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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1950, p. 8

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v -~AGN EIGHT THE CM~ADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE, OI'~TARIO "HURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1950 tober 7th. Given in marriage by ber step- father, W. J. Cowling, the bride was becomingly attired in a dressmaker style suit o! sky blue weol gabardiné with navy and Pink accessories and corsage of Pink rosebuds. Her only attend- ant, Miss Audrey Phare o! Cour- tice, were a similar style suit of navy iblue gabardine -with grey accessories and corsage o! red 120 L MONTREAL-A friend of mine was looking tired. «'I ache al ever from Fal bouse- cieaning. Can't sleep at night," she said. "That's when te reachi for SLOAN'S LINIMENT!", I teld ber. For, truly, Sioan's is the meet, relief -bringing treatment I knew Ï Ï for rheumatism, sore muscles, stiff neck, or neuraigia. Its soothing, penetrating beat gets right te the heart of the pain. Just pat it on and it werks wonderfuliy quickly te, bring welceme relief I Ne wonder Siean's is a inedicine cabinet "must" in so many homes! And it's net expensive . .. just 40e a bottle at any drugstore. Buir Security On The Insa1ment Plan? Yes, you eau do iL now by gubscibin te the new iseries of Canada Savis Bonda trough the BANK OF MONTREAL. And net only dees the B of M make it convenient for you te buy Canada Savings Bonds in easy instalinents . .. for a moderate charge it wiIl aise hold your bonds in safekeeping once you've bought them, clip the coupons and credit your account with the interest. 1 started today to buy myseif a brand new sense of security in easy stages ... Canada Savinge Bonds at the B cf M. How about you? Abaolutely Freel .. . here are cardb oard cut-out toys your youngsters will be tbrilled te own! Designed by the foiks at Hceinz (and very well, too 1) . . . there are big card- board eut-eut trains or make-believe modern 4 .... kitchens te deight both boys and girls. Al you do te get yours is purchase 6 tins cf that delicious HEINZ CREAM 0F TOMATO SOUP at regular prices. The tins are Packed in "toy-maker" cartons ... the toys are printed in colour and semi-cut on the carton. There are four kinda of eut-eut cartons:- 1. Locomotive and freight car. 3. Stove and Sink Unit. 2. Flat car and Caboose. 4. Refrigemator and Cuiphoard. Ask your grocer for 6 tins of Heinz Creama of Tomate Soup in the new, tey-maklng carton . . . OR - wrile ta me - Barbara Brent, 1411 Cres- cent St., Montreal, P.Q.-enclos9ing 6 labels fron any variety o! Heins Soup - teiling me which cf the four toy-making cartons you'd like (you can have ail four for 24 ]abels)-and l'Il send your "tQy- makers" te you -post-haste. Gopal . .. there cames the tain -just after ~ \ you've washcd -.. your cari Cheer upi ... You can wash it again se easily - simply '~L. y:~- by spenging it with the brand new, grand new C-I-L SPONGE. And, if your husband is the Officiai Car-Washer in yeur famiiy, I'm sure helu agree witb me that this C-I-L cellulose Spenge la the grandest thing ever invented for cleaning or pelishing a car. It's velvet-sof t wlien, wet - kind te the flnct finish. And when rung eut, it can be used as a chamois. There are lots cf ether things you'il like about this durable C-I-L Spenge ..why not try At and find eut fer yeurseif ? You'l i fnd C-I-L Sponges, lu five cenvenient sizes at isard- mare, drug, variety, department or grocery stores. Be sure te look for the C-I-IL label -it's yeur assur- ance of quality. P'm Really * Thrilled ... ' and youll be * tee, when yeu see tihe FRIG- IDAIRE De w~I Luxe Celd-Wall I I REFRIGER- ATOR. Its se, beautiful with its Ice-Blue interier trim ... and se wonderful "in action." For ex- ample, its big, ful-width Super- Freezer Chest holds up te 45 lbs. of frozea feeds . .. while its huge Hydrater keeps fruits and veget- ables fresh and crisp fer days. Look twice at those reomy, ali-alum- inum shelves,. tee .. . for they're tip-proof, rust-proof and edged with Ice-Blue. Yes, "macle by General Metors" means a lot la electrie refrigerators . .. se visit your Frigidaire Dealer moon, for the thriil of your 1f e v No Fusa - ne bother at ali It's as easy as making a DURHAM CORN STARCH Lemon Pie te open the new "Durham" package! Just break the seai and inside ;t you'll find Durham Corn Starch ,t neatly protccted in a paper bag. t Then, wlhen yeu've used as much a "Durham" as you need at the e time, replace the top cf tise pack- e ge. It wiil protect your corn starcli efrom dust 'tii tise ncxt time 3-ou r necd it. And for the bcst Lemon s Pie recipe yeu've ever tried-Just r look at the aide cf the "Durham" r package. There you'il flnd a special Ann.Adam Lemon Pie recipe. delicious i Yl I Were On A Quis Pro gram, and had te -4 answer this question "What is clear and sparkling, bas 7 tempting 'lock- ed-in' flaveurs, w i is a favourite acros's Canada," I know I'd take the prize. Because what else co'uld it bc but Jeul-O? The twinkiing, shimmering celours of Jelu-O are a sure sign cf the tempting flaveur that follows. And the variety cf flaveurs makes JELL-O ,JELLY POWDERS a homemaker's dessert and saiad dream-they offer such a weaith cf giamorous combina- tiens. I don't forget Jeli-O econ- omy .when I'm planning the bud- get, either. It offers one of the niost inexpensive desserts I know of-less than 2e a servingi 1 Like T o Tell You Sueceu Stories about favourite buywords of mine. The Success Story of RED ROSE TEA AND b COFFEE began with an ideal of.qualit- so that noiv the Red Rose name means flavour perfection in -' thousands of Canadian homnes! And I know vouïll angrce with the "Red Rose Fans" that Red Rose Tea i odtea -from the moment you tasf1e that very fisfaourful sipl Remember, too, that because it's good tea, it actually gives more cups to the poiind -its flaveur gocs a long, long wayl Red Rose Coffee is as good as Red Rose Tea. Always fresh -always flaYourful - once you'%-e tasted this full-bodied coffee, you'll neyer be satisfied with any otheri So do ask your grocer for these Red Rose successes -the flavour-wise tea -the taste-satissîying coffee. Fra sure you'l make a year-'round, ciock-around habit of theml Yhen The Frost la On The Pumpkln, and ail the family snuggles around the fire, I like to serve a piping bot chocolate drink. And I don't know of anything more wonderful than BAKR S UNSWEETENEI) CHOCOLATE for a drink full of nourishmcnt and luxurious chocolate flavour. Baker's la, of course, aklpenaymal chocolate fl ohigavoed dtinge tailpen wy a- chocolate wih ohigadded nothn more rich and satisfying. Here's the recipe for Hot Chocolate that would make a French chef green with envyt à squares Baker'a lUnsweetened 3 tablespoons sugar chocolate flash of sait 3 cup water 3 cups milk Add chooolate to water in top of double bolier. Stir over low heat till îelted and blended. Add sugar and sait; boil a minutes, stirring con- etantly. Place over boiling water. Add milk gradually, stirring con- etantly, then heat. Just before aerving, beat with egg beater til frothy. Serves 6. WEDDINGS CASTLE - COWLING Rev. H. Howey officiated at the muariage of Dorothy Madge Win- ter, only daughter ofMrs. William J.. Cowhing, and Kenneth James Castie, son of tbe late Mr. and Mrs. John Castie, at the United Church parsonage, Aurora, on Oc-, Nuptial Rites Held at Eldad Church J .OHNSON - MYLES A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized in St. Saviour's Ang-......... ...................~ lican Church. Orono, October 7th, when Edna Leila Myles, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Myles, became the bride of James Bancroft Johinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson, Peter'borough. Rev. D. R. Dewdney officiated. Miss "Pat" Cliff, cousin of the bride, sang "Through the Years"............ 'before the ceremony, and j'Be- cause" during the signing o! the register. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white MR. AND MES. JOSEPH RICHARD SNOWDEN slipper satin, fashioned with a sweetheart neckline embroidercel principals in recent ceremony held in Eldad United Church, in sequins and pearis. The skir, Sln h rdtefre isDr yEiaehHry with a bustle effect, fell in a Soia h rdtefre isDrtyEiaehHry slight train at the back. Her is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy, "of Solina, and fingertip veil of nylon net was the bridegroomn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden, held by a tiara of sequins and R.R. 2, Oshawa. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette pearls. She carried a bouquet of red carnations, gypsophelia andto usabtopsteyr fern. ice eetv Mrs. Thelma Smith, Hm ice etv oHouseofie, aout opposioteyour payne, was matron of honor for her Gives Housewives ltoffceabgoodsizced hotelwith sister, gowned in lavender taffeta. -lots of stbe pae ls, unb Her headdress was of flowers and Free Groceries JeRuotm net and she wore long net gloves to match. Her bouquet was of Housewives in Bowmanville lavender and yellow baby 'munis will be able to get out a little and ferns. The flower girl, littie oftener in the- afternoons now. Miss Virginia Atkinson, Whitby, This week the Crown Brand Kit- niece of the bridegroom. wore chen Detective cnlled in at The yellow organdy with a fiower and Statesman office. and announced net headdress. She carried an that he was able to give away two old fashioned1 nosegay of laven- $25.00 grocery certif icates. The der baby 'mumis and fern. Ver- twolucky women are: Mrs. Isaac non Johnson was groomsman for Crockett, 131 Elgin Street, Bow- bis brother and LeRoy, Myles and manville, and Mrs. Alex Boe, Leonard Johnson, brothers of the Carlysle Ave., Bowmnnville. bride and groom. ushered. The requirements in this conq The reception was held in the test were that when the detective Parish Hall where the mother e! called. the housewife was re- ýhe bride received in a wine crepe quired to show hlm a tin of Crown dress with grey accessories and a Brand Corn Syrup. He made six corsage of pink carnations. The caîls in Bowmanville and was groom's mother assisted, wearing able to find two winners in that a winée dress with blue accessories time. This announcement wil and a corsage o! pink carnations. allow housewives to get out often- The happy couple left for a er înstead of waiting for the honeymoon in Eastern Ontario and Crown Brand Kitchen Detective Quebec, the bride wearing a p0w- to caîl. Grocery certificates were der blue gabardine suit, navy ac- issued on Allin's Quality Meats cessories and a corsage of pink & Groceries and Dominion Stores carnations. where the syrup Was purchased. Guests were present from King- ston, Coîborne, Petreborough, Whitby, Toronto, Hamilton, Duni- Ontario Government das and Hornepayne. EtbihsC m COUTICItErso For Alcoholics According te a news story In Ispeaking otemhrsO The Midland Free Press it states GaeIpupils, at a tea given by that Major John Foote, V.C., M.P. the Courtice Home and School P. for Durham County and Vice- Association., Mr. M. J. Hobbs, Chairman of the Ontario Liquor principal of the school and sec- Control Board, lias disclosed that' retary of the School Area Board the Provincial Government grant- were bopeful a new school might ed $8,000 te assist in the financing be ready by September, 1951. of a camp for alcoholies this sum-- And why sh( This would relieve the present mer. Dr. George Little, of the means that we are congestion and eliminate the nec- United Churcli, took a leading part To oshl p essity o! the shift system operat- in the establishment o! the camp,ThrHueodAp ing at the present time. said Major Foote. Midland Pub- The mothers were welcomed by lic Utilities Commission Chair- The Thor Au Mr. Lloyd Courtice, president.of man, W. J. Stevenson, was the day wonder - usedc the Association and the junior operator of the Camp, known asanthetmsada teachers, Mrs. Hi S. Greer, and Ovendake, and located on thean heti sad) Mrs. S. T. Hoar. northerly tip of Beausoleil Island. buy it as'a clothes v About twenty mothers attended "In one month 150 persons went (adding either unit 1i the tea and enjoyed meeting te- te this camp," said Major Foote. gether and also hearing from the "Many had ne income. Liquor Wt h h teachers what was expected of lad twisted their lîves and de- Wt h h their children. stroyed their homes. We have down, automagically, Refreshments were served by had some results. Five o! the' ing a single leverN members o! the Home and School 150 are now back in employment wheel it to any ro: Executives. and earning a combined income A special Rally meeting was of over $12,000. This is te say beld in the church with president nothing of the happiness that haýý Mrs. N. MacKcnzie presidîng and been created by their rehabili- the pianist was Mrs. R. DeCoe. tation." Next meeting will be held Oct. 19 __________ at 7:30 p.m., which will be a mis- sionary meeting. Recalis Local Hotels Miss Marilyn Baird and Miss 1 c0 ~ V Phyllis A dams gave two duets. Bck 0 ears A-go Mrs. Penfound reviewed a por- tion of the World's Conference Port Peyry, On!.. recently held in Toronto, which Oct. llth, 195,j arrived at the conclusion that Dear Mr. James,- more Christian teaching must be In writing you recentîy I men- in the Churches and that child- tioned that I lad made sever; i ren the world over be kept in visits te my home town this f-.1 Sunday School. There should be taking the roundabout w a v -..l ne age limit, no one tee old te which I cali the "scenie route,ý attend Sunday School. across Cartwright inte Manvers The president gave a short talk then down through the sand bill regarding the bazaar and divided te Pontypool and coasting fro.rn those present into groups o! four there te Newcastle through o1i. for the purpose of working up a Oreno. Following Up the King'- good bazaar. Refreshmnents were ton Rond te Bowmanville take.»_ý served. There were 25 present. me past the cemetery where oui' Huntrs avese dcimtedf arniy plot is and past Cawker*s Hunters aveWoodscimwbere I used te sleighride I moose in Canada that tbey are in poost y lhometJneHbr dangr o!becmingextict. bert's where I was raised and my, father's bouse where I was born. roses. Howard Anderson was best man. OnIy the immediate families were present for the mar- riage ceremony. Later a reception for eighty- five guests was held at the Bap- tist Sunday Scheol room. The bride's mother received in a cecea brown suit with matcbing acces- series and wearing a corsage o! pink roses and carnations. Thc greem's sister. Mrs. Harold Stick- wood o! Mount Albert, assisted, wearing a brown wool suit and corsage of brçnze and yellow 'MUMS. The bride and groom left on a short honeymoon te peints west and on their return will reside at Aurora. Guests were present from Bowmanville, Courtice, Oshawa, Toronto, Newmarket. Mount AI- bert, Midhurst and Orillia; ameng them being the bride's grand- motlIfer. Mrs. John Luxton, Bow- manville. ouldn't we be proud, for it now an officiai dealer for pliances. utomagic Washer is a seven- once a week to wash clothes Ly te do the dishes. You can ,vasher or as a dish washer later) or in cembination. ir Gladiren you iron sitting 1effortlessly, j ust by touch- with your knee. You can )m in the heuse, and when Then Up at the north end o! the market square was the Alma Ho- tel, a large detached building run by one McGaw who was a brother o! the McGaw whe at the time ran the Queen's H7otel in Toronto which gave hlm some reflected standing, as at that time Queen's was the leading hotel in Toronto. At tbe north east corner e! King and Temperance streets was The Farmers' Hotel, which bow- ever did net have its entrance on the corner and was rather mixed in, theugh, having lots of stabling for their farm patrons. It was run by Mr. Henderson. Golng down King street east at Liberty St. you came te the East- ern House. I see it still standing but hjas lest its third story. It was run by Themas Brodie whe lived in a very nice brick bouse a block furtber east. It bad lots o! reems, bar, billiard room and a good diniftg room but was los- ing eut gradually as the town bad sbifted west. At the Grand Trunk station there was the Totterdale House which got seme trade from the railway but was iselated as far as any neigbbours were concerned as there were none. It drew some notoriety from having a very small dwar! in the family who I tbink could have gotten a job with Barnum if he was net too proud, but who, I suppose, bas long since gene te bis award. Incidentally can you tell me if midgets when tbey get te the pearly gates are supplied with standard sized angel bodies or must they go through eternity as baif-pints? That is as 1 remember the ho- tel set-up 70 years age and yet some temperance people would have us believe we are drinking more than ever. Where does it come from I think they had bet- ter check up. Hloping te see you at your desk on my next trip te the dear old town. Bert Hutcheson. I I I I 'I EXAMPLES 0F LOANS *W. s"Y "YES" to 4oto Outsiders net lnvolved. YoUslt $ ahiSMO. 24 MO.24 MO- payrnent date. Credît YuGt154.19 529.59 756.56 lishes your credit nt over 475 ReW.P.y 8- Plemoeud offices. Faut, frlendly serv- M.nthly $12 $28 $40 ice. Corne i, phon, or write today. Even $ Paymets for in.betw..r, Loans $50 te $1200 o n asouns a rt in proportion <Con.> Signature, Furnîftre, or Auto ~"J".TH COMP NVj)THA? VICES 110 $AYv rg 'U'ioeaLFINANCE CO.*» 2nd FI., 11 1/2 SIMCOE St, N. (Over Bank of Nova Scotin) Pheno: 5690 0 F. Elton Anderson, YES MANager boans mode ta rosidênts of @Ilsrrommdlng towns - Persosai Finance Company af Canada the ironing's done, it folds up, can be tucked away neatly in a closet. Thor produced the world's first electrie washing machine and Thor has maintained its leadership in this f ield to this day. The new square Thor Super-Flex is the only completely new wringer washer on the market today. It is quality through and through from its gleaming porcelain enamelled tub down to its strong, rugged base. When you buy a Thor, you are buying the last word in clothes washing, dish washing and ironing efficiency. K? FARM EQUIP MENT AND AUTOMOTIVE Co. Ltd. M) CHARLES SCARR PHONE 689 BOWMANVILLE 134 KING ST. E. The Farmers' Supply House" INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER PHILCO RADIO FIRESTONE AND GOODYEAR TIRES FcxrwellPc~jCamp spoke o! how Yvonne and r rw l a y Noel will b. missed from the Held ini Nestieton schooî and community. Jessie McArthur and Clara A surprise farewell party on Marlow favoured the gatherlng with mnusic and Gladys Emerson Friday nigbt, October 13, was giv- with a solo. en in honour o! Yvonne and Neel Lunch was served by several of Chant at the home o! Mr. and Yvonne's girl frieids. Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, Nestle- ton. It was attended by over thirty scbool mnates and friends, Beautiful Is the activity that prier te their leaving for their works for good, and the stillness new home in London. that waits for jzood; blessed the The guests, met by their hest- self-sacrifice of the one, and the ess, were asked to sign the guest self-forgetfulness o! the other.- book. - Taken by surprise Yvonne R. Collyer. was ushered into the presence of To this end was I <Jesus) born,, her friends. After cards, games and fer this cause I came into the and music, Bill Ferguson called world, that I should bear Uin~ the gatbering te order and Jean unto the truth.--John 18:37 Bowes read a well worded ad- IL dees net iequire great learn. dress. Elaine Tbempson and ing te b. a Christian and be con- Gladys Emerson presented Yvonne vinced o! the truth o! the Bible. with a sterling silver bracelet It requires only an honest heart and Neel with a collar and tie set. and a willingness te obey God.- Bath thanked their friends suit- Albert Barnes. ably fcj the gifts. After singing "For They are Blocks o! saIt are the favorite Jolly Good Fellows?" Neil Bailey, form o! currency among the Ber- Steward Dorrell and Glen Van tat tribe e! western Asia. - mmun TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. .-IBOWMAXMLE, ONTARIO

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