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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1950, p. 20

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BRING YOUR TAEPYCS N MESSAGE BEFORE ~fEri FfZSU ~ SV-IIU 12,000 READERS 'j4 « sCOSTe0cPERA BLACKBURN-To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackburn, o! Edmonton, Alta., an Sept. 27th, 1950, a daughter, Mary Kathleen. 42-1* WELSH-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsh are happy ta announce the birth of their daughtcr, Lauralyn Julia, at Bowmanville Hospital, on October lSth, 1950. 42-1 Mr. and Mrs. P. Hayward wish ta announce the engagement of their daughter, Marion Betty, ta Ernest Raye West, son o! kIr. and Mrs. A. E. West, of Orono. The wedding will take place on Sat- urday, Oct. 28th at 3 o'clock at Trinity United Church, Bowman- ville. 42-C, NICHOLS-Entered into rest in the Bowmanville Hospital on Sun- day, October l5th, 1950, Alice Aldsworth, widow of the late William Henry Nichals, in her 8lst year. Interment Ebenezer Cemetery. 42-1* SMITH, M. Mildred Lawrie-At Bawmanville Hospital on Thurs- day, Oct. 12th, 1950, M. Mildred Lawîie, aged 47 years, beloved wife of Colin J. Smith, and dear mather of Roseniary Jean and Neil Colin. Service was held in the Marris Funeral Chapel on Saturday, October l4th. Inter- ment Bawmanville Cemetery. 42-1 IN MEMOFtIAM GARROD - In affectionate re- membrance of a dear husband and fàther, John William Garrod, wha passed away Oct. l8th, 1942: "Another page in aur book of memories is gently turned today." -Always lovingly remembered by wife and family. 42-1* Ta aur neighbaurs we express aur bcartfclt gratitude and thanks for ahl their kindness and sym- pathy. Willard and Jean Gorr. 42-1 The Women's Auxilîary, Mcm- anial Park, wish ta thank the fol- lowing for the prizes they danated ta the euchrc: Mr. Norman Allun, Mr. Ralph Stutt, John Cale,, Char- tran's; Mr. W. Berry and Cowan's Restaurant. 42-i Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gorr, parents of Narleen Jean Gori, wish ta express sincere thanks and appreciation ta their friends and neighbours for thc many acts of kindncss and syrnpathy and beautiful floral offerings in their recent sad bereavement, 42-1 The childrcn "of the late Mrs. W. H. Nichols wish ta sincerely tbank ail the kind ncîghbours and relatives who were sa kind ta their mother during her ill- ness; also ta Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Rundle, and the nurses and staff of the Bowmanvillc Hos- pital for the splendid care she received while a patient there. 42-1* We wish ta express most grate- fuI thanks and appreciation ta the many relatives, friends and neigh- bours, the Bawrnanville Hospital staff, for their acts o! kindness and sympathy, and beautiful floral trîbutes extended ta us in our recent sad bencavement in the passing o! a iaving wife and mother. Colin Srnith. Roscmary and Neal. 42-1* Notices Orders taken for doll's clothes for Christmas. Phono 926. 42-1* YOUR FUTURE IN THE STARS -1951 forecast guide. Send birth- day with two dollars ta Doreen E. Penrett, Certified Astrolager, R.R. 1, Bowmanviiie, Ont. 42-1* Please note that the Darlington Abattoir, Hampton, the home o! fine meats naw bas a now phone number. Please caîl Bowmanvile 3243 fan the bost in moats. 42-1 Ah mon in Bowrnanville inter- ested in piaying basketball are îequested ta attend a meeting in the Lions Community Centre on Manday, October 23rd at 7:30 p.m. 42-1 Business Opportunity HARNDEN'S Garage Business,1 complote with toals and equip-( * ment. Good going. conceun andi splendid opportunity fou bodyi and fonder ropairs as weli as mechanical. Owner must sell dueE to iii health. Phono 952. 42-1i Personal COMING EVENTS Reserve Thursday, Nov. 9th, fou Hamptoni Women's Institute bazaau opening at 3 p.m. 42-2 Little Heipers meeting an Wed- nesday, October 25th at 2:30 p.m. at St. John's Parish Hall. 42-1 Rummage Sale and afternoon tea at St. Andrew's Chunch on Fuîday, November 3md, at tbre o'clock. 42.1* B. H.S. wiil prescrit "H. M.S. Pinafome" at the annual Com- mencemnent on November 27, 28, 29, 30, and December lst. 42-6 Two-act Openetta "Miss Poily's Patchwork Quit," in Newcastle United Church Sunday Schooi Hall, Fniday, Oct. 27th, 8:30 p.m. Keep the date. 42-1* The Public Speaking Contesta for Darlington Township Public Schaols will be hoid ini Hampton Sunday Schaol Roam, Wednesday, Octaber 25th at 8 p.m. 42-1! Thank-offering service at Cour- tice United Church, Sunday, Oct. 29th . Turkey supper on Wednes- day, Nov. lst, stamting at 4:30 p.m. 42-1 Sauina Women's Institute arc havîng a bazaar and afternoon tea in the basernent o! Eldad Church, Wednesday, October 25th, from 3 ta 5 p.m. 42-i w4 play 4'Swcet Sally Brown" wil be presented by Blackstock an Mon., Oct. 23rd, in Tyrone Hall, under auspices of Betbesda Club '41. Admission 35c, 15c. Re- freshments sold. 42-1* Organization of an Art Class at Lions Commuwnity Centre under auspices of Bowmanville Com- munity Council for Recreation. Ail those interested arc wclcome ta attend, Thursday, Oct. l9th (to-night) 7:30, Lions Community Centre. 42-1 Plan ta attend the Eastern Star Bazaar ta be hcld in the Memori- ai Arena on Friday, October 27. Aftcrnoon tea wili be served from 3-6. Baoths will include fish pond, touch and take, country store, aprans, candy, and home baking.- Also, draw on quilt. 41-2j CUSTOM waîk with tractor. J. H. Allduead & Son. Phone 496. 39-4* BRAKE DRUMS! à Lathing, Honing and Grindlng We specialize in complete brake oveuhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom wouk, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. lt CHESTÉERFIELDS completeiy re- built and re-uphoistered. Satis- faction guaanteed. Have oui consultant caîl at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf REPAIRS toalal makes o! nefrîg- cuatars, domestic and commercial;, milking coolers. Higgon Eiec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phono 438. 25-tf Wanted MIDDLE agcd waman. House- work, state wages expected. Write E. H. White, Bowmanvilic. 42-1* DUTCH famiiy wants ta rent farrn, with option o! buying. Write Box 489, c/o Statesman Office. 42.1* HOUSEKEEPER for farrn home,- twa chîlduen. Appiy R. Rowan, R.R. 1, Bowmanville. Phono 2745. 42-1* FOR a medium isize dog, a good home, where it wili be well fed and cared for. Apply 191 King St. East, bouse west a! Supertest Gas Station. 42-1* ORGANIST and choir leader for St. John's Anglican Church. Ap- piy for appointrnent ta the Ves- tery Clonk, Mrs. F. A. Dilling, Box 371, Bowrnanville. 42-1 TRANSPORTATION Wanted - Manvers Rd. ta Oshawa, 5 days weekly. Oshawa by 7 a.m., e- tumn 4.30 or laten. George Ail- chin, Phone 2475. 42-1* TRANSPORTATION Wantcd - Stan Norrish o! 191 King St., desires transportation from Bow- manvilie ta Osbawa, alternative shifts at G.M., nights ending Nov. 1Oth. Phone 3480. 42-1* GOAL mitts, like new, cheap. Phone 2908. 42-1* JUNIOR bcd and single bed. Phoite 2460. 42-1* 1935 DODGE, good condition. Phone 572. 42-1 100 BUSHELS of mangolds. Phone 2710. 42-1 1938 NASH, A-i condition, $350. Phone 3417. 42-1 NORTHERN Spy apples. John Liptay, Haydon. 42-1* BOY'S brown overcoat, like new, size 8 -10 yrs. Phone 2247. 42-1 * TWO-piece chesterfield, good con- dition, reasonable. Phone 3155. 42-1 1947 PONTIAC Sedan with heat- er, good condition. Phone 3214. 42-1* CARROTS, delivered, $1.50 bus. Lloyd Snowden, Phone 2381. 42-1 * QIL burner cook stove, with drurns, in good condition. Phone 3179. 42-1* NAVY blue two-piece dress, size 16. Apply Mrs. E. C. Hoar, New- castle. 42-1*' PEPPER squash; early Canada watermelon and beets. Phone Orono 56r2.- 42-1 TURNIPS for fced, trimmed, over- size, run from the field. Phone 607J3 Oshawa. 42-1* PARKA sl4i jacket, size 12 years; twa spun rayon dresses. Mus. Young, 67 Duke St. 42-1* LADY'S winter coat, practically new, small 16,,wine with mouton tîim. Phone 2939. 42-1'* FOX and deer hound pups for sale, ready ta hunt. H. D. Milîson, Phone 2432. 40-3*I A QUANTITY a! second class lumber. Apply Russell Rabbins, 45 Scugag St. 42-1* SILEX coffee maker replacement parts. The Radio Shop, 38 King St. E., Phone 573. 42-1 VENETIAN Blinds-We measure and instaîl. Phone Marris Ca. for free estimates. 40-tf GIRL'S brown winter coat, size 14; two wintcr coats, size 14 and 16. Phone 2708. 42-1 TOLEDO scales, 30 lb.: Comput- agram, used twa years, haîf price. Phone 3621. 42-1 NEW shipments o! Cangoieum Rugs, Yard Goods, and new in- laid patterns at Marris Ca. 40-tf 1 HAPPY Thaught range, warm- ing closet, reservoir, Sulent Glow ail burners, and two 45-gal. steel barrels. Phone 2995. 42-i RUDD autamatic gas water heat- er, used only six months; anc Tudhape electuic rangette. Cry- stal Daîry, Phone 446. 42-1 AUTOMOBILES insured and fin- anced, low-cost plan. Roy Lun- ney, 48 King St. W. Phone 565. 40-tf SWEET cider, 50c gai., and Weaithy appies, 11/2 miles north o! Training Schpol, Phono 2927. 42-1 GOOD large heads $ 1.00 peu doz. Came and get tbem. Norman Pingle, 72 Elgin St., Telephone 518. 42-2* QUEBEC Heaters, 2 used heaters, in A-1 condition. For a neal buy sec these at F. F. Morris Ca. 40-tf McINTOSH apples, slight bail damage, 50e bush*l. David Gray, Newcastle, Phono 1202 Clarke. 42-1 FINDLAY Vega range, 'in excel- lent condition, with waterfront. Appiy Mrs,'W. J. Leask, Phone 919. 42-1 BLIGHT-fmee patatoes, 75e a 'oag at the farrn, field nun. Bring youu own bags. Cliff Curtis, Pontypool. 41-2 FIVE-tube Phonola battery radia, in perfect condition. Arnold Wade, Newtanville, Phone Clarke 504. 42-1* 1940 PONTIAC Coach, new paint job, $725; 1941 cab-over engine Chcv. truck, 14' stake piatform, $550. Phone 2341. 42-1* WASHING Machines - Sec the ncw 1951 models In stock for immediate delivery at Marris Ca. Easy terrns. 40-tf ONE IZ-gauge shotgun, single barrel, excellent condition, equip- ped with sturdy recoil pads. Phono 2730. 42-1 Articles For Sale '32 ROCKNE Coach, new rings, Iwrist pins, valve job, brakes aver- hauled. Cheap for cash. Apply Wilfrid Q. Smale, Hampton. 42-1* LIGHT grey falding baby car- rnage, and high chair, bath gaod as ncw as thcy were only used a few months. Phone 3487. 42-1 * 1 DOUBLE mapie bed, spring and mattress; 2 single steel beds, springs and mattresses; easy chair with foot rest. 124 Queen Street. 42-1* GURNEY eicctric staves, apart- ment size, immediate delivery, $229.001, tirne payrnents arranged. The Radio Shôp, Phone 573., 42-1 RECORD players, ail types, $14.95 up. Sec aur record advertise- ment in this issue. The Radio Shop, 38 King St. E., Phone 573. 42-1 TWO ènly, new coal and wood staves, ta clear at greatly rcduced prices. Sec them at The Radio Shop, 38 King St. E., Phone 573. 42-1 RANGETTE, like new, wood range, excellent baker; 2 Mctwo venetian blinds, each 3'7" x5', hardly used; Congoleum rug. Phone 958. 42-1 BEECH and maple, green cord- wood, $18.011 a cord, sawed and delivered; also fence posts, H. M. Kyte, Buuketon, Phono Part Peruy 193-r-14. 15-t! CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget pnices. Phono 451, Waiker Stores. 23-tf condition, valve, jab and front end re-bushed this summer. Must seli. Phone 2730. Graham's Gar- age, Haydon, Phone 2730. 42-1 SUNBEAM Mixmasters a n d Shavemasters now in stock. They will be scance at Christrnas s0 prepare now. The Radio Shop, 38 King St. E., Phono 573. 42-i HOOVER vacuum clcaner-new, iow-cost, powerful suction, tank type cleaner, with exclusive durt disposai feature. Phono Hydro Shap fou free home demonstra- tion or service. Dial 471. 41-4* LINOLEUM headquauters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleume, Congoieums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Every pattern tbat's madeý is available at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf IMMEDIATE delivemy, Fairbanks Morse space heateus. Heat your home the safe, dlean ecanomical way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bradley's Furnitune and Appli- ance Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf OIL burners installed, complote with anc year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as littie as $35 down and 24 months ta pay. S. Blain Elliott, Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phono 3348. 29-tf PLUMBING, Heating and' O1 Burners installed anywhere i Durham County. Roasonable rates and highest quaiity. For 'free estirnates cail S. Blain Elllott, Heating, Piumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf Article s For Sale ATTENTION - Turkey, chicken and dag raisers. Sel1in,$ out 45 strong 6x6xP ail hcavy gauge wirc fox cages with waoden ken- nels, 2x4 frames. $10 each at farm. Also softwood, $8 cord, at farm, and cedar posts. Margwill Fur Faim, Phone 2679. 39-tf OTACO auto tuack attachment army truck body, excellent for dunlp body; also Massey-Harris spreader, fieshly' painted. and in excellent condition, bargain price. Be sure and sec yaur George White and Avery tractor dealer. Graham's Garage, Haydon, Phone 2730. 42-1 ALL ýkinds o! meat, good quality wieners, bolagna, cooked hams, smoked hams and, bacon, sausage and hamburger, Darlington, Abat- toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pickling, smoking and sausage making. During the summer mnonths - bog killing on Tues- days and cattle at any time. 34-t! 1BED chesten!ield, grey velour, like new, bal! new price. West- inghause washer, new >matou, guaranteed 1 ycar, white enamel tub; 5-drawer chest, natural fin-. ish; 3-burner electric range, clos- ed elements, 3 months aid; used clectric refuigerator, new unit, guaranteed, $175; ]gorge space heater, medium size; Westing- house radio, console modei, aife ycar aid, cost $131, wiil soul for $59. Murphy's, Phono 811. 42-1* $l,400.00-YEAR aId John Deere Modei M tractar, complote with 2-furrow intragai plow; $500.00- Model BR John Deeme, on steel; $700.00-Model H, John, Deere in A-i condition; $85000-Model H John Deere, wjth 2-row cultiva- tan and plaw, new. matou this spuîng; $l,000-Modei B Case, 3 years aid, mechanicaliy perfect. A full lineofo farm tractons and machineny at F. S. Allen & Sons, 3 miles wost a! Town on Na. 2 Highway. Phone 2833. 42-i BRADLEY Furniture Ca., 40 King St. W., Osbawa, Phono 271-3-pc. bedroomi suites. $69.00; steel bcd outfits, compiete, $26.95; feit base floor covering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ai] calons; 3 pc. allover velaur chesteu!ield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66,00; spulng- filled mattresses, $24.95; tri-iight lamps, complette, $12,95; rangottes, anges from $59,00; 3-pc. allover velour bcd chosteu!ield suites, $119.001; 9 x@ Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental degigns, $49.50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95: table lamps. $6.75. Evcrything for the homne at Bradley's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phono 271. 6-tf Livestock For Sale 95 WHITE Leghorn puilets. Phono 2571. 42-1* 40 ROCK hens, ane year aid. Phone 2154. 42-1 20 SUSSEX pullets, neady ta lay. Phono 2715. 42-1 30 FEEDER stoons. John Dowson, Pont Per~ry. Phone 97J. 42-1* ONE gaad sized, well bned Lei- cester ram lamb. Phone 2211. 42-1* Recd Estate For Sale CONCRETE block dwelling, 6 rooma, large lot and garden. Vacant. Possession Nov. lst. $3500 cash for quick sale. Stuart R. James, Real Estate Broker, Bow- manville. 42-1 COOKE REAL ESTATE $11,000 -Large brick 2-family' home in village on highway, bath, oversize furnace, splendid gar- den, 2-car garage. Immediate possession. $8,700-8-roam brick house on No. 2 Highway. New furnace, 2-piece bath, hardwood flooring upstalrs and down. 2 barns, 1-car garage, 2 acre lot, apple orchard, raspberries a nd strawberries. Possession 7 days. $2,000 -50 acres, 40 acres good waodland, 10 acres tobacco land. *Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor Phone Clarke A2621 Newcastle 42-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Frame house, 8 roams, full base- ment, water, hydro, double gar- age, large lot. $5,000. Terms. 2 acres wooded land, black loam, creek, well, hydro, dwelling. NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate - - - 30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be pald by date of Insertion. If charged, an addltlonal 250 wIII be added A charge o! 250 wlll be made for ail replies directed to this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANXS eo a word with a minimum of $1,00 - for 33 words or les.. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIAMS - - - $1,00 plus 100 a line for verse. Display Ciassified at 800 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates. Ail Classlficd Ads. must ho in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) AUCTION SALE I have received instructions fram Mrs. Nellie Palmer 57 CENTRE ST., BOWMANV1LLE ta seli by public auctian on Saturday, Oct. 2lst at 1 p.m. sharp a :1-picc Jacquard velour chester- field suite; modemn dinette suite; continental bcd, with box spring and mattress; writing desk; lib- rary table:, Findlay Oval cook stove; modern and, antique furn- iture; dishes; silverware; bedding;, uugs; radias; chests o! duaVeis; dozèns o! other items. Don't miss this large sale, which will commence at i p.m. sharp. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 42-i Auction Sales Mu. Wllbuu Baskerviile, Lot 8, Con. 1, Clarke Township, 21/2 miles east and 1 Con. south o! Newcastle, is giving up farming and will seli by public auctian on Saturday, Oct. 28th, at i p.m. sharp, ail his fauma stock, impie- monts, etc. For particulars sec bis. Terms cash. No reserve. F. E: Lycett, Cleuk; Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 42-2 Second Annuai comprising 37 head purebued and 17 grade Here- fards. Consignoirs: J. R. Nakes, 25 hedd: Randoif Junkin, 2 head purebued; Col. C. D. H. MacAl- pine, 17 head grade Herefords, at the farm a!f J. R. Nakes, 1 mile cast a! Manilla, on Oct. 26th, 1950, at 1:00 p.m. Auctioneers, Bill and Ernie O'Neill. Lunch ser- yod at farm. 42-i1 TWO unfurnished roams. Phono 2306 Bawmanville. 4ý1 HOUSE ta ent. Apply Friday ou Saturday only, Oct. 20 and 21, et 31 Liberty St. N. 42-1! Wanted To Rent Help Wanted ICE maker for Bawmanville Arena. For details see M. J. Wight, 84 Church Street. 42-1 WANTED - man for Hampton Mill, goad steady employment, holidays with pay, experience ncot necessary. Apply C. *Lockwood, Hampton Mill. 42-1 EXCELLENT oppartunity -. we require anc aggressive man for Bowmanville District who poss- esses business ability, gaad edu- cation, persanal appearance with A-i reference, non-drinker only, age 30 -35, married preferred, car essential, permanent business oppartunity as exclusive dealer, high earnings. Write District Distributor, 386 Water St., Peter- borough. 42-1 ONE salesman wanted for Bow- manville district, age over 30, car owner, married, non-drinker, with ambition and desîre ta get ahead. This is a permanent busi- ness. Must be able ta start work next weck, men with bread route, insurance, vacuum cleaner, store or similar selling experience do well in aur business yet we dis- count experience for men who passess business ability and am- bition ta get ahead. Write Box 487, c/a Statesman Office. Per- sanal interview will be arranged. 42-1 Lost LADY'S skirt on Centre Street. Finder Phone 607. 42-if BEAGLE haund, black, tan and white, east of Burketon and Pontypoal. Phone 5669J12 Osh- awa. 42-lt Found BLACK and white part Spaniel, in vicinity *of Lake Scugag, some tirne ago. Mrs. E. Benson, 50 Playter Blvd., Toronto. 42-1! Wanted To Buy BEST prices 'for scrap iran and batteries, $1.50. Phone Clarke 2530. 40-tf BUSH - must be predomiTiately hard maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone Port Perry 193r14. 22-tf OLU HORSES - Wanted urgent- ly. For best prices caîl Margwill Fur Farm 2679 Bowmanville. 40-tf SCRAP batteries, any condition, $1.00. Telephone 467 for pick- up. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. .37-tf BEFORE selling your ilve poultry try us. Ouri puces are higher M. Flatt, R.&. 1, Bethany. phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf TEN upright pianos, immediately. Will pay highest cash prices. State price and make. Write Box 491, c/o Statesman Office. 42-1 FARM in Darlington Township, with fair buildings and good location. Write Donald Mount- jay, 225 Queensdaie, Toronto, or Phone 2313 Bowmanville. 42-1 Farmers Attention!1 WE will be pleased ta pick 'up dead or crippled farm animais and pay highest pîevailing prices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or Cobaurg 1266W, Gardon Young Ltd. 2tf For Sale By Tender_ SALE 0F HOUSE BY TENDER ELLA S. JOLLOW, Estate The premises forrnerly accupied by the above deceased situate at 192 King Street East, will be sold by tender for cash. The bighest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will be ne- ceived at the office of W. R. Strike, K.C., Bowmanville, Ont., up ta 10 a.m., October 2lst, 1950. Tenders should be signed and a ccrtificd cheque fou 10% o! the tender price enclosed in a scaled envelape addressed ta W. R. Strike and plainly maukcd "Ten- der Jollow Estate." The tenders will be opened imrnediately after 10 a.m. on the said day at the said office in the presence of thase filing tenders should they be present. The cheques from unsuccessful tenders will be ne- tumned by return mail. Vacant possession on ou before November Premises may be inspected on October 1Oth and llth from, 7:30 p.m. ta 9 p.m. W. R. Strike, K.C., Bowmanviiie, Ontaria, Solicitor for the executors. 40-3 TENDERS WANTED THE gift season is approaching- be prepared with CASH prof it, build your awn business sellinMV our 250 guaranteed products, foodstuffs, tonics, disinfectants, medicines, etc. No experience rcquired. Write E. O. West, 160(Y Delormier St., Montreal, 24. P.Q. 42-2 bomie and Get It (by Jaseph Lister Rutledge) Most arbitrary proh i b i t i o n a tend ta defeat themselves. Ban a book and watch its circulation rise. Set a currcncy on a spurious basis and every phase of human ingenuity wil be devoted to cir- cumventing the restrictions. In days not so long past aur government endeavoured ta sus- tain the belle! that the purchas- ing power of the Canadian dollar was the equal of' he America' dollar. It spent many othe] oi~ lars ta maintain this pleasant fic- tion. But, somewhere in a fanan- cial "No man's land" which for- cign cxchangc contrai officiais could- not rcach, men traded in dollars on terms of what they thought them ta be worth. Be- fore long it became apparent that na amount of patriotic spending cauld make the worldly-wise, trade American and Canadian dollars on even tcrms. The need ta accept the opinion of the mar- ket-place was obviaus. The dol- lar was devalued and a new price set for it. Again it was deter- mined to maintain its new and ar- bitrary value against any assault and any public evaluation of its worth. Under certain specific circumstances, of course, it rnay be imperative ta set such arbi- trary values and ta maintain them, even at considerable cast, if there is ta be any sort of stab- ility in a currency. There is much doubt that Can- ada faced any pressing need, once the United States entered the war. There is small support for the idea that without currency control values wauld have been sa uncertain as ta induce heavy liquidation of Canadian assets, with a consequent reflection on aur trading balance. Such im- pressions are hardly sustained by the facts. WhilV we were main- tai.ning a fictitiaus value for the dollar we might have been in same danger. But what actually happened with devaluatian was that wie accepted the value of aur dollar as established in the black or free market. For the marnent at least we were trading on the free market. Officially we disregarcr these facts and assume that, if contraIs werc removed, Canadians wauld nat buy Canadian goods, would not stay at home and would not believe in the amazing promise of their awn future. It seems same- what strange ta be hopefully ex- pecting fareign venture capital to, take a rosier view of aur circurn- stances and aur future than we do ourselves. Can we expect that it will have confidence in us, where we have nat full confi- dence ourselves; that it will ac- cept without dispute our surpris- ing dictum that you can make rnoney here, but you can't take it out? Isn't that almast tao much to believe? Instead of always be- lieving that contrais will save us, nightn't it be better to take a moderate chance of lass ta be able ta say without fear or hesi- tatian the simple words that miade the United States sa vast and powerful? Listen ta them: 'Corne and get it." Your Meteor, Mercury Prefect Dealer OSHAWA 5505 BOWMAN4VILLE 3263 40 USED CARS & TRUCKS PRICED RIGHT 1947 FORD DELUXE COACH Clean Car --- -- $1250.00 1946 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN Radio, heater ---- $350 down 1950 METEOR New Prestone $2150.00 30 acres, 7-roomed frame bouse, bar-n, stane stable, 4 acres bush. $1,300. Lot an Duke St., good land. $300. Farms, general stores and lots. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowrnanville Phone 682 42-1* BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE Five-îoom bungalow, sunporch, winterizcd, insulated, heavy wîr- ing, well, 3-pce. bath, fireplace, lot '70 x 165, taxes araund $12.00. Price $4,900. Teîms. Lacatcd an East Beach. Six-room 'ultra-modemn bunga- low, auto-ail heating, heavy. wir- ing, off Liberty St. North. Price $8,300. Terms. Six-room semi-detached brick bouse, 3-pce. bath, heavy wiring, venetian blinds, hardwaod floors. Immediate possession. Located on Centre Street. Price $5,650. Lot on Highway No. 2, at Maple Grave, foundation dug, well, small shack, lot 80 x 285. Price $400. We have others. Bowmanvllle Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone Bowmanville 3326 Phone Oshawa 689 PAGE TWENTY THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVff=. ôNIýAWô 0 q" MOI% A " ^0411-9^15 ab loi IAWÉ%

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