- "Durham 'County's Grec" Family Journal" VOLUME 96 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l9th, 1950 6c PER COPYNUBR4 Canadien Club Goes on Tnp OT. South Pacific in Address Dy Mis. L. T. McLaughlin The Southern Pacific, land of romance and advenîure, of blue skies and bluer seas, of palm trees, and warm, wonderful weather, and green islands like gems in the sea, was the subject of a mast interesting and informative talk given by Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, before a capacity audience in SI. John's Parish Hall aI the first faîl meeting of the Women's Can- adian Club on Monday aflernoon. Introduced by Mms. Fred Ste- yens, Mrs. McLaughlin. a weil known member o! the Canadian O Club, and a one-time popular teacher at Bowmanville High School when she was Miss Isobel Smith, began with a description of the Rocky Mountains in win- tertime. She and Colonel Me- Laughlin lef t home on December 15, and on their trip across Can- ada, the Rocloies were one part o! Canada that especially impress- ed them. .As beauliful in winter as they are in summer. the moun- tainsides were covered with ever- greens, made lovelier by fresh layers of clear sparkling snow on their branches. At sunrise the mountain'ý all appeared to take on a rosy glow which deepened farther down the mountain as the sun rose. Tffis, one of the most beautiful sights of the whole trip, proved Ihat people don't have 10 leave Canada 10 find beauty. Honulu First The weather during the whole trip was ideal, and flot once were the McLaughlins sea-sick. The first porî-of-cali was Honolulu, and here the ship was met by the Iraditional hula-hula girls, and natives bearing leis. The wonderful reception that the sbip received was mainly for members ot the Canadian team, a fine gZroup of young men and womnen, going 10 the British Games ln Auckland. Honolulu, a city of 277,000 is one of the most beautiful o! the world, with a background of picturesque mountains, and ln the cily itseif modemn business sec- lions, lovely homes and gardens. The growth is tropical, and the climate is temperate ahi year round, with a variance o! less Ihan ben degrees. Il is a city o! sunshine but littie sunshowers often fail during the daytime. The lei, or necklace of flowers is a symbol of friendship, and in keeping wilh an ancient nativa custom, the parling guesl is sup- pased ta throw il on the water, so that he will be sure 10 relurn. The flowers around Honolulu were gorgeous, and since il was Christmas time, the poinsettas were in full bloom in ail their red glory. (Continued on Page Six) Jerusalem Lodge Held Open House Entertained Ladies As a filting conclusion 10 their Centennial Celebration. the Wor. Master, officers and members of Jerusalem Lodge held an open bouse in the lodge rooms on Fri- day evening, October 13. About 75 couples assembied ln the newiy decorated Lodge room 10 receive the hearty welcome extended by Wor. Master KedÏneth G. Weiýry. Bro. Jos. Larmour had tastefuîly armanged handsomne bouquets o! beautiful mums lhougbout the rooms for the occasion. Distinguished guests from out o! town inluded Rt. W. Bro. Gor- don W. Bunker, D.D.G.M., of On- tario District and Mrs. Bunker, Oshawa; Rt, W. Bro. Harold Me- Bride, P.D.D.G.M., District C, Toronto, and Mrs. McBride. Introduced by W. Bro. K. Werry, the guesl speaker, Rt. W. Bro. McBnide briefly outiined. in a most interesting manner tue duties o! the various Lodge offi- cers. A hearty vote ,of thanks was moved by V.W. Bro. W. G. Pas- coe on bebaîf of those present. Bro. Oweil Nicholas gave a fine rendition o! "Bless This House," accompanied at the organ by Bro. R. G. Harle. During the luncheon hour. Mrs. Otto Bragg and Miss Ruth Bragg played several enjoyable piano duets. Bros. Don Veuton, Keith Jackson, Clare Allun and Walter Goode forned the local quartette and sang two very fine numbers. Tobacco Crop Goed Thtis Year But Outlay for Harvesting Cosily Defore Produci is Ready for Market (By Dan Sullivan) Altbough tobacco was minro- duced intoIhie Old Woî'ld lu 1558 by a Spanish physician, it was not until 1586, wben Sir Francis Drake presontcd the maberial and implements o! tobacco smoking la Sir Walter Raleigh, that the babil, considered fashuonable then. became "the tbing ta do" lu Eng- lai-d. Since Ibat lime, tobacco bas devcloped mbt an annual crop likcned ta flae-cured gold; an unseltled xvold bas become ad- dicted ta the smoking habit, and a million dollar indusbry bas adapt- ed iseif 10 the sandy soil o! the Pine Ridge area o! Durhaîm County. An estimated 50 fammers from Lake Scugog to Centreton have climbed aboard the teacco train since 1940 and today, 10 years laler, the plants they pamper and cane for are about 10 net tbem a share in the procecds o! a Dur- ham County cigarette tobacco crop cxpected 10 seli for wcil over a million dollars. Altbough !rost threatened, it nex'er struck lu Ibis section o! Iubaccolaud, but a cool summer marked by frequent ain storms was instrumental lu causing slow growtb and a resulting late cop when compared a thie maturing andi harvesting dates o! Western Ontario. Durham Cotînty is sim- ilar ta that section o! Ontario with respect ta climate and soi], lu fact, "There is absolutcly no dif- ference between the climale here and that in the Simcoe district," ta quate Peler G. Newell o! New- castle, a former tobacco rescarcb- em for the Ontario Agicultural College and presently manager of the Canada Tobacco Planta- lions. Britiln Buys Tobacco Mr. Newell tld The States- mian that ail the lobacco in Dur- ham Couuty distr'ict bas beeîî bar- xested, explained that the crop this year is "above average" and (,that quite a bit is expecled la be sold for «~port.. The Simcoe Re- tY forieer. a semi-weekly nexspaper contiguous ta the tabacco bell lu Western Ontario. reports thal "British purchases o! Canadian tobacco this year will total $9,- 000.,000-up $1,000,000 from hem original allocation announiced early in the year." Il is also ex-, pected that by 1951. Brilain wili be importing $10,000,000 worbh a! tobacco from Canada each year. "Buyers."' Mr. Newell said, -are checking barns now." but the pound price will flot be known until "on or about Oclober 26lh"' wben buyers and growers wilI form a marketing board and set a minimum price. Buyers are priv- ileged to pay bieher prices for particulanly good crops o! tabar- co, but according ta the Canada Thelma Kerr Thomson Well known Lindsay lawyem, will bc the speaker tonighî aI bhc dinner meeting of the Bowman- ville Business and Professional Womcn's Club. Mrs. Thomson took the Honour Law Course at the University o! Toronto and also atîcnded the French Summer Scho6i at Laval University. She obtained hsýr LL.B. degree from Toronto Uni- versity and atîended Osgoodie HalL While aI University she w-as active lu student organizations. She was a member o! the Spa- isb and French Clubs and Presi- dent ,0f the International Stu- dents' Club. She is a native o! Toronto and ber early education was receiv- ed at Forest Hill Village School and Branksome Hall. She mar- ried David Moffal Thomson in June, 1949, and joined his firmo in Lindsay whicb then becamo Cunningham, Thomson and Thom- son. Ray Dudley Makes Debut in New York On December 9th Mr. Ray Dudley spent Thauks- giving weekend in New York Cit.y, travelling by 'plane. He was successful in a piano au- dition held in New York by the International Music Concert Guild sponsoring young artists iin their New York debut. Ray wiil make hîis debut in Times Hall, Newv York orn December 9th. On October 25 and 26 Ray is, pL~j~,gina concert \\'ith thoe, K!!*4in and Waterloo Sym- phony Orchestra two performan- ces of the Emperor Concerto byl Beethoven. Things Are Popping Down Duck's Alley Tobacco Plantations manager, , they caunot buy lower lb an thie Once upon a lime-lu the minimum' price set by the mar- land o! fairy taie and' fable- keling board. - there lived a c0eature re- Popuiar Bellèf Erî's nowned througbaut the world as the goose that laid the gold- Popular opinion would have en egg. ln Durham, there the tobacco grower a mari o! con- is no such ereature, but '.'e siderable wealth witbin a few do have a fowl that couid be short yeams a! er enlering the bus- cle aqerdc. ines. Cnsidrin tha anin- Most ducks are inclined 10 vestment in the neighbounhîood of hatch a brood o! Young "duck- four dollars will prox'ide enough les" inthie spring o! the year. sccd ta plant belween 35 and 45 Usually, there are 12 toaa acres (approximatcly 1,000,000 "sitting," but a Muscovy duck seeds) it wouhd appear that this owned and operated by Or- belle! is well founded. But lu ville K. Osborne aI bis farm actual practice, bbc product 11k- east o! the Boys' Training ened te lae-cured goid, offers a Scbool, deciding Ihal a spring good living to the "lucky," and halcb o! 12 quite insufficient. cousidenable expense, heartbreak poppedl off hem nest October and sorrow b gowers wbose 6th. ta reveal 18 yellow and crop "Jusl happens 10 be bit OY' blaek ducklings. frost" and complctely ruined as IVe lhink this Is something fac as marketing possibililies are o! a record consideriîîg that concerrned. sensible ducks do nal hatch in O! the million dollar procceds October, and ln thelr spring Ibis year, aven bal! that figure, offerings, seldom bring forth an amount bordering $500,000 bas more than 12 or 13 ducks. been 'aistributed lu Durham "A queer duck," we'd say. Counly for labour. maîcrials and _________ equipment. One tobacco far'iner !rom Elizabetbville exlplained his Heads Durham Club own financial situation in the fol- lowing manner: "I have a 200 acre faî'm, "15 o!f. which is good tobacco land," be, said. "Hal! o! Ibis I 5uanted te ',i lobacco, the balance ta rye (to- bacco is planled on a two-yeam rotation systcm i ih rye bcing . grown lu altemnate yeau's an'd plowed back int hue soil) which means Ibat niy only income is from the 30-odd acres pbanled ta tobacco. I have an estimated 21,000 pounds o! tobacco ln My barn and if I'm lucky enough le gel 50 cents a paund from buy- ers, my earnfngs will be approx- imabely $1 1,000. Against Ibis amount," he continued. '"I ai- ready owe $8000 and before I get i rid o!ai my tobacco, l'il owe mor'e. In the lonîg run. after ail expenses are paid, 1 expet to realize lu bbe neigbbourbood ot $1,000 for a year o! bard wr and tbm 50-50 chance o! losing everylbing, lu the early faîl if frosl strikes before the tobacco is harvested." The Big Gambie Dnl .Lne Tobacco is a big gamble . Au' oad .Ln cording ta one grawem, "It's likè Presudeuit o! the Durhami Cou- playing poker on drinking whisky. ty Club o! Toronto announice.s thc Il gels you afler a while." The first meeting o! bbc 1950-51 seaso.î initial outlay o! four dollars for will be beld Thursday, October 26 seed enough ta plant a consider- aI 8:15 p.m. aI the I.O.D.E.. Spa- able acreage looks negligible iin dina and Lawîhcr Aves. Dr. L. the face o! expected profits. B. Wililamns, a former President growers encounter thý tremnen- colored slides on "Tiuts and Hinîs dous expense estimates thal us- o! Thanksgiving lu Canada." Miss ually gobble up mare Ihan bal! Helen Spercer wiil be soloist. Ail the cash value o! bbc crop?'" former resudents o! Durbam Tobacco is a temperamenlal County are inviled ta Ibis m-eet- cror). Il cannaI be lefI 10 tlý' ing and will lbe welcome as meni- (Continued on Pkge Nineleen) bers o! tbe Club, Judging from a recent decision handed clown by the Executive of the Ontario Basebali Association at a recent Hamilton meeting. it would appear tat the BEST amn- ateur athletic tem, even thouge qualifie'd by actual victories i semi-final play, is not always the team that "makes" the finàis. Because of a secretarial over- sight, Bowmanville's Midget base- bal cîlub'has ben disquzafied ')y the Ontario Baseball Association and is considergd ineligible 10 appear in the Ontario finals. The. Bowmanville nine decided.y trimmed an inferior Brampton club in two straight games in semi-final play. Due to ignorance of Association red-tape, the Midgets neglected to forward, in triplicate, a teani roster signed by each player to Association Secretary W. J. Sny- der. Because of tbis oversight Bowmanville was automatically ejected f rom -the Ontario finals and a Brampton team, which the local club defeatedi by 5-1 and 12-7 scores, was al lowed 'to ad- vance into the finals agaînst Wa- buno. "I don't think it's fair," one Mid- get player said. "We're the best Midget team in Ontario," armoth- er added. They were unanimous in a motion to challcnge the w;n- ner of the Brampton-Wabuno series. but on second thought, they decided that. if Bramptoni wins out, there would be no need of playing. Said Coach Bill Mut- ton. "We've already shown that we're better than they are." Form is Checked The triplicate form the local bail club neglected to forward t: Hamilton is repor'ted to be used in checking the eligibility of al players. According to regula- tions, a player must have been under 17 years of a.ge on May lst, 1950, in order to be considered qualified for Mîdget competitiori. if the particulars of Boxvmpn- ville players appearirig in tlhe Brampton gamnes were checked, Three Traffic Safei Shown al- Lions Cli Mr, Sumnmereli, a Zurich As,- surance Company representative. substituted for a guest spe aker at' the Lions Club meeting on Mor.- day evening when he screened three films on safcty. The Lions Safety Committee under' the chairmanship of Lawrence God- dard, was in charge of the pro- gram which offered club mern- bers an opportunity to "learn a greal deal, and becomne more safety conscious." The dinrier meeting was held in the Lio,,Is Community Centre, Monday, 0- tob'er 16. The first'film, accompanied hy recorded dialogue and narration. was titled, 'You Are a Kille',' and dealî with the case history of a man who. though genial and friendly out of a car, became a demon when behiid the whcel. It portrayed a character in pri- on, looking through the bars at a condemning wvorld while at home his wife and small daughter. the latter the approximate si.,.c of the little girl he had run dlown and killed while delivering laundry, were waiting. The pýc- ture. in flash-back scenes. a'> tempted 10 show exactly where the real cause of the accident or- iginatedi. Driving Test Earlv in the imprisoned char- acter's life. he had receîved a driving test from a professional Fire Of ficiais Inspect Schools Hoid Annual Drill Bowmanville Fire Chief Lucius Hooper' accompanied by Depuiy Fire Chief Walter Hackney were busy last week making their usual inspections during Fire Prevention week. One of the annual checks is made at the three schools. This routine con- sisîs of an unannounced fire alarm being rung ln the various schools and then the lime is tak- en ta see how long it takes pupils and teachers ta clear the build- ing. This year the school inspection was made by the two fire offici- ais, an insurance i.nspector and mnembers of the Bowmanville Board of Education. The results were exceptionally good and the Principals of the three schools deserve a great deal of credit for the splendid organization of the fire drill. jAt the Central Public School with 481 pupils an~d 14 teachers il took onie minute and 20 seconds ta clear the building using the new fire escape for pupils on the second floor. The Ontario Street school. with younger pupils but with a modemn building ta leavc, Ionly took 40 seconds for the 247 pupils and 8 teachers. At the High School with 348 pupils and 13 teachers il took one minute and 20 seconds ta clear the build- ing. Questioned afterwards about the drill, Fire Chief Hooper stat- ed "I consider this was a good showing and a credit ta the prin- cipals and teachers of ail schools for the waY in which they arc conducting the drills." againsl birth certificate dates in -ÀI.B.A. files and the team proved éligible, do three pieces o! paper menit so much attention? "We have an eligible club," Bill Muc- ton said, "But at the executive meeting in Hamilton last night <Monday, October 16) we were bold we were out for good." Mr. Mutton ciaimed he told the execulive at the meeting that he had nat been aware such forms existed, and he asked why he had not been notified that they were playoff requisites. "Mr. Snyder said," the coach related, 'that -iè was just to0 busy a man ta inform each team separately, and said that il xvas ail in the rule book."- Mr. Mutton appear- ed quite pérurbed over the mix- up when interviewed, and inti- mated his 1951 team, if he shouid coach one, will not be connected with the "Ontario Basebaîl As- sociation in any way. "They are a bunch of old men up there," Bill Mutton said. -They should have been retired 10 years ago," he added, In order 10 meet Brampton in the semi-finals, the Bowmanvilie Midgets took two sîraight games from Aurora and trimmed Tren- ton two games out of three. The local club trounced Ibe Bramp- ton team, the team that advances 10 the finals, in two consecutive and decisive games. Brampton Protests In the Brampton -Boývmanvillc semi-firlals Brampton register- ed a protest because the local club could flot produce a signed teani roster whicb had been checked by Secretary Snyder. They played the game under protesî and sus- At Eldad Meeting Mail. P. K. Ketcheson One of Ontaio's oulstanding e- ponents o! conservation who wil prescut a series o! colour movies on Canada's wildlife and natural resources at Eldad Church 'to- nighî (Thur.sday) at 8, D.S.T. We have seen these films and can strongly recommend thein as thcy are a mosî rCmarkable, impressive and entertaining lot o! pictumes which Darlington folks are fortunale 10 have the privilege of secing and absoiutcly frc of charge. througb the rour- tesy o! the Darlington Conserva- tion Club. Lawn Bowling Club Holds Election With Walt. Pascoe Pres. Conimunity Council Plans Hallowe'en Party at.Arenia Basketball forWînter Season On October 17 the Commun- ity Council Execulive met in the Lions Community Centre 10 dis- cuss among other things, basket- ball plans for. the winter, and holding, a Hallowe'en party in the Amena again this year. There weme eight Executivel mcmbers prcseut: Ivan Hobbs, Chairman; Don Shay, Mcl Dale, Andrew Thompson, Jack East- augh, Miss Jennie Tabacki, 'Rev. S. R. Henderson, Fred Cole. Business included a bill fo"* grass-cutting by Mr. Endersby, which was tumned over 10 the bail team for seltlement. A lengthy discussion took place over the basketball question. Don Shay's report was that the majority of boys interested lu basketball are tied up with bad- minton and bowling at presert. It was suggested that memb>lers of the Counicil help Don look into the malter further, since the Council wishes to have as many as possible in Bowmanville ta1kc part in some activity for the fun o! i1. The discussion culminatei in the decision 10 put an acive- tisemeul lu the paper asking al men intorested in basketball tu attcnd a meeting at the Lions Community Centie. MIonday, Oc- tober 23 at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Shay is 10 have the power of decision' as 10 which course il is best to pursue regarding the malter. A letter was read concerning art classes. It xvas moved that an advertisement be put in the 1 tatoma ac,, nnnnene a mnotj n , tbe held at the Public School on Monday evenings from 7 t0 9 pa. was receivod from Stuart R. James, Sccretary o! the School Board. A lettor was received, fromn the Chamber 0f Commerce, an- nouncing a meeting of groups ln- terested ln the Santa Claus Par- ade to be held on December 9th. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Octobor 24, with Don Sbay and Rev. S. R. Henderson the representatives from the Coni- munity Council. The Arcua Committee sent a letîci' granting the Community Council free time for children's activities and the use o! the Amena for a 4-team local hockey Icague, dates and times to be armanged. It Nvas moved that a lelter be sent to Principal Thompson of the Public Schools re this malter, advising hlm of the possibiiity of the Amena being available cer- tain afternoons after school, aI which time, it would be hoped that he would provide adequate supervision, "for the cbildren. A copy of the leIter is also to be sent 10 the Arena Commitico. New~ Business and Activitles Fund raising activities wvere again discussed. Announcement was made that the Midget basebaîl team are ont of the O.B.A. playdowus. There is to be a Central On- tario Zone con fcrence in Lindsay on Saturdayv, October 28 for tho' e in tercsled lu Community recre- ato fn. taineda a12-7 cruooîng. Te sec- -at--nano - rl-'ig X ond game was played undorthe Wallon Pascoc was clcctea o! ail thiose intercsted in aduit A Hallowc*eon party 10 bo hcld same colilitions at Bowmanvillc Presideiil of tiue Boxvmaivifle art classes, the meeting to Lbo hchd Tuesday%, October 31, was dis- wvhere the poesting team took Lawn Bowling Club for the 1951 Thursdlav, October 19. at the cussed. Don Shay is 10 organize a 5-1 trounicing. soason at the clection meeting lu Lions Community Centre. a conîmitte 10 acl on suggestions Mm. Mutton said that until hî,- the club rooms. Dr. H. Ferguson A lotter granting permission concerning the party. l team met Brampton, he hadi not was appointed Vice-r-residient. for thie woodworking classes, un- A cash box is 10 bc procured been asked for a roster o! Ibis Treasurer I"red (Coie was agail dem the direction o! Mr. Slute. îoý foi tbc Recreation Director. nature by any team played, nonrc-clcctcd and the secretaridl bzd lie veen any other team pro- chores wîhll again be hancled iw duce one. Clarence Oke. Jîm Â\ewmnari wa s appoîuted chairminof 1Houiea, W.B K ac Telegram Carloonisi Draws Uo,-;le.t chairman of 'foumnanie -i I,ýIm , Iy Films Are Loa____ile i Bak ht The .10 active members of the local orgauza;ýtion liave staried cýe If vou are iîlcecsted i orig i- who the Lions Club çlîet \vas ub Neeiing uvcinating thie club hîouse anid ating , ji< l ~wl 'ei o duoiandh Pies. Nelson gres nsulbricK sicîii, ilnas ally lcad to an hilarious roar, ein- Osborne hookedi like thie mari after driver whom hie coîîsidemedi an ceen added to tthe ouîcir surfacc' sure yourself a view o! the Bov- whom thie Rock of Gibraltar was "old duffer." But beiug --a of club housL, and the woocicn I maîîville Rogues' Galery schîcd- named. smrt~iy ougser b dm-tim is going 10 be palinteat.' 'mle uled to make a daily appeaî'ance Next iin the limeliglit of! tue 0 ~ tai~s abil ity to haîîdlo a verandan xiii roen inor a col"' ii The Toronto Telegram, stat*- great and îîeam great comes the céam by driving at proper speech. ourlul paint jÏb too. 'fopsoilî es ing this xvcck. Chamber of Commerce xxith sorne observing road sigus, and obe,,- scaltered hliberally over tiie gras.iy W. B. MacDonald..wbo .igns.Mf its charactors caricaturc-d. Doni ing the signal o! the corner tiral- grecn and levelied 0off ior nexilbis offerts 'W.: B. Mac," visited M\cGrQgor with luis Sorel top wore fic ligbt. But ail the whihe. bis year. s play. Accomding ta Sec- Bowmanviile on Qctober 121h and a wido-opeîî smi le, disphayîug is mueér self was spcaking aloud: Ilrctary Oke, "It will becttîc beauty proccecld d 10 reate caricatures o! Pepsodent teeth; Joe Shehyn, rau make that ligbt if 1 stcp On spot Of the town within a coupie some 42 o! Bowmanville's bettc: dynanic Sec ' o! C. o! C.. wes il," or rolling along in a 30-niîle of years." knowîî citizens. fcatured with bis Cliarhie Cbap- zone, "I bet 1 could gel 60 outa 'ihe Public Utilities have erect- The Commuîîity Couîîcil for lin muslaclie and a mussed-up Ibis craIe." cd a rctaiing wvall uoî'th of h tue Rcrcationî xas immortalized i,, mop. The climax came wheîî said bowling green iin oruier 1iosop".viac' whcîî lie caught geniai Easy 10 recognize as Main~ charactér accelerated bis dcli';- crosion and hold thie carth belowv'Sam Hendersoîî. Minîster of Trini- (C oitinîîed on Page Six) emy truck over the 20 mile specu their sub-siatîon intact. Thbis ity Unied Chumch wcaîVing i-,s limit required in Ibis particular ccmeiltxvail adois te ta apprar- Stinday-,,o-mecting smîile. B;1 townr. A young cbild on a tricycle ance ci' bhe square bowling greeci James, also included 1iii lu is lG iesW whccled out from bcbiîîd a park- uscd bvy the eîîthusiastic bowlc,-ý-1gmoup. discovemed a bulbous e\,-Hod alo e n cd car. CRASH! A dead chili1: Irom neî until October. tremîty betwecîî bis cyrs xxhic1 h odH l we n bbc man wbo could be called a TIhe wveathecr prox'es toc cold for- undex' more lavourable ciîcum- Party a t High Sehool killer was bebind prison bars. bowýling at the presontlîtie and stances. could be rc'crrýed 10 li Preventing Accidents operalions have bcciî discontin- a nose. Fred Cole iookcd exacti\ The 2nd Bowmanville Guide Co. The second film was ftibd, ucci uiil .)ane isi, 19a]. It is like Frecd Colo, bbc otund ton met TIuesdlay evcniiîg at the High uriderýs*ood that the local BowlinIg rilats.ShoLndrhleesip f Det"adconl- Clb oml rst. Schol uîcJack Leadnchipre "Desinàton DaîClaub is already looking ior ucwv Fo ochrJc adr CapI. Wilma Benneet, Lieut. Au- ends cx'etng adcîs.and mcmbc:-s for the 1951 scason. Prosiuent of tbe Kirîsmen Cluc. drcv Richards and Actinîg Lieut. meas o prvenin acidýts.Itprouuccd a pI'omnici, seinetiiiL'5Jeanotte Lobb. (Conlunued on Page Six)- - refcrrced 10 rs "rock-lize ' cn.ri, Oui' mcetîng oecîed with Pa- and a smilc that inrludcd a hîaîîd- rladHoshc.Oiate - Kinsmen Club Hear f. lIof teii. .Art 1-ooper se nc roia 34IansesheOui attend CallForTen ers Rep rt-of onvntin £oul bclikeiîed te that whicA spanet sl n the rcmaning 6ttetcte tur efanious lPiiiîocclîio iîad occc'- eFtheeeiigathtetr- Caîl For TendersrReport of Conventionta,]hd belatter we xVOi'e îot X'i3 On School Addition IAt i>eterborougii Stale alerospon flte llng'ale lcd~ aý-cd wxithî. Don't be alarmed when you Jack Laudr, Presidcîît o! Kins- ec'bddiai i ais aerDuiiiîg0crs aituy ocriod.T.- read the advertisemnent in the mon Club, described bhis Pelerbor- IJewellci' imyMari' spoi'b cd oiloot was anchî by oui'Co classified section o! this pap- oughi district convention expei'i- a irsaî-ide blaci piell trieak by our îLicuh., wbile Capt. re- er cahlng for tenders for the cres aItue i'egular meetinîg ut 1 v____ __ ____-xiewcch First Clas.s wîbh a îiujn- costucio o a adiio- thc Bowmaîîvillc Kinsmeîî ai. th4ber, of girls. cosrcino nadto- Balmoral Hotel on Octobeî' 17. ' Ncxtue.-duiv la our Hahlowc'cru al four rooms at the Ontario Mm. Landier motored 10 the Junior Farmers 'arty \liicii is lu takie place at Street school. This doesn't Lifthock Lity Occo;cr 6th. anG Leave For Guelph 1ne Iligli school 1iroui 7-9:30) mean that the Bowmani'ille combinied witb Kin from Kirkianu 1' - *'ri. Each girl is te bing a Bordo Euctonisgin.Lake to Lakc Ontario and troLn rFor juaging Tests il iind u,îd we are planinîg on a Boad f duatbn s oig.Kingston to Toronto lu an cf tort i i 'cal good lime. 'i li-e mothiers ahead wlth the building bc- 10 Uîrash out projects auîd plans!1 Twelve cagcu uianî 'youthîs arc iý,\ll bcein atteuidaiice 10 elp widb fore they gel the sanction for thic orthîcomiîîg yeam. lVany leaving loi' ýuehph hoday (T'hcrs- the p)rmviIaici %xc al.o hope ta from the ratepayers of the club problems were brought out day) to take part lu tue orlturiî hase, twcobhier guests. tow'n. at the session and settled; new Judging Competition ah Guciphi Oct. 310 la Oui' Brownie Fh',ing proleis wre lsoaircd. 1 and vie for the possible hîcuiur ol Up' wîcn'v must alli cct l i These tenders are being eall- Accomding 10rports. the 1ei- eprescn'uing Durhanm Couîîty ii iIcluiicrrn. 'hen. Nov. 7 wa ed by the architeets so the x'cntioui was mosily a bu-siie-si the lortheon-ing i-loyal \v iinîtur arc szartinm a c1ihs on F votrs ! he ownwiI kow meeting confined te Kinsmeii Faim ai 'Tomente. Agi'icultmýlh Wcrk' as ene hobby. Christmas vtroftetw %l nw clubs inii Dstrict 8. Rcpeseitative Ed. Sumiriers"s cau'ds were disbî'îbuted anîd ace exactly how much the four Presenit Novel Binigo confidenît that Durham teanis wil'i sejlhing wcll. Piocceds. te buy roomns wiii cost when they Somnetbing new ind, difierent pro'.'de .ifcornipehition io~. u.- badges, etc. Oui' meetinig was go bo the poils on or about ln hhe xxay of Bingo wi~ll be offet'- cm Ontar'io entu'ics. r brought hu a close with Cii-cie and Monday, December 4th. cd Boxx'manville î'csidienbs Sat- j Besicles judging l in crciint, aips. umday. October 21, when the Km5ý- 1 compettons, i)uibain boYs x5A: unen Club xvilh prescrnt "strictly 1hb asked six oral questions. TI, 'n Don Shay Speaks cash nizs' aithbe Badmintonî composite mark will inidcatc St. Paul's W.M.S. A tGude Vlthes' Tuenuberealin bginatconipetition winnei.ý. On e;. Hears About Japan ýAt uideMoters' clubh'enumbr cllin _jday evening, Ocheber 20. a ban- 8:30 p.m. sharp and otfei's a payquel us phanncd as a ittiîg laid' AuxliryMetio r a chance 10 bring home the to a keen day. and il i O xpected S. Paul WM 'I îiaiiliuffe.*- Au iiaycash that will ailow a luc'ky pha.,-' that comnpetuhuon i esuit., ili11 u îng '-,Service wa.i heid iin the e- The egular meeting o! the cm 10 briîîg home bbc baconîilu arnounccd aI thie dinner. ttie rioom Oct. l'i. TIhe c eting, Bowmanville Guide Mothers' futur'e. No Durham girls are cîîlered i ,opc',ied Withi SOsmUsIc PlaYef Auxiliary wvas held lu the Lions Besicles being an al-cash prize -!the Guelphi compctitioiî buisyc: by Mrs. R. Whitmnce. Commuuity Centre Wednesday, îîigbt, the Kinsmen Jack-Pot prize1 Tho,, wbo will leave for Guelphl The Piosicent, ivirs. WV . ,Cuir- October il. bas iucreased ta a rcportedi $20.1 today are: South Durhani Caiî rulhers prcsided anîd gav'e a few The meeting opened with thie LasI bingo il was $10 for a spe- Club-Hon Brooks. Bowmianvillc bougtibsonu "ilhanksgiviug' andu Guide Motber's Prayer, followed cial game prize but observing tuI! R. R. 3. anîd Eamhe Bmon, Nexw- »"gu'.-ing hanks." I ho offemji by the minutes and roll caîl. The no one qualified 10 clai m thec'as île R. R. 2: Durham Fohatow \as prescnted and ceedicated ov Treasurer gave hem report. The mofley. il cai'rics on 10 Ibis week. i Club-Newton Selby, Newc:alt '. the singing e! a hiyrnn. the I&ss attendance aI meetings bas beeu Particulars will bo relcased at' and Chamie Peaî'eck. Camnpbeil- ve'erze îead lin uni.scn. The Sci'ip- smnall sa lI was decided ta try bav- the Sattirday nigbt bingo explain-, crolt R. R. 1: Durhiam Cir. -i. taire eadinig was guvt'n by Mrs. .1. ing the meetings lu the homes. iug tbc exact qualifications requir- -Harold Hammond, Bowrnan- A. Ccx, holowcd wîtb prayer by Mrs. Arnold Lobb inviîed lbe cd 10 xin the Jack-Pot prise. vil le R. R. 4, and Arnold B ac kcii> bbe President. members to ber home for the __________ idge. MNiilhroiook: Bec! Cal! Club Miss Marnionî Beilman gave in- next meeting. -Sam Tturner', Bowmnanx'ihle R. teresting highiglits on the Scooel Mr. Don Shlay gave an inter- The ecitor was pleased to bave R. 4 and Keithi Stapleton, NcwI- for Leaders beld in Whitby, wihni esting talk on recreation. a xisit from Mr. Gregory FriendI tonville. beipfal suggestions for ahi branch- The meeting chosed with Guide on Saturday xvbo spent the sum- The West Durhîam Swine Club es o! womk lu the chîumcb. MI's. Mothers' Benediction. Lunch mer hitcb-bikiug lu Europe and will be rcpresentcd hy Bill Feî- Kennetb Werrx. vîntrodacedi Mrs. was served by bbc social coni- takîng a special course aI ane o! guson and Richard Van Camp of W. E. Beman o! Newcastle wu'.o mittee. bbc aniversities lu Paris. France. 1Nesh!cton R. R. 2. and bthe h. gave an inbcresting balk on Japau'l The nexl meeting is Noxemberl Greg. bas already esumcd bis, (': b il; s'nid*,-cPaiihl Z -rnd di ph'ycd many choice a, Stb at Mrs. Arnold Lobb's hom;-,i studies aI MeGill University uin : onîe R. R. h:--1'd Gard(on W i ; e.' ,ý poh¶Ic-y sud beautifuil 14l Durham St. Montreal. ison, Garden Hill. ic lothung from Japan. Speaks To-night Red Tape Dofeais INidget Team __________ .D.A. Iives Decisén in Hamilton t4ttnmau %an aýbi