Cedmus. Mr. Don and M~ss Joyce Ler- mer. Toronto, with parents. Miss Velma Graham la work- ing in Toronto. lb Miss Marion Beacock, Toronto, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- cock. Mr. Harry McLaughlin and Lawrence attended the Plough- ing Match in Alliston'on Friday. Miss Muriel McKee, Oshawa, visited her rnotber, Mrs. S. Mc- Kee. Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, To- ronto. called an Miss Rose Mount- joy. Mrs. C. Emerton and Jim spent Sunday visiting friends in New- tonville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tampkins and Jim at their cottage. Mr. Gordon Cale is staying at their farm here and working in Part Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lansing and son, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. N. Lansing. Sunday visitors with Mr. Ar- thur Hulbert were Mr. Percy Hul- bert, Toronto; Messrs. Les ànd Ross Lansing and Lamne of Caes- area. Mr. and Mrs. Stanfield Staples and Gardon, Cavan, called on Mr. Walter Sharpe. Mrs. Gea. Farder and Mr. Sharpe spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright, Black- stock. Mm. W. I. Patter, Pontiac, Mich., spent a few days with bis step- brother, Mr. J. Harris and Mrs. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDanald, Toronto, werc Sunday guests af Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Feddema an the arrivai aif.a fine baby girl. SMr. Arthur Hyland was a re. cent visitor ta Oshawa. Visitai-s witb Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson wcre: Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thonipson, Paul and Barry, Cannington; Mr. and Mrs. L. Fitze and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Black, Midland. Misses Jean Bowers, Elaine Thampson and Mr. Earl Bowers attended a iarewell paty at Miss Gladys Emerson's for Miss Yvonne and Mr. Noel Chant. Mr. Phil Langfeld,* Toronto, spent the weekend at his home. Frienda will be pleased ta learn Mr. Cecil Wilson suffcred no seriaus injury following an un- fartunate car accident lust week. Several local ladies attended the Anglican Dcanery* meeting In Bobcaygeon on Tbursday. Corn cuttlng 15 in full swing In the neigzhbourhood. Mr. Elmer Neebit bas purchas- cd a ncw 1950 Plymouth sedan. Ladies' Aid met Wednesday evcning et the home af Mmm. Jas. Farder. Plans were made for a put luck supper and crokinole party Friday evenlng. Nov. 10. Mrs. John Watson and Darreli, Caesarea, spent thc weekend with Mns. J. Farder.j Ail succesaful individuels havet become such by hard wark; byl impmoving moments before they, pass Intohaurs, and hours that other people meay occupy 4i bc pursuit af pleasure.-Ma.y Baer Eddy.1 THE UNITED NATIONS Io ln tlose contact wlth group ln Eitrea makes known its vlews on the the people of the wanld, through work lu thc future ai that former Itallan colony ta representa. field as well as ln Its nevi hcad:-uarters. Here a tives of the vlsitlng U.N. Commission for Erntres. Whai Others Say RESPONSIBILITIES 0F LABOUR (Peterborougb Examiner) We do not lntend ta go on mudh longer commenting on veniaus aspects ai tbe eceut rail- way strike, but the strike was sa ful 'ai food for reflection that we must say one word mare about lb. In the fimst place, we question wbether the strike was really necessamy. When labour wes weak, and could only dmaw et- tentiôti ta its desimes by violent means, the strike had its place. But those days are gone, and it is bigh time that the strike, as an instrument ai policy, was abandoned. The strike, in aur day, is a weak argument, savour- irig stmoligly af blackmail. And talk about "the right ta strike" is as foolisb as talk about the rigbt ta bib another man on the nase. In a jungle society physicel farce may settle arguments, but we have laws which do it much better; and so in the labour spbcrc we bave mearis oai. abiration wbicb are fer better than strikes. A strike loses money for every- one and creates bad feeling. In bbc case ai the railway strike, it was pmîncipally a strike egainst the people of Canada, baping ta enlist their suppomt egelnsb bbc milwey managements. Although1 the people 'af Canada were an- noyed, bhey were flot amouscd ta take sides. Tbcy wcme being1 blackmailed and tbey esented it. Mucb is seid nawadeys about tbc responsibilities ai labour, and most afitl is truc. Labour now accuPies a position ai greet pow- cm, and, somebimes it uses thatt pawer lu an arbitrary and thougbbless manner. But tbc day bas long since passed whcn aIl tbc workers hed ta lose was s their chains; nowadays if tbey strike ueedlessly tbcy stand ta lose their watch-cbains, their cars, their electmic refrigerators, their pleasent homes and their bank balances. For labour bas a big stake in bbc country, and sbould be concerned about the national welfarc. BLACKSTOCK Miss Mildmed Archer, Toronto, wlth Mm. snd Mrs. W. Archer. Mmi. Harmy Grabam, Toronto, sPent aIl week visiting relatives and Miss Verene Graham visit- cd-witb Mr. sud Mms. Ross Duif. Rev. C. W. Hutton gave bbc message Sunday morning et bbc auniversary -service et Grace Cburcb. Scugog Island. Harvest Home was celebrated at St. Jobn's Anglican Churcb on Sunday mamning witb tbc Cburcb beautifully decorated. Rev. Gea. Nicholson had charge ai thc ser- vice. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Scott, Port Hope, callcd on Mms. Wm. Van Camp on Sunday. Mm. sud Mrs. Hcrb Swain sud family sud Mr. sud Mrs. Leitb BYers enjayed a trip ta Halibur- tan ou Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Argue, Bow- manville. with Mms. John McKee. Shirley Instibute cclebmated bbe 40tb enniversary ai their Imati- tube et he home af Mrs. Seudy Moore sud Mm. Allan Moore, who was the firsb President, las' Wednesdey aibemnoon. Friendý who abtended fmom this com- munity were: Mrs. W. A. Var C ~mp, Mrs. Clarence Mamlow, Mrs Edward Darcy, Mms. James Henry Mrs. James Sbrong, Mms. Gordor Strong.. The O.N.O. Club presented thei Play "Sweeb Salljy_rown" at thE Brooklin- hall on Friday evening, Aiter the play. the cast and thE drivers were enbertained at the lovely home af Mm. and Mrs. A, J. Cook. Ail enjoyed the -even- ing very mucb. On Oct. 27 thc play will be presented et Tyrone. Mm. and Mrs. Goldwyn Feint, Valerie and Vickie, Toronto, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mms. Osmond Wright. Mm. and Mrs. Allan- Brooker, Trenton, spent the Thenksgiving weekend with Mm. and Mrs. Creighbon Devitt. The aiternoon AI.xiliary af the W.M.S. met at the home af Mrs. J. W. Pearce for the Thanksgiv- ing meeting. Mrs. Roy Ferguson, President. gave a short tâlk on the origin of some oi aur beautiful hymns. Mrs. Dalton Dorreil and Mrs. C. W. Hutton conducted the devo- tional period. After the business periad was concluded Mrs. Earl Dorrcll's graup was in charge ai the pro- gramme. The Study Book Cbap- ter was taken by Mrs. Norman Mo untbj oy. Mrs. Roy Ferguson gave the highlights ai tbc Scbool for Lead- ers held mecently at Whitby. Mms. C. Hill read a letter iromn Mrs. Merle Ferguson, Africa. Meeting closed with a sulent prayer for aur Missionaries on the field, fallowed by the bene- diction. A social pemiod followed. The members ai bbe United Churcb will be pleesed ta know that the new argan bas arrived. Dm. J. A. McArtbur, Mms. Mc- Arthim and femily visited friends in Stmatfard for Thanksgiving. October meeting af the O.N.O. Club wes et the home ai Mrs. El- sic Hoskin last Tbursday even- ingz wibh a good attendance. Furbber plans for the dance on Nov. 10 weme discussed andq a gala occasion 'is expected. Bingo was greatly cnjayed. A deliciotîs lunch was served by' tbc hostess and hem group. Mm. and Mrs. Jack Rahm and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rabm and fam- uvy attended tbc 30bb wedding an- niversary ai Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, et Tyrone, rccently. BURKETON The October meeting ai bbc W. A. was et Mms. Russell Dean'., Home. Plans were made ta fin- ish thc quilt. and prepame for the bazear thc iirst weck in Decem- ber aud ta hauseclean bbechcumch Thursday afbemnoon, Oct. 19 for bbc tbankoffeming service Sun- day, Oct. 22ud et 2:30 and 7:30. Mm. Nelson Hudson celebmated bis 8lst birbbday Oct. 9tb witb Mr. sud Mrs. Wes Bradburn, Blackstock. Miss Ruth Carnochan under- went au appendîcitis aperation inu Bawmanville Hospital sud bas me-1 turued hame. Little Ian Breck also bad an op- eration au bis eye lu bbc Hos- pital for Sick Chih4Iren, Toronto, lest wcck. Jimnmy Rawan un-1 ýt derwent an appendicibis operetion sSunday in Bowmanville Hospital. Jimmy is a grandsan ai Mr. and Mrs. Carter. We sîncerely wisb them ail a àpeedy recavemy. Mm. and Mrs. Osborne, Oillia, weme wcekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roblin. r Mr. William Hoskins, Mms., E. Stmutt and Mrs. E.> Caughall visit- cd Mrs. R. Brown and iamily et Scugog Island. Mms. W. Frankln, Scemboro, spent a week wibh Mm. and Mms. »Fankum beme ecently.: Mms. James McLaugblin spent bwo weeks with Mm. and Mrs. Wm. McLaugblin. Mm. and Mrs. Douglas Taylor were in Toronto with relatives. Mrs. Leslie Taylor is visiting hem sister, Mrs. B. Power, Cooks- town. Congratulations ta the Taylor brothers who won sevemal prizes with swine at Markbam Faim; ap- proximaýely $65 in prizes. Mm. and Mrs. Bi Breck and Ian and Mrs. Throop, Renirew. with Mrs. T. G. Bmeck. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Willan, Mrs. J. Carter, attended the Victoria Deanemy at Bobcaygeon, October 12. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hubbamd and June, Hamilton; Mm. sud Mms. Walter Bryan, Mm. and Mrs. Ab. Bryau, Oshawa; Mm. and Mms. E. Vigar, Miss Betty Vigar and Mr. MeCmeady, Norwich; Mm. aud Mrs. Merle Hubbard, Terry and Gayc, Mm. and Mrs. H. Strutt and Phyl- lis, guestà ai Mm. and Mms. Hub- bard and family. Mm. and Mms. Norman Avemy and qaughter witb Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Miss Ruby McDonald, Miss Ruby Bailey and friend, Osbawa, with Mr. and Mms. Tom Bailcy. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Henthorn and iamily wemc in Lindsay ta visit Mm. Hentborn who is lu hospital. Mr. and Mms. Dan McTaggarb, Pt. Perv, with friends. Mms. H. Rice, Rev. H. VenDyck, Brooklyn, N.Y.. with Mm. and Mrs. J. Carter and family. Fluid Milk Producers "This is e bigbly industrialized arcs, and ib is bard ta keep help on bbc famm. wben they cen bear thet four a'clock wbistle." Thet is bbc way a fluid mnilk producer on an Ontario farm cx- pmessed bimsclfinm a letter receut- ly ta bbc Canadien Federation ai Agriculture, lu referring ta bbce difficulties faced by fammers who serve large centres with fluid milk and who aperabe their ferma close ta these centres. Sumvey ai costs ai milk pro- duction for population centres, conducted recently, bas sbown that milk producers who live close ta large centres bave suf- fered increases lu taxes as much as 75 ta 100 per cent iu tbc past fQur years, and bave found Aitnl- creasingly difficult ta kcep belp an bbe farms in campetition with the bigber wagc mates and shorter boums enjoyed by industriel la- bour, even thougb these fermers have raised their farm wagcs as mucb as 50 per cent in recent years. Sucb Items ai casb an farms pmoducing milk for tbc fluid miik brade are factors wbicb hava en. tered recently Into the Increases The Olympie Club, fornied la whlch have taken place in fluid Montreal in 1842, wun Canada&s mllk prices in varfous centres in flrst club to sponsor outdoor ath- Canada. 1letics. l'.DrdvWu STOP TROUBL-Ccan the Cooling Systern of your car. Get rid of Rust - Scale - Grease and Sludge. Play Safee Do it to-day. Corne in and lot us show you how the lob is dont THE BRADY WAY. 110'Il Pm»« BIAu Mmghe1uoh uffer menus o .4Ofdtlvide - fItInUWbb 0 "",f' seule end sur "*.he um .dabe l Mena es# lise.ur *#cap*. Sou. passons May b liegd Wmob Ovurl,.ulg mom$ mmbe r.b-rpd oe weer - cu.dy repaire. BRADY CLIANINS .moine lok$APTE! cloemnsgthe Brady Way. Every pouag e open end welle are 0 cI.oued of lm emle, ruI end shdge. Ment.à escaes fi'..ly couund cylinder %rails, volves and# hr"uh th. radines%~ The eccibiesytom coe oporate wNlUm beoin@g ut «my speemianun all U NEGLECT 0F THE COOLINO SYSTEM can Ieaid ta serioijs con. sequences. - Play Safe- Increaise the efficiency of youv motor and the 1fe of your cor, THE BRADY WAY, F. S. Allin & Son s Three Miles West of Town on No. 2 Ilighway PHONE 2833 Spé.cial This Week Pork Hams and PorkCuls I*L.'45c Pork Loins and Pork Chops I -L.50c Cooked Ham, by the. piece - lb. 88C Bacon, by the piece I **L.52c Bacon Squares I -- L.35c Capons, rough dressed I --L.55c Ail Cuts of Beef frorn 55c lb. and up Orders in by Friday Nighi will be Delivered Free Saiurday Morning Phone Bowmanville 3243 (Direct Line) Ail our meats are inspected'and approved by.the Durhaîn-Pirthumberland Health Unit. DARLINGTON ABATTOIR MO» ERNIZE with NEW WALLPAPER Before winter reaily arrives change the wallpaper on your rooms ta give themn eye- appeal this winter. You wiil be staying in yourjsooms more and more with the approach of cold weather - why flot have them ilooking neat and tidy with new walipaper. Corne inta aur store and choose f rom the hundreds af patterns we have on display, al sizes, ail patterns, ail prices. We will be glad to advise you on your decorating problems. - COMPLETE DECORATOR'S SUPPLIES - J. H. Abernethy PAIT & WALLPAPEE STORE 85 KING ST. W. PHONE 431 Who Says You Can't! 0f *course you can invest a small aulount of nioney ..0 Canada Savings Bonds are available in denominations of $ 1,000 down to $50. Cali us ::: We wilI tell you how to buy A. E.Aines & Co. Llnted Business Establishad 1889 320 Bay Street, Toronto...Telephone WA. 361x TORONTO MONTREAI. WINNIPE13 VANCOUVER VICTORIA NEW YORK< BOSTON LOINOON, ENS. (ôO NES TLE TON NESTLETON STATION IN UNITED NATIONS headquarters are origi- froni the confllcts ln Palestine recelve much- nated and planned such bumanitarian efforts as needed food sent theni by the recently-formed U.N. relief to the homeless and hungry. Here refugees Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.