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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1950, p. 3

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~~SDAY, OCTOBER 19, lg~W ~E CANADIMI STAT~5MAN, BOWMANVILTLE. ONTARIO PAC~ 'r~'wi~rn It Was annaunced in The States- man In Its issue of September 28 that the Board of Educatian has decided ta, continue the popular classes In Basic English and Citi- zenship for new Canadians resid- ing in the Bowmanville area. These classes are again being held under the capable and painstaklng direc- tion of mr. M. Slute of the Public School teachtng staff. O Our readers w111 be interested ta know that from the f irst pilot class started In Ontario in February 1946, the province-wide job of helping flewcomers ta become citizens has grawn ta where, in the 1949-50 term, some 15,000 persans studied Basic English and Citlzenship in 602 classes throughout Ontario. During these past four years about 29,000 of the some 50,000 aduit im- migrants in Ontario have taken one or more years of these classes. The work is done. where possible, at the community level, where the immigrants live. Community Pro- grammes Branch officiais feel this provides a wacm and personal touch that would be missing under a cen- tral contraI. As a result, most of the classes are operated by local school boards with the textbooks and teachers' reference kits supplied by Commun- ity Programmes Branch. The local Oboards receive provincial grants as for other night classes. Where a local board cannai hald classes, or where no board exists, the Branch wll operate them. The classes are based on aR two- year course with English taken t.he first year and citizenship the next. The three English textbooks are de- signed ta teach the elements of the language through the mast fre- quently used sentence patterns and ta teach Engllsh by means o! Eng- lish. TMis system, where the teach- ers need flot know a foreign an- guage and persans from different cauntries can corne tagether in one class, was developed by English Language Research Incorporated, Cambridge, Mass. By the end of the first year the newcomer's vocabulary includes about 1,000 words, and he has an idea of the most basic sentence structures. He is then able to con- tinue learning through hîs own ex- periences. The citizenship text, a M-page book called "Canada: Our Country" was prepared by the Community Programmes Branch o! the Ontario Department of Education. At the end of the two years-or whenever they feel they are able- the newcomers can write their ex- aminatian for the Provincial Certi- ficate of Proficiency. This certifi- cate may be accepted by the courts as proof of eduational qualifica- tions ta become a citizen. The success o! the classes, now entering their fifth year, is mea- suced by the high overaîl attend- ance of 78 percent last year that was made in spite of shiftwark in industry and wintec starms. The people concerned with the classes look at it this way. As attendance is vo]untary, the newcomers must feci they are getting somethineout of the classes or they wauld not bother coming. Tr.YadONE. C.P. May,Wid ______I Frank Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp Mrs. A. Thompson, Misses Luella visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. and Rose Thomas, Newmarket, Ironside, Stouffville.. spent the weekend withMran Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Burgess, Mrs. W. F. Park. Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pilkey, Burgess. Brooklin, visited Mr. and rs Quite a number from here at- Otto Virtue. tended the Plowing Match near Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinr Alliston last week. Miss Dorothy Skinner at Peter- hrwaagodtennc borough. mratthe c ammu odsrviendSun- day morning when the Rev. D. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear Lute gave a splcndid sermon. visited Mr. C. Larmer at Osh- C. G.IT. will meet this Friday awa on Sunday. evening at the home of Doreen Mr. John McMahon, Toronto, Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. George White, Jean Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tabb and Lorraine, Bowmanville, with1 visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar. Fraser. Orono. Iol Jane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes FRE ~~ Write Jane AMsI.y, The Canada Storch Company Limifed, P. 0. Box 129, Montroi, P.Q0. C&16 Basic English Classes for Newcomers Doing Excellent Job in Citizenship Shiloh W. A. held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Stone last week. Plans were completed for the bazaar on November lth in the school. A pleasant evening was enjoyed and the next meeting will be at Mrs. Ewart Robinson's. Miss Betty Savery entertain- ed a number o! little friends on hec birthday. Mrs. Bertha Reid has retucned ta Toronto after spending a few days with Miss Norma Hallowell. Miss Helen Turner, Newcastle, spent the weekend with Miss Mary Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Paeden and daughter, Flint, Mich., visit- ed Mc. and Mrs. Lamne Paeden. Fciends fcom Little Britain visited Mc. and Mrs. Carl Todd. Shiloh annivecsacy services were well attended on Sunday. Fine music was rendered ai bo!h services by Kirby Choir and Rev. Lancaster was the speaker. In the evening Rev. Lancaster selected the words, "The repairer af the breach' for his discourse, speak- ing of the relation af individuals ta the chucch and in living, and bringing happiness ta athers. Thanks is extended ta the Kirby people and ta, all who participat- ed. jMr. and Mrs. Raymond Chap- mnan and son, Kicby, with Mc. and Mrs. Orme Falls. Mc. and Mrs. James Lowery with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd. Mr. and Mcs. Ernie Bryson and Jack with Mc. and Mrs. Edwart Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savecy, Oshawa, with Mr. William Sav- Mr. and Mrs. B. Walter, Peter- borough, with Mc. and Mcs. Rus- sell Savery. Miss Ruth Wilson, Cobourg; Mr. and Mcs. Lloyd Ransbercy, Kirby; Mc. and Mcs. Willis Far- row, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow. Mr. Perrin, Mcs. Bill Reid and daughter and Miss O. Chapman. Kicby, visited with Mc. and Mcs. Lamne Todd. Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen, Mc. and Mcs. Bill Wannan, Kirby, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen. Newcastle; Mrs. Gwen Ransbeccy, Mc. and Mcs. Hart- well Lawery. Kirby, with Mc. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mrs. J. -Reid, Mrs. B. Reid, To- conta; Mcs. Wilfred Wood with Miss Norma Hallowell. Mc. and Mrs. Lagan and sons. Bethany, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Stark. Mc. and Mcs. Bill Andrey and family; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ro- gers and daughter, Mr. and Mcs. D. Shutka and daughters, Osh- awa. visited Mc. and Mrs. M. Shutka. No service at Shiloh on Sun- day awing ta special services at Kendal. Mc. Arthur Hallowell, Peter- borough, with Mc. and Mcs. Jake Hallowell. WESLEY VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Payne and Ruth, attended Morrish Unit- ed Church annivecsary services Sunday, and visited Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beebe in the afternoan. Mc. and Mrs. Grenville Fleit and family, Fenelon Falls, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tharqi- dyke. Sunday. Mc. and Mrs. Howard Payne visited Mcs. Payne's parents. Mc. and Mrs. Allan Peters, Morrish, Sunday afternaon. Mrs. Edgar Barrawclough visit- ed hec mother, Mrs. D. J: Hill at Marvelville this weekend. The W. A. meeting was heidl Xednesday aftecnoon at the home o! Mrs. F. Anderson. The ladies decided ta hald a pot luck sup- per at the churcb on the 27th o! October. The ideals o! primitive Christ- ianity are nigh. even at aur door. Truth is not last in the mists of remoteness or the bpiîharisms of niritless codes.-Mary Baker Ed- dy. Mrs. Ace Abbott, OslMewa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. K. Hardy and Mrs. E. Pres- cott. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park and children, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lil- licrapp, Peterborough, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John, Mr. Will Hambly, Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moncrief, Peterborough, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellawlees and children accompanied Mr. and Mrs. N. Yellowlees, Hampton, and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Peterborough, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.>T. H. Tabb visited Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong at Bethany on Sunday. Mr. J. Calbary, Jacqueline and Bea. Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Master Allan and Jimmie Youngman visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kiveli and their aunt, Miss Pearl Leach, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnston and family, Oshawa, Miss Phyllis Maynard and Mr. Oscar Andrews, Bowmanville. with Mr. and Mrs. Rov Mavnard. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Mary and Katherine, Toronto, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Stain- ton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sytynk and children, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Daw. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Croxail, Braoklin, and Mrs. M. Harris visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm accompanied Mr. Walter Coch- rane, Bownianville, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Union, and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rahm, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall and Mrs. W. T. Worden visited Ste- wart Hall at the Isolation Hos- oital and visited Mr. and Mrs. Buxie, Toronto, on Sunday. S TARK VILLE NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Darlington, Bowmanvi]lc,, spent the weekend with Mrs. Hat- tie Langstaff. Congratulations to Mrs. M. J. Holman who was eighty-six years Young on October 1 lth. Mrs. Harold Burley and two sons, Harvey and Dennis, who have been spending a few davs Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan -Phone 791 Bowmanvjlle, Ontario LAWVRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 Residence, 553 IV. F. WARD. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 9V2 King Street E., Bowmanville. Ontario Phone, Office 825 House, 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitar, Notary Publie Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto Office, Jury Jubilee Bldg King St., Bowmanville Office Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 nobon Wednesd., Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devîtt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Hours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 REAL ESTATEI BOWMAN VILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members af the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards J. Shehyn D. Maclachian Bowmanville 326 Oshawa 689 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITU Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E., Oshawa* Mr. Gordon W. Riehi, C.A.. resident oartner OPTOMETRY Optometrist. 74 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday Evenig by Appointment _ 7-8* with friends at Peterborough, re- turned on Sunday,, Mrs. Saunders, Toronto, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Daynard on Sunday. We are sorry ta hear that Mr. Daynard is under 'KENDÂL Mrs. F. Gilmer is spending a coulpe of weeks with Mrs. M. Soper and Mrs. Patton. Mr. Aylward Little visited bis mother, Mrs. Neya Little on sev- eral occasions last week. Mrs. Blodgett, Roseneath, is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Clar- ence Thirteil. Misses Marion and Lorraine Thertell spent a few days wîth their grandparents in Bowman- ville. Mr. Jas. Martinell à5 in Pet- erborough haspital for a few days receiving another blood transfusion, wbich,~ we hope will build hima up again. Mr..- and Mrs. Harry Mercer, Mrs. Mary Luxon and Marion wece Sunday guests of Mr. C. Mercer, Ehizabethville. Miss Anne Gordon, Whitby, is visiting hec niece, Mrs. Earl Bur- ley for some weeks. Sunday guests with Mr. andi Mrs. Earl Burley were Mr. and Mrs. AIf Gordon, Whitby; Jim Gordon, Osha'wa; Mr. and, Mrs. Art Campbell, Jimmy and Sylvia, and Miss June Gordon, Peter- borough. Mrs. Edna Underwood. Orono. visited Mrs. Neya Little. Theý then enjoyed a day at Markhp: Fair and visited with Mr. a- Mcs. Aylward Little and famil. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turans;. and family visited his parents Whitby on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon S. Mai tinell and Kenny were guests t. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Johnston, Por Hope, Saturday. Mc. and Mrs. Harold Little an,' family visited Mr. and Mrs. T.1 Falls and Mr. and Mrs. I. Little.1 There was a good attendanco, at Sunday Schoal but due ta tht. annivecsacy services at Shilo:i there was no church service here. Kendal Public school is beinr' renavated on the outside wf dark red insul brick siding whir'j should add considecably ta i warmth this winter. A wh' paint trim brightens it Up, Mrs. Wm. Jackson and IV Mary Luxon spent Tuesday a' Wednesd-ay in Bowmanville tending the class for leaders the Girls' Homemaking Cli' "Clothes Closets Up-ta-Date" the project this year for Duchar- under the guidance of Miss Jea I Noble. Mr. R. Wilson. Misses Ada W.1- son and Helen Boyd, Messrs. Frer Wilson and Gea. Palmer attend- ed the Fair at Roseneath. .Mr. Bill Morley and Miss Jean Perrin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Falls. Mrs. G. S. Martinell, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thertell and Nfr. Me] Wilson also took in the Rosc- neath Fair. Chuich at Hamilton on Saturday. Mr. Hryniuk is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hryniuk, Newtonville. Burley's Bus took a load to the Plowing Match at Alliston on Wednesday. Some of those at- tending from here were: Messrs. Frank Ovens, Fred Raby and Cleland Lane; also Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. There will be*no service in the United Church on Sunday, Oct. 22nd. owing to the anniversarv SCREEN PRINT. . . Heavy cotton fabrie in a simulated crepe finish, 50 jewel-toned colours on backgrounds of eggshell, grey and fawn - excellent draping qualities ------ FINE HOMESPUN DRAPERY .. . Fine cotton homespun drapery ini a smart satin finish, 50 inches wide in green and wine with white embossing22 5 yard PHONE 451 services being held at Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Martin, Brighton, and Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Martin, also a number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton on Saturday evening to celebrate with themn their 25th wedding anniversary. They were presented with a trilight floor lamp. The W. A. meeting which was to have been held on October 25 has been postoned and will takç' place on Oct. 30 at Mrs. A. Red- knap's. Mrs. Chas. Reid and Mrs. John Reid. Toronto, also Mrs. Hattie Langstaff and Mrs. Sam Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood one day last week. The force of an ideal is greater than the ideal of force.-Josephui Daniels. From lack of moral strength empires fail. Right alone is ir- restible. permanent, eternal. -Mary Baker Eddy. inches xvîde. Beautifu -$3.25 yard FLORAL PRINT CRETONNE... Beautiful designs on a good quality cotton graund, 36 inches wide. Printed in gay pleasant colours that are both sun and tubfast. Save money hy making your drapes and slipcovers from this inexpensive fabric 1Tyde Besi Quality Puffy Dot MARQUISETTE Fine, medium and large dots in cceam or white. Also figured marquisette in red and black, and-grey and black, 42 inches wide --------------- -~ ---69Ç yard Our Besi Qualiiy RAYON MARQUISETTE CURTAINS A superb curtain fabric with a permanent finish to resist crushing, and stay fresh and unwrinkled, 40" x 90" --- ------------ ------ - - ---- $4 9 5 p a r COTTON MARGUISETTE CURTAINS Woven puffy dots in cream or white, 35" x 80'".~ DRAPERY - RODS WE CARRY A FULL STOCK 0F -FRENCH HEADING BOOKS - HARRISON RAIL $2 .98 pair AND ALL ACCESSORIES -45c per bool KING ST. E. .1 *.,- , ll .ii 1t *its! i if;i the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farj'ow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow of Shiloh. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worral and Mrs. Adam Panas attended the Hryniuk - Doneff wedding wbich took place in the St. Vladimir WALKER STORES RAYON AND WOOL DRESSES and Two Piece DRESSES Amazing Value ai $6.95 each SIZES 14, 15, 16 and 18 These garments are made of men's fine wool and rayon suiting. Ail are beautifully styled and trirnmed with velveteen and satin. They corne in colours of grey, fawn and blue mix. A large range of the newest styles. PRINTED SPUN RAYON Afternoon Dresses Wonderful Value ai $4.95 each SIZES 34 to 44 Gay afternoon di-esses in gay printed spun rayon. Colours ai-e fast and will remain fresh after repeated washings. A large assortment in colours of green. rust, grey, blue, wine and red. Corne in and see- these special values. You wiIl be redecorating your home this fail so complete the job with fresh, new drapes. Be sure to see our large range of drapery fabrics. We wiIl make up drapes to your own measurements. 3 7on Guaranteed 3% Trust Certificates I SSUED for any amount . . .. for a term of five years ... . guaranteed bath as ta principal and interest . ... Intere8t cheques mailed ta reach holders on due date, or, ai halder's option, may he allowcd ta accumulate ai compound interest. An ldeol investment for. Executors e Individuals e Admlnistrators Commititsees Corporations a Trustees Cometery Soards e Hospital Sourds THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 Wd/204 AAcÇ/o&L, .Bùndece ""Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop- BOWMANVILLE "M- RSDAT, OCTOBER 10, 193e TRI CANADLW STATZSMAN, BOWMÀNMfE, ONTARIO PAGE TEM - 1 . ;j - -J ý i , i

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